After the Welcome to the Weyr dinner for P'ter, Jenna finds L'nan and Alirath at the lake and much amusement ensues.
Jenna - Thursday, November 29, 2001, 9:08 PM
You walk toward the southwest, where the edge of the lake laps on a rocky beach.
Fort Weyr Bowl, by the lake
This long stretch of the bowl lies to the southeast of the feeding grounds.
At its western end, near the wall, the ground dips down slightly to where a
lake has formed. Dragons are often washed there by their riders, and both riders
and their dragons often swim in the cool waters.
The fenced off portion of the bowl for the Weyr's herds is to the northwest.
To the north, a small structure built against the feeding ground pens serves
as the Weyr's stables. Waves gently lap the shore to the west, and the rest
of the bowl lies to the northeast.
L'nan is leaning back against the dark lump of Alirath. He looks to be asleep, breathing evenly and eyes closed.
Jenna is wandering rather quietly, accompanied by her little bronze. She stops, puzzled, "Alirath? Sweetheart, what're you doing here?" Dragon is seen before rider is, steps quickened to come around the blue's bulk.
Alirath warbles softly to Jenna, crooning at the little bronze as well. It's a forlorn sound, though, instead of the usual cheerfulness. The blue dragons' eyes whirl slowly, though no red is apparent. L'nan isn't yet awakened, as Alirath is careful not to jostle the snoozing rider.
Jenna ahs softly, "Silly lump. Your rider, dear, not you." She pulls the shawl from her shoulders, still in her dress from earlier in the evening, and crouches to spread it over the still form. "You missed a lovely party if you're just now getting back from Telgar."
L'nan turns in his snooziness, eyes opening blearily. "Jenna?" he murmurs, teeth chattering slightly. He tugs the shawl up to his chin. "Th-thanks. S-sorry I skipped out an' didn't come back, Lorieth r-r-rose." It might just be the cold, but his speech is rather slurred as he speaks.
Jenna frowns slightly, leaning over the bluerider and quite obviously sniffing at his breath. "Those Telgar greens. Are you all right?"
Wine. Quite a strong stench, too, if Jenna's sense of smell is good. "Cours'm'all right," the bluerider answers, eyes sliding closed and then opening again. "B-b-but it's hard t'be around a whole lotta people when'm like this." Eyes squinch shut again. "Y'should prolly stay away from me."
Jenna says gently, "If I can handle Norse after a gold flight, I think I'll be safe enough. Smells like you've drowned your sorrows well enough anyway. We really should get some water into you - your headache won't be as bad tomorrow."
L'nan's eyes are still squinched shut as he answers determinedly, "Drunk'nuff t'night. N'more. An' Norse's different. S'justa bronzer." As if /that/ makes any sense.
Jenna's brow furrows. "Just a bronzer? Well, I'll remember to remind him of that next time I see him. Come on," her tone turns cajoling, "You'll freeze if you stay down here. It's still cold you know. Isn't there a guest weyr or something around here, if you don't want to go back to your own?"
L'nan sniffles slightly. "Bronzers'r useta not catchin' cuz lots less golds rise than all the other greens an' so only fewer bronzes can win." With that his eyes open and they're filled with tears. "Can't we just stay here? Alirath'n't let me freeze." As if in answer, the blue settles his head across the riders legs, effectively curling around L'nan.
Jenna reaches out towards Alirath's eyeridges, silently offering soothing, her expression troubled. "If it's that important to you."
Alirath whuffles, and L'nan grins weakly. "H'says't you can stay. I asked'm," he adds, eyes following and trying to stay focused on Jenna. "Says't y'r nice an' scritch an' pretty an't your dress's nice." He pauses and then grins goofily. "Act'lly, /I/ said that last part."
Jenna soothes eyeridges, as she hikes up said dress over knees so it won't get dirty with her kneeling on the ground. "It goes with his hide. And I didn't think he had an eye for sisal. Silly." Her tone is affectionate. She is silent for a moment and then says softly, "Are flights always this hard for you?"
"'Snot hard. I'm jes' tired an' kinda little drunk," admits L'nan. "An' this's always how 'tis after flights b'cause flight-bedding's no' right." He shifts his head so that he can lay it on her lap, if she'll let him. "Wha's sisel? Will you scratch /my/ head?" This last asked plaintively.
Jenna sifts to make both dragon and rider more comfortable. "Sisal's what I'm wearing." She hesitates, and then her hand dips to run through short blonde hair. "Why isn't flight bedding right? You lost me there."
