Third Time's the Charm

Jinieth and Aisheth's Second Clutch hatches at Fort Weyr. Impressions were:

Egg Hatchling Impressee
Wild Child Egg Rebellious Scorched Brown Hanreth Jonas (J'nas)
Tick Tock Egg Imperious Polished Bronze Randoth Reyat (R'yat)
Bag of Marbles Egg Utterly Lost Dusky Blue Saneth Sefaniah (S'fan, later F'niah)
Fairydust Egg Luminous Auroral Green Taisoth Zephyr
Hoarde of Pirates Egg Jolly Good Ale Brown Teth Randall (R'dall)
Treasure Chest Egg Benevolent Twilight Gold Niyath Jenna
Rebellious Shadow Egg Insouciant Burnished Panpipe Bronze Eishith Rytran (R'tran)

Jenna - Sunday, April 28, 2002, 11:43 AM

Candidates Barracks(#10244RAJ$)
This large low-ceilinged cavern provides temporary housing for the Weyr's Candidates. Various tapestries hang from the walls, lending an air of color and cheefulness to the dark grey walls. Neat rows of cots fill the back of the cavern, a small press at the foot of each. Numerous shelves dot the walls of the cavern. Littered with various containers and odd items, they seem to lend themselves more to firelizard perches than anything else. A few tables with chairs have been placed towards the front of the cavern, providing a place to visit or do handicrafts.
Fort Weyr Firelizard Perch

Sefaniah's ears stay that lovely shade of mortification. "'S just a towel," he mutters defensively, turning away from Zephyr as if she bores him. "Anyway, she's quiet now."

Carianna enters from the Inner Caverns, letting the curtain fall shut behind her.
Carianna has arrived.

Jonas enters from the Inner Caverns, letting the curtain fall shut behind him.
Jonas has arrived.

Mirrari enters from the Inner Caverns, letting the curtain fall shut behind her.
Mirrari has arrived.

Redus enters from the Inner Caverns, letting the curtain fall shut behind him.
Redus has arrived.

Ember pulls the towel off of Zephyr's face, throwing it in her disgust at Sef's back.

Jonas opens his press and puts a small box in it. He takes care to bury the small package /under/ several of his belongings. After closing the lid, he sits on top of it and smiles at his fellow Candidates.

Milque smiles and points out Jamison, "Step into the Inner Caverns, let the others still getting ready have room."

Milque points out Redus, "You look ready as well Redus, go out with Jamison."

Randall goes to changes into his own robe, while his friend is gone.

Jamison nods to Milque and steps toward the Inner Cavern. "Yes Ma'am."

Jamison brushes aside the curtain and heads back to the Inner Caverns.
Jamison has left.

Zephyr finally wakes up as she feels something swiped off of her face. She suddenly realizes where she is and jumps up, hair all amess, with a red face. "Whats going on?" she asks groggily.

Redus nods. "Yes, ma'am."

Redus brushes aside the curtain and heads back to the Inner Caverns.
Redus has left.

Reyat just giggles now. "A kiss would have been nicer, Sef." He winks.

Carianna giggles as she makes her way over to her press and opens it looking for stable mucking clothes. "Oh Afternoon Milque." She greets as she passes the weyrwoman.

Milque smiles, "Randall, you look ready as well. Hurry up everyone, the humming has started, into your robes quick like!" She emphasises it with a swat of her spoon."

Milque smiles, "You've got it now Reyat, please join the others in the caverns, we'll be moving to the hatching grounds shortly."

Randall brushes aside the curtain and heads back to the Inner Caverns.
Randall has left.

"Get ready?" blinks Sef, turning to spy Milque with that threatening spoon. "The what? The eggs! Humming!" Dives he for his press, tossing clothes with abandon to dig for his robe, and wriggling out of his clothes.

Reyat is not giggling anymore. Watching all his fellow candidates running outside he swallows and casts a quick glance at Ember then at Milque.

Reyat nods. "Yes Ma'am."

Zephyr freezes where she stands and is suddenly filled with urgency, despite her just having woken up. "Humming? Humming! Oh shells!" she exclaims and begins to fling off her garments and change into her robe.

Reyat brushes aside the curtain and heads back to the Inner Caverns.
Reyat has left.

Jenna hurries in a trifle late, arms still full of a basket of mending. "I haven't had time to get a bath, I'm all stinky still - augh!" The comment is made to the room in general, and she dumps the mending on her cot to yank open her press and rummage through it, pulling out robe and sandals. Then comes a frantic scurry into them, and then a more paniced search of her press. "Where is it? Where is it! Dani just gave it to me..."

Xiang is somewhere in the crowd, perched on the edge of her cot. Busily yanking a comb through her hair, her expresssion seems to have settled into something of scowl. Bad time of day for her nd besides. Scowling is better than going all wide-eyed squeaky fearful.

Carianna blinks when she hears Hatching grounds mentioned. "You mean? Oh shells." Tossing her leggings back into the press she pulls out her robe instead and puts it on.

Milque smiles, "Zephyr, you look ready, go out and wait with S'phan in the inner caverns."

Zephyr nods franticly to Milque and then tries to regain her cool. What a thing to wake up to. "Yes ma'am!"

Zephyr brushes aside the curtain and heads back to the Inner Caverns.
Zephyr has left.

Sefaniah slings his boots under his cot and struggles into his sandals. Hopping to his feet, he runs a nervous hand through his hair. "C'mon, Jenna, hurry!"

Milque smiles, "Zephyr, Carianna, Xiang, you all look ready to go out."

Carianna dips a curtsey then turns and marches out to the inner caverns.

Mirrari scoots and dresses in her shift.

Carianna brushes aside the curtain and heads back to the Inner Caverns.
Carianna has left.

Xiang drops the comb, galres at her small firelizard. "Stay." is snapped at it and she flounces out hastily at Milque's word.

Xiang brushes aside the curtain and heads back to the Inner Caverns.
Xiang has left.

Milque smiles, "Sefaniah, Mirrari, you two look ready as well, head on out."

Jonas whips his robes from his press and gives them a quick once over to check for tears. He quickly strips his clothes off and dons the white garb. He reaches under his cot and pulls his sandals out.

Mirrari brushes aside the curtain and heads back to the Inner Caverns.
Mirrari has left.

Jenna finally finds what she's looking for, pulling the cord out of her press. "Whew." She smooths her hair back, trying to work on the cord.

Milque nods as it starts to look orderly, "Jenna, Jonas, you both look ready, out you go."

Jonas brushes aside the curtain and heads back to the Inner Caverns.
Jonas has left.

You brush aside the curtain and head back to the Inner Caverns.

Inner Caverns(#944RJL$)
Lower than the Living Cavern above, this room is still a large, bustling place. Hearths heat some of the areas here, allowing elderly and ill residents to rest here rather than mount the steps to the Living Cavern above. Rooms open out to the storerooms, the children's areas, the private rooms of staff members and some of the residents. Laundry rooms and bathing areas down one set of stairs draw near-constant traffic throughout the day.
Two long corridors lead off of here, one to the east and one to the south, going to the crafters' and staff quarters respectively. Noise drifts out from the curtain to the northeast that leads to the residents dorms, and a small door to the north leads to the guest room. A short flight of stairs to the west leads back to the Living Caverns.
Auntie Kitsa(#10349)
Domino Table

Sefaniah emerges from the Candidates' Barracks.
Sefaniah has arrived.

Ember emerges from the Candidates' Barracks.
Ember has arrived.

Milque emerges from the Candidates' Barracks.
Milque has arrived.

S'phan bows a little at Milque, a twinkle in his eye.

Jonas looks around at his fellow Candidates, excitement is clear on his face. He can practically keep himself from dancing.

Milque smiles, "Looks like we're all ready, if everyone could get orderly, I'll lead you over to the grounds. You will enter, make your bows to the dragons and their riders, then form up in a semi-circle around the eggs."

Zephyr looks worriedly between Rey and Ember as she arrives and bounces on her heels. Suddenly, she looks more nervous than she ever has. She whispers something about taking deep breaths and does so.

Mirrari looks nervous and tugs at her robe. "Oh dear oh dear."

Carianna offers REdus her hand then smiles up at him. "Luck Red." She murmurs then turns and flashes another smile to the rest of the group. "Good luck to all of you."

Ember looks like she might be fine, if those around her were not so obviously nervous and excited and...well anything but calm.

Sefaniah trails after Jenna, eyes worried. "Yes'm," he mumbles automatically in response to Milque's words, but plainly not hearing much.

Reyat tries to catch Zeph's eyes, smiling reassuringly. But himself isn't calm at all.

The sound of dragons humming changes Jonas' look of excitement to one of nervousness. He has /seen/ plenty of Hatchings, but this is the first where he /stood/.

Redus looks around at the others, grinning a bit at some of their appearances. Taking Carianna's hand he smiles and nods. "Same to you, Petite." he mutters.

Raeche comes out of the residents' dormitory, letting the hanging fall back behind her.
Raeche has arrived.

Jenna is still fiddling with her hair and the cord she holds. It's a bit short for binding back in a tunner tail, and she soon gives it up as a bad job. Instead she slicks it back, using the cord as a kind of a headband, spiky bits sticking straight up behind the length of leather. Her face is a trifle pale as she looks around at the others in the chaos and echoes, "Right - G'luck everyone."

Public announcement: Leah and everyone else hear the rumblings of the Fortian dragons as the eggs on the Sands begin to wobble. Come one come all to see the Hatching at Fort Weyr! +go fort-bowl, na, gallery

Raeche emerges from the resident's hallway, hair mussed. She straightens her dress as she darts quickly into the dorm, then out again bearing some hides and a charcoal pencil.

Mirrari smiles over at Jonas, "You okay?"

Ember, in the mass confusion, wishes Raeche good luck along with all the others. One hand is offered to Zephyr, "Will you be okay? Not feeling faint?"

Jonas swallows hard and nods to Mirrari's question. "I'm doing alright, how about you?"

Milque smiles and listens to the humming which is starting to fill the entire weyr, "It's time we got you all over there and on the sands, if you will all follow me, we're going to go through the living caverns, then to the northeast corner of the bowl and out onto the sands. Please try to keep up, there are little dragons waiting for you." She almost bounces in her own excitement.

Zephyr smiles at Redus and Carianna and seems to have calmed down, at least on the outside. She nods to Jenna and says to everyone, "Yes, goodluck everyone!" She looks over at Jonas with understanding and then nods to Ember, taking her friends hand. "Not faint yet."

Raeche laughs at Ember, giving her a quick pat on the back as she passes.

You head into the Living Caverns.
You head outside to the bowl.

Above the center of the bowl, Alirath wings his way towards the northeast end of the bowl.
Above the northeastern area, Behemoth flies through the wide opening into the Hatching Cavern.
Above the northeastern area, Alirath flies through the wide opening into the Hatching Cavern.

You trek the half mile to the northeastern end of the bowl.
Fort Weyr Bowl, northeastern area
The Bowl of Fort Weyr, a large, featureless plain surrounded by steep mountain cliffs, stretches out before you. It is vaguely oval in shape, long from southwest to northeast; you're standing near the wall at its northern end.
Off to the northwest is the long path leading up to the Junior Queens' Weyrs, while steps to the north lead to the Weyrleader Complex. From here you can see in to the Hatching Grounds to the east, and the steps leading up to the gallery stands in the Grounds to the southeast. Stretching off to the southwest is the center of the bowl, where the Lower Caverns, Weyrling Barracks, lake and Feeding Grounds can be seen.

Reyat looks up as a green lands. He smiles then lowers his head again.

Redus gets and answer to his earlier question. "Yup. It's chilly."

Zephyr is toated behind Ember and suddenly begins to shake. "Shells I'm freezing!"

Jenna cranes her neck up to watch Alirath take flight into the caverns, her expression more than a little tense. She starts to worry nervously at her lower lip, hands smoothing down her robe in the bit of a breeze. Redus's comment gets a laugh, and then a selfconscious cross of arms across her chest.

P'ter comes down the stairs to the north from the Weyrleader complex.
P'ter has arrived.

Ember does a little hop-step, teeth chattering, "Well our toes will be nice and numb when we reach the Sand. Is that good?"

Reyat's cheeks are red and he obviously doesn't feel the cold. His blood is boiling right now.

Jonas begins his Sand-dance early in an attempt to warm-up.

Milque smiles, "Now, through this way you go, out onto the sands. Please, no running while you're out there on the sands, and no horseplay from you boys. And don't worry Zephyr, you'll wish for the cold soon enough. Let's make sure everyone is here, then you'll go out."

P'ter is still pulling on his shirt, "Oh shards, just when I wanted to bath."

Leah comes down the stairs to the north from the Weyrleader complex.
Leah has arrived.

Sefaniah's shivering as well, rubbing his hands together as a particularly chilly breeze examines his knees.

Above the center of the bowl, Siraeth wings her way towards the northeast end of the bowl.

Milque smiles towards s'phan, "Is that all of them, S'phan?"

Above the northeastern area, Siraeth flies through the wide opening into the Hatching Cavern.

Leah smiles and waves to all the Candidates as she hurries past.

S'phan casts an eye over the group, counting softly. "I think so, yes."

Leah walks out onto the sands.
Leah has left.

Zephyr nods chatteringly to Milque and bounces on her heels, throwing a nervous smile at her fellow candidates and friends.

P'ter walks out onto the sands.
P'ter has left.

