L'nan and Rodric both court Jenna in their own ways. Jenna gets her first real kiss, and from her crush too!
Jenna - Wednesday, November 07, 2001, 10:35 AM
Your location's current time: 11:59 on day 16, month 1, Turn 38, of the Tenth Pass. It is a winter morning.
Fort Weyr Living Cavern(#199RJa$)
Approaching half the size of the Hatching Grounds, this cavern echoes with voices
during the day, and the soft patter of feet during the night. Dozens of tables
are spaced throughout, each with open space around to provide small amounts
of privacy for the discussions carried on at each. The night hearth, with a
cluster of pots of stew and klah, is situated near the large entrance to the
Bowl. Several other hearths are spaced around the huge chamber, lending light
and some heat to the room.
Broad marble steps to the southwest lead up to the impressive Fort Weyr kitchen.
To the east, a short flight of stairs leads to the hallway to the inner caverns.
A stout door to the north has a healer's emblem on it, marking the Infirmary.
To the south is a wide tunnel, leading out of the weyr, and a wide opening to
the west leads to the weyr bowl.
Meg and Peg
Fort Weyr Firelizard Perch
L'nan comes in from the bowl.
L'nan has arrived.
Jenna is just getting her usual lunch, a big plate of greens and a mug of juice, from the serving table.
"And that's why it's so important t'know all the names and colors of the dragons." L'nan sounds rather impressed with himself as he walks in from the bowl surrounded by small children and a few nannies. After he answers a few questions, he points towards the inner caverns. "Time for your naptimes, so be good and perhaps tomorrow we can go see Alirath again." This gets a positive response and the bluerider is finally left to himself, so he plops into a chair. "Afternoon, Jenna," he greets.
Jenna chuckles quietly as she comes to set her plate and cup next to L'nan. "Bet you worked up an appetite." She takes a quick look round for Jeny and doesn't spot her, for she asks instead, "Want me to fix you up a bite to eat?"
L'nan shakes his head. "No, thank you," he replies in a murmur. "Not really hungry just yet." He looks from Jenna to her plate and then back. "How do you do all your running just eatin' that?"
Jenna slides into her seat. "Well, I usually add wherry to it for some meat, but there wasn't any today. Maybe there'll be some for dinner. And I usually have some bread for energy. Just too much of it and I'll get too fat to run." She grins a bit and stabs a forkful of greens. "Besides, if I eat too much rich stuff it makes me sick to my tummy. I've just always eaten greens, and that's what I'm used to." She shrugs and then grins, "Like you always eat meatrolls."
L'nan listens with a bit more attention than a few days ago, no longer as distracted. "But meatrolls taste /good/," he whines, grinning. "Well, whatever you like, I guess. And as if you could ever get fat. Pshhh." His eyes rake Jenna from head to toe and back again, and he shakes his head.
Jenna hurriedly swallows her greens. "You'd be surprised. It'll happen eventually, particuarly if I'm not careful." She tilts her head at him, "You look a bit more rested than you did a bit ago - though we missed you at Jeny's turnday last night. Or did you get in after I had to leave her with Zinnia?"
L'nan lets out a long sigh. "Got caught in another arg- uh, meeting," he says hurriedly. "Was it fun, though? I haven't seen her yet to say I'm sorry." His lips curl down into a frown. "I feel really bad. It's no fun when your friends forget or can't go to your Turnday party."
Jenna says gently, "She had a marvelous time anyway. Master Rodric ended up not making it either, though a couple of folks from the Hall came in. She got lots of things in purple." Her tone is bemused, before she asks lower, "You want to talk about it?"
Eyes dart from where they'd been looking - at his hands - and L'nan's expression is one of surprise. "Talk about what?" he asks a bit sharply.
Jenna puts her fork down and holds up both hands in defense. "Whatever's bothering you is all. If you don't want to talk about it, that's okay. You just seem," she pauses and concludes, "Down."
L'nan shakes his head. "I just feel bad for missing Jeny's Turnday, is all, an' I said I'd be there. Isn't that enough?" His voice is sour. "Least I coulda done is sent something for her, or.. something." He finishes lamely and gets up to stalk to the meal table, nabbing a few nibbles of things. By the time he gets back to the table, he seems just quietly depressed, any traces of anger gone.
Jenna watches L'nan's progress through the tables with a furrowed brow, not touching her greens for the moment. She says quietly, "Well, I think she might be a bit sweet on you. She's almost at that age. And you do cut a dashing figure you know," she adds, attempting to provoke a smile.
L'nan digs through his plate, picking up a veggie and nibbling on it. After a moment, he smiles just a little. "Long's she doesn't want t'cut my hair or anything," he sighs. Another pause. Finally, he murmurs something, but it's so under his breath that it's indecipherable.
Jenna asks, "What was that? And no, I doubt she would. It's short enough already." Her tone is amused, a trifle cajoling. At least she produced a smile, even if it was a little one.
"Turned-eighteen-Turns-two-sevenday-ago." So it's not /really/ that easy to understand, still, but it's said a bit louder anyway. L'nan doesn't even lift his eyes to see if Jenna caught it, instead focusing on finding something on his plate.
Jenna caught it all right. Her mouth opens, and then she shuts it again, chewing on her lower lip. "And you've been too busy to even think about it, haven't you?" Lips purse then, and she studies him. "That settles it. I know I'm not supposed to be giving weyrleaders orders, but this time I think I need to. You, my dear L'nan, are taking the day off. And we're going to do something *fun*."
L'nan snorts. "No, an' no, and defintely /no/," he replies, slightly amused. "I knew about it. S'just I never tell anyone when it comes, because..." He trails off, then sighs. "My mum once sent me a present, an' that was the last time I ever celebrated my Turnday. Because after that, she forgot about me an'.. if she forgot.. " Again he trails off, then shrugs.
Jenna eyes him. "So you're turning me down?" She sounds half amused, half aggrieved. "I daresay I'm not your mum. And if I'd known - a cake would have been forthcoming at the very least, even if you didn't want a fuss."