L'nan lets out a contented sigh almost at the same time as Alirath does. "Sisalsoft," the rider proclaims, nodding his head to rub his cheek against the material. "Feels good." This could be aimed at the sisal or at the hand going through his hair. "'Snot right 'cuz iss like usin' a girl an' I don't like'r an' feel all emb'rassed th'next mornin' 'cuz I don' wanna see'r or weyrmate'r or sleep with'r anymore."
L'nan adds, "'Sonly right if you /win/. I didn'win."
Jenna sighs softly, "Oh, Lu. Most weyrbred girls are more than aware it's just the one night. And you never know. You might surprise yourself and have something come of it." That hand still strokes through his hair. "Besides, why should you be embarassed?"
L'nan groans. "B'cause I don't /like'r/. An' cuz if they know it's only th'one night why'd they wanna?" He opens his eyes and looks up at Jenna. "Makes me feel embarrassed for them. B'cause didn't mean nothin'. An' I don't /want/ somethin' t'come of it."
Jenna sighs softly. "Why are you afraid, Lu?" The question is spoken as though she doesn't really expect an answer. Both hands now find temples and start rubbing gently, trying to ease the headache that's sure to come later.
Shifting so he's laying on his back and looking up at Jenna as her hands work, L'nan doesn't answer at first. Instead, he stares at the sky through half-shut lids. Finally, he muses absently, "M'not gonna hava kid like that. No one wantsa kid like that."
Jenna sighs. "Oh, Lu. There are ways that women can avoid carrying a child. Particularly if they're in a weyr. If they don't want to, they don't. It's pretty much that simple, particularly for the man involved."
L'nan snorts. "Doesn't matter," he insists. "'Snot right. 'Snot fair. Jus' cuz it's simple isn't mean for make it right." There goes is grammar, yep.
Jenna tries to follow that one. She tries a different tact. "Would you have been happier if you'd not drunk yourself insensible and instead woken up with someone the next morning? The first girl to find you?"
L'nan shakes his head, then winces as his eyes trace invisible patterns. He mutters something about staying still and a few quiet moments go by. "Nope. I'd rather be drunk 'sensible," he declares. "Then no kid'd be born t'the wrong person an' sent off with traders." No one said drunken riders had to make sense!
Panthanea walks out along the lake shore.
Panthanea has arrived.
Panthanea walks to the edge of the lake ans sits, staring at the stars and oblivious to the world.
Jenna is sitting with L'nan, the pair hard to distinguish against Alirath's bulk.
Alirath uncurls his neck from the position he had been in, to turn and whuffle Panthanea-wards curiously.
Panthanea smiles. "A pleasant evening to you too, Honorable Blue Dragon."
L'nan lifts his head from where he'd been resting against Jenna, and sits up with a groan. "'s someone else here too?" he asks in vague confusion, voice slurred. He gives Jenna an odd look. "Didju jus' say that?"
Jenna starts to reply to whatever it is L'nan was saying, though the sound of another voice cuts her off. "No, careful," she warns quietly. "Someone else is here."
Panthanea looks shocked.
Alirath, for his part, merely croons at Panthanea in a friendly and quiet tone. "'Lirath says there's a lum- a girl over there," he whispers too loudly to Jenna. Then, in a near-yell, "Hello?"
L'nan whispers that. And yells.
Panthanea stands. "I'm sorry to have awoken you, rider."
Jenna winces. "Ow! Lu... you're really gonna pay for this in the morning." She smiles in the direction of the vague form of the stranger. "He wasn't asleep. Might be better for him if he could though." Her tone is friendly enough.
L'nan repeats after Jenna, "Not asleep, nope. Jus' real drunk." He states it proudly as he scrambles to his feet. Once standing, he weaves in place - like a willow in the wind, really. "Don't want t'sleep either."
Panthanea smiles, guessing what might have been going on. "Actually, you don't have to worry, I around me. I'm not from around here."
Panthanea giggles lightly at the drunk comment.
Jenna pops up to support L'nan, wrapping arms rather unabashedly around his waist. "I think it was a full couple of skins, actually. And you would feel better in the morning if you slept it off - you were dozing when I came out here, after all."
L'nan grimaces at Jenna's comment. "Was not," he claims stoutly. "Was watchin' th'stars. An' we're not worried," he adds to Panthanea. "So where're you from then, f'not here?"