Jamison shivers as the cold wind blows past him. "SHells. It'll be a relief to get into the heat of the grounds."

Mirrari waves as well to the passing riders but her teeth are chattering too much to talk.

High above the bowl, Sruth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

Milque smiles towards P'ter, "As soon as you're ready sir, the candidates are ready to go out."

High above the bowl, Lhiannonth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

Ember flashes a quick, chattery grin up at Jamison, "I will remind you you said that, sir!"

High above the bowl, Sruth spirals lower into the northeastern sky.
High above the bowl, Lhiannonth spirals lower into the northeastern sky.

Reyat keeps smiling to hide a growing nervousness.

Jenna gives a violent little shudder, arms still wrapped around her in the cold. She grins at Jamison and offers. "Stand by me so I can hide behind you if something comes my way?" Her tone is clearly teasing. "How about you, Sef?"

Above the northeastern area, Sruth flies through the wide opening into the Hatching Cavern.

Milque smiles, "I wish you all the best, now walk out onto the sands as I instructed you to, it's time." She steps out f the way to let the candidates onto the sands.

Above the northeastern area, Lhiannonth flies through the wide opening into the Hatching Cavern.

S'phan grins at the candidates, then at Milque.

High above the bowl, Decarath emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!
High above the bowl, Tierth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

Reyat takes a deep breath.

Zephyr squeezes Ember's hand without realizing it as they prepare to step onto the sands.

Jonas takes Reyat's example and draws a deep breath of his own and heads for the Sands.

Reyat looks around then grabs Ember's other hand.

Sefaniah chatters, "Right behind you, Jenna, Jamison." That way the killer bronze hatchlings will eat one of them first.

Ember squeezes it back, a brighter smile appearing on her face. Then a giggle, and she turns to flash it to Rey.

High above the bowl, Tierth waits while her rider does a quick check that everyone made it alright, then the Telgari Weyrlingmaster leads her young charges northeast.
High above the bowl, Tierth spirals lower into the northeastern sky.
High above the bowl, Decarath spirals lower into the northeastern sky.

Milque smiles, "Now, all of you, follow me on. I'll be stopping at the edge."

You walk out onto the sands, careful as the heat begins to make itself known.
Hatching Ground Sands
The sands here are heated by the volcano that birthed the Fort Weyr Bowl itself... still hot enough to burn through anything less than a sturdy pair of wherhide boots. It is here that the golden queens of Fort Weyr come to lay their eggs, and brood over them while they mature and harden.
Along the southern wall are the galleries for spectators, and broad steps lead up into them. The lower entrance is to the west and above it, you notice a larger entrance for the dragons. Ledges ring the upper levels of the cavern, providing perches for the hundreds of dragons of the Weyr.

Milque leads the first of the candidates on, she gives a little nod towards the dragons and weyrleaders, then goes over towards where N'sales is standing.

Jonas takes a deep and gracious bow before the Jinieth, Aisheth, and the weyrleaders and takes his place on the hot Sands.

Mirrari follows her fellow candidates out on the sands, her disstant cousin near her. Both the girls bow to the dam, sire, and their riders and join the growning semi-circle of candidates.

Reyat lets Ember's hand goes as he bows to Aisheth and Jinieth and the Weyrleaders.

Zephyr follows directly behind Reyat and Ember and bows as gracefuly as she can manage to Aisheth, Jinieth and the Weyrleaders.

Aisheth looks over the entering candidates, warbling with ill concealed delight. It would seem he has long awaited this moment, his eyes whirl in excitement and he croons to Jinieth of this.

Ember quickly follows Reyat, dropping a smooth curtsey to the group and finding her place once more on the Sands.

Randall follows a few steps behind the first of the Candidates onto the sands. As he reaches the edge of the warm sands, he executes a neat half-bow to the Weyrleaders, the sire, and finally, a slightly more formal bow to Jinieth, before taking up a position within the semi-circle the Candidates are forming which puts him almost squarely in the middle.

Carianna steps onto the sands holding Redus' hand then follows him over to Leah, P'ter, Jinieth, and Aisheth. A deep curtsey is given to the quartet before she swallows hard then squeezes her partner's hand.

Redus smiles as his feet immediately start to warm, shuffling onto the sand holding Carianna's hand. He pauses and bows toward the sire, dam and their riders.

Jenna's face goes from pale to blood red at the change in temperature between the bowl and sands. She makes a bow towards Jinieth and Aisheth, the spiky bits sticking up behind the band that holds her short hair back more than a trifle comical. Then she hurries across the sands to join the growing crowd, gesturing for Sefaniah and Jamison to join her and edging towards Reyat and the others.

Xiang steps out, warily ducking her head before a hasty bow like the rest do and then she steps into the semi-circle, forehead slightly wrinkled from the grumpy expression she's hanging onto. It is better than looking scared.

Jamison walks out onto the hot sands. He pauses to make his bow before moving to join Jenna, smiling nervously at her.

Sefaniah hurries onto the Sands behind Jenna. When she stops he does, mimicing her bows to the Weyrleaders and dragons before trailing after, his eyes wide and gawping. His hand edges out to hers, hovering there as if seeking reassurance while the boy attempts to take it all in.

Wild Child Egg gives the tiniest of twitches.

Leah smiles at P'ter, looping her arm through his and looking out over the Sands.

Bag of Marbles Egg shimmies, shakes, shivers, quakes. Then all is quiet again.

Zephyr gasps and bounces next to Ember, "I saw my favorite egg move!"

Rebellious Shadow Egg hops just once, no more, no less, just the once.

Tick Tock Egg just lays there, quiet and waiting for -something- apparently. And then, a little wobble, and another. Well, no effect? Let's wait a bit still.

Hoarde of Pirates Egg moved...or did it? Was it the light? Was it the shifting sands? or did the Hoarde Of Pirates Egg just twitch a little? It certainly seems to be lying differently. Yes! There it goes again! It definitely gave a little wobble.

Fairydust Egg twitches quite a bit in its little cubby on the sands suddenly.

Second Star to the Right Egg gives a twitch in the sand, then lies still for a moment. And then there's another twitch. A quiet tapping, likely lost in all the noise and confusion, and then the tip of a claw pokes through one one white fleck in the field of darkness. It wriggles there a moment, then slides out, and that's when the egg begins to crack open, splitting and shattering the starry field. A brown hide can be discerned under the egg goo, and the little brown (a tiny thing, for a brown) creels as it wriggles free. There's a bit of a snag with one wing, and then he's tottering across the sands, lingering for a long moment and creeling piteously. One Candidate, a rather small boy for his age, darts forward. There's a dazzle of purple eyes and a shouted dragon's name, and the Impression is made. First Impression begins the Hatching, both bolstered by their pairing, they stumble off the sands.

Reyat is looking around as an egg starts to move. He perks and freezes himself. "Oh..."

Ember stops the blanket stare of awe to look where Zephyr is looking, "Oh, goodness. They are..."

Jenna clasps Sefaniah's hand, trying to give him a reassuring smile. Been here before and all. All that comes out, however, is a half-sick kind of grimace. She looks up at the galleries, chewing nervously on her lower lip. She doesn't see whatever it is she's looking for, and the eggs draw her attention back. "Oooh! Who was that? Jami? Rey? Did you see? How about you, Sef?"

Mirrari nudges Nananthia, her cousin, "Did you see something move?" she whispers to the girl. Oh Impression, "It stared so fast!"

Treasure Chest Egg suddenly moves, a sidewise jolt that would speak of strong inner movements. The sand slips away from a the side a little. But just as suddenly as the movement came, it departs and all is still once more.

Xiang catches a glimpse of something, hears a name being shouted. "It's started?" she says in a small voice, keeping a wary eye on the nearby eggs. Some of which are moving.

Carianna smiles as she watches the eggs begin to move with a life of their own. "Well it's finally happening. Can you believe we are here again.. well doing this again?"

Jamison grins and nods to Jenna, taking her other hand. "I see it."

Zephyr looks awestruck as the hatching begins and the first Impression is made. She gasps and looks between all of the other candidates around her, "They're hatching! Oh!"

Randall misses the first hatching and Impression, and nudges his neighbor, muttering, "Hey, hey, who was that?"

P'ter grins widely at Leah, "Its that time again!"

Sefaniah clamps down on Jenna's hand, echoing her same sickly grimace. "Oh, watch out!" he calls, too late - as Impression's made. "Get out of their way," he mumbles to himself, eyes flicking over the twitching eggs.

Reyat keeps looking at all the eggs around him. His smile widens as the first impression is made. He lets out a sigh of joy. One of his friend impressed.

Jinieth seems to be leaning on Aisheth, if someone can lean nobly and regally. She croons to him, nudging his chin lightly.

Lost in the excitement of moving eggs, Jonas /nearly/ forgets how hot the sand is and starts his shifting from foot to foot. He's too distracted for the sand-jig.

Redus stands in the semi-circled group beside Carianna, eyeing the eggs then watching the first Impression. "Yeah, I believe it." he replies. "And look, it's already ending for that one."

Wild Child Egg rolls a little in its sandy wake, twitches again. And gives a more enthusiastic jerk, and then another, until it's wobbling back and forth quite industriously.

Aisheth croons in return to Jinieth, raising his head over the golds, tucking his chin down to cuddle her against his neck. He warbles quietly, delightfully pleased.

Midnight Sky Egg gives a jerk, rocking in place slowly. Several feet away, high on a mound and off to one side, Children's Nursery Egg begins to do the same. Shells, both dark and light, begin to crack, shards buckling and splitting. A blue forepaw struggles against some clear caul briefly, then emerges from the Nursery Egg. A wedge-shaped blue head squawks as it clears the top of the egg, while across the sands, the Midnight Sky Egg produces a more quiet brown, snout first. The brown is wobbling toward the Candidates even as the blue is squirming free of its egg. The brown takes his time, however, veering toward a girl from Lemos before passing by a throng of three boys. The blue's head swings from side to side, and then he's heading for an older boy taken from Woodcraft. The brown disappoints a black-haired girl before settling on a boy from Nabol. Two tearful Impressions are made, names are called out, but there's more activity amongst the eggs, more Impressions about to happen.

Ember only squeezes Zephyr's hand tighter, and makes room for Rytran to join them in the circle, almost taking a step behind Rey in the process.

Zephyr looses all of the feeling in her hand as Ember squeezes it, but she does not notice. She didn't even notice the warmth until she sees Jonas rocking. In all of the hatching commotion she looks down at her feet and bounces. "Getting warm..."

Reyat smiles at Rytran quickly before looking in front of him again. "Another brown..."

Jenna exclaims, "Oh shards! Anyone getting the names? I'm missing everything. Too many places to look." Just then the heat of the sands penetrates through the thick cork soles of her sandals. A bit of a yelp, and she nearly hops into both boys on either side of her at once, moving awkwardly.

Wild Child Egg bucks in place, frantically, frenetically.

Randall doesn't miss the boy from Nabol finding his lifemate, nudging his neighbor yet again. The nudged neighbor shoots him a dirty look in return.

Mirrari oos as the pace of the cracking eggs accelerates. All this exceitment is making her hot - no wait! That's the sand! She starts her own shuffling dance, "I'd nearly forgotten this part.." she moans.

Sefaniah shuffles futile protest against the Sand's heat, swallowing hard as eggs crack all about. "No bronzes yet," he points out, relieved. "Shells, Jenna, don't push! It's happening too fast." The Candidate just to his right nods agreement, his blue eyes warily watching the chaos.

Xiang blinks as the second brown goes past her to find his lifemate, edging back a few inches just to be sure she's not going to be in the way. Not even a teeny tiny bit in the way.

Redus' feet have gone from cold to warm now and his feet begin to move around. "Last time, tho." he starts to Carianna, "You didn't stand here and dance with me." His gaze continues to survey the eggs, the sands and the hatchlings that seem to know exactly where they're going. "This may not take long at all."

Carianna calls out a cheer for the trio of impressions she's seem then shakes her head as she bounces from foot to foot. "I wish we had more warning. I didn't even get time to use the necessities before coming out here." As she speaks her side to side dance increase along with her attention to the still moving hatchling.

Zephyr shakes her head at Jenna and says, "Theres so much to look at!" Her attention is pulled in all directions and she has to remind herself to be ready to dodge any rending claws. She admits to Reyat and Ember, "My heart is beating so hard I think its going to explode."

Frustration seems to be the mood coming from the Wild Child Egg. It trembles, rocks, turns, shakes and then... sits still. If an egg could take a deep breath, then that's what this one seems to do. Cracks appear over the entire surface and slowly get chipped away. Once the integrity is gone, the shell falls apart to reveal a wet brown Hatchling.

Rebellious Scorched Brown:
Hard edges of rippling hues flow into rounded muscles and become strong and stalwart limbs. A splash of crimson bleeds into ocher which quickly changes to an ebony down his neck and across his body. Brilliant slashes of mahogany and russet blend together with sepia and auburn to form scortch-like marks upon the translucent sails of his wings. Wing-bones the color of midnight and speckled with cinnamon and maroon like a spray of blood. His sun-burnt hide tawny beneath the slashes and scorches and scratches that make up much of his coloring. And a regal head rises high above the rebelling chaos of it all, a tanned brown dappled with what almost looks like freckles. Eye-ridges bend down in a mischevious cant while his mouth is twisted just so into a playful smirk. Each movement and every twitch of his long tail are a silent testimony to his recalcitrant attitude and ubidden demeanor.

