Elynth and Zannarth's Hatching - Fort Weyr
August 23, 2001
Egg | Hatchling | Impressee |
Tomato Soup Egg | Spiced Klah Cookie Brown Daijith | Mansi |
Ambrosia Egg | Veritable Vegetable Green Ghianath | Cloretta |
Zingy Barbecue Sauce Egg | Brandy Snap Bronze Orenth | Norselas (N'sales) |
Red Wine Reduction Egg | Zippy, Zappy, Zaney Bakers Delight Key Lime Pie Green Xrienth | Talene |
Speckled Red Egg | Boisterous Butterscotch Brown Raith | Sorall (S'ral) |
Tropical Sunset Egg | Cold Avacado Green Yukionnath | Kelli |
Steaming Seafood Chowder | Warm Homemade Pie Brown Geddeth | Kardel (D'won) |
Swirls in the Gravy Egg | Madeira Cake Green Sath | Kesha |
Most of my logs from this candidacy went the way of the dodo, I'm afraid. I'll see if I can't recover them somehow.
Jenna - Thursday, August 23, 2001, 4:39 PM
Candidates Barracks(#10244RAJ$)
Chore Board
Sign: Welcome to Fort!
Fort Weyr Firelizard Perch
Kesha stands and puts her hair into a ponytail, smiling a tad timidly to the other girls, "Im up for it, coudl use a good wash."
"We can get you a new ribbon then, Kasvin," Danie says, getting the girls name wrong. Of course, with all those to memorize it isn't surprising. At least it was only one syllable. "I'm in! Though that is obvious," She says turning to glane at Talene. "Oh fine, be a sour sport. You just don't want to be tickled again. Hey Jenna! Water caverns in a few minutes for some fun?"
Talene frowns at Danielle, "I'm in." Nobody's going to say she's a sour sport.
Talene stands up, "I'll meet you all there." Running out, she is followed by a myriad of colorful firelizard, gold, green, bronze, and blue.
Talene brushes aside the curtain and heads back to the Inner Caverns.
Talene has left.
Danielle grins at Talene and says, "That's the spirit! And who knows, you may be able, though highly unlikely, to get back at me."
Jenna is dripping sweat and by the pinching of the nose of a younger boy from Nerat as she walks in, a bath would be a good idea. "Water. Bath. Good." She catches her breath. "Pushed the laps around the bowl and don't wanna get stiff."
Kesha waites for everyone to get it all together, quiet as usual.
Jenna grabs a towel and the usual sweetsand, pausing to mop her face. "Ready when you guys are."
Danielle glances at Kasrin. "See you in the water cavern!" She cries, snatching up her own towel as she dashes outside.
Danielle brushes aside the curtain and heads back to the Inner Caverns.
Danielle has left.
Kesha brushes aside the curtain and heads back to the Inner Caverns.
Kesha has left.
You brush aside the curtain and head back to the Inner Caverns.
You step out of the corridor onto the sandy beach.
Hot Springs
The young Talene is no where to be seen, as of the moment. Maybe she's hidden in one of the caves? Or underwater?
Jenna follows the others in, still mopping at her face. After a quick look 'round, counting heads, she drops trous and splashes quickly into the water, carrying her sweetsand.
Danielle comes dashing in undressing as she goes. A small trails of clothing following her from just beyond the enterance to the bench she reaches at last. There she pulls off the last and tosses it into a pile with her towel falling on top of it. Then she gives a warning yell as she charges the water at the deep end and leaps, knees curling up to her chest.
Jenna automatically averts her face from Danie's splash, snorking a bit as she gets some water up her nose. It doesn't seem to bother her overmuch, as she ducks under, and then comes up scrubbing at her hair. "Nice one, Danie. I'm going to *miss* this. Most stations don't have the luxury of a hot bath like this unless you boil the water yourself."
Danielle pops out of the water with a happy, if soggy, smile. The auburn locks of her hair plastered to her face for a moment until she wipes them away. "Thanks Jenna," She says absently as she blinks water from her blue eyes. "I take it you don't go to many weyrs? All of them have the luxury of hot baths. Of course you have to share it with lots of other people, but..."
Kesha is _much_ more modest about the whole undressign thing, and she silently moves to the side and derobes, slinking itno the water far from the attention of the others. One in, she is some what alright. She keeps to the side and grabs a bit of sweet sand, washing and relaxing a little bit.
Jenna chuckles. "Most weyrs have messages flown adragonback. Fort's the only one I've been to in any case. And here, the Hold and Halls are close enough that it's just as easy to have someone run a message down. Ruatha's not got bad bathing rooms, but Boll, you soak in the sea more often that not. Hot water's better to keep muscles loose."
Danielle bobs her head a bit as she swims idley towards the edge of the spring. "I wouldn't know about Holds really. Mom took me to Nabol a few times and dad has taken me to see Granda and Granma at the Woodcraft hall on occasion, but thats pretty much it. Unless you want to count the few times I've snuck into the Rusted Hulk at Tillek and gotten them to give me drinks."
Jenna grins at Kesha and notes, "No boys this evening. Nice to not have to worry about it." Not that she has much to be worried about. "All the candidates from Erith and Zyanth's last hatching were s'posed to get together there for a reunion, but I don't think it ever happened."
"What do boys have to do with it?" Danielle asks as she grabs a handfull of soapsand and begins to scrub.
A ripple in the water betrays Talene's position and in a minute or two she's bursting out of the water near near Danielle. She attacks the other girl, tickling around her ribcages ruthlessly.
Kesha smiles softly and nods, "I wouldnt be here if any of the boys had come." she blushes a little, "I liked it at the Healer Hall, you had to heat your water, but at least it was private." she looks around, "This has taken some getting used to." more blushing, "But one has to bathe."
Jenna leans back and rinses her hair. "Well, I for one, don't like getting all naked in front of a bunch of boys. I *know* I don't have much to look - Shells!" Though she's not the one getting splashed, she was startled enough. At Kesha's statement she nods. "Same here. I still don't like coming when it's crowded."
Danielle gives a sudden load and piercing shriek and surges forward in the water. Sudsy bubbles and water going everywhere as she fights to try and squirm away from Talene. The screeching, which is as bad as any firelizards, continues into laughter.
Talene continues tickling, for as long as she can, until Danielle gets away. Then she's flinging herself backwards with a hug grin, and diving underwater in an attempt to get away before any retribution.
Kesha squeeks one tiny little squeek as Talene suddenly attacks, she too, not the one being tickled, but its still sudden. She closes her eyes a cringes at the splashing, peeking out once it dies down a little. She winces at each shreek, but as she dares open her eyes and look at the water brawl, she cant help but giggle... if quietly.
Danielle escapes the evil tickling one with a dive of her own under the water. The last thing seen above the suds left behind is the young girls flushed face. Then where she was is vacant and the underwater currents from the hot springs obscure where she could be.
Jenna covers her ears until the echoes have worn away. "Fardles, Danie, you've got some lungs on you. Don't suppose you'd ever consider being a runner - you've the lungs and the build for it." Jen is left talking to empty air as she scrubs off the worst of the sweat and grime. "So you were gonna be a healer, Kesha?"
Talene swims long and hard to reach a vacant ledge and scrambles up on it, peering into the water for her enemy.
Kasrin steps out of the wide corridor onto the sandy beach.
Kasrin has arrived.
It must be Talene's lucky day because no retribution comes. Or maybe it was that the currents which conceal Danie also conceal the other candidate. In fact confusing the underwater tickler that Jenna is Talene. So about two feet from her from the water erupts Danielle with hands poised to tickle. And even though Jenna is the one seen she doesn't stop her course. You see, she meant to go after her...obviously she would never make a mistake. Or at least she wouldn't show she had made one.
Kesha raises a brow to all the ruff and tumble play, not somethign she would do, especially to another nakkid girl! But to Jenna she nods, "Yes...well... yes and no. I was a student at Harper Hall, I never really apprenticed. I just do scribe work. Instruments and performing are just not my cup of tea."
Kasrin enters the water cavern. Streaming from her clutched hand ar a pair of blue ribbons and a contented smile highlights her face. "Found 'em..", she chimes softly, to no one in particular. quick to disrobe her dirty and dusty clothes, she slips into the water and lets out a relaxed sigh.
Jenna turns at the spray of water, and then seeing the look in Danie's eyes, sends a series of fend off splashes. "Hey! *I* didn't do it! Leave off!" She backpedals as she does this, sending her in Kesha's direction.
"Leave off?" Danie says as she presses forward, now splashing back at Jenna. "Why? This is much more fun!"
Kesha squeeks! back peddaling herself to get out of the way. She sinks into the deeper water and makes for a safer spot, doggie paddling because she is no swimmer.
Jenna pronounces in a rush, "I'm not ticklish!" And sends a wave of splashes out from her rather wildly in all directions. With her aim, who knows what she could hit with all that water!
"Then why are you trying to get away from me?" Danielle asks as she ducks under water to avoid a big splash. Then she is up again and sending a large bit of water at the other with a sweep of her arm across the waters surface.
Kasrin is still in the shallower end of the pool, back towards all the action. The sudden onslaught of waves causes her to let out a giggle and turn around, eyes wide as she takes in the antics. A sneeze escapes her again and she lets out a tired groan. "Gotta rid..dust..", her words muffle as she dips completely under water.
Jenna gets water *right* up her nose and that ends her end of the battle with much coughing and sputtering.
Kesha makes it to the deep end lip and clings there, safe from all splashing, but with a rather good view. She too giggles, hair and body nice and rinced now form all the scrubbing.
Danielle pulls back as Jenna begins to sputter and cough with a grin. "Got you!" She says before turning her eyes and giving a malevonent grin. She makes to sweep splash at her and then abruptly turns away. "Nah, I need to finish washing my hair." And so she ducks under the water.
Talene stands up on her ledge and dives into the water, swimming hand over hand towards the shore. Once there, she stands up and walks out, getting changed. "I'm going back to the barracks." See, Talene is nice and shiny since she washed already, so she can leav early. She waves and starts out, followed by her four 'lizards.
Talene steps into the wide corridor leading towards the Inner Caverns.
Talene has left.
Jenna sputters out, blindly finding her towel and her way back to the barracks.
Candidates Barracks(#10244RAJ$)
Chore Board
Sign: Welcome to Fort!
Fort Weyr Firelizard Perch
Kesha enters from the Inner Caverns, letting the curtain fall shut behind her.
Kesha has arrived.
Norselas hands Talene a well crafted weyrhide belt pouch. It is small enough not to be in the way but large enough to hold many neccesities. It is predominantly black with small details added in a soft brown. "Talene, this is from you secret friend."
Kasrin enters from the Inner Caverns, letting the curtain fall shut behind
Kasrin has arrived.
Tejas edges carefully towards Kasrin. He offers her a piece of taffy filched from the kitchen stores. "This's for you." It's certainly not inspired, but it's something, right?
Danielle comes in with a towel wrapped around her hair, books under one arm and clothing sticking to her body ever so slightly. Just back from the springs it would seem as she moves to her cot and sits heavily upon it. Her brush is plucked off the top of her press as she pulls the towel off the ragged and wet mop that is her wavey auburn hair.
Mansi jumps up from her cot, sheets still clung to both face and body; despite this, she rumages beneath the sheets for something obviously important and then, with an exagerated flourish, tosses the sheets overhead and strolls toward Peros. With a small basket full of delicious goodies, she smiles, "I'm your secret buddy."
Norselas gives Danielle a wave as she enters and proceeds to take a seat on his own cot watching Talene's expression.
Peros gasps, "Mansi! *exactly* what I need right now!"
Talene gasps as she sees it, "It's beautiful!" She takes it and switches her oil(for her lizards) and small trinkets into the black one and hangs it from her beltpouch. Then she notes the note and reads it, with a soft smile.
Peros chows down!
Cloretta wanders slowly over to Sorrall, "Mind if I sit down?" she asks quietly.
Kesha slips over ot her cot, her clothing sticking to her as well. Looks like a few were out in the springs. Her haid is tended to as she sits and quietly goes about her business, her brush claimed and set to detangling the masses of chocolate curls.
Peros slips over to Jenna and hands her a small scroll.
Danielle lifts a hand to give Norselas a cheery wave in turn. "Hey Norselas! How are you?" She asks as she tugs at the tangles with her brush. "Darned *@&!$&* hair..." The candidate mutters to herself.
Talene peers at Norselas, "Are you my secret buddy?"
Nothing can hide the wide smile that spreads across Mansi's face as she watches Peros. Chuckling behind a hand, she says, "I thought you'd need those."
Anonee sits at the foot of her cot, anxiously putting more stitches into her robe, mutters to herself.
Norselas delights at Talene's reaction, "Made it myself." he beams. "And sorry." he gives her a wink.
Kasrin looks to Tejas, "You're my /secret friend/? Ohh..thanks, Tejas.." The young girl smiles and takes the taffy. "I really liked the ribbons, too..", she says in a soft voice.
Miritha enters from the Inner Caverns, letting the curtain fall shut behind
Miritha has arrived.
Tejas blushes slightly as he retreats to a safe distance. "I'm glad you liked them," he says honestly. "I couldn't think of anything else."
Danielle stands up after the worst of the knots had been dealt with in her hair and heads to Norselas' cot. "Heard from your secret friend yet?" She asks as she makes to sit next to him on his cot. Not even asking as is customary for her.
Jenna follows Danielle in, swathed in what seems to be fairly yards of towel. Glancing around quickly, she pulls on a long tunic over her towel, shimmying it down to where it covers, before dropping the wet things in a heap at her press. Whew. As all the comments about secret friends go about, she pulls a cloth-wrapped package from her press.
Kasrin chuckles, "I have a thing for ribbons.." Everyone has their own quirks, right? She carefully sets the taffy down so as not to get it wet. She takes the towel from aroudn her shoulder and starts to pat dry her hair.
Kesha finishes the brushing and then braids up her hair, though its still wet and will likely stay that way for a while yet. Sticky clothing is lightly picked at, hoping that will dray as well as she makes ehr way over to her sisters cot. "Kelli?"
Norselas gives Danielle a grin and a wicked smile, "Oh you could say that I have." he pats the gloves sitting neatly on his pillow.
Talene smiles brightly and hugs her secret buddy. "Thank you! This will be put to good use! And the hides...the poems were beautiful, Norselas, thank you." She smiles and squeezes the other boy in her embrace, moving apart afterwards.
Danielle glances over at the gloves and grins. "You like them I hope?" She asks, her own smile turning mischevious as she winks. "I was spending a lot of my time to finish them up, that's why there wasn't all that many other stuff. Hope you don't mind?"
