Jinieth's First Leadership Flight

Jenna - Friday, November 16, 2001, 8:30 AM

Your location's current time: 18:20 on day 26, month 2, Turn 38, of the Tenth Pass. It is a winter evening.

You head into the Living Caverns.
Fort Weyr Living Cavern(#199RJa$)
Approaching half the size of the Hatching Grounds, this cavern echoes with voices during the day, and the soft patter of feet during the night. Dozens of tables are spaced throughout, each with open space around to provide small amounts of privacy for the discussions carried on at each. The night hearth, with a cluster of pots of stew and klah, is situated near the large entrance to the Bowl. Several other hearths are spaced around the huge chamber, lending light and some heat to the room.
Broad marble steps to the southwest lead up to the impressive Fort Weyr kitchen. To the east, a short flight of stairs leads to the hallway to the inner caverns. A stout door to the north has a healer's emblem on it, marking the Infirmary. To the south is a wide tunnel, leading out of the weyr, and a wide opening to the west leads to the weyr bowl.
Meg and Peg
Fort Weyr Firelizard Perch

Leah walks in with a bunch of burly mainenance men in tow. She stops in the doorway and point around at all the tables, saying to them, "Let's go. I want everything moved." The two nearest her exchange a glance over her head, one of them bending a bit to ask her quietly, "You're sure you want to do this, Weyrwoman?"

Jenna comes out of the caverns, hair damp from a recent bath. She's barefooted, seeming not to notice the cold. And she's *humming*. Actually humming.

From his chair by the hearth, N'sales looks over at the commotion that starts. As the men start he gets up and walks over to Leah. "What are you having them do Ma'am?"

Anonee glances from the Weyrwoman to the burly men, to her tables. "What are you doing?" she asks, a note of panic rising in her voice.

Leah looks at the large man pointedly and nods, "Yes. Just like I told you." The move off and she stands there looking around with some satisfaction. One of the men says to Anonee as he approaches her table, "If you'll just stand up for a minute. This... shouldn't take long." He casts a doubtful glance over his shoulder at the petite goldrider.

Anonee isn't seated, more pacing the cavern, already wringing her hands over Faranth knows what. "What's going on?" she asks, stepping to the side a bit.

Jenna was going to head for the serving table, but the way is blocked by moving mountains. Peering around one particularly burly fellow she echoes Anonee, "Uh, is it spring cleaning already? I'll go get my running shoes to avoid scrubbing the floor."

The man shrugs, "Just doing as the Weyrwoman says." Another look at Leah and he's lifting one end of the heavy table, another man hefting the opposite end. All about the room these men are asking people to move and lifting tables to move then to another spot. Turns and turns of things being the same way are suddenly moved into a disarray of people holding their plates and mugs while the large men move the furniture.

Anonee turns towards Leah, approaching somewhat hesitantly. "Uh, ma'am?" she asks.

N'sales looks Leah up and down then peers around to look her in the eyes, and amuzed grin on his face. "Ma'am? What's this all about?"

Leah looks at those who approach her with impatience, "What?" She calls out to one of the men, pointing, "No, in a circle! Over there! Yes, that's right."

Jenna heads towards the group clustered about - uh oh. It's the Weyrwoman. She ducks a bit behind Norse and whispers, "What's going on?"

Anonee chews her bottom lip a bit. "Uh, Leah, ma'am, I heard nothing about the cavern being redone from Headwoman Norri," she explains.

N'sales shrugs his shoulders as he raises his eyebrows at the Weyrwoman. He turns to Jenna, "Not sure yet. I am sure the Weyrwoamn her is just reorganizing to better make use of the space?" he looks at Leah inquisitively.

Leah snorts at Anonee, "Norri is busy. I'm dealing with this." She calls out to the men again, "Yes, that's right! A circle within a circle. Make sure the head table is in the center!" She shrugs at N'sales, "It looks better this way."

Anonee makes a bit of a face, "It will be much harder to serve everyone with an arrangement like this, Weyrwoman."

N'sales gives Anonee a look of warning. "I am sure she has her reasons." his tone is one of don't get the Weyrwoman started now, please. His face echoes the entreaty in his voice.

Anonee nods her head to the bronzerider, She mutters to N'sales, "I... Norse, I... a proddy... change... just... the whim to... Senior... no."

Leah shoots a glare at Anonee, "Are you arguing with me? It's very condusive to me being the center of the room." She calls out anyway, "Make sure to leave space for servers to get through to the tables!"

Anonee shakes her head, "It's not the between the tables, ma'am, it's the way people tend to stick their chairs out when they are in them," she says, clearly. "If you want to be the center of attention, why not have them leave the tables as is and build you a dais upon which to be seated?"

N'sales as Leah grabs Anonee, N'sales jumps into action, working his way between the two. Is he crazy? In a voice he has yet to use that caries over the entire cavern, "Enough!" He looks at Anonee then at Leah, turning first to Anonee. "You." and he points to Anonee then to the Kitchens. "Just go." and he mouths the words please. He then turns to Leah. "Ma'am she was out of line, but now you are." he gives her a stern look followed by a pleading look. "Ma'am are you sure you want to do this?"

Anonee scowls at Norse, and heads up the steps to the kitchen, muttering about everyone just bossing her around.

Anonee mounts the steps that lead to the kitchen.
Anonee has left.

Leah looks up at N'sales in disbelief and says in a low hiss, releasing her grip on Anonee's collar, "Did you just tell me I'm out of line, bronzerider? Remember who you are talking to and think carefully about who is out of line right now." She turns from him to call out to the men, who have all stopped moving the furniture and are staring, "Get back to work! I want those circles set up quickly, before the midday meal!"

Jenna is left without a barrier between herself and the Weyrwoman, but as Norse moves, so does she, skittering sideways slightly. Better let the bronzer handle this, she half murmurs, "And it was starting out to be such a wonderful day too."

N'sales gives Leah a look of concern and consternation. "You do as you please, but just remember who you hurt in the meantime. Don't do something now you may regret later." he turns his shoulder square to walk towards the kitchens leaving the Weyrwoman to her slave driving. When he reaches half way accross the cavern he turns to look at Leah, his eyes pleading, his mouth twisted.