Jonas catches hold of one of his fellow Candidates as the young fellow begins to sway dangerously. "Easy lad, you need to breathe. In, out. There you go."

Tick Tock Egg is still waiting, but for some reason, nothing happens. That's not right! The whole egg moves violently, first swinging energically, and then shaking frantically... And it stops suddenly. The egg quivers a bit in frustration and one could almost hear a complain from inside.

Ember still isn't noticing the others enough to see their shifting, but Zephyr's bouncing is taking her arm along with it. Soon she's bouncing, too, more to keep her arm from falling off than to cool her own feet. "Is it the pounding, or all the noise?"

Jamison glances over at Jenna. "We'll be able to find out all the names after this is all over..."

CRACK! It happens so suddenly. The Taken to Neverland Egg was hardly rocking any more than any of the other eggs. It's occupant has apparently decided that now it^s time to get out. The egg has split, a sizeable chunk of pale blue spat out on the sand, and a green snout thrusts out of the resulting hole. She emits an ear-splitting screech, the egg rocking violently now, cracks darting out in a delicate lace that is shattered in moments. Her first few steps are wobbling, but soon she's stalking across the hot sands. Another screech, and a tall boy flinches away from her red-eyed gaze. She pushes past him, narrowly missing slicing his foot with one hind paw, and pursues a lone girl with a clenched jaw and hands curled into two fists. The green's snout tilts up, and she screeches again, possessively. With a fierce smile, the girl calls out the green's name.

N'sales motions K'fen over next to him, off to the side where he can see the impressions taking place.

Zephyr bounces and taps into Jonas, "Oh! Look, theres a brown!" She leans from side to side and barely glances up at the gallery, trying to remain as composed as she can.

Reyat intinctively searches for Ember's hand as another brown hatchling comes out of his opaline prison. "It's happening so fast."

K'fen jogs swiftly to join N'sales and then stands straight beside the weyrlingmaster, looking around with a frown and a wide smile nonetheless.

Jenna goes stock still at the brown popping out of the wild child egg. "Fardles... He's *gorgeous*." Belatedly she moves her feet, edging towards Jamison and nodding, "Yeah. Ooh! There went a green too! -- Too right, Zephyr! and I /wasn't/ pushing, Sef. Where's that brown headed?" Her tone is hopeful, even as her words are scattered.

Randall utterly misses the dirty look, as he catches the Impression of the green to the tall girl. Again, he nudges his neighbor, and again, he gets a dirty look, and an impolite phrase in his direction.

Red eyes whirling with hunger, Rebellious Scorched Brown lets out a keening, indignant wail. His head swings about, searching for lifemate or food, and then promptly ducks down to nibble a bit of his egg. Plah! That's no good. Another grumpy creel, and he's tottering away from the shattered shell and toward the Candidates.

"Oh! You *had* to say that." Redus says as his eyes roll for just a moment until the Wild Child egg cracks. "Hey! Look at him. He remind you of anyone?" He starts to dance a little more. "He's heading this way, be ready."

Xiang stares at the girl, now with the green and then tears her gaze away to blink as she sees a third brown somewhere over towards the otherside of the semi-circle.

Sefaniah says "I don't care where he's headed, I just want to make sure none of 'em are coming my way!" He rises up onto his tiptoes to peer over the clutch, spying the green's Impression out of the corner of one eye. "Uh-oh... Looks like she Impressed a green as mouthy as she is."

Jonas keeps his eyes on the scorched brown hatchling, smiling as it tries to eat its egg. "He is a good looking Hatchling," he agrees with Jenna.

Carianna points to the brown hatchling then snickers "Oh yes, doesn't he kinda remind you of N'sales when we hit him with snowballs?" She laughs then jumps to the left as she avoids a passing dragonet tugging on the hand she holds. "Be careful Red. Last thing you need is a sharp claw pinning you down."

Randall sizes up the next dragon to head for the Candidates, and nudges his neighbor once more. The neighbor responds with an elbow delicately placed in Randall's ribs, leaving the slight Weaver to mutter, "Wish I had my cleaver."

Ember nods dumbly to Rey, giving his hand a sort of tug as she points his attention off in another direction. Then her eyes are scanning the half-circle, lingering on Jonas in hopes of catching him with her encouraging smile.

Mirrari oos at the brown and then looks at green Impression, "Ooo, that suits her I think." she comments to the candidate beside her.

Zephyr giggles at Carianna's comment about the brown hatchling. "Somehow I can see that resemblance." she says and glances over at Randall. "I can bet the Tunnelsnake man isn't here." Following Ember's glance, she holds a free hand out to Jonas and bounces up and down on her heels.

Tick Tock Egg tries again. Wobble, wobble, swing, *shake*... And still nothing. Another try, in a different order this time. Wobble, swing, *shake* swing, *shake* and the egg nearly rolls on its side. Then it gives up again, still quivering slightly. This shell -has- to shatter sooner or later, hasn't it?

Jenna beams at Jonas, and keeps her eyes on the brown, craning her neck and hopping up a bit on tiptoes. "His markings are just great, aren't they, Jonas?" A pause and she adds belatedly, "I hope it's not all due to egg goop.-- Hey!" Another thought occurs, and as there's no current filter between thought and mouth, out it comes, "Anybody see Ganella in this mess? Or was that her that got that green?"

Rebellious Scorched Brown stumbles down toward the Candidates, snuffling out his nostrils with disgust as he passes a crying girl from Nabol. This is hard! There's so many. He stops, raising his head again and rumbles his disgruntlement. Did he just stamp one foot in annoyance? Fine! If they're not coming to him, he's gonna have to find them. He toddles further along.

Jonas spots Ember's gaze from the corner of his eye and returns her smile and a wink. He smiles at Zephyr as well and takes her hand,giving it an encouraging squeeze.

Reyat's nervousness begins to shake his body more and the hand in Ember's is quivering a little. His smile is still on his face though. Overwhelmed with joy and respect.

Mirrari grins at Jenna, "Do you really think Ganella would settle for a green, Jenna?" she asks with a wink, and then turns to watch the brown hatchling patrol the ranks of fidgeting candidates.

Redus gets dragged to the left by the hand he's holding. "That'd be the last thing if it was done right." he remarks as he watches the Rebellious Scorched Brown. "Yeah, that's who I thought." He smiles at Mirr briefly before looking back to the action.

Sefaniah slithers his hand from Jenna's, wipes it on his robe to dry it. "He coming this way?" Forward he rocks, to peer right and left down the arc of Candidates, then back again into position. "Have those eggs Jinieth was guarding hatched yet?"

P'ter says "Ah well, I don't mind telling you Leah that I lost my marks on the hatching. /And/ I was in the sharding bath when Aisheth started to hum."

Jamison shifts from foot to foot uncomfortably as he watches the Brown passing the row of candidates.

Ember starts to laugh at Mirrari's overheard comment, and offers her own assessment, "She would have little say in it, I imagine. Would the Green settle for Ganella, that is the question." A shoulder is pressed closer to Rey to still his shivering, if possible, "Look there, watch that Blue and Lornay."

Leah laughs out loud, "I wondered why you were all wet! I was torn away from hidework. Ah, well." She pretends to be very disappointed.

Rebellious Scorched Brown picks up his pace, heading toward a throng of Candidates. He warbles cheerfully, mood having swung from one extreme to another. No longer petulant, he gives out a croon as he moves closer to the one that will be his, the one holding the other's hand...

Randall jerks a thumb at his neighbor, and says to Zephyr, "I was thinking, for...". Oh, the neighbor has switched with someone else, it seems, and the someone else elbowed Randall. "Yes, yes, I see the brown."

Rytran shifts position once, twice, and finally shifts into a spot not far from Ember, cautious brown eyes lingering on a nearby egg -- is that a hopeful look? -- before stepping back to let the Rebellious Scorched brown pass. His hands absently try to stuff themselves into nonexistant pockets. "They don't pick quick, do they?"

Carianna smiles over to Zephyr and chuckles then heys as she watches the hatchling again trying to keep other thoughts far from her mind. At P'ter's mention of water though that tactic fails and she groans.

He's finally found the his match! It takes a moment to decide, but no, he's sure. A look up at Jonas' face and the choice is obvious to this happy brown.

Tick Tock Egg swings a little again. This time it -will- work. And the things starts swinging regularly from side to side, slowly, then faster, as a pendulum getting slowly crazy. Tick, tock, tick tock, and so on... And -then- it starts shaking again, regularly.

Jonas gapes in shock at the Impression for only a brief moment. He takes the hatchling's head in both hands and stares in wonderment at it, mouthing words that cannot be heard. Finally, he says, "Hanreth", as if trying the name out. He beams like a young child at a Gather and says, "Welcome to Fort, Hanreth"

Jenna spies Ganella a bit on down the line of candidates, and leans to tell Mirrari, "She looks positively green herself right now!" Is that a bit of glee in her tone?" She too wipes her hand, reaching absently to tuck hair behind her ears, only to find it's already held back by the cord. "Oooh, Who's he- Jonas?!?" She lets out a whoop!

Zephyr smiles brightly at Jonas, but it barely hides her nervousness. It is apparent that she is putting effort into keeping her composure on the Sands, but she continues to do her best nonethe less. She squeezes Jonas' hand and does a doubletake as the brown stops before him. Her hand slips away and she shrieks, "Oh Jonas!"

The Tick Tock Egg seems to be waiting patiently for something to happen. It sits still, it sits quiet, it just... waits. Suddenly, it seems to just crumble, falling away to reveal a large Hatchling in all his glory.

Imperious Polished Bronze Hatchling:
Sleek and glossy hide is stretched taught over curving muscles and powerful wings. Slipping and sliding across his hide like reflections on a metal mirror, shadows and shapes change and move as he does. Velvety soft wings with transparent membranes flutter like the sails of a great sea-bound vessel, their dappled bronze and auburn complexion catching and bouncing back the light. Gleaming silvery talons and villainous arching eyeridges compliment his devil-may-care presence. A wispy and flickering tail lashes behind him like the mooring ropes of a ship. Burnished and polished his body is sturdy and strong; rippling muscles dancing beneath bronzed hide.

Mirrari whoos as Jonas Impresses, "All right Jonas!" she calls happily, nudging her cousin to point out the match.

"Jonas!" Reyat exclaims with joy in his tone. "He's great!"

P'ter laughs in return, "And I nearly fell flat on my face getting out. I swear I've left wet skid marks half across the weyr." He shrugs, amused. "Worth it though." He looks back over his shoudler at Aisheth and Jinieth, "And he's /so/ proud, I can feel it coming off of him in waves."

N'sales grins and watches the brown impress to Jonas and beams a smile.

J'nas beams at the Candidates, "He's more than great, he's /perfect/!"

Carianna pulls on Redus' arm. "Look Jonas impressed. Oh that's wonderful!" Her smile radiates as she cheers along with the others then gasps as she spots a bronze. "Mine." She mouths to herself hopefully.

Randall raises a cheer on Jonas' behalf.

Ember removes her hands from the others to bounce with glee, applauding for all she's worth, "Hanreth! Excellent choice!"

Redus hasn't missed a step...or stomp, as he watches the brown move toward the group, edging his partner out of the way just in case until he realizes Jonas is the target of the dragon's gait. "Congratulations Jonas." he calls as another egg cracks and he ohs. "You think?" he says with a chuckle.

Sefaniah skips backwards a step, making the circle even more ragged than it was before. "What's that?" he calls, rising up again to find J'nas and Hanreth in the crowd. "Ooh, did J'nas Impress? That's gonna twist Ganella's underthings!"

Bag of Marbles Egg gives a jerk, then stops, seeming to consider. Another jerk, and a wrench, thisaway. Nothing. Awrenchajerk. Still nothing. How aggravating! It stills once more.

P'ter laughs in return, "And I nearly fell flat on my face getting out. I swear I've left wet skid marks half across the weyr." He shrugs, amused. "Worth it though." He looks back over his shoudler at Aisheth and Jinieth, "And he's /so/ proud, I can feel it coming off of him in waves."

Zephyr is still breathing hard after J'nas' impression right beside her. She gives Ember an excited look and squeezes her hand. Then she spots the newly hatched bronze and says to Carianna, "Isn't he beautiful Cari?"

The furthest egg from Jinieth, the Pirate Ship Egg, begins to lurch from side to side, building momentum. The first crack appears near the top

The Silver Hook egg begins to pulsate, silvery surface flashing as moves. And soon it's pitching animatedly from one side to the other, back and forth in a frenzy of motion, managing a spin in place at one point. A spectacular crack, and a snubby green snout pops out of the egg. The stubby hatchling emerges with a triumphant keening. She wobbles down the Candidate line, head swinging to each person standing in turn, like a Master inspecting a row of Apprentices. And it's an Apprentice she takes, near the end of the line, a girl from Farmcraft with brown braids. The green bumps her head into the girl's legs insistantly as the girl calls out her Lifemate's name.

K'fen widely grins and gestures the newly Impressed J'nas to come over, then bows at him. "Congratulation rider J'nas, please follow me to your new home."

Mirrari chuckles to Jenna and nods, peering, "Looks that way.." she points out a bronze, "He's a cutie.. and look at that cute green!"