L'nan shakes his head. "Nah. I mean, I'm not turnin' you down, but I can't take a whole day 'off'," he insists. "An' I don't want a cake. What's the point?" He sighs again - a boy of sighs today - and leans back in his chair. "Alirath doesn't even know."
Jenna points out, "It's after lunch. You worked all morning, so it's just the afternoon then. Come on. You, me and Alirath. You *know* how much I enjoy flying. And I'm sure Alirath would like to fly when it's not drills. We could even go somewhere warm and go swimming. What do you say?"
L'nan shifts in his chair. "Well, I promised.. shells. A good swim'd be nice. An' a day with Alirath an' you sounds like fun," he adds, smiling - still not fully cheered, but getting there. "I'll send a note with Tash." At his name, the brown 'lizard *pops* into the air. L'nan scribbles a note on a hide that he takes from a pocket, and ties it to Tash's leg. A few moments later, Tash disappears again, and L'nan stands and gives Jenna a beam. "Quick! B'fore they figure it out..."
Jenna laughs and deposits her plate. "Just let me grab a jacket and I'll meet you in the bowl."
L'nan nods, putting his plate away as well. "See you outside, then..." he calls, trotting out towards teh bowl and the blue lump that is Alirath.
L'nan heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.
L'nan has left.
[Much later, and with travel deleted...]
You travel for a half a day, down into the Fort Hold complex and towards the
Harper Hall.
Fort - Road
Roads through and out of Fort Hold are well-maintained, the deep trenches underpinning
the roads filled with layers of large broken stones, smaller stones, and then
gravel. The roads nearer to the Hold and Halls are cobbled, since they see more
traffic than the roads leading to Ruatha or to Fort Weyr. The right-angled palisade
cliff is easily visible from the roads as it towers over the valley. The main
Hold faces slightly southeast, laying just north of Harper Hall, which faces
slightly northeast. Clusters of neat stone holds, ranging in size from one to
three stories, line the wide ramp leading up to the main Hold.
By the intersection of two roads near the Hold and the Halls are the gather
grounds. Nestled between Healer Hall and Fort Hold are a series of kitchen,
herb, and flower gardens. A smaller road passes by some of the fields, pastures,
and meadows before leading north toward the beasthold and the stables.
(+view is available)
Rodric moves toward the stables, chuckling a little. "I thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting up with the foibles of a no-longer-in-as-good-shape harper ... I think the runner'll help me a bit ... though I promise I shall hike at least a portion of the trace."
Jenna laughs, amused. "Well, runners are a no no on the trace itself. They tear up the path something awful. But we'll go the long way around - the road aand trace cross at a couple of scenic spots. I'll just kidnap you." She grins and then says, "Back in a flash with the runners." With a rapid jog, she heads into the stables, and is back in a moment, leading two runners. Both of which seem to be rather restive and cutting up. "There! Think these mounts shall suffice, Master Rodric? I didn't ask you how long it'd been since you've ridden..."
Rodric laughs at the 'kidnap' remark. "Have at it then," he comments gaily and stuffs his hands in his pockets to wait. He's pulled out a pair of gloves and is putting them as the courier returns. He lifts brows at the rather jumpy appearance of the runners. "Actually it hasn't been that long -- I've ridden more recently than I've tramped about on foot."
Jenna nods, handing over the more docile of the mounts. "Good. Even arunnerback I like to travel fast." She adjusts her scarf, absently pulling it back out of the gelding's mouth. "Shall we? The stablehands said that they needed exercise, so." She grins over the verbal challenge to him, ready to swing into the saddle.
Rodric chuckles and swings up fairly fluidly. "Yes, we shall ... and exercise they shall get!"
Jenna settles into the saddle, her gelding sidestepping and half prancing. She gives it a reassuring pat on the neck. "Let's go then!" She gives a 'HA!' to her mount, giving the runner its head and loosing it up the road. The beast breaks immediately into a canter, dust and gravel flying up from his hooves.
Rodric knees his own mount into motion, cantering after the courier and her mount.
You travel for a half a day out from the Fort Hold complex, along a dirt road
which is well packed, a quiet demonstration of its popularity.
Fort Weyr sweep area
The breeze around you has a wholesome quality that comes from the mountain air
which blows through the region. This land encompasses rugged hills, meadows,
and farmholds tucked into almost every nook and cranny, a testament to the relatively
high population of the area. As you stand in the hills just west of Ruatha Hold,
you can see the broad pastures of Ruatha and even, on a clear day, of Fort.
The cone which houses Fort Weyr is visible to the south and a bit west, blocking
the view of Southern Boll, which you know lies directly south. The Big Bay waters
glint right at the line of the horizon when the air is clear.
The green pastures of Ruatha, to the east, have a calming effect on one's spirits,
while the dust rising from the road to Fort Hold's Harper and Healer Halls to
the southeast smacks of industry. Southwest lies a pass through the mountains
to the Weyr, and due south you may find Southern Boll Hold and the Weavercraft
Rodric comes along the road from the Fort Hold complex.
Rodric has arrived.
Jenna doesn't slow, instead letting the runner continue to have its head. She twists in the saddle and looks back over her shoulder, laughing as lengths of the road are eaten up under hooves. "You coming?!?" she calls, before crouching lover over the runner's neck.
Rodric is thundering along trying to get his runner to go faster. "Trying, at any rate," he calls forward. "C'mon lad," he encourages the runner.
Jenna's runner slows down to a trot, as she guides the reins towards an uneven rise in the ground. She asks brightly over her shoulder once more, "Feeling adventurous?" She certainly is, considering the breakneck speed she allowed her runner to take off at. Her color is high, hair still flying depsite the slowdown.
Rodric slows his own mount, and chuckles. "Adventurous? Sure ... why not ... it's not every day I get to get out nd ride around like a maniac ten years younger," he says and shifts a little to keep his seat on the prancing runner
Jenna laughs and calls back, even as her runner takes the rise, "It's good for you!" Then she's off again, at a more sedate pace, though it still eats up he ground.
