First Ride a'Dragonback

Jenna goes aloft for the first time on Taralinda's Bryseth, along with a group of other candidates.

NCpern - Friday, January 26, 2001, 2:08 PM

Your location's current time: 15:26 on day 26, month 8, Turn 34, of the Tenth Pass. It is a summer afternoon.

You head into the Living Caverns.
Fort Weyr Living Cavern(#199RJa$)
Approaching half the size of the Hatching Grounds, this cavern echoes with voices during the day, and the soft patter of feet during the night. Dozens of tables are spaced throughout, each with open space around to provide small amounts of privacy for the discussions carried on at each. The night hearth, with a cluster of pots of stew and klah, is situated near the large entrance to the Bowl. Several other hearths are spaced around the huge chamber, lending light and some heat to the room.
Broad marble steps to the southwest lead up to the impressive Fort Weyr kitchen. To the east, a short flight of stairs leads to the hallway to the inner caverns. A stout door to the north has a healer's emblem on it, marking the Infirmary. To the south is a wide tunnel, leading out of the weyr, and a wide opening to the west leads to the weyr bowl.
Meg and Peg
Fort Weyr Firelizard Perch

Jennacomes in from outside, dusty and sweaty and with a contented grin on her face. She goes to get herself a mug of juice, and then wanders towards the other candidates, even as she downs half the mug.

Taralinda comes in from the bowl.
Taralinda has arrived.

Milque laughs softly, "Well, I think I've always been too grown up for my own good. I think I missed out on being able to enjoy a good bit of mischeif because of it. I guess I was just raised up that way." She smiles and gives a little wave to Jenna.

Taralinda strides in, patting her brow dry with a towel. She's breathing heafily, looks like she's been jogging by her puffing. "hello..."

Talene nods slightly to Jenna, and waves, picking at a piece of lint on her pants. She smiles slightly to Taralinda, "Been outside? How's the weather?" She says, tryignt o make conversation with the woman.

Dasil gives a doubled over fork a serious of violent smacks from the hammer and then pauses - not to check the work but to wave to the arrivals, "Howdy!" He tells Talene, "We're just talking about what a wicked old maid Milque here would make. If she doesn't break down and handfast someone that is." He gives Milque a little wink and then goes back to his fork.

Milque smiles and turns a bit at the hello behind her, "Afternoon ma'am, can I get you anything?" she asks, starting to feel the guilty pangs of having sat around chattering and not doing anything productive for a candlemar.

Jenna settles down next the other candidates and gives Taralinda a grin. "Was it you I saw running laps around the bowl while I was weeding?" Then she peers at Dasil and comments drily, "I think the fork gives, Dasil."

Taralinda makes one last wipe of her flushed face and smiles, "juice, if you could? Hello busy little candidates." She smiles happily. "The weather is fantastic today. A bit hot but...this evening should be lovely. Perhaps a trip up to the star stones is in order." She nods, tossing the towel over her shoulder. "That was me. Had some free time and I wanted something to do. Idle hands and all that..."

Dasil turns innocent looking brown eyes on Jenna and then breaks into laughter and examines the fork, "Not yet, it doesn't look quite straight." He holds the utensil up to show and then puts it back down for another volley of blows. "That's better."

Milque gets to her feet and goes to get a mug of juice for the rider. She pours it up and brings it over to Taralinda, "Here you go ma'am, anything else?" She glances over towards her little firelizard, Tart, who has woken up and is looking around a bit since her tummy rubbing stopped.

Jenna winks at Dasil, and takes another glup of her juice. "If you'd like some company next time ma'am, come find me. I'll never get back in shape after all this time off." She wrinkles her nose and then says, "So why were you saying Milque'd make a wicked old maid?" She looks from Milque to Talene to Dasil and back again.

Taralinda gives the firelizard a wary glance, and takes a long drink of juice. When she comes up for air she shakes her head, "No, this is wonderful. I'm Taralinda by the way. Save the ma'am stuff for if you impress." Another drink and then she nods to Jenna, "I'd love the company. Someone who can keep up and doesn't whine about it would be wonderful. You don't whine about jogging do you?"

Talene grins, "Maybe I'll head out for a bit. I haven't seen the eggs in a while." She lets her head drop back as she stares up at the ceiling. Then she glances at Tara again, "You look like your having fun." She chuckles at Jenna, "I think she would. I've noticed she's very caring, and I think all great aunties are very caring. I just hope she does what makes her happy." She blushes and fidgets in her seat.