Rytran's distracted behaviour corrects itself as he hears his friend's boice call out an unfamiliar name. Was that... "Jonas?" Rytran closes his gaping mouth with a snap, but only to beam over at the fellow. Politeness, and all that. "Shells, congrats!" He almost misses the arrival of the newest bronze what with all the excitement. Almost.

Reyat tries hard not to bounce everywhere now. With eyes sparkling he turns his gaze from J'nas and Hanreth to look at Ember then winks. "Oh! Oh!" He says as he notices another hatchling.

K'fen walks out of the Hatching Grounds, to the Bowl.
K'fen has left.

Xiang twitches as she sees the brown find someone only a few Candidates away. "Jonas... J'nas. And Hanreth!" She heard one of the names at last.

J'nas waves good luck to his friends and follows K'fen out to the bowl.

J'nas walks out of the Hatching Grounds, to the Bowl.
J'nas has left.
Hanreth walks out of the Hatching Grounds, to the Bowl.
Hanreth has left.

Jenna beams at J'nas, but the crack of the next egg pulls her eyes back to the sands. "I'd not take that bet, Sef - Oooh, look, there went another green. And a bronze - though, I have to say, I prefer J'nas' brown, Mirrari. - Did you see the bronze, Sef? Get ready to run!"

The furthest egg from Jinieth, the Pirate Ship Egg, begins to lurch from side to side, building momentum. The first crack appears near the top; the next crack appears near the bottom, and that's the one that splits the egg decisively in two. The two halves are shouldered apart to admit one warbling, dark blue dragon onto the Sands. He stumbles over a shard of another egg, faceplanting into the sand with a creel. Hauling himself to his feet again, he totters over toward a red-haired girl from Nerat, eyes whirling purple from a mask of sand stuck to his head. She kneels to start to brush the sand away, laughing as she announces his name.

Bag of Marbles Egg seems to want out, right now. There's an egg-shuddering wiggle-wobble. Now, now, NOW! No cracks appear, though, and the frustration is obvious as the shudders continue.

Zephyr bounces from side to side and watches J'nas and his new lifemate leave the sands. Her gaze lingers for a moment and a surprisingly calm smile passes across her face, before she looks back at the rocking eggs and hatching dragons.

Carianna nods quickly this time in Zepyhr's direction and smiles then turns her jade eyes back on the bronze hide and sighs. "By the first egg, please turn me into a boy?" She softly prays before taking another look at the hatchling. "He kinda reminds me of Jorenan though. That could be scary."

Imperious Polished Bronze Hatchling just sits for a while after he hatched. He slowly spreads his wings and shows off as he fans it in a regal way, in order for them to dry. And he just sits, waiting, waiting and waiting. One could almost read his mind... Well well well, they'll all come in front of him, and he'll pick the one he likes. Isn't it a wonderful plan?

Redus eyes Carianna as the Silver Hook releases it's guest. "Don't even say it." he says as he kicks some sand off his sandalled toes and watches the newest green hatchling. "Who?" he asks as he lets his eyes fall on the bronze again. "Him?"

Jamison grins over at Sefaniah. "Need us to protect you from the Bronze?"

Randall is grabbed by the neighbor, and pointed at the Bronze. He whispers something, and the neighbor whispers back. The two shoot a look at Ember, and the two both laugh.

Sefaniah echos, "There's a bronze? Already?" He stops foot-shuffling long enough to locate the hatchling, swallowing hard and shaking his head. "Least that one doesn't look like he's about to go charging anywhere. Where'd that green go?"

N'sales escorts the newest pair off to the barracks before returning again and giving a smile and wink to Leah, although he doubts she see's itwith all thats going on around them.

Ember points with the hand Zephyr shares, "There! Oh, look, a bronze!" She makes an awkward gesture, then, trying to tuck a loose strand behind her ear and taking Rey's hand with hers.

Reyat's attention is grabbed by that sitting Bronze hatchling. His chuckle is deformed as he winces under Ember's little tug. "Funny."

Mirrari laughs and nods to Jenna, "Aye, that brown was pretty cute! Hanreth chose well."

Whambambangsnapcracklepop! There was an egg, and in its now shattered pieces stands an Utterly Lost Blue Hatchling. He's looking straight up, confused and disoriented and distracted by the new sight of something-other-than-whiteness. There he stands, a high pitched wail of hunger and helplessness sounding before the redly-whirling eyes are directed on the objects on the sand.

Utterly Lost Dusky Blue Hatchling:
This hatchling is the solid hue of dusk in shading, not quite midnight blue and not quite purpling in tones. From tip of snout to spade of tail, the color hardly varies, making him look a bit more heavy than he is in reality. Upon closer look, one can see that he is actually quite a thin, scrawny hatchling, with streamlining streaks of lighter blue making lines down his body. An aerodynamic thing, Utterly Lost Dusky Blue Hatchling has a rather perfect tail with a tiny spade at its end. His wings are small - adding once more to his aerodynamic look. The only variation in color besides the streamlining marks are on his head. His maw looks as though he dipped it into a freezing lake - white and ice blue droplets of color spot it, and some seem to have splashed onto his headknobs as well.

Fairydust Egg begins to wiggle more noticeably, its occupant obviously ready to be free of this encasement. What might sound like fluttering wings to those nearby begin to echo from within. Cracks appear along the surface in star-like patterns that catch the light, making them look like a dusting of sparkles instead of breaks. Then all goes still...the hatchling inside perhaps debating its revenge on this terrible shell holding it again.

Zephyr looks back at Cari and giggles lightly, also smiling at Sef. Her hand is pointed by Ember and she nods enthusiasticly. "Oh! And a blue! Aren't they handsome!"

Xiang licks her lips and tries to stand still, her gaze falling steadily on the newest blue. "And the bronze... Isn't it around somewhere?" But not near her patch of the sands.

Imperious Polished Bronze Hatchling snorts disdainfully as he looks at his brothers -looking for- a lifemate. *snort* No really, he's not here for that... but hey, if he doesn't move, they obviously won't come. *snort* Oh well. Getting on his way, the little bronze bugles a complaint and starts walking toward the candidates, praincing on his way, showing every part of his body, fanning his wings and swinging his tail. Look at me, look at me!

Ember almost coos as her heart melts, "Oh, Zephyr. He is lovely. But he looks so sad, does he not?" She bites at her lower lip, dark eyes travelling over the splotches on the tiny Blue.

Carianna turns to Redus and gasps as she catches sight of the green hatchling. "Raeche!" Just watch her. I bet she even sashays when she walks." Then the blue catches her eye and she giggles. "Oh there's P'ter I bet. So tall and handsome." She turns and winks at Zephyr as she hears her spot the same thing.

Fairydust Egg is quiet only a moment longer. A plot made, perhaps, while it sat quiet for those moments, and the egg begins to shudder again. Frustration seems to have gotten the better of this hatchling, the ovoid encasing it beginning to wobble about almost violently. More cracks appear, they still giving the illusion of star-bright dust rather than splinters in the shell. The oval begins to crack open, but its not enough for the dragonet to escape. Again, the Fairydust Egg goes quiet.

Redus hmms as maybe agrees with his partner then spots the newest blue hatchling. "That one looks like you did the other day." He watches him for a moment then turns to see what the seated bronze is up to and chuckles. "He's definately proud of himself."

All the noise and fuss of the bronze goes unnoticed by Randall. He's whispering rapidly back and forth with the other Candidate, who seems to be quite taken with the newly hatched Blue.

Jenna burns her feet yet again. She gives another little yelp, and hops to one side, grabbing for Sefaniah's hand again. "Oh! Lookit 'im! He's dark like Alirath is." Obviously, it's the blue that's drawn her eye, not the flashy bronze. "Wasn't there a green a minute ago? I can't keep track."

Utterly Lost Dusky Blue Hatchling wallows in his shell-pieces, continuing to creel pitifully. Then eyes catch sight of lots of moving, hopping, shifting white thingies. Creeling stops. Considering, the blue seems to become more agitated, and he turns - aha! Now /there/ is a likely looking fellow. Utterly Lost Dusky Hatchling heads straight for the one who has won the contest for his attentions - K'fen!

Mirrari is distracted, torn between blue and bronze. "Oh my..oh my.." she murmers, looking between the two. She gets a nudge from her cousin who points out the struggling Fairydust Egg, "Oh? Is that moving too?"

Reyat keeps Ember's hand in his and squeezes. "He will break my heart if he keeps creeling like that.." He whispers.

Zephyr looks befuddled as she sees the young blue marching off toward K'fen. She giggles lightly to Ember and Rey asking, "Where is he going?"

Sefaniah says "You better keep track!" as he lets Jenna tether him to her side again. Now he's limited in his fleeing to up and back, and only one side. "There... uh, I don't know where she's gotten. What's that blue doing? And where'd that bronze get to?"

Reyat blinks. "But?"

Ember is nodding to Reyat in her agreement, when she sees the direction the Blue is headed, "I..oh no!"

Rytran can't help but let out a laugh at the bronze -- what with hatching clumsiness, he undoubtedly looks a lot less graceful than he evidently thinks he does. Hmm. Notsogood to insult the fellow, perhaps. Rytran schools his expression, judiciously bobbing his head like a carnival judge. "Ah, right. Nice. Certainly." A bounding blue shape distracts him, and he frowns in Ember's direction. "Ah -- can they do that? What's he think he's up to?"

K'fen doesn't notice anything at first, but he quickly notices the thing coming toward him and shakes his head. "He -can't- be aiming at me. He just can't! I've enough with a green!" His eyes unfocuse and he can't help chuckling.

Xiang makes a face as the blue heads off, "Who?" slips out as she watches but she loses track and turns her attention to the bronze.

Redus is lost in thought for a moment at the mention of sashaying, of course he watches the green then and chuckles. "I think you're right. What's that one doing?" he asks as he spies the blue near K'fen.

Imperious Polished Bronze Hatchling finally seems to settle on his lifemate. He sits in front of Reyat, looking up at the lad with what seems to be unending patience, just waiting to be noticed.

N'sales looks at K'fen then to the blue coming this way. He whispers to K'fen, "He can't be coming this way..."

Ember cannot cover her laughter with both hands taken, but as she starts to answer Rytran, she just sucks in a huge gasp of air

P'ter considers the bronze hatchling for a second, "Why, I do believe he's finally made up his mind."

Jenna absently lifts the hand holding Jamison's to feel and make sure the cord holding her hair back is still there. "I dunno, Sef - he, oh, wait-" Then she's releasing both boys hands to jump up and down. "REY!! Oh Rey!!" She looks up in the stands in a hurry, eyes searching for Zalkin and bellowing, "ZAK! Rey got a bronze!"

Zephyr squeezes Embers hand hard enough to cut off the other girl's circulation and gasps along with her, "Rey! Ah! Rey!" is all that she can say and she begins to bounce up and down with a great grin.

Randoth swings his tail faster, but still in very regular sweeps. Tick, tock. He croons loudly and imperiously his joy and his hunger, especially.

With a shake here then another shake, the sand trickles away from the surface of the Fairydust Egg. It seems to sit there in the Sands, trembling at first. The trembling gets more and more obvious, turning into tremors from this sparkly dusted egg. Finally, with what could possibly be a tiny draconic grunt from within, the egg shatters, the top exploding in a flurry of shards, the bottom crumbling beneath the effort and there she stands, a very tiny green Hatchling.

Luminous Auroral Green Hatchling:
A finely chiseled chin, high cheekbones and low, backsweeping headknobs are a foreshadowing of the mercurial grace in this petite hatchling's future. Imagine a shade of green to mimic midnight skies--this is the hue shadowing her entire body. Yet, unlike a moonless, midnight sky, this hue does not consume all surrounding light. Rather, the depths of this hatchling's hide are washed over with a nebulous haze of greenish-blue. Over her midsection, the soft haze coalesces into wispy bands of luminous emerald and peridot. Light penetrates her wing membranes, glowing through sinuous curtains of lime-green. As she shifts her diminutive form, the radiant, green strands ripple under moving muscles, coming to life in a dazzling northern lights display.

Ember stumbles backward a step into Zephyr and Rytran, hand tugged free of Reyat's, "Is He did? He did it. He did it!"

Reyat blinks several times and his entire body straightens once. Then the preasure and surprise disseappers as the boy kneels. "Oh Randaoth!"

The warm and bright Straight On Til Morning Egg stirs, then begins to see-saw slowly. This dragon is taking their time easing out of the egg. A subdued splitting of the shell, a bit of a wrestle with the clear membrane of the egg, and a dainty-looking blue lurches out onto the sands. He pauses, head swinging about, like someone on holiday determined to take in all the sights. He eyes the Stands for a long moment, taking a few steps toward them, but then pauses as he begins to pass a younger boy from a cothold near Keroon. Ahh. There he is. Red changes to purple in the dragon's eyes, and he bumps his snout against the boy's hip. Tears springing up in his eyes, the boy declares the blue's name and they begin to move off the sands.

Mirrari eeps and whoos for Reyat! "Congrats!" she calls over the sands, her feet shuffling on the sands. Her attention is dragged away from the Impression as her arm gets yanked off, "What, Nan.. oh a green!"

Carianna snickers as she watches the dragonets then answers Redus with a hint of mirth. "Well if it's anything like P'ter he's probably gonna sniff him for reports." Then she ohs as the bronze stops. "You don't think Oh what a wonderful choice." She jumps up and down then winces at the hot sands biting her ankles. "He did. Oh Congrats Reyat!"

