K'fen visits, L'nan visits, Niyath has a host of visitors in the bowl, and Lu and Jen have their first real talk since she impressed. Watch for: oh. Right. I guess Alirath won't ever catch her, huh?
Jenna - Thursday, May 09, 2002, 8:29 AM
Your location's current time: 8:52 on day 21, month 3, Turn 40, of the Tenth Pass. It is a spring morning.
This large cavern, used for healing both humans and dragons, is large enough
to hold several dragons comfortably. Now, however, a number of the stone couches
have been converted into partioned cubicles in which human patients can recuperate
from illnesses or wounds, if they're too weak to return to their weyr, hold
or crafthall. One end of the room, nearest the door to the living cavern, is
lined with additional cots. A large, white circle, with a purple caduceus in
the center has been painted on one wall. Another wall has been painted white.
The rest have been left their natural cavern color. A sink with hot and cold
running taps is mounted on the wall next to the doorway to the south. Covering
half of the eastern wall are several cabinets with glass fronts and storage
drawers. Looking in the cabinets you can see a vast collection of herbs and
medicines used by the Healers.
Niyath> K'fen jogs from the weyrling barracks and quickly salutes Larathes
as he passes by. "Hi there!"
Niyath> K'fen heads into the Living caverns.
Niyath> K'fen has left.
Niyath> Niyath is still camped out by the infirmary. She hasn't moved since
the day before, and her eyes are still fixed on the entrance.
K'fen comes through the door from the Living Cavern. The noise level drops
as the door is closed behind him.
K'fen has arrived.
Jenna is sitting propped up on one of the cots, her left foot wrapped well with cloths and ice. There are a pile of scrolls on her lap that seem mostly to do with dragonhealing.
K'fen quietly steps in, looking around and slightly narrowing his eyes. Then as he spots Jenna he lightens a bit and steps toward her, still slowly and quietly, without any word or salute.
Jenna is rather absorbed in the scrolls, though there's always that sense of being watched. After a moment she looks up, and then lets out a stifled little squee. Hand flips up to salute and lower lip catches between her teeth. Uh oh.
K'fen doesn't return the salute at once, though he quickly imitates Jenna, then his gaze drifts down to her hurt foot. He winces noticeably and shakes his head but is slightly smiling as he looks up again. "You look busy, I hope I'm not disturbing you. How's that foot?"
Jenna gives K'fen a wary look, as though someone just turned the world upside down on her and she's sitting on the ceiling instead of the floor. "I was just trying to use the down time to best advantage, sir. It's much better. The weyrhealer says I can get up after this bit of ice, though still not back to full duty until tomorrow morning. It feels fine, it's just purple. -- Niyath's been fed this morning. Jeny helped me. But she wouldn't leave outside the infirmary."
K'fen is just looking his usual self. "Good, glad to see you're not idle." He can't help smiling a bit more then. "Next time you'll be careful with firestone, I'm sure. How's Niyath feeling right now?"
Jenna starts to relax. Maybe there's no more yelling in her future. "She's fine. A bit testy because things aren't normal. She likes to worry. But she's ready for a bath and an oiling, soon as I'm up. -- And Sarin gave me these scrolls. She's hoping to come up with some ideas that'll make me less squeamish about blood."
K'fen quietly aaahs and tilts his head, peeking at the hides curiously. "It sounds like a good idea, indeed. Hope she'll succeed." He pauses and stretches himself a bit noisily. "Well, I just wanted to be sure you were well. Not that I haven't been told that already but well... Got some visits so far then?"
Jenna mms. "Not so many really. I was so embarassed. All this happened in front of a visiting bronzer from Telgar. At least his Indrath kept Niyath amused. Told her a bunch of stories."
K'fen tsks and shakes his head, though he can't even try to look stern of course. "Well, you were lucky someone was there to take care of Niyath. So much for dignity," he adds with something like a wink.
Jenna does look rather abashed. "It did rather put me in my place. And then Lu yelling at me like he did. And Alirath yelling at Niyath, and Branath yelling at Niyath..."
K'fen nods agreeingly all along, crossing his arms over his chest and then chuckles. "That kind of event makes you think a lot eh?" he asks. "Lucky I wasn't there when it happened. I'm awfully bad at yelling on people. I just hope that won't happen again."
K'fen giggles and nods twice. "Yes you can. Just keep training, and start with half full sacks indeed." Then he very quickly looks down at himself. Oooh yes, if he can toss sacks, Jenna surely can.
Jenna lets out a relieved breath and admits, "Sef was saying that I wouldn't be a very good weyrwoman if I couldn't toss a little sack." So /that's/ what this was really all about.
Niyath> Ciaran has arrived.
K'fen scritches his chin pensively. "Someone should talk to Sef about that. Tossing sacks is a very little part of a rider's work." He rolls his eyes. "I -do- admit it's not the most pleasant, but you'll manage eventually, as a lot of weyrlings before you I think." A last wink is added afterwards.
Niyath> Niyath is camped out before the infirmary, watching the door much
like a lizard watches a tunnelsnake.
Niyath> Leah comes from the northeastern area.
Niyath> Leah has arrived.
Niyath> Makai comes up from the lake shore.
Niyath> Makai has arrived.
Niyath> Leah walks towards the Infirmary and pauses to smile in slight amusement
at the young gold perched near the door. She moves over to her and smiles, saying,
"Niyath, she's fine. Don't you worry now."
Niyath> Ciaran enters the Bowl with rather confident strides, but the sight
of the dragon by the infirmary is almost enough to make the young lad to turn
around and flee. He certainly looks like he does not have much experience with
dragons, especially from this close.
