Carnival Dance

The carnival for Erith and Zyanth's clutch ends in a dance with fireworks by the smithcraft. The only other logs I have of the carnival are the cakewalk and mudwrestling.

NCpern - Saturday, January 20, 2001, 6:21 PM

Logger: Jenna
Editor's Disclaimer: The Fireworks may push the bounds of canon, as the emit designer wasn't a Smith. She advises taking it with a grain of salt. ;)

Your location's current time: 19:54 on day 31, month 7, Turn 34, of the Tenth Pass. It is a summer evening.

Aluren pulls a box into her lap and starts flipping hair toys on her bed. Barrettes , clips, ties in all sorts of colors are tossed out. What? Aluren can be a girlie girl! Finally she holds out a palm of little delicate facetted glass gems of bright blue and white "These! See, the backs are burrs, they stick to anything."

Jenna just looks blankly at the items Aluren is holding. She's anything *but* a girlie girl. "What do you do with 'em?"

Aluren hmms and considers Jenna asking "Trust me?"

Jenna nods readily enough. "Course I do." Then a trifle suspiciously, "Why?"

Aluren approaches Jenna with brush, a tie and sparklies. In a moment the whispy locks at her temples are twisted back and tied in the back, making a cornet. The Sparklies are set in it and the rest left to hang, as it would eventually anyhow. baby fine platinum hair is hard to deal with. Holding up her hand mirror Aluren asks "Good enough?"

Kiryn finally makes his way in, carrying a bundle under one arm. Without as much as a word, he slips over to his cot, then starts to quickly change, dissapearing for moments as he ducks down, yet finally re-appearing. Tada. The new, and improved Kiryn.

Jenna blinks, peering into the mirror. And is apparently astonished when the girl in the mirror blinks back at her. "Why, it looks nice."

Saphan finishes fussing with his hair and peers past Jenna at the mirror.

Aluren chuckles "And the sparklies hold the twists togeather, you can dance and it won't fall. Lets go?"

Fort LC> Rolan says "With no harm done, so if that's the absoulute worst that can happen, you have nothing to worry about and reason to be nervous."

Fort LC> Samuel turns Rolan on the next beat of the song. He's not very good at dancing but, he's relaxed enough just to be playful about the song now. "Whoa...." A close call to Rolan's toes.

Kiryn spies a quick look at the girls, grinning a little, before fidgeting in his clothing. Granted, it's a little more complicated of an outfit than he usually wears. Glancing about, he quickly snags his own mirror and sets it down, running his fingers back through his hair. Last-minute repairs.

Fort LC> Rolan says "There you are! Have fun, thats what dancing is all about."

Fort LC> Samuel nods, "is it?"

Jenna nods wordlessly, barely looking at the guys as she follows Aluren out, patting nervously at her hair.

Aluren brushes aside the curtain and heads back to the Inner Caverns.
Aluren has left.

Fort LC> Rolan nods and adds a little spin of his own.

Fort LC> Aluren comes up the steps from the Inner Caverns.
Fort LC> Aluren has arrived.

You brush aside the curtain and head back to the Inner Caverns.
You head into the Living Caverns.

Saphan comes up the steps from the Inner Caverns.
Saphan has arrived.

Kiryn comes up the steps from the Inner Caverns.
Kiryn has arrived.

Aluren spins in circles, watching her hem. Leaning against a table as she gets dizzy she asks the gathering of visitors "Ready for the dance?"

Jenna follows Aluren in, one hand still patting nervously at her hair. She doesn't spin, nor does she look any more comfortable with this whole dress thing.

Samuel spins around with Rolan, nearly tripping as the room suddenly starts filling, "Shards."

Rolan catches Samuel and returns him to his feet turning to look at the crowd.

And Kiryn looks just about as comfortable, in the outfit he's stuffed himself into. Definitely not the loose work-clothes he's usually so fond of.

Elya stands at the others enter, smiling at the arrivals. "Dance about to start?"

Samuel blushes and thanks Rolan in a low tone as he reblances himself. Going silent."

Jenna nods to Elya, sparkly things bobbing as she does so. "Are you serving a turn as harper tonight?" She gives a smile and a wave to Rolan and Samuel, relaxing a trifle upon spying familiar faces.

Elya nods, grinning. "Hopefully I won't be alone."

Samuel mutters to Rolan, "Thanks for the..."

Aluren heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.
Aluren has left.

Public announcement: Ariandra announces "Good evening, Pern. You are most cordially invited to Fort Weyr to take part in the dance that's about to commence. +go fort-bowl"

Kiryn heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.
Kiryn has left.

You head outside to the bowl.

Center of the Fort Weyr Bowl(#200RJ$)
The Bowl of Fort Weyr, a large, featureless plain surrounded by steep mountain cliffs, stretches out around you. It is approximately oval in shape, about 2700 meters along the long axis running southwest to northeast, and about half that distance across the short axis. You stand in its approximate center. The soil of the bowl is somewhat sandy.
To the northwest is the large cavern used for the Weyrling barracks. To the west is the fenced off area where the Weyr's herds are kept, and the lake shore is to the southwest. To the northeast can be seen the ledges for the junior queens and the weyrleaders. The large entrance to the Hatching Grounds can also be seen to the northeast and to the east are the Lower Caverns.
Dance Square
Puppet Theater(#17211$)
Ticket Booth(#17816Vl)
Candy Cart
Face Painting Stand
Strange Little Box
Obstacle Course
Carnival Schedule Sign

Wryn smiles softly at Chavaun and slips her hand through the crook of his elbow, a bounce in her step that makes her skirts flounce.

Elya walks across the bowl from the Lower Caverns.
Elya has arrived.

Saphan walks across the bowl from the Lower Caverns.
Saphan has arrived.

Chavaun smiles at Wryn and touches her hand as it nestles into his arm. "Will you be warm enough?"

Fort LC> Rolan says "Let's go check it out?"

Fort LC> Samuel nods slowly, "Sure. Might as well."

Rolan walks across the bowl from the Lower Caverns.
Rolan has arrived.

Samuel walks across the bowl from the Lower Caverns.
Samuel has arrived.

"Why yes. And even though I don't dance..." Aria smiles in a warm manner, "I do so love to listen to the music. Does everyone know X'dren, from High Reaches Weyr? One of their finest, and a much missed face for me."

Elya carries her instruments to the dance square

Wryn chuckles softly, "Just look at me like you did a few moments ago, Vaun, and I'll stay warm all night long."

Elya heads out onto the dance square.
Elya has left.

Kiryn comes out with the river of other sharply-dressed candidates, smiling as he speeds up a bit, to head toward the dance square. Yet mid-way through, he catches sight of Jarlan, and yells (unsurprisingly) "Jarlan!"

Chavaun chuckles softly to Wryn and winks to her. "I'll attempt to do so...without setting anything on fire."

Samuel comes out of the living cavern with Rolan, grinning widely at him.

"That's...a lovely confection, Wryn." Aria's eyes fan down and along the dress in an amused and appreciative way. "You outshine the moons."

Wryn glances over at Ariandra and her guest, "Fort's duties, X'dren. Well met." She smiles happily and then goes back to paying attention to her date.

Aluren slows in her headlong rush from the Living Cavern, hanging back a little shyly. X'dren gets a smile as she's seen him before but she just blinks at all the other strangers.

Rolan looks around at the crowd.

Jenna comes out of the caverns, following the exodus. Nervously, she looks around, one hand still absently patting her hair to make sure nothing has dislodged. She makes her way towards Aluren, but stops dead and quite literally *gawps* at Wryn.

From the dance square, Elya waves to Jarlan as she sets up a few chairs in the corner of the square.

Wryn looks up again, "Thank you, Ariandra. Isn't it beautiful?"

X'dren flushes hotly, dipping his head almost shyly at this introduction, though he doesn't drop Ariandra's arm. "I'm afraid /I/ don't remember many... Ah, nice to meet you, 'Reaches duties."

Jarlan was just about to try and catch Elya, waving at his fellow apprentice, but the loud call from his younger cousin catches the harper and he grins, trotting over. "Kiryn! It's been ages!"

Aluren gets jostled as Jenna bumps into heras she has stopped "What?" she turns to ask the other candidate.

Chavaun calls to X'dren, "Fort's duties. Pleased to meet you." He beams happily at Wryn's attention...or rather the attention his gift is getting.

Jenna hisses softly to Aluren, "How does that stay on?" She nods discreetly at Wryn and Chavaun.

Rolan chuckles and asides to Samuel "Looks like X'd's gotten into the spotlight somehow...he's gotta be loving that"

Naomi has arrived.