Dasil exclaims in surprise, "Time off!" and then laughs while working on the taking the sudden angle out of a spoon handle. His attention zooms in on Talene as she speaks, his eyes widen and he glances at Milque a bit, getting to see her now from someone else's eyes.

Milque smiles, "Of course Taralinda, I'll save it for then, hopefully. I'm Milque by the way, and I think Tart is upset with me, I didn't watch her close enough and she ate too many meat strips." She goes back to her seat and job of rubbing the little firelizard's tummy again.

Jenna grins at Taralinda. "I was a message runner before I was searched. I whine about *not* jogging." As most of those here can likely attest. At Dasil's exclaimation, she sticks her tongue out at him. "Yes, time off! Time spent *not* running most of the day. I swear, I've gotten slow. Cara nearly beat me in a race the other day, even if she did cheat and give herself a head start."

Milque smiles at Talene and then leans over towards her, She mutters to Talene, "Thank you,... was very kind of you."

Taralinda's lips form a dissatisfied frown as her blue gaze settles on the firelizard in question. "Ah." She shrugs slowly and then adds, "it's nice to meet you Milque. Oh, a runner? When I was younger I wanted that job, but I was short and fat before I impressed and went through my growth spurt. My running is kept in circles around the bowl or lake...or fleeing bronzeriders."

Dasil chuckles softly and pipes up, "Not chasing them then?" before he tries to pretend he's really busy working on a fork with one one tines left, like he can do much there.

Talene blinks and coughs, that blush getting deeper. Her head looks oddly like an apple now. She turns to Tara and extends her hand, "I'm Talene. It's a pleasure to meet you." She smiles softly, and again, there is that tilt of her head, except this time it is accompanied by the closing of her right eye.

Taralinda's tone is playfully dry, "Greenriders do /not/ chase." There's a rule somewhere about that or something.

Jenna tucks a bare, dirty foot under herself, getting more comfortable in her chair. She just shakes her head at Dasil, finishing up her juice.

Taralinda smiles to Talene, crossing her palm with the candidate, "Pleasure to meet you as well."

Milque gives a quiet little laugh at Taralinda's comment about greenriders. Then she smiles as Tart finally hops up onto her feet again and makes the little jump to curl up on shoulder and against neck.

Halcyon> Halcyon(#18275p)
Halcyon> The hide of this large firelizard is molten, a rich, hot shade of bronze, ready to pour and mold into something of great beauty. And while this may be his future, it is not necessarily his present. Oversized and gangly, not sure how to hold his wings or move with any grace, this bronze will have to grow into his promise. Tinges of orangy-brown swirl down his flanks, as if to draw attention to his size and power. That same ochre twists about his talons and the very tip of his tail, highlighting his lanky length.

Halcyon is 0 Turns, 2 months, and 11 days old and is 31 centimeters in length with a wingspan of 51 cm.

Dasil looks up with bright eyes, "'Course they don't! Though if a greenrider were to chase, theoretically of course, I'm sure they always get their man." A smile twitches over his mouth as he makes an effort to look serious.

Talene giggles at Dasil, covering her mouth in an attempt to remain quietly. She bursts into giggles. Obviously, it didn't work.

Taralinda chuckles softly, "oh, we greenriders are least I am. I'd start chasing one and then have to break in another direction when something else caught my eye." Poor her.

Jenna snorts faintly at Dasil, but doesn't comment. To Taralinda she says drily, "I thought that was the definition of a holder girl, though."

Milque giggles a bit, "Holder girls chase even less than greenriders, I'm sure, you can't chase any less than how much I've chased." That would be not at all.

Taralinda chuckles softly, "oh, we greenriders are least I am. I'd start chasing one and then have to break in another direction when something else caught my eye." Poor her.

Dasil grins at last as he gets another unfortunate fork and starts to whack at it with a little too much enthusiasm. A person might think he was feeling repressed or something. "Is it better to chase or to be chased?" He asks the assembled ladies in general, perhaps it's a good time for him to learn a thing or two.

Jenna's tone is amused. "Oh, the holder girls I saw *chased* plenty. It was when they got down to the /catching/ part that they had trouble. Times like that, I'm glad I'm a runner, not a holder." She grins and then shrugs at Dasil. "I never really thought about it."

Taralinda shrugs, finishing her juice, "Depends on who's chasing."