Rodric's runner trots after Jenna's pace brisk as well and the Masterharper ducks an overhanging branch with a sudden startled oath which sends the runner off on a diagonal before pulling straight again. He sits up a bit in the saddle as cover is broken and the trail lounges along the shores of a lake.
Jenna slows as the lake comes into sight, the runner blowing from the run. The beast drops into a trot and then a walk, neck already streaching towards the water. SHe twists in the saddle once more, laughing behind her at the oath. "Why Master Rodric! My delicate ears!" She pats the saddlebags, "They said they put in some refreshments, and I think we've finally exercised the restlessness out of them. Stop here?"
Rodric catches up, slowing the runner down to a sedate walk. "Aye -- sounds good," states the Masterharper. "Did those refreshments include wine?" he looks hopeful as he swings out of the saddle and ground-tethers the runner, letting the beast roam to water. He approaches Jenna's mount then, and offers a hand up for dismount to the courier.
Jenna's tone is amused, "Like they'd give the Masterharper water." She takes the help down, rather windblown, "I only hope there's water in there for me! If not, I'll be drinking with the runners." She laughs.
Jenna turns a bit pink, or is that just from windburn. She nods and grins, "Jeny sang me the teaching ballad about 'keeping clean', she called it. Over and over and over and..." She laughs, likewise leaving the runner to ground tether and unloading the saddle bags. A blanket is pulled from the roll at the back of the saddle, "Here, catch."
Rodric pauses to test a piece of ground, looks over his shoulder and holds his arms out. "Ahh -- you've thought of everything I see!" he says looking pleased. "Over and over eh? Mmm-- that's how they learn though, children I mean."
Jenna tosses the blanket to him and chuckles. "Well, I just said 'ride, kidnap, Master Rodric'. The stablehands provided everything. We'll have to thank them when we get the runners back. -- She was so adorable - Jeny, I mean. I'm sorry you couldn't make it up from the hall for her turnday. She was all set to abuse your ears with her teaching song." She hauls the saddlebags over, gently setting them down and then peering inside. "Wine skin, some Benden by the label, and fruit, cheese, bread. We should be well enough stocked."
Rodric spreads the blanket out on his chosen spot, nudging a folded corner with one foot. "I -am- sorry I couldn't make it ... the opportunity to sneak off just didn't present itself," he says with sincere apology in his voice, as he settles himself on the blanket. "Ahhhhhh ... Benden ... good ... the fresh air's made me thirsty ... and I'm -hungry- too!" he exclaims and pats a spot beside him. "Do join me."
Jenna settles down, and starts pulling out provisions. "It's Benden, Masterharper," she says a trifle primly, "You need fresh air to be thirsty for it?" A laugh follows and she concludes, "I think they gave us enough for a gather. Oh, that's all right. L'nan couldn't make it either. I'm just pleased you allowed me to kidnap you this afternoon. You both work entirely too much."
Rodric laughs and snakes an arm over to steal the skin away. "No, I don't -need- fresh air to be thirsty for it. BUT fresh air spurs the appetite ... gets the old blood stirring," he remarks a trifle teasingly, and lounges down on one elbow, popping the skin open and then leaning back to let a long stream of red liquid flow into his mouth. "Ahhhhhhh ... shame L'nan's missing this ..." he says, swallowing and smacking his lips. "But I suppose it's just as well I have you all to myself," he quips and sets the skin down, leaning back on both elbows now, and closing his eyes, turning face up to the afternoon sun. "It's nice to be free of the Hall for just a little while," he muses.
Jenna definately reddens at the light banter. "Alirath would panic the runners," she says rather practically. "Though riding him is far better than the wildest runner ride, I have to admit." She clears her throat, surrupticiously studying his face, now that eyes are closed. "I imagine it's difficult, having to be the Masterharper all the time. You should take time to yourself every now and then. You'd be the better for it, I'd think." Then her tone turns embarassed, "I'm sorry, it's none of my business - listen to me, upbraiding the Masterharper. Sometimes my tongue gets carried away and my, if I thought I was going to ramble on this long, I would have had some water."
Rodric's eyes crack open, brightly blue beneath the sky. He smiles up at the courier. "Tsk ... no need to apologize ... my Headwoman tells me much the same and in far less kind tones ..." he says making a bit of a grimace. "As for time to myself ... I've been making efforts in that direction. Though it's not always easy." He grins broadly, examining the young woman's face to be sure that his reassurances are having an effect.
Jenna opens her mouth to respond, her expression all too easily read - embarassment, concern and a hint of impatience in her eyes - and then she simple nods, looking away. Jaw tightens a moment, and then she says, "Well, it's a lovely day for a ride." She settles back, tucking long legs under her more comfortably and shifting a bit further away.
Rodric's brows tighten a moment -- no doubt unseen by the courier as she looks away. "It is indeed," he agrees smoothly and sits up, leaning forward to pull the provisions sack closer and inspecting it's contents. "Hungry? And if it's not improper since you're out on the trali, would you care to try a small sip of the Benden? It's a pretty smooth one ... should go down easily," he remarks lightly.
Jenna nods after a moment. "Why not. The runner knows the way home, I daresay." She pauses and then says, "Besides, I'm not all that worried should I slip up and be at ease." She shifts, one knee uncoiling and coming up against her chest for her to drape arms about it loosely. "Then again, I'm rarely as proper as a runner should be. I prefer plain speaking." Her expression is carefully neutral as she says this, watching the runners by the lake, cropping grass.
Rodric brings out bread and cheese and two apples, he passes an apple to the runner, with a warm smile and slices cheese from the half-round with his beltknife, placing the slice across a torn off hunk of bread and handing that over as well. Then he presents the skin to her, still smiling. "Please do be at your ease," he says simply. "I'd prefer it both your being at ease and the plain speaking... if we are to be friends?" His brows lift slightly, underscoring the question.