Samuel looks at Wryn and does a small doubletake. "oh." He answers Jenna knowingly. "It's the way it's sewn."

Kiryn grins, trotting up to give his cousin a quick hug, before stepping back to look him over. "Look at you, all grown up." A chuckle, and he waves him over, to follow, as the younger man heads to head over to the clump of candidate girls. "Here, let me introduce you to a few of my friends."

phoenix emerges from the tunnel into the mountain.
phoenix has arrived.

Still holding X'dren's arm, Aria proceeds onto the dance floor, a brilliant expression on her face. At Rolan's comment, her attention moves that way and she says, after a slight moment to conjure up memory, "Rolan, is it not? I think we had some chance to talk when you were last by this way."

Chavaun motions Jenna to Samule, "He made it. Ask him. Well, see there. That's that."

"I'd love to, Kir," replies Jarlan, as he takes a few steps to follow. Even if he's older, he doesn't match his cousin for height, and it makes a difference. "But just for a moment, then I have to go help Elya get ready."

Jenna flushes at Samuel's comment and attempts to shrink behind Aluren. Quite an accomplishment considering her height. Almost defensively, she crosses her arms over her chest, or what passes for it.

Aluren turns to Samuel with a startled smile "Isn't it very heavy on the back of the neck?" She asks, making a hand gesture towards her much less umm endowed curves.

Rolan smiles "Nice to see you again. Please, allow me to introduce my friend Samuel as well."

"Lady," Aria inclines her head to phoenix, just before she steps onto the floor, "It's good to see you again."

Another apprentice harper crosses the bowl and heads into the dance square to join Elya.

Ariandra heads out onto the dance square.
Ariandra has left.

Samuel follows Rolan's gaze and nods a little, "I imagine so. That's nice. That's...your..." He fishes for a word for it. "You should be happy." There's a small smile for Jenna as well. but then Rolan's making introductions. "Hi. Nice to meet you."

X'dren flashes Rolan a slow smile, but still his usual cheerful expression, but with Aria's arm still on his, he leaves for her to lead the way. "Nice to meet you, Samuel... I thought you'd be here, Rolan. How's Trade been?"

phoenix flashes a smile to Aria when she returns to her senses.

Naomi looks around, at each of the people in turn, and mutters something to the firelizard perched on her arm that she stroaaks.

Samuel grins at Aluren, "It's not that heavy. Though perhpas the lady can answer how it feels."

Kiryn trots to join the clump, made by Jenna, Aluren, Samuel and Rolan. He waves at them all, and grins, "Hey, I'd like you all to meet my cousin, Jarlan." He shoves the other man ahead, with a grin. "He's gonna play for us, aren't you Jar?" The resemblance, while it might be hard to pick out, is definitely there.

Wryn glances over at Samuel and waves, "Thank you so much. This is lovely. I might have to ask you about some other things later."

X'dren trails with Aria over the edge of the dance floor.

X'dren heads out onto the dance square.
X'dren has left.

From the dance square, The harpers arrange their chairs and sit down, taking up their instruments. Elya holds her gitar on her lap, and the other apprentice lifts a set of pipes to her lips. Elya counts off quietly and the two begin a waltz.

Samuel motions for Rolan to follow X'dren if he wishes, a thoughtful expression on his face. "I would like that...." To Wryn, not knowing her name. "Might have to wait till after the Ball however."

"A pleasure to meet you, ladies," intones the harper, smiling in a friendly manner and giving a short bow, before turning to the men, "And you, good sirs."

Chavaun smiles at Kiryn, Wryn on his arm. What else could be better."

Rolan says "Quite well, thank you X'dren. I see you have company this evening?"

Wryn nods at Samuel, "Quite right. I'm Wryn, green Aarieth's rider. But now its time to dance." She looks up at Chavaun, "Shall we?"

From the dance square, X'dren calls over his shoulder to Rolan, "I see you do, too!" There's a hint of approval in his voice.

"Too bad, you would look good in it" Aluren whispers back to Jenna. Kiryn and kin get a shy smile, and she breathes a sigh of relief as Samuel is distracted away.

Rolan smiles at Samuel "See? All taken care of."

Chavaun nods to Wryn, all smiles. "We should. I don't want this dress to go unused. It's just screaming for a dance. Poor thing."

From the dance square, X'dren turns back to Aria to inquire softly, "You don't dance...? But why not?"

From the dance square, Not a show stopper, nor one who ever really cares to be the center of attention, Aria to an empty area, and glances around as the floor begins to fill, nodding to people here and there. Her toe taps, but not in any sort of noticable rhythm. To X'dren she murmurs, "Don't feel you need to keep me company, when the dancing starts. I love to watch others move about so agilely."

Samuel nods slowly. "Oah, Yes."

Saphan wanders through the crowd, looking slightly uncomfortable in his dress clothes. He seems to be looking for someone and not finding him...or her.

Aluren heads out onto the dance square.
Aluren has left.

Jenna snorts indelicately at Aluren. "I couldn't hold it up. Should we go watch them?"

From the dance square, Ariandra adds, then, "I never learned. Too old when I came to High Reaches, then too busy..."

Wryn smiles and allows herself to be led onto the dance floor.

Jarlan lingers a moment, then takes a step back. "As much as I'd love to stand here and get to know your friends, I've got a dance to play. See you afterward, Kiryn?" After that, the harper turns off, and heads onto the square, to join Elya.

Jarlan heads out onto the dance square.
Jarlan has left.

Chavaun heads out onto the dance square.
Chavaun has left.

Wryn heads out onto the dance square.
Wryn has left.

Rolan says "Do you want to dance?"

From the dance square, Elya and her fellow female apprentice pipe and strum the waltz. Elya nods at Jarlan, a smile tugging at her lips.

Samuel mutters to Rolan, "This is really... awkward.... to dance... your..."

Kiryn waves after his cousin, and turns a quick smile on Jenna. "Well, everyone's heading off. Shall we get going, too? Wouldn't want to miss out on the fun. C'mon."

From the dance square, Chavaun rubs a hand over Wryn's shoulder as he suddenly draws her closer to him.

Jenna nods to Kiryn, and heads on to the square.

From the dance square, X'dren smiles slowly at Ariandra. "Well, Rolan looks occupied well enough for now... and he deserves a chance to have some fun without me nagging him, so I think I can spare the time to offer a short lesson, if you like, Aria. I'm no expert, but I know the basics."

Dance Square

A raised square made of roughly-hewn planks, it stands maybe a foot or so off the ground, with short steps leading up along each side, and wide enough for a good twenty or thirty people to fit without effort. On one side, a smaller platform has been raised for the musicians, while the wooden fencing surrounding the square has been decorated with strips of colored cloth that flutter lightly with the smallest breeze.


Kiryn heads out onto the dance square.
Kiryn has arrived.

Jarlan swings his gitar down off his shoulder and smiles back at Elya. He finds a stool, set out for the musicians, and settles onto it, setting about to tune quickly, and quietly.

From outside in the bowl, Rolan nods "I'm sure he'll save a dance for me later."

From outside in the bowl, Samuel nods as well, murmuring. "Alright..."

Rolan heads out onto the dance square.
Rolan has arrived.

Wryn slips into Chavaun's arms and settles in for a night of dancing. Ah, a waltz...

Samuel heads out onto the dance square.
Samuel has arrived.

Kiryn grins a bit as the music reaches his ears, and his steps quickly take a somewhat rhythmic quality, the young man swaying a little as he makes his way around.

Chavaun smiles to Wryn softly, pushing a few soft curls from her face.

Wryn hums in time with the music and swirls around the dance floor with her partner, a look of delight on her face, "Its been so long since I've danced."

From outside in the bowl, Saphan sighs and finds some food to nibble on as he circulates through the crowd.

Jenna looks at a bit of a loss, edging her way around the dance floor and attempting to stay out of the way.

Chavaun nods to Wryn in agreement and dances with her gracefully as the music swells. "It's been quite awhile. Shame on me for letting so much time go by. But...we'll have to make a point of doing this more often now."

Aluren accepts the offer of a painfully skinny, acne inflicted weyr boy with umm as much grace as could be expected. FOr the next song she is busy trying to keep her arms straight and her toes untrod.

The strains of the waltz drift over the dancers and across the bowl.

Rolan leads Samuel into a dance once more.

Jarlan finishes his tuning, and sits by, idly tapping one foot as the current song plays through. With the loose strings he's got in tonight, the waltz can live without him.

What they don't have in grace and practice people seem to make up for in energy and enthusiasm. Everyone on the floor seems caught up in the pleasure that hard working people take in such delights, and boot heels stomp precariously close to trailing skirts.