Talene blinks and blushes deeply at Dasil's comment. She offers just a shrug, picking at invisible lint on her pants. She clears her throat nervously, "Does anyone want to go visit the eggs with me?" Her voice squeeks.

Milque flushes just a little at the drift of the conversation and picks up her stew bowl and takes it over for the collection bin to get herself a touch of air.

Dasil glances about at the more subdued tone of the room and figures he's put his foot into it one way or another and maybe a change of topic is in order, "I've still got this chore to do, or I'd go with you, Talene. I haven't gotten to look at the eggs in a couple of days now."

Taralinda hhmss softly, "I haven't been to see the eggs for...oh, a long time."

Jenna gives Dasil a bemused look and adds, "I've not been since the weyrwoman let us on the sands to touch 'em. But I've got to grab another mug of juice before I do anything." She uncoils from her chair and suits words to actions.

Milque helps herself to a mug of juice, then offers to pour for Jenna as well. "I haven't been back to see them since then either."

Talene smiles and nods to Jenna, "Maybe Dasil can take a break from his chore and we can all go?" She glances at Dasil, "A break might be in order." She grins.

Taralinda sets her empty mug into the dirty dish bin and rakes her hands through her hair.

Dasil considers his pile of forks and spoons, "I might take a break, but it'll probably just lead me right into trouble! I'd need to be closely supervised by someone."

Jenna accepts the pouring with a quick grin. "Thanks, Milque." She nods to Talene. "Fine by me. And I promise I won't get all somber while we're there. Seems like everytime I go in there to look, I end up being a wet blanket." She wrinkles her nose at Dasil, "Milque and I'll keep you under control, Das. How about you Taralinda? Come with us?"

The grin stays on Talene's face as she glances at Taralinda and tilts her head to the side with an inviting look, "It'll be fun. We can all get to know each other then."

Taralinda nods slowly, "Alright. I'm come with you. If you don't seem to mind the 'old' 'dragonrider' being out there watching in."

Talene bites down on her bottom lip in excite. She stands up and runs towards the exit towards the bowl, "Be there before all of you!"

Talene heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.
Talene has left.

Jenna rolls her eyes a bit at Taralinda. "Yeah, you're as old as Auntie Selena." She grins and starts heading for the bowl, toting her juice mug along with her.

Milque comes back with her mug of juice and a little smile, "I don't think I'll mind at all, and if you're old, then I am too, so that's right out."

Dasil chuckles a bit at Taralinda's response, "You're never old while you can still out run the bronzeriders." He tidies up his chore so that someone coming across it while he's gone won't think of it as an utter mess.

You head outside to the bowl.

Talene leans on her hands at the rail as she seems lost in the pretty colors of the eggs already. She does turn to greet Jenna though, with a smile and quiet nod. "Aren't they beautiful?"

Taralinda walks up the stairs from the Bowl.
Taralinda has arrived.

Dasil walks up the stairs from the Bowl.
Dasil has arrived.

Taralinda takes her time coming up the steps.

Jenna nods. "Someone was saying that they had a lot of gray in them though. Not wild colors. First time I've seen a clutch though, so I wouldn't be one to judge. *I* think they're pretty." She settles into a seat, cradling her mug.

Milque walks up the stairs from the Bowl.
Milque has arrived.

Talene sighs softly, a good sigh though. She stares out over them, her gaze sweeping back and forth, "I can never get over how they make me feel...What they represent." Her eyes seem to be getting a little misty. She chuckles, "Ah well. I don't want to get into anything to deep and make ya'll feel uncomfortable." She winks at everyone.

Dasil comes in and adds without knowing the first half of the conversation, "Grey's one of my favorite colors." He winks and then leans against the barrier to the sands and breathes deeply. "There they are." Dasil, master of the blindingly obvious.

Taralinda leans back as she takes a seat on one of the benches and regards the eggs, "So, you said you were allowed to go out and touch already?"

Milque moves in to take a seat, taking one of the ones further up to get a view down on the clutch at a bit more of an angle. "Yes, just a few days ago, they were just hard enough then. Does that mean we're getting very close to time?"

Taralinda smiles, "means that it's getting closer that's for sure. How hard were they to the touch?"