Panthanea blinks. "A couple SKINS?!" She clears her throat and composes herself. "Actually, I'm a wander from High Reaches."
Jenna nods distractedly to Panthanea, though most of her attention is bent on holding L'nan upright. "You see my point," she murmurs. "Were you in for the welcoming feast then? For P'ter, the new weyrleader here at Fort?"
Panthanea says "Sadly, nay. I actually came for the stargazing.""
"Skins, skins, skins," sings the bluerider cheerfully, leaning probably more than he should on Jenna. "Skins'v'red, skins'v'white, get you drunk an' ready t'fight!" At this, he raises fists in a ludicrous fighting position. Then, suddenly, he drops them. "Fort's duties t'Reaches!" And he starts to salute with the wrong hand.
Panthanea giggles and shakes her head.
Jenna nearly gets clocked in the head with the salute, and says firmly to L'nan, "You're in no condition to be representing the weyr, bluerider. Faranth's teeth! - Alirath," she appeals to the blue, "steady his whirling head, will you?" Her lright frame has enough muscle, and she shifts a hip deftly to make certain L'nan stays upright. "Well," she continues on to the stranger, "You missed a loverly party." After all, she supports drunk blueriders every day, don't you know.
Panthanea says "no need to salute me, Rider. I'm just a wanderer."
Panthanea smiles. "Sounds like."
Alirath whuffles and settles into a snoozing mode. L'nan does blink and shift his weight, however. He may not be completely balanced, but he's at least trying to do better. "M'weyrsecond," he proclaims. "I repesent the weyr." He salutes again, adding, "Always got't'be polite t'others," in a singsong voice. "An' Jenna's right, 'twas a great party 'til I left."
Panthanea chuckles again and bows. "I am Panthanea, recently of High Reaches Weyr."
Jenna gives the blue a faintly sour look. Fat lot of help he is. "Fort's duties to the Reaches and her queens then," she says politely, "Oh, which reminds me. Lu, remember Hiriwa? Stood with us? She's standing at the clutch on the sands at the Reaches. Saph was going to give me a ride to the hatching. Word has it it'll be any day. And then I'm off to Igen riding for a month for training."
Panthanea nods. "Yes, they're predicting three days from now."
L'nan smiles and attempts the name. "Pathnea, niceta meetcha. I'm L'nan an' this's Alirath," he says, pointing to Jenna. "An' this is Jenna," pointing to the blue dragon. At Jenna's quick announcements, he frowns in thought. "Hirwa, yes... 'member her. S'real nice girl. An' you're leavin' for a whole month?" His voice sounds hurt. "Will y'put me in bed first?"
Jenna heaves a sigh. "That's what I've been trying to do ever since I woke you up, Lu." She says a trifle amusedly to Panthanea, "I'm his dragon, don't you know." She shakes her head. "If he's lucky, the hangover will be gone by then."
Panthanea makes a face. "Longer if it was Benden."
L'nan nods slowly. "Benden'n Harper'n Tillek," he rattles off, adding fingers as he lists the wines. Somehow five fingers are up though he's mentioned only three. "An' then th'brown drink't makes m'head go -whallop- an' the green stuff't makes your fingers tingle." He looks at his hand in confusion, then murmurs to Jenna, "Can y'bring some water too?"
Jenna draws in breath, her expression a trifle cross. Then she lets it out slowly, after a count of ten. "Yes. I'll bring water, if Alirath'll fly-" she breaks off and then looks at the snoozing blue. "On second thought, guest weyr it is. Can you walk, Lu? You're a bit big to be carried." She gives an apologetic look to the girl.
Alirath's head lifts and eyes flip open to whuffle-snort at Jenna. "Says'll fly me up t'my weyr," L'nan informs the two girls. "An'll fly you too an'll fly you down if y'don't mind goin' by yourself."
Panthanea blinks. "It appears the Blue rider had way too much. Rest would be best." She smiles carelessly.
L'nan adds to Jenna, "Y'could stay but I only got three furs an' y'might blush too much," in a complacent and rather teasing tone.
Jenna clears her throat. "All right. That's enough out of you. Mount up if you would." She gives him a gentle nudge towards the blue. "Panthanea, well met. There's plenty of spare cots in the dorms if you like. Just through the living cavern, second cavern on the left. I'll likely be back after I get him settled. Fort's hosting quite a few tonight, what with people in from all over the coverage area to celebrate with P'ter."