Niyath> Niyath's tailtip twitches as the Weyrwoman arrives, and she looks
over to her momentarily. She gives a light croon, headbutting Leah - she's certainly
not stand offish - and eyes the other males as they arrive. Then she glances
quickly back at the door to the infirmary, as if worried she'll miss something.
Niyath> Makai speaks briefly to another dragon rider, giving him thanks for
a safe ride back to Fort, then turns towards the commotion.
Jenna says impulsively, "Thank you for not yelling at me, sir. I know I did everything wrong and for the wrong reasons. And I won't do it again if I can help it."
Niyath> Leah rubs Niyath's head as she's headbutted, laughing a bit more
before turning and nearly running into Ciaran. She holds out a hand to stop
herself from impact and smiles apologetically, "Well, hello. I'm sorry,
I didn't see you there."
Niyath> Ciaran looks quite startled still, but he tries his best to compose
himself and bow politely to Leah. "Greetings. I... I didn't mean to...."
Ciaran glances nervously towards the dragon, before he adds, "I'll stay
out of the way and cause no trouble, I promise."
Niyath> Makai smiles as he watches the interplay between young Queen and
Weyrwoman, and his heard a little to the left. Not because he is looking at
anything, but because something, looking rather much like rippling emerald perches
on his shoulder, has just dug one of her tiny talons into his ear to get his
attention. There's a soft amber glow to his eyes, he rubs and affectionate finger
over the tiny greens belly, then goes to greet the others. "Hello!"
he calls and walks over, carefully to the group, so as not to disturb the littler
"treasure" on his shoulder.
Niyath> Leah blinks in suprise at the young man's reaction, "Out of
the way? I didn't realize you'd ever been in the way." She smiles warmly
at him, introducing herself, "I'm Leah. Jinieth's rider." Cocking
her head to the side as she regards him, she asks, "Not familiar with dragonkind,
are you?" A hand is lifted absently to greet Makai, but her attention is
on Ciaran.
K'fen lifts a hand to make sure Jenna doesn't go on with it, and quickly looks around to check whether somebody else can overhear him. "I did't came to moralize," he says. "I know you've been yelled at quite enough -- you wouldn't believe how much our 'masters yeled on our class -- and I'm sure you'll do what you can to avoid problems in the future." He pushes back a wayward strand of hair. "Besides, I wouldn't be credible," he whispers. See? He doesn't bark and seldom bites!
Niyath> Niyath is entirely still, except for that tail, which is flip flopping
back and forth in the dirt of the bowl floor. She's harmless. Really. Ignore
the intent stare at the infirmary door.
Niyath> Anonee walks across the bowl from the Lower Caverns.
Niyath> Anonee has arrived.
Niyath> Ciaran bows to Leah again and then hastily towards Makai as well.
"I am called Ciaran. My father and I are visiting from Fort Hold and I
was looking around a bit..." Ciaran's nervousness seems to subside a little,
but he still looks towards the dragon a bit uncertainly. "I... Well, no,
I am not Leah. I wasn't quite sure if I was even allowed to be here..."
Jenna grins a bit, for the first time in a couple of days. "Yessir. If anyone asks, I'll let out that you rounded on me for it. Faranth knows I deserved it."
Niyath> Makai blinks at the looks the Infirmary is getting and a tiny bit
of worry fills him, echoed by the crooning of the Green on his shoulder. "Has
something happened?" he asked nervously.
Niyath> Anonee appears a bit frantic as she hurries out of the caverns, not
at all the look of someone happily returned home. As she spots the Weyrwoman,
she slows her step, forcing herself to breathe a little more evenly. And as
she's speaking with some others, she patiently waits, in the wings, so to speak.
Niyath> Leah ahs at that, "Well met, Ciaran. Of course you're welcome
here! And don't worry about the dragons. I know they're big, but I promise,
they are harmless. They live here with us, you know." She winks at the
lad, "I hear the Weyrwoman really enjoys visitors, too." To Makai,
she says, "No, no. Niyath just can't go in there to see Jenna, who has
a slight ankle injury. She's just keeping watch... Nonee!" She waves to
the Assistant Headwoman, "You're back!"
Niyath> Anonee smiles at Leah, with a nod. "Just this morning, Weyrwoman,"
she says, peering around the bowl as though expecting other massive changes.
"What, er, what happened to the living caverns?" she finally spits
out, the concern in her voice like that most would have for a child or sibling.
Niyath> Niyath looks up from her vigil as Anonee hurries out - maybe it was
the flurry of skirts that attracted her attention. The young woman is given
the once over, and a sharp eye is turned on Ciaran and Makai before she snorts
faintly, and looks back to the infirmary door.
K'fen chuckles. "Hope they believe you," he says. "And if you've spare time you can still work on your straps -- unless you're already finished?"
Niyath> Ciaran 's eyes dart from one person to another. With Anonee's arrival the boy bows yet again, but takes a couple of hesitant steps away from the group, seeming to think whatever will be discussed is not his business. With a more proper glance towards Makai however the lad gets a curious look on his face and attempts to get a better view of the thing perched on his shoulder.
Jenna nods. "Except for the padding to the chest area. It's rubbing her wrong when I try it on her. At least, sewing straps is not as much of a challenge as everything else is."
Niyath> Anonee stands her ground as the young gold inspects her, in fact,
barely even acknowledging the once over as she awaits the Weyrwoman's response.
The boy's bow catches her eyes, however, and she smiles.