Leah glances over at N'sales, narrowing her eyes, "And remember that bronzeriders aren't supposed to have a thin skin. What is wrong with you? Why can't you see that I'm just doing what I need to because it's what's best for Fort Weyr?!" It's very obvious she's not herself whatsoever as her voice has taken on a high-pitched note of desperation, her hands going to her head, "Jinieth, stop it! STop it stop it stop it!" She turns on her heel and heads out into the bowl.

Leah heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.
Leah has left.

Jenna hesitates, and then grabs a skin, throwing N'sales a faintly pitying look, before heading out into the bowl.

You head outside to the bowl.
Center of the Fort Weyr Bowl(#200RJ$)
The Bowl of Fort Weyr, a large, featureless plain surrounded by steep mountain cliffs, stretches out around you. It is approximately oval in shape, about 2700 meters along the long axis running southwest to northeast, and about half that distance across the short axis. You stand in its approximate center. The soil of the bowl is somewhat sandy.
To the northwest is the large cavern used for the Weyrling barracks. To the west is the fenced off area where the Weyr's herds are kept, and the lake shore is to the southwest. To the northeast can be seen the ledges for the junior queens and the weyrleaders. The large entrance to the Hatching Grounds can also be seen to the northeast and to the east are the Lower Caverns.

Leah is yelling at Jinieth, "You have to stop it! I can't be here all the time! I know they all want to be with you but you have to deal with that yourself!" The gold's eyes have a reddish tinge to them and she's growling at her rider, most likely arguing back.

Jenna comes out of the caverns, sidestepping lightly in her bare feet. It is still winter, after all. The red eyes and growl do stop her for a moment, and she squares her shoulders slightly, before coming to Leah's elbow and just waiting there for a moment, the skin in her hands half extended.

N'sales walks across the bowl from the Lower Caverns.
N'sales has arrived.

N'sales rushes out into the bowl flinging his jacket over his shoulders against the cold. He watches Leah from the edge of the cavern enterance.

Leah stops her pacing to blink at Jenna as she glowers. She takes the skin from her and turns back to her dragon, unstopping the wineskin and taking a long pull before saying to Jinieth, "You will not treat them that way. You don't treat people you care about that way no matter what color they are." She frowns and take another long pull.

Jenna folds her arms against the cold, bouncing lightly from one bare foot to the other. After a moment, as the harangue continues, she pulls on the sweater tied about her waist. Norse's entrance is caught in the corner of an eye, and she glances backwards at him, lower lip catching between her teeth, before she looks back to Leah. She inserts quietly, "When was the last time you slept, ma'am?"

N'sales pounds his fists against his leg then straightens his jacket before heading towards the tableau scene set before him. He makes his way slowly, stopping along side the two women and the gold dragon. In a quiet yet determined voice he look at Leah, "Ma'am? I need to speak with you in private when you are through here." his eye dart from Leah to Jenna who he gives a beleaguered look to.

Leah narrows her eyes at Jenna as if she suddenly doesn't trust the girl and says, "I slept last night." She points at N'sales, "Ask him, I went to sleep last night. He was there. He saw me." Defensive, isn't she? She blinks at N'sales, "You need to wait. I don't have time to talk."

Jenna holds up her hands in self defense, though strangely, she's without the blush that would usually accompany those words. As she rebuffs Norse, Jenna shoots him a look that rather plainly asks if she should leave, even as she says soothingly to Leah, "We're just all concerned about you, ma'am. That's all."

N'sales looks back to Leah his eyes wide not quite certain here heard her say what she just said. He nods, "Yes she did sleep last night. I can attest to that." he gives Leah another glance then adds, "ok but I really think you and I need to talk." but he smiles this time.

Leah sighs and throws up her hands, "Everyone needs to stop worrying about me. Stop worrying about me!" She frowns at N'sales, "Fine, let's talk. Come with me." She stomps off towards the Weyrleader complex.

Leah walks the half mile towards the northeastern end of the bowl.
Leah has left.

N'sales shakes his head to Jenna, "I don't mean to take her away, you two finish your conversation. It can wait till later." he looks at Leah who walks off. He shrugs then calls out. "It can wait Ma'am"

Jenna shakes her head. "Like *I* know what to say to her. I'm not even a rider. Go on, silly. See if you can calm her down any."

N'sales looks to Jenna and whispers, "She be back to her normal self soon."

N'sales gives Jenna a smile. "We'll be right back." and he tosses her a causal wink.

Jenna's tone is wry, "I guessed that much. Go on. I'll see if I can't offer Jinieth some sweetoil or something to try to soothe her temper as well." This said in a lower tone out of deference to the queen.

N'sales nods as he heads out after the Weyrwoman.

N'sales walks the half mile towards the northeastern end of the bowl.
N'sales has left.

Jenna takes a deep breath, eyeing Jinieth a trifle warily, "You're getting the whole weyre in an uproar, you know." Her tone is laced with a hint of humor. "Not that you don't deserve it. Now that I've at least gotten some wine down your rider, how about some sweetoil, if I can find it? Always has a nice scent - rosemary and thyme. Or, should I just leave you be?" Her demeanor is actually a trifle amusing, as though half expecting an answer. "Maybe some attention from someone who's not one of those icky males, hm?"

Jinieth growls low in her throat at the little person who dares speak to her. Her head lowers so it's flat on the ground, red-tinged eyes watching Jenna warily. Her hide has taken on a warm golden glow indicative of her mindset.

Jenna makes that same warding off gesture she gave to Leah, murmuring, "I thought not, but no terrible harm in making the offer." After all, those eyes are nearly larger than she is. Though she wouldn't make much of a mouthful, all skin and bones and sharp angles that she's made of. She adds under her breath, turning to go back in out of the cold, "I'm *definately* going down to the Hall. Soon as I can find a greenrider to take me."

You head into the Living Caverns.
Fort Weyr Living Cavern(#199RJa$)


Public announcement: Leah announces "Gold Jinieth's leadership flight at Fort Weyr is scheduled to begin in an hour. Proddy roleplay is about to start in the Fort Weyr living cavern. All interested bronzeriders are welcome to join us at any time. If you'd like to emit a bronze during the flight, feel free to page Leah :)"

Leah comes in from the bowl.
Leah has arrived.

Leah returns looking very disheveled. Her hair is a mess, her cheeks are flushed, and her clothes are crumpled. She's got her jacket on this time at least. She glances around the living cavern with some satisfaction at it's new seating arrangement, "Perfect. Perfect. Alright, now, I hope they have plenty of eel for dinner."

