Hatching Feast

The Feast for Jinieth and Aisheth's second clutch. Picks up after the Weyrleaders leave the Weyrling barracks and all the OOC stuff right after the hatching.

Jenna - Sunday, April 28, 2002, 11:43 AM

S'fan waves tentatively after the Weyrleaders as they leave, and collapses onto the cot near Saneth's chosen wallow. "Wow. I can't... wow. I can't believe... wow."

Jenna gets Niyath settled, and cradles her lifemate's head in her lap. She beams at S'fan. "I know! Niyath's swearing it's not a dream though."

S'phan pauses and leans down to get a closer look at the hatchling gold. "She's beautiful, Jenna."

J'nas nods as he absently rubs Hanreth's neck. "They're /all/ beautiful," he murmurs.

L'nan walks in, looking tired but cheerful as he carries a bowl of meat-scraps in. "This should hold'm a bit longer, eh?" he says to no one in particular. He sets down the bowl and turns to the nearest person - J'nas. "Everything all right, how's Hanreth?"

S'fan sags, hands lolling between his legs as he squints over at Jenna. "I suppose we'll have to move once Saneth wakes up. He just disappears in this couch. I can't believe how small he is!"

Niyath blinks sleepily up at S'phan and Jenna beams. "She says thank you, and is already asking again who you are." Jen nods to J'nas. "Exactly. I *love* Hanreth's coloring, Jona - is it J'nas then? I was so hoping he was mine, but I wouldn't trade Niyath for anything."

S'phan chuckles. "Your dragons will grow soon enough. And you're right, they're all beautiful."

J'nas looks up at the weyrsecond, "Now that I've got both of us all oiled up, he's happy. I thought he was drifting to sleep, but now he's throwing all kinds of questions at me."

S'fan says "So was Saneth, before he got sleepy. Did anyone see if Ganella Impressed? I didn't notice her earlier, but..." He cranes his neck to look about, too worn to bother standing up, only then noticing L'nan. "Oh, h'lo, Weyrsecond."

L'nan grins at J'nas, nodding. "Ah, and it starts. Well, never fear, J'nas... that'll continue for about a Turn or two. Maybe longer, if you're lucky." He winks, appraising the little brown for a long moment, pleased. Then S'fan's welcome catches his attention. "Evenin', S'fan. Is Saneth sleepin', then?" His eyes fall on the blue, perhaps just a touch more affection in the glance.

You say "I honestly don't know about Ganella - she's sure to be fit to be tied if she didn't. Oh, again? A little bit then, Niyath?" She gently detatches from from her lifemate and gets more meat, bringing back a small bowl to start pacifying Niyath. "How often are they going to eat? Like lizards? I imagine we'll wake up in the middle of the night tonight?""

J'nas nods, a mock look of stress on his face. "I'm already doing it for these flits. I'll just be feeding more now."

"Sleeping," agreens Sef with a massive yawn which he doesn't even bother to try and hide. "Least I've stopped itching so much. What time is it, an'way?"

"Time for you t'take a nap," L'nan chuckles at S'fan. "Take the chance while you've got it." He turns to smile at Jenna and Niyath. "If they let you sleep tonight, I'll be amazed. Alirath wouldn't let me for the first two days, an' then I had t'beg him to nap with me sometimes." He rolls his eyes and then winks. "They'll be hungry for several months, like this."

S'phan steps out through the cavern's arch into the open space of the bowl.
S'phan has left.

Jenna keeps stroking eyeridges as Niyath chews and then she looks over to the other weyrlings. "Are yours as curious? She wants to know everything - "I've no idea what time it is. Isn't there a feast? Though I'm fair tuckered out myself. And I don't want to leave her."

J'nas nods. "Hanreth had all kinds of questions. Now that he's finally asleep, I want to sneak off to the feast. I want to say goodbye to the people who are returning home." He stands slowly, making sure not to wake the dozing brown. "Why don't you come with me. Niyath'll be fine. She /is/ a queen after all."

Jenna takes a closer peek at her Niyath, who has done the rather un-queenly thing of falling asleep in mid chew. She eases open her maw, extracts the half-masticated lump, and then rises. "I suppose you're right. And Merrin and Zak'll want to talk to me, I'm sure. Plus, we need to get our stuff out of the barracks."

