
After the Igen hatching, Jenna chats with R'tran and then is asked to come talk about the gather with L'nan. Needless to say, it doesn't go well.

jenna - Tuesday, June 11, 2002, 8:57 PM

Jenna slides down, looking rather tired and more than a little thoughtful. "Hey, Ry. You just getting back too? I dropped my family back off at home. Except Merrin. I'll go back tomorrow for him."

Fort Weyr Bowl, by the weyrling barracks
The Bowl of Fort Weyr, a large, nearly featureless plain surrounded by steep mountain cliffs, stretches out before you. It is vaguely oval in shape, long from the southwest to the northeast; you are standing near the wall northwest of its center. To the west is a cavern, carved into the cliffside, where newly-Impressed dragonriders live with their young dragons before they have been fully trained. When they join a regular fighting Wing, the young riders are ready to inhabit weyrs of their own.
To the south is the fenced off area where the Weyr's herds are kept. Along the north rim of the bowl, to the east of here, are the junior queens and weyrleaders weyrs, and the entrance to the Hatching ground. The center of the bowl, off which is the entrance to the large living caverns, stretches out to the southeast.
Obvious exits:
East Feeding Ground Weyrling Barracks Center of Bowl

R'tran isn't exactly short, but he could be described as compact. About 5'10", he possesses a sturdy, muscular torso and strong, well-defined limbs. His hair is a tousled auburn mop, his features pleasingly angular, with a strong, thick brow shading luminous klah-brown eyes. Immediately noticeable are his hands, which are unusually large and which bear the signs of many turns of hard, physical toil, more than might be expected for a weyrbred lad of his age. Yet his gait is energetic, his demeanor crackling with enthusiasm for all the adventures life has to offer. His voice rings with ebullient warmth, and his ready, husky laugh can often be heard rising above the din of workaday weyr life. R'tran appears to be about 21 Turns, 11 months, and 1 days old.

Today he is clad in his usual attire: toughly-woven cotton trousers, a nubby knit-wool tunic, an overjacket of black-tanned wherhide, and matching black leather boots. At his shoulder is a knot that reflects his status as the Fortian weyrling of his lifemate, bronze Eishith.

R'tran sinks into a seat, nodding disconsolately. "Yeah, I came back because we still have training to do back here, but shardit, I really should be there with Ryk right now. Ma stayed...

Jenna nods. "We both know what it feels like. Course, Merrin was more excited about Joshi getting mauled by one of the greens." She rolls her eyes. "Embarassing." A pause and she asks, "Think he'll stay? Or go back to Telgar? He /could/ come here for a while to visit. We should be getting our own weyrs soon enough..." She sounds oddly hesitant on that one.

R'tran bobs his head, sputtering bemusedly for a moment. "You know, my Ma liked that incident too! She said it reminded her of Tyrrath's hatching, when Tyrrath slashed a candidate, then bit Vidarth. I've never been so scared of my mother in my entire life!" He chortles briefly, then sighs. "I'll bet he goes back to Telgar. It's where he belongs. And I know Ma wants one of us there...." He shrugs. "I personally hope he is chosen to stand at Telgar one day! Just because I stood there and didn't Impress doesn't mean he wouldn't...."

Jenna nods. "Didn't realize you two were twins. I knew he was your brother, but..." She shrugs lightly, brushing at her skirts."

R'tran rakes his hand through his hair, then flops back onto Eishith's couch. "We /are/ twins - though you might never know it! We don't look much alike. We both have the hair...." He tousles his auburn curls again. "But that's it. Our eyes are even different colors..."