Jenna is sitting at one of the tables, now arranged in a lovely circle, shrugging at another resident. "I dunno - look, don't ask me! Everyone's in such a foul mood today-" She breaks off as stares turn towards Leah, some of the older brown and bronzeriders in particular. She cautions her tablemates, "Whatever you do, don't say a *Word* about the tables being like this."

Leah calls Jenna over, gesturing for her to meet her halfway, "Could you do me a favor? I put eel stew and eel pie on the menu tonight, but I didn't see any eel come in. Could you see if they're making the right menu?"

Jenna's tablemates fairly snigger at the alarm that flickers across her face. Or maybe it's the eels. She does, however, rise fairly gamely, and take the few steps to the Weyrwoman. "I'll check ma'am. Was there anything else special you added you'd like me to ask after while I'm back there?"

Leah hmmss, having been distracted by something on the other side of the cavern. She focuses on Jenna again, "Oh, yes. They were supposed to make fish head soup to compliment the eel. Check on that too, will you?"

Jenna grimaces before she can help herself, "Yuuuoooh, yes, ma'am." The verbal expression of distaste is modified at the last moment as she edges off out of arm's reach, given what happened to Anonee earlier. She turns and is gone quickly, long legs carrying her towards the kitchens.

Jenna is gone a few moments, and then comes clattering back slowly down the marble stairs, bearing a tray. On it is a loaf of bread, some cheese, and a bowl of rather thick, dark looking stew. Her expression is shrouded in clouds of doubt, as she offers, "Just let me know where you'd like to sit ma'am - the cooks said the pie and the soup'll be out in a bit, but gave me this stew for you."

Fort Bowl> Orenth comes from the northeastern area.
Fort Bowl> Orenth has arrived.
Fort Bowl> High above the bowl, Aisheth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

Leah points to the head table, now in the center of the bullseye arrangement of the furniture, "There, please. And thank you, I didn't expect you to serve me." She moves towards said table and seats herself, "Are you on serving duty tonight?"

Fort Bowl> Above the center of the bowl, Aisheth spirals down towards the Center of the bowl, and backwings to a landing.
Fort Bowl> Aisheth has arrived.

N'sales walks in from the bowl, his hair a mess about his face. He pushes the hair out of his face and heads for the refreshment table. "Where did it.." he stops and looks about remembering everything was rearranged. Seeing Leah he gives a hand wave and makes for an oversized chair to plop down in.

Fort Bowl> Jinieth snaps and snarls at anyone who comes close to her, human or dragon alike. Her hide has taken on a vivid golden glow.

Jenna puts the tray down, and manages to transfer the bowl without slopping onto the table. Which for her may very well be a major accomplishment. "Uhhh," She darts a quick look at the Weyrwoman, "Well, they just gave me this since I was already back there, but I can be, if you want me to, ma'am."

Leah shakes her head and picks up a fork, "No, you must be tired from running to Harper Hall all the time." She tastes the stew, then frowns, "Now wait a minute. This isn't eel stew..."

Jenna backs out of grabbing range, tossing a nervous look at N'sales, "It's not? Ah, um, the cooks just said to bring it to you." She tries to distract her, "Ah, the folks at the Hall sent their regards, ma'am. They're all looking forward to your next visit."

Fort Bowl> Orenth rumbles a greeting to Aisheth then croons towards Jinieth.
Fort Bowl> P'ter swings his leg over and slides down Aisheth's flank, landing with ease on the foreleg that Aisheth has places ready. "Thank you Aisheth", says his rider politely as he jumps down from that vantage point to the ground, resting one hand on the bronze behind him when he lands.
Fort Bowl> P'ter has arrived.

P'ter comes in from the bowl.
P'ter has arrived.

P'ter walks in, stopping just inside, calling out clearly, "Igen's duries to Fort and her queens."

Leah frowns, "I'll just bet they are... what is this?" She pokes around in the stew, "There's porcine in here or something..." Anger begins to build in her, "This is *not* the eel stew I asked that we have for dinner...."

N'sales smiles warmly to Jenna, shrugging his shoulders. As leah starts to fuss he walks away from the chair he is about to sit in and heads towards her. "Not what you ordered? How dare they! I will be right back." he grabs the bowl and heads for the kitchen mumbling under his breath.

D'zel comes in from the bowl.
D'zel has arrived.

Jenna's shoulders hunch almost protectively over her bony frame. "I, uh, they just gave it to me ma'am. I've never had eel before - I can ask them again if you like." Blue eyes dart to N'sales and P'ter before she offers hesitantly, "Ah, Igen's duties to Fort - uh, I mean," she goes very red, "Fort's to Igens and her queens."

N'sales mounts the steps that lead to the kitchen.
N'sales has left.

D'zel strolls in, looking cleaned up once since the weyrlings graduated and waves. "Howdy, howdy! Three coats of oil on Xannarth. Whew, I am bushed."

P'ter looks around for a drudge, not able to see one. He takes a hide from his pocket, looking at it as if to refresh some memory. That done he puts the hide back in his pocket, linking his hands behind his back. He nods to Jenna with a warm smile and a chuckle, "Thank you indeed ma'am."

N'sales comes down the marble steps from the kitchen.
N'sales has arrived.

Leah gets frustrated as she watches N'sales head towards the living cavern, saying under her breath, "Why can't they just do what I ask them to do??" Her eyes fall first on D'zel, then on P'ter, narrowing slightly, "Who is *that*?"

Jenna is clearly flustered, and takes the opportunity to back out of range, perhaps in case crockery starts flying from the Weyrwoman. D'zel gets a half grin, and then she offers politely to P'ter, "Not ma'am, just Jenna. Um, would you like something to drink to knock off the chill? How about you, D'zel?"

N'sales comes back out smiling carrying a bowl of soup. he sets it down in front of Leah. "Here you go. They said this is eel soup." The odd thing is that the bowl has the same chip in as the one he walked out with.

P'ter clears his throat, "P'ter Ma'am, rider of the bronze Aisheth, wingleader of Igen's Sirocco wing." He peers at this seeming not too pleased Leah and bows formally, "I'm searching for your Senior Dragonhealer, or indeed, someone who represents him. I merely have a hide I intend to pass on," he explains, nodding politely to Jenna, then D'zel and N'sales. "A hot drink would be welcome indeed, its just far too cold here."