S'fan looks up from his current - temporary - couch. "I'm not going to leave Saneth, but you two go. He was nervous enough about losing me right after the Hatching. I don't want to take the chance that he'll wake up and not find me." Another yawn, this one smaller, and the once-harper blinks sleepily. "Anyway, I'm not hungry. Could you maybe get my stuff?"

Jenna nods to Sef and laughs. "Looks like the mud worked, huh?"

Hanreth stretches and climbs onto his couch. I doesn't seem that he even wakes up.

S'fan answers with a tired half-grin. "Told you it would."

Jenna beams at S'fan and then says mischeviously to J'nas, "Race you across the bowl? It's gonna be cold in these robes!"

J'nas grins and makes a run for the door. "Don't dawdle!" he calls over his shoulder.

J'nas steps out through the cavern's arch into the open space of the bowl.
J'nas has left.

You step out through the cavern's arch into the open space of the bowl.

You head into the Living Caverns.
Fort Weyr Living Cavern(#199RJa$)
Approaching half the size of the Hatching Grounds, this cavern echoes with voices during the day, and the soft patter of feet during the night. Dozens of tables are spaced throughout, each with open space around to provide small amounts of privacy for the discussions carried on at each. The night hearth, with a cluster of pots of stew and klah, is situated near the large entrance to the Bowl. Several other hearths are spaced around the huge chamber, lending light and some heat to the room.

Broad marble steps to the southwest lead up to the impressive Fort Weyr kitchen. At the moment however those broad steps are marred with soot, as are the walls and the ceiling of the living cavern all around and above the impressive kitchen entrance. Many items of severely damaged kitchen equipment are placed in slowly growing piles near the entrance as clean up crews continue work after the kitchen fire. Two burly men stand near the kitchen entrance, preventing the mere curious from having access to the damaged area. No cooking can be done in the kitchens at this time and to make up for it most of the hearths in the living cavern have been pressed into use as cooking places. The cavern sees even more bustle than usual as bakers take over most of the walkways near the walls for the business of providing food for the Weyr. Residents enter and leave in an almost constant stream near mealtimes, back and forth from the large cooking pit set up near the lake. Only half the tables are in the living cavern, room is needed for both the cooking work and the clean up operation. The other half of the living cavern's tables are out in the bowl.

To the east, a short flight of stairs leads to the hallway to the inner caverns. A stout door to the north has a healer's emblem on it, marking the Infirmary. To the south is a wide tunnel, leading out of the Weyr, and a wide opening to the west leads to the Weyr bowl.
Earthenware Pot
Meg and Peg
Fort Weyr Firelizard Perch

J'radin heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.
J'radin has left.

Raeche inclines her head to J'radin. "See you later!" She wriggles her fingers.

Danielle comes up the steps from the Inner Caverns.
Danielle has arrived.

J'nas runs into the cavern, still wearing his Hatching robes. He brushes some snow off and watches Jenna run in. "Beat you! I think you should get my stuff for me."

Danielle is, for once, not in the middle of the celebration. Though she is still grinning the young woman is off to the side with a mug of something. Quiet and thoughtful she watches the after-hatching revelry and sips from her drink.

Jenna comes running in behind J'nas, a trifle out of breath and still in her robes as well. "It's *so* cold out there, that's why!" She grins, "I'm already getting Sef's cause he's too tired to move, though I think we'll leave that mud of his behind, don't you?"

Raeche's lips tug up at the corners. "Jenna! You made me some marks today. You and your - what was it, Niyith? both." She's seated at a table with her hides and a couple of belt pouches.

Mirrari smiles and waves to the pair of entering weyrlings, "Heyla J'nas, Jenna!" she calls with a smile.

J'nas waves to Mirrari and everyone else gathered in the cavern. He runs off to the inner caverns where he is gone for several minutes. He returns wearing his regular clothing and carrying what little belongings he has.

There is a scraping of chair, the sound of running feet, a few people muttering as a very tall young woman pushes through them. Jenna has caught Danielle's attention and she comes at a very quick pace right for her. Not in a bad way, mind you, but surely intent on sweeping her up in a very tight hug. Everyone may gasp now, not, at Danielle's public display of affection for her friend. OooOOoooo!