Jenna's lips quirk in a wry smile as she is laden down with offerings. The apple is set aside on the blanket, though the bread and cheese is accepted with a nod. Before she takes a bite, however, she instead takes a careful drink from the skin. Apparently, it was enough to reassure her, for she takes a longer one to slake her thirst before replying, "I'd like that." She seems on the verge of saying something else, and instead takes a bite of the bread and cheese to occupy her, offering the skin back.
Rodric accepts the skin and takes a long drink, before setting it down. "Good," remarks the Masterharper. "Because I find I've come to value your perspective on things, my dear ... and I enjoy your company -- you're a refreshing breath of fresh air amidst all the toadying I usually have to put up with," he says first with marked sincerity, then with a touch of the wry about him.
Jenna actually smiles at that. "Perhaps that's because I'm not terribly interested in 'The MasterHarper'. I'm not much for titles and rank. Gets me into trouble more often than not, to tell you the truth. But I'd rather be around Rodric than the Harper. Not that I don't like both," she hastens to assure him, "But you never really get to know a shoulderknot." This last comment is entirely candid, and she reaches for the skin again to take another drink, dusting her hands of crumbs.
Rodric's brows lift upward at that series of remarks from the courier. He lounges back on his elbow again, eyes turning downward for a moment to rearrange the cheese on his bread, before lifting it to his lips for a bite. Blue eyes examine the courier's face for a moment. "More interested in Rodric Terriv, than Masterharper Rodric are you?" he asks in a carefully neutral voice. "And I'll agree -- knots are very difficult to get to know .. being not much more than cords bound around each other ... and symbols of something rather nebulous at that."
Jenna's face pinkens again. Or maybe it's just the wine. She puts the skin down carefully and shrugs, looking down and taking extra care placing it on the blanket. She says quietly, "You never get to know the knots. Rank weighs on a person, from what I can tell. I've been fortunate to meet Holders, Lords, Ladies, Weyrleaders and Craftmasters. You rarely see them really smile." She shakes her head, embarassed. "Seems I can't even have a couple of drinks of wine before I'm running off at the mouth. I'm sorry, Rodric. It really is none of my business. I've never had the rank to worry about."
Rodric only smiles and reaches over to cover one of her hands with his. "I'm smiling now, aren't I?" he says and squeezes the hand under his palm. "Rank does weight ... particularly, I think, on those to whom it comes unexpectedly ... before they were prepared for it mentally."
Jenna's face flames, though she makes no attempt to reclaim her hand. She darts a look up and says, "Well, if I got you to smile, the afternoon's not a total loss." She pauses and then asks, "That's why you're at the weyr so often now, isn't it. You understand what L'nan's going through."
Rodric nods, pretending not to notice the flaming face beside him. He keeps his hand where it is. "Yes ... partly ... we share similar burdens, L'nan and I," he sighs softly and picks up the hand that lies beneath his, turning it over into his palm, looking down at it. "I never expected to be a Master ... truth be told, much less the Masterharper ... I've never really thought of myself as made of the right stuff for it. True ... I am charming ... quick of wit ... but I've always realized that I'm rather ... hmmm ... too flagrant? in my ways to be taken seriously by the leaders of Pern. In some ways I have been right about that: many of the older Masters did not take kindly to my election as head of my Craft and have been resistant to my policy decisions. Some of the Holders too ... have eyed me with distrust, no doubt hearing rumors of my reputation ... particularly with ah ... women." He pauses and looks up, then goes on. "HOwever, I find that the Weyrleaders respond well to me ... and the apprentices, if what I hear from the Apprentice Master is true ... are devoted to me ... and that's heartening."
Jenna's lower lip slips between her teeth and is worried at, though her attention doesn't waver, even when her hand is turned palm up. Fingers curl almost reflexively, and then relax as he continues speaking. "Holders," she begins dismissively, perhaps forgetting her own cothold upbringing, "Rarely see a bigger picture. Even Lord Holders are too hidebound. That's easy to see, but not so easy to fight. Faranth knows, riders have had to deal with that sort of suspicion for hundreds and hundreds of Turns. It's all a matter of perspective," she says, a bit more confidently. "Change upsets people, didn't you say the other night? Particularly if it flouts convention. Besides," she adds candidly, "Which of these Holders, or Masters, or even Weyrleaders, know you? They know your reputation. And if they're small minded enough to judge solely on that, nothing you can do will fully placate them, will it." Lips purse, reddened by her nervous chewing on them, "And it's their own loss."
Rodric mms softly, thumb running along fingers now. "Some might say that Harpering is one of my three passions," he says with some humor. "As much a part of me ... as anything else anyone can say about me. As for the Masters, I think that after two Turns of mostly good behavior on my part, they are beginning to worry less and hope more that I will eventually mature into a Masterharper they can be proud of." He pauses for a moment. "Of course ... it'd be a lot easier if there weren't so many ... lovely distractions around ..." he flashes the courier a charming grin. Then more seriously, he asks "Are you sure it's Rodric you want to know Jenna? You don't know everything about me ... and my past is far from squeaky clean."
Jenna opens her mouth, perhaps to protest the 'lovely distractions' part, and instead finds herself nodding. "Like I said," she offers a trifle tartly, "Those who judge on reputation alone are missing out." She pauses, the color in her face rising a notch. "I'd rather not miss out."
Rodric's fingers still and he looks up searchingly at the young woman's face, then says quietly. "What exactly ... is it that you don't want to miss out on about me Jenna?"
Jenna clearly wasn't quite prepared for that question. She avoids his eyes, uncertainty written across her face. Finally she says, daring to look at him, "Friendship if nothing else." She retreats, and somehow knows it for one, by saying, "Besides, I've gotten used to the short run down to the Hall. I'd miss it."
Rodric's eyes remain sharp on the young face beside him, he nods a little, then chuckles. "Gotten used to it have you eh? Is that all?" he says with mock offense, then his fingers curl warmly about the hand still held in his. "If nothing else ... I can certainly offer you friendship ... since I already consider you a friend, my dear."