L'nan stumbles towards the blue dragon, who carefully holds out a foreleg. With a few muttered curses and one near-fall, L'nan makes it up to straddle Alirath's neck. "G'night an' nicetameetcha, Panthea!" So he can't get the name right. At least he tried.
L'nan climbs up Alirath's forelimb and finds a secure spot on his neck.
L'nan has left.
Panthanea says "I can imagine. I thank you for your offer, Lady Jenna, but I may just watch the skies a little longer, then make my way for home."
Jenna gives the girl a swift smile, "Well, we've Fall tomorrow, I'd suggest staying. The Reaches are far too distant to make it safe under cover. And you'd be most welcome at Fort." Then she's scrambling up the blue's hide herself, though with a bit more grace than his rider.
Alirath's deep blue hide is warm and soft beneath you as you settle between
two ridges on his shoulders.
You climb up with the help of Alirath's forelimb, securing yourself onto the ridges of his neck.
L'nan shifts as Jenna clambers up behind him and turns, lecturing, "Straps tight, don't forget, an' put your arms around me so y'don't get whipped around, y'ready yet?" Then he quickly gets his own straps organized and tightened.
From the area around, Panthanea sits on the beach, looking at the red star glowing in the sky.
Jenna clips in with a minimum of fuss, and then wraps her arms around the bluerider from behind. "Like Alirath would drop me. We're just going to your weyr, Lu. You need bed."
L'nan gives a final wave in the direction of the lake, and then Alirath shifts, waggling his rear end once, twice, and thrice before launching into the air.
You launch into the air, spraying sand behind you.
Above southwest area of Fort Weyr Bowl(#921RLae$)
The southern wall of Fort's oblong bowl is disrupted by the evidence of an earthslide
from Turns past, which broke through the southern bowl and into the lake. The
walls on either side of the slide are tall and steep, their inner surfaces worn
from Turns of exposure but still wearing some of the marks. The wind is gentler
here, as this is an eddy spot below the lip of the earthslide.
Below you and slightly to the southwest spreads the large Fort Weyr lake. You
can see that a portion has been fenced off for the herds in the Feeding Grounds
to the north of it. Back to the northeast stretches the rest of the bowl, with
the large area in front of the Weyrling Barracks and the entrance to the Living
Caverns. Farther to the northeast are the entrances to the Junior Queens' weyrs,
the Weyrleader Complex, and the Hatching Grounds. There are many ledges to 'weyrs'
scattered throughout the walls of the cliffs here.
You backwing to a landing on your ledge.
Alirath and L'nan's Weyr(#16801RJh)
As you enter this weyr, you may notice that it is a bit small, though cozy.
The further you venture inside, the messier- and thus roomier -it becomes. In
the far back corner, there is a curtain made of a thin fabric hung to block
off a corner for privacy. In another corner (and this weyr has many), there
is a jumble of furs that are apparently where L'nan sleeps. Along perhaps the
only straight patch of wall is a rickety table, with hides, clothes, and various
other items strewn on, beside, and under it.
A large couch with a few designs scratched into it mark Alirath's territory.
If you take a closer look at the 'carvings', you might learn a bit about L'nan's
favorite memories. Just next to the couch is a natural outcrop of rock from
the wall. Underneath this outcrop is stored a large pot of oil, a bowl of water,
and an assortment of other oddities used to treat and pamper dragons.
Finally, a small chest rests just next to L'nan's jumble of furs. The curious
might try to get a closer look at it (+viewable). In all, it's an adolescent's
paradise: junk, comfort, dirt, and home, all in one cave.
Jenna unclips and slides down quickly, ready to steady him in his own descent.
You unstrap yourself from Alirath's neck and slide down to the ground.
Alirath and L'nan's Weyr(#16801RJh)
As you enter this weyr, you may notice that it is a bit small, though cozy.
The further you venture inside, the messier- and thus roomier -it becomes. In
the far back corner, there is a curtain made of a thin fabric hung to block
off a corner for privacy. In another corner (and this weyr has many), there
is a jumble of furs that are apparently where L'nan sleeps. Along perhaps the
only straight patch of wall is a rickety table, with hides, clothes, and various
other items strewn on, beside, and under it.
A large couch with a few designs scratched into it mark Alirath's territory.