Samuel's shoulders and his whole back is stiff again. He eyes the other dancers and then glances back at Rolan with a thin smile. "Wish I was better at this dancing." Sadly however, he's not.

Ariandra lifts a hand, pointing out a couple doing quite well, and murmurs, "They practice, I think."

Rolan says "Its not a competition. Its whether or not you're enjoying yourself."

Kiryn continues wandering about, for a while, as he's, for once, without a girl on even one arm, let alone both. Such a shame. A pair of weyrbrat girls, twins in fact, get a glance, but that's just... too strange, even for him, and he moves on, wandering to play wallflower beside Jenna.

The waltz comes to a finish and Elya leans over to Jarlan and whispers something.

Samuel's expression doesn't hint at his enjoyment of the dance, but he's working at it.

A tap on the shoulder and a popular greenrider is stolen away from his escort into another man's arms. Almost comically the origional partner taps a measure later and the trio switches off with the greenrider glowing under the attention.

Saphan heads out onto the dance square.
Saphan has arrived.

Saphan stands off the side and watches the others.

Wryn sighs as the waltz comes to an end and she stays close to Chavaun, murmuring, "Should we do at least one dance with another partner?"

Jenna pokes Kiryn lightly in the ribs and jerks her head towards the safety of the non dancing folk. Then she starts to make her way towards the relative calm around Ariandra and X'dren, slide slipping through the crowd. She gives a smile and offers, "Fort's duties," to the greenrider, and to Ariandra she offers, "Good to see you off the sands ma'am. How's Erith?"

Aluren dredges up a smile, or at least a baring of teeth for the boy brave enough to ask her to dance, then bolts for the safety of Jenna's company.

X'dren's eyes flick over to Rolan and Samuel, and he shakes his head, chuckling softly as he looks back to Ariandra. "Ah, but it's so easy! Surely you'll try it but once, sometime?" As others come up, he offers them polite nods, offering back to Jenna and Kiryn, "'Reaches duties and greetings..."

Chavaun chuckles, "well..." He smiles and nods, "I don't mind that. Perhaps I can sucker someone into dancing with me." He kisses the greenrider's cheek.

Jarlan smiles and nods, adjusting his gitar's hide strap, and settling the old, yet well-loved looking instrument onto his raised knee. With a nod, to the other harpers, to get them ready, he starts, strumming an opening chord on the instrument. It produces a rather twangy sound, the way he's got it strung, yet quickly the lad gets going with a much more up-beat, energetic dance tune.

"Erith does well enough. She's very even tempered, which, I think, bodes well for when we start going onto the sands in the near future." A faint smile, then Aria goes on, "Though no one dares go in and get those bones out."

Wryn smiles softly at Chavaun, "I doubt you'll have a problem." She moves away from Chavaun in the direction of the wallflowers.

Rolan says "Do you know any fast steps?"

Chavaun stands there, abandoned for a moment before sauntering to the side to find another to dance with.

"F'ren keeps meaning to teach me," Aria murmurs to X'dren, her cheeks warming with a becoming color, like some young cotholder girl thinking of her first beau, "We've just...been busy."

Kiryn follows along in Jenna's wake, for there's not much else for him to be doing, and nods a quick greeting to the weyrwoman and greenrider. "Ma'am, sir." A glance to Aluren, as she joins them, and he looks about the floor once more. "We can't hide here all night."

Saphan taps his foot against the dance floor and nods his head to the music, still peering around the crowd.

Samuel shakes his head and laughs aloud. "I don't think so."

Jenna grins as Aluren joins them, and then edges a bit to make room, "Ugh. Well as long as they don't bother her I guess." Then she gives Kiryn a look that says clearly, 'why not'? "then you two go dance, Kiryn, Aluren."

X'dren arches his brows at Kiryn, and offers her a hand. "I'm X'dren... It's a lot nicer to hear than 'sir', and I'm afraid I'll never hear to little of that word..."

Rolan says "Aw then just shake it."

Wryn smiles at Kiryn, "Hi there...would you dance with a poor greenrider in need of a partner?"

Attracted by the toe tapping, and in tempo no less, Aluren skips over to Saphan and holds out her hand asking "Care to dance this one? I know the steps"

X'dren murmurs quietly to Aria, "If you ever want a chance to try a few simple steps when he's not free, though, I'd be glad to help."

Saphan looks hesitantly at Aluren. "Ah...oh. Um...yes, I'll dance with you."

Samuel nods his head and tries to dance along with the fast dance. At least he has some sense of rhythm. Sort of.

Jarlan slips happily into the spirited piece, stomping his foot as well, as another harper joins him with a piped counter-beat. It's certainly a tune to dance to, really dance, not just sway about.

Aluren smiles softly and leads Saphan out, taking care to show him where and how to lead her "You hands go here and here, ready?"

Chavaun just shakes his head a little, "Right..."

Elya's eyes twinkle as she catches sight of Aluren and Saphan.

Saphan follows Aluren's lead and grins. "This is kind of fun."

Kiryn watches Aluren get dragged off somewhere else, and grins, shaking his head. "Nope. She's taken." A quick nod back to X'dren. "Of course, I'll remember that." Grinning still, he spins, and makes to grab Jenna's hand. "Looks like I get you instead. C'mon."

Rolan grins at Samual "You were born to dance, you just have to figure it out"

Jenna's attempts at securing partners for Kiryn and Aluren worked, though not as she expected. She woahs faintly, stepping back and nearly trodding on poor Ariandra. Frantically, she points Kiryn at Wryn. "She asked first!"

Chavaun is goosed by a bluerider who grabs him without a request and the two start dancing to the beat of the cheerful song. "...just don't grab me like that again." Vaun tells the young man.

Aluren giggles happily "I think so too" and only has to use her greater height and strength to manhandle Saphan through the country dance steps for a little while before complimenting "You learn fast!"

Samuel cracks a smile, "I don't know about that."

Wryn pouts a bit as Kiryn ignores her request and she looks around for another partner.

X'dren shrugs, looking after Kiryn as the fellow moves off to dance with the pretty young ladies, and offers Aria a wry smile. "seems I'm to keep you company, like a good escort should. How come he's not here?"

Saphan giggles as Aluren pulls him around, and he does his best to follow her steps.

Moving slightly aside, Aria smiles faintly, and tucks herself slightly behind X'dren, then murmurs, "A Weyrleader's duties often disrupt other plans. He was called away, I'm afraid. And please, do dance." A glance around, and then, "So many lovely people here for you to engage."

"Chavaun would kill me," answers Kiryn, with a wide grin, as he happily drags Jenna along behind him. An apologetic look, back at the greenrider, but surely she'll understand. Better for him to be dancing with someone his age, anyway.

And Jarlan is the one playing, not Kiryn :> Duh. And play he does, the dance tune soon having people really into it. They stomp their feet and twirl each other about. It's all good. And for an apprentice, he's quite handy on the gitar. Probably his specialty.

Wryn finally shrugs and goes off with the bronzerider that asks for a dance and kicks up her pretty ruby slippers for a moment.

Jenna looks utterly paniced. Though whether at the prospect of dancing or of dancing with Kiryn it's difficult to say. She turns a pleading look at the faces as they swirl around her. Someone get her out of this. "Just this once, Kiryn." She's actually not bad, and fairly light on her feet.

Elya plays along with Jarlan, sometimes in counterpoint, picking out a melody.

Chavaun shakes his tail-feathers with the very flamboiyant bluerider. Of course he has to keep backing up as the rider moves in on him. Luckily he's saved when a kitchen girl cuts in. "Vaun, you said you'd save me a dance." She says sternly.

Samuel mutters to Rolan, "... think... sit out the..."

X'dren chuckles quietly, and lifts that lingering hand on his arm up for a sly kiss. "I bet he's frustrated to be stuck elsewhere. I'll dance soon. Let them get their feet, first... and enough wine so that /I/ look good when I try mine out there." Of course, he's teasing, according to his tone.

Rolan nods "Alright."

Aluren twirls along skippingly with Saphan, adapting to a short lighter partner well. Maybe she has experience with little brothers and younger cousins. She starts to flirt outrageously with the younger candidate, trying to catch his eye, letting her fingers slide on his hand, sometimes even winking.

Samuel mutters to Rolan, "....this is..."

Kiryn chuckles, grinning back at the panicked Jenna, as he adjusts himself to dance a little more properly. One hand snags up one of hers, and his other goes to lightly rest at her side. "C'mon, just dance. It's not so bad." He's alright on his feet too, although it's more natural agility, than any real skill. One might figure he'd danced before, but not often.

Rolan quirks his head to the side curiously "What is?"

Samuel grins, still dancing. He shrugs. "me."