Niyath> Larathe has arrived.
K'fen shakes his head slowly. "For you it isn't but for some weyrlings it's a tough challenge. See? Maybe you can't quite toss firestone sacks yet, but you can sew straps more easily than a lot of your fellows."
Niyath> Leah says to Anonee, "No worries. We had a fire, but we've
been rebuilding for months. Master Jorenan has been supervising the reconstruction
and I think it's coming along rather well." She smiles, "It's good
to have you back."
Niyath> Makai smiles a little embrassed. "Then I guess its out of the
question for me to go in for fresh bandages is it?" he says, lifting his
loosely wrapped fingers, then he frowns. "I hope Jenna's going to be all
right..." he says, then smiles at Ciaran's glance to his Firelizard and
answers his questioning look with "Her name is Emerald, newly hatched.
I went to Ista to deliver an important message and I end up Impressing a Firelizard.'
he smiles brightly and greets Larathe. "Well hello again! I'm sorry I left
you the other day, I had duties and all...I didn't think I'd be gone so many
days however," he says with a gleam in his eyes.
Niyath> Larathe wanders out. "Hello Weyrwoman, Makai... and..."
she thinks. "I don't think we've met."
Niyath> "A FIRE?" Nonee repeats, stunned. "How?" she
shakes her head. "Another time, when you're not so busy with guests,"
she says. "I'll just see about finding Norri, then. Or...seeing how I can
be of help out here."
Jenna smiles a trifle wryly, "Thanks for trying to make me feel better. But I still feel rather stupid. I shouldn't have let him goad me. I'm sure there's folks that don't agree with everything Leah says, but she doesn't do something stupid like that."
Niyath> Leah blinks at Makai, "There is more than one Healer on duty.
I'm sure if you need fresh bandages, you can go right in and get them. The infirmary
is large enough for quite a few patients at once... " Her voice tapers
off and she turns her attention again to the Assistant Headwoman, "Anonee,
it was months ago. One of the grease pits caught on fire while one of the Aunties
was supposed to be watching it. We're well recovered now, though, and almost
entirely rebuilt. Perhaps you should go look at the new kitchens? They're quite
lovely." She smiles reassuringly at the young woman.
Niyath> Anonee nods her head, "I'll do just that, then, Weyrwoman. Oh,
and when you've the time, the headwoman at Dusty Springs sent back some gifts
for you," the assistant headwoman says, before makig to head back into
the caverns.
Niyath> Ciaran takes a few more steps away from the others, but still close
enough to inspect Makai's firelizard curiously. He smiles as Makai explains.
"Hello Emerald. Beautiful name for such a beautiful one." Ciaran looks
between Emerald and Niyath. "She really looks like a miniature dragon doesn't
she?" As soon as the words are out, Ciaran looks quite mortified, afraid
that perhaps he said something inapproriate.
Niyath> Leah follows along after Anonee, "Let me just give you a tour.
I think you'll like what's been done..."
Niyath> Anonee nearly stumbles at that. "Oh, you don't have to, Weyrwoman,
I can see that you're busy. And I'm sure there's got to be someone in there
who'll recognize me.
Niyath> Niyath doesn't seem to be paying the conversation any more attention.
Her tail is flipping back and forth again, watching the door to the infirmary
Niyath> Leah shakes her head, "I was just welcoming Ciaran to Fort Weyr,
but I'd been on my way in for some lunch anyway. Come on, let's go."
Niyath> Leah heads into the Living caverns.
Niyath> Leah has left.
Niyath> Emerald blinks, her eyes whirling with swirls of curiosity, and reflexively
clutches onto Makai's hair for protection. Makai smiles. "I don't think
there should be any offence taking, I hear Dragons themselves admit the Firelizards
to be of their Blood..." he nods at Ciaran, then giggles as Emerald pokes
her nose closer for a better look at Ciaran. She's a bold one all right.
Niyath> Anonee smiles at the young lad, and with a shrug that says you don't
gainsay the Weyrwoman, she follows.
Niyath> Anonee heads into the Living caverns.
Niyath> Anonee has left.
K'fen rolls his eyes, but smiles wider nonetheless. "You're not expected to become Leah, and you're still training anyway."
Jenna nods. "No, but I don't want to become that awful one from the last pass. What was her name? She lost her gold and killed another and was crazy and all? It's in the records I was supposed to read." And she obviously didn't do a great job of it.
Niyath> Ciaran blinks first, but then begins to giggle as well as he gets inspected by Emerald. The firelizard seems to only fascinate Ciaran instead of frighten like Niyath. "Some of my friends claimed that too, but I didn't quite believe them... until now." Ciaran smiles at Makai and asks then hesitantly. "Are... are you from Fort Weyr then?"
K'fen tilts his head. "You know what? I'm not really worried about you. We all make mistakes. Dropping a firestone sack is not much. Our former Weyrsecond got a chunk of stone on her head once, right in a middle of a Fall. A rider just let it drop. Things like that can happen to anyone..." He frowns and chews on a fingernail. "Wait, that was supposed to be reassuring," he says suddenly...
Jenna chews on her lower lip and says, "Well, it was. Kinda?"
Niyath> Makai smiles as he rubs the Greens belly reasurringly with one bandaged finger. "Yes, I live at Fort, though I don't know how long I'll stay..." he smiles as Emerald begins to preen his hair. "I was kinda restless, but when she hatched out of her Egg the other day and wobbled over to me I knew anything I did she would be with me..." he smiles a little. "No like the Dragon bond mind you, but her presence is comforting.." He pauses as the Green croons.