Jenna smiles gently at Talene and murmurs, "Go right ahead. That's one job I'd like to give up." She swings bare feet up onto the bench and settles so she can look back at Taralinda and Milque, and still keep the corner of her attention on the eggs. "I think I heard the Weyrleader say a month more. They were kinda leathery, not as brittle as a wherry egg. And you couldn't hear anything moving inside."

Talene bounces over to Taralinda, "What was it like for you to Impress, rider? What did you feel like when you were Candidate? On the sands? And looking into the eyes of your lifemate?" She blushes at her blunt questions, at least blunt for her. And a little nosy. But it must be something she's been meaning to ask any rider...

Milque thinks for a moment then nods at Jenna's response, "That's right, that kind of leather you have for soft boots.

Dasil takes his good, long look, "Yup, there'll all still out there, safe and sound." Satisfied of this he goes to sprawl out on a bench and listen to the conversation.

Taralinda hms thoughtfully, "I never heard any of the little dragons in their shells before the hatching. And I listened very carefully. She grins over at Talene, "It's difficult to answer that question. I'm not very good with words. Mmm...I was very excited on the sands, not afraid at all. It was like, the sky opening up and the ground falling out from under me...falling and tumbling with butterflies in my stomach and I was caught and wraped up in the warmest, brightest joy I've ever felt in all my life. And I knew Bryseth had found me. She told me her name...It changed me forever."

Dasil makes a study of Taralinda's face as the talks about her impression. He nods as he listens and tries to imagine what that might really be like - he imagines that he comes up short in matching the reality of it all. He speaks up, "Did your dragon ever say what it was like for her? Hatching and all?"

Talene stares out dreamily over the eggs as she listens to Tara. A small smile is on her face, as she stares at the bubbly egg, blue, like a waterfall or pool. She murmurs to herself quietly, with a intake of air.

Jenna remains quiet, leaning back on her hands, though she gives a nod to Milque.

Taralinda smiles to Dasil, "She did when she was first hatched, but she was a baby and it was mostly...feelings about what it was like. She said she was just waiting. Of course she doesn't remember that now. To her we've /always/ been together. As though we were 'hatched' on the same time." There's a silly grin on her face, "She's just so cute."

A rider comes in, glancing around at the Candidates. Seemingly picking someone out of the crowd, he points...Groan. At Talene. "Mess in the kitchen, Candidate. It's yours." Talene is kinda slow to respond, but she nods and is up, with a regretful glance at the eggs. Before she's down the stairs, she whispers, an audible noise, "I'll be back, eggs."
Talene goes down the stairs to the Bowl.
Talene has left.

Jenna smiles wryly, "I still think folks are getting awfully worried about hatching day. Myself included. I'd love to have something else to take my mind off it. Something other than chores."

Dasil smiles, a softness set about his eyes and mouth when he hears what the Greenrider has to say, "I wish I really knew what that was like, it sounds really wonderful." He guestures lamely with his hands, like he doesn't know what else to say to show how it touches him.

Taralinda smiles, "I hope you'll be able to see first hand." She leans forward and then clears her throat, "Would you all like to go to the star stones?"

Milque draws her eyes away from the eggs to look over towards the greenrider, "Is there a really good view from up there?" she asks quietly.

Taralinda nods to Milque=It's breathtaking!"

Jenna brightens. "Adragonback you mean? I would. I really would, if you and Bryseth wouldn't mind taking us, Taralinda." She darts a look at her fellows.

Dasil looks surprised at this offer, "That would be a treat, I haven't been up there yet." He gets up and gives all his limbs a good shake. "It'll be something different all right." He grins at Jenna, hoping this will count as something other than chores.

Taralinda nods her head eagerly, "Of course we would be willing to take you. You should see the weyr from above." A soft laugh, "Flying up is really the only way to go."

Jenna nods, obviously thrilled. "I've never been adragonback." She drains her juice and rises. "Can we go now?" She is amusingly, childishly eager.

Taralinda gets to her feet, "Of course we can. Never been dragonback Jenna? Oh dear...yes, lets all go now."

Dasil seems surprised by Jenna's revelation but doesn't let that slow him down as he beats a path towards the exit.

Dasil goes down the stairs to the Bowl.
Dasil has left.

Taralinda goes down the stairs to the Bowl.
Taralinda has left.

Jenna is hot on Dasil's heels.