D'zel grins to Jenna, "Something with a little bite would be great." He flashes his smile around, he looks good and therefore he must feel good. "Fort's duties to..Igen Weyr?" He gives a hearty greeting to P'ter.

P'ter nods, "Igen Weyr indeed sir. P'ter, at your service." He smiles again, on surer footing facing a smile than a 'who is *that*'.

Leah blinks at N'sales as he returns, narrowing her eyes at him. She dips her spoon into the soup and then raises the liquid to her lips. A frown immediately forms on her youthful face and she drops the spoon into the soup, "That is *not* eel soup!" She rubs her temples, "Jinieth, stop it! Constant complaints, constant whining!" A glance over at P'ter and she snorts, "Igen Weyr. Sand sand sand. Hot and sweaty and hot..."

N'sales raises his hands, "Sorry Ma'am thats what the cooks said." he smiles and shrugs before turning to head back to his chair. "Heya D'zel!" he calls and nods to P'ter whom he did not meet a moment ago because he was rushing to the kitchen.

D'zel grins at P'ter and looks back to Leah, she asked who *that* was, and of course she must mean him! "It's me Leah, D'zel. With a shave and a bath I look quite dapper. Hey N'sales!"

P'ter peers at the weyrwoman, giving her a steady look, thinking for a second before finishing the sentence in an appropriate way " .. sand?" he offers.

Jenna retreats to the serving table and comes up with a mug of hot cider and, after a bit of searching, a skin of Tillek for D'zel. Well, he did say 'bite'. She heads back to the bronzers, offering the outweyr rider the cup first, before dumping the skin at D'zel. "There. Um, I've not seen the dragonhealer, bronzerider, but it's nearly dinnertime..."

P'ter nods to Jenna, "So if I wait just a bit they might appear?"

Leah rises and throws the bowl of soup at some poor serving girl, "I said *eel* soup! Eel! Eel! Eel!" She stomps over to D'zel and snorts, "I know who you are. About time you bathed." A glare over at P'ter, "I didn't know who he was. I still don't. Do I?" Blue eyes look him up and down suspiciously, "Come to take Fort Weyr's eel recipes, I know it."

N'sales places his head in his hands as he manages not to burst out laughing from the other side of the room. He plops into his favorite chair and picks up the mug he left sitting next to it moments earlier.

P'ter says "No Ma'am, I'll not take any recipes, nor Aisheth, 'eel .. er, he'll not take any back either." He peers at Leah with some concern, "And I'm P'ter, rider of Aisheth," he repeats, "I don't think we have actually met, though I have seen you at a distance."

Fort Bowl> Lirroth appears out of between, high above the bowl, and wings down to make a neat landing. His rider unbuckles and slides down rather recklessly, landing with a soft thump in the bowl. Dressed in the colors of Ierne far to the south, he gives his lifemate a pat, "Now, if I can only find Remila." The bronzerider starts towards the caverns, only to slow after a moment, eyeing Jinieth's color.
Lirroth> Orenth rumbles a greeting to Lirroth from his vantage point near the wall enterance to the lower cavern.

Leah snorts, shaking her head, "Of course you've only seen me from a distance. Igen is too far to see me up close." She nearly snarls at the bronzerider, "Don't get anywhere near our eel. And no rearranging the Living Cavern. I know how you Igenites are, rearranging furniture everywhere you go."

D'zel catches the skin and gives Jenna a friendly wink. He sniffs a little at his shoulder after Leah mentions his bath, "I still smell good." Reassured he plops into a chair near N'sales. "Kinda noisy tonight."

M'rem strides into the caverns, muttering half under his breath. The interesting bullseye configuration of the tables causes an arched eyebrow, and he offers lamely, "Uh, Ierne's duties to Fort and her queens."

N'sales looks over at D'zel. "Yeah, no kidding. She's in one of her moods again tonight. In rare form. I sure hope Jinieth rises soon. For her sake as much as ours."

P'ter bites back a chuckle, managing to keep his face straight only after the benifit of turns of practive at Dragon Poker. "No Ma'am, I'll leave the tables just as they are." He peers at her then, "You like eel do you?" He smiles.

Jenna backs well out of the way, eyeing the bronzeriders nervously. She retreats to the hearth, settling in a corner, P'ter's question about the dragonhealer left unanswered. Let the bronzers fend for themselves tonight.

Lirroth> Jinieth snaps and snarls again at the dragons nearby, most of them clearing out of the way. She lifts her head and bugles defiantly, then jumps into the air and heads towards the feeding grounds.
Lirroth> From the Feeding Grounds, Jinieth comes over from the east.

D'zel grins at N'sales, "Hope she doesn't rise tonight, cause Xannarth has so much oil on him he's likely to slide all the way to Ista without entering the sky."

Leah spins on her heels and yells towards the bowl, "No! No, don't you dare! Shards, Jinieth!" A flash of blonde hair and she's out the door, eel menu forgotten.

Leah heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.
Leah has left.

P'ter blinks, dodging out of the way. With a curious grin he follows, heading on out fare more slowly than Leah did.

N'sales chuckles and gives D'zel a look, "Would make for an interesting mating though." he pauses for a moment then stands up a look of sudden intesity flashes accross his face. "Looks like you jinxed yourself there D'zel."

M'rem backs against a wall as Leah and the other bronzeriders start past him. The fifty turn old rider groans. "First Egg! All I wanted to do was see my sister." He joins the exodus out, swearing under his breath.

P'ter heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.
P'ter has left.

D'zel sighs and shakes his head. "Ain't it the way? I guess we're off then.

D'zel heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.
D'zel has left.

M'rem heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.
M'rem has left.

Lirroth> From the Feeding Grounds, Xannarth comes in from near the Weyrling barracks.

N'sales heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.
N'sales has left.