Saphan blushes at Aluren's attentions, unsure of what to do next. He stumbles once or twice as he dances, but recovers quickly.

A blushing goldrider, who would have thought? But then, X'dren has that way about him, and Aria is known for her almost shy disposition in such matters, she does manage to say, "Such a lovely flirt you still are, my dear." and her hand stays on his arm.

Rolan says "To be dancing?"

If you can call that interesting shake Samuel is doing a dance. He nods. "Yeah."

Wryn's bronzerider is cut in upon by a brash young greenrider. She spends most of THAT dance moving his hands from her backside to her waist.

Aluren chuckles gently, but doesn't tone her flirting down one bit. A hand squeeze here, a glance over her shoulder during a spin there she tries to teach Saphan not just the steps, but the spirit of the lively dance.

Rolan says "You're doing fine."

X'dren laughs softly, eyes dancing with merriment at the blushing goldrider, his gaze shifting back to the dance floor. "Thank you... Want to help me select a partner...? All the prospects seem good... well, most anyway, as the rest'd likely refuse."

Jenna knows how to dance, surely. However, the idea of dancing with a boy that isn't kin has completely unnerved her. She doesn't respond, instead just concentrating on the steps. The more attention she pays, the quicker it will all be over. A flush starts to creep up her neck as the steps pick up.

The song drifts across the dancefloor and around each person, lifting them up on the song.

Chavaun might be real upset if he'd seen the Bronzer's hands all over Wryn, but he's busy trying to keep his own parts untouched by the kittenish kitchen girl.

Samuel shrugs slowly, spinning around and around and around.

Saphan does his best to keep up, smiling bemusedly at Aluren.

"Well..." Aria looks around again, a studied thoughtfulness to her gaze. Her toes tap faintly, and out of synch with the music, but in a not unpleasant counterpoint. "So many to choose from." And she motions to several of the girls, and even one or two of the not so young girls. "They all dance so well."

Rolan says "But you don't have to dance them all with me, or all of them period."

Wryn finally extracts herself from the heavy handed greenrider and moves over to stand beside Aria and X'dren. Well, slightly behind, anyway. She watches Chavaun and the kitchen girl with one eyebrow raised.

X'dren nods slowly to agree to Aria's observations... and arches a brow mischievously as Wryn appears beside him.

Samuel stops spinning with a wavering step. "You know. I ... I think I'll cut out. I need something to drink."

Rolan says "Do you mind if I satay for the moment?"

X'dren mutters to Ariandra, "... should... all... free... your..."

Chavaun yelps as he misses a well aimed grab to his backside and jumps. "Iiee! Stop that!"

Wryn glances up at X'dren, giving him a somewhat charming smile until Chavaun's yelp is heard. She looks back over there and covers a grin with her hand.

Samuel shakes his head to Rolan. "No. Of course not. I'm sure there's someone you'd like to dance with." He grins and starts to slip away to safty.

Kiryn laughs, mid step, and, at a point where the dance lets them break apart, wags a finger at Jenna. "Oh, c'mon now, I'm sure you can do better than that." Stepping close, as the song comes out of a little bit of syncopation and into a final fast passage, he reaches both hands to grab the girl about the waist and gifts her. The tall young man is pretty strong, and pulls it off alright, twirling her about.

Ariandra murmurs a quiet word or two to X'dren, and lets her hand drop from his arm. Whatever he asked, seems to meet with her approval.

Rolan pats Samuel's shoulder and moves over to X'dren.

X'dren turns to Wryn abruptly and offers a half-bow, eyes full of mischief as he offers her his hand. "May I...? To erase the stain of that greenrider's performance?"

Jenna sensed the shift and gives a little jump, hands on Kiryn's shoulders, to assist in the lift and twirl. Hm. Someone at least knows how to toss dance, from the looks of things. That blush has reached her cheeks, and climbs avidly over them. Will this song never end?

Rolan settles in next to Ariandra "Ah, I'll get him next time."

Saphan excuses himself from Aluren, shaking his head slightly. "I'm kinda dizzy...gotta go sit down."

Samuel fills a glass from the serving table to one side removed from the dancing and drinks deeply.

Wryn drops a curtsey and places her hand in X'dren, "I would be delighted." She gives Chavaun one last glance and decides he can handle himself before stepping closer to X'dren.

Ariandra glances over at Rolan, her smile an easy one, though there might be the slightest bit of tension somewhere deep under it. But none of that shows in her voice as she responds, "X'dren?"

And, indeed, it does, not long after that spirited final bit. With a few last strong chords, that cause some people to stomp, hoot, and hollar, the song ends, Jarlan throwing his hand off the strings in a little flourish.

Saphan comes off of the dance square.
Saphan has left.

Chavaun finishes the dance with the kitchen girl and moves out of the way of the other dancers. He scans the floor for Wryn curiously only to find her secure with another partner. "Hhmm...." He finds a place to wait.

Samuel comes off of the dance square.
Samuel has left.

X'dren smiles cheerfully as he leads Wryn out to the floor, his step smooth, though if one thinks about it, he doesn't try anything remotely complex. His hands stay where they should be as they move toward the girl's waist. "I'm afraid I had to, after watching him... We're not /all/ that driven..."

Kiryn grins, once all feet are back on the ground, and finally gives Jenna the break she seems to want so desperately. He lets go, as the music stops, and cocks his head a bit to one side, wondering what her reaction will be. "Hey, you're a pretty good dancer. Done this before, eh?"

Rolan nods "Yes."

Wryn laughs softly, "That's a good thing to know. I think his Xiadanth is glowing rather brightly tonight, so its to be expected if not accepted. dance well."

Jarlan pauses then, grabbing a wineskin that the harpers brought with them, obviously for the purpose of mid-performance rejuvenation. Wiping his brow, he surveys the dance floor, and some of the new couples, standing now as the other harpers rearrange themselves. "This'll be a slow one, fine ladies and good sirs. So enjoy yourselves." At that, he strikes a soulful chord, and one of the pipe-players starts out with the melody.

"One of the people I missed when I left Reaches," Aria comments, as she watches the dancers. No sway to her motions, the music hasn't called her to get out on the floor and show what she can do.

Jenna flushes slightly, and nods to Kiryn. "My brothers used to practice on me." She takes a step back out of reach, as the strains of the next song swirl around. "Four Older brothers." There's a slight emphasis to the number and the word 'older'.

X'dren flushes warmly, suddenly a touch shy. "Honestly, only for slow or simple dances... The fast kind--I /do/ step on toes!" He flashes the Harpers a grin of appreciation--or is it gratitude?

Rolan says "I can understand that."

Ariandra then turns the discussion to other things, "I'm glad to see you. There's something I'd like to discuss with you, later, if you'll be at Fort for a while?"

Rolan says "I can be. My scheduale is fairly flexable"

Wryn chuckles softly, "Oh, somehow I doubt you'd ever step on anyone's toes. Myself on the other brother taught me to dance. He had bruised feet for sevendays."

Aluren watches Saphan stumble off, then puts a hand to her own head. Maybe she was spinning just a bit to much, since she plops inot a seat and huffs for breath there.

Kiryn isn't trying to abduct her, anymore, so it's no trouble, and he continues to smile as Jenna scoots away. "Hmm, that must have been quite the time. Having all of them to deal with. But then again, look what you learned." He grins, and wanders back to the railing to lean, seemingly keeping out of this dance.

X'dren arches a brow slowly, in challenge. "You can ask around. I most definitely have... Unfortunately, that's the way of learning it, I gather... lots of bruised toes. Is your brother here?"

A smile and a slight nod, Aria murmurs, "Lovely, then I'll look for you tomorrow. Not too early though...I think the dancing will go on for a time..."

Rolan says "I will be at your disposal"

Wryn sighs softly, "Unfortunately, no. I haven't seen him in a while. He's playing the role of the missing twin. Who doesn't want to be found."

Ariandra falls into a lazy, companionable silence then, drifting back into her role of involved watcher. Always she's been this way, content to allow things to go on around her without thrusting herself forward.

Jenna flushes and meanders back herself, taking up a post near Chavaun. He's safe enough, watching Wryn so intently. She gives a faint sigh of relief, and settles back to watch the dancing. "I dunno that I learned so much. Just how to run fast enough to get away when they'd tease me."

Chavaun looks to see where Wryn is at the moment and finds her still in the dance. He pushes off the wall and wanders over to Aluren, taking up a casual pose next to her like some bronzerider. "" Wink wink, nudge nudge.

Oh no, the same bubbly face starts Aluren's way. She shoots a pleading 'save me' glance towards the other candidates.