At first glance, this slight figure might be taken for a lad. Platinum blonde hair is cropped close to a smooth cheeked face in a servicable bob which spends most of its time tucked back behind ears. Startlingly blue eyes peer out from a face that is all plains and angles - a sharp nose, pointed chin, and cheekbones jut in bas-relief across this rocky landscape. Her frame is tall and lanky, no hint of roundness at all to soften it. Whipcord thin, she at least seems comfortable with her austere form, for she moves without the gangliness one would assume of youth.
Jenna is wrapped in a garment of icy sky-blue hue, made of fine sisal and embroidered with scrollwork designs over the surface of the bodice. On a second glance, it appears to be a trouser-dress, cut in a simple princess-line style, meant to flatter a slender figure. The skirt splits into flaring trouser-legs almost indistinguishable from a full skirt, yet divided for the comfort of the wearer. The fine, sheer fabric is tripled over in layers, to prevent complete transparency throughout the garment, except in the sleeves, which flutter down to just above elbow length on only two petaled layers of filmy blue. Settled in her hair is a pretty headband, made of multiple layers of the sisal, and reinforced with a stiffer material that is yet flexible to cleave to the wearer's head. Embroidered in like fashion to the bodice of the gown, it makes a charming accent to the outfit. Beneath the gown, calf boots of glove-soft wherhide, dyed to match wrap comfortably around Jenna's feet. Overall, the impression is quite flattering. Maybe there really is a girl under there after all.
Jenna wears the knot of a Fort Weyr weyrling in black and brown around one shoulder, with a strand of gold for her lifemate. Jenna still retains some of her tan from her time at Igen, the darker skin contrasting wildly with her platinum hair.

Jenna nods. She's quiet for a few minutes. "Kind of ironic, isn't it? Having brothers standing for the same clutch and neither impressed."

R'tran looks confused for a moment, then ahs, smiling, "Ryk didn't stand for the clutch I stood for at Telgar, Jen. That was only me. But I hope he'll be chosen to stand again /somewhere/, sometime, even if it's for a clutch at Honshu Weyr, at the other end of the world."

Jenna shakes her head. "No. Ryk and Merrin. Our brothers." She shrugs. "Forget it. I'm tired. And a little disappointed for Merrin. Still, he's young enough."

R'tran raises both brows, smacking his forehead. "Oh, sorry! And I'm sorry Merrin didn't Impress. Is he very disappointed?"

Jenna shakes her head. "I don't think it's sunk in yet. One reason I wanted him to stay at the weyr tonight rather than coming straight home, or going home with my folks. You should've met 'em."

R'tran sighs a little and nods. "I know you know that feeling - as do I - of having to pack up your belongings and move your things from the candidate barracks into the /dormitory/, with all the drudges, immediately after taking off your candidate robes. It's really a shock to your system." He pauses thoughtfully, then continues, "...That's the cruelest part about being a failed candidate. Right along with being locked out of the room where all your friends are."

R'tran keeps on talking, more enthusiastically this time. "Oh, I wish I'd met your parents! Where are they from?"

Jenna mms. "I don't know if it's a 'failed' candidate - Fallon's, remember? Like your sister? Just down the road. First time they'd ridden Niyath. And fluttering a bit about being escorted by a goldrider. Least I didn't have to have an escort myself this time."

R'tran laughs and nods. "I'll be they're as proud as they can be, Jen. And of course...I /remember/ Fallon's Hold - shards, my sister was named for the Holder there." He looks over at Eishith, beaming, "Ma and Tyrrath were waiting, circling over the Igen caldera when Eishith and I came out of /between/. We flew into the hatching cavern together. It was the first time Ma and I have flown side by side. Incredible. "

Jenna smiles, thawing slightly. "I can imagine. I heard my mother's little gasp as we came out of between. I don't think I'd ever been so pleased. Her first time. It's such a short hop to Fallon's, she'd never been between before."

R'tran's eyes fly wide. "Never?? Then I bet she was excited! They were here when you Impressed Niyath, weren't they?"

Jenna nods. "Everyone but my oldest brother. His wife was in labor."

R'tran nods and grins. "So there are /two/ new additions to the family now, eh?" He casts a glance toward Niyath.

Jenna nods. "Kinda funny that way, huh? Just odd coincidences is all."

R'tran leans back on his elbows and chuckles. "Well, I hope your brother's baby turns out half as well as Niyath, Jen!" He offers the gold his sweetest smile

Jenna shrugs. "We'll see. He'd be better off as a runner, I think. He's happy doing it at least." She seems oddly closemouthed tonight.

R'tran looks curiously at Jenna for a long moment, attempting to search her expression for signs of sadness or fatigue... then finding his results inconclusive, he simply nods his agreement. "There are lots of worse aspirations in life than to be a runner. I enjoyed it while I did it, and I know you did too."