If you take a closer look at the 'carvings', you might learn a bit about L'nan's
favorite memories. Just next to the couch is a natural outcrop of rock from
the wall. Underneath this outcrop is stored a large pot of oil, a bowl of water,
and an assortment of other oddities used to treat and pamper dragons.
Finally, a small chest rests just next to L'nan's jumble of furs. The curious
might try to get a closer look at it (+viewable). In all, it's an adolescent's
paradise: junk, comfort, dirt, and home, all in one cave.
Alirath gets to the weyr with a minimum of acrobatics, landing quickly and softly. L'nan fusses with his straps and finally gets them undone, then attempts to dismount - and ends up merely falling to the floor in a pile.
L'nan unstraps himself from Alirath's neck and slides down to the ground.
L'nan has arrived.
Jenna wasn't quite quick enough, and hisses softly, levering an arm under him to try to get him, "Where in the world do you sleep, Lu?"
L'nan points to the ledge. "On'th'furs. Jenna," he adds in a more clear tone as he clambers to his feet with her help. "In th'corner by th'chest."
Jenna kicks a pile of clothes out of the way without comment, and steers him in that direction, getting him there with little enough fanfare. She eases him down, and then crouches to start tugging off boots. "You really should try a cot, you know," she says mildly. "Or even a big rushes bag. You'd be oodles more comfortable." She braces herself, tugging hard.
L'nan shifts his foot so that it slides easily out of the boot. "Je-naaaa," he whines pathetically. "I like my bed, s'real comfy. See?" So saying, he leans forward to grasp her arm and pull her onto the large mound of furs.
Jenna was braced from falling forward, not backwards, and so is taken completely off guard, landing back on her rear with a 'whump'. "Ooof. Don't whine, Lu - It'd just." She stops and wiggles a bit, "Well, it's not half bad, actually."
L'nan shifts to the side to make room for her. Then, as though she were a rag doll, he sits up and straightens her legs out. "See? S'big, an' s'comfy, an s'warm." With that last, he pulls a fur over her and then crawls underneath to stretch out beside her.
Jenna clears her throat. "I take it I'm staying then?" Her tone is faintly amused. "You are going to have the worst headache tomorrow." She reaches out to comb fingers gently through spiked blonde locks once more.
L'nan sighs in contentment, murmuring, "Well, all right," as if she'd just asked permission. "I like that, makes m'head feel nice," he admits. Then, without warning, he turns on his side to face Jenna and throws an arm over her middle. There he settles, apparently comfortable that way.
Jenna watches the ceiling, though she does turn to press a kiss to his forehead. "It won't feel so nice in the morning, Lu." There isn't much of her middle to cuddle and that hip is rather bony. "Before you get too comfy, do you have a reasonably clean shirt or something? I don't want to crush my new dress."
L'nan sighs again at the kiss, then pushes himself up to standing, stepping carefully over Jenna and making his way to the small table on the other side of the weyr. There, folded shirts and pants lay beside various scrolls, and from here L'nan plucks a large white shirt. He weaves his way back to the furs and holds it out. "S'good? S'my favorite shirt," he admits. "Y'hafta giv't back."
Jenna pushes out of the furs. "Tomorrow morning, first thing." She pauses, and then starts removing her boots first, taking her time with it.
L'nan plops down on the furs and peels off his own shirt, chucking it off into some corner of the weyr to doubtlessly join other clothing. Without even a hesitation, he peels off his pants and grabs from somewhere near the fur-bed a pair of soft pajama shorts and slips them on. He then rests chin on knees, watching Jenna. He just doesn't seem to get it.
Jenna pauses and then turns bright red. "Uh, Lu? I hate to ask. Could you, ah, unlace me? In the back." She turns her back then, and the problem is clear. The bodice laces up below where she can reach. "I had someone else lace me in tonight."
L'nan blinks at the laces uncertainly, then grins. "Sure, Jenna... hold on." He reaches up to fumble incoherently with the laces, then seems to get a grip and carefully unties and undoes part of the back, fingers alternately brushing against her skin and the sisal. "More?"
Jenna clears her throat, her voice a trifle unsteady, "Just a bit. Just loosen the rest? I should be able to slip out of it." She pulls the headband from her hair, her other hand still holding the shirt.
L'nan seems to become more clearminded with the task, and his fingers adroitly unlace lower and lower. "There?" he asks again softly. He lets his fingers brush against her back again, and though it's a quick touch there's not much way it could be an accident.