Jenna's eyes flicker at that, and she says lightly, trying to keep her voice steady, "Why, worried I might be down to the Hall to see one apprentice or another?" She hesitates and then says, "Friendship or...? Are you making another offer?"
Rodric sits up a little, pulling that hand into both of his own now. "Truthfully ... if it were one of my apprentices or journeymen you were coming to see ... I might be a trifle worried that my charm was wearing off," he jokes. "But at the same time ... " he stops, seeming at a loss for words for a moment. Finally he seems to settle on the 'plain speaking' mentioned earlier. "Jenna ... you're a dear, dear girl and I have no desire to hurt you in anyway ... I'd be a fool not to notice the way you act around me ... the blushes ... the quick looks away ..." He reaches up to touch one cheek very gently with just the tips of his fingers. "I haven't got much to offer any woman right now to be perfectly honest. I've fathered two children already, neither by the same mother. One of them is coming soon ... to the Hall, to live as my acknowledged daughter ... the other ... is being claimed by another... at her mother's request." He swallows, looking suddenly vaguely ashamed. "I am not, by nature, a faithful man either ... something which has sunk more than one of my romances so far. I seem to be particularly ill-suited for handfasting." He stops. "So you see ... much as I care for you ... I somehow doubt that I could give you what you want ... which begs the question: what -do- you want Jenna? Do you even know?"
Jenna forces a laugh, dropping her eyes. "And I thought I was being fairly discreet about it." She takes an uneven breath, "I'm in no way ready for a handfasting, Rodric. Nor for children. I've my own goals and dreams, you know." She can't help an embarassed snort, "Even if you've played a prominent part in some of the sundreams recently. Do I know?" She shakes her head and shrugs slightly, "I'm not exactly experienced at this, Rodric." She looks up at him, "To be honest, I never thought logically about it - never dreamed you might be any more fond of me than you would a wayward apprentice, or even on of the spit canines." She stops then, eyes going a bit wider, "Or is that what you were trying to tell me."
Rodric nods seriously at the first part of that, then laughs at the 'spit canines' comment, then his hand drops back down to lift both of the young woman's into his. "I would be a very very poor sort indeed if I thought nothing more of you than a spit canine ...." he remarks with some drollery. "As for how I really feel ..." he pauses again, choosing words carefully. "I would be lying if I said 'I love you' ... the most I can truthfully say is that I -care- for you ... Rodric the man is also attracted to you ... but the Masterharper says over and over again to himself, that he cannot treat you lightly as he would ... some of the looser women of his acquaintance ... because both man and harper value your friendship far to highly to ruin it with something as trifling as a roll in the hay."
Jenna shivers lightly. "I'm not naieve enough to think that I could say it either. I don't /know/ you, Rodric. But," she pauses and then squares her shoulders lightly, looking him full on in the face, "I'd like to. And if that leads to soemthing else, later when we do know each other better, then so be it."
Rodric nods. "You've got a very good head on your shoulders," he remarks, squeezing both of those hands now. "That's one of the things I like so much about you -- you've got plenty of good sense and you don't mind speaking your mind about it either. Plus -- spunk ... I can't -imagine- why, but that's incredibly attractive to a man of my nature." There's both seriousness and teasing in his words as he smiles at the courier. "I promise I shan't do anything to mar your reputation ... neither will I shrink away from getting to know you better my dear -- and will continue to look forward to your visits, not only for the news you carry, but simply for the sight of your face and the conversation you bring." That said, he lifts the hands he holds to his lips and kisses each in turn, lightly.
Jenna turns absolutely blood red, though her face wears a pleased smile that seems to stretch ear to ear. "My reputation - ha. I haven't one. Most people at the weyr still take me for a boy despite having been there nearly three turns." She pauses and then says, "You really are too charming for your own good, Rodric."
Rodric laughs gaily then, and winks. "Better to have no reputation than mine, perhaps," he says jokingly, then eyes alight with mischief. "Really? Am I? Will my charm be my undoing?" one hand loosens, the back pressed to his forehead as he takes on a melocramatic air of tragedy. "Pray, tell me it isn't so, my dear Jenna!"
Jenna laughs and swats at him, "It will be if you continue on in that vein! I shall never take you seriously, and then, when you do *want* to be serious, you'll be terribly sorry." Her tone is amused. "At least you didn't laugh at me. I think that's what I was most afraid of. Awkward runner girl with moony eyes who keeps showing up at the hall to talk to you."
Rodric ducks away from swattings. "Ow ow ... you'll damage me irreparably and then what will those greybeard masters say?" he tosses back jovially. "Besides, if you get to know me well enough, you'll know when I'm being serious and when I'm kidding around ... I just can't help seeing the -humor- in life ... you know?" Then his face abruptly turns serious -- his face really is like the shifting of clouds across the sky, so quick is it able to change expression. "I would never laugh at you Jenna ... unless you were making a joke. And those mooney eyes are far to pretty to make fun of."
Jenna blushes, ducking her head. Lashes narrow to veil those eyes almost automatically, though it's far from a flirting, coy expression. "Never say never, Rodric. You don't know me that well either," she reminds him.
Rodric stretches out his arm, palm cupping one of those thin cheeks very gently. "Yes .. there is much I have to look forward to finding out about you ... but I think I can say with confidence that I would rather laugh with you than at you. And you have never seemed ridiculous to me so far ... only ..." and then he sighs a little, "... young sometimes ... young enough to remind me to be gentle with you ... careful of your heart ... because I wouldn't ever want to break it."
Jenna sighs softly, eyes closing at the touch and another shiver ripples through her. Then she protests, opening her eyes, "I'm not that young. I've over nineteen turns - and I know you're going to tell me it's not alot, but I've lived in a weyr for three of them. And I've pretty much taken over fostering Jeny. My brothers tease me that I was never young. Besides," she says honestly, "I'd rather have a broken heart than none at all."