Utterly Lost Dusky Blue Hatchling is, indeed, headed for K'fen. He pauses just a short distance away, creeling again - but don't you /like/ me? He peers at the man, then seems downcast as he turns away. Then, though, he sees the line of white thingies again and he brightens. Maybe there's something over /there/? He approaches them occasionally turning to head back towards K'fen in disgruntlement.

Milque smiles as she watches the impression between Randoth and Reyat, then makes her way over to the young man, whispering something to him after a he's had a moment.

Randall gives his new neighbor a pat on the shoulder as the bronze Impresses, "Cheer up, look at that blue? Isn't that a laugh?"

Luminous Auroral Green Hatchling seems quite proud of herself for having gotten free. Hah! emanates from a look that she gives the now discarded shards as they surround where she stands. A clingy bit of the Fairydust Egg shell remains stuck on her right flank. Once noticed, she is visibly annoyed by this and does a sort of shaking motion to get it loose.

Sefaniah yelps again and shakes his hand free of Jenna's. "Reyat what? Huh?" He follows her gaze to the galleries, eyes taking in the mass of people for a moment only before turning his attention back to the dangerous Sands. "'Least there's only been one of 'em."

Xiang was watching and she finally finds a smile. Grumpyness wearing off? "Reyat and Randoth." she murmurs and then frowns again, trying to work out the honorific. "Where's that blue...?" She catches a glimpse of blue and blinks. "And another one."

Zephyr looks like /she/ is about to cry as her friends Impress all around her. As a green hatches and attracts her attention she begins to look about her almost franticly from sensory overload. "Oh! Congrats Rey! Oh no that blue is lost! Oh wow what a pretty green!" she looks at Ember and wimpers, "Emmie theres too much to look at.."

Redus snickers to Carianna's assessment of the blue's actions then turns when he hears Randaoth's name. "Hey. Good going, Rey!" a couple more Impressions soon shut him up as he watches and sees another green.

Still on his knees, R'yat perks suddenly and throws his arms over his lifemate. "Oh! I know you are, Randoth." He lifts his head up and smiles.

K'fen wipes his forehead with the back of his hand and laughs out loud. "Tenka wouldn't have forgiven me..." Then he jogs toward R'yat and pats him on the shoulder. "You got a lovely bronze. Let's give him something to eat, right?"

Hoarde of Pirates Egg seemed to have fallen asleep, but it has definitely woken up again. Another little wobble, and then it starts to shake backwards and forwards, rotating on one end rather daintily. Round and round it pirouettes, leaving a wide trail behind it as it goes.

K'fen walks out of the Hatching Grounds, to the Bowl.
K'fen has left.
R'yat walks out of the Hatching Grounds, to the Bowl.
R'yat has left.
Randoth walks out of the Hatching Grounds, to the Bowl.
Randoth has left.

Ember dashes the tears from her eyes, just blinking at the Sands. Look? Everything is a blur. The smile she turns back to Zephyr, tho, is beaming clear to split her face, and the hold on the girl's hand does not ease for a moment.

Milque smiles, as with the normal way of hatchings, there is confusion, and two people approach the new bronzerider at the same time. She lets K'fen lead him off as she goes back to wait with N'sales.

Carianna points over to the new green dragonet and laughs. "Oh that's Norri! Why just look how she is upset at the egg shards about her. Why I wouldn't be surprised if she finds her tail and tries to sweep em away."

Utterly Lost Dusky Blue Hatchling eventually returns to his egg shell-pieces, fairly shrieking his hunger and confusion. He truly is Lost. As he noses at a shell, though, something - someone, really - catches his eye. He takes a few shakey steps towards a clump of white thingies, hesitant. No, no... but over there? Lost, he wanders, attempting to tell them all through his shrieks and creels how hungry he is. Does /no/ one care? Where /are/ you, o Feeder o' Mine?

Jamison chuckles amusedly at Carianna as he watches the fastidious Green.

Giving a sudden jerk, the Colorful Map Egg develops some hairline cracks. Steadily, these cracks widen as the egg jerks about, bumping against one of its brethren as it hatches. And finally, a large enough chunk is knocked loose to determine the colour of the occupant: bronze. He gives a squawk, and the egg jerks again, nearly rolling over before finally splitting open to dump the bronze on the sands. Driven by hunger, the bronze recovers quickly. He passes by a handful of Candidates before coming to a halt in front of a sandy-haired, chubby boy from Ista Weyr and beginning to croon. The dragon's name is shouted happily, and the new pair lumber off the sands.

Rytran stands, one leg held up like a runner getting shod, then switches to the other, hands knotting the edges of his robe for lack of anything else to do with them. "Ember, did you ever think? Rey -- oh, R'yat, rather. That'll take some getting used to." There's a hint of a smile, perhaps doubt he'll ever be so lucky, but the creeling nearby catches his attention once more. "Poor guy."

You say "Where'd that blue go? And has that green found anyone yet?" She bounces back and forth, still beaming after Rey and his bronze. "Oooh - hey, there's another bronze Sef - oh, that Ista'd lad got him. You're safe. Jamison, did you catch the name?"

Xiang nibbles on a bit of hair, a nervous habit she'd avoided until now, when she forgot. "Blue." is said softly as she watches the lostling dark creature wander about.

Sefaniah winces at the blue's shrieking and shuffles backwards again - hopefully out of any lines of attack, while still allowing himself good vantage for the rest of the eggs. "Ooh, there's a second bronze... never came this way, thank Faranth. Shells, that blue's loud!"

With all of that escape-the-egg, clingy-bit-of-shard-off business completed, Luminous Auroral Green Hatchling then surveys the grounds around her. The Bronze and Blue both get regards that seem somewhat...powerful...before she turns to glare down the Candidates. That done, she steps away and begins heading towards the white robes, her stare easily one of the most unsettling of the creatures on the sands right now.

Redus suddenly laughs again. "Norri?" he repeats as he watches the Green. "She'd kick us all outa here so she could tidy up." H ekeeps looking tho, this way and that. "And there's another new Weyrling. From Ista that fella, right?"

Jamison glances over at Jenna and shakes his head. "I must have missed it too."

Randall's neighbor seems all too ready to respond to the Dusky Blue's cries, but Randall holds him at the elbow, pointing at the green, "Didn't you say you liked her egg?" he asks of his neighbor.

Hoarde of Pirates Egg continues the rotaing dance over the sands until it reaches another egg. Bonk! It nudges the offending obstruction for a moment, before starting to wobble more and more, positively vibrating as something within claws eagerly to gain freedom! A crack here, a shard falls there - the dragonet within is keen to be let out, now the dancing is done.

Mirrari watches the green as well as Nan yanks on her arm, "Aye aye, I see the green that came from your favorite egg Nan.. really I see it.." She chuckles and nods to her cousin, "Aye aye, it's cute as a button."

Zephyr begins to dance on her feet as the sensation of the heat on the sands begins to sink in again. She looks at Ember with understanding and stares at the hatchlings. "Oh!" is all that she can say now. Overload indeed.

Ember's eyes are finally focused again, and caught by the creeling of the Blue. While she stares at the poor thing, she responds to Rytran, "Of course I thought. I knew he had it in him." Not a hint of smugness to it, just the pure conviction of a best friend.

The Untamed Wilderness Egg begins to vibrate, shaking off the grains of sand covering it. A shudder, a shake, and a crack! Suddenly, there's a sturdily built brown wriggling free of the egg, warbling piteously. Mouth hanging open, displaying sharp teeth, he moves toward the Candidates. There's a bit of tension while it swings its head between a girl and a boy standing together 'eeny, meenie, miny' boy! Purple flares in its eyes, and the enraptured boy doesn't spare a glance for the girl as he tosses arm fondly around the brown, calling his name out. The girl presses her lips together, swallowing thickly, and manages to call something congratulatory to her friend even as he moves off the sands.

Luminous Auroral Green Hatchling had closed the steps between herself and the Candidates rather quickly, despite her new-birth lack of grace. This one? No, no - that heated glare seems to betray each of her thoughts easily. A boy who took a step in her direction is quickly snorted at, as if she is outright scolding him. Next! Although fresh from her shell, she certainly seems to know exactly what she wants...but -where- is HER human? The search continues.

Searching, searching, he seems to be trying to find what he's lost. Wait, is this it? Could this be what he's been looking for? He examines Sefaniah closely, then the Utterly Lost Dusky Blue Hatchling gives a questioning croon up into the lads face. Is it you? It is!

Carianna laughs a bit more as she nods in agreeance to her hand held partner then ohs and tries to peer at the newest impression. "I think your right." She murmurs before turning back to watch the hatchlings as she shakes sand out of one sandal.

"Yeah," Rytran agrees with Ember, lifting one shoulder in a shrug. "If anyone would, it'd be him. Seems so unreal though. One thing to believe it, another to have it happen in front of you." As that green approaches, he takes one glance and steps back. She looks as though she'd have no trouble tromping through ranks of candidates on her way to... whomever.

Jenna ohs! She abruptly turns Sefaniah loose. "Sef! Oh, Sef! He wanted /you/! What's his name?" She bounces in place, sands forgotten. "And he's blue! Just like the harpers!"

Zephyr squeezes Ember's poor abused hand again. "Oh my... Sef! Look, Sef Impressed a blue!" she looks thoughtful for a moment and says, "I think I had a dream about that this morning..." she says and trails off, still bouncing on her toes.

Luminous Auroral Green Hatchling looks up into Zephyr's eyes, crooning as she finds her lifemate within them.

S'fan blinks down into the blue's eyes, all thoughts disappating under Saneth's regard. "You found me, Saneth," he agrees dazedly. "Only.. I didn't think you would."

Hoarde of Pirates egg bounces once, twice, three times, then stops, seeming to wait for something to happen. Finally, excitement overwhelms it and it just rocks back and forth as the Hatching inside struggles to get out. A few wide cracks appear and the shell falls apart in large pieces to reveal this brown Hatchling.

Jolly Good Ale Brown:
Plump around the curves and stalwart in stature he is. With rivulets of tawny amber cascading down over mahogany and brunette hide. Rounded hind legs bulge with hidden muscles and a protruding belly tells of an instatiable hunger. Wings the color of klah like that of a good stout beer are dappled with cream and khaki like so much spattered head. Transclucent though the sails may be the bones holding them aloft, in all their sturdy russet glory, are too touched with traces of brunette, chestnut and brown in rivulets like spilt spirits. Indeed his whole hide is drenched in good spirits, for he moves with a bounding grace. Free and easy is his demeanor and speckled, like his wings, with a good dose of merrymaking.

Mirrari disengages Nananthia from her arm and looks towards the blue, "Oh! He made his Impression! And is Sef? Yay Sef!" she calls, smiling, even as she shuffles more on the sand, "Oh! And Zephyr too? Yes Nan, but there may be another one.."

Saneth creels, though he softens the volume... food? Now? *creeel*

Ember blinks over, and laughs and laughs, "Yes, he did nead a Blue! What a fine-looking pair they make, too!"

Xiang sidles sideways as a brown comes up and snatches away the boy on one side of her. Seeing the girl on the new weyrling's other side look so downcast, Xiang casts her consoling look. And completely misses seeing the blue Impress. "Who?" is asked as she hears the cheers. "S'fan? Ooooh!"

As Randall and his neighbor were watching the green, it finds its way to Zephyr. Randall cheers as his neighbor laughs, faces both flushed with excitement.

Zephyr stares into the eyes of the little green dragon and tears suddenly stream down from her face, she gasps for a breath of air and says, "We will fly and eat Taisoth! I swear we will!"

Milque smiles as she makes her way over to the newly impressed blue and the young man he chose, "Let's go get him some food, shall we?" she says to the young man.

Redus wipes his free hand on his robe and scopes the sands and it's wanderers. "Hey, that blue is right there. And Norri..I mean that green is looking at Zeph." he waits then smiles. "Congratulations, S'fan...Zephyr. They're beautiful." He said that. Hmm... "And there's a new brown. He's rugged lookin'."

Jamison grins broadly at S'fan. "Congratulations..."

Bright and colourful, the Got to Crow Egg starts to rock in place with enthusiasm. It lurches to one side, bumping against the darkness of the Lights on the Cliffside Egg a few times, which starts the other egg rocking. Got to Crow lurches to the other side, then, rolling against an almost hidden black egg with glossy swirls: the Curly Black Wig Egg. Got to Crow rolls about, almost like it's dancing, almost like it's taunting the others. Come on! Hatch! Come on, already! The two darker eggs shudder as well, develop cracks and splits. It's the Curly Black Wig Egg that hatches first, however, a green squawks indignantly, shaking shards of egg free and giving the Got to Crow Egg an almost disdainful look as it rolls toward her. She hisses, swatting it with one forepaw, and moves on to the Candidates. Just what the Crow egg needed! It splits open, the Cliffside egg moments behind. They produce a green and a brown, respectively. The hatchlings hardly spare a glance at each other, instead splitting up to impress a trio of Candidates. Three names are called up, almost in unison.

Milque walks out of the Hatching Grounds, to the Bowl.
Milque has left.
S'fan walks out of the Hatching Grounds, to the Bowl.
S'fan has left.

Carianna glances over at S'fen and crys out happily. "You never looked better Sef and oh what a beautiful name." But once again she's distracted by having to move out of the way of a passing hatchling.