K'fen chuckles. "Kinda, yeah I hope..." The assistant weyrlingmaster is obviously not in a hurry for he steps foward. "Mind if I sit there?"
Jenna shakes her head, scooching over on her cot. "Not at all. I'm not keeping you from anything, am I? Wouldn't want anyone else to get in trouble cause of me."
Niyath> Ciaran smiles brightly now, looking back and forth between Makai and Emerald, giggling again as the firelizard strokes Makai's hair. "I just arrived here yesterday, but already I feel like I'll never want to go back! Why would you want to leave?" Then quickly, in an apologetic tone, Ciaran adds. "I'm sorry, it's none of my business. My mother always said I am far too curious for my own good."
K'fen shakes his head and stifles a yawn. "See? Worked late tonight and Valry's taking care of the others. To be perfectly honest, visiting you was -also- a perfect pretext for a little break." Then he tries an innocent grin -- failing as usual. "Your relatives are taking of you then? Jeny's your daughter if I got it right, eh?"
Jenna sounds amused, "Nice to know I'm an excuse. -- Jeny's kinda my foster daughter. I look after her when Zinnia isn't feeling well. Kate's doing that now, what with Niyath needing so much care and all."
K'fen arches a brow and aaahs. Obviously he hadn't thought about such a thing. "Oh yes that's right, you couldn't have fostered her easily as a weyrling. Though when your training is over, maybe..."
Jenna nods. "Her and Zak both. Though they're in good hands with Kate. And Dani's going to take up Zak's training. I honestly expected to be in Tillek by now, to tell you the truth."
Niyath> Makai nods. "Its all right, I don't mind saying...You see,
I was raised by traders, and I've never been used to settling down anywhere,
but I've been following my heart for a long time, and right now its calling
me to travel a bit..." he smiles. "Curiosity isn't all that bad, my
Little One here is the most curious thing, and darn is she bold! Sometimes I
wish she'd take like the other Firelizards to ~between~ for safety when she's
frightened instead of digging her claws into my hair." That last point
is said with a hiss because Emerald has just wrapped herself around the back
of Makai's head, talons digging into his hair with tail wrapping around his
neck in fright at the sudden sight of a Dragon launching from the heights.
Niyath> Larathe nods. "My firelizard tends to burrow into me if she
is frightened, rather than betweening."
K'fen idly toys with his tunic's sleeve. "Tillek? You had planned a run to Tillek?"
Jenna shakes her head. "No. Zak and I were going to go to Tillek so I could learn their traces. I was trining for a Crossing. First one after the Pass was over. At least, in theory." She shifts her foot, peeking under the cloths to check the ice. Oooh, what lovely shades of purple, black and blue.
Niyath> Ciaran listens to the words from Makai and Larathe thoughtfully, never taking his eyes off of Emerald. "Still it must be quite wonderful to have a friend like that. It's like you said, you'll never be really alone ever again." The boy seems to really consider the idea, getting the sort of glint in his eyes that betrays how much he'd like a similar firelizard as well. "Will she grow a lot still? Is it true when they say that at first they like to eat all the time?"
K'fen looks down as well and winces slightly. "Good you didn't totally broke your foot," he remarks in a whisper. "And I'm afraid Niyath won't let you cross Pern on foot..."
Niyath> Larathe nods. "For the first 2 sevendays, its eat-sleep-and-cuddle. It's after that they start to develop a bit more personality, or at least. My one did."
Jenna chuckles. "Likely not. Though Alirath let Lu come on a run to Ruatha with me once. That was lovely."
K'fen tilts his head. "He did? Oh then he could maybe talk Niyath into letting you go if it's very important for you."
Niyath> Makai laughs. "She's ALWAYS hungry..." he chuckles bemused. "I keep meatrolls and scraps in the barn and in my rucksack when I'm working to feed her." nods to Larathe. "She's a hatchling so she's still maturing....But she has a splendid personality. I've managed to keep her from screeching in my ear anymore, she keeps resonably quite, for a firelizard..." he turns to Ciaran. "I'm pretty sure she's got most of her growth, she was rather small to start...But her's was a curious clutch. From what I remember, there was a blue whose hide was nearly pure white as snow..." he chuckles.
Jenna mms. "I'm not certain I'll have the time to train for it. Still, it *is* ten turns off. Maybe." The thought hadn't occurred to her, evidently, for she settles back, lips pursing faintly.
K'fen leans back a bit. "I just can't imagine how it'll be afterwards. Will you take that lad of yours for that Crossing too, by the way? When the Pass is over I'm sure you'll have a bit more time to train..."
Niyath> Ciaran nods a few times as he listens to the explanations, seeming to almost memorize all the information. After a while he looks towards the dragon as well. "Is it the same with them as well then?"
Jenna grins. "I hope so! I really do hope he'll want to be a runner. Master Rodric said there'll be a need for harper runners after the pass is over too. Keep people connected and all. Maybe that's where his calling will lie."
Niyath> Makai smiles. "I'm not an expert, but I think for young dragonets the eating and sleeping and cuddling apply. Dragon's aren't known to go ~between~ when frightened, only when threadscored and travelling." at the mention of Thread, Emerald hisses and climbs into Makai's hair again. He just can't win.
K'fen chuckles and nods. "If he's the one I saw rushing here and there I'd say he'd make a good runner. I do envy you, I can't run more than a few yards..."