You walk down the stairs to the Bowl.
Fort Weyr Bowl, northeastern area
The Bowl of Fort Weyr, a large, featureless plain surrounded by steep mountain cliffs, stretches out before you. It is vaguely oval in shape, long from southwest to northeast; you're standing near the wall at its northern end.
Off to the northwest is the long path leading up to the Junior Queens' Weyrs, while steps to the north lead to the Weyrleader Complex. From here you can see in to the Hatching Grounds to the east, and the steps leading up to the gallery stands in the Grounds to the southeast. Stretching off to the southwest is the center of the bowl, where the Lower Caverns, Weyrling Barracks, lake and Feeding Grounds can be seen.

Bryseth warbles happily.

Taralinda akwardly scrambles up Bryseth's extended forelimb, struggling to mount her lifemate. With a bit of effort she finally gets herself up and on the lofty neckridges.

Jenna is hot on Dasil's heels, beaming. "Thank you both, Bryseth, Taralinda, for taking us up." A pause and then, "Um, how do I...." She tilts her head slightly, eyeing the green.
A whirling vortex of brilliant greenfruit, hunter green, and softwood tree green spin through the hide of this young dragon's body in a most fascinating manner. Everywhere you look, the patterns of color seem to draw you tighter in and then further along her body. These swirls of color seem random, yet they also have some greater pattern to them, as they are most hypnotic in design. A weaving vine the color of grape leaves in late summer wanders across her wing-bones, as if they are a trellis for support. This young green dragon is long and slender compared to most other dragons. Her neck is long and beautifully arched to hold a rather small and dainty head. Her tail, also longer than is normal for a dragon of her small body size, tends to be held high and with a graceful curve down its length. Long and supple legs easily hold her small and slender form, ending in what appears to be rather dainty little claws and feet for a dragon.

Bryseth is 11 Turns, 11 months, and 21 days old, 22 graceful meters long, with an impressive wingspan of 36 meters.

From high atop Bryseth's neckridges, Taralinda leans over and offers down her hand, "Just climb up.

Dasil gives Bryseth a bow in greeting, "Howdy Gorgeous!" and then looks to offer the ladies help up, "You can step up on my knee if you want."

Jenna grins at Dasil, "Nah, just give me a boost if I get stuck..."

Whirling, swirling, hypnotic coils and twists of green envelop you from this cozy spot on Bryseth's neckridges. The patterns of weaving vines can be seen in much better detail from this perch as if you're amidst a sprawling vineyard. Her body, long and graceful with a fluidity of movement and stance, seeming to radiate a confidence not only in her flying but in herself as well. Bryseth glances back covertly to check on you while waiting for directions.
Bryseth watches you curiously as Taralinda extends a hand to help you mount up.

--*-- Milque comes down the stairs from the galleries.
--*-- Milque hurries to catch up.

Dasil is helped to mount Bryseth by the dragon's extended forlimb and Taralinda's helpful hand.
Dasil has arrived.

--*-- Bryseth warbles and blows a hot breath over Dasil.

Milque is helped to mount Bryseth by the dragon's extended forlimb and Taralinda's helpful hand.
Milque has arrived.

Milque smiles, "Sorry, I wanted to take one more glance at the eggs and got distracted."

Dasil laughs gleefully and pats his hair back down after Bryseth has blown over him. "This is a rare treat!"

Taralinda gets everyone all buckled in, "I'm sorry I've been too busy to do more of this sort of thing. We did this stuff a lot."

Jenna clamors up agilely enough and settles carefully. "I didn't hurt her, did I? My heels are awful boney-" She trails off and then gives a look around her, "Uh, what do I hold on to?"

Long distance to Dasil, Milque, and Taralinda: Jenna laughs. Crossposes. ignore that last bit.

Taralinda leans around to shhow Jenna the hand holds and straps. "You didn't hurt her." She checks again, wouldn't do to lose a candidate. "Ready?"

Milque smiles and nods, "Yes, I'm ready... she's beautiful, so shiny." Her eyes looking back at the greens back and wings.

Dasil nods that he's ready. His brown eyes are already scanning the ground, waiting to see it fade away when they take off.

Jenna nods. "Ready!" She grabs firm hold, wiggling her read a bit between the neckridges.

--*-- Saphan walks up from the center of the bowl.
--*-- Saphan trots into the bowl, out of breath.

--*-- Bryseth looks like she's getting ready to spring upward but stops to trumpet to Saphan

--*-- Saphan peers up at the rider and others. "Is it too late?"

Taralinda waves and holds out a hand, "Almost missed the boat...c'mon with us?"