Jenna beams at S'fan and Saneth and trying to clap, though she still holds Jamison's hand. "Whoops! Sorry, Jami! But congratulations, Sef!" She hears another name called out, and turns to gape, "Zephyr! Zephyr got that green!" She misses the brown hatching, as she calls, "She's Just great, Zephyr!"

Ember is so busy watching S'fan she startles, hearing Zephyr's voice beside her, then cheers with the coming recognition, "Zephyr! Well done!"

Saneth walks out of the Hatching Grounds, to the Bowl.
Saneth has left.

N'sales smiles and calls Zephyr over with her new green lifemate

Zephyr almost falls down and throws her arms around Taisoth with laughter. Seeing N'sales in the corner of her eye, she gets up and walks toward him, all the while looking down at her new green lifemate.

N'sales walks out of the Hatching Grounds, to the Bowl.
N'sales has left.

Jolly Good Ale Brown stretches his wings out and flaps once, twice, and a third time! Free! Free at last! He looks down and selects a piece of egg, and throws it aside. Oh! Now that was fun, so another follows. He bounces and then spots those white blobs in the distance. Perhaps they would like to celebrate the hatching too? Oh what a wonderful thing, so many new friends. With a bright bugle, he sets off towards them, pausing now and then to flap brown wings and enjoy the sensations he has as air rushes past them

Zephyr grins at the green, "Of course I'll feed you."

Zephyr walks out of the Hatching Grounds, to the Bowl.
Zephyr has left.
Taisoth walks out of the Hatching Grounds, to the Bowl.
Taisoth has left.
Milque walks onto the sands from the Bowl entrance.
Milque has arrived.

"You would think, as warm as it is out here, that some of the klah I drank would evaporate." Redus comments and he dances a little more close-leggedly. He watches a couple more Impressions take place and then turns to see who's bugling.

Carianna ohs as she turns and spots Zephyr with her lifemate. "I had a feeling about her you know." She murmurs to Redus, then chuckles lightly. "I bet she's walking on air right now." But another brown dragonet catches her eye and she snickers. "Solant?" She asks to the male beside her.

Mirrari grins at her cousin, "Buck up's okay." she sooths and the chuckles at the antics of the brown, "Now see? Isn't he cute?"

N'sales walks onto the sands from the Bowl entrance.
N'sales has arrived.

Randall is yanked by his neighbor, as the lad who elbowed Randall earlier Impresses to brown. In the spirit of the day, Randall cheers on his behalf, waving eagerly at the pair are lead away.

Jenna's attention is caught by the bugle, as she turns to survey the eggs left, and catches sight of the brown. "Oooh! He looks like that brew that Master Baleera served to us, 'Member, Redus?" She turns to look 'round and find the lad, veryifying he's still on the sands. "Bout as noisy as Master Baleera too, isn't he?" She hops a bit in place, absently checking her hair with her free hand, to make sure it's staying bound back.

Ember closes in the circle a bit. Rather, she has to, the only left right beside her is Rytran. She gives him a little smile and steps carefully closer to the remaining Candidates, offering an encouraging grin.

Redus kinda smiles as he dances, "Maybe Solant and Baleera both." Redus agrees. "I remember, Jenna." He watches the boistrous one for with one eye as he uses the other to try and count eggs that haven't cracked.

Mirrari grins over at Ember, "Hey Em, how're your feet?" she asks, continuing in her shuffle, keeping an eye out for the brown.

Jamison chuckles amusedly at Jenna. "Yes, he's loud, but certainly seems happy too."

Rytran echos Ember's smile, taking her cue to close in the edges a bit. Somehow he's not stepping side-to-side quite so much anymore... is it a good sign when your feet go numb? Shaking his head to clear auburn hair from his eyes, Rytran glance down the line, then to the eggs, perhaps doing a mental tally.

Ember sorts glances downward. Feet? I have feet? Oh, those stingy hot things she hopping on. Since her hands are freed of others's hands, she makes quick work of retying the damp curls up off the nape of her neck while she laughs, "Hot! Very hot!"

Carianna chuckles as she nods in agreeance to both Jenna and Redus. "I think your both right." Catching her bottom lip between her teeth she glances to the klah speaker and groans again. "Oh hush, try not to think about it. That's what I'm doing." she whispers.

Xiang nibbles on a lock of her hair again, her segment of the semi-circle also closeing up a bit to diminish the gaps.

Treasure Chest Egg repeats its earlier motion, it suddenly lurches to the side as the dragonet within pushes with all its force at the walls that have protected it. The sand pile holding the egg in place is almost flattened by the violence of this movement and the eggs comes near to the point of rolling off its little mound. It shudders now, vibrating as if all the energy of Rukbat were contained in that package.

Jolly Good Ale Brown continues to move with a flap and a bellow towards the new friends on the sands, then slows down. The wings lower and he cocks his head. Something isn't quite right. One of these white flowing things is different. Seems a bit unusual...hmm. He continues towards the crowd, head cocking this way and that, eyes whirling with wary curiosity, expression wavering between enthusiastic exuberance and careful consideration. Which one...which many to choose from. Oh, the torture of indecision when clearly all he wants to do is make a noise and have fun! A small croon escapes his mouth, eager and slightly disturbed.

An unextraordinary egg, indigo blue with a trio of streaks soaring over it, the I Can Fly Egg twitches once, and lays still. And then it twitches again, a few moments later, and then again, scant heartbeats after that. It rocks slowly, taking its time, almost stately and measured in its movements. Finally 'no more of that!' it gives a violent lurch, a snout breaking through the surface of the egg. Shards of egg splinter off into the sand rapidly as a little green emerges. She trills, sounding almost cheerful, and wobbles off toward a boy from Bitra. He's quite taken with the plucky green, it seems, and she's quite taken by him. Her eyes glow purple, and he announces her name with pride and admiration in his voice.

Mirrari giggles and nods, "Mine too!" she says with grin. The motion of the Treasure Chest Egg drags her attention from the indecisive brown.

Redus readies his feet to move one way or the other as the brown approaches. "Oh...he's gotta be Solant..and he's schemin'.." he mumbles. "Get ready to go if he starts runnin'."

Randall mops sweat from his forehead with his robe. "Goodness, I'm soaked." he says, to his neighbor, "Did you happen to catch his name?" he asks, gesturing towrads the new green pairing.

Jenna bounces up and down, "Is he charg - oh, he's slowed down a bit. If he's anything like either one of them, Cari, I'd expect to be bowled over." Then, she peers in the closing semicircle, "Where'd Ganella get to? Did she impress? Does anyone know?"

Ember notices Rytran's scrutinizing, and asks him casually, watching those remaining eggs with overbright eyes. "What are the odds, hmm?" A little smile quirks the corner of her lips.

Jamison flashes Jenna a grin. "I think he's just eager to meet us." He shakes his head slightly. "I haven't seen her."

A mostly plain, white egg, the Imaginary Feast Egg - quivers. It gives a twitch, revealing the wash of wild colours that renders it far more visually interesting. The pretty egg is about to get ruined, however, as it begins to crack, bits of shell popping out and landing on the sand. It has a few more moments of wholeness before a bronze pokes his head through, neck extending upward and maw open to wail noisily. With a haughty air about him, he shoves the pieces of his egg away from himself. Chin lifted, he surveys the Candidates with an imperious manner, abruptly darting forward and keening at one of the older boys, a brown-haired lad from High Reaches Hold. Stunned by his good fortune, the boy calls out the bronze's name with surprise mixed with pride.

Jolly Good Ale Brown rushes towards a Seacraft lad, but veers away at the last minute, deciding that wasn't the one. He pauses, wings a quiver, then heads off into the thick of the crowd. Slowly, sniffing this robe here or peering a whirling eye into that face there he goes, determined to get the right one. And after such a long, exhausting trip about the sands, looking at so many Candidates, he FINALLY decides that this is the one that tastes different to his mind.

Careful in his selection, because he knows his lifemate is here, he comes to a stop in front of Randall and croons curiously. Yep, this is the one! With a satisfied nod, he nudges the boy.

Carianna cheers for the last impression then chuckles over at Jenna as she nods. "We can both hide behind Redus if you want." she calls out softly then ohs as the eggs start moving again. A quick glance is made for Ganella followed by a shrug. "Is that her over there? Its hard to tell with us all wearing white." Though she does manage to cheer again for the next bronze impression too.

Treasure Chest Egg jerks again, teetering to the edge of its little sand pile, again a jerk, again a motion. It's off and rolling, bouncing a little down the slope till it comes to a rocking rest. Slowly, slowly the rocking comes to a stop, then a faint annoyed creel can be heard from within and once again the egg vibrates. It shudders, rocking from side to side once more as the dragonet within seeks that one weak spot ...

Rebellious Shadow Egg shutters, the shadow on the egg's surface seems to be moving more than the egg until it rolls just bit onto its side until only the white is showing. Small almost invisible cracks spread over the shell almost looking like cracking ice when something too heavy has stepped out onto the lake during winter.

Rytran pauses, sliding a devilish glance Ember's way, sly smile curving his lips. "Chances? Well... " He ponders that a moment, and catches the brown's sudden attention to Randall. "... I think Randall's chances are very good. Us?" There's another shrug of his shoulders. "I'd still lay marks on that."

Redus laughs again and waves to The boy from 'Reaches Hold tho his an eye reamins on the sniffing brown. "I don't have any hip pockets, or I'd let you both hide in there." he says to Carianna so Jenna can hear too.

R'dall is caught up in the moment, transfixed by the brown's nudge. A moment later, the neighbor lets go of his arm, and R'dall steps forward and declares, "Of course we can feed you, Teth. That's all I've ever wanted to do, it seems."

Jenna ohs, "Did you see that bronze, Jami? It came from my favorite egg. I /think/ at least. It's gone either way." She promptly sticks her tongue out at Redus and then, "Oooh! Randall?! Randall got that brown?? All right, Randall! Teth - I like that!"

K'fen is idly wiping his eyes -- got sand in 'em, honest! -- as Randall impresses. Then he brightens -- his smile can't grow wider anyway -- and softly applauds as he beckons the new rider to come and follow him. "Well done R'dall! Come and you'll feed him soon!"

K'fen walks out of the Hatching Grounds, to the Bowl.
K'fen has left.
R'dall walks out of the Hatching Grounds, to the Bowl.
R'dall has left.

Mirrari shakes her head, "Oh dear, I think that egg's having a bit of trouble..wouldn't you say?" she asks and then turns at the sound of Randall Impressing, "Whoo R'dall!"

Toppling over on it's side, an odd crack forms along the area of the lock and seam of the Treasure Chest Egg. The top gets pushed off, giving the appearance of being lifted, and reveals the wet wings and head of a young Queen.

Benevolent Twilight Gold Hatchling:
Soft buttery hide flashes brilliantly like the stars in the midnight heaven. Pinpoints of topaz and citrine and amber sparkle golden across muscular flanks and showers of tawny cadmium and aureate primrose are scattered from eye-ridges down her neck. Her hide is a myriad of different golds and yellows mixed to become a vibrant twilight without the evening blues and blacks. Long wings and transparent sails are dotted with silver streaks and straw-colored ticks like a star-shower. The long sinuous tail that seems to constantly writhe behind her like a skirt caught in a wind is a creamy flavous in color and also marked with sparkling speckles of brighter gold and amber. She moves with a grace akin to the wind and though her gait is that of a dragon, she shifts and turns and almost makes as if she were flying across the ground. Careful movements give her a comme il faut and genteel demeanor.

Redus whoops, but not loudly, for R'dall. "Teth? That's a good name."

Teth hops on the spot keenly, and follows out

Teth leaves the sands, walking up the stairs to the galleries.
Teth has left.

Ember can't help but burst out laughing when she realizes what Rytran has said, and she's jumping and cheering again, "Teth, did you hear? Yay R'dall!"

Carianna cries out happily as she cheers for R'dall. "He's beautiful! Congrats!"

Jamison grins at Jenna. "He's going to be a handful to take care of. That's pretty obvious."

P'ter snugs Leah to him, giving her a delighted hug, "Look at her!"

Mirrari waves the pair off the sands and turns in time to see the queen hatch from the Treasure Chest Egg, "Oh my.. she breaths.

Xiang grimaces as she misses another name, querying her neighbour. "R'dall and Teth." is repeated softly before her gaze goes back to the remaining eggs... and the gold. "Well, well, well. That'll make some betters unhappy."

A light-coloured egg begins to rock slowly from stir in its wallow, languidly. It's a slow process, at least at first, with the hairline cracks edging over the Pastel Quilt surface. A slow and steady process. In the meanwhile, someone^s not nearly so patient. The Hidden Encampment Egg begins to shake, only vibrating at first but building up to some violent rocking in short order. And then a blue hatchling erupts from it, shaking free of the shards of egg and trotting tempestuously off toward the Candidates. Not nearly so dramatic, the Pastel Quilt egg splits neatly in three pieces, a small green holding her wings carefully as she steps free. She's far more placid (as placid as something with gnawing, painful hunger can be) as she makes her way down to the Candidates. The dragons nearly bump into each other, the green abruptly hisses viciously at the blue, who backs off. That done, the green continues toward the Candidates, selecting a girl from Weavercraft with a tear-streaked face. The blue warbles a few times, seeming confused, but eventually ends up with a Igen Weyr boy with blue eyes. Their names are announced, green and blue both, by their new lifemates.