Reye glances over at the sound of greetings and the comments about winning wagers. Ah, there's a familiar site. Hatching robes. "Congratulations," the snow-haired weyrwoman calls out as they bustle past. Not that her words managed to be heard above the din, mind you.

Jenna looks up at the sound of her name and fairly beams at Raeche. "Niyath - I did? How many greens were there? The barracks are just chaos with everyone everywhere and most folks asleep already. Hey, Mirrari." Her expression dims a bit. "You okay? Are you gonna stay here? Or are we going to lose you back to Telgar?" She turns just in time to see Hurricane Danielle bearing down and gives a rather un-Jenna-like squeal. "Dani! Your mum's cord worked!" Indeed, she's still wearing it.

Raeche reaches for her mug, raising it to Jenna. "Not twelve," she notes. "Eleven."

Danielle wraps her arms around Jenna in a tight hug and she is smiling. It lasts briefly, but then Danielle is standing back, hands moving to Jenna's shoulders. She watches the weyrling a moment and then lets out a breath, nodding her head and grinning. "Wow..." Is all she says, lost for words. "Congratulations Jenna."

J'nas dumps his stuff in a corner and walks to the serving table. After serving himself a mug of klah and some food, he takes a seat next to Mirrari. "Will you be staying here or returing to your job at Telgar. I seem to remember you mentioning a few greenriders being upset when you left."

Mirrari smiles at Jenna and turns her attention to the weyrling lad beside her, "Nay, I shall be returning to Telgar here shortly. Congradulations, J'nas." she says.

Jenna's ecstatic smile reappears at Danielle's hug and words. "I still think I'm dreaming, but Niyath swears I'm not." She catches Mirrari's words and says quietly, "We'll miss you - what about your cousin? Is she going to stay so you have a great excuse to come back to visit?" She catches sight of Reye and nods to the unfamiliar rider, "Fort's duties to, ah... Reaches, is it?"

Danielle falls silent and her own eyes lift to Mirrari. Her expression softens and she says, "You will have to come back and visit." Someone's gotten all sentimental thanks to the hatching. At least she isn't getting drunk like last time when she stood and didn't impress.

J'nas nods, a slight look of sadness on his face. "I'm glad you'll be going home, but we'll miss you here."

Leah comes in from the bowl.
Leah has arrived.

"Mmm hmm," Reye acknowledges, inclining her head in greeting. "And 'Reaches duties to Fort. I'm Reye, Omfaleth's rider. Congratulations on Niyath, she's beautiful." For some reason the unfamiliar snow-haired rider smiles knowingly, glancing toward the bowl. "She looks like she'll be quite a handful."

Raeche speaks with a random sort of greenrider, doling marks out into his hand. He looks rather smug as she does so - she wrinkles her nose, shooing him away with one hand.

Leah comes in looking somehow exhausted and excited at the same time. She grins and nods to those she recognizes, saying to those who are visiting, "Good to see you, Fort's duties to you and yours. Oh yes, wonderful to see you."

Jenna nods to Reye, "She's dead to the world at the moment. Fell asleep mid chew. And I've still yet to change and see my family - I think they're here somewhere. Raeche, I didn't win a single mark? And to think, I was betting against a gold - good thing I was wrong."

Mirrari hehs and nudges J'nas, "It's not like I won't visit." she says with a wink. She grins at Jenna, "Nananthia? Yeah she's staying here."

Danielle reaches up and runs a hand through her short hair and then says, "You want anything to drink Jen?" Already she is turning to weave through the crowd towards the refreshments.

J'nas smiles, "You'd better, I still can't leave for a while." He shovels a forkful of meat into his mouth after calling congratualtions out to one of the new weyrlings. "Maybe you can sew something for me to remember you by?"

Raeche shakes her head at Jenna. "I'm afraid not." She gives Leah a cursory nod, then looks to Jenna again with a faint smile.

Mirrari mms and nods, "Aye, I could do that - what would you like, sir?" she teases with a wink.

J'nas takes a sip of klah and looks sidelong at Mirrari. With a wink he says, "Surprise me."

Raeche eyes Mirrari and J'nas. "Fanciful conical purple hat with stars."