X'dren aaahs softly, nodding, eyes turning sympathetic as he slowly whirls Wryn around the floor. "That's sad... I'd think he should want to be found by someone so nice..." A violet eye winks mischievously.

Aluren gets saved! She pops to her feet and beams at Chavaun "Love to... dance"

And the harper offers a wink back at X'dren's grin. It's their job, of course, to know how best to please the audience, however that might be done. The soft, very melodic tune continues, with Jarlan playing short sequences of ascending notes, although the sequences themselves descend in pitch. This acts more as a frame for the piper, who weaves her tune about the more reliable gitar notes.

Chavaun chuckles and swings Aluren into the dance rather dramaticaly, hands lightly resting on her as she's spun around a time or two before real dancing can begin. "Wonderful! And how are you?"

Wryn gives X'dren a warm smile, "Thank you. But my brother is strange sometimes. I'm beginning to worry about him, really. But we'll find him when he wants to be found, I suppose."

From outside in the bowl, Above the center of the bowl, Farlioth spirals down towards the Center of the bowl, and backwings to a landing.
From outside in the bowl, Farlioth has arrived.
From outside in the bowl, Miritha slides down Farlioth's leg to his bent knee, and drops to the ground.
From outside in the bowl, Miritha has arrived.

Miritha heads out onto the dance square.
Miritha has arrived.

Aluren leans back into the spins, if Chavaun is being dramatic she may as well play into it. "Breathless" she whisps back " And how are you, he who has the most stunning weyrmate on the dancehall?"

Kiryn seems contented enough, to skip this one out. Gotta watch it, those slow dances can get emotional. And he wouldn't want that. The young man wanders about the edge of the dance square, eventually coming to stand near the Weyrwoman again, since she's playing wallflower too. "So," he asks, casually enough this time, and without the obvious 'ma'am' at the front, "What'd you think of this whole thing? The carnival, I mean."

"Miri," Aria calls out in a warm tone, from back where she's standing, in proximity to Rolan. The dancers swirl by, and she watches them with pleasure, but no real desire to join in. "You know Rolan?" At Kiryn's question, her attention arrows straightway there, and she regards him with focus and a smile, "You've all done wonderfully well. I'm sorry F'ren had to go off on weyr business. He'd have been most pleased."

X'dren nods thoughtfully to Wryn's words, and his eyes flick about the rest of the floor curiously... seeming to settle on a particular figure for a long moment. "Are you enjoying yourself?" he inquires his partner, a light question...

Chavaun dances down one side of the floor and up the other with Aluren against him and chuckles at her dramatic response to his. "Jealous. Terribly and heart rendingly jealous." It's clear he's joking by the wide smile. You're looking quite the dish this evening as well I might add!"

Miritha sets one foot on the dancing platform and pauses that way, glancing around not quite self-assuredly until Aria calls out her name, at which point her face brightens and she walks towards the weyrwoman. Unusually for the rider, she wears a dress - definitely a Gather dress, at that. "Hello, Rolan. I'm not sure we've met, no, Aria."

Jenna gives Kiryn a wary glance as he circumnavigates the floor, and then that modulates to a more relieved look. Talking is all he's after. "Oh, yes - did you get a chance to try any of the games, ma'am?" She keeps half an eye on the dancers and grins at Rolan, "I know you tried the cakewalk at least, Master Rolan. Any of the other games catch your attention?" She gives a nod to Miritha as she makes her way towards the small knot sitting out this dance.

Aluren works a playful contemptuous push at Chavaun's shoulder into the dance. "Liar" she laughs. Tell me another one."

Wryn follows X'dren's gaze for a moment, curious as to who he's looking for, but her attention is redirected back to X'dren, "Umm...yes. Its been quite delightful." Her own eyes then wander off in the direction of another figure.

"It's been a lot of fun," agrees Kiryn, with a bob of his head. "Even though we still had chores, and it almost killed a few of us, putting this all together." He grins, slightly, and offers Miritha a polite nod and amiable smile as she approaches. "Ma'am." There he goes again, with the formal stuff.

Chavaun grunts at the punch. "Ow! See if I ever say a nice thing again! I'm serious."

"I'm afraid not, Jenna. I was..." a pause, and a sort of blank expression on her face, as if she tries to recall, "...with Erith. She was fussing a bit about one of the eggs. She couldn't see it to her satisfaction..."

Ariandra did that, sorry.

Rolan says "Well met to you both. I've had quite a lot of fun here."

"About being jealous?" Aluren chuckles, shaking her head in the middle of spotting to keep from getting dizzy around a turn "I don't think you need worry when you lavish her with such pretty things." And her fingers play with one of Chavaun's long red curls, does she mean the dress or him?

X'dren chuckles softly, amusement filling his gaze. "I'm sorry, though it seems we're both ready for new partners. I have to admit I've enjoyed your company and light steps..." His feet lead them back to where Ariandra, Rolan, Jenna, Kiryn...

Chavaun laughs softly at Aluren's comment and corrects her after a tsk, "not about being jealous. About you looking very nice. Don't you like compliments at all?"

Wryn chuckles softly, "I suppose. I enjoyed yours as well. Thank you for the dance."

X'dren stops his own steps with a half-bow to Wryn. "My pleasure. I couldn't let you leave thinking greenriders can't keep their hands where they belong for five minutes..."

"How can I know what I like if I have no experience with them?" Aluren simpers, but with a sincere blush staining her cheeks almost as red as the trim on her dress.

Chavaun does not ask Aluren which gift she ment, blushing around his smile. "Well, I'll be the first to change that trend. You look wonderful."

Miritha smiles back at Kiryn. "Hello, Kiryn. I'm glad you've enjoyed it, Rolan. Our Candidates do seem to have turned themselves inside out to put on a good show, don't they?"

Wryn chuckles, "Oh, I know that quite well. I'm one of them." She winks at X'dren and then moves off to find her weyrmate.

Kiryn nods to the greenrider, still wearing that friendly smile as he approaches, and remembers -not- to go sir'ing him again. Definitely not. "Looks like things are winding down a bit," the young man comments, glancing about. "Wonder if everyone's done for the night." And only one dance for him. Not that the lad seems too bothered by that. Then, catching sight of Aluren and Chavaun, he chuckles a little. "Hmm, our Steward is at it again." And a nod to Miritha, "Yep, but it was worth it, I think."

Miritha glances around. "Too bad F'ren's not here," she says, and sighs wistfully. "I was going to dance with him."

Aluren doesn't blush anymore. Although it would be difficult to try. "Thank you" she answers with a nod "So do you. Did Wryn help you choose your outfit? I like the boots."

Jenna offers, "I think the Harpers are the main attraction tonight. That or Wryn's gown." She gives a shy nod towards the greenrider slipping through the crowd.

Ariandra stirs then, and looking toward the harpers, ventures a quiet question, "I wonder if they'd mind if I played a song..."

Jarlan's playing slows, as does the piper's, the two intertwining melodies coming to a slow, and rather charming end; a long trill, into another soft chord on the gitar. At that, they give short bows, and again spend a few moments regrouping and chatting amongst themselves. GOtta be hard, to be a harper at events like this. You get to watch everyone else dance, but seldom get to enjoy any of it yourself.

X'dren arches a brow at Wryn, then laughs lightly but cheerfully, shaking his head as he joins the cluster standing by. Each receives a polite nod and a faintly-embarrassed smile. "Why should they mind, Ariandra?" he asks cheerfully.

Wryn notices Chavaun dancing with Aluren, so she settles in the shadows and waits for the set to be over. She talks quietly with a young, painfully shy candidate for the duration.

Chavaun smiles and gives his head a small shake, "I'm afraid not. These are just my normal things. I mean, my better normal clothes but not anything new. I sort of sprung the dress on her at the last moment. Samuel was good enough to make it for tonight especial and brought it with him last eve."

"Well..." Aria doesn't say anything for a moment, and then murmurs, "I'm not really all that good. I never had the time I wanted to spend on lessons with Singhe. But..."

Kiryn takes a male moment, and finally gets around to scoping out Wryn. His eyes do bug out a bit, and it's only a massive effort of will that prevents him from whistling. "One or the other, sure. And I'm sure Jarlan wouldn't mind. They're usually pretty friendly about stuff like that.

Rolan nods. "They certainly have..."

Miritha gives Ariandra a thoughtful grin. "Can't see why not. It's _your_ queen who's the reason we have the Candidates who's the reason we have the whole thing tonight."

From outside in the bowl, High above the bowl, Gyreventh emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

Aluren steps away from Chavaun as the music ends and curtsies. "Thank you, and I do believe that lovely dress is sitting alone off to the side now." She inclines her head in Wryn's direction.