Niyath> Ciaran nods again, looking curiously at Emerald and her reactions. "I've heard a lot of things, but I was just never sure if they were completely true or not. And my mother always told me to take care of my chores and stop pestering the adults with my questions." Ciaran grins mischeviously at that, but his next words are said seriously again. "Do you think they could use my help here? I don't think father will bring me here again and I would like to stay for a while longer..."
Jenna asks curiously, "Why not? I mean, you're in good shape - riders sorta have to be. Shouldn't be too hard for you."
Niyath> Larathe nods, "I expect they could. What kind of things are
you interested in?"
Niyath> Makai shrugs. "The stables could always use more help...You
might want to ask Leah, however, she and the Headwoman manage the entire Weyr,
and our Weyrleader of course, and they know all the places that need more hands."
he's smiling a bit, and untangling claws again in an almost futile effort.
K'fen shrugs slightly. "Oooh riders are always in shape, but I hate running. I sort of lack breathing. Our wingleader used to make us run around the bowl recently, just because he had to run himself and wouldn't do it alone..."
L'nan comes through the door from the Living Cavern. The noise level drops
as the door is closed behind him.
L'nan has arrived.
K'fen is sitting on Jenna's cot, looking down at the weyrling's feet now and then while they discuss. He lifts his head slightly at the weyrsecond entrance. "Hey L'nan," he casually says.
L'nan walks in, a plate in one hand (with lots of veggies on it) and some juice in the other. He looks rather... well, almost hopeful, but then tries to get a serious look on his face when he spots Jenna and K'fen. "You had lunch yet?" he asks Jenna quickly. "Wasn't sure if they'd assigned anyone to help you or what." He nods to K'fen. "Afternoon, K'fen."
Jenna looks up at the noise coming in, and automatically lifts her arm in a salute to the Weyrsecond. Her foot is still propped up, though her cot is littered with hides and scrolls on dragonhealing. "I hadn't, no. But it smells wonderful. And Jeny's been helping a bit."
Niyath> Emerald chitters unhappily as she is pulled from her hiding spot. She prills, slightly annoyed, and begins her anxious preening of Makai's dirty blonde strands. His hair is much to much of a temptation for her, and she sticks her nose into the soft shaggy stuff to croon in Makai's ear.
L'nan sets the plate and juice down on a nearby side-table. "Well, that should tide you over... Niyath, is she doing all right? Still exercising, right? And your foot, is it sore?" Nonono, he's not /overly/ concerned, just.. uh, doing his job. Right?
Niyath> Ciaran scratches his chin as he considers Larathe's question. "Back home I've helped in the kitchens, do some cleaning and helped carry some things..." Ciaran shrugs. "Father says it's time I thought of a real profession for myself though and maybe even become an apprentice. I'm just not sure where... The stables? Perhaps..." Suddenly Ciaran seems to realize something, his eyes widen and he covers his mouth. "She is the Weyrwoman isn't she? I was so startled by the dragon I completely forgot. You think she's mad at me now for not addressing her properly?"
K'fen stays quiet, idly and somewhat lazily saluting L'nan back, smirking discreetly.
Jenna eyes the plate, but says, "My foot's fine. Last ice down before Sarin lets me up. And Niyath's camped just outside, waiting for me to come bathe and oil her. Jeny took care of the feeding part, but I know Niya was holding back. And no, sir, we haven't exercised yet - she won't do it unless I'm there with her."
L'nan eyes K'fen, missing Jenna eyeing the plate, with a 'whatcanyado?' look. Then, nodding to Jenna, he replies quickly, "All right, well, make sure she gets all the exercise she needs, but don't hurt yourself further. You need to get well very quickly - though I'm sure Sarin's doing an excellent job." With that and another quick nod, he marches out to the bowl, cheeks reddened slightly.
L'nan moves out the cavernous opening leading to the Infirmary.
L'nan has left.
Niyath> L'nan comes out of the cavernous opening of the Infirmary.
Niyath> L'nan has arrived.
K'fen eyes L'nan as he leaves and clears his throat, looking at Jenna, then at the bowl and then he slowly gets up. "Well, I let you eat in peace. Maybe I'll visit again a bit later."
Niyath> L'nan walks out, cheeks slightly tinged red but he looks serious
enough. He makes his way straight to Niyath, though not threateningly. "Niyath,"
he says respectfully, half-bowing from the waist. "You're look healthy
enough. You make sure Jenna gets well soon, eh?" And with that, and a ridiculous
wink to the golden weyrling, he starts to make his way barracks-wards.
Niyath> L'nan heads off across the bowl to the northwest towards the Weyrling
Niyath> L'nan has left.
Jenna frowns after L'nan, and nods slowly. "Thank you." A pause and she chews on her lower lip before asking, "Will you... make sure he's okay?" She reaches for her plate slowly.
Niyath> Alirath senses that Niyath snorts. << I always make sure my
Jenna gets better, tell your rider. He is being rather foolish, you know. >>
Dragon> Niyath senses that Alirath returns in sleepy midnight tones, deep
voice a bass but not quite rumbling. << He knows you do. He is just concerned.
He is not foolish, silly little queen. >>
K'fen bows at Jenna and can't help chuckling, though he manages to hide it partly with a light cough. "I'll check, but I'm not sure he'd let me 'make sure' he's okay," he says with a teasing wink. "Don't worry, take care of you." Then he ambles out slowly.
Jenna blushes, calling after, "Well, I didn't mean that, exactly!" She huffs a bit, and stabs a forkful of greens.
K'fen turns and winks. "I know."
K'fen moves out the cavernous opening leading to the Infirmary.
K'fen has left.