Rodric shakes his head, thumb doing that wandering thing again. "I'm not going to say it's not a lot ... I'll only say that there's more than ten Turns between us ... and -that- is a lot ..." his voice trails off at those words and he swallows hard suddenly. "Be careful of wishing that on yourself Jenna ...." his eyes drop away suddenly as does his hand and he plucks up the wineskin haphazardly for a quick drink.
Jenna's hand reaches up to fasten gently about his wrist. "I can take care of myself, Rodric. Don't worry. What I don't want," she says firmly, "Is for you to be so wary of thinking you'll hurt me or break my heart, that you don't take the chance - or deny me it out of concern." A pause and she asks softly, "Does that make sense?"
Rodric looks up in surprise as those fingers close around his wrist. He eyes the courier closely for a moment, then nods. "Fair's fair ... but part of caring for someone ... is worrying a little too," he says gently and smiles again. There's something at the back of his eyes though, something that might look like remembered pain.
Jenna asks softly, "Tell me what you're thinking?"
Rodric swallows hard and he flushes slightly. "I was thinking ... or rather ... remembering ... losing Rodmilla's mother before I ever really had the chance to know her ... I ... we ...." he stops, swallows again. "I was younger then ... and more likely to act first and think later ... we ... had a lot of fun ... spent many a night rolling literally in her father's hay ... when the time came for me to go to the next holding -- I was a riding harper then, I had a circuit to make ... I left her thinking that perhaps the next time I came by ... we might ... continue the relationship ... perhaps even think about letting it go further ..." he stops and looks away, face twisted with a wry grin. "But by the time I came back ... it had been nearly a full Turn ... I had gotten her with child ... and she died birthing Rodmilla. All I could do then was promise to support the child ... and I have." He stops and looks up again. "You'd think that that would have stopped me from continuing my wenching ways, if you'll pardon the expression ... " he stops again, silent, perhaps waiting for the axe of judgement to fall.
Jenna says softly, her hand leaving his wrist and instead going to brush fingers at his hair, "I'm sorry you never had a chance to know." She is quiet a moment and then says, "Did you ever stop to think that maybe that's *why* you continued your 'wenching ways'?" Her tone is equal parts gentle amusement and sympathy. "You're looking for something. And you won't be content until you find it. If you ever do."
Rodric swallows again as fingers run through his hair and he closes his eyes for a moment -- apparently the harper isn't all that immune to the effect of being touched by nice young ladies he likes either. "I've thought over it a lot ... especially in the last three Turns or so ... as Rodmilla has gotten older ...but never quite in that way ..." his eyes open and he smiles a little. "I love my daughter ... perhaps in a way more purely than I've ever loved anyone in my entire life ... and that's why I'm bringing her here at last." He pauses, then lifts his hand to the one that brushes through his hair and brings it down to rest along his jaw. "YOu may have hit on a truth though ... I ..." suddenly his face looks terribly vulnerable. "For all the people in my life ... for all those around me ... I feel very alone Jenna."
Jenna's sharp features seem to dissolve at this statement and she shifts closer on the blanket. "You're not. I-" She breaks off, obviously at a loss for words. Instead, that gentle hand on his jaw draws him forward for a hesitant, almost shy, kiss.
Rodric blinks in sudden surprise at the gesture, but after a moment, his hand slides along the hand pressed to his face, down the wrist and up the arm, to draw the slight courier closer. Far from shy is he, but gentle and clearly quite well-versed in what he's doing. He draws back after a moment, clears his throat and says in a rather hoarse voice, "Jenna ... I'm afraid that if we don't get back on those runners and ride back now ... I might be sorely tempted to act against my better judgement."
Jenna's expression dissolves into a beaming smile, clearly not expecting this sort of a response. "Be tempted? Even if it's just for a minute?" Her tone is wistful, "No one's ever been tempted about me before." Then she says gently, "Rodric, you're not alone. Even if it seems like it sometimes." Her head tilts slightly and she murmurs, "I shan't ever judge you, Rodric. I want you to talk to me." Her tone holds a teasing note, "How else am I ever to get to know you?"
Rodric shakes his head a little. "The men at the Weyr are idiots," he says feelingly. Then he's coloring a little. "They don't know what they're missing either ..." and his hand ruffles up through that short hair fondly. Then he chuckles at the teasing. "Well my dear ... I promise I shan't stop talking ... but if you're not careful you're going to get to know at least one part of me a lot better than you bargained for." He pulls the slender figure to him for a moment, then takes a deep breath and lets go.
Jenna blushes faintly and arches up to press a light kiss to his cheek. "Thank you," she murmurs. She's been let go, though she hasn't moved very far.
Rodric blinks a few times. "Thank you? For propositioning you?" he laughs again, rolling over on his back, apparently quite tickled by this idea. "Well ... this has certainly been an afternoon of surprises ..." then he reaches a hand over toward the courier. "You certainly do keep a man on his toes, Jenna ... but it is I who should be thanking you ... I can't remember the last time I smiled and laughed quite so freely ... recently I was asking someone else I care for ... if we could just be ourselves together ... and she said yes ... but with you today ... it's been truly real ... I haven't been just Roddy in a long time."
Jenna chuckles softly, "Well, when you put it that way, it does sound a bit amusing. Though I meant-" She breaks off, shaking her head instead. "I'm just glad to see you smile." She shifts, curling her side up against one hip, facing him. "And glad that I could kidnap you! Maybe it's just the chill air that's making me so adventurous."
Rodric rolls back up onto his side and reaches over again, resting a hand on that hip. "Oh? And just how adventurous might that be?" he teases, then grows more serious again. "What did you mean?"
Jenna warns him, "You'll laugh."
Rodric grins. "Yes but wouldn't that be 'laughing with you'?" he counters
Jenna considers, tilting her head and studiously giving no attention to the hand on her hip. "Maybe." She pauses and then says, "I'd never kissed a man before." She watches his face for his reaction to this revelation.
Rodric very markedly does not laugh. "Ahhh ..." he says and his brows lift a little. "How was it?"