--*-- Saphan nods and reaches up. "Glad I made it."

Saphan is helped to mount Bryseth by the dragon's extended forlimb and Taralinda's helpful hand.
Saphan has arrived.

Dasil waves to Saphan and shifts over a little to be helpful.

Saphan slides onto the dragon's neck, settling between neckridges. "Almost didn't make it," he wheezes.

Taralinda helps Saphan get strapped in, "Alright."

You spring upwards, away from the beginning heat of the sands.
Above the northeast area of Fort Weyr Bowl(#905RJLae$)
Looming over the northeastern reaches of the Bowl is the Tooth Crag, lifting high above the rest of the Bowl walls. Weyrs are scattered, black holes during the day and nearly invisible at night, along the walls. Winds swirl and play here, sometimes sweeping up from the south to break and eddy around the Crag; at other times, the winds curve in gentle breezes pouring around the Tooth Crag into the Bowl.
A wide opening leads into the Hatching Grounds, with ledges providing landing space for hundreds of dragons. Below you, you can see the ground entrances to the Hatching Grounds, Weyrleaders' Complex, and Junior Queens' area. To the southwest are the Weyrling Barracks, and the entrance to the Living Caverns. Farther off to the southwest, the glint from the lake and the Feeding Grounds can be seen.
There are many ledges to 'weyrs' scattered throughout the walls of the cliffs here.

--*-- Bryseth is careful about her takeoff, not jumping too sharply. She makes a few lazy circles as she climbs higher.

Jenna's head snaps back even with the fairly gentle takeoff. She gives a startled 'Woah!', and then looks avidly downward as the starstones circle closer.

Milque smiles brightly and looks down, but her hands don't leave the straps, even after a few dozen trips dragonback she's still not ready to just hold on with one hand.

Saphan squeaks and grabs on tight, eyes squinting a bit, though a grin spreads across his face.

You fly higher above the bowl.
Sky Above Fort Weyr
On a clear day, from this height, you can see for miles. Below you, Fort Weyr is spread out in the bowl of the ancient volcano, the jagged "Tooth Crag" dominating the northeast rim. At the end of the southwest corner, you can see where an ancient landslide has upset the Bowl's natural symmetry.
Far below you are the Center of the Bowl, the opening to the Lower Caverns, and the Weyrling Barracks. Down to the northeast are the Weyrleader's complex, the Junior Queen's Weyrs, and the Hatching Grounds. To the southwest are the grassy plain of the Feeding Grounds and the shimmer of Fort Weyr's lake.

Taralinda has Bry fly higher...and higher. Since the candidates seem alright.

You wing your way higher into the sky, soaring over the Fort Valley.
Sky over Fort Valley
The mountains of Fort surround you, the peaks clear below you and spreading out north and south. To the east, the mountains gradually fall off, towards the far-off sea. You are just high enough to make out the sparkling waters of the sea in the distance, and the outline of the Fort Peninsula; other, nearer places of interest, are more clearly distinguishable.
The large oval caldera that houses Fort Weyr looks small amidst the other mountains; the large cliff complex that houses Fort Hold, Harper Hall, and Healer Hall is visible as a slash of valley amidst the range. Off to the south, visible only as a smaller speck on the Fort Peninsula, is the clearing of Southern Boll Hold. Turning nearly full circle from the Fort Peninsula, the plains of Ruatha Hold can be made out in the distance.

Taralinda turns over her shoulder, " can see everything." She has to shout over the wind. Guess she should have made them get jackets.

Saphan lets out a whoop as he looks all around him, eyes watering a bit. "You sure can!"

Jenna isn't sparing wind for talking. Her face, however, is split into a wide grin as the star stones are seen below, and the valley spreads out into the distance. She reaches out for the nearest arm, pointing off to the southeast. She breaks the silence to shriek in delight over the wind, "I think I see my station!"

Taralinda laughs softly as she turns to look.

Dasil stretches his neck as he looks around at all that can be seen, "It's quite a view!" He also raises his voice to be heard over the wind. "It's very bracing!"

--*-- Bryseth croons softly, worried for her 'cargo'.

Saphan reaches down and carefully pats Bryseth. "Thanks," he shouts.