Jenna takes up the persuading. "I'm sure they wouldn't mind, ma'am. Give 'em a chance to rest. I'll bet they'll be playing till near dawn as it is."

From outside in the bowl, Above the center of the bowl, Gyreventh spirals down towards the Center of the bowl, and backwings to a landing.
From outside in the bowl, Gyreventh has arrived.

Chavaun bows to Aluren and a look of worry flitters over his face, "She's alone? I just saw her dancing." He turns away from Aluren and then grins an aside to her, "Thanks so much for the dance lovely candidate." Grinning he hurries with wide strides to rescue the lady in red from the darkness.

Ariandra smiles, almost hesitantly, then edges toward the area where the harpers have esconced themselves. A quiet murmuring ensues, and then she nods, and sits down, reaching behind her for an old, but beautiful ebony gitar.

From outside in the bowl, Sh'yar hops down Gyreventh's side to the ground, using his straps as handholds.
From outside in the bowl, Sh'yar has arrived.

Wryn looks up as Chavaun approaches and smiles, looking back at the candidate she's been talking to, giving her a nod and a little shove towards the dance floor.

Sh'yar heads out onto the dance square.
Sh'yar has arrived.

Aluren circles the floor to avoid the determained bubbly face and goes to hide near wherever Kiryn and Jenna may be.

Chavaun offers Wryn his hand, "I didn't know you'd stopped dancing. Did you enjoy yourself?" He grins to the candidate whom he's removing Wryn from, "sorry. Excuse us?" His eyes settle on the lady greenrider happily.

Miritha looks over towards Wryn and smiles slightly, admiringly. The brownrider links her hands behind her back and murmurs to Kiryn, "They didn't relieve any of you of your regular chores as well? Too bad." Jenna, too, gets a smile.

Jarlan certainly smiles, and steps aside, to give the goldrider room as she ascends to their little dias, offering another brief bow. "It's certainly an honor to have you play with us. What might you have in mind? I'm sure a few of us here can manage an accompaniment."

X'dren gazes after the goldrider with a cheerful smile, then lifts a hand to wave to Sh'yar, before offering Miritha a slightly-shy smile. "'Reaches duties and greetings..."

"It's an old song," Aria says, as she settles tentatively, "One written by Master Jalassa. Now, if I can just remember how it goes..."

Wryn smiles at Chavaun, "Oh, I haven't been done long." She takes Chavaun's hand and steps close to him with a smile, "Remember what I said about that last dance?"

Jenna grins and tilts her frame to give Aluren some measure of protection to hide around. Spotting Sh'yar she waves, as Ariandra gets settled and ready to play. She nods to Miritha, "Ah, it really wasn't so bad. But I swear I'd like to sleep for a sevenday when all this is done. It's t'morrow that will be the rough part."

Sh'yar scans the crows for a few familiar faces, spotting one he makes his way to his wingsecond, "Hey X'dren, diden't know you were here."

Kiryn chuckles. "Well, if they let us off of our normal chores, to throw a carnival, I don't think you'd ever have anything -but- carnivals about here. Certainly, none of the chores would get done." And a quick nod to Jenna. "Yeah, after this..." Yet his attention goes to the stage, noting the Weyrwoman's appearance near his cousin and his fellow harpers.

Chavaun nods to Wryn and smiles wider and then wider still as he pulls his weyrmate against his chest. "Hm, you might have to remind me. Shards my forgetfulness."

Miritha's return smile to X'dren is brightly welcoming. "Fort's to Reaches," she replies. "Are you enjoying yourself? We're glad to have so many visitors."

The same curiosity as before her Impression of brown Farlioth still shows in her blue eyes, but Miritha is often too busy now keeping herself and her dragon out of trouble to indulge herself. She keeps her blonde hair clipped short both by choice and semi-necessity as a rider. Sea-blue flows down from shoulders to ankles, in the form of a dress that shimmers in the light. From shoulders to waist it fits her form, Accenting that form in streaks of silver falling from the shoulder seam to a point at her waist, each a V within the next. The sleeves, too, cling to her arms. From the waist down, the skirt flares out fully, swirling around her feet as she moves. Within each of the pleats in the skirt are more streaks of silver, glimmering from their dark hiding places as the cloth is stirred by movement. A belt of brilliant, unadorned white is clasped around her waist; shoes of the same white sheath her feet in delicately worked leather. On her right hand, her Impression ring takes the light and gives it back in sparkles of silver and a fiery gleam. Her rider's knot, brown and black of Fort combined with the brown of her dragon, is worn almost casually.

Aluren smiles gratefully and tries not too successfully to hide behind the ethereally slight Jenna. The message runner candidate offers about as much camoflage as a reed.

X'dren sidles up slightly behind Rolan and moves to rest a hand on Rolan's shoulder. "Of coures, Sh'yar. I always try to make gathers... and dances," he chuckles. He offers Miritha a nod and a grin. "I certainly am, thank you... I'm X'dren, by the way--green Mauroth's."

Miritha chuckles. "Miritha, Farlioth's rider," she answers. "Our Candidates have done a good job for themselves, haven't they? It's all their doing."

Rolan smiles and reaches up to squeeze X'd's hand.

Wryn chuckles softly and stands on tiptoe to whisper in Chavaun's ear as they sway to whatever music might or not be playing.

Ariandra's soft voice lifts over the sound of simple chords being picked out on the gitar, "This is a song that Master Jalassa wrote a long time ago, or so I heard..."

X'dren nods, smile warm and cheerful. "Nice to meet you, Miritha... They did all this? It's amazing work!"

Beginning to sing, Ariandra picks up the melody that sounds like the tide coming in on a beach.

Bearing the perfume of ages,
Across the trackless sea,
The wind comes to caress us,
In perfect harmony.

Ariandra smiles, her fingers moving to the next chord with a bit more surety than when she began. A little instrumental bridge.

Chavaun listens with his head inclined to Wryn's soft words. His thumb plays light circles over the naked flesh of her lower back very softly. "Mmm!" He agrees to what she says to him and tilts his head so he can peer into her eyes, "I like that idea."

Miritha nods in agreement with X'dren, then turns to listen to Ariandra, head cocking slightly.

Jenna asks Aluren in a whispered undertone, "Who *was* that boy that kept asking you to dance, anyway?" Blue eyes focus on Ariandra as she sings, widening a bit at the weyrwoman's voice.

Jarlan looks between the Weyrwoman, and one of the other harpers, quickly judging the piece and getting his group together to play along. When they come in, and it is't immediately, it's a rather soft entrance, just an echo behind Ariandra. Another wave, behind hers, perhaps?

Aluren shivers whispering back "I don't want to say his name, he may pop up" and shhshing she listens to the words of the song.

Wryn's smile broadens and she wraps her arms around Chavaun's neck, resting her head on his shoulder.

X'dren turns his gaze to Rolan, and leans to whisper in the Trader's ear. He mutters to Rolan, "... you were..."

Continuing on, Aria's voice lifts a little more, a lightness to it, as if she's forgetting that she's in a mass of people, and might be singing for herself alone,

And each new day that's dawning,
Reveals another sight,
The wind ruffles the water,
In sun or pale moonlight.

Drawing confidenc as the song unfurls, Aria glances at the harpers around her, repeating the melody without words for a bit.

Kiryn crosses his arms over his chest and settles against the railing to watch, although he does pay the occasional sidelong glance to the two gossping candidates nearby.

Chavaun smiles and nuzzles his face into Wryn's dark mass of hair, breathing her in slowly as he sways with the music. His eyes slowly close as he slides his arms around her, his fingers caressing her bare shoulder and back as he encircles her.

Jenna shushes - her expression suggests she likely would have anyway, after hearing Ariandra's voice. She does break the music's spell a moment, looking around for Aluren's erstwhile beau. As blue eyes catch on Kiryn, she flushes, and looks quickly back to the dais.

X'dren aaahs softly at a whispered reply, and gives rolan's shoulder a gentle one-handed squeeze.

And then the words continue, long, calloused fingers coaxing out notes, an occasional misfingering that is soon covered, though Aria's color rises a bit when that happens,

And water sings of freedom,
It beckons all those wild,
Take up the ocean's callenge
Become her restless child.

Ariandra looks down, frowning slightly, then the frown easing away as the rhythm of the song soothes her,

But I shall never know her,
The mother in her bed,
The depths that stretch beyond me
Will fill my dreams instead.

The harpers keep themselves hushed, well-trained enough, even as apprentices, to know full-well better than to drown out a soloist. Still, there's a persistant bed of sound, as they play, which slips in to fill and hide the gaps and goofs in the Weyrwoman's playing.