Jenna's lips quirk into a smile. "Fishing for a compliment?" Her tone is teasing and she answers immediately, "I've no complaints. And I'm more thna a little flattered that you're tempted." Then she laughs and admits, "So I /am/ young, at least where that's concerned. I always hide during mating flights at the weyr. That or go out on a long run."
Rodric chuckles a little then. "No -- I'm honestly interested. I've never kissed a woman who hasn't been kissed before," he says quite straightforwardly, then his expression shades slightly to concern. "You hide? Whatever for? Most riders can take no for an answer ... and those that don't deserve whatever they get ... but ..." he stops and his hand slides upward a little resting at the courier's waist now. "Are you afraid, Jenna?" he asks in a gentle voice.
Jenna responds tartly, "You've never seen a flight addled rider after they've chased. They'll take no only if they've been beaten off or had wine shoved in front of them." She considers the question and says honestly, "I din't know if I'm afraid as much as I am a romantic at heart." She flushes faintly, "I'd rather not have it be a flight that determines it, when the man in question doesn't look twice at me normally."
Rodric chuckles. "I've been around for more than one flight actualy ... more than one a goldflight at that," he says coughing lightly. "And the wine-shoving seemed to be a fairly effective tactic." Then he nods at those next words. "That I can certainly understand ... I ... well ... sometimes I can't tell if the women who toss themselves at me ... want me ... or want to say the bedded the Masterharper."
Jenna was reaching for the wine, and very nearly chokes at those words. "I couldn't imagine bedding the Masterharper." Her tone turns light, "So if we ever do, kindly leave your knot at home, Rodric!" She offers the skin over to you and then says rather tactlessly, "They're all wagering which gold will rise next. Even odds are on Jinieth. Fairly soon." She pauses and looks at him over the wineskin.
Rodric's lips quirk up a little and reminds softly. "I -am- the MAsterharper though Jenna ... " and his eyes take on a hint of vulnerability. "Being the Masterharper is as much a part of me ... as growing up a trader is ... or the fact that I love wine and the company of women ... or that building beautiful instruments ... or playing the pipes is ..." He takes the wineskin and sips a little, then hands it back. "Mmmm ... some continuity there would most likely be good ... Leah as Weyrwoman ... and a new Weyrleader, chosen traditionally." Now -that's- definitely the Masterharper speaking, but then he smiles and rests his hand on that oh-so-convenient hip again. "Shall I take my knot off and come up to the Weyr to find you? Rescue you from the ravening hordes of disappointed bronzeriders then?"
Jenna leans impulsively to kiss him, careful of the skin. "I know you are. And it does intimidate me, I won't deny it. That side of you. I'm far more comfortable with Rodric." She laughs then, "Remember the day I came to talk to you about seeing L'nan and Leah? Talk about intimidating! L'nan and T'quinn had sent me down there specifically to talk to you and enlist your aid, only I couldn't *tell* you that. I thought I'd never get the point across until I latched on to Ariandra and F'ren's twins." She shakes her head, perhaps deliberately avoiding answering that question.
Rodric doesn't seem at all averse to that turn of events, taking advantage of it to pull you a little bit closer. "Hmmm ... I could get used to this," he quips, before nodding, there might be a hint of disappointment in his eyes, then he is listening seriously. "Yes ... I figured as much ... it just so happens though that I was planning to visit anyway ... it was the right thing to do," he says with a bit of a shrug. More Masterharperliness. "You make a good diplomatic envoy though ..." he smiles again, then his hand slides off that hip, but only to curl around you. "You'd have made quite a harper my dear ... if you'd the inclination."
Jenna chuckles softly, "Stop recruiting." She taps him lightly on the nose, "I definately didn't bring you out here to tempt me to the Craft, Rodric. At least now I should be able to speak more plainly when down on weyr business. It gets it out of the way so much faster." She smiles, "Which leaves more time for Jen and Rodric." She considers and then says, "Though if I overstep, tell me? I think that in public, it should still likely be 'Master Rodric'? Or should it? You tell me." She grins a trifle wryly, comfortable enough to ciddle down and prop an elbow on his chest. "What do *you* want. You've asked me what I want."
Rodric smiles and tips his head to the side. "I'm not recruiting -- you're too old to get started really ... I'm remarking on your talent -- statement of fact ... or my opinion if you wish." He considers for a moment. "I think it would be safer for you ... nay ... for both of us, if you continue to refer to me properly when on official business," he muses. "Does that bother you?" Then he smiles with mischief in his eyes. "I want to kiss you again ... and then show you gently what all those riders wouldn't be able to in a daze of post-flight madness ... but that's the Proddy Roddy part of me speaking, as the apprentices would say." His arm tightens a little. "I want to be able to become a true friend to you ... and if I have it in me ... perhaps learn to love you? And have you love me back? And if that doesn't happen ... just to continue to be a true friend ..."
Jenna nods slowly, another shiver threading through her. "I think I'd like that. It won't be easy. But if I'd wanted easy, I'd have stuck with sundreams. There, rank nor age, nor anyone else was never a worry." Her tone is faintly bemused. "Proddy Roddy?"
Rodric mms and ducks his head a little to deposit a kiss not on lips first, but at the jawline and working his way up towards lips. "Dreams ... are all very well and good ... they can tide you over through many a lonely night ... but I find that reality is much more satisfying than dreams're right ... in that dreams ... are almost too easy ..." he pauses for a moment, both arms sliding around now. "Yes, Proddy Roddy," he says gravely. "Alas, my reputation is known amongst the apprentices and every time a gold or green dragon lands at the hall, the whisper of it goes around."
Jenna tries to hold still, though that working up to her lips has quite scattered her attention and has her on the edge of trembling. "Good thing I'm not a rider then isn't it." That's all she has the wit to say at the moment, blue eyes large in her face.
Rodric smiles. "There's also the odd cotholder girl who turns up unannounced ... not to mention the seacrafters ..." he continues, there's a bit of humor in his face, but he's serious. "I don't deny myself much in that quarter Jenna ..." his voice trails off and he swallows. "But I think ... I think I could give it up ... for something more meaningful ..." and his lips close on hers again, arms drawing her near, gentle still, but he might just be shaking a little too.