Reye bobs her head. "When I impressed Omfaleth she did the same -- fell asleep while telling me how the quality of the couch should be improved." The 'Reaches rider winks, a sly smile forming on her lips. "Obviously the couch couldn't have been -too- bad." As the slender woman catches sight of Leah weaving through the crowd in her general vicinity, she stands to make the proper introductions. "Weyrwoman Leah? 'Reaches duties to Fort and her queens. I'm Reye, Omfaleth's rider."

Leah moves into the room and spies a few of the Weyrlings. Her face breaks into that excited, childlike look that she gets when she's found something new, "Ah, they fell asleep long enough for you to get food? Excellent." She turns to find a seat, choosing one near Raeche and smiling at the girl, "Did you have a good time?"

J'nas glances at Raeche, "That would be a surprise, wouldn't it?"

Raeche nods sagely to J'nas. "And how! But perhaps not anymore." She blinks a little at Leah as the Weyrwoman seats herself, then nods. "It was very exciting. Do you suppose next time you could make it a little slower? I had quite a time catching what came from which egg." She sniffs.

Jenna ah wells at Raeche, clearly not too bothered and calls to Danielle, "Juice, please Dani?" She grins at Mirrari, "Oooh, I think purple'd suit him well. Not just for healers." She doesn't seem to be in the least bothered by standing in her oil spattered robe. "Yes ma'am, asleep right in mid chew."

J'nas yells over the din, so Raeche can here him, "Brown Hanreth!"

Danielle slides quietly through the crowd and ends up at the refreshment table. Grabbing two mugs she fills them both with juice and then turns to make her way back. Being tall has it's advantages as she manages to get people to move out of her way. Fear being trampled by the mighty giant Danie! not.

Leah laughs and shakes her head, "Ah, Raeche. You act as if we have control over these things." Her bright eyes fall on Reye and she smiles, "Wonderful to meet you! I'm very happy you and Omfaleth could come all this way to see us. Fort's duties to High Reaches and her Queens."

Mirrari rolls her eyes and nods, "Suprises, hm?" she winks, "I'll have to think about that.."

Raeche blinks at J'nas' yelling, startled. She smoothes her skirt with one hand. "I don't care about his name, really. He was supposed to be a green, by my guess." She sniffs again at Leah. "Well, you should. It's inconvenient for me!" A hint of a smile, though she is half serious.

J'nas peers at Mirrari over his mug. "Is it going to be a leather something-or-other?"

Jenna gives Danielle a relieved look as she comes back with juice. "/Thank/ you. I didn't realize how thirsty I was. And I still need to change and a quick wash - I didn't have a chance before the eggs started rocking."

Leah grins at Raeche, then gives one of the young people on serving duty a thankful grin as he serves a skin of wine to her and her table with multiple glasses, "Oh, Faranth's blessings on you, Gribble. You are a mindreader!" The boy looks quite pleased with himself as he hurries off.

"I wouldn't miss it," Reye tells Leah, sliding into a seat at the next table. Contrary to her words, the weyrwoman begins to colour under her tan. "Well. Actually, I did miss it. We got in just as the last impressions were finishing up. But the thought counts, as Selchin always says." She studies Raeche with a curious look before chiming in once more. "I've noticed how the harpers sometimes record the results. One rattles them off, the other writes. Maybe that'll work better for you next time."

Danielle shakes her head just a bit and says, "You're welcome and don't worry about it." Then she raises her mug to Jenna and says, "To you, your lifemate and all the new pairings."

Mirrari chuckles and grins, " It could."

Leah ohs at Reye as she pours a few glasses of wine, offering one to the goldrider, Raeche, Danielle and Mirrari each, "I think it was wonderful, but then, I'm biased!" A twinkle sparks in her eye as she sips the wine.

Raeche accepts a glass of wine with a pleased smile for Leah; she looks to Reye with a curious air. "Oh? Really? That does sound quite efficient. I shall have to draft someone for that very purpose next time. I could have very difficult interviews and everything."

J'nas offers his firelizards morsels of meat from his plate. He smiles at those at his table and says, "They were upset when they found out I was feeding Hanreth and didn't even think of them."

Jenna echoes, "To all the new pairings!" She drinks half the mug down before she stops, letting out an appreciative sigh. Then, just when she's getting a breath, a knot of family by the looks of them, all long legged and almost unnaturally skinny descend on her, an older woman with greyed blonde hair sweeping her up into a hug. Jenna's goodnatured, muffled protest of, 'Mother! You're smooshing me.' is nearly lost.