Lirroth> Lirroth growls, tail lashing as he springs for the feeding grounds, despite his rider's obvious reluctance.
Lirroth> In the Fort Weyr feeding grounds
Lirroth> Nestled in the southwestern end of the oval-shaped Bowl, this grassy field provides quite a contrast from the unremarkable dirt ground found elsewhere around it. These are the pastures for the herdbeasts which feed the inhabitants of Fort Weyr.
Lirroth> The peaceful lake shore from which the herdbeasts drink runs east, where the sandy shore allows for swimming and relaxing, and curves to the south. The western most portion of the lake is fenced off, to keep the herdbeasts separated from bathing dragons, and is reachable to the south. The bowl stretches far to the northeast, nearly 2 miles long. The weyrling barracks lie a north of here. Immediately to the west, next to the cliffs, are pens in which the herdbeasts are kept.
Lirroth> Contents:
Lirroth> Xannarth
Lirroth> Jinieth
Lirroth> Aisheth comes over from the east.
Lirroth> Aisheth has arrived.
Lirroth> Above the southwest area, Geddeth spreads his wings and launches off his ledge.
Lirroth> Above the southwest area, Geddeth disappears into Between.
Lirroth> Orenth swoops in, his wings sweeping wide to forestall a collision with the ground. An unsuspecting fowl happens to fly past him as he backwings and is quickly snatched in his jaws.
Lirroth> Jinieth takes a wide swoop over the herd, delighting in watching the terrified beasts scatter at her massive presence. She bugles defiantly again, snagging a fat buck in her claws and breaking it's neck with an audible *snap*. Landing on a ledge, she tosses the carcass down and begins to tear at the flesh.

M'rem> Leah yells at Jinieth, "No! No, don't you dare! Do not eat that! You blood! You'll be too fat if you eat it! Fat golds get caught easily!" She's half staring at her dragon, half dazed with the large queen, her mind split between herself and her lifemate.

Lirroth> Lirroth lands square on the back of a herdbeast buck, driving the beast into the dirt. Jaws latch to the neck of the hapless animal, snapping it instantly and blooding right where it lays. No shyness from this older bronze! He may be a bit long in the tooth compared to these youngsters, but he's as eager as they to twine tails with Jinieth.

M'rem> P'ter groans, "Aisheth, your not going to do /that/ again are you? Oh come on, you did that last time. Aisheth." He frowns, "Aisheth, its disgusting."

Lirroth> Aisheth glides across the fence, he doesn't bother to land and merely swoops along over the ground, his shadow flickering over the feeding grounds in the evening light. With a dangerous and mean sounding draconic snarl he heads towards the milling herdbeast. His tail twitches and he changes direction fractionally until his shadow starts to cross the centre of a group. A group that breaks up in panic and turmoil. The bronze turns his head from his prey to watch another creature, far larger, for more glamorous, generating a desire far deeper than that of blood or bone. He warbles towards Jinieth and then turns back to the herd, his own hungry need returning to his mind. Aisheth's shadow becomes sharper over the milling beasts as he lowers until, suddenly, talons sink into a panicked beast and lift it from the ground, the poor creature lowing in pain.
Lirroth> Jinieth roars at her lifemate, eyes swirling a fierce red as she fights the internal battle of instinct versus rider. Finally she lowers her head to tear out the throat of the dead beast in her clutches, sucking noisily at the gushing blood that spurts from it's throat.

M'rem> N'sales is looking about half crazed. He had been told what to expect but this was actually the first time Orenth chose to give chase. He looks about his hair a matte of annoyance falling into his eyes.

Lirroth> From the Feeding Grounds, Aisheth changes his grip and the herdbeast he caught and moves it forwards, lowering his head to pinch teeth around the creature, its terrified voice finding itself again as it is lifted high into the air. Aisheth is watching the wonderful saffron hide of Jinieth as he lifts his head, his neck stretched out, his jaws slowly starting to clamp down on the herdbeast in his maw.

M'rem> M'rem hovers near the back of the riders clumping about the Weyrwoman, muttering half under his breath, "Just wanted to end out the turn as a wingrider, but *noooo* you had to go and chase the senior at Fort." Eyes are half glazed with his lifemate's lust, though after over thirty turns there is a part of him that remains grounded. For now, at least.

Lirroth> Xannarth is looking good, bathed and oiled up for the ladies to admire. He gives a brassy bugle to Jinieth and then looks over the competition in a haughty manner. Couple of outsiders, a couple of youngsters, not looking bad for the old boy. With complete confidence he reaches out a claw to grasp the nearest porcine. Unfortunately all the oil comes in to play and the best goes shotting upwards into the sky. Xannarth is left looking at his claw in confusion.
Lirroth> Orenth quickly bloods the fowl and with quick movements finds himself blocking the path of a fleeing herdbeast. He corrals the buck with his wings before lunging at it, ripping open the neck to spill forth the steaming liquid of life.

M'rem> D'zel takes a breath and then smacks his forehead with his hand, "All that oil! You big goof!" He sighs and looks around, taking in the other riders and, of course, Leah. "We should head for the ledge while we can still remember the way."
M'rem> P'ter says "Oh great." A patronizing sound from P'ter, who promptly turns away from the feeding grouns to stare instead at Leah. He's talking to himself now, "/Just/ like last time." He pulls a face, his mouth hanging slack. "Aisheth, I can feel the bones crushing. Do you /have/ to do that?"
M'rem> Leah looks around, her hair and clothes already disheveled from before, but now her eyes are wild as well. She focuses and unfocuses on each face, rider turning into dragon in her mind, fists balled up in emotion, whispering under her breath, "Can't catch me... so hungry! Must eat... no!" She turns to Jinieth, "One more! One more but then no more!"

Lirroth> Lirroth gives a hiss at the nearest bronze crowding his wingroom, muzzle stained and dripping. Eyuck! Well, luckily table manners don't count in gold flights. His prey is drained and he is already seeking another. A paniced wherry is snatched out of midair and squashed between two forelimbs in a puff of protofeathers. The expression on his muzzle is almost comical when he discovers the mess, though he bloods the part of the carcass that's left.
Lirroth> Jinieth trumpets again at her rider as she leaps into the air and dives down to grab a large wherry this time. She grabs this animal by the neck, which folds in half under the powerful grip of the gold. Smacking the dead carcass on the ledge, a splatter of blood ends up in a pool of blood from the body. Jinieth finds a wound and sucks the beast dry.

M'rem> N'sales is torn between watching after Orenth and looking upon Leah. He sighs and screams before flattening himself against the bowl wall. "Orenth you must..." is whispered from under his heaving breath.

Lirroth> Orenth finishes the buck and quickly dispatches a second wherry. His thirst for blood all but draining the fowl dry in seconds. With a rumble and roar he threatens another bronze who gets to close for comfort.