Chaos! Excitement! Look at the hustle and bustle! Sorrall pushes open the curtain to the barracks and strolls in. "Wow! I guess K'ryn has been nice and excused everyone from chores?" Darting over his shoulder are his wonderfully active flits, bronze Tyro and green Aeli. It's a wonder, since they're usually not around the Vintner. In one hand Sorrall carries an oddly shaped wrapped package. It seems the infectious gift-giving has rubbed off. "Tej! Hey, I've got something for you."
Kelli peers up at her sister and as Kesha sits down they both start to chuckle, exchanging gifts and going into their own little conversation.
Miritha slips inside the barracks, eyeing the Candidates thoughtfully.
Jenna attempts to slip the burlap wrapped package into Mansi's bed without notice.
Norselas chuckles and picks them up admiring the fine work, "Mind? These are great, a little too much maybe" he gives Danielle a smile to soften his words. "Thank you so much." As Talene comes over and gives him a hug he beams brightly then looks away momentarily a little startled such that he blushes ever so slightly. "Your welcome Talene." he manages to say after a moment.
Danielle glances at Talene with a grin and then leans in to give Norselas a hug too. "Nah! Never too much! I just wanted the last gift to be big and special and...well...useful!"
Norselas nods at hugs Danielle back, "Thanks, and I am sure I will get plenty of use out of them."
Cloretta waits patiently for Sorrall to finish with Tejas. She watches him with a smirk, a little round pan with tinfoil over it and bedecked in ribbons sits in her lap.
Mansi looks up from her cot, a minuscule package held amid her palm; immediately, her gaze darts toward Jenna, a genuine smile spreading from cheek to cheek as she regards her fellow. "Thank you," she mouths from across the barracks, clutching the gift closely to her chest.
"Ah, yes I do. A not-so-secret gift to a not-so-secret friend. Sorry, Tej...this whole thing with secrets was tough. You're my bud already! I couldn't think what to do, but..." The wrapped item seems ovoid and heavy as Sorrall hefts it in his hands. "So you see, I'd gotten a whole stash of work done while I've been at Fort. Nothing terribly special, but worth something come barter-time..." The suspense builds.
Anonee manages, despite the hustle and bustle, to get her robe finished, and look about. Surprised at the commotion, she reaches into her press, making her way over towards Cloretta. "Clo? You have a minute?"
Jenna grins a bit at Mansi, and just ducks her head before busying herself at her own press, tidying things up.
Cloretta looks up at Anonee and smiles, "Always." she scoots over a little, "Have a seat."
Tejas blinks at his 'big brother' in confusion. "You were my secret friend? I didn't notice at all..." His eyes follow the object in Sorrall's hands.
Talene sneaks from beneath her bed a package, unlike any other package. Gold wrapping covers the round box, shimmering in the light of the Barracks. She hands the package gruffly to Danielle. "Here."
Mansi, her gift still clutched closely to her chest, lazily drops onto her cot where both Laide and Gep immediately curl up into separate balls; as the pair fall into a deep sleep, the girl chuckles once more to herself and then tucks away the gift amid her private belongings -- given the few that they are.
Anonee drops down onto the cot next to Cloretta, holding out a hand, closed, fingers down. "I know it's not much," she says, "But I thought you might want something, you know, pretty and simple, to hold your hair out of the way tonight," and with that she lets a small embroidered white hair tie fall into Clo's hand.
Danielle looks up suddenly from Norselas at Talene and blinks. "Oh! Talene? You're kidding! Oh how very neat!" She takes the package with a bright grin and tears into it. "I didn't know you were my secret friend, how very very fun!"
Cloretta blinks at the hair piece and then up at Anonee, "Oh, its beautiful, Ann.. " she reaches over to give the other girl a hug, "Good luck out there, honey."
Anonee grins, returning the hug. "Thanks. You too, okay?"
Sorrall grimaces and sighs. "That was my fault. I just couldn't think what I could do 'in secret' to be friendly. You're already a pal...and since I couldn't exactly wrap up.." His voice drops down ot a hush. "Strapping young greenrider..." Back to normal volume. "I decided there was something else I could offer that I /knew/ you had your eye on, almost since the first day we met." Aww, how sweet! Sorrall hands over the present to Tejas so the other Candidate can unwrap. "There you go. Be careful..."
Tejas blushes a fiery crimson at Sorrall's illusion as he takes the package and begins eagerly unwrapping it. "Y'didn't have t'do anything special, Sorrall, honest..."
Cloretta giggles, "I don't need luck, just the reasurance that no one is going to touch my hair!" she winks.
Tejas's unwrapping reveals a egg-shaped stone, painted to resemble the Drawn Butter Egg. The resemblance is quite striking. "Oh, Sorrall! It's lovely," he says, his cheeks scarlet. "I'll keep it always."
Danielle gives a sudden gasp as the gift is revealed and presses her hands to her lips while her blue eyes go wide. "Oh... Ohohoh! Oh Talene! Oh! Oh!" It seems to be all Danie can say as she lifts up the dragon brooch and cuddles it as best she can to metal. "It's beautiful!" She finally manages to say, a slight dampness to her eyes. "Ohhhhh!" And she proceeds to pin it to her shirt with delight.
"I found it in the storerooms. It was hidden in a box that I think..." Wait, not good to tell her she thinks it may be a dead rider's brooch? "Was unwanted stuff. I don't think Chavaun will notice it's gone. I cleaned it up, but there's still some grime stuck between the surfaces. If you work on it, it should be shining just like new, but just like the shells, don't play around with the pin. It'll break." Talene says this in a huff. She grins at the dampness and blushes. "I knew you liked dragons..."
Danielle gives a sniff and wipes her face on the back of her sleeve. "Oh no! It's perfect! Just perfect! I'll treasure it always Talene! Oh thank you, it's amazing." And she strokes the lapis eyes of the brooch fondly. "What a wonderful treasure! Thank you so much!"
Kasrin ungracefully throws herself onto her cot, bouncing slightly as she hits the mattress. arm snaking under her pillow, she pulls out a comb and immediately sets to work at tugging it through her still wet locks. A hopeless cause really, but works slowly, face grimacing with each tug.
Cloretta smiles a little and holds her finger to her lips towards Anonee and then walks up behind Sorrall. She taps him lightly on the shoulder, "Sorrall?"
Sorrall grins. "Keep it! No matter what happens in the end...hey, you've got something to remember being a Candidate here. Oh, and me too." Cloretta's tap distracts the lad. "Oh, hey Clor..." A smile flashes.
Tejas turns the stone over and over in his hands as he sits quietly on his cot, contemplating the wonderfully painted 'egg'.
Talene glances Sorrall's way and raises her head proudly. She sits on her cot and glances downward, kicking her feet up and down.
Cloretta leans foreward and moves to put her arm around Sorrall's shoulders. "I've got something for you.."
Norselas sits idly on his cot watching all the faces his eyes moving from each person as if contemplating something about each one. A soft sigh escapes his lips as he smiles and bites his lower lip.
Seemingly in an especially good mood having finally given Tejas a gift worthy of the shared friendship, Sorrall slips his arm around Cloretta's waist and chuckles. Just being friendly. "You didn't have to give me anything, Clor..."
Cloretta smiles and kisses Sorrall quickly on the cheek and steps back, "you're right, I didn't, but that's what Secret Friends do." she produces the wrapped and ribboned silver pie tin, "Something to warm your tummy while the sands are warming your feet."
Sorrall chuckles and accepts the gift, also bestowing a thankful smooch on Cloretta's cheek. "Well, sadly...I'm going to have to eat it now, and it shall only be a wonderful distant memory by the time the Hatching ever happens."
Dastra has arrived.
Dastra slips on inside.
Cloretta chuckles, "I s'pose."
It seems as though Mansi is rather indecisive at the moment; one minute she's ready to curl up into a ball and tap a lengthy nap, the other she's at the edge of her cot, legs swinging restlessly back and forth.
F'ren enters from the Inner Caverns, letting the curtain fall shut behind him.
F'ren has arrived.
F'ren nods to folks as he makes his way over to the Weyrlingmaster. "How's it going?"
Danielle has been quiet for awhile. Having gone back to her cot to admire the brooch given to her by Talene. A reverant and distant look on her face. That is until F'ren comes in and then her head snaps up and she is on her feet. "Well sir," Comes the instant reply. While she may be a weyrbrat, she is respectful of the Weyrleaders.
Jenna hurriedly shoves the last few things in her press, closing down the lid on the untidy mess, as more riders start filtering in. Wet towels are kicked under her cot and the blanket is made up over her snoring firelizard.
D'zel jumps a little bit but smiles readily enough, "Almost good. Jorfic and Reza and some of the others say that their robes are ready but they can't seem to find them. Everyone else should be in good shape if the eggs start to crack today or tomorrow."
F'ren chuckles as he hears Danielle as he looks about the room, "Thanks, D'zel. They look ready." Then with a grin says, "Nervous too!"
Dastra stays mostly out of the way of the busy Candidates, sticking near her brother. She smiles briefly at one of the nearer Candidates.
Mansi's legs perform a rather rhythmic motion: back and forth, back and forth. Situated at her cot's end, she readily spies the Weyrleader's entrance and greets, "Sir," without halting her kicking.
Miritha is still standing near the entrance, leaning against the wall, arms crossed over her chest. She's got one of her fancier outfits on, one of the Gather outfits, and here in the glowlights, she herself seems to glow. "Tomorrow? That's a good one, D'zel." Her teeth flash into a sudden grin.
Tejas is sitting on his cot, gently caressing a miniature copy of one of the eggs on the Sands at the moment, happily oblivious to the occasional teasing remark from his fellow Candidates, and even to the entrance of the Weyrleader.
"I'm not nervous!" Danielle blurts out almost hotily and a moment later mentally smacks herself for the tone used. With a sigh she sinks back onto her cot and fiddles with the brooch, mumbling to herself.
Finding the quietest corner in this mobhouse, Sorrall decides to sit on his cot across from Tejas. Stretching his legs out, the lad closes his eyes and smiles. Ah, the best way to tune everyone out...thinking sweet thoughts.
Kesha is sitting with kelli and quietly talking. As the Weyrleader endters they both look up with a suprisingly simular expression, one of inquary. Kelli speaks up though, as is the norm when the two are together, that snooty attitude still as apparent as ever, "We are just fine, thank you." Kesha just smiles her agreeance.
F'ren turns, making his way over to Miritha. "Well now, with that outfit you'd think you're going to a gather. Must be time for that dance you owe me, eh?" This all said with a twinkle of teasing in his voice.
Talene looks up from where she sits on her cot, "Fine, F'ren. Thanks." Is only the quiet response.
Jenna grins a trifle sheepishly at Dastra and D'zel, even as movement under her covers gives rise to the fact that her poor bronze is asleep no longer. A muffled little complaint, and the lizard is rescued and plopped on the pillow, rumpling the bedclothes yet again.
Miritha winks at F'ren. "Maybe later. Unless you'd like to dance in front of an audience." She cocks her head, appearing thoroughly cheerful. Almost agressively so, in fact.
D'zel chuckles at Miritha and then puts his hands up to his ears as a distinct humming starts and shakes his eardrums. "All right Jorfic, enough fun and games, find your robe. Look under your cot. Dragons are humming."
With a nod, Norselas aknowledges the Weyrleader as he sits quietly on his cot. His eyes fall upon Talene quite often as he scans the room trying to look calm.
Kesha blinks! A sudden fear gripping her. Wide eyed, she looks to Kelli and shakes her head, she cant do this! To which Kelli huffs, "Oh stop it and get your robe Kesha."
Sorrall opens his eyes and rolls off his cot. Something kicks him mentally, and he stretches his arms before making a vtol-line(tm Shan) over at Talene. No words of greeting yet, and just a straight line of his mouth marking his expression. Although, the lad looks like he wants to say something.
Kasrin has finished tugging the comb through her hair. The comb, with many strands of hair stuck in its teeth, rests on her pillow. Eyes widen at as she hears the addressing of the Weyrleader. Her head looks up and she smiles at him, callign out a greeting. She shifts herself on her cot so that her feet on resting on the floor, ready to move at a moments notice.
Danielle hears those magical words even through her muttering and looks up wide-eyed at D'zel. "Wh-what? Humming?" She asks in surprise and then the sound finally penetrates her thick skull. "OH!" And she leaps to her feet, throwing off her clothing again and flinging open the press to look for her robe. Which is all the way at the bottom, crumpled up and wrinkley.
Mansi overhears D'zel's comment, her expression ranging from suprise to nervousness in a matter of seconds. "Shards, where'd I put that thing," she mutters to herself as she jumps up from her cot, rumaging through her press to find the off-white square that is her robe; surprisingly quick, however, she finds it and with a swiftness aquired over the turns, undresses and dons her robe in a blink of an eye.
Kardel wakes up and looks around, "what's going on?
Cloretta isn't very quick. She's _still_ trying to process what's going on and not quite getting there.
Miritha's lips curve in amusement as the Candidates react to D'zel's words; her eyes shift from one to the other with a calm all the greater for the contrast.
Dastra grins crookedly at Kardel. "It seems the eggs are about to hatch, Candidate. I'd suggest getting into your robe."
Norselas stands up his eyes wide as he look upon D'zel, "Now?"
F'ren grins at Miri, "I'm holding you to that, Wingleader." After that he pauses and mutters, "Uh oh. I think I'd better get out onto the sands." Turning to face the candidates he says, "Good luck out there everyone!"
F'ren brushes aside the curtain and heads back to the Inner Caverns.
F'ren has left.
Jenna hisses a soft, "Fardles. Y'know, Werylingmaster sir, you were alot more nervous the last time around." She wrinkles her nose at D'zel and gives Dastra a wink, before going through her press. Of course, at this point it's a complete mess, and she really has to hunt to find the dratted robe. Her movements are fairly calm at first, growing more frantic as she hunts.
Tejas freezes as the draconic hum penetrates his reverie. After a brief moment, he throws himself into action, setting the precious stone egg on his pillow and diving under his cot to retrieve his robe.
Shannen remains very quiet, in an extremely dark corner of the cavern. She's dressed, she's ready, but she isn't quite mentally prepared for this yet.
Kardel leaps up with a start, "Oh shards!" Startling his sleeping firelizards who as one take wing and then vanish between.
Peros cocks his head and closes his eyes, humming tunelessly to himself alone with the hum from the weyr itself.