Carianna ohs as she catches sight of the newest hatchling. "She looks like she has good lines, lets see who does she remind you of? I'm guessing Rain." A soft chuckle follows.

Rytran hops back and forth, grinning exultantly at his fellow candidates, as one dragonet after another finds his or her lifemate. He rubs his hands together, eyeing the careening hatchlings.

Jenna nods to Jamison, "No kidding!" Then the gasps and ohs penetrate the chaos, and she catches Xiang's words, laughing, "Me among 'em! Raeche is going to be after my hide after this. Or Kate will. I'm not sure who I actually made the bet with."

The very smallest egg, a slate one with a sort of blocky white marking, the Little House Egg, shivers. And then, it's writhing in place, its occupant not making a very good attempt to actually break the shell. It pauses for a moment, as if reconsidering a plan, and then begins to rock more steadily, from side to side. That does the trick, cracks spiraling out from the center of the white House marking. It pauses again, that's enough of that, and then a green snout punches through the egg, shiny clear membrane sticking to the hatchling as she clambers out of the egg. She's tiny, and several of the candidates sigh with typical admiration of cuteness. The green waddles down toward a throng of girls, one of which doesn't quite get out of the way quickly enough. Such a tiny thing has claws still, and five bright red streaks appear on the girl's leg. She cries out, grabbing at one of her friends for support with a wince and teary eyes, as the green continues on to a stern-looking girl from Half Circle Sea Hold. The girl calls out the green's name and begins to walk off the sands with her, while the hurt Candidate is quickly ushered away by some healers to tend to her wounds, which aren't so serious but will need bandaging.

K'fen walks onto the sands from the Bowl entrance.
K'fen has arrived.

Redus' gaze follows Teth off the sands then he turns to look at what all the 'Oh's are about. "Hey. Check her out." he says, actually pointing to the Gold hatchling. "Yeah...She looked like that in the living cavern just a while ago."

Rebellious Shadow Egg rolls again so that the dark shadow is once again visible as further cracks marr the once smooth shell, a soft sound of frustration is the only other evidence of the struggle to hatch that is going on within the egg.

Benevolent Twilight Gold Hatchling lifts her regal head, settling down to the sands for a moment, wet wings spread to dry. She looks around, creeling a little before looking up at Jinieth and then Aisheth. She stares at them for a moment before turning her attention to the groups of figures on the sands. She blinks, all her eyelids closing off her sight for just a moment. She opens them again and her swirling gaze is clear as she lurches to her feet, creeling a question to the group of nearby figures.

Ember has to reach for Rytran's hand, now, the Impression of half her friends leaving her scattered. She whispers to him, softly as can be whispered over the din, "Just hold my hand until yours is shelled, okay?" She tries to swallow again, but her eyes are tracing the lines of the graceful Gold arrival.

With a quiver and a quake, the Tree With a Face Egg begins to move. The elderly gentleman's face on the egg seems to be winking at the Candidates, then at the Stands, and then at the Candidates again as it rocks from side to side. The blue inside puts a stop to the old man's teasing, thrusting a claw through the egg and wriggling it to produce a hole. Digits curl up through the hole and grasp the egg, pulling down to crack off a larger piece. Structural integrity lost, the blue makes short work of his egg and plunks down into the sand with a warble. Red eyes swirling, he rises up and totters toward the Candidates. It's a girl from Tillek he chooses, darting straight for her without a doubt in his mind. She's got a grin on her freckled face as she calls out her Lifemate's name, radiant with joy.

Xiang's gaze follows the greens, unsmiling as she watches them Impress. "I think I'm glad I didn't wager on anything." is returned to Jenna pessimistically. The gold is given a cautious glance. She's bigger than all the rest were.

Rytran takes Ember's hand and squeezes it, beaming broadly at his friend. "I will hold your hand until /both/ of our lifemates find us, Ember." One eye is on the gold, however, and he appears to be silently mumbling something.

The Rebellious Shadow Egg, after it's occupant's attempts to free itself, sits rather still all of the sudden. Perhaps it is time to regroup, to come up with another plan to find a way out of this mess. A few short moments pass before it seems the dragon within has indeed made a scheme to escape. 'Tick tick tick' can be heard as the brave denizen attempts to free itself from this vault of a home. A tail unexpectedly slashes through the shell like a sword cutting through air! The Rebellious Shadow Egg shatters to the sands, its shards gathering around the dragon like loyal followers, and reveals a loud, excited bronze Hatchling.

Insouciant Burnished Panpipe Bronze:
The thick and humid waves of heat can not mask the beauty of this bronze dragon as he steps away from his shards. If something so subtle can be determined now, one would swear he were regarding the Candidates with an air of daring, almost amused as they gaze upon him. Tilting his head betrays a wash of coppery-green that dances from the tip of his jaw, along its underside and up across his muzzle. Continued gazing along the path of his neck and back ridges reveals a casting of bronze so pure that it tempts the onlooker to believe this creature truly fused together rather than birthed of dragons. Outstretching his wings and giving them a curious looking over affords a view at their coloring as well. Hints of plumb lines bleed down his wingsails cutting swaths into the bleached-wood hues that saturate them. His tail fades back to that brassy olive so prominent along his muzzle. The only phenomenon that mars this lyrical vision is that of his eyes. Sanguine and amethyst whorl amidst each other there, his seemingly carefree charade shattered. His hunger for not only food, but a lifemate as well, are betrayed by that gaze.

Rytran gives a small gasp as the bronze bursts forth from his shell. He gives the handsomely burnished hatchling a respectful nod, though he is certain the hungry creature doesn't see him. He turns to Ember again, giving her hand another squeeze.

The large, black and white Fluffy Mop Egg jerks once, twice, and lays still. And then it's moving again, twitching from side to side, wobbling about on the sands as the dragon within enthusiastically makes his escape attempt. It doesn't take long before success, one foot kicks through, clawed toes flexing before withdrawing to kick again. The shell is battered off the blue dragonet, who rolls onto all fours in the shard-strewn sand with a keening wail. Eyes swirl a hungry red, rendering the cobalt blue more fearsome. He stalks toward the Candidates, stopping in front of a girl who is mincing about uncomfortably. She stops, flat-footed, as their eyes meet and Impression takes place. Feet forgotten, her dragon's hunger washing over her and taking precedence over her own needs, she calls out his name and confirms that, yes, she'll be feeding him in moments.

Redus has to shake his head as he sees more Impressions happen and to clear his mind of his other problem. "It's happening so fast...but it could be a little faster." he says as he dances more and swivels his head to see the newest bronze hatchling. "I have no idea who that one looks like...You?"

Ember takes that one hand in both of hers now, muttering an apology at how wet they are, but not letting go a fraction. She sighs out the nervous jitter, "Ah, Rytran. What a lovely pair they are."

Insouciant Burnished Panpipe Bronze is -finally- free of that shell. He turns quickly, actually surprising quickly for a newly hatched dragon, in order to give one more haughty look at those shards, ha! that will teach you. He takes three confident steps away from what is left of the shell before he starts to look around, hmmm, well, well, look at all this.

Mirrari blinks as the bronze explodes onto the sands. "Oh my he's cute!" she murmres, but turns back to watch the gold drying her wings, and then backs up a step as the gold starts her quest.

Benevolent Twilight Gold Hatchling is searching now, she can feel that one she needs is maybe near. She creels again, she's hungry, she's wet, and she really wants to get this over with. The one she is looking for has to be nearby, surely it must be once of these? Her head swings along a line of candidates, then away with a snort. No, none of these, these are not the ones. She steps towards another group. The /she/ that she searches has to be here somewhere. Her head pivots on her fine neck, and finally fixates, the gold lowering her head and her creel becoming piteous, speaking of her twin hungers, that of the stomach and that of the mind.

Jenna jogs in place, swiping at the sweat trickling down her neck and running a hand distractedly through her hair, putting it in complete disarray, despite the cord wrapped snugly in place as a headback. Blonde locks hang in her eyes, and she blows them away. "Oooh! Jami, he's a handsome one, isn't he? -- Hey! Did you see that blue?"

Carianna's eyes light up as another bronze appears. She takes a deep breath and smiles her best smile in hopes of winning at least a look from it. "Oh.. he's beautiful.. oh..." Her dance continues as she tries to keep her eyes on the many dragonets being sure to step out of the way if one comes too close. "I'm thinking." She whispers in reply.

The sumptuous, glossy Captain's Quarters Egg begins to totter in place, rolling onto its side before beginning to buck more urgently. Claws scrabble over the inside of the shell, rapid and frantic. The egg buckles in one place, and then a snout bursts through. The brown warbles, bits of shell clinging to his rich hide as he lopes away from his egg, paws flailing a little in the trecherous sand. Ungainly, awkward, he wanders the line of Candidates for a time, warbling and warbling, until he comes across a blonde girl from a small cothold near Southern Boll. She pulls a piece of shell lodged between his claws free, her declaration of his name almost absent, an afterthought tacked on. Her thoughts are on making him comfortable and easing his hunger, after all.

Jamison smiles and nods at Jenna as he shifts from foot to foot, trying to ignore the heat. "Oh, and look at the Gold... She's beautiful too."

Xiang stares at the bronze for a long moment. "Another one. Oh dear." is said, rather nervously. The stress of being out here in the heat is rather wearing.

Rytran's head swivels about as he gives each of the remaining girls a glance, his eye tracing a path between the tottering young queen and the eager eyes of the female candidates. He smiles at his feet for a moment, then turns his attention back toward the lovely bronze. He mumbles to Jamison and Jenna, "He's splendid, don't you think?"

N'sales watches, a smile playing off his lips as one by one the eggs hatch and impress to candidates. He nods to the two riders beside him, "They are all splendid don't you think? I think Aisheth and Jinieth must be exceedingly proud."

A fine rain of sand shakes off the Teddy Bear Egg as it starts to oscillate. More of the clumps of sand drift down off the surface of the egg as the movement becomes more pronounced. A gooey claw pokes out near the top, wiggling in place, then withdrawing to chip away, widening the opening. Slowly, the claw works, disappearing for a moment while a blue snout appears. Nostrils flare, and the blue pushes against the shell, but the hole isn't big enough yet. With a resigned grunt, the snout withdraws, and the claws reappear to chip some more at the egg's tough shell. Once the hole is wide enough to permit all the claws to work on it, the task goes much more quickly. The blue cracks the shell, shoving aside the pieces and warbling proudly. Triumph is fleeting, it's hard to be proud of yourself when you're desperately hungry. Gait uneven, the blue toddles toward the Candidates, nearly tripping over his own wing at one point. He completes his journey by faceplanting at the feet of a stocky boy from Benden Weyr. The boy, surprised, moves to help the blue up, hardly daring to hope, and that is when the blue's eyes shine purple. He has Impressed the boy, who shouts the blue's name while helping his Lifemate to his feet again and leading him off the sands.

Carianna ohs as it finally hits her. "I know, how about L'nan? You know how he always looks like he just woke up." A smile follows her words as she looks over to the other candidates then tries to bring her thoughts back to avoiding sharp claws.

Insouciant Burnished Panpipe Bronze stops to get things into focus, noting all the white robed candidates but, oh ho.. that is interesting too. He examines the young gold, mm hmm, right, that can wait. He standing once again taking a few more steps closer to the remaining candidates. His wings flitter on his back in a bit of restless energy even as he attempts to look cool and collected.

Leah peers around P'ter to grin at N'sales as her weyrmate does his own job this day. Oh, she's noticed him alright, but her attention is quickly turned again to the gold and bronze on the Sands as they try to find their lifemates.

Rytran lets out a guttural laugh as he sees the little bronze give the baby queen the eye. He grins, "Ha! Good show, lad! She /is/ beautiful, isn't she?" He winks at his friends.

Redus watches the Queen search the crowd as he stands on one foot for a moment and scratches his shin. He chuckles at Carianna's suggestion and nods, glancing back at the bronze. "Well, that one just woke up so..Woah.." He has to put his foot down as he teeters. "Look he's up."

Quite suddenly, a snout breaks through the Stolen Kiss Egg, which was hardly moving at all. The green inside might be a surreptitious sort, her efforts at breaking away her shell unnoticed until now. Her cover blown, she creels once, shaking her head wildly to crack her egg's shell further. Making short work of that, she emerges, and frankly, she's not the best looking of her species. Truthfully? She's on the ugly side. Stubby limbs, short neck, short tail: she doesn't get so many admiring glances as her brethren as she waddles along, save for one rather nondescript girl who bursts away from her cohorts and races out to meet the green halfway, calling out her name. The green croons lovingly at her Lifemate, shoving her head against the girl's hip. The girl, who is from Tannercraft Hall, nearly topples into the sand. Alarmed, the green squawks, but the girl rights herself and calms the green, stroking her snout before leading her off the sands.

Jenna nods to Rytran, squeezing Jamison's hand lightly. "Oooh! And there goes another blue. Wasn't that boy from Benden? I couldn't see before they were off the sands to tell who it was." She blows again at blonde hair, trying to keep it out of her eyes.

Benevolent Twilight Gold Hatchling suddenly becomes silent. She peers with untapped depths of dignity at those in front of her. She sits back on her rear, blinking again, taking it carefully. She knows she is near and its just a matter of time. And why should she rush about, should they not be presented to /her/ in turn that she may choose? She snorts heavily, perhaps upset that she has to do all this work so soon after hatching. Slowly now she scans the faces, she listens to the voices. She's searching for that one mind that all dragons find they can connect with.