Jenna shivers lightly and shifts forward, pulling on the shirt over the gown in one quick motion. "I think that's got it, yeah." Then she wriggles, and a pile of blue sisal appears at her feet. She steps out of it, the shirt coming well down to her knees and far too big for her, flapping like a sail as she bends to pick up the garment, fussing lightly with it.
L'nan sighs and leans back, getting comfortable on the bed of furs. With hands behind his head, he watches Jenna with amusement. "S'little big," he notes, "But looks all right. 'Sit comfy?"
Jenna drapes the gown over the back of a chair and nods, coming back to settle next to him. "Very. And much better for sleeping."
L'nan moves to curl up beside Jenna again, arm once more draping about her middle. "Will you keep running your fingers through m'hair?" he pleads quietly.
Jenna shifts to provide a shoulder to lay on, fingers coming up slowly to massage his temple. She is quiet, though her heart is thumping hard enough to be felt through her light frame.
L'nan smiles as his eyes drift shut, though he doesn't doze off. After a few relaxing moments, he lifts his head to peer at Jenna's face. "Are you nervous 'bout stayin' here?" he asks sincerely. "If y'don't wanta, Alirath'll take you down." He makes as if to say something, then shuts his mout, then adds, "I'd like y't'stay, but if y'don't wanta..."
Jenna swallows and shakes her head. "No. Not I'm not nervous. Shhh, you need some rest, Lu." Fingers comb gently through his hair.
L'nan keeps his head stubbornly up, watching Jenna carefully. "If y'want I could sleep on Alirath's couch with him," he offers, "An' let you have the bed..."
Jenna's tone is amused, "Oh, stop being silly. You're drunk and worrying over nothing. I doubt my virtue's in danger. C'mon. Lay back down here."
L'nan does as told finally, resting his head on Jenna's shoulder. He does tilt his head so that he can brush a light kiss against her neck, though, and whisper, "Thank you, Jenna."
Jenna shivers lightly, eyes closing for a moment. It almost seems as though she's not going to say anything. Finally she murmurs, "For what?" Fingers return to comb almost restlessly through his hair.
L'nan answers by kissing her neck again, more lingeringly this time. His arm tightens around her just slightly as he mumbles, "For stayin'. For bein' my friend. For bein' so sweet t'me."
That heart is pounding just as hard as it was before. At the second kiss, if stutters a moment, then picks up pace. Jenna's voice is quiet, "Well, I'm leaving for Igen soon enough. Faranth knows the next time I'll catch you drunk," her tone is deliberately light on this last.
"I wish you weren't leavin'," L'nan admits softly. Then, slowly but deliberately, he starts a trail of small kisses from neck to jaw, then along her jawline to her chin. He does it so slowly almost as if giving her time to stop him if she wants.
Jenna seems to be having a hard time catching her breath. "Lu..." His name is a mild protest, though in the next moment, her head turns, lips seeking his, the hand still in his hair guiding him down to her.
L'nan doesn't offer any resistance whatsoever, and he lets is lips softly rest on hers, kissing as lightly as he can - a teasing, carressing kiss that lets her be the guide. The arm draped over her tightens still more, holding her against him.
Jenna breaks the kiss after a moment, reluctantly. She whispers softly, "You need rest. And I don't need to take advantage, flight and wine muddled as you are." She draws in a deep, hitching breath, cheeks burning lightly.
L'nan lifts his head, eyes less clouded than before. "I'm a little muddled," he admits slowly, getting each word right. "But I know what I'm doin', too. And what you're doing." He lifts his hand from her waist and gently brushes his fingertips against her flushing cheek and down her neck, still the soft and teasing movements. He leans down to kiss her lips again, then rises up to raise his eyebrows slightly.
Jenna shakes her head. "*I* don't know what I'm doing." She was, however, kissing back. "I don't want this to be the wine, or me leaving. Just... I'm more than a little confused. And you'd regret this in the morning, Lu. Stay with cuddling?" A pause and she says softly, "Please? I... wouldn't want to regret this. And with the wine..."
L'nan kisses her one last time, then resettles his head on her shoulder, arm wrapping protectively around the waist again. "I wouldn't regret nothin'," he murmurs clearly. "'Specially not the cuddling." He says it matter of factly, then adds, "M'glad you stayed."
Jenna lets out a long, slow breath. "So am I. Even if I'm more confused
now than ever." She nestles her cheek against his hair, her free arm resting
comfortably on his shoulder, lightly stroking skin.