D'zel goes around and shakes a couple of candidates awake so they can scramble for their robes. More than one person can't seem to find their white robe. "You didn't send them to the laundry did you? Look in the hamper over there." He nods approvingly as many of the candidates do manage to find their robes, still, more than a few seem to be missing.
Talene glances up hopefully at Sorrall, standing up and getting dressed quickly. Once ready, she looks again to see if Sorrall really is there and keeps one hand free, in case he wants to take it.
Cloretta sighs, "Dragons..worst timing.." she mutters and wanders towards her press.
"Oh great..." Danielle can be heard to moan as she shakes out a very wrinkly robe. "Mom is going to kill me," She says with a sigh as she stands and throws it on.
Dastra circulates the other way around the room from D'zel, stopping here and there to help a couple of the younger Candidates with their robes.
Norselas takes a deep breath to calm himself as he open his press and pulls out his robe and quickly gets into it, if not a little clumsily. He manages to get it on with little trouble for its size and moves over towards D'zel.
Kardel doesn't take long to get ready, he grabs the robe from its place in his press and shimmies and pulls it down over his head, not bothering to find the boots he spent more than an hour finding in the stores.
Miritha's good cheer is disturbed as several candidates can't find their robes. She collars one as the girl rushes aimlessly past her. "You had it, what, two days ago? And you didn't check since? Laundry," she echoes D'zel and nudges the girl towards the hamper.
Tejas tugs his robe on, hoping that his inexpert stitches don't give way. Once it's on, he stands nervously, not knowing quite what to do with himself.
Mansi is unusually withdrawn for the moment, lingering quietly by her cot as the candidates line up, one by one. "Um," she expells, her eyes squinted to hide the confusion that fills her as the dragon's humming reverberates throughout the barracks. Finally, she tears herself from her reclusive nature, odd as it may be, and assumes her usual confident mien, striding quickly toward the group.
Kardel stands stoicly for a moment and mentally counts off his check list. He frowns, "D'zel... do we have time to run to the necessary?
Danielle looks down at the white muslin and tries to smooth out the horrible creases in it, but to no avail. "I totally forgot I had thrown it in there like this," She mumbles to herself as she picks off a bit of lint.
Kesha hurries on her way to her cot, her body still damp from her previous bath and her hair still rather soaked, though not dripping. Shes not about to get undressed infront of everybody so she flings up the covers on her cot and climbs underneath them. Her other clothing comes out and then she does, nicely decked in ehr robe and only slightly mussed.
Sorrall does take that one hand, and quite abruptly pulls Talene up off her cot. No matter if she tries to resist, he pulls her into his arms, sweeping the girl off her feet and whispers something in her ear. After the hushed words, the Vintner kisses Talene as the words sink in...and then his breath and hands move away in a huff...the lingering touch of Sorrall. Truly, he wasn't a rascal, and he does give her a long look as he turns away to get dressed.
D'zel hmms and then nods to Kardel, "Go now if you need to. Better now than need to go on the sands." He starts looking into presses for missing robes. "Why are so many of you missing robes?"
Peros opens his eyes, stands from his cot, and changes into his robe in a matter of seconds, but does not seem to be rushing at all. It just happens.
Jenna finally finds her robe, crumpled at the bottom of the press, and now damp from wet things shoved atop it. She hears Danielle in the chaos and says ruefully, "You and me both. But at least I found it." Donning it right before D'zel starts to investigate near her she squeaks, "I *got* it! You stay outta there, D'zel."
Cloretta is normally modest, but at the moment, she's too angry to be modest. Apparently there's something about dragon's humming that doesn't suit poor Retta. She stomps out of her clothing and pulls her robe on before joining the rest of the pandemonium.
Anonee finally finds her, right on her cot where she left, and immediately strips down to her underthings. "Scatter brain," she tells herself.
Kardel quickly pushes his way through the throngs of milling and weaving candidates trying to find and put on their robes all in the same motion.
Kasrin goes through the motions of dressing. Seeing that all that needs to be worried about it getting the robe on, the does so with ease. Giving her hair a flip, she sits back on the edge of her cot, bare feet swinging slightly, "This is not a drill..right.. they don't drill candidates..", she muses absently.
Danielle glances over at Jenna and gives a grin. "Maybe we should try and stand together so we won't seem so out of place?" She suggests with a small wink. "We can be a matching pair."
"Peros," Mansi asks as she approaches her fellow candidate, her hands clasped in a rather innocent pose before her hips, "Would you stand in line with me?"
Miritha sticks her head out the door and speaks to someone out there, then turns back to say to D'zel, "I sent someone to look for any in the laundry areas. Maybe someone forgot to bring some back. Or...something." She frowns again.
Norselas turns and give Danielle a wry smirk, "You too eh?" he rubs his robe which looks like it has been in a ball for months.
D'zel chuckles at Jenna, "I won't even ask." so he skips her press and moves down before shaking his head at a candidate who is trying to wrap themselves up in a sheet. "Erlim, go and get the basket of old robes from the stores, quick as you can. Those of you who can't find your robes will have to make do."
Peros smiles at Mansi, "I would be honored.
Kelli is quite calm, going about the putting on of her robe with far less fright then the rest of the candidates, casting dissaproving looks at the rest as she slips into her robe from a discrete corner near her cot.
Kardel returns from the not to distant necessary looking somewhat less troubled. He retuns to his bunk for a final once over and then makes his way towards Anonee.
Anonee tugs her robes over her head, wriggling into them, and then looking about, "Did Kardel turn up?" she asks, hopefully.
Talene's hand flies to her lips as her eyes go wide, wide, and wider. She blushes heatedly as a slow smile curves on her lips. She looks just about ready to pull him into an embrace and forget all about the Hatching, but her attention is diverted by the Candidates flying about to get into their robes and she focuses more on the task at hand. There would be time after for that, when, and if she doesn't Impress. 'Course, what will she do if she does? Hmm...
D'zel looks over to Miritha and shrugs helplessly, "I hope there are enough robes in stores. Better than nothing. Xannarth says the eggs are rocking mighty fierce already."
Danielle gives a little laugh as she notes Norselas' robe now. "All three of us then!" She cries gleefully, giving her friends a big grin. "My mom gave me this robe, it was hers you see." The young woman gives the creases another futile tug, whigh does nothing and sighs. "Ah well, at least I didn't stain it."
Jenna pushes hair back behind her ears, maturely sticking her tongue out at D'zel, before she nods to Danielle. "Definately. Is your mom coming from the Reaches?" She appears a bit more collected, stamping feet into boots. "Want to stand with us, Norselas?"
Kardel comes up behind Anonee, "You don't think I'd let you go without me did you?" He smiles brightly at the young girl, "Have you seen Peros yet?
Sorrall makes an about face in demeanor and hurriedly gets changed and glances around for Tejas. "Tej! It's really happening! Finally..." He emits a hearty chuckle. "C'mon...we got the best seats too!"
Peros hugs Mansi impulsively, "Good luck."
Mansi's smile widens anew, dimples exposed as she sidles next to Peros. "Terrific," she exclaims, consciously smoothing the soft fabric of her robe against her torso before anxiously shifting from foot to foot. Without a hint of nervousness, besides the slightest tremble of her lip, she asks, "Are you nervous?" Then, at his sudden hug, she returns it, "You too my friend, you too!"
Norselas gives Jenna a smile, "Sure, I hope my sister comes form the Reaches." he smiles then looks down, "even though I didn't make her impression."
Tejas hurries over to Sorrall, freed from his paralysis. "Yes, it is. Oh! I wonder who'll Impress the dragonet in the little yellow egg..."
Kesha gets all dressed and just stands there, looking a little lost. All of her siblings are occupied with getting themselves ready. So there she stands, clutching the front of her robe and looking posatively white.
"I would imagine so, unless she has duties," Danielle says as she brushes at her damp hair, which hands limply at her shoulders. "This is going to be a mess by the end of it. When I go out in the heat when it is damp it does this horrible frizzing thing," She says with some resignation. "Oh? Who's your sister Norselas?"
Peros laughs, "Mansi, until you asked, I wasn't at all..."
Cloretta sneaks her way in between Tejas and Sorrall, "Either of you know a place I can hide?"
Shannen drags herself from the dark recesses of her shrouding corner and out toward Kesha. "Hey, you ready?" she questions, a half-smile fluttering weakly across her lips.
Mansi slaps her palm flat against her lips, her eyes wide with astonishment. "Oh, I'm so sorry..." she squeaks, trying to covering her comment up with, "Well, don't be?"
Kasrin hangs back at her cot, seeming a tad confused by all her fellow Canidate sipping this way and that. She swallows hard and looks around, face tesning.
Norselas grins at Danielle, "Oh I thought you knew. Elie, she's my younger sister." he pulls at the robe trying to get it to flatten out and smooth out some of the wrinkles.
Kardel lifts his eyes from Anonee and waves in Kesha's direction, "Kesha.. you can stand with Anonee and I if you like?"
Peros grins and winks to Mansi, "No worries." He spots Kardel over Anonee's head and waves, "Looking for me?"
Giving his fellow Candidate a reassuring pat on the back, Sorrall grins. Seemingly, there's a good facade he's putting up to hide the flutters. "You will, Tej, of course."
Tejas blinks at Cloretta, his eyes wide with surprise. "Why would you wanna hide, Cloretta?" Sorrall's words bring the usual blush to his cheeks.
Danielle gapes at Norselas a moment and then shakes her head. "Oh noooo!" She says in surprise. "I didn't know that. How wonderful! I didn't get to know her all that well though."
D'zel paces back and forth near the door, waiting for the chap to return with the older robes. "Good thing we never throw anything out." He stops in his path once to reach out and take a flossie-do hairamathing out of a blonde's flowing locks. He shakes his head at her and hands it over so she can put it in her press.
Kelli gets all dressed and goes over to Kesha, sighing at her sister and pointing twords the exit, "Come along Kes, and stop looking like such an idiot!" she shake sher head and move stword Sorrall.
L'nan enters from the Inner Caverns, letting the curtain fall shut behind him.
L'nan has arrived.
Cloretta snorts, "You think I reallyw anna go back out on those sands?" she whimpers. "S'bad! S'dangerous.. do you think they'd notice if I crawled under some covers?"
Sorrall does spare a thought to round up his sisters and make sure all are present. "Kelli, Kesha, Shannen...you all better stick close! I wanna keep a good eye on you three." Part excitement, part fraternal concern over the dangers on the sands.
L'nan walks in, wiping grime off his fingers- rather, transferring it to his shirt. He's in time for Cloretta's statement, and offers, "'Member, they're just as scared as you all.. and hungrier!"
Kesha is somewhat shaken out of her fear by her sister, but still sort of mindlessly follows. She spots Sorrall and clings! "Sorrall!" hes the big burly brother, he will protect her from clawing little dragonetts.
Tejas, never having been on the Sands during a Hatching, has no idea what Cloretta is talking about, and it shows in his expression.
Mansi isn't worried, hardly at all - "I won't then," she affirms with a confident nod although she tentatively crosses her arms about her chest, only to uncross them a moment later. "I'm not nervous, really.." she says, mostly to calm herself while she distracts herself with Peros' wave.
Shannen smiles as Kesha and Kelli both miss her presence beside them, and quietly follows after toward Sorrall, lingering just behind.
Norselas manages to get himself looking somewhat presentable, he hopes. "Her and I have always been real close." He stops fussing with his robe finally and puts his hands at his side and closes his eyes. he takes a deep, slow breath before opening his eyes again.
Miritha says, firmly, "_I_ would notice, Cloretta. Let's get organized, here, folks, as soon as everyone has their robes," she frowns at the several who don't have theirs still, "we'll be going. D'zel, we need to get them going sooner rather than later, I think." She's starting to fidget a little herself.
Kardel mutters to Anonee, "You..."
D'zel looks anxiously at the door as L'nan shows up. He flashes a smile and then paces more, "I thought that lad was fast." He looks over to Miritha, sighs and then raises his voice, "Okay, everyone, we need to start sending you out. Eggs won't wait. When I call your name you head out through the bowl and onto the 'sands'. Trival and Borna, you're first."
Cloretta looks at L'nan and actually starts sobbing, sitting on her behind on the floor, "I'm gunna become dragon food!!"
Anonee reaches up to neaten her hair, and the giggles. "I was about to ask you the same thing," she says to Kardel.
The first pair of candidates look shocked, one turning to the other in surprise, and then they run out towards the sands.
L'nan walks over to D'zel. "All right, boss... where d'you want me, and ... right." He nods as D'zel gives instructions. "Where d'you want me, eh? At the end, or...?"
Kasrin seems to snap out of her daze as she hears a sudden stop. "Cloretta... stop. It'll be just fine, really...", she calls out, smiling at her.
Danielle hears a sob and glances over at Cloretta in surprise. The expression soon turning to annoyance. "Oh please, Cloretta! They won't eat you," She says with exasperation before turning back to Norselas and Jenna with a roll of her eyes. "Some people. Yeesh."
Peros makes a mad dash, hugs Kardel and Anonee at the same time, then bolts back over to stand next to Mansi.
Kardel smiles and squeeze Anonee's shoulder affectionately, "You'll be great.. I know it..."
L'nan sighs and gives Cloretta a small smile. "Look, kid, you'll be fine." Kids? Uuuh. Ah well, bluerider feeling important.
Sorrall has thrown out all concern for himself or the others...Kesha can cling, Shannen can linger, and Kelli can preen. They're the three important things to the Vintner at this very moment. "Now, now...good luck, my sisters." And he ushers himself into some standing order.
Kesha sticks right by her brother as he requests... as if he could get out of that now? But in her clinging she spies Shannen and some how manages a little smile. She still horribly scaired by the whole thing though. Kelli on the other hand, just waites impashently, huffing evey now and again while carefully examining her nails. Cant they hurry this up?
D'zel pats L'nan on the shoulder, "Right here. You can go onto the sands with the next group. Xannarth's tail, Borna's already impressed a blue. We need to move faster. Jenna and Tejas, you're next."
Jenna grins at Danie and Norse. "I'll see you guys out there." She squares her shoulders and heads quickly after the others.
You step out onto the sands.
Hatching Ground Sands
Elynth's Clutch
L'nan steps out onto the sands.
L'nan has arrived.
Jenna gives a rather awkward curtsey to the sire and dam, before moving towards the eggs.
Sorrall steps out onto the sands.
Sorrall has arrived.
Danielle steps out onto the sands.
Danielle has arrived.
L'nan quickly moves aside as he takes in the actions going on. His mouth moves in awe as he watches carefully, waiting impatiently for the fun to start.
Mansi steps out onto the sands.