M'rem> M'rem groans at his 'mate, though eyes manage to pull from Leah to focus on D'zel a moment. He'll do at least, until he can get closer to the Weyrwoman. "Ledges? Oh. Weyr." Can't very well drag the Weyrwoman down in the snow, can we? But his eyes return to Leah quickly. From his expression, it's clear he'd like to do just that at the moment.

Lirroth> Aisheth's jaws crush down on the injured but not yet dead herdbeast. A loud crack of bone can be heard and the last terrified moo is cut off in mid sound, the silence that follows speaking of the poor creature's demise. Aisheth's lips fold around the carcass and he squeezes, tissues rupturing, more bones breaking. Blood flows down the bronze's throat as he enjoys his favourite method of eating. Red stained drool slides down over his jaw where his lips don't quite meet, foaming as he snarls over his food, the wetness sliding down his face and neck.
Lirroth> Jinieth roars once more, discarding the carcass, her eyes red fire now. She looks around at every male, much as her rider did their lifemates, and hisses, daring them to come near her. In a golden flash, she's gone, rocketing straight upwards.
Lirroth> Jinieth wings up from the Feeding grounds.
Lirroth> Xannarth huffs a little bit and leaps upon the nearest wherry. He manages to get some blood, but a lot of wherry fur clings around his muzzle in beardlike fashion. Somedays are just not good days.

M'rem> P'ter goes pale, "Faranth, turns and turns you've done flight and its only recently you've learned to do that." He shakes his head slowly, wiping at the side of his mouth, almost against his will turning back to watch the blood flow down and over his dragon's neck and body. He yells out, "I've told you before and I'll tell you again, DO NOT PLAY WITH YOUR FOOD!" For these last words he is stood on tip toe, blasting them from his lungs.

Lirroth> Lirroth abandons his disasterous attempt at blooding wherry, and instead settles for another herdbeast. This one a bull, shaking horns menacingly and trying vainly to protect his herd from the onslaught of the dragons. A kick from a hind leg catches Lirroth square in the jaw, and he's just in time to see Jinieth spring for freedom. He follows quickly after, abandoning the bull.
Lirroth> You launch into the air.
Lirroth> Above southwest area of Fort Weyr Bowl(#921RLae$)
Lirroth> The southern wall of Fort's oblong bowl is disrupted by the evidence of an earthslide from Turns past, which broke through the southern bowl and into the lake. The walls on either side of the slide are tall and steep, their inner surfaces worn from Turns of exposure but still wearing some of the marks. The wind is gentler here, as this is an eddy spot below the lip of the earthslide.
Lirroth> Below you and slightly to the southwest spreads the large Fort Weyr lake. You can see that a portion has been fenced off for the herds in the Feeding Grounds to the north of it. Back to the northeast stretches the rest of the bowl, with the large area in front of the Weyrling Barracks and the entrance to the Living Caverns. Farther to the northeast are the entrances to the Junior Queens' weyrs, the Weyrleader Complex, and the Hatching Grounds. There are many ledges to 'weyrs' scattered throughout the walls of the cliffs here.
Lirroth> Contents:
Lirroth> Jinieth
Lirroth> From the Feeding Grounds, Aisheth shakes his head violently, an action that forces a leg of the herdbeast to escape his mouth and flop free. The dragon's throat works as he drains the carcass but then other factors intervene. He roars after the departing Jinieth, stepping back a pace, bunching up his huge rear legs. The carcass is abandoned, discarded, dropping to the ground like a broken doll as the bronze leaps from the ground, his wings arching down with a snap as the membranes fill with the resistance of the cool air.

M'rem> D'zel looks around and takes a step towards Leah, there's a flash of fire in his eyes that makes him look less than gentelmanly. He takes the Weyrwoman by the elbow and says in a husky voice that doesn't seem to care if any of the other riders of male dragons hear, "We need to get to the ledge. Before it's too late."

Lirroth> From the Feeding Grounds, Orenth tosses the dead wherry like a broken twig before starting towards another. He hears Jinieth roar and in an instant she is airborn. With powerfull wings and a powerfull leap, he launches himself after, not to be denied the sweet prize of the gold.

M'rem> Leah allows herself to be led with a glance over her shoulder at the airborne dragons.
M'rem> Leah walks the half mile towards the northeastern end of the bowl.
M'rem> Leah has left.
M'rem> D'zel pulls Leah along a little if she slows and heads her towards the Weyrleader Complex.
M'rem> You climb the stairs to the Weyrleader Complex.
M'rem> Low Landing(#15899RL)
M'rem> This is a broad, low lying landing, a short way up from the bowl and acting as a junction of sorts. From here one can continue upwards to the Weyrleader's ledges, or off to one side is the Guest Weyr, and on the other is the Weyr's Council Chambers.
M'rem> Contents:
M'rem> N'sales
M'rem> D'zel

Lirroth> Jinieth is a golden bullet, soaring higher and higher until she disappears into a low cloud that hovers around the top of the weyr. As the bronzes rise higher and higher, she reappears, plummeting straight down towards them, wings folded, a mischevious and almost evil peal of her voice coming right along with her. She's on a collision course with the bronzes if they don't move out of the way!
Lirroth> Aisheth roars, his mouth open to the wind, the sound of his voice carrying as he bellows his desires for Jinieth to hear. He chases after the ochre tinted, glowing gold for the first few moments, then peels away from the main group, his large wings beating heavily against the air, forcing his large, heavy body upwards, lifting his bulk higher and yet higher in a struggle for altitude as he follows. The dragon's muscles flicker under his hide, the wet streaks coming back from his muzzle staining his white-bronze hide red and foamed pink down the length of his neck. He bugles now, bugles and croons a song of his love and lust, his desires and even of his stamina. These roars of lust turn to roars of joy, here she comes, right back down! The roars of joy turns to disgruntled warbles as it becomes evident that she clearly has no intention of stopping.
Lirroth> Xannarth gets a late start and trumpets angrily through his beard of wherry fur. He beats the wind furiously with his slick looking wings and tries to catch up with, if not the pack, then at least that poor porcine he accidentally shot into orbit.
Lirroth> Orenth follows the golden queen ever skyward. The pounding of his wings pounding a counter rythem to the howling of the wind past his wingsails. He roars a challenge as he gives chase. Out of no where the queen reappears from a cloud and he must veer to keep from getting hit. Not ready for that he loses valuable time trying to avoid her. Avoid her, what was he thinking?