Jenna nods. She leans against Niyath's hide. "More'll be needed when the pass ends too. Merrin'll be in his prime. What does your brother like to do?"

R'tran snickers quietly, leaning all the way back on Eishith's couch and covering his face with his hands. "Jen, I'm not sure you want to know...." He chortles, then opens a couple of fingers to peek at Jenna's reaction.

Jenna's brow furrows. "How's that?"

R'tran grins impishly, moving his hands to the side of his face so that Jenna can see just how naughty a young man's expression can be. "He likes to...ah.../hunt/."

Jenna is oblivious. "Well, there's nothing wrong with that. More meat's always needed for the weyr." Maybe she's being deliberately obtuse.

R'tran just burst into guffaws, his chest heaving as his uncontrolled mirth makes breathing difficult. "I am in /full/ agreement with you there, Jenna!"

Jenna's brow furrows and she just gives him a confused look.

Dragon> Niyath senses that Alirath rises up from depths so distant they appear black. Like a hidden spring of freshwater into salt, there's a distinctly cold, yet enveloping feel to his tones. << Mine wishes to know if yours will speak to him. >> Distant but friendly - Wary but willing.

Niyath> Alirath senses that Niyath's tones are a trifle weary. << Yes, if he wishes it. She is with Eishith's rider now. Their siblings, >> and the word is enuciated carefully, << Did not impress. We were there. >> There is the chaotic whirl of images, heat an hatching noise, and a glimpse of the Igen bowl.

Dragon> Niyath senses that Alirath returns resentment in his tones. << We could not go. >> There is no explanation offered after this, only a slight retreat of the mind like a wave returning to the sea before coming back again. << He wishes to go somewhere private but where yours is comfortable. Will the lake shore do? >>

Niyath> I bespoke Alirath with << She comes. >>

Jenna's eyes glaze. Then, "Excuse me, Ry? L'nan needs to speak with me. Likely more trouble from the gather." Without waiting for an answer, she heads towards the lake.

Fort Weyr Bowl, by the lake
This long stretch of the bowl lies to the southeast of the feeding grounds. At its western end, near the wall, the ground dips down slightly to where a lake has formed. Dragons are often washed there by their riders, and both riders and their dragons often swim in the cool waters.
The fenced off portion of the bowl for the Weyr's herds is to the northwest. To the north, a small structure built against the feeding ground pens serves as the Weyr's stables. Waves gently lap the shore to the west, and the rest of the bowl lies to the northeast.

R'tran walks out along the lake shore.
R'tran has arrived.

L'nan is just neatening Alirath's straps when the blue lifts his head to watch the newcomers. With one hand on the blue hide of Alirath's shoulder, Lu turns. "Hey, Jenna. Evenin', R'tran." It's friendly enough, if a little guarded.

R'tran, having nothing really better to do, toddles after Jenna right on out here to the lake. He gives L'nan a snappy salute before just sort of standing there, baiting his hook.

Jenna salutes L'nan and says, "You wanted to see me, sir?"

L'nan can't help the scowl that comes over his face at the salutes, but he does politely return them. "Actually, /I/ wanted to talk to /you/, t'Jenna, as.. as me, not as Weyrsecond. As us. D'you understand?" His voice is soft, and while he's really not trying to ignore R'tran, it's apparent that he's got something on his mind.

Jenna ohs softly, clearly taken a bit aback. "I thought I was still in trouble for the gather."

L'nan shakes his head a little impatiently. "No, you're not in any more trouble for that. I s'pose having your Gather ruined was enough punishment, eh?" It's a weak laugh that follows, but he's trying, anyway.

R'tran suddenly isn't sure he should be here and begins to fidget. He fusses with the worms in his bait pail, he devotes great attention to spearing said worm with his hook, and then he casts his line out mightily, muttering to himself that it hasn't gone far enough. But yet...he eavesdrops.

Jenna shrugs slightly, "I was wrong. It doesn't matter about my gather. Let's move on, okay?" She keeps her voice low, though not entirely out of R'tran's hearing.

R'tran quirks a brow, then takes a deep breath and exhales it, struggling not to blurt out something that will make things worse.