Mansi has arrived.
Kesha steps out onto the sands.
Kesha has arrived.
Kelli steps out onto the sands.
Kelli has arrived.
The tropical sunset egg gives an imperious *wobble*, as if someone is just a trifle impatient. The sand nearby falls away, and over it tips, before it goes still again.
Milque bites her lip as she watches the first egg actually hatch and impress and run out before the candidates are even all on the sands.
Tejas is pale as he hurries out, following the Candidates ahead of him. He bows sketchily to the gold and bronze on the Sands, scurrying around the clutch to a position farther from the entrance.
Shannen steps out onto the sands.
Shannen has arrived.
Cloretta steps out onto the sands.
Cloretta has arrived.
Kardel steps out onto the sands.
Kardel has arrived.
The tomato soup egg loses a tiny bit of shard to a thrusting dragonet limb,
hard on the heels of that first blue's Impression: this one won't be last!
The Tomato Soup Egg hatches forth a darkly hued brown dragonet.
Peros steps out onto the sands.
Peros has arrived.
Anonee steps out onto the sands.
Anonee has arrived.
Kasrin steps out onto the sands.
Kasrin has arrived.
Spiced Klah Cookie Brown:
He's a smart cookie, that smooth-baked hatchling, hued the deep, rich brown
of klah closely milled with grain and further spiked with spice. A large, blunt
muzzle supports widely spaced eyes, their intense whirl further brightened in
contrast to his hide, their ridges dusted with the same smoky crumbs as those
along his neck; blunt is his tail as well, but made the more expressive for
it, and given to swaying while he walks. What little sweetness he has is as
closely mated to peppery spice as are floaty wingsails to darkly sturdy spars,
and his talons bear truly wicked points.
Spiced Klah Cookie Brown has arrived.
Norselas steps out onto the sands.
Norselas has arrived.
F'ren calls over to Milque, "Impatient bunch of eggs, these." This said with a smile.
Peros spreads out, looking terribly confused. He spots the brown hatchling and freezes.
The ambrosia egg wobbles more strongly this time, more decicively. Sand is displaced, and the egg rolls a little bit to the side as a result.
Milque smiles and calls back to F'ren, "No doubt, we almost didn't get them out here in time!"
Mansi steps onto the sands, bare feet immediately adjusting to the increased warmth of the grains beneath her. "Good day," she greets as she approaches Milque and D'zel, a polite bow given to both and then, toward Elynth and Xannarth. Quickly, her eyes dart toward the clutch and without any further hesitation, she joins the semi-circle of candidates.
Danielle comes rushing out and gives a nod of her head to the parents before skidding to a halt next to Jenna. An excited giggle escaping her as both hands wring the edges of her skirt. A quick glance at the eggs already out on the sands make her smile. "OH! Oh Jenna! Look! Look at that brown! Out of that klah looking egg too," She says, reaching to tug at her friends arm. "This is -so- exciting!" Another giggle escapes her as she rocks from heel to toe.
D'zel steps out onto the sands.
D'zel has arrived.
Kesha comes out onto the sands, clinging to her brother's side like a Queen to her golden egg, "Oh! Oh!" she squeeks as eggs move, and somehow remeber to bow to the parental dragons and their riders, comming up with another, "Oh! Sorrall... Shannen!" eek!
Miritha steps out onto the sands.
Miritha has arrived.
Kardel walks up to Cloretta staying to the rear of her. He walks slowly watching the hatchling with a look of fear evident on his face.
Miritha comes onto the Sands with the last of the Candidates, shining as golden
as a queen herself, then ducks away again with a nod towards D'zel.
Miritha steps into the holding room.
Miritha has left.
Norselas moves quickly to Danielle's and Jenna's side his eyes focused on the brown hatchling as he stops next to the others.
Shannen ambles onto the sands, hot-footing it the instant her thinly sandled feet touch the stinging granuals. Making her way, the candidate who looks identical to two others, especially when dressed in the same bland robes, breaks a deep respectful bow to the presiding dragons and their mates before velcroing herself to her siblings, eyes wide for the view of the sands and the stands.
Kasrin follows her fellow candidates out to the Sands. Bare feet plods step by step, she pauses to bow quickly to dam and sire then looks up just in time to the a brown hatchling burst from his shell. She swallows deeply, face paling at the reality of this.
Talene steps out onto the sands.
Talene has arrived.
So it has already begun. Sorrall's voice is strong, yet a bead of sweat rolls down his brow. "Kel, Shan, Kesh..." Well, the butterflies are fluttering in his abdomen now. Big brother is keeping himself as rock-solid as possible under the circumstances...thought every time a shell begins to crack, his eyes dart in that direction.
Cloretta looks like she's been crying for brief moment as she shifts herself from caverns. She looks about as scared at Kardel, maybe more so. Her fingers slip back behind her to scramble for her friend's as she pauses to bow to the clutchparents and then take her spot.
Anonee has disconnected.
D'zel follows on the remainder of the candidates, this group looks particularly motley with their ill fitting and slightly dusty robes. He gives Milque a helpless shrug and then moves over towards the rest of the weyrling staff and tries to take in what's going on.
The ambrosia egg rocks and rolls imperiously. Want OUT! Too small in here! Too noisy! Too hot! Want OUT!
The zingy barbeque sauce egg shivers, a certain motion this time instead of the barely-seen of before.
Kardel, remembering his manners, after Cloretta example, pays his respect to the parents. He turns his head to look behind looking for someone, Anonee most likely.
Spiced Klah Cookie Brown scrambles red-eyed to his paws, and a snort sends sand flying as he only barely dodges that ambrosia egg in his efforts to get out of the eggs, toward the candidates.
The Ambrosia Egg is now shards and in its place is a little green dragonet.
Mansi, startled by the abrupt presence of the brown, stares toward the dragonet, both hands precariously perched upon her hips. Affording a impertinent smirk as he moves about, she hardly budges an inch -- give a few to make room for her fellows but otherwise, she remains still.
The tropical sunset egg is on its side, having impatiently been knocked over by it's occupant. It doesn't move, as if whoever's inside is taking a long-needed break.
Veritable Vegetable Green:
A trill of fresh sage folds in velveteen leaflets along her neckridges, fanning
out as faux romaine splays cracks of purpled-greens upon the glazed delicacy
of her wingsails. With wingbones like ruddy stalks, their thickness washed to
near translucency, she displays a bizarre delicacy that echoes in her sizable
yet fluid muscle structure. Circles of perfect jade, pea green striations radiating
out from their centers, marble her roundish muzzle and ring her flattened headknobs
before fading off her neck. The silky softness of her darker underbelly is a
melange of hues which blend crunchy jags of emerald, sultry sweeps of olive
and peppery speckles of peridot. Sprigs of parsley flourish along her tail,
laying flat along a near-bluish edge of iceberg, the pleasant combination adding
a creative flair to the sinuous length.
Veritable Vegetable Green has arrived.
Tejas, having been hurried out onto the Sands ahead of his 'big brother' shifts uncertainly from one foot to the other as he watches the wildly rocking eggs and the startlingly big dragonets. His eyes dart from the little green to the brown and back.
Danielle is agape for a long moment and then bounces in place lightly as her hands clap together. "So exciting!" She repeats to those closest to her, eyes darting this way and that. From the brown to the newly hatched green to other eggs that are rocking.
Anonee hangs back, obviously nervous now that she's -here-, holding Kardel's hand and standing a bit behind him
The red wine reduction egg rocks slightly in it's warm spot.
Peros takes a step back from the brown as it moves towards the group, slowly, easily, and is startles by the appearance of the green right next to the brown. He moves a bit more quickly to stand next to Mansi.
Kelli comes in and makes her bows to the Queen and her mate, including their riders as well. Eyes go out to the hatching dragons and she watches them with the rest of her siblings.
Shannen breathes a strangled sigh, "It's happening," her eyes on the brown, and then green alternately. "I can't believe /they/ came out of those eggs we've been staring at all this time."
Talene bows to the dam and sire quickly, taking her place among the Candidates and finding herself standing next to Cloretta. She offers up that free hand, with a quick glance towards Sorrall. She sees he's with his sisters, as it should be, and smiles at Cloretta.
Taragon Cream Sauce Egg shudders right next to a bouncing Peppered Green Egg. The former hatches to reveal a liquid green hatchling, the latter cracks and leaves a treebark brown dragonet on the Sands. They head out together, the green finding a willowy young girl from Tillek while the brown bugles happily at a stout lad from the Bakercraft.
Norselas watches the brown as something catches his attention out of the corner of his eye. He nudges Jenna, "Look at him."
Sorrall does chance a glance at the galleries...looking for Benden Winecraft in strength, but the green's entrance breaks that nervousness a little. "Ha! Look at that...I thought that gold-ish one was gonna be a green." He looks at his sisters and chuckles as he hears Shannen. "Isn't this great, though? So exciting..."
Kardel takes his place in the line of Candidates on the sand. His eyes dart from the dragonet's on the sand to the tropical egg, one of his favorties. His mouth runs dry as he wipes his sweaty palms on his robe.
The zingy barbeque sauce egg shakes vigorously, a single crack starting to zigzag along its surface. It starts rocking rhythmically, not stopping this time as it had before.
Danielle sucks in her breath and shakes her head. "This is all so...so...wow," She says, not really having the time to think and speak clearly at the same time. Instead she tries to calm herself down and focus on the hatching more seriously. Unfortunately she keeps breaking into giggles and pointing excitedly.
Spiced Klah Cookie Brown looms larger as he wobbles to his haunches, blinking away bits of egg shard and membrane as he tries to look along the line of candidates even as they're looking at him. The last stray bows don't help, but suddenly he slams back down to his paws and hurries, tail swaying, past a few boys towards a tall boy and a redheaded girl.
Shannen groans at Sorrall, rolling her eyes playfully, "Oh yea, so exciting I think my last meal wants to come out and have a front row seat." With that her hand goes to her stomach, and the young woman chuckles.
Mansi detaches herself for a moment to jut a hand out toward Peros as he approaches, the smile upon her face reflecting an assortment of emotions varying from nervousness to excitement. Wiggling her fingers, she urges him closer, "Look at that brown.. and that green!"
Veritable Vegetable Green looks around at this new place. She shakes her body, and discovers something on her back. Hey, what are these? She flaps her wings a couple of times to dry them, and gets used to them a bit. Then she takes notice of a deep pain in her belly, and roars her displeasure. This is not good!
Peros nods, unable to speak, and takes Mansi's hand. His eyes dart from the brown to the green.
Kardel looks to Anonee and smiles nervously as he starts to tremble as he watches the Brown's progress.
Anonee squeezes Kardel's hand, for all that she's just as nervous.
Xannarth bugles proudly to welcome each and every new dragon and lashes his tail in the sands as if he wishes he could join in the fun. D'zel moves to help the young blonde who, despite her dusty robe has done her Hold proud.
Cloretta smiles up at Talene greatfully and gently twines her fingers with that of her friend, mouthing, "thank you." softly. She winces as the green roars, "what lungs.." she comments in distate.
Elynth shifts closer to Xannarth as she watches with proudly swirling eyes.
Tejas winces, his hands rising to cover his ears as the green hatchling roars. That's awfully loud from such a small body. And to think that it'll get even louder as she gets older. He sneaks a glance at the rocking eggs, as if looking for one in particular.
Talene bounces on the Sands, trying to keep cool. Her eyes land on the green and she makes a small sound of suprise, "She's beautiful, though, isn't she Clor? Lungs she has, but she's beautiful." She just squeezes her friends hand comfortingly, taking as much as the other girl from the proximity of a trusted person.
Norselas catches the shaking of the barbeque egg and chances to watch it out of the corner of his eye, as it was his favorite. He brings his full attention quickly back to the brown who comes down startling him. He turns to watch the green, trying to keep one eye on the brown and green and one on the zingy barbeque egg.
Kesha peers out as Dragons start to hatch and does everything she can to /hide/. If they cant see her, they cant hert her. Flawed logic, but still, it works for Kesh. She blanches at her brother though, "Fun??? People have been /killed/ at these things." granted its a very very rare thing to happen, but Kesha isnt all that rational right now. Her feet getting hot, her hair kinda of steaming because its still wet, she manages to peek out and spie her favorate egg... still not moving?
Kasrin stands with wide eyes. She doesn not move a muscle and seems to take no notice of the heat on her bare feet. Her head turns left then right, very very slowly, eggs rockign and cracking everywhere, hatchlings searching around. The lass swallows hard and stares straight out into the sands.
The tropical sunset egg , as if stubborn, refuses to even shiver in reaction to the excitement going on around. Still it lies, and it lies so still!
Cloretta sighs and admits grudgingly, "Of course she's beautiful. Aren't all dragons?"
The red wine reduction egg moves a bit more. A few rocking motions before it once again goes quiet.
Spiced Klah Cookie Brown does pause, his destination secured, to glance back over one wing at the vegetable green's hiss. After looking at her, and then sire and dam, he tries out his own throat with what's at first a very croaky creel of his own.
Veritable Vegetable Green tries to make her eyes focus on this new place, and sees two really big things. She tries to move in their direction, but falls flat on her face in the sand. Whooops, forgot about that long thing behind her feet. She scrambles to her feet and shakes her face to get the sand off, to no avail. This causes her to roar angrily again, and stalk toward the big things.
The zingy barbeque sauce egg rocks back and forth again, the crack beginning to widen...and now it's joined by a crack on the other side, unattached to the first.
Danielle sucks in a deep breath after another fit of little giggles and her hands clench in her robe. The heat of the sand effects her so that she is almost constantly rocking from heel to toe, but it doesn't seem to both her too much. What is annoying her more and more now is the way her hair is beggining to frizz as it dries from the heat of the sands. "Shardit..." She mutters, smoothing a hand over it. Though one would think the wrinkly state of her robe would need more smoothing than her hair.
Peros nudges Mansi and points to the barbeque egg, "I think that one's about to go..."
Mansi casts an astonished glance toward the green's strident roar, blinking several times as she leans toward Peros to comment: "Quite loud, she is.." But her attention, however, returns toward the brown as she dutifully notes: "Impressive he is..."
At last the Zingy Barbeque Sauce Egg is no more, and in it's place is a damp, brandy hued bronze dragonet.