Reye bobs her head to Raeche's words, expanding on the idea. It's unsure whether she's serious or not. "You could have writing races, with extra points for spelling and style."

Leah raises her glass and joins in the toast, "To the Weyr and it's new breath of fresh air!" She grins at Jenna, "Looks like your family arrived just in time."

Danielle backs off from Jenna's family as the weyrling is surrounded. With a small smile she turns to head back to her chair in the corner, mug of juice in hand. Idley she sips from it as she settles down to watch the revelry from afar.

Raeche raises her glass in response to the toasts, tilting her head back for a very healthy, long swig of wine. She rights herself again, lips splitting in a wide smile at Reye. "Oh! How excellent! And handwriting much be judged - can't have my precious tallies illegible, after all!"

J'nas leans toward Mirrari and murmurs, "She seems much friendlier when she's one money," nodding toward Raeche.

Merrin, Jenna's youngest brother, heads to Danielle, saying firmly, "I want Jenna's traces, if you'll have me! She can't do 'em anymore, that's certain." The family starts to babble, echoing the toast - apparently, Jenna's not the only one with that trait - ready to wring any hands that come their way. Easy to see they're pleased. Jenna squirms out from her mother's embrace and makes introductions around. "Everyone, my parents, Darrin and Merlita, and Erlin from over Benden traces, and Martan from Crom and Delir from Nerat."

Leah says to Jenna by way of teasing, "At least you didn't have seven older brothers /and/ their families /and/ your parents /and/ your aunts and uncles /and/ their families..." She sighs playfully, "I think Vivian thought we were being invaded by cotholders that day!"

Mirrari smiles and takes the glass and chuckles, "I see that.." she murmers and then raises her glass as well in a silent toast to the pairings and everyone else.

Nananthia walks out of the tunnel along the southeastern wall.
Nananthia has arrived.

Raeche nods to Jenna's parents and siblings, wriggling her fingers around the stem of her wine glass.

Reye's smile mirrors Raeche's, and she leans forward to rest her elbows on the table. "Right. You couldn't have your... ah... clients... questioning the validity of your results because they couldn't be read. I should think that'd be fairly entertaining. I used to be able to write well as a seacrafter, but since I've worked on hides so much my penmanship has degraded horribly." An amused glance darts from Leah to Jenna and back again. "Mmm. Selchin and Regex were my only family there, but a hoarde of people kept following them about so it was difficult for us to find time either. We're all lucky though. I know some folk whose parents wouldn't come because they don't like riders."

Nananthia enters the living caverns and looks around, "Mirr? Mirr?" She stamps a foot impatiently, "Where did that girl run off to..Mirr? Ha! Thought you could hide from me huh, cousin?" Nan flits over to the table where Mirrari is sitting and grins. "Wine? Mirr really.. you never drink."

Raeche shakes her head sadly. "Does that mean you won't be offering your services?" she asks Reye, smiling despite the overly sorrowful tone of her words - or perhaps, in part, because of it. "Sigh! Shameful, really, how they let people slip."

Merlita draws herself up politely before the Weyrwoman, "They couldn't make it, actually, Weyrwoman. I know they'll be disappointed, but Jenna, you've a nephew! He came yesterday morn, to Riltan and Marissa." Jenna laughs, "Looks like they had something else important to take care of ma'am." Then, her mother abruptly realizes that Jenna's still in her oil and blood smeared robe, and says, "If you'll excuse me ma'am? I'm going to see this child gets a dunking and something clean to wear." Ignoring Jenna's embarassed protests, Merlita propels her towards the caverns, "You can tell me all about your Niyath while you change."

Mirrari laughs and looks up at her cousin and toasts Nan as well, "Nananthia, I'm allowed to have something, am I not?" She turns to J'nas and grins, "I think I may have something, J'nas.." she says with a wink.

Danielle looks up to Merrin and her reverie is broken for a moment. "Hmmm? Oh Merrin, traces?" She sits up and sets the mug aside. Then the smile turns to a grin and she says, "Well, let's see what we can work out on that. I certainly can't do them all on my own, but we may want to juggle some of them around. There's some pretty pushy holders out there."

You walk down the stairs, into the Inner Caverns.