"It does matter, because you're still mad about it," L'nan says slowly, watching Jenna closely. His glance flickers to R'tran, but after all, he's just fishing, right? Eyes return to watch Jenna again.

Jenna shakes her head, "I was angry at the way you were treating me, yes. But everyone makes mistakes." A pause and then, "You seemed like you were jealous of N'ren, and there was no reason to be."

L'nan's eyebrows raise just a fraction of an inch at that, then settle down again. "I wasn't jealo- I didn't do or say anything I did because of jealousy," the bluerider says sharply. "It was inappropriate for him to be approaching you that way as a weyrling. Add that to the way he spoke to me as if I had no idea who you were or what you were capable of, and..." He trails off.

R'tran quirks a brow at L'nan. He is finally unable to contain himself. He spurtles, "Well, rumour has it that he spent the night with the Masterharper, anyway...." he snickers a bit, then recasts his line...

Jenna blinks a bit at R'tran and then says, a trifle tartly, "I think I'm quite capable of judging who is just trying to get me into the furs and who is having a civil conversation with me. I was wrong to ditch B'tal, yes. And I've apologized to him for that. As for appropriate, he was a perfect gentleman." 'Who didn't make me feel like an idiot' might as well be tattooed across her forehead.

R'tran turns completely around, so that suddenly he is facing L'nan and Jenna. Folding his arms and leaving the brow arched, he asks of the Weyrsecond, "How come Jenna had to have a chaperon and the rest of us were free to go without one, Sir?"

L'nan swivels his head to peer at R'tran. "Did he now. /That/ surprises me a great deal," he says drily. Then, back to the task at hand. He keeps a frown from his face only by taking a deep breath. "Yes, yes, unlike me. I've apologized for that once, Jenna. I won't do it again. I'm pleased to hear you apologized to B'tal." And just when he thought he was going to broach a new subject, R'tran puts in his question. "I am unsure. I'd been under the impression that all Weyrlings had escorts. I was wrong." And that's as close to an apology the bronzer's gonna get.

Jenna says quietly, "The purpose of my having an escort was to learn gather etiquette and how to behave at a gather." And boy, was that so not accomplished.

R'tran shrugs a bit, bending to shake the pole free of the sand it has been buried in for the past few minutes. Grinning in characteristically ornery fashion, his back to the other two now, he murmurs quietly, "Good thing we didn't..." He chuckles mischievously.

"Yes, yes, that's why you had an escort," L'nan says, waving a hand. An amused glance at R'tran for his quiet addition, then, "But that's not really the issue, is it. Any of that, what happened at the Gather. That's, uh.. not why I wanted t'talk t'you."

Jenna's expression suggests that the gather and what happened there is partially the issue, but she says instead, "What did you want to talk to me about, then?"

L'nan is suddenly vague. "Well, you know. I mean, I know you've wanted t'talk to me, an' I haven't exactly been making myself available for that. Partially," he says quickly, at the defensive, "Due t'work and stuff. But also.. also 'cuz I didn't want to. Not yet. I didn't know what t'say." It's in a quiet tone he says this, a clear admission that he was avoiding her.

Jenna asks quietly, "And you know what to say now?"

R'tran flops down onto the ground, folding his legs under himself, wiggling his pole so that his fishing line jiggles slightly in the water. He takes a deep breath and exhales it.

L'nan shifts weight from one foor to the other, scratches his nose, and then sighs. "Not really. But I'm a bit clearer on a few things, anyway. With myself." He looks up from the ground and at Jenna. "Tell me what you've been wantin' t'talk about. Specifically."

Jenna shakes her head slightly, "It doesn't matter now. While you were," she stops short of saying 'avoiding me' and instead settles on, "Busy with thing, it kinda worked itself out."

L'nan's gaze sharpens. "What kinda worked itself out?" he asks evenly.

Jenna says simply, "Niyath's reluctance to have anybody near me. I bribed her for the gather, and that was a start."

L'nan's expression turns to confusion. "What'd that have to do with me?" Ah, cluelessness.

Jenna's cheeks turn a bit red. "Evidently nothing, it looks like." A pause and she goes on hurriedly, "Is there anything else you wanted to talk to me about?"