Brandy Snap Bronze:
The hide of this dragonet is a rich golden-bronze shot through with traceries
of crinkling gilded-browns. Large crackly looking deeper brown veins cover his
wingsails and body, making the bronzed sails seem even more translucent and
fragile. A heavy tail of brandy and amber drags behind him, leaving a distinctive
sandy trail and yet setting him off balance as often as it keeps him from toppling
over. Awkward and lengthy limbs that are deceptively thin give the young bronze
a gangly look that is only called attention to by his fumbling movements through
the sands. Still, for all his youthful ungainliness, there is something handsome
about the gallant set to his head and the clever gleam in his eyes.
Brandy Snap Bronze has arrived.
The speckled red egg starts wriggling on the sands, like an impatient youngling. It's almost a full-blown squirm.
Peros gasps at the bronze, "I told you Mansi, look at *that* one..."
Norselas nudges Danielle, "Look its crasking." he points to an egg. He then looks at the green as she gets up out of the sand, "Oh poor little on, that mustn't of felt good."
Lemon Curd Egg hatches a cherrywood brown dragonet, Expensive Seafood Bisque Egg a springtime green, and Brown Delight Egg a playful blue all cracking shell at the same time, though on opposite areas of the Sands. The brown finds his lifemate in a thick girl from Fort Weyr, the blue dances around this Candidate and that until it finds a tall young man from Benden Hold, while the green takes her time, examining each and every Candidate until she comes back around to Impress to a graceful girl from Harper Hall.
Tejas starts to forget about the awful heat from the Sands as more and more eggs rock, and then crack. He draws a sharp breath as the first bronze Hatches, sneaking a glance towards Sorrall.
"Oh! Norselas! Look!" Danielle tugs at his arm now even as he points it out to her. "Yeah, I see." She adds after he speaks.
Shannen reaches around behind Sorrall to tweak affectionately tweak Kesha's elbow. With a supportive smile, she murmurs to her sister, "No worries, I will throw myself in front of you if one comes to tromple you, dear sister." With a wink to mark her mirthfulness, the woman slips back into place beside her brother, gaze angling across the sands.
Kardel's eyes begin to tear, from sheer nervousness as his lips quivering and heart thumping. The words, 'Oh shards... oh shards.. oh shards..." keeps falling from his lips.
L'nan glances over and waits for the harper girl to finish with her tears, before waving her over and suggestively pointing towards food. Her new hatchling agrees with a screeeeel, and L'nan leads them off the sands.
Spiced Klah Cookie Brown looks too, and then faces front again. A few spread-winged bounds later, he's most undutifully bumping at the pair's cojoined hands, but when red eyes whirl into violet, they're all for the red-braided girl.
Sorrall chuckles. "Same here, Kesh...I'll protect you, dear sister. Just enjoy this, it might not ever happen again!" His own feelings are betrayed by keeping that safe proximity to the three girls.
Brandy Snap Bronze shakes out his wings, arching his neck around to look at them curiously. Once both have been fully extended, he then takes a step, stumbling over and letting out a creel as his neck and still-turned head plow into the sand.
Kasrin finds her nerve somehwere deep inside herself. Kasrin calls out a delighted squeal, "A bronze!". Its as if the inital shock of the event has worn off or at least sunk in. The lass calls out Congrats as a blue, green, and brown all Impress. Her attention moves to the other roaming dragonets.
Talene's breath catches in her throat, and she just stares at the bronze. That beautiful dragon almost makes her wish /she/ was a male, but her eyes find that bueatiful green again. "C'mon...there's someone out there for you..." She whispers...Maybe even me? Is the undertone.
Norselas rubs his sweaty hands on his robe nodding excitedly to Dani, "Its a bronze." he exclaims as all his attention is focused on that beautiful bronze.
Danielle whinces as the bronze takes a nose dive and averts her eyes to that brown. Leaning forward she casts about to see what he has gotten up too. "Can you see that brown?" She asks of her friends.
Peros cringes as the bronze hits the sand and murmurs, "You can do it, little one, don't give up..."
Mansi is lured by Peros' remark, stealing a brief gaze toward the newly hatched bronze. "Shards, you're right!" she commends, squeezing his hand a bit tighter before her interests are suddenly stolen: "Daijith!" A dramatic pause heralds her impression, "No, it isn't a game, it never is.." she says, instinctively reaching downward to caress his muzzle's tip. "Of course we'll get you something to eat!"
Dastra steps out onto the sands.
Dastra has arrived.
The red wine reduction egg rocks back and forth - small cracks appear over the surface in small patters.
F'ren chuckles softly at Mansi's words.
Kesha grumps at Shannen and her teasing, but keeps as close to them as possible. the excitement and positive energy is a bit much for Kes to resist though, and her fright starts to wane a little. Her gaze frequantly going to one particular egg... then snaps back to any movement made by a hatching. Thus, shes trying to look everywhere at once. "Eep... is that one comming this way???"
Peros blinks back tears as Mansi Impresses, "Oh Mansi, congratualtions..." He squeezes her hand one last time and lets her go with her lifemate.
D'zel smiles and steps forward to Mansi and her new brown lifemate, "Right this way, Mansi and Daijith. We'll get you some food and oil."
Veritable Vegetable Green :can't get what she needs from the big things, so she changes course and aims toward the smaller white things. She stops near one group and looks them over. Hmmm, still bigger than her. She sniffs cautiously, and recoils at the odor. Yuck! She abandons this group, and tries to find another one. Ahhh, here we go.
The tropical sunset egg has remained still this entire time, as if lunch-break for its occupant has been extended. Motionless it remains - did whoever's inside fall asleep?
A young green dragon appears now upon the sands where an egg once stood, bits of Red Wine Reduction shards flecked over her hide.
Zippy, Zappy, Zaney Bakers Delight Key Lime Pie Green:
Baked on the hot sands rather than in the Baker's oven, this little green emerges
from her shell. She is a green so pale that she seems to have no color at all.
She is indeed a true baker's delight, lots of time and all the proper ingredients
have gone into the making of her. First you must have the right amount of love,
for no life can be made with out that. Then you add dashes of rich, creamy sauces
for the full rich flavor that must come from this. Eggs and the sweetest sweetner
are also a must. But once these things are all whipped together, you will no
longer see each individual ingredient. But rather one perfect looking dragon.
The creamiest green slides across the muzzle and surrounds each eye before sliding
down. Each neckridge is slightly darker than the one before. Though the wings
are just as pale and seemingly transparent as the rest of her hide. A tail that
never stays still has dark brown specks all over it.%rOnce that little bit of
brown is seen, more brown is noticable throughout the whole hide. Brown specks
dust her flanks and wings much like freckles play across the cheeks of a young
women's face. Her muzzle is free of the brown but the hide around one eye is
dark brown in color. Each of her wings seem to be outlined with the dark brown.
SO have no doubt about the color of this hatchling, for she's indeed a delicious
baker's desert.
Zippy, Zappy, Zaney Bakers Delight Key Lime Pie Green has arrived.
Jenna really has no idea where to look. Eggs breaking all over the place, she alternatively points out this one and that to Danie and Norse, clinging to and releasing hands as she does. "Shards! Lookit that bronze fall. And where'd that brown go?" Head swivels around, "Danie? Norse, did you see him? Who got him? Mansi?"
Kardel pulls Anonee a bit closer motioning to Mansi, "Mansi impressed... look" he points her out.
Daijith croons raspily, rubbing his muzzle into Mansi's hand, and gives D'zel a dark look before escorting her off.
Shannen gapes broadly as she hears a name echo through the cavern. "Oh! Wonderful name! Who..." she starts to ask, but then her eyes fall upon the impresse and she simply beams. "Good choice there. Nice name for both."
Anonee grins at Kardel, "She'll make a wonderful rider," she says softly.
Mansi, for once in her life, is completely overwhelmed. "What?" she asks, her arms encircling Daijith's neck as they're beckoned forward. "Oh, yes the food is over here Daijith.." she says, proudly annunciating the dragon's name as she coaxes him toward D'zel.
"Mansi I think," Danielle afirms with a nod. "I can't see very well. Too many people are in the way." So she sets back to watching greens, bronze and the rest of the clutch.
Brandy Snap Bronze pulls back a little, lifting his head and neck. This time, he faces himself forward before moving his legs, one uncertain step at a time. Once he's moving, he moves towards the white-clad humans, towards the one who echoed his own cry. Except...something isn't right, there. Not with her. Her?
Mansi steps into the holding room.
Mansi has left.
Tejas's eyes widen as the brown Impresses, but is distracted as the green moves, and another green Hatches. There's just so much to watch that he can't spare enough attention to put his congratulations in words, much less voice them.
Cloretta cranes and then whoops, "Yeah, Mansi!"
Sorrall nearly misses Mansi and her new lifemate, and he sends a smile at them as they depart. "Truly beautiful, eh? Well...I wonder where Tej is?" The Vintner lad tries to catch a glimpse of his 'little brother.'
L'nan grins after Mansi, nodding to himself. As a nearby Candidate starts to whimper and bawl, he sighs and goes to help put the young boy's sandle back on.
Norselas shakes his head at Danielle his attention only for the bronze at this point. "Sorry, no, brown?" he mumbles as he suddenly gasps at the bronze as he lets out his cry.
Daijith steps into the holding room.
Daijith has left.
Shannen gently elbows Sorrall, nodding toward the bronze, just in case he might have missed him. "Spectacular," is all she says before allowing her gaze to stray to the greens, pinpoints of hope in her bright eyes.
Peros wipes his eyes on his sleeve in an attempt to clear his vision and focus on the hatchlings on the sands.
Kelli attempts to hide the fact that she's pretty much overwhelmed by the whole thing. Blinking her eyes, she cautiously seeks the comfort of her sisters, though keeping closer to Kesha than Shannen. Sorrall is given a look, but the prissy girl tends to keep her eyes on the dragonets. Even /she/ cannot hide the play of emotions across her face.
Kardel looks out over the sand scaning all the activity.. so much to see ... so scared and so glad he visited the necessary before coming out here. "Can you see Peros anywhere?
Dastra slips out onto the Sands, sidling over toward the other Assistant Weyrlingmasters. She watches with an amused smile as the young bronze makes his way around the Sands.
Kasrin turns her attention over to one of the newest Impressions. "Is that.. Oh yes. Mansi! And Daijith?! How wonderful!!", her voice bellows out with sincereity. But she doesn't let her attention linger long for moving figures catch her eyes. "Oh look at her...", Kas gushes , admiring the latest hatchling.
Xannarth looks relieved as the little green is no longer headed towards him with her loud voice. He warbles in encouragement. D'zel steps back into place and looks about sharply to see who is next.
Cloretta goes dead, just stopping utterly and completely. "Ghianath..?" she asks reverantly, "Oh, I'm delighted you found me, and your timing is perfect!" hands shaking she reaches out to caress her new lifemate's head nob.
Anonee switches from one foot to the other, trying to catch sight, and finally, raising the hand that holds Kardel's to point out Peros.
Shannen breathes, "Ooooh, Cloretta... Oh," smile splitting her face for the lucky girl.
Talene gasps and claps happily for Cloretta, "Congrats, Clor!" She backs up a little and lets the girl and her dragon have some room.
Sorrall had missed the bronze hatchling, and as Shannen points the newborn out he chuckles. "Well, that's putting it lightly, Shan. That one's quite a guy, isn't he?" He gives Kelli a little nudge, trying to hide his quivers. "Clor? Clor Impressed? Wonderful!"
Brandy Snap Bronze peers around at more of the white-clad humans, then pauses to look at his clutchmate who's just found one. After a moment or two of watching this, he turns back to the humans and begins to move among them more confidently, apparently assured of what he's trying to do.
Tejas has managed to end up practically on the opposite side of the clutch as his 'big brother'. He shifts his weight again as the heat becomes too much, trying to ease his feet. He catches a glimpse of Cloretta's expression as the girl from the 'Reaches Impresses, his own face splitting in a wide grin.
Kardel follows Anonee's direction to Peros he turns to her nodding his head rapidly as he directs her to Cloretta, "I told you!! I told you!!
Peros refocuses on the bronze, now that he is standing alone and looking somewhat lost.
Anonee beams at Kardel, "Looks like you'll make back a few marks there!"
D'zel steps up to Cloretta and her new green and smiles, "Ghianath and, my goodness, Cloretta? Right this way for eats and oil."
The tropical sunset egg is still as a calm icy lake, even as a passing hatchling kicks sand towards it. However, the occupant must have woken up, for there's a shiver - slight, quiet, unnoticeable. You didn't see it.
Zippy, Zappy, Zaney Bakers Delight Key Lime Pie Green forces her eyes to focus on this new place, and tries to move towards the sounds and figures around her.
Kasrin hears the congrats of others being directed to Cloretta. Kas looks over and gasps, "See..all that worry and..Congrats!!". With a lingering admiring glance at the newly formed pair, Kas shifts her attention back to the actions unfolding about her.
As the word of Cloretta's impression spreads to Danielle she raises a brow and glances over at the girl. There is a thoughtful look on her face and then she chuckles and says, "Ironic that." Once again her attention turns to the eggs rocking.
Kesha has partially disconnected.
Cloretta gets to her feet after wiping the sand from Ghia's face. "C'mon,
love.. let's get you some food.." she looks up at D'zel and just.. beams.
Cloretta steps into the holding room.
Cloretta has left.
Norselas turns to see Cloretta impress as he scans the sands daring to take his eyes for just a moment of the bronze. "Oh Clor congrats." he calls out to her. His eyes focus once again on the bronze as he whipsers something to Danielle about the color.
Ghianath steps into the holding room.
Ghianath has left.
Where once there was a Speckled Red Egg there now is a gleaming young brown dragonet.
Boisterous Butterscotch Brown:
A rowdy riot of rich amber butterscotch pours over the well formed frame of
this newly hatched dragonet. Shimmers of sparkling citrine swirl along the ridges
that arch and ripple down his neck and back. The same scintillating hue adds
a bit of glimmer to the point of his tail and along the edge of his muzzle.
Even at this early age a muscular strength shows in his limbs and claws giving
power to his movements over the sands and hinting at the greater brawn to come.
There's a burly sort of pride to the way he holds his handsome head and there's
a jaunty spring to his step that hints at a fun loving and fearless personality.
Boisterous Butterscotch Brown has arrived.
Kardel face darkens with a hint of concern as he studies the tropical sunset egg.
Talene can barely hold back a sigh as she finds herself alone. She hugs herself and watches the Hatching with a little less excitement than before.
Dastra adds her congratulations to Cloretta and her lifemate to those of the others, turning to watch with a grin as the young brown breaks shell.
The tropical sunset egg shivers again, still as if trying not to attract attention. And yet instead of remaining still, whoever's inside is evidently ready to get out. Not in a second, not after cracking the shell, but right. now. Shiver, shiver, shiver. Hm. Apparently it'll take more than that.