Wryn lets the music and Aria's voice drift over her as she sways against Chavaun, a knowing smile playing on her lips. Her fingers bury themselves in the Stewards long red curls.

Kiryn offers Jenna a smile, and turns his attention back out on the performance once again, stretching his arms out over the railing.

The last verse, you can tell by the easing of her tension, the end of the 'race' in sight, and Aria lets her pleasant, but untrained voice soar a little louder,

The perfume is the promise,
The wine that slips away,
I'll just be glad to sip it,
As here, at close of day.

Putting her hand flat on the strings then, Aria stills the last sounds, and smiles faintly, her head tilted down a bit.

Chavaun's rumbling hum picks up the song very softly, sending it into Wryn's curls and then against her neck as he moves to bow his face against her shoulder affectionately

X'dren listens to the music quietly, not moving from Rolan's side...

Jenna applauds, that blush beginning to creep up her neck once more as Kiryn flashes a smile her way. She's not looking, of course not! Blue eyes remain on the weyrwoman as she claps.

Aluren breathes out a sigh, unaware she was holding her breath for the song. She sneaks a glance over sideways to get the ex-sailor Kiryn's reaction to the song before joining in the clapping.

The harper group trails off as well, yet, in matching with the audience, they too quickly join in the applause of the Weyrwoman's performance, Jarlan leaning forward to murmur a quiet, and rather sincere, "Well played."

Sh'yar applaudes heartily, "Well sung!"

Wryn sighs softly, the music stopping, but evidently the dance she is dancing with Chavaun hasn't quite ended.

Miritha applauds cheerfully, giving Ariandra that bright flashing smile of hers. Then she sidesteps slightly to get closer to Kiryn. She mutters to Kiryn, "... haven't,..."

X'dren finally drops his hand from Rolan's shoulder to join in the applause, calling, "Good song!"

From outside in the bowl, As the Weyrwoman falls silent and the applause rises, a bright, white-hot spark rises up from the direction of the lake. It climbs and climbs, until it seems to go out. And then, there is a soft 'boom', and a shower of iridescent silvery stars descends from the night sky, twinkling in their brilliance. The fireworks have begun.

Sh'yar oooohhhhs!

Rolan looks over at the fireworks as he claps "It pays to be in charge..."

"It's been a long time," Aria replies, after catching her breath. "Thank you for letting me play, you were wonderful..." and is that the faintest trace of perspiration on her forehead? As if she'd been running a race, or lifting something much heavier than a gitar.

X'dren chuckles quietly at Rolan's words, eyes wide enough to almost reflect the fireworks. "Wow...!" he breathes, watching.

Kiryn applauds as well, smiling rather warmly at the sight of the weyrwoman and his cousin performing together. His eyes trail skyward then, as the fireworks start, yet he glances briefly over at Miritha, to Jenna, and then back. "Yeah.." he murmurs, quietly.

Sovalin heads out onto the dance square.
Sovalin has arrived.

Sovalin appears almost from nowhere, standing off to the side watching.

Jenna nudges lightly at Aluren. "Look, they've started it - did you know the Weyrwoman could sing? And did you ever meet her daughter? She's about our age..." She trails off, keeping her voice low enough not to be clearly overheard.

The gitar remains in her lap, even as her eyes turn, fixed on the falling, jewel-like blossoms. A smile, like that of a child seeing the stars clearly for the first time, Aria becomes immersed in the spectacle.

Aluren keeps shaking her head at Jenna, answering silently by gesture. Evidently she doesn't know a lot. Or she is overwhelmed by her first fireworks. Hands clasped with white fingers in her lap she winces with each explosion.

Miritha's lips curve upwards at Kiryn's moving glances, and her eyes glint, though she stays quiet now.

Wryn smiles happily at something Chavaun whispers something in her ear, as she obviously agrees. She looks up just in time to spy the first of the fireworks. She stays close to Chavaun, but she nudges his chin up so that he too can see.

From outside in the bowl, That first shower is followed immediately upon by a second, this time of aureate stars, showering a gold and crimson radiance down to extinguish the silvery light. And quickly a third, this one of bright blue, explodes with a loud *BANG* and then seems to circle and drip lazily down around the rain of yellow in a rough oval. At the noise, jeweled pairs of eyes begin to dot the ledges of the bowl, as curious dragons and riders come out to see the show from a higher vantage point.

The other harpers echo Jarlan's sentiment, with a chorus of 'Well played' or 'well sung' comments. Having her play with them, it seems to break down some of the tension, the young apprentices not getting as bent out of shape over even speaking with a goldrider. Soon, however, they all turn their attention to the skies.

Jenna's lips purse faintly, but she directs her attention upwards. Just in time to hear that huge bang. A faint wince at the noise, she cups her hands over her ears for a moment.

Sh'yar makes his way to where the weyrlady is seated, "You have a golden voice m'lady. My compliments on your song."

Chavaun looks up sharply at the fireworks as well. "Jays."

Chavaun might be seeing another sort of fireworks howver. Who knows.

X'dren laughs softly, grinning slowly as he watches the fireworks display, eyes full of amazement and awe. "Mauroth says it's almost better than watching the stars dance!"

Kiryn looks away from the rider, then, and smiles all the more widely, watching the fantastic spectacle in the sky. He leans back further, over the rail, to watch. "Wow... these are great."

Rolan says "Almost."

X'dren glances at Rolan with a secret smile. "Almost," he agrees mischievously.

Jenna tilts her head back on her neck, watching almost comically, hands still sheltering sensitive ears. She turns a grin aside at Aluren's spellbound gaze, before looking back up to catch the next variation.

Sovalin shoves his hands in his pockets, eyes gazing skywards.

Her attention diverted from the sky by the compliment, Ariandra turns her attention to Sh'yar, noting his knot, and murmurs, "Fort's duties to High Reaches. Lovely to have you join us tonight. And you have a silver tongue...I thank you for the compliment."

From outside in the bowl, As if that bang were a signal, thick ribbons of white hot light begin to shoot up from the lake, briefly illuminating the courageous smiths down there setting them off. The pallid streaks shoot into the sky, trailing ashen smoke behind, one, two, three, and then too many to count accurately. A ring of silvery light rises up in a circular wave from around the lake.

Slowly relaxing as beautiful fire rains down from the skies and yet miraculously burns out before destroying everything, just as people told her it would, Aluren relaxes and joins the ooohs and ahhs of the crowd at the display.

Chavaun murmurs something softly to Wryn

Wryn watches the fireworks with wide eyes, arm around Chavaun's waist and mouth curved into a delighted smile. She looks up at Chavaun and her smile turns a bit more delighted, if possible. She nods, "That would be wonderful."

Kiryn glances sidelong, between displays, just another one of those distracted looks. It doesn't last long, and soon he's watching the sky once again.

Jenna mutters something half under her breath, just as interested in the spectacle down by the lake as she is in the one up in the skies.

Chavaun smiles and turns to escort Wryn from the dance floor. "Evening everyone." He calls before his attention slips back to the lady at his side.

Wryn waves, "Goodnight, everyone."

X'dren glances about, then offers Wryn and her escort a wave as they depart...

Sh'yar smiles and keeps half an eye on the fireworks, "My thanks... I think... And Reachies duties in return. Gyreventh tells me your eggs are but scant weeks away from hatching."

From outside in the bowl, As the wave nears completion, each sizzling knot of light explodes with a pop and a bright flash, sending out a billow of smoke and a tinkling rain of thread-colored flashes. The bursts stand out in sharp relief against the blowing smoke, shocking the eyes and other senses. In the middle of this cacophony of light and sound, a piercing whistle arises, as a streamer of crimson ribbon streaks skyward from what seems to be the very center of the lake and that circular exploding wave above it. As the last of the white knots explode, so does it, a spout of red flame lashing out and consuming each of the silvery-threaded lights.

Chavaun comes off of the dance square.
Chavaun has left.

Wryn comes off of the dance square.
Wryn has left.

From outside in the bowl, Wryn mounts Aarieth with the help of the riding straps and a proferred foreleg.

The harpers take their break now, although their instruments are left unpacked, in case they're called upon to play again. Not uncommon, for parties at weyrs, but for now, the mostly young apprentices are happy to go and socialize for a bit. Jarlan immediately heads over to seek out Kiryn and his friends.

From outside in the bowl, Chavaun mounts Aarieth with the help of the riding straps and a proferred foreleg.

"Ah, Erith has been talking, I see." Aria's amused by that and then nods, "It won't be much longer. The's always been so hard. Something like this helps break the tension."

From outside in the bowl, Above the center of the bowl, Aarieth wings up from the Center of the Bowl.