Niyath> I bespoke Alirath with << I am hardly silly. He is being silly. He should be concerned. She worries about him - when she is not thinking about me. >> After all, she comes first, and that's how it should be. A long pause and then she sounds shocked, << She remembers them. Together. Naked? Was he hurting her? He shouldn't be there doing that like that with her. >>
Niyath> K'fen is grinning slightly as he crosses the bowl, striding and
waving around at peoples he knows.
Niyath> K'fen heads off across the bowl to the northwest towards the Weyrling
Niyath> K'fen has left.
Niyath> Ciaran waits for an answer from Makai and Larathe...
Dragon> Niyath senses that Alirath retreats at all the questions for a long
moment, returning with the slowness of the waters creeping back up to high tides.
<< You are silly, >> he repeats fondly, << Because you are
young and because you are still learning. I was once - very long ago - silly.
But not for very long. >> This is stamped with blazing bronze certainty.
<< And that is how humans mate. They mated. He likes her very much. >>
A hesitation. << Even still, though he tries not to too much. >>
Niyath> Larathe frowns. "I don't know the Weyrwoman well enough to say,
I'm afraid."
Niyath> Alirath senses that Niyath digests this information, and then says
calmly, << Well. She shall not do that again. It looks... unpleasant.
>> Foolish? Yes. << She believes he is being a - >> She flashes
the image of a runner's rear end. The four legged kind.
Niyath> Makai grins a little. "I don't think she quite noticed. Weyrwoman
are people too," he says. Emerald chirrls on his shoulder and croons hungrily.
Makai groans. He painstackigly pulls his rucksack off his back and takes out
a meatroll from one of the pockets to break into bits for the hungry firlizard.
She croons as she stuffs herself and Makai sighs appologetically for her...non
polite eating habits.
Dragon> Niyath senses that Alirath fills his tones with silver sparkles of
quiet laughter. << I think you will change your mind someday, little queen,
>> he remarks. << But you are right, she will not do that for a
long time. It is not unpleasant, mine says. >> An explosion - somehow
silent and slow - of gray-blue cloud fills her mind. << He is not. He
is doing his job and trying to let your lifemate...>> He hunts for the
words. << Let her develop and not have to worry about him. At all. >>
Niyath> Alirath senses that Niyath's tones are crisp and matter of fact.
<< She worries about him anyway. >> A pause and she says, <<
She misses him. But she is never sure if he is Him, or he is the knot? >>
She sounds confused on this last. << How can he be a knot? In a knot,
I could see. >> And she shifts a rather humorous image of L'nan, all tied
up with limbs in a pretzel-like shape.
Niyath> Ciaran looks a bit more comforted with Makai's words, but he still
looks a bit uncertainly between Makai and Larathe. "Hopefully I will see
her again so I can apologize... and ask for that employment." Then towards
Larathe especially Ciaran asks. "I'm sorry, but are you from Fort Weyr?
What do you do?"
Niyath> Larathe smiles "I'm a Junior Apprentice Weaver, here helping
Master Aidan with all the pesky little chores."
Niyath> Makai groans slightly as the last of the meatroll leaves his hand
and Emerald is still chirruping in his ear hungrily. "I'll have to get
some more food inside." he bows slightly to the others, so as not to off
balance Emerald, and turns to leave.
Niyath> Makai heads into the Living caverns.
Niyath> Makai has left.
Dragon> Niyath senses that Alirath settles in for a discussion, reluctantly
wallowing tones in a pool of blue-green waters. << Well all these humans
worry, >> he retorts somewhat idly. << I think she is referring
to his Knot. His knot is what makes him the Weyrsecond of Fort Weyr, his title.
And his knot makes him a weyrling master assistant, too, for now. >> That
pool settles into glassy calmness. << Mine would not like to be /in/ a
knot, >> he adds humorously.
Niyath> Ciaran aahs at Larathe. "Oh yes, I remember now. I'm sorry,
I've met so many people recently it's hard to remember everybody." Ciaran
looks thoughtfully after Makai, fidgeting in place first before taking a few
steps towards the living caverns. "I'd really like to see that. Do you
mind if I go?"
Niyath> Larathe smiles. "Mine should probably be fed soon, so lets go."
Niyath> Alirath senses that Niyath gives a bright rumble of understanding
at this. Rank is something she is beginning to learn. << Well, She is
worried that he is hot and cold. Perhaps she fears he will get sick. Humans
do that when they go from one to the other. >> She tries to sound knowledgable.
<< He should just be Him and not worry. And she should just be Her and
not worry. And no mating, >> she adds hurriedly, with a child's distaste
of such things.
Niyath> Larathe heads into the Living caverns.
Niyath> Larathe has left.
Niyath> Ciaran heads into the Living caverns.
Niyath> Ciaran has left.
Dragon> Niyath senses that Alirath caresses her mind with a tendril of affectionate
greens and blues. << Mine is not going to get sick, little queen. But
he- he wants to know if he may come talk to her, >> he interrupts himself
suddenly. << When he finishes talking to *K'fen*? >>
Niyath> I bespoke Alirath with << He may always talk to her. I will
get a bath as soon as she is up. The healer woman has come back to check on
her foot. >>
Dragon> Niyath senses that Alirath considers, his mindvoice fading for a
moment before he replies, << He wants to speak with her privately. Not
to mate, though. >> He seems to think this a /very/ funny thing, but won't
explain why.
Niyath> Alirath senses that Niyath sounds started. << Without me? >>
Dragon> Niyath senses that Alirath returns, feathersoft. << No, silly
little queen. You will never be without her, her without you. I meant alone,
from other humans, >> he emphasizes.