You wing down towards Fort Weyr.
Sky Above Fort Weyr

You spiral down lower into the bowl.
Above the Center of Fort Weyr Bowl(#927RLae$)
Perhaps some forty feet below you is the center of the Fort Weyr bowl. From here you can see, and be seen by, those below, and if you strain you can see from one end of the bowl to the other. The winds here swirl a bit but aren't too disturbing, just a bit cold. All around you on the cliffs you can see various weyrs and occasional glints from the dragons who hunt at the feeding grounds or sun themselves at the lake.
From this perspective, you can see the Weyrleaders' Complex, Junior Queens' and Hatching Grounds to the northeast, the feeding grounds and lake to the southwest, and below you is the entrance to the large Living Caverns and the large area in front of the Weyrling Barracks. Off to the east are the famous Star Stones. There are many ledges to 'weyrs' scattered throughout the walls of the cliffs here.

You land on the ledge near the Star Stones.
Star Stones
This is one of the highest peaks of the entire Fort Range. To the north of here are two vertical rock outcroppings. On the left is the Finger Rock and off to the right is its companion, the Eye Rock. Together, they perform three major functions. These are the first landmarks weyrlings memorize when they learn to fly *between*. And more importantly, when Rukbat balances on Finger Rock at dawn, it marks the winter solstice. If at this time the Red Star is bracketed by the Eye Rock, a Pass is due to begin.
Downwards to the west is the volcanic expanse of Fort Weyr. Individual weyrs pockmark the inside of the cone, and dragons are constantly flying in and out, popping in and out of *between* a few dragonlengths away. The Fort Range stretches as far as you can see to the north and south.

--*-- Bryseth makes a sharp dive and then glides to the star stones.

Jenna lets out a breathless squee as the dive hits, and then dissolves into delighted laughter. "Oh. Thank you *so* much!" She wipes tears from her eyes, brought there by the wind. "Can we get down and see?"

Dasil breathes in when his stomach rejoins the rest of his body and then he whoops, likely right in someone's ear.

Taralinda helps the candidates get unfastened. "Alright there...just slide down.

Saphan grasps the straps and eases himself down from Bryseth 's neckridges.
Saphan has left.

You grasp the straps and ease yourself down from Bryseth's neckridges. &LEAVE-PLAYER-1 Bryseth =You grasp the straps and ease yourself down from Bryseth 's neckridges.

Star Stones
This is one of the highest peaks of the entire Fort Range. To the north of here are two vertical rock outcroppings. On the left is the Finger Rock and off to the right is its companion, the Eye Rock. Together, they perform three major functions. These are the first landmarks weyrlings memorize when they learn to fly *between*. And more importantly, when Rukbat balances on Finger Rock at dawn, it marks the winter solstice. If at this time the Red Star is bracketed by the Eye Rock, a Pass is due to begin.
Downwards to the west is the volcanic expanse of Fort Weyr. Individual weyrs pockmark the inside of the cone, and dragons are constantly flying in and out, popping in and out of *between* a few dragonlengths away. The Fort Range stretches as far as you can see to the north and south.

Kiryn grasps the straps and eases himself down from Bryseth 's neckridges.
Kiryn has arrived.

Saphan lands on his feet nimbly.

Milque grasps the straps and eases herself down from Bryseth 's neckridges.
Milque has arrived.

Taralinda slides precariously down from Bryseth's neckridges grabbing for the flight straps just in time to save herself from a bad fall.
Taralinda has arrived.

Kiryn was here all along, really he was. He slides down too, comfortable enough dismounting from the dragon.

Taralinda grins, "Here we are!"

Dasil grasps the straps and eases himself down from Bryseth 's neckridges.
Dasil has arrived.

Jenna drops down after Saphan, still full of smiles for her first dragonflight. She lands a trifle heavily, unsure of herself. "Did you guys see my station?" She hurries over towards the eastern edge, with only a glance at the monolithic device.

Bryseth warbles happily and lays down to sun. "I think I may have seen it. Was hard from up there though."

Saphan hesitates. "Yeah, maybe I saw it. Not sure, though, I saw a lot."

Dasil chuckles, "Saw it all right, or something that could have been it." He moves towards the edge to get the best possible view, "It's great up here!"

"I don't know the landmarks this far in," Kiryn replies. "Actually, most of what I've seen, around here, I've seen from dragonback. The Weyr's the only place I've really been, that wasn't coastal."

Taralinda smiles at the candidates. "It's a nice distraction hm?"