M'rem> P'ter strides in, shaking his head, "No no no Aish, don't get in the way, she's heavy!"

Lirroth> Jinieth trumpets a warning at the bronzes, batting at the porcine that comes flying in her direction. As they fight to get out of the way, she plummets past them, right for the bowl floor! Faster and faster she falls, a cackle of what sounds like draconic laughter emits from deep in her throat. Her suicide dive is surely about to end as the ground gets closer and closer.

M'rem> D'zel lets Leah go and moves against a wall. "Ya big oaf. We'll never have her now."
M'rem> Leah turns in a circle, laughing hysterically, "Can't catch me, can't catch me! I'll fool you all! Come on, try and catch!" Her eyes are distant, faded, and wild, her face in a grimace of laughter.
M'rem> M'rem is one of the last to abandon the air below Jinieth, unfamiliar with the thermals at Fort, and unwilling to abandon the one he did manage to find to send him aloft. At the very last moment his tail snaps wide, one shoulder joint dropping to avoid the glowing queen, a bugle of frustration escaping him. Not taken in by the antics, the older bronze labors to climb hider and get above the rest of the milling, confused pack.

Lirroth> Lirroth is one of the last to abandon the air below Jinieth, unfamiliar with the thermals at Fort, and unwilling to abandon the one he did manage to find to send him aloft. At the very last moment his tail snaps wide, one shoulder joint dropping to avoid the glowing queen, a bugle of frustration escaping him. Not taken in by the antics, the older bronze labors to climb hider and get above the rest of the milling, confused pack.
Lirroth> Orenth doesn't fall for the ploy and doesn't dive for the bowl floor. Instead he uses this moment to climb even higher above the bowl awaiting the right moment to make his move.
Lirroth> Xannarth slips by a bronze who looked at the wrong moment and has been blinded by the reflection off of Xan's well oiled hide, perhaps this is not all bad. He bugles at the trail of tails ahead of him, taunting them, daring them to look back at what's at their heels.

M'rem> N'sales pulls at his hair and his tunic, sweat starting to trickle from his brow despite the cold temputures just outside. "Go get her!" he cries out. he manages to ball up on the ground his knees tucked up to his chest before he falls over.
M'rem> M'rem paces. Back. Forth. Repeat. Jaw is set in a hard line, eyes glazed and unseeing. Leah is merely the extension of her queen and the older bronzerider's head turns blindly towards her, even as he moves, acutely aware with senses other than his own just where she is in the weyr.
M'rem> D'zel starts to laugh, the picture of a mad man. He continues to lean against the wall, his will with his dragon's, fueling their chase.

Lirroth> Aisheth starts to drop again, an attempt to follow this gold, but its to no avail, she is already far below him and he has already picked up too much speed in the dive. He wings extend and he pulls out before he finds himself scraping his hide on the ground. He is only a rider's armspan shorter than Jinieth herself, and just as heavy. He comes out of the dive, his shadow flickering across the bowl floor and he strives to climb again.
Lirroth> Jinieth's wings open with a *fwomp* just before the golden head became a pile of goo on the bowl floor. She beats her massive wings once, skimming over the bowl floor fast enough to cause human, dragon, and beast alike to dive out of her way. That horrible, hysterical, draconic laughter follows behind her. Turning just so, she follows the line of the bowl wall before beating her wings furiously and taking again to the skies, soaring upwards with remarkable speed.
Lirroth> Aisheth rises higher now again, after long moments he is dragon lengths above the others but falling behind. All his efforts have gone into and still go into the taking of altitude, his wings straining, his deep breaths coming slow and even as air flows audibly through his nose and mouth. It is height he wants and he ignores those that pass below, the tail-enders of this chase of lust and desire. From the ground he becomes a mere dark stain on the sky, dark until one of the rays of the dying sun glints from the bloody wetness sliding down his neck, the glint of light like a star flash in the otherwise darkening heavens. Again he roars and now it is some time before the blast of that sound reaches the ground, dimmed by distance, but the meaning is still there, the meaning and the desire, all the want and lust and even care that a bronze can muster.

M'rem> P'ter folds his arms, gripping at the sleeves of his jacket. After a few seconds he releases his grip and virtually tears himself out of his jacket before once more standing calmly, like a smoking fire about to catch alight. His knuckles are white as he clenches at his arms. His eyes look onto Leah's body, slowly sinking lower as Aisheth climbs higher.

Lirroth> Orenth waits high above the bowl for, yes there she is the golden prize, Jinieth. He starts to beet harder to catch up to her. Unfortunately his ply backfires and she has too much speed for him to catch her. She easily flies past as he redoubles his efforts to catch up. Wings beet furiously as muscles not used to this strain try to propel him faster than they possibly can. He lets out a determined rumble, he's not giving up.
Lirroth> Xannarth turns to follow the dive, but is so slow that he has just turned around when he realizes the long ascent must start anew for the height to make the clutch strong. A brown comes racing past him, and getting too close slips off his oily hide and spins off, slightly out of control. Xannarth is set a little off kilter as well but a dozen quick wing strokes sets him back on the path to glory.
Lirroth> Lirroth has sacrificed position for altitude, skimming just under the cold clouds high above and far behind Jinieth, perhaps half the bowl's span and again behind. The angle of the sun disorients him for a moment, trying to find the focal point of this meeting - the one that so fires his ichor. There! A flash of gold climbing upwards! Wings strain to make up that distance, and he ducks into the draft of a Reaches bronze, using that to save his strength and propel him faster along. He's canny, all right, knows the tricks of the trade, but will he managed to get close enough to ply them?
Lirroth> Jinieth weaves and winds her way around the Star Stones, diving down below the rim of the bowl on the outside only to reappear a moment later but a good deal further away. She hoots and bugles defiantly, turning to look at the males behind her with red fire in her eyes.
Lirroth> Xannarth feels frustrated as Jinieth seems to get further and further from his loving grasp. In his frustration there is focus for his fire, but there is also a recklessness to the desire. He flies as quickly as he can, narrowly avoiding another slick collision with another and leaving a light rain of wherry fur in his wake as he starts to shed his beard.
Lirroth> Orenth doesn't delay this time. He dives after Jinieth, using the speed of the decent to close the distance between them. Not bothering to weave he makes for her like a shooting star, the hide of his bronze zipping past a lumbering bronze not able to stay in the chase.
Lirroth> Lirroth wastes no breath answering Jinieth's calls, trying to track her from above. The bronze abruptly blinks eyes violet with lust, and tumbles, losing altitude before his flight stabilizes. A bellow of fury is voiced, this time in Xannarth's wake - seems the wherry bits he was shedding blew right back into the Ierne bred dragon's eyes. The good news is that the loss of altitude brought him tangentially closer to his goal, making up a good ten dragonlengths. The bad news is that his speed now suffers, and he labors to increase that.
Lirroth> Aisheth bellows as he turns from his fight for height and swings into a level path that slowly takes him closer to the gold and the rest of the chasing pack. His wings beat in a strong and increased rhythm as he passes over the Star Stones, catching up with the pack finally. He rolls to his side as he passes a tiring brown, clawing his way up and past the other dragon's body, using him as a ladder to help him attain his goal. Leaving the brown bugling his annoyance and pain behind he makes for the next in line, snapping at this ones tail causing it to dodge. Steadily he makes his way up towards the group of leaders.
Lirroth> Jinieth turns on a wingtip and flies away from the star stones towards the rear of the Fort Weyr airspace. She turns to look back once more, trumpeting her teases to the males chasing her. A flick of her tail, cocking her head just so, a beat of her wings and she's off again, but this time at a slower pace. The movements show the large gold is beginning to tire, but she's not ready to give up just yet! Catch me catch me catch me if you can!