Istan Bean and Peppers Egg rattles and rolls, taking it's time to Hatch right under Elynth's nose. The frisky young brown who hatches pauses to take a good look at his dam, bugling up at her happily before bounding off towards the Candidates. He falls over, picks himself up, dusts himself off and bugles again, this time looking right into the eyes of a laughing lad from the Seacraft.
Jenna edges a bit closer to Danielle and Norse. "Did that other - Oh. Yeah. It's hard to see, though." She shifts uncomfortably on the sands. "Oh hey, Norse! Lookit that brown? He's gorgeous!" A wary look around for any stumbling claws in her direction, before, "Danie, lookit him!"
Danielle nibbles on her lips as she gives the bronze a thorough examination. "Hmmm, you're right," She agrees with Norselas' comment on the dragonets color. "Oh look! Another brown!" And she makes a grab for an arm to tug and point their attention at the new one.
Kesha keeps herself huddled close to Shannen and siblings, her own hesitant eyes keeping close tabs on those around her. Timidly, she watches the brown hatch, though the fright of it all is hard to displace. "Oooh," she breathes softly, moving her head forward a bit. All of them are so..; she's quite at a loss of words.
The tropical sunset egg pauses in it's shivering attempts at escape. It seems
as if naptime has resumed, when all of the sudden there's a *snap* *crackle*
A lovely green dragonet emerges from the shards of the Tropical Sunset Egg.
Norselas aaahs as another brown breaks free of its imprisonment. He gives Jenna a beam, "Look at him, yes. How wonderful." His eyes are now dancing back and forth between the brown and the bronze as he slowly bends his knees to keep from passing out.
Cold Avacado Green:
Palest absinthe flows over the hide of this tiny dragonet, washing snout and
torso alike with an even, creamy film. The ashen shade spirals into a twist
of darker beryl, leading down each of her limbs in a daggered point. The dangerous
splinters spread outward to cloak each digit in cool shadowy verdure. Her talons
are tipped with ebony, and the soot is echoed along the spine of her tail while
the dark colors creep back towards her body in uneven patches of olive. While
her frame is petite, her tail is almost oversized and the shrouded jungle provides
a dark contrast to the pallor of her hide. Wingsails are likewise patched and
spotted with anise, seedlings dropped here and there along the darker emerald
glory. The hues intersect and divide, beguiling the eye into frigid facets of
light. Spars echo the Stygian green of her tail, belying the brightness of her
wings with the mystery of the forest primeval.
Cold Avacado Green has arrived.
Boisterous Butterscotch Brown tilts his head up, up, up, letting that last bit of shell on top of his head go sliding like a child down the bannisters at Fort Hold.
Brandy Snap Bronze shakes out his wings again, pausing by another of the girls before moving on. He pauses more and more frequently as he moves among the candidates, but now he's stopping only for the boys. The boys... He stops dead, looking back and forth so he takes in each boy before turning decisively to one.
The swirls in the gravy egg makes a slow turn in its resting place in the warm sands.
Kardel scans the clutch on the sands again, looking to see if all his favorite eggs hatched. He lets out a uncharateristic cheer! when the tropical egg finally gives up its green.. his eyes are drawn to the brown and the bronze in that order and back again.
Zippy, Zappy, Zaney Bakers Delight Key Lime Pie Green takes a good look around her while blinking. Taking a few moments she slowly makes her way towards the group of people.
The steaming seafood chowder egg shakes. And then shimmies, rolling to one side and into the egg nearest to it. One end of the egg is vibrating visibly, the surface of the shell almost seeming to bubble.
Cold Avacado Green is standing when she emerges, and glaring imperiously around her. How dare they start without her! She turns her head this way, that way, and the other way. Then she catches sight of her tail, and her attention is spent inspecting that marvelous piece of equipment.
Shannen finds her brilliant gaze upon the butterscotch brown, and with chortling mirth, the woman sets her sights on him. "Oh, Sorrall. He's perfect, and beautiful, and what a personality." Stomping her feet in the heat, she locks her gaze on the brown and doesn't allow it to waver.
Peros catches Kardel out of the corner of his eye and moves in his direction, slowly watching the bronze and brown.
Tejas giggles faintly as the bit of shell slides down the brown's neck. He twists his hands nervously into his tunic, obviously feeling quite alone as he watches the dragonets Hatch.
Sorrall is now sweating a bit more than when he came out on the sands; whether it is the heat or the whirlwind of excitement or both, nobody knows. "Quite, that brown's a nice color...you know, I haven't noticed a splash of blue yet."
Anonee smiles at Peros as he comes closer, holding up her empty hand on the other side.
Norselas watches the brown and chuckles as he lets the piece of egg slide down his head to the ground. He is started as he turns his head his eyes going unfocused and a look of total love and admiration crosses his face, "Pern shall be safe with us Orenth."
Kelli's attention is caught by the new hatching and she pauses. Biting her lips, her eyes widen but then she catches herself. Lifting her nose, she tries vainly to assume her prissy attitude, but it's hard in the face of all this sensory overload. "Kesha.. Shannen.. Sorrall.." is whispered, yet she cannot voice her thoughts. Still, her nose remains lifted in the air, though more to remind herself of who she is than those around her.
Talene fusses with her robe slightly and kicks at some of the sand, nearly burning her toes. She winces and looks at the hatchlings out there, then glances at Sorrall and his sisters, the eggs...She swallows and bears herself up proudly. After all, this is a one in a lifetime chance, right? She should enjoy it.
Peros slips his hand into Anonee's and cheers for Norselas, "YES!"
Danielle jumps and turns to Norselas. "What?" She asks in surprise as he says a name. "OH! Oh Norselas! Heee! Norselas! Orenth! Oh...oh but wait...not Norselas anymore." She looks overjoyed at her friend impressing.
D'zel moves quickly over to Norselas and the Brandy Snap Bronze, "Orenth and N'sales? Food and oil is waiting for you, right this way."
Kardel, notes Peros approach and smiles, "Don't run away so fast, Peros..." he says low or so he thinks, "I've got 5 mark on you..."
Anonee bounces on the balls of her feet, tugging on Kardel's and Peros' hands. "Norse!"
Jenna lets out a cry. "Norse! And Orenth. Danie, look!" She edges
back to give the new weyrling room. "Oh, congrats you two!"
Shannen sees the bronze impress and simply nods, her eyes lit with enthusiasim for the boy and his lifemate.
Orenth steps into the holding room.
Orenth has left.
Kardel's head snaps towards Nores and he waves his free hand as he smiles proudly, Excellent!!!
The steaming seafood chowder egg see-saw, see-saw. Leaning from one long side to the other, it rocks back and forth as the hatchling inside labors to come free. Surely the surface along one long side is showing a spinner's web of minute cracks, cracks that slowly widen.
Kasrin actually relaxes enough to let out a giggle as she catches the sight of cold avacado green hatchling's antics. "What an attention getter..", she murmers at the antics. Hearing the congrats of another Impression, Kasrin looks over and beams, "Norse and the bronze..Orenth?! Oh congratulations!!" she calls as the pair leaves the sands. Looking back, she squints slightly, taking in the sights.
Pumpkin Soup Egg topples over and a minty green Dragonet rolls out onto the Sands. She sits there a moment, blinking as she wonders why she's seeing the world upside down? Getting her bearings, she rights herself and rumbles, red eyes swirling with hunger as she heads straight for a group of female candidates. Shoving them aside, she finds a slim young man from High Reaches Hold in the back, her choice and Impression is made.
Danielle backs off with Jenna grinning from ear to ear. "Oh wow! Jenna, he impressed! He impressed!" She says excitedly, watching the new pair walk off. With a little sniff she rubs her face in her robe again. "This is so wonderful! He impressed!" She can't seem to get over that fact. So much that she isn't paying attention to any of the others.
Peros grins at Kardel, "I've got 10 on you, my friend."
Kesha hedges closer to Shan and Sorrall, saying softly, "He is awfully cute." However, she trains her eyes upon the egg that caught her fancy. And what shall come out of that one? The impressees are given shy little smiles, but through the din of the Hatching, she does not even try to offer congratulations. That can come later.
Tejas beams, drawn back into the excitement somewhat as his friend Impresses the bronze. He tries to call out to congratulate the new bronzerider, but the words stick in his throat. His eyes follow the minty green dragonet as she shoves through the girls near him to find another boy. For a moment, his back is to the clutch as a whole.
Anonee looks from Peros on one side to Kardel on the other, "I hope neither of you laid marks on me," she murmurs.
Cold Avacado Green is finished - for the moment - with admiring her tail. Then, of course, she notices that there's /another/ tail nearby, and that just will /not/ do. It detracts from /hers/. She turns to Boisterous Butterscotch Brown and, if dragons can scowl, she scowls. Her tail is delicately moved out of the way, then *whump*. She walks purposefully into her clutchmate.
Jenna reaches for Danielle's hand. "He did," she agrees enthusiastically! "And a bronze too! Lookit that brown though, and what's that green doing? Going after him? Who's still out here? It's hard to tell with all the shards flipping about."
Zippy, Zappy, Zaney Bakers Delight Key Lime Pie Green eye's finally focus she passes by the candidates - Back and forth she moves finally stopping over one of the girls in the group.
F'ren casts a glance over his shoulder, off in the general direction of his weyr. As a matter of fact, he's spent more time doing this than paying attention to whats going on here on the sands.
Danielle ohs as her sweaty hand gives Jenna's a brief squeeze. "Yeah, looks like," She says as she watches the two dragonets. "I wonder who'll impress next...I can't even keep track!"
Kardel pulls his chain of friends along to close up the holes in the ranks left by the impressed, "You know you were my first bet..." Kardel visibly relxaes with his friends near. His smile is more genuine than out of fear as he begins to a marked interest in the dragonet's on the sand.
Boisterous Butterscotch Brown is of course bigger than his smaller green clutchmate. He takes the bump with apparent good humor, whuffling at her for a moment. But... she's not as interesting as those things over there! What're they? He gently returns the bump, hardly noticeable, and then lifts his wings to start almost loping off toward the candidates. Of course, at his young age, loping's not exactly a draconic skill, so he tumbles and does a very good belly flop into the sands.
Kasrin points now, "Hey..that..was that on purpose?" the words come out in a stammer as she sees one dragonet walking into another. Wincing at the sigh, she raises a hand to her brow and wipes at the sweat beading there,a futile gesture.
Talene's eye light up, suddenly, and she wipes nervously at the sweat marring her brow. Kneeling down, she itches the green, "Oh, Xrienth, there is something to make the itches go away! It's called oil and we /will/ get some for you! Right away!"
The swirls in the gravy egg stops and slowly starts to turn in the other direction.
Shannen allows her gaze to wander to Kelli, and she quietly watches her alter-sibling-third. The quad of siblings make for an interesting sight -- the male, so similiar, and then the three girls, identical triplets with vastly different personalities. For once, they are all on the same, nervous, plain, together, and bonded by fear and excitment of the unknown.
Kelli's attention is again caught by the little green. Why a girl after her own heart! It would not do to be caught standing next to one prettier than her. She steps a little away from her siblings, her eyes latched upon the scene before her.
Kardel, noting the brown dragons fall, cries out, "Oh no!!! That poor guy..."
Peros chuckles softly, feeling much better standing with his friends. His eyes go to the antics of the green and the poor brown.
"Xrienth? Who said that Jenna?" Danielle asks leaning forward to spot Talene. "OH! Oh Jenna! It's Talene!" Ask and you shall recieve it would seem.
Split Pea Egg pops open in a shower of egg shards to reveal a grassy green Hatchling. Nearby the Mushroom Ragout Egg slowly falls away to reveal a darkened blue. The two head in opposite directions, the green with a purpose, the blue taking it's time to find the perfect lifemate. The grassy green arrives at that group of girls so easily shoved aside before, looking into the face of a sweet and lovely blonde girl from Greystones Hold. The darkened blue peruses a group of troublesome young men, choosing the biggest pranker of the entire Candidate class, a freckle-faced boy from Igen Weyr.
D'zel finishes walking yet another teetering dragonet and dazed looking weyrling and comes back to see that another is ready. He steps up to Talene with a smile, "Congrats Talene and Xrienth. Oil, and some food as well, are right this way."
The steaming seafood chowder egg is shaking with even more determination now. Little bits of shell fall onto the Hatching Grounds Sands and then woosh! The egg rolls end over end, shells falling by the wayside as it goes.
Cold Avacado Green is somewhat taken aback by the whuffle. How dare he?! She glares after the Boisterous brown and lets out a mighty creel as he flops! *CREEL* That's right, she's laughing, see? See! But her tail reminds her that there's things to be done, and the green turns - is she admiring her own tail again? Well, if she was, she glances up and notices that there's people to amaze, and she stalks towards a likely looking group.
Talene runs a little ahead in all her urgency. She stops in front of D'
Jenna lets out a whoop, catching Talene's impression in a moment of clarity. "Talene! All right! Congratulations!" A bit quieter she says to Danielle, "Stood with her last time. Maybe... maybe..." Lower lip catches between her teeth as she focuses on the remaining dragons on the sands.
The Steaming Seafood Chowder Egg is no more, and in its place is a warm brown dragonet.
Talene runs a little ahead in all her urgency. She stops in front of D'zel and nods crisply, "I need some oil. Or Xrienth needs some oil. And food!
Warm Homemade Pie Brown:
At first glance, this brown could be trying to blend into the sand and shadows
behind him, hide a pale brown. Under closer examination, more subtlety becomes
apparent - from the lightest points at the tip of his nose and wings, through
a darker golden-brown at his shoulders, his hide resembles nothing so much as
the crust of a perfectly baked pie, freshly taken from the oven. Streaks of
an even darker brown run along his sides, as dark as caramelized sugar. Like
any new-born, he seems to be trying to work out what to do with limbs too long
for his body, a task complicated by having to deal with a neck similarly extended.
The awkwardness of his movements lends this brown an endearing air: though you're
sure he'll grow into his limbs, the endearing qualities may well remain. Just
like his look alike, under the golden-brown coloring waits a bubbly, sweet nature.
Warm Homemade Pie Brown has arrived.
Talene steps into the holding room.
Talene has left.
Kesha begins to get into the excitement of the hatching, her eyes widening at each dragonet. A little wave in encouragement is given, though she still huddles tentatively around Sorrall.
Tejas bounces nervously in place, sighing softly at the dark blue Impresses that scamp from Igen, and across the Sands, Talene Impresses a green, and then another brown Hatches. In his excitement, he hardly knows where to look.