Jenna gives herself over whole heartedly to the kiss, though her innocence is almost painfully obvious. Arms shift up to his neck and she breaks the kiss before she gets completely out of breath, though her eyes are still closed. "Oh, my. I... you... we... runners." She's not making a whole lot of sense.
Rodric takes a deep breath and buries his face in her neck. "Jenna ... I ... we should go ..." he says in a somewhat strangled voice.
Jenna clears her throat and nods, though her cheek nestles against his hair. "Yeah. We should."
Rodric doesn't move for a good long moment, just stays there breathing in and out, then finally lifts his head and gently kisses her forehead. "You'll have to forgive me ... I'm afraid ... sometimes my nature gets the better of me ... truly ... I do not -want- to go ... but it will be dark soon ... and we will be missed ... and there may be talk ..."
Jenna takes a deep breath and nods. "You're right, of course. Completely. And I'm nervous. We should go." She gives a shaky smile, "I don't want to either. But I'm wary of staying." She starts to pull away and then says wryly, "This is all a sundream, isn't it? I'll wake up in my cot in the dorms, and all this will be a dream, won't it?"
Rodric sits up a little, but his arms attempt to restrain the courier a little. "No my dear ... no ... this is no dream," and he pulls her in for another kiss. "I would dearly love to show you that there's no reason to be nervous ... but I think perhaps that that will have to wait ... for another day ... and perhaps for a time when we -do- know each other better." And then he releases her and runs a hand through his hair, smiling a bit sheepishly.
Jenna laughs softly, hand lifting to eagerly reset locks buffeted out of place. "You're right. And I still have to get back up to the weyr. It'll be full on dark at this rate. I think it'd be wise if I did go on though, rather than risk further temptation at the Hall." Her tone is amused. "With my luck, Id get caught sneaking around in my nightclothes and *then* think of the rumors." She starts to rise, lithely rocking back on her heels.
Rodric laughs merrily and straightens his tunic, getting to his feet fiarly swiftly and beginning to tidy up the picnic and blanket. "Nightclothes? Who said anything about nightclothes," he says grinning broadly.
Jenna blushes. "Well, I'd not be about to run around the hall in the alltogether. Shells, even Lu hasn't really seen me like that before." She shakes her head, amused, "You're going to be such a bad influence on me, Rodric. But," she concludes, "I think it's about time someone was."
Rodric laughs again and rolls the blanket up. "I'm hoping you'll be a -good- influence on me ..." he tosses back. "And I certainly wouldn't objec to 'seeing you like that'." Then he cock his head slightly to the side. "Sure you haven't been having sundreams about a certain very nice bluerider either?" he teases gently, walking over to his runner and tying the blanket on behind the saddle.
Jenna blinks a bit, brow furrowing. She obviously hasn't a clue to whom he's referring. "What bluerider," she asks blankly.
Rodric checks his runner over, before reaching for the reins. "L'nan," he says simply and cocks a look at the courier, one brow lifted
Jenna goes to gather up her own beast, securing the saddlebags. "Oh! No! We were candidates together first time I stood. He's sweet and all, and a great friends but." She stops then, arching eyebrows and asking, "Why?"
Rodric just smiles. "Because you talk about him a lot ... and you do a lot for him ..." he shrugs. "Wouldn't be the first time that good friends had a little bit more going on ... Olivia and I ..." he coughs and stops. "Well ... Olivia and I ... that being yes, the Headwoman at Harper ... had this sort of ... fling going on back and forth for Turns, from roughly the time she arrived at the Hall until I was posted out ... and then it picked up again when I came back. The only problem ... was well ... it was more serious to her ... than it was ... to me ... I ... care about Olivia a great deal ... I love her even ... but not ... " he shakes his head. "Not the way she wanted me to," he says candidly. "I was happy being friends ... with benefits. It was fun ... something we did for each other ... at least ... for a while."
Jenna snorts softly, "You're the first man I've kissed, and you think Lu and I have 'something going on'?" She shakes her head. "If I didn't know better, I might think you were jealous." A pause and then she asks quietly, "Does Joran know?" Blue eyes study his face closely.
Rodric chuckles. "No -- no ... I meant that one or both of you might have ... thoughts about each other ... the kind you haven't done anything about yet ... not something active." He tightens a strap on the saddle. "Joran? Of course ..." he says and prepares to mount. "Remember ... I told you I had two children by different women ... " he mounts up and looks down seriously at the courier. "Olivia's daughter is one of them ... but Joran will be her father."
Rodric's expression is a trifle ... tight.
Jenna nods. She'd apparently already figured that one out herself. "She's lovely. How old is Rodmilla? I can't wait to meet her." She likewise mounts up, backing her mount towards his. "And to steal one last kiss before you have to be the Masterharper once more, and me just a runner."
Rodric chuckles. "YEs ... Vylana's a sweet baby ... it's just a shame that Olivia ... well ... never mind ... we can save that conversation for another day," he says with a wry twist of his lips." Then he grins. "Rodmilla will have six Turns in a few months."
Rodric pulls his mount up short and leans over, tangling fingers in the courier's hair to claim that kiss.
Jenna gasps a bit, retuning the kiss with enthusiasm and breaks off after a moment with an almost feline purr. "We really should get going," the words are said with obvious regret. "But when can I kidnap you again," she asks eagerly, for once not blushing at the thought.
Rodric throws his head back and laughs. "You don't have to kidnap me ... to visit," he says chuckling. "I do have a lock on my door after all." He winks, seemingly delighted at this change in the young woman's demeanor. "After you my dear," he says, gesturing to the track back out.
Jenna laughs and tosses back over her shoulder, "If you can keep up - HA!" And heels are dug into her mount's side, sending the runner careening back towards the Hold and Halls. The gelding responds rather well for its water and rest, taking eagerly to the track.
Rodric's laughter follows courier and runner down the track and then his own beast is kicked into gear and pounding after.