Sarin walks into the infirmary, scroll in hand.
Jenna is settled on her cot, foot propped up, and the last of the ice packed around it swaddled in cloths and melting. Someone's apparently brought her lunch, for she's eating, and there are hides scattered around her cot. Someone definately got into the beignning dragonhealing lessons. She waves a fork at the healer and asks, "So can I get back to duties now?" Well, hello to you too.
Niyath> L'nan comes from the northwest, by the weyrling barracks.
Niyath> L'nan has arrived.
"Well, hello." Sarin arches a brow. She tilts her head, peering at the foot. "Shards, why not. Wasn't my idea that you stay here. Foot feeling better?"
Niyath> L'nan walks towards the infirmary, resolutely, then grimaces and
wheels about, stalking off towards the lake. He seems to be practiciing for
some conversation as he goes.
Niyath> L'nan heads southwest, toward the rocky shore of the lake.
Niyath> L'nan has left.
Jenna nods and grins a bit abashed. "Sorry - Hello - and yes, much better. Niyath's just screaming for a bath. Is it all right?" She reaches to unwrap the foot. My! Pretty purple and black and blue. But she wiggles her toes at the healer. "See? It's fine."
Sarin sets down her scroll. "Sure, get out of here. It's a decent day. Or I'd assume so. The air smells nice."
Jenna beams and bounces out of bed, gathering up hides as she goes. "Thank you, ma'am!" Her plate is forgotten behind her, as she hurries on outside, sorting hides as she goes. "I'm coming, Niyath!"
Niyath heads southwest, toward the rocky shore of the lake.
Niyath has left.
Niyath> Fort Weyr Bowl, by the lake
Niyath> This long stretch of the bowl lies to the southeast of the feeding
grounds. At its western end, near the wall, the ground dips down slightly to
where a lake has formed. Dragons are often washed there by their riders, and
both riders and their dragons often swim in the cool waters.
Niyath> The fenced off portion of the bowl for the Weyr's herds is to the
northwest. To the north, a small structure built against the feeding ground
pens serves as the Weyr's stables. Waves gently lap the shore to the west, and
the rest of the bowl lies to the northeast.
Niyath> Contents:
Niyath> L'nan
Niyath> Obvious exits:
Niyath> Herb Garden STable Feeding Ground LAke Center of Bowl
Niyath> I bespoke Alirath with << She comes. >>
You walk toward the southwest, where the edge of the lake laps on a rocky beach.
Fort Weyr Bowl, by the lake
Jenna is hurrying along after Niyath, fumbling with hides and scrolls. "I know, I know, you're dying for a wash and an oiling."
L'nan is sitting on the rocks, talking to an invisible someone that is, apparently, hovering over the lake. "See, it's like this, I don't want for you t'worry, but I also hafta be- Jenna!" He hops to his feet, nearly tripping over some of the rocks. He catches his balance, then calls out again, "Hey, Jenna - have a moment?"
Alirath was here, wallowing in the water all along.
Jenna blinks, a trifle surprised, as Niyath splashes on into the water. "I have to bathe her -" Then she looks to Niyath in surprise, "Well, if you're sure... yeah, Lu, I've got a minute." Setup? Nah. Niyath looks supremely innocent as she submerges.
L'nan glances at Niyath, watching as Alirath croons to the little gold cheerfully. The bluerider stalls, laughing as the blue tail creates small waves. Finally, though, he looks to Jenna. "Well, uh.. it's like this." Fiddle, fiddle, fidget, fiddle. He blurts, "I think maybe we should make sure we're not worrying about things."
Jenna blinks at L'nan. "Worrying about what?" Niyath snorts, and gets water up her nose. Hack. Cough. Jenna peers out at the lake, making sure she's all right, before looking back to the bluerider. "What things?" Niyath takes this moment to push a wave back at the larger (though not by much) blue.
"Well, I mean," L'nan stutters, "I know I'm sometimes kinda mean, but that's not because /I/," he points a finger at himself, "Am mad at you. It's that a weyrlingmaster hasta teach the weyrling, see? And.. you know, how.. us, y'know, that's changed, like it should, because you Impressed, which is great, but it's going to be different even when you're graduated, you see?" He frowns, knowing he's not being clear. "I just.. want you to understand that I have to be the knot sometimes, before I can just be me." He looks surprised at his own words, and looks out at Alirath. "That's what he said to tell you."
Jenna's mouth opens, and she looks past him out at Niyath, and then back to him with a bit of comprehension on her face. "Someone's been telling tales. I just... I'm still sorting out figuring out when you're *you* and when you're the Weyrsecond. We've always been friends, Lu. That won't ever change. And if things are.. different... it's, well-" She looks out to Niyath. "She's too young."
L'nan holds up a hand quickly. "No, no... I understand that, and I'd never ask you - you know. Even later, it might not happen, y'know? Just.. because. But always friends," he says with a small smile. "An' I guess, unless it's just you and me here, I'm me. Well, I'm always me. But I've got to be Weyrsecond and help out the weyrlingmasters, too. And then I have to be official, and treat everyone the same, y'see?"
Jenna points out, "You don't yell at the others as much as you do me."
"Sure I do," L'nan protests. He thinks for a moment, and then nods again. "I think I do, anyway. An' I guess I get more concerned about you sometimes. Because I worry that /you/ worry, about.. well.. you know, and.. " He trials off, looking glum.