Danielle gives Jenna's hand another little squeeze and smiles. "I hope so! You'de do good as a rider," She says confidantly.
Peros murmurs to Anonee, "I wonder what happened to that egg that looks like gravy..."
Kardel licks his lips dryly, his voice grating from lack of moisture, "It hatched.. the one I touched.. it hatched!"
Xrienth steps into the holding room.
Xrienth has left.
Grandma's Brown Gravy Egg topples over into the Grandma's White Gravy Egg, both cracking to reveal glistening brown dragonets. The former is a light, sandy brown while the latter is dappled in the brown shades of autumn. The first rights himself, shaking the egg goo from his wings before setting out towards a pair of Candidates who are holding hands. He chooses the girl of the pair, who calls out his name and is reluctantly released by the young man. The dappled brown finds his lifemate in a short, studious young man from the Smithcraft who vocalizes his dismay at having to give up machining, but is thrilled to have such a perfect partner!
Shannen realizes belatedly, "Talene? Oh!" and her eyes dart toward the holding area so she can spot who has impressed what that she might have missed.
Peros chuckles, watching the gravy eggs Impress, "I guess that answers my question..."
Anonee shakes her head, and then points.
L'nan hurries over to a newly-Impressed couple and grins. "All right you two, how about some foo-" but he's cut off as the dragonette heads of its own accord in towards the food.
The swirls in the gravy egg stops again and reverses direction, whoever is inside can't seem to make up their mind as to which way to go.
Kasrin sees the rolling of a certain egg then suddenly a brown hatchling appears from its shells. "Such a pale brown.. ", her comments areabsently made to herself or anyone who hears them. But as another flurry of shell cracking occurs, her attention moves to cheer on the latest impressions.
Warm Homemade Pie Brown comes out of his egg as it rolls along the Sand. So the momentum keeps him going, tumbling in a complete somersault before he comes to a halt, sprawled out on the Sand. He lifts his head cautiously and peers about himself, sounding a stuttering trumpet as he sees all these big and colorful and exciting things all around.
Peros watches the second gravy egg, curious to see if it will hatch next.
Kardel pulls Anonee and Peros along to close up the ranks again, "That brown's a handsome one..."
Kelli delicately picks her way further from her siblings, watching the one dragonet that seems to understand how things work for girls. Her eyes roam the sands and she doesn't say much, for there is nothing really to say. Though, even she watches in awe.
The swirls in the gravy egg stops spinning again and then starts to spin rapidly in the opposite direction.
Cold Avacado Green doesn't seem very pleased, and seeing as the *last* time she walked into someone, they were punished, it should work here as well, no? So with deliberate steps she stalks right into a tall, skinny girl from Tillek. Into her, then over her, then the green dragonette decides to turn around and see her results. The trampled girl lays there, stunned, arms flung out to her sides. Avocado Green leans down to examine that odd thing with five protrusions, curiously. Then, it's off to another batch of white-robed butting-practice figures.
Anonee gets all nervous as she gets pulled along, trying to hang back.
Tejas covers his ears again as the warmly baked brown makes his contribution to the din. The dragonet is certainly handsome. As the avocado green walks right over a Candidate, his jaw drops.
Peros stumbles forward with Anonee and Kardel, trying to keep his eyes on the last gravy egg.
Jenna grins at Danielle, "We'll see. Just lookit that brown. Your mum rides brown, right, Danie?" She edges closer to the weyrbred girl, and then risks a glance up to the masses in the galleries. "Oh! Look at that green! Was that Maxia? Shells, is she all right?"
Boisterous Butterscotch Brown gets off his gut, which he shows off to prove he's just dandy. And he goes back to his loping deal. You see, he's heading right for one of the candidates! Little puffs of sand splatter up like a meteoric impact crater with every step, and his steps keep going faster and faster until... he skids to a stop before one of the candidates, his wings swirling forward with the sudden stop. He cranes his head up and up and up and wow, up. Very tall. Brown hair. He's brown, this will do very nicely. He greets his chosen lifemate with a warm croon. And sand on sweaty knees.
Dastra tenses as well, watching the green careen over the poor girl from Tillek. She relaxes visibly as the girl gets back up, offering her a quick smile.
Elynth warbles in motherly pride as she watches her little eggs hatch and go to find new partners in life.
S'rall laughs, reaching over at the brown and finally leaving the area of his sisters. "Raith! C'mere, you...I'll fix you up all nice. No more pain at all!" The former Vintner beams at his lifemate, and then fades into complete and utter jaw-hanging shock.
Kardel, gives Anonee's hand a light squeeze, his eyes not leaving the sands now, "I think so.. she's up." he watches the brown.
Peros looks around, "What happened to Sorrall?"
Cold Avacado Green has run into yet another group of unsatisfactory white-head-butt thingees. She stalks toward one of them menacingly - they must be taught! And taught right! The small boy from Keroon that seems to be her target starts to wail. HE saw what happened earlier.
Astin walks onto the sands from the Bowl entrance.
Astin has arrived.
Kardel says "He Impressed!!!!!"
A young green tumbles forth from the shards of the Swirls in the Gravy Egg.
Madeira Cake Green:
Two headknobs peek out, then a pair of delightfully multi faceted orbs. And
then the rest of this tasteful looking hatchling. A richly colored green. Reminiscent
of malachite perhaps in its intensity, painted like marble in aspect. Swirls
of a darkly intense green wend their way across her hide, sweeping through the
paler emerald shades. Under the wingsails the color is paler still, with splotches
of an almost yellowy-green mixing with the sweeping swirls. One band of color,
dances across her muzzle like a painted masterpiece, or like the partly mixed
cake batter of a verdant madeira cake. Once past the color, you can see her
muzzle is short, clipped even, hinting at a smaller green. There is a finite
neatness in the tiny awkward hatchling limbs, and the longer digits that form
the frame for her delicate wingsails.
Madeira Cake Green has arrived.
Peros blinks, "Shards and shells, he did!"
D'zel steps quickly over to S'rall and smiles, "Raith and S'rall? If you'll just follow me we'll get you some chow and then some oil."
Shannen blinks as her brother is snagged right out of her grasp. Startled, the woman backs away, and then all at once she emits an loud, "Sor!! You did it!" her cheeks flushed happily for her sibling.
Astin makes his way over towards the weyrleader with a serious expression on his face. After getting his attention he whispers a bit in his ear, "Ariandra..... its... Time!"
Kelli's attention is turned from the green to her brother's impression. "Sorrall!" comes her short bark of amazement. Her brother? A /dragon/rider? She does give him a short little smile, "Congratulations, brother dear," comes her prissy voice.
Danielle quirks a brow as she hears something. "Huh? Oh! Sorall impressed. Hmmm...what's his name now? S'ral? S'rall?"
Tejas bounces in the tips of his toes, craning his neck as he thinks he hears his 'big brother's voice through the din. The commotion is too great, though, and he can't quite find that familiar figure. His eyes drift back towards the dragonets on the Sands, watching the aggressive green warily.
F'ren blinks. "Time? Time! It can't be time! We've a hatching going on here, Master." F'ren suddenly looks even more nervous than the candidates.
S'rall nearly falls onto the sands, drunk on euphoria. "Sure, Weyrlingmaster! Er...Raith! Let's get that pain all handled, shall we?" And he makes his way off the sands.
S'rall steps into the holding room.
S'rall has left.
Raith cheerfully lounges against S'rall, although he does let out a bleat of hunger. His head goes toward where the others went... and then back to his new lifemate. And then back to where the food must be... then lopes afterwards.
Raith steps into the holding room.
Raith has left.
Kesha panics as her brother Impresses, torn between joy for his good fortune and fear at the loss of his protection. Then, she notices the hatching of /her/ egg. That favorite egg that has lingered in her thoughts since the Egg Touching. A /green/!
Madeira Cake Green gives a little flicker of her neck to get the last bits of shards off of it. She then peers around a bit, then back down at her body, which sends her into more little shakes and shivers as she tries to gently dislodge the last of the egg shards left on her.
Kasrin grins, "Sorrall! Way to go!", she cheers along with so many others. With movement still happening, she turns her attention back to the Sands. "It's so fast.. so fast..", she says, confusion now brimming in her tone.
Cold Avacado Green gives up, as the white-thing is too fast for her. Snorting, she rampages across the sands to another group. Why even look? seems to be her attitued, as she stalks straight up to that fatter one. She happens to notice her tail again, though, and turns to stare at it, pleased. But wait! There's something even /better/ to see. Well, wouldjalookit that, /she/ just might be better than a tail! The green warbles upwards, pleased.
Warm Homemade Pie Brown finally gives up the fruitless search of that long brown thing. He'll catch it later! Swaying on his feet since that tail-chasing left him a bit dizzy, he sways a bit, seeing all these really neet-looking white things all around him. Hey, maybe he can catch one of them instead. Wings half unfurled for balance, he lowers his muzzle and slowly stalks toward all those waiting white things. At least /they/ aren't moving away from him.
Peros looks around for the gravy egg and spots the pretty green hatchling in its place, "Ooh, Anonee, look at the pretty green one..."
Danielle reaches out to touch Jenna's arm. "Hey, another green Jen. Look." And she points at the newly hatched one.
Sweet Gingered Fingertail Egg shows a great deal of minute cracks before it shatters into a pile of egg bits, leaving a windswept blue Hatchling posed with a dazed expression in his eyes. He looks around, realizes that rumble in his stomach isn't going to go away if he waits long enough, so he heads towards the Candidates to his right. Passing ten or twelve, he does an about-face, moving back four and crooning up at an average young man from the Keroon area. Impression is made.
Astin gives the weyrleader a quick nod to his answers however still not saying a whole lot.
Jenna looks a trifle crestfallen. She had *so* been watching that brown. "Congrats," is called towards the new pair, "I dunno. Have to ask him after." She shifts again, wiping sweaty palms on her robes and offering one again to Danie. "I see her. Kinda quiet after the rest of that lot." Eyes linger here and there, on eggs, dragonets and candidates alike.
Kardel says "Come on you two.. stand tall... I got marks on you.""
V'lin walks onto the sands from the Bowl entrance.
V'lin has arrived.
Anonee swallows, and stands a bit taller, looking over at Kardel, "Better?"
Danielle gives Jenna another hand squeeze and nods. "Good change if you ask me," She says idley.
Kelli's attention is jerked from Sorrall as a voice enteres her mind, "Yukionnath? Yukionnath?!" Slowly, the little viper turns full body to the one who is before her. "Me?" Squeak. /Her/ a /dragon/rider? A /green/rider.
Tejas moves closer to the remaining Candidates as the pretty little blue Impresses to a boy he dazedly recognizes as having been from a hold near his parents' runnerhold.
Kardel nods approvingly. "Be brave.
Madeira Cake Green finally gets the last of shell off her tail and slowly minces off the mound towards the pretty white figures. She gives a little hungry warble as she looks them over slowly, seeming to take her time at each one.
F'ren shifts on his feet, a look of consternation on his face, "Master, I can't leave right now. Not," and he takes in what's going on, "until this is over. I'll be up as soon as I can." This followed by a muttered, "What timing."
Peros winks at Kardel, "We're the same height, my friend."
Drawn Butter Egg hatches to reveal a flowery green dragonet, to it's left the Mustard Sauce Egg cracks shell and drops away to show the forest green Hatchling that's been inside. The two exchange a glance, seem to argue with a series of chitters and wurbles, then head out in the same general direction. The flowering green Impresses to a bawdy girl from Benden Hold, while the forest green chooses the tall, dark haired young man whose love Impressed a brown a few minutes before.
Kardel says "I know... I know.. Hey Kelli impressed a green!"
Peros cranes his neck to see what Kardel is talking about, "Oh, congrats Kelli!"
Anonee nods and giggles, "Did you hear the name? Yukionnath. Bet you she doesn't call her Yucky fo short."
"Oh!" Danielle says as two of her favorite eggs hatch to reveal greens. "Oh Jenna, those two were some of my favorites. Congrats!" She call to those who impressed them both.
Kesha manages to tear her attention away from the green that just hatched to her sister. "Kelli?" She gives her sister a bright smile, "Congrats!" However, the looks are short-lived as attention is again turned to the sands.
Warm Homemade Pie Brown snuffles along the sand, slowly stalking his prey. Of course, he's not too used to this hunting thing yet and he snuffles up rather more sand than he expected. The poor thing sneezes, and loudly, spraying newborn dragonslobber all over those waiting white things nearest him. Still, he apparently feels much better, bugling brightly and stalking off along the line of Candidates.
Shannen stomps her foot, emphasizing her disgruntlment as she barks, "I said NO! I'm moving... " Kelli on /that/ particular green is going to shake the timbers of Fort Weyr. Moving closer to Kesha, twining fingers with the one sibling she has left, the woman simply mutters, grumbling about the things she must remember to pack when this is all over.
Tejas visibly sags as his favorite egg Hatches a gorgeous green, who promptly goes off to Impress to another Candidate. He looks down at the sand and scuffs at the hot stuff with the toe of his sandal.
Madeira Cake Green makes her way to the end of the curve of white clad figures and starts to make her way back again, she's checked once and now she's going to check again. She might know who she wants but she's not going to give it away until she is very certain she has the right one.
Peros ewws as the brown hatchling sneezes, "That one's yours, Kardel."
Kardel face contorts as the brown sneezes on a few candidates, "Oh shards!
Kelli smiles a slow, satisfied smile, "Yes. I shall feed you now." Shannen is given an evil little look and a fluttering of eyelashes, before she turns about to see what she is supposed to do. "Yukionnath." Wow.
Kasrin glances down the row of remaining candidates, "Oh Kello.." a smile touches her lips. Distracted by a trickle of sweat into her eye, Kas gives them a quick rubbing before wiping her brow. Letting out a heavy sigh, her gaze shifts about, hands now clutching tightly to her robe.
L'nan walks forward to smile at Kelli. "Come, now, I'm betting she's hungry and not taking no for an answer?" he chuckles. "In there, c'mon now..."
Astin nods towards the weyrleader and leaves as quickly as he arrived.
Astin walks out of the Hatching Grounds, to the Bowl.
Astin has left.
Jenna says absently, watching the warm, honeyed brown, "I didn't have a favorite, Danie. Who got that green one? Was it Kelli someone said?" She chews on her lower lip, almost straining towards the little brown, though feet remain planted firmly in the sands.
V'lin runs in quickly, tugging a pull over shirt over his head as he does. His belt is undone and so are his boot laces. "Sorry I'm late." he pants to D'zel. Kelli is spotted and he beams, striding over. "Yukionnath and Kelli? Great, if you two can just follow me please?"