L'nan slaps his side impatiently. "Jenna, there's only one mind I can hear and it isn't yours, all right? You can't expect me to know what you're talking about all th'time, shards and shells. Yes, I wanted to talk about us, if you want to know," he adds in a rush, and since it's not going the way he expected, he turns to anger. "It seems like it isn't going to work, if you expect me to read your mind, and want me to act like your weyrmate even when there's no way I can, and-" He abruptly cuts himself off. "Damn. That's not what I wanted to say."

R'tran realizes that he hears Eishith calling him. He jerks his biteless line from the water, tosses the by-now-dead worm into the water, and makes his way across the bowl. "Good night, you two. Have fun!"

R'tran heads back towards the center of the bowl.
R'tran has left.

Jenna's tone is a trifle stiff. "No. There's no way I can. And if you're going to blame me for impressing Niyath-" She breaks off, biting back words as she realizes R'tran is still in earshot. After he leaves, she says quietly, "Maybe you'd better stay with Kassima, Lu. You obviously prefer her company." Her tone is tired. "I just wish I hadn't had to hear about it from gossip."

L'nan's face darkens. "You'll never know how happy I was for you when you Impressed," he says in a low, controlled voice. "Never. So you're extremely far from the truth in sayin' I /blame/ you for it." His eyes widen a touch at her mention of Kassima. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner about her. I didn't expect it t'go beyond-" He stops, shaking his head. "An' it's still nothin' past.. past.. it's not what we have. Had. I don't know."

Jenna asks uncertainly, "You don't blame me that she's gold and not green? You were the one that brought up that Alirath wouldn't ever fly her."

"Jenna, blame isn't... it's /nothing/ like that." L'nan rakes a hand over his hair. "Shells - Niyath is /Niyath/, regardless of what color or size or anythin'." That same hand goes down to the back of his neck. "It's hard, knowin' that I can't be part of somethin' so special t'you," he sighs. "An' that I'd have to share you with someone. B'cause if you were to ever become Senior Weyrwoman, that'd be the case. An' even just flights - whoever flies Niyath will be with you until she clutches, until her eggs hatch." An expression of regret, tinged with sadness, washes over his face. "That's somethin' I can't share."

Jenna frowns. "You say Niyath is just Niyath, and then you lump in all that other stuff. And they won't be with /me/. They'll be with Fort. There is no me there, don't you see that?"

L'nan stares at her for a long moment. "It's different with me, though. Alirath's first in my life - you understand that, now, more'n you did before. Fort's second... I love Fort, an'.. I can't really explain," he groans. "It's hypocritical of me t'be jealous, I know. 'Specially when I'm goin' off t'someone else - t'Kassi right now. I think it's mostly because she asks no questions and it's not complicated. It just is, with her. But it's not /us/."

Jenna nods and says firmly, "It is hypocritical. You have no right to be. Even before, you had no right to be. /You've/ had the time, and the opportunity to find solace in others. I haven't. Niyath comes first with me. But I'm being trained so that Fort does. Don't you see that? Even before Niyath, Fort. And everyone in it, from the oldest auntie to the babe born yesterday. Yes, it's complicated. No, I don't like it. And maybe you should just go take the easier route. You didn't /want/ to settle down. Neither did I. All I asked was that you tell me. And you couldn't even do that." She shakes her head. "I have to go - there were hides for me to look over." Her tone loses some of its edge, shading towards fatigue again.

L'nan waits through the entire thing, eyes on Jenna's. There's no change in expression, save a slight tic when she tells him to take the easier route. "All right," he says softly, eyes suddenly bright. "I..I hope you get some rest. You look like y'need it." He turns his back on her, walks over to Alirath and makes as if to mount. Before doing that, he says over his shoulder, "There was more I wanted t'say, but it seems you've made up your mind. We..we should talk more. M-maybe when you're not so busy." And then he's up, and without his usual rear-waggle, Alirath's up, up, and away.

L'nan climbs up Alirath's forelimb and finds a secure spot on his neck.
L'nan has left.

Jenna murmurs, "I didn't mean... Fardles." She shakes her head slightly, and makes her way back to the barracks.

Alirath has left.

High above the bowl, Alirath disappears into Between.