Jenna mms. "I won't deny that I miss you. And I had a big flash of being jealous when Dani told me about you two. But it's silly for me to assume you're sleepng alone simply because I have to." Niyath bugles with a faintly offended 'what am I, chopped wherey' tone, and Jenna smiles slightly, looking out to reassure her.
L'nan scuffs his boots, kicking at a rock idly. "Well, that.. uh, that was kinda different. She jus' wanted a friend, b'cause she hadn't.. I dunno, she asked me, an'.. well." He stops at that, shrugs, and then adds, "I didn't mean it as a way to.. you know, since you couldn't?" He looks out to Niyath with a mild smile. "Alirath tells me the thought of mating disgusts her," he chuckles quietly, then frowns again. "An' that's the other thing. I don't want t'get in th'way of.. you know, when she has her first flight, 'n all." He looks distinctly /un/enthused for that day.
Jenna says sincerely, "I'm glad it was with you, though. Matter of fact, I think she had something to do with my impressing. She gave me her mother's good luck hair tie." A smile flickers across her face and then she says, "Well, flights are flights. But I guess... Alirath wouldn't catch her, would he?" The words are slow in coming. Evidently, she hadn't thought about this before. Then she says, "Well, even if I'd impressed blue or brown, flights would be a thing."
L'nan nods at all of Jenna's words, his own smile growing at the hair-tie story. "I know they would have, an' I told myself I was ready for that. No, Alirath wouldn't catch," he says quietly, not looking out at the blue. "He'd wear out far earlier than th'browns and bronzes. Anyway, though... I really was - and am, really happy for you and Niyath. You're perfect together," he adds sincerely. "Maybe we should jus' worry 'bout all that when it gets here, though." She might get the feeling he means "I" when he says "we".
Jenna points out, apparently not worried about it at all, "You told me: flights don't mean weyrmating. Yes, I'll have to play hostess to whichever bronze or brownrider wins, but..." She shrugs. "I'd be more worried about it if I hadn't any experience."
Makai walks out along the lake shore.
Makai has arrived.
L'nan shrugs. "I know, but when you're called up to be Weyrwoman, well... there's just a lot of side factors, you know?" The bluerider is standing on the lakeshore, talking quietly with Jenna.
Alirath is meanwhile playing with Niyath in the water. He makes as if he's been knocked over by the waves she's aiming his way, falling into the water heavily - making even larger waves.
Jenna is fairly oblivious to anything except L'nan, though Niyath is watching the shoreline from where she soaks in the lake. And she gets a snout full of water with Alirath's waves, and goes under, eyes gleaming uner the water as she stalks the blue. Evidently, she doesn't realize that most of her is still above water. "If," Jenna says firmly. "If. Leah's young. And then there's Milque. And there's only ten more turns in the pass. Besides, Leah and P'ter aren't weyrmated. He wouldn't have offered me his furs if he was."
Makai comes tiptoeing by, a sleeping Green curled up on top of his perfectly
balanced head. The noise doesn't seem to disturb her, she's belly full, so he
tries to gently lifts her off his head to set her down. Unfortunately, she's
way ahead of him and gently swoops off his head to find a warm spot to sleep.
Emerald has arrived.
Makai looks at Emerald briefly as she launches into the air.
L'nan snorts. "Yeah, I bet he would've," he mutters, though his eyes are laughing. "There still has to be a Weyrwoman when the pass is over," he says pointedly. Then, with another sigh, he just says, "Well.. I mean, I guess it's better now't I've talked to you. Don't have to worry about you worryin', or... anything like that."
Jenna grins a bit, "I don't think he was serious. Just wanted to see me blush some more." She tilts her head a bit. "You're not going to run out and weyrmate with some greenrider, are you? Before Niyath and I graduate?"
L'nan snorts. "Doubtful," he retorts. "Long's you don't go and get weyrmated the day you graduate, t'some bronzer." He leans down to get a nicely rounded stone, and tosses it, catches it, tosses it again. "Anyhow, s'how's Niyath doin', anyway? Keep you up nights with questions, or...?"
Makai understands that their conversation is private, so just strips of his
shirt and overpants and slides into the water to clean himself up.
Makai splashes into the lake.
Makai has left.
Jenna snorts. "They're all mostly like that K'ran from Telgar. Pretty enough to look at, but give me a good, solid bluerider anyway." She grins a bit at him and says, "Tell you a secret. Ever want to get on her good side? Tell her a story."
From the waters, Makai floats quietly along the water, dipping his head under to scrub the dirt and other inemmities caused by his Flits incessant preening and runs his hands through his hair. Its the only time he's been conserned with his hair, probably because he's not quite sure what state he looks after having a Firelizard sleeping on it..
L'nan grins back at Jenna. "I'll remember that - both things," he corrects himself. "A good story, and that you prefer good solid blueriders... K'ran's not so bad, though." He wrinkles his nose. "Way those healers were carryin' on, you'd think he was- well, anyway. Blueriders rule." He winks at Jenna.
Jenna laughs. "You don't have to convince me." A pause and she asks, "Feel better? Least you're smiling. I'm just not going to worry about something that's two turns distant, Lu. There's no sense in it."
L'nan makes a face. "YOu know I'm a worrier," he accuses her with a mock scowl. "But I'll do my best, an' try t'yell at you more. Or was that less? Oh, well..." Just then, another wingrider comes sauntering out, and demands L'nan's attention right away. With an apologetic grin to Jenna, L'nan turns and walks with the rider, arguing loudly about somesuch or another.
L'nan heads back towards the center of the bowl.
L'nan has left.