Jenna shades her eyes, peering out into the gathering gloom of dusk. "Oh, /yes/! This was just what the healer ordered. Thank you, Taralinda, for bringing us up here." Satisfied with the view, she turns her attention towards the star stones themselves.

Milque smiles and looks about from the high view, "It is nice up here, you can see for a really long way."

Saphan nods, peering around in every direction. "Thank you!"

Taralinda smiles, "It's no problem at all. I'm glad to give you a fun distraction. The stars will be out soon. I bet we'll see some good ones."

Kiryn's interest, naturally, turns to the thing he knows best, and the young man turns the other way, to scan southward. "Mmm, you can see pretty far." Looking for the ocean, no doubt.

Dasil turns and echoes his own thanks with the others, his delight easy to read over his features, "This is definitely something different to do!"

Above the southwest area, Usselth spreads his wings and launches off his ledge.
Above the southwest area, Usselth wings his way northeast, towards the center of the bowl.

Jenna mms. "I've never been much for star watching. though I imagine the view is a bit different from up here." She leans against one of the stones, her slight weight still placed very gingerly, as if afraid it might be moved by her.

Saphan looks up at the darkening skies. "I kinda like the stars," he offers shyly.

Above the center of the bowl, Usselth wings his way towards the northeast end of the bowl.
Above the northeastern area, Usselth spirals down and backwings to a neat landing on the bowl floor.

"Hmm, I'm really not sure what most of the stuff I'm looking at is," admits Kiryn, but he's smiling anyway, soon walking back to join Jenna by the stone. "Guess it was a good idea after all, eh?"

Taralinda gazes off in the direction of Fort Seahold and smiles.

Jenna beams at Kiryn. "Even if we don't spend the night up here. Yeah, I think it was a great idea."

Saphan sits down on the rocks and leans back, looking up at the sky. "I could stay all night," he offers.

Taralinda chuckles softly, "You'll learn what everything is. If you become a weyrlonng. LOTS of time is spent up here."

Taralinda says "Weyrlings too"

Dasil chuckles and pushes his hands into his pockets, "I wish we really could stay out here all night, that would be fun." He listens to the Greenrider and then nods hopefully. Another look is given to the lay of the land below and then Dasil wanders over to get a better look at the stones themselves.

Saphan looks wistful. "That's if we Impress."

Jenna grins mischeviously at Saphan and Dasil. "Think we'd get in trouble for it?" Then she looks to Taralinda, "Really? Why up here? Watchridering?"

"Right, I guess it would be important to learn the lay of the land real well." Kiryn's eyes scoot over toward the harper hall, now, close enough that some details of the building can be made out. He waves, as if someone there might see him, then laughs at himself.

Taralinda smiles and lifts her shoulders, "Weyrlings get to sit up here and greet every dragon coming in to Fort Weyr space." she sits down on a rock. "I could stay upp here with you...and if you're needed taking you down. That'd be safe I think."

Jenna beams at Taralinda. "You wouldn't mind camping out with a bunch of candidates? Oh, let's do it!" She looks at the boys, "What do you guys think? As long as there's a rider here - Maybe Bryseth could check with Jinieth, just to make sure? I'd dearly love to for something different."

Dasil runs a finger over the surface of the stone before him and then grins excitedly over at the others, "I'm game!" His eyes move over the area as if already picking out the best place to look up at the stars and drift off to sleep.

Saphan nods, looking out over the landscape. "I could get used to being up here." He tilts his head toward Taralinda and her dragon. "That would be great."

Kiryn chuckles and nods his agreement, staring down at the hall for a while, then walking back to slide down against the stone to sit. "Someone'll need to get some food, too."

Taralinda nods, "I'd be happy to. Like to get to know you all." She scuffs a foot on the ground, "I'll see if Jinieth is awake.

Taralinda hms softly, her eyes glassy, "I think I'm going to have to ask F'ren about it. Jinieth doesn't know it's such a good idea."

Taralinda smiles, "How about we plan better and try for tomorrow?"

Jenna wrinkles her nose. "I was afraid of that. I suppose so. Just gives us another excuse to come up here."

Kiryn sighs, and he just sat down, too. "Ah, well, if it isn't... That's ok. We could try to come up another time."

Saphan sags a little, but gives a wan smile. "We could come up here another night?" He asks.

Dasil only looks briefly disappointed, "And it's nice just to be up here for now." He moves away from the stones themselves so that he can give Bryseth herself a closer look.

Jenna stays quiet, looking out over the bowl.