M'rem> M'rem's head jerks back, the older bronzerider blinking and shaking it, one hand coming to bat at his eyes a moment. A growl is sent towards D'zel, eyes flashing dangerously for a moment, before Lirroth captures his attention once more. His attention swings inexhorably back towards Leah, as he continues to pace, just outside the closest knot of riders to the Weyrwoman.
M'rem> N'sales sits rocking in his position on the floor. His eyes transfixed on Leah. He looks like a coiled spring ready to unleash, ready to snap at any moment.

Lirroth> Xannarth starts to feel the old confidence coming back when suddenly he loses sight of the golden prize. Where is she? What happened? What is all this fuzzy stuff on his nice, clean muzzle? He gives a wail of despair and does what he is most loath to do, follow the rest of the pack blindly in hopes that it will let him recapture the sight of *her*.
Lirroth> Orenth answers the call of the gold, the timbre of his roar reverberating accross the Fort valley and around the bowl interior. He doesn't bother to look back to see who is close. He lowers his head and doubles his wing speed, catching some thermals and riding them to an altitude a few meters above that of Jinieth. He will catch her. His youth may mean inexperience, but it also means he has more energy. In a last ditch effort to outwit that which he chases he makes a quick climb higher and higher, soaring well above the other chasers. Unfortunately this causes him to lose ground and he falls further back in the pack.
Lirroth> Aisheth gets a low growl in his throat, his whirling eyes fixed onto that enticing tail, his head stretching out, his neck extended. Another bronze gets a clawed blow to the side as the Igen dragon passes. He streams forwards, the blood down his body drying a dull brown from the airflow. He warbles Jinieth a song of his virility, of his chase for her. He increases the angle of attack of his wings, grunting with each and every stroke as he exerts his large body to its utmost in these final and dying moments of the flight. He can sense the gold is beginning to tire and its his lust that pushes him forwards now, knowing he has to be near when the time comes.
Lirroth> Lirroth drops a shoulder, the sudden movement banking him abruptly at a right angle, tail screaming out behind him like a rudder to stabilize his flight. Wing snaps back out, cutting off that Reaches bronze he was drafting earlier and sending him tumbling out of the flight in order not to crash with the pack coming up swiftly behind. Dropping lower, he makes up lost ground now, wings pushing hard to draw closer to the glowing sun before she tires completely and falls prey to another.
Lirroth> Jinieth grunts with effort to push herself further. Large wings that once carried her so far seem to be failing her now, not doing what she wants. She begins to slow, the males getting dangerously close. A look over her shoulder and she roars in frustration. They're too close! She can't be caught! No, they can't get so near! She pushes and pushes, but she just can't regain her speed or altitude.
Lirroth> Xannarth reaches a pitch of frustration where he can no longer control himself and just starts blindly trying to hook the gold with his tail. Unfortunately it is not clear if he is even any place close to Jinieth, this seems to be a reaccuring problem for Xannarth.
Lirroth> Lirroth punishes the air under his wings in an effort to get there first! Looking for any advantage, he spies the poor brown victimized by Aisheth - as if a *brown* would be worthy of this queen! The brown is slashed rather viciously across a flank, as Lirroth pushes off his body, driving hard with his rear legs to propel him that much more forward. The beleagured brown goes spiraling down to the bowl floor, the loving attentions of both bronzes knocking him completely out of contention. And just in time too. That little edge forward gives him just enough wingroom to attempt to snatch his queen from the others that would have her, forelimbs, neck and tail all reaching for Jinieth's tiring golden form. For she *will* be his queen, if he has anything to say about it!
Lirroth> Orenth watches as the other bronzes and few bronws close in on her. She is slowing? A quick redirect of wing position turns what was a climb into a steep dive. With two quick beats of his wing, he folds them back against his body darting towards the gold at break neck speeds. He sounds a roar of challenge to the others as he quickly closes the distance. He darts below opening his wingsails at just the right moment to give him a pitch upward. With the last vestiges of strength he manages to reach out hoping to wrap and entangle her in what will soon be a free fall.
Lirroth> Aisheth now benefits from the postition he has gained. He sees her tire, sees the wings slow. He roars his indignation as another dragon tries to catch. Four strong beats of his wings close the distance. Suddennly he unfolds his large wing membranes, a loud thump of sound as the air is caught. He is here, he has arrived. He shoulders away another of the bronzes and reaches out, trying to touch, to embrace. His talons extend to try to wrap around Jinieth's sleekly golden, saffron tinted body, his neck seeks to entwine with hers, his tail to wrap around the gold's own in an ecstasy of flight. He is here for her, he is here to be with her, to hold her, to help rest her tired wings.
Lirroth> Jinieth allows herself to be wrapped up by Aisheth, frustrated that she's lost her battle against fatigue, but a willing victim to his strength.
Lirroth> Lirroth gives a roar of frustration, dropping abruptly to the bowl.