Sh'yar smiles, "The dragonets are going to have a touch choice I think you have a fine bunch of candies." he says as he indicated the candidates present. "They really have outdone themselves."

Jenna can't help a little 'oooh!' and tugs excitedly at Aluren's sleeve. "Didja' see that one?" She looks around excitedly, to see who else enjoyed that particular burst.

"Yes, we're so pleased," Aria murmurs, head bent slightly to keep the conversation from intruding on others. "A fine clutch, and fine Candidates."

"I especially like red" Aluren agrees, chattering at Jenna "I wonder what color will be next?"

X'dren gives Rolan's shoulder a pat. He mutters to Rolan, "Could I... our..."

From outside in the bowl, All is silent and dark for a few moments, as eyes adjust back to the velvet of the night sky and its usual stars. Then, there are five shorts from the lake. The first to go up is a bright lime green, exploding in a starburst that sends out sparks in a roughly oval pattern. As soon as the green 'egg' explodes, so too does a brilliant lapis blue one, intertwining with the first and at a different angle to the ground.

Sh'yar says "How many eggs are hardening? I have not had the opportunity to visit your hatching sands and see them myself."

Kiryn makes an 'oooh' noise and face, at the last one, and completely misses his cousin's approach, until he's right there. "Oh, hey again Jarlan. Great playing." Gesturing for the older man to follow, he makes his way over to Aluren and Jenna, stopping just beside them.

Sh'yar aaahhsss!

Rolan nods "Sure"

Jenna's tone is curious, "Wonder how they make - that was a circle wasn't it?" She squints up into the sky, tilting her head back this way and that, attempting to get a better angle on the fading lights.

"28," Aria informs Sh'yar, and then smiles almost briefly, "Erith's a small gold, as most of the Reaches golds have it's not too surprising."

Aluren tilts her head back to catch a fading streak of blue and finds herself looking up at Kiryn and Jarlan's chins. "Oh! hello" she greets with a smile, reaching back to urge Kiryn a little Jenna-way so he doesn't block her view of the lake.

Sh'yar nods, "And it close to the end of the pass. You were originally a Reachian?"

"Yes. Erith's dam is Lyrith, and her sire Jeth." Another glance at the young man next to her, "Some turns ago. People were taking bets Erith would never rise again, as we're both getting older."

Jarlan gives another one of his harper smiles, as Aluren looks up and notices him standing there, "Evenin'," the man offers in return, stepping aside as Kiryn gets pulled over, and then taking his own spot near Aluren. "Quite the show, isn't it?"

Sh'yar pftts! "Louts, why anyone can see you have turns and turns to go before that." he says with a wink and smile.

Miritha drifts over towards Ariandra, in time to hear Ariandra's last. "Hmph. Erith's not very old at all," she protests.

X'dren gives Rolan's shoulders a one-arm hug, and hesitantly but quickly gives the Trader a peck on the cheek. "Thanks... I'll catch you later, all right?"

Aluren peeks up through her eyelashes coquettishly at the blue eyed harper apprentice "Yes, and thank you for playing earlier."

From outside in the bowl, Coming hard on the heels of the blue explosion is one that is a trifle difficult to see - white sparks that shade darker as they burn, nearly to an ashen brown cinder. And hard again upon that is another oval, this one nearly on a plain with the horizon - a molten shade that shades briefly into bronze before disappearing. And as the bronze explodes, so does a final shower of aureate sparkles, twining in and around the ghosts of the other 'eggs' before it too, quickly fades.

Ariandra chuckles, and remarks, "And I see the art of verbal flirtation still is well taught at Reaches." Then to Miritha she murmurs, "Oh, I know. My time's almost up, but...who knows for her?"

Kiryn gets tugged over, and chuckles a little at Aluren. "You could have just told me to move, you know," he teases, grinning a little. Boy, the two of them look more and more alike, especially when they go grinning at you. "Yeah, great set, Jar," the younger man murmurs, while taking his own spot nearer to Jenna.

Jenna gives Aluren a look as the boys behind them are shifted around. She does offer, "It was some nice playing, aye," before looking resolutely back up at the fireworks going off overhead. See Jenna. See Jenna ignoring Kiryn. Save for a curious glance back at him for a very brief moment.

Sh'yar smiles and bows at the waist, then half to the newcomer and half to Ariandra, "Sounds to me like someone is feeling a little down on herself... For a cure I suggest you dance the next dance with the nearest avaiable brownrider, namely me." he inquires with a sly smile.

Jenna's stiff back isn't unnoticed by Aluren, who takes the opportunity to lean back and use Kiryn as a prop. See Aluren, see Aluren try and get Jenna jealous. Jarlan is still being smiled at.

X'dren waves and quietly drifts off...

Miritha, not much farther from Aria than Sh'yra, puts a hand over her mouth, but not quite in time to cover a smile.

From outside in the bowl, As if that were a signal, chaos ensues. The grand finale is a deafening explosion of whistles, bangs and pops as multiple flashes are launched from the lakeshore. Umbrella showers of emerald, sapphire, ocher, copper and gold burst upon each other, each one opening like a flower and raining sparks down upon the other. Fountains of flame fire up at the four cardinal directions, gouting towards the silver flash-bangs that surround the group. Just as the noise and light reach an unbearable level, everything abruptly winks out, timed with within a fingersbredth to produce total blackness and dead silence.

X'dren comes off of the dance square.
X'dren has left.

"I..." Aria chuckles as she begins, the same thing she's said to several people this night, "don't dance, I'm afraid."

Jarlan smiles back at Aluren, for a moment, before his gaze flits off to watch the amazing end of the light show. "Mm, spectacular. I haven't seen any like these since the Smithcraft gather a while back. So, you're all candidates then, I think Kiryn was saying?" he addresses the two ladies.

Sh'yar chuckles, "Well neither do I but that's never stopped me from trying at any other dance." he says with a sly smile.

And Kiryn becomes a pillow once more. Seems that happens an awful lot, these days; enough so that the tall young man barely seems to notice Aluren making use of him. "Quite the show, indeed." He'd answer, for Jarlan, but something tells him that wasn't the idea.

Jenna squints a bit in the darkness, and then starts whsitles in appreciation as a great cheer goes up from the lake. Evidently it all went off as the smiths planned. Aluren's leaning against Kiryn doesn't go unnoticed. She gives a faint sniff and nods to Jarlan. "We're all candidates. And I think *I'm* for bed. Chores come early in the morning, you know."

Aluren sits up straighter as Jenna abdicates instead of fighting. Bah! After a pat ALuren turns away from Kiryn to answer the harper apprentice "Yes, I got Searched out of the Baking Training Center. Where were you origionally from?"

"I'd be happy to try to stay off your feet, at the next meeting," Aria murmurs to Sh'yar, as she comes to her full height. "I fear Erith's getting a bit restless, wants to 'discuss' the Thread that is not Thread that was falling..."

From outside in the bowl, Above the center of the bowl, Mauroth spirals down towards the Center of the bowl, and backwings to a landing.
From outside in the bowl, X'dren jumps up onto Mauroth's back, as the dragon rumbles softly.
From outside in the bowl, Above the center of the bowl, Mauroth wings up from the Center of the Bowl.

Sh'yar blinkblinks and very suddenly changes the conversation, "Thread that was not thread?"

"A shame we'll be losing you for the night, then," replies Jarlan, his tone and demeanor as easy-going as ever. "But I wouldn't dare hold an industrious candidate from her chores. That is, if she'd get in trouble. If not, it might be an option." He grins, and then replies to Aluren, "South Boll, or a little fisher hold just outside of it, to be precise. I'd imagine there are people here from all over. Kiryn from Tillek, and..." his attention falls on Jenna again.

"Yes," Aria answers, "That's what the fireworks reminded her of. Flaming Thread falling, but such pretty colors..."

Jenna says a trifle stiffly, "Me from Fort Valley. Not exactly widely traveled. Well met, Jarlan, and g'night everyone!" A little bronze shadow, now that the nasty banging things have gone away, appears out of between and wraps itself about the girl's neck as she heads for the caverns.

Kiryn scowls a little, as Jarlan just up and moves in on his territory. Hmph! Shardin' silver-tongued harpers. But Jenna's announcement causes him more notice, and he waves after the girl, calling a "Good night, and sleep well."

"Oh!" Aluren lilts back "For all this work that kept busy hands and bored minds from doing pranks, candidates have a day or so off chores. So I have all night if I like. But what to do with it, that is the question." She frowns after Jenna's back as the other girl flees.

From the dance square, Sh'yar chuckles, "Ah, I see now."

Jenna does indeed flee. Running is something she's good at. As soon as she's down from the dancing square, she takes off, the little bronze holding on for dear life.