Kelli nods her head, and follows L'nan and V'lin.
Kelli steps into the holding room.
Kelli has left.
V'lin steps into the holding room.
V'lin has left.
Yukionnath steps into the holding room.
Yukionnath has left.
L'nan steps into the holding room.
L'nan has left.
Danielle makes a bit of a face and nods. "Aye, Kelli impressed," She says, obviously looking a bit put out by that fact. "Hmmm, that brown is nice though. I wonder...." She gives a little sigh and wrings her hands absently. For a brief moment she is distracted by someone moving past her at a run and glances at V'lin, giving him a fleeting smile before her attention is back on the clutch.
Madeira Cake Green gets to the other end of the candidates and then gives a warble, heading back along the curve with purpose now, she knows which one she wants and now there is no more time to waste.
Warm Homemade Pie Brown :seems to have gitured out what he's doing by now. This walking thing isn't that hard after all, even if that long brown thing is still following him around. Gosh, these white things are interesting too. He pauses to snuffle at one, and then another. Continuing on down the line, his not-too-great coordination gives out and he sprawls again, looking up with entreating eyes at a boy with light brown curls and a ready smile.
Peros blinks, "Kardel! He's looking right at you! I was right!"
Anonee looks over to see if Peros is right, breath held.
Kardel's face drains of colour, "Geddeth?!?" He smiles brightly, "He says his name is Geddeth!"
Peros claps his friend on the back, "Congratulations!"
Madeira Cake Green minces right up to the girl she has picked out, getting right up in front of her and giving a little croon.
Kesha clings to Shannen now, looking around, watching the green as she searches back and forth, "Shan..." is her pleading cry for help, though what Shannen can do is unknown.
Anonee blinks back tears of happiness, slipping her hand free of Kardel's, now...K'del? K'rel? and tightens her grasp on Peros' hand.
D'zel steps through some shards and makes his way over to Kardel, "Congrats, if you and Geddeth? Would follow me, we'll get him something to eat and some oil."
Danielle watches the brown impress with a smile and turns her attention back on the green. "Not many left now..." There is a note in her voice that is wavering and she has begun to fidget...badly.
Jenna was watching that brown pretty close. She again has a bit of a crestfallen expression, but calls, "Congrats, Kardel!" A bit lower, she shifts and asks, "How many *are* left?" Her hand tightens on the other girl's, teeth worrying that lower lip distractedly.
Growing hot, tired, and extremely overwellmed, Shannen manages a smile for the newest impression, but it is Kesha that gains the majority of her attention. Consoling, she wraps an arm about her sister, and murmurs, "It's all right... Steady."
Peros smiles and squeezes Anonee's hand, "You know what? No matter what happens now, I am happy that he Impressed."
D'won steps forward and lays a hand upon Geddeth's muzzle, "Its okay, I'm here now... You'll feel better once you eat." He stosp and then laughs, "Its your tail, silly!"
Tejas looks up as he hears the cries of congratulations again, smiling wanly in Kardel's, no D'won's, direction and edging closer to the remaining Candidates again.
Geddeth butts his head emphatically against his lifemate's middle, crooning happily at the hand on his muzzle. He leans trustingly against D'won and looks suspiciously up at D'zel.
Kasrin grins as she actual sees this Impression, "Kardel! Geddeth!! Congrats!". As her congrats drift away, the young lass loosens her grasp from her robe and runs her palms doen the side of it. She moves closer to the diminishing group of Candidates and looks out to the sands before her.
D'zel is used to being looked at that way, being a fairly suspicious character. He shows the new pair off and then turns about to see who is next, eyes scanning the dwindling group of candidates.
Kesha simply gapes. Lost for words, her grip fades from Shannen's arms and she sinks into that lovely gaze, "I see you...I love you?" she giggles, all shades of her timid nature wiped away as she relaizes this is quite, quite true. "I do love you Sath!" she squeeks then and kneels down and wraps her hands around that lovely little face, "I love you!!"
D'won says "Its okay Geddeth. That's D'zel.. He'll show us where we can fix your middle." He adds as he leads the dragonet off, "I'll explain the tail thing too, promise.""
Sath croons and nuzzles Kesha happily!
Danielle swallows a little and glances at Jenna with wide eyes and back to the sands again. Words have failed her again and she just watches for now, her hands gripping the sides of her robe tightly.
Geddeth steps into the holding room.
Geddeth has left.
D'won steps into the holding room.
D'won has left.
D'zel moves quickly over to whatever triplet it is, heck if he can tell, "Er. Sath and..right this way for oil and food."
Spicy Rhubarb Chutney Egg produces a dazzling violet blue dragonet while nearby the Bistro Suprise Egg cracks shell to reveal a fresh green hatchling. On the other side of the Big Bitran Family Soup Egg hatches to show it held a beautiful kelly green. The three head out in different directions, the first green joining with a dark haired beauty from the Healercraft, the second green finding a plain, chubby young lady from nearby Fort Hold. The violet blue heads straight for a former Weavercraft Apprentice, bugling as the boy shouts out his name, the final Impression being made.
Shannen bursts into tears as she realizes what has just happened!! Kesha has impressed! Stepping away, she watches her sibling through a thick curtain of tears, pride and satisfaction shinning in her eyes. This woman's day is complete. "Kesha... "
Kasrin calls out, "Kesha - congrats!" .As the final Impression occurs, the lass lets her shoulders sag abit but keeps her chin up, looking around at those remaining.
F'ren takes a deep breath and steps forward as the last hatchling on the sands impresses. "Candidates, if you'll follow me back to the barracks, please?"
Peros nods, "Yes, sir."
Kesha giggles more, completly giddy, "I rather liked your egg... did you know that was me out there? Oh! Food..." she looks up and simply /beams/ a smile to Shannen, then scramble sto her feet to follow D'zel, "She
Jenna cheers for Kesha, "You won't be headed back to the Hall!" And completely misses the last impression. By the time she turns back, it's all over. "Danie? Did, oh shells. I'm sorry." She gives the 'Reaches girl a sympathetic look before nodding to the Weyrleader.
Milque looks out over the sands, all the eggs reduced to shards now, all of Elynth's little ones heading off with their new lifemates. She turns and wraps her arms partway around Elynth's neck.
Kesha ..She's very hungry."
Tejas edges closer still, calling out faintly, "Congratulations, Kesha..." Somewhat stunned, he follows F'ren off the Sands.
Anonee turns, giving Peros a quick hug. "Come on," she says.
Peros smiles and hugs Anonee.
Shoulders straight, happiness residing in her eyes, Shannen bows to the elder dragons on the sands, respectful to the hilt, and then falls into place behind the Weyrleader.
Kesha steps into the holding room.
Kesha has left.
F'ren motions towards the 'barracks'.
Sath steps into the holding room.
Sath has left.
Peros leaves the sands.
Peros has left.
Danielle nods gravely to F'ren and gives a quick glance up to the ledges where dragons and there riders watch the hatching. She squints and then raises a hand to wave a bit at someone up there before turning back to walk off the sands tall and proud. Though a bit stoney faced. "Hey, it's okay. My lifemate wasn't out there is all," She says softly to Jenna as they walk. "Yours wasn't either...it'll happen.
Kasrin leaves the sands.
Kasrin has left.
Shannen leaves the sands.
Shannen has left.
Anonee leaves the sands.
Anonee has left.
Danielle leaves the sands.
Danielle has left.
You return to the Candidate Barracks.
Candidates Barracks(#10244RAJ$)
Chore Board
Sign: Welcome to Fort!
Fort Weyr Firelizard Perch
Tejas enters the barracks.
Tejas has arrived.
F'ren enters the barracks.
F'ren has arrived.
F'ren says "Puppets not belonging to those folks in this room, please leave."
Anonee collapses onto the foot of her cot, rubbing at her feet.
T'shar is bronze Toniath's rider, at Fort Weyr.
Shannen flops onto her cot, eyes wide, entranced by what she has just witnessed. "I can't believe it... all my siblings!" She simply beams.
Danielle moves and sits on her cot calmly with her eyes on F'ren. There is a stoney sort of expression on her face. And if anyone knew Danie's mother they would be able to put quite a resemblance to it.
Jenna nods to Danie, quiet. "Even if it doesn't, it was fun. And *this* time, T'shar won't beat me cause I let myself get out of shape. I just hope mother didn't try to come." She moves to her own cot, waiting.
F'ren says "I know these words may not seem appropriate or mean much, but we do thank all of you for being with us. And we also meant it when we said that we want each of you to remain here at Fort if you wish, and try again next time."
eros sits next to Anonee and puts his arm around her, "I am really happy for him."
Anonee nods her head, a little stiffly, "Me too," she sniffles.
"I plan to, F'ren sir." Danielle says formaly. "I have no wish to leave Fort."
Peros nods, "Thank you, sir."
F'ren says "You may of course remain here, and we'll find work for all
of you. If you wish to return to where you lived when we searched, you will
of course provide transportation back. Take a few days if you need to make up
your minds."
Kasrin returns to her cut and sits, giving her sandy, scorched feet a quick wiping. Looking over at the weyrleader, she smiles and nods, remaining quiet.
F'ren smiles at Danielle. "Good. And I hope you all do as Danielle has done."
Shannen tosses a salute at F'ren and nods, most avidly. She isn't going anywhere, though she might very well avoid the whole side of the Weyr that Kelli and her new terror will preside over.
Danielle licks her lips and says, "I wish to return to my duties in the SAR, sir." There is a small flicker of a smile as the Weyrleader smiles at her.
Anonee nods her head, "If the Headwoman will take me back, I want to stay. This has always been my home."
F'ren nods. "Those who were residents here before being asked to stand will return to their previous jobs."
Jenna quirks a sly smile smile at F'ren. "You didn't get rid of me the last time. I'm just hoping that you'll still want messages run."
F'ren grins at Anonee. "Trust me, Norri will have you back. You should have heard her complaining about the prospet of loosing you."
Danielle nods and says, "Thank you sir." Before shooting a relieved sort of look at Jenna. "Oh you'll be staying? Good." Now she relaxs a little bit, her shoulders slumping slightly.
Anonee smiles softly, looking at her hands. "I'll be glad to be of help then."
F'ren smiles, "Well, not that particular message, but I suspect I'll have one before the night is out to be delivered to our neighbors."
Milque enters from the Inner Caverns, letting the curtain fall shut behind
Milque has arrived.
Jenna does actually grin at that. "I'm the girl, sir. I even managed to stay in shape this time. No chance of T'shar beating me again."
K'ryn enters from the Inner Caverns, letting the curtain fall shut behind him.
K'ryn has arrived.
F'ren says "Speaking of SAR. I think someone has something to say about that."
F'ren nods towards K'ryn before saying, "And if you'll all excuse me. Master Astin told me out on the sands that Aria is having her baby. I need to get up to our weyr."
F'ren brushes aside the curtain and heads back to the Inner Caverns.
F'ren has left.
Milque smiles as she comes in, "I just wanted to thank you all so much for standing for Elynth's eggs, you have honored fort by your service to the weyr in standing."
Yeah, that's why he's here, of all people. K'ryn bustles in, holding a wineglass, probably from the party outside. He waits for Milque to speak, then adds, "I know you all are likely to be dissapointed, right now. I know- I went through this once, standing, and getting left on the sands. But it's not the end, by any means.'
Shannen pulls herself off her cot with a bounce, and bows to Milque, smile curling her lips and tugging her cheeks as they sprinkle with hints of flush.
Jenna arches her eyebrows at K'ryn, though her expression is faintly amused. Milque gets a quirky smile before she looks back to the wingsecond.
Tejas is sitting dispiritedly on his cot. Even though he claimed to have been certain he wouldn't Impress, it's still a tremendous disappointment.
K'ryn offers Jenna a little smile. "And you'll keep showing up here, I'm sure." That personal comment, aside, he continues. "Anyway, I'm sure you don't want to hear this right now. I'm sure some of you just want to sleep, or punch something, or- honestly -just cry into your pillow. But, anyway, I'm sure you've been told, by now, that you'd all be welcome to stay at Fort, yes?"
Shannen nods to K'ryn, while slipping back onto her cot.
Jenna nods to K'ryn, as she settles on her mussy cot. Hal uncoils from his spot on her pillow, and pushes a head under her hand for attention.
Anonee reaches over to her pillow, scooping up Spoon, and running a finger down his back.
Peros nods to K'ryn, just looking tired.
"Right, well, I have my own reason for you to stay, beyond what F'ren might have given. He mentioned the SAR, as I was coming in." K'ryn pauses here. "It's something I run. Search and Rescue, from dragonback. Thing is, it's not just riders. A few people..." He waves at Shannen, and the sleeping Danielle, "Were even on it before they were searched. Others join all the time. And anyone can join, that's one important thing about it.."
Milque looks around and spots one candidate looking down. She takes a few stes over towards him, "Are you going to be alright, Tejas?"
Jenna asks curiously, "From dragonback? You wouldn't need any runner, would you, K'ryn?"
Quiet tears stream down Tejas's face. He doesn't seem to have heard the weyrwoman's question.
"We need anyone who's in fair physical shape, really. I think that counts all of you in, if you lived through candidacy." K'ryn winks. "Anyway, I know you want to rest now, and I won't bore you with details. But if you're at all interested, in continuing to help protect the people in our coverage, just as normal riders do, think about staying for search and rescue."
Shannen nods and smiles to K'ryn, reaching absently out to fluff her pillow. Dropping now that the ephoria has worn off, the girl starts to inch her way into bed, forcefully blinking away the sleep that attempts to enchroach upon her eyesight.
Milque takes another little breath, then leaves the young man alone for the moment, knowing he probably needs a little time and space right now.
"Shannen here, helped me save a girl from freezing to death, once," he points out, before finally concluding the speech. "So think about it. If you're interested, just come and see me, I'm always around." And K'ryn turns her way, offering a nod. "Weyrwoman, I'll leave them to you."
Milque smiles, "It's okay K'ryn, F'ren and I have already spoken to them... I aws about to go check on Elynth now."
Milque brushes aside the curtain and heads back to the Inner Caverns.
Milque has left.
K'ryn starts out, as well, before offering, "There's wine out there, by the way, and no more rules about not drinking." A wink, and he's off.
Jenna eyes K'ryn as he leaves, expression considering. "Well, I enjoyed the feast last time too. Anyone up for coming with me?" The question is gently put to those remaining in the barracks.
You head into the Living Caverns.