Ember chokes out a cough of a laugh, muttering again, "And we all know who THAT reminds us of, do we not, Rtyran?" She makes another go at hopping, the sands slushing under her sandals.

Mirrari chuckles at the bronze's actions and nods to Ember as her feet shuffle, "Indeed, Ember.. a certain Telgeri, don't you think?" she says with a wink.

Insouciant Burnished Panpipe Bronze has failed to notice, but he trails just a bit of shell stuck to the tip of his tail but as he catches a bit of white out of the corner of his eye he whirls around again only to find the offending shell is not there anymore. Of course it is still stuck on his tail but something else has caught his attention.. yup short attention span and all. Stomping across the sands he seems to have finally decided something that he won't be distracted from.

The steely gray Tin Thimble egg tosses to the side, rolling a short ways and lying still. It gives nother pitch, the other way, but without rolling this time. It jerks violently, and finally, the tumultation produces cracks in the egg, an opportunity immediately seized by the green inside. She shoves her head out, swings it one way, then the other way. Alright, coast is clear! She steps out, wings folding, resembling a Lord Holder's daughter at her first Gather of age. Stately, she makes her way down to an exceedingly plain girl from Crom, crooning a greeting as her eyes whirl deep purple. The girl, shocked, cries out the green's name. Another match made.

Rytran cocks a brow toward Ember, eyes widening as if he has /no/ idea what she is talking about. One could almost see a halo forming over his head, if there were such a thing on Pern. But then he relaxes and grins a little.

Xiang watches the Tin Thimble egg crack and yet another green locate her lifemate. There isn't many of them left and she worries at her lip as she regards the emptying sands. Cautious, she gives the gold another glance but she isn't moving right now.

It's a moment that lasts forever and one as sudden as the cold wind brushing the back of your neck. Coolness encircles you and drowns out the overwhelming warmth of the sands. It coddles you and protects you from the chaos of all that is happening and you are alone. But no, you are not alone, you are one. You feel that stable presence, that caring entity as it slowly and sweetly enters into your thoughts. And then that voice, clear as a mountain spring, says to you, << Jenna! Jenna! I knew you would find me! You just had to look in the right place! >> The voice is excited, but warm and welcoming and then, << You know, you look exactly the way I thought you would. Oh, a little taller perhaps, but then... >> And a sound like laughing enters your head, becomes part of you, infuses your very being. << My name is Niyath.>> She adds at last.

After meticulous scrutiny of all the girls on the Sands, the choice becomes obvious to the Benevolent Twilight Gold Hatchling. She makes her way over to Jenna and plants herself there decisively, churring up at the girl.

Insouciant Burnished Panpipe Bronze seems to pause in front of a certain someone. With a HUMPH! he sits on his haunches, even seems to tap a foot waiting to be notice. Finally, he just gives a draconic clearing of his throat, then a trumpet to Rytran!

Jamison catches his breath and turns to stare at Jenna as the Gold stares at her. "Oh, Jenna..."

Ember quickly releases Rytran's hands as she watches the Bronze approaching, her breath caught.

Rytran watches the little gold approach Jenna with an incandescent smile. He is just about to call his congratulations to her when he hears something trumpet at him. Or some one. He wheels about, his mouth agape. "What?" he blurts.

Xiang finds another smile. "Jenna." she says softly, obviously pleased with the Impression. "Oooh, and Rytran!"

P'ter starts forwards a step, trying to see who impressed to the gold. He can't see, too many people in the way. He looks up to Aiseth to tell him.

Jenna was just starting to fidget again, and then her eyes are drawn to the form just before her. Her jaw drops, absently turning loose of Jamison. Overwhelmed would put it mildly. "Niyath? Oh, yes. Yes! We found each other! Am I taller? I -" She stops, for once not babbling, and just reaches a shaking hand to sooth the queen's eyeridges. "My Niyath."

Carianna ohs and cheers as more impressions are made then winces as the heat from the sand continue to make its self known to her. She laughs as she watches the hatchling though then cheers again. "Oh Jenna your so lucky. You too Rytran! Congrats to the both of you."

Redus hops up and down, feet together, as he watches more. The bronze's choice is clear and he smiles, stopping his hopping then the smile grows wider as Jenna is approached. "Oh! Shells. Hooray for you both!"

N'sales's eyes go wide as the gold then the bronze both make decisions. He calls out congratulations and nods to Milque and K'fen, a satisfied smug look on his face. He gives Leah a quick glance before motioning Rytran to escort his new lifemate over.

Milque gives the new weyrling a long moment together before she approaches, "Jenna, if you and Niyath will come this way, the barracks are ready and waiting with food and oil for her."

Milque walks out of the Hatching Grounds, to the Bowl.
Milque has left.

Niyath mindspeaks to you << I am hungry Jenna. I am wet too, but hungry, oh so hungry! >>

N'sales comes up to The new pair and smiles, "We have food for him if you would follow me."

N'sales walks out of the Hatching Grounds, to the Bowl.
N'sales has left.

Mirrari blinks as both dragons make there Impression, "Ry!" she calls happily for her friend, sniffing happily. "Oh and Jenna, Congrats!"

Rytran gasps, unable to speak for a long moment as he drops to his knees. Tears streaming hotly down his flushed cheeks, he hollers, "Yes, Eishith! I have food for you!" He runs a hand down the long, bronze neck.

N'sales walks onto the sands from the Bowl entrance.
N'sales has arrived.

The final, lone egg, the Crystal Clear Waters egg, finally begins to rock. It takes it's time as slowly the chipping sounds from inside appear to make a difference on the outter shell. Small pieces begin to fall away, then a larger piece, then another few smaller ones until the green inside can squeeze her way out through the hole she's made. Leaving her partially intact shell behind, she shakes off the wetness and begins her trek across the hot Sands. She's patient, this one, taking her time to look over every single Candidate before cocking her head at a particular girl from Igen River Hold. A delicate croon erupts from her as the tall, raven-haired girl calls out her name and falls to her knees. The last pair of the clutch Impressed.

Jenna nods dazedly, hands wandering over golden hide, already brushing at egg goo. "Yes. Yes! Hungry and a bath and - we both need a bath!" She looks up to Milque and nods, following along.

You walk off the sands, escaping to the cooler floor of the Bowl.
Fort Weyr Bowl, northeastern area
The Bowl of Fort Weyr, a large, featureless plain surrounded by steep mountain cliffs, stretches out before you. It is vaguely oval in shape, long from southwest to northeast; you're standing near the wall at its northern end.
Off to the northwest is the long path leading up to the Junior Queens' Weyrs, while steps to the north lead to the Weyrleader Complex. From here you can see in to the Hatching Grounds to the east, and the steps leading up to the gallery stands in the Grounds to the southeast. Stretching off to the southwest is the center of the bowl, where the Lower Caverns, Weyrling Barracks, lake and Feeding Grounds can be seen.

Eishith walks off the sands.
Eishith has arrived.
Niyath walks off the sands.
Niyath has arrived.

Elynth gives a little warble to the young queen.

Milque starts out along the Bowl's western wall, heading towards the weyrling barracks.
Milque has left.
R'tran walks off the sands.
R'tran has arrived.

You go west along the wall, following the curve south towards the weyrling barracks.
Fort Weyr Bowl, by the weyrling barracks
The Bowl of Fort Weyr, a large, nearly featureless plain surrounded by steep mountain cliffs, stretches out before you. It is vaguely oval in shape, long from the southwest to the northeast; you are standing near the wall northwest of its center. To the west is a cavern, carved into the cliffside, where newly-Impressed dragonriders live with their young dragons before they have been fully trained. When they join a regular fighting Wing, the young riders are ready to inhabit weyrs of their own.
To the south is the fenced off area where the Weyr's herds are kept. Along the north rim of the bowl, to the east of here, are the junior queens and weyrleaders weyrs, and the entrance to the Hatching ground. The center of the bowl, off which is the entrance to the large living caverns, stretches out to the southeast.

S'fan rolls up onto his knees, patting Saneth's back like you might a canine. "You're perfect," he repeats. "You eat until you're done and I'll scratch you in the meantime. And then, um, I think S'phan's going to show me how to oil you."

R'tran comes along the wall from the east.
R'tran has arrived.

Niyath walks over from the center of the bowl.
Niyath has arrived.

Fort-Sands>>> Leah turns to P'ter with a grin and a sad smile, "Always a wonderful time. My goodness, did you see who Impressed? I mean, I never that that skinny Nabol lad was rider material, but obviously his new lifemate did!"

Eishith comes along the wall from the east.
Eishith has arrived.

Niyath mindspeaks to you << Jenna! Your name is Jenna! You are just right! >> There is a pause, a pause where you can see your own image from your dragon's eyes, then, << So hungry! >>

Zephyr claps her cands over her face as she is bapped by the wing of Taisoth. "Oh, its okay, you didn't hurt me. I promise." She assures her worried little lifemate and then looks toward the entrance of the barracks. "Rytran! Jenna!" she exclaims excitedly.

N'sales comes along the wall from the east.
N'sales has arrived.

Jenna comes in with Niyath, one hand still resting on her hide, and looking as though she were still in a dream. "You're hungry, I know. I've never done this before, Niyath - where's the meat someone, please? She's starving!"

Saneth submits to the patting and scratching, not seeming to mind in the least as he views the others. He munches on a few other pieces of meat slowly, until finally his eyes are whirling a calm, contented blue. Perfection is being scratched and having a full belly.

R'dall gestures to where T'eth is feeding, "Over here, Jenna."

Fort-Sands>>> Redus gives Cari's hand a squeeze as he smiles after the last of the Impressees. "There, that's done.: he says. Then he chuckles, scooping the girl in his arms. "How's yer feet?"

N'sales comes in following R'tran and bronze Eishith. He nods to S'phan and smiles. "Need a hand I see? Looks like you have your hands full with everyone." he chuckles and grabs some meat and offers it to R'tran. "Make sure he chews it now, give him all he wants."

Milque looks over all the new weyrlings and their lifemates for a moment, then leaves them in the good hands of the weyrlingmasters, going out to be with Elynth for a bit.

Milque begins the half-mile trip southeast, towards the center of the bowl.
Milque has left.

Fort-Sands>>> P'ter shakes his head, "I know .. I know. And I wouldn't of thought that the girl from Bitra would of impressed blue either." He rubs his chin, "I guess we were all in for some surprises." He turns then, suddenly hugging Leah in to a spin on the sand. "It was worth the wait."

R'tran, a veteran of many hatchings but never quite in this role, hurries to a trough where meat has been laid. He wheels a load of it back to Eishith and lays it before him worshipfully. "Here, my love...all you can eat!"

"Jenna! Rytran!" R'yat echoes Zephyr, almost bouncing from where he's sat.

Fort-Sands>>> Leah laughs and nods, then glances over at the Candidates left on the Sands. She puts on a warm smile and tugs on P'ter's arm, pulling him towards them with her.

Fort-Sands>>> Milque walks onto the sands from the Bowl entrance.
Fort-Sands>>> Milque has arrived.

Fort-Sands>>> Mirrari looks around with a smile, "Looks likt that's it." she says with a smile and nudges her cousin, "Weren't they all beautiful?"

Above the center of the bowl, Neilluth spreads his wings and launches off his ledge.
Above the center of the bowl, Neilluth spirals down towards the Center of the bowl, and backwings to a landing.

Fort-Sands>>> Ember wanders across the outtermost shards to head for Mirrari's side, a great smile on her face. "You up for a swim?"
Fort-Sands>>> Carianna laughs lightly as she wiggles her toes. "Its cooler up here but if you don't set me down Redus I may explode on you." She turns and looks over to Leah and P'ter then chuckles again. "And do it quickly before we get into trouble."

R'tran nods quickly to N'sales, slowing the pace of his feeding. He cranes his head toward the Weyrsecond, inquiring, "Is this right?"

S'phan nods. "Help would be great. Although their doing fine so far." He beams at the newcomers, especially Jenna. "Congratulations, Jenna!" He hugs her tightly for a second, then steps back, admiring the little queen.

Niyath has never done this before either, and she looks around. She can see others eating already. Before her. She creels of her hunger.

Fort-Sands>>> Xiang sighs softly, tucking her hair back behind her ears and looking pensive. "Well, that is that." is siad quietly.
Fort-Sands>>> Jamison looks around the remains of the clutch slowly and sighs.
Fort-Sands>>> Mirrari smiles and nods to Ember, "Oh deffinately.. me feet are fried!" she exclaims and lifts a foot to look at the soles, "I'm suprised the soles are intact."

Jenna ushers Niyath over to the meat, quite literally shaking her head to try to clear it. "Here we are, love. Small pieces to start, maybe?" But she pops two in her mouth quickly, "Here! I'm sorry!" The hug is barely noticed, so dazed is she.

S'fan says "I don't know. I think so. S'phan will know." He looks 'round for the brownrider, jaw dropping as he spots who's just entered. "Look! It's Jenna, and Rytran! R'tran!"

Niyath mindspeaks to you << You are mine now, and I yours. For ever this will be so. I searched so hard for you, I can feel you but I could not find. >>

J'nas calls over to R'tran, "Make sure he chews!" Hanreth warbles at Eishith and demonstrates. *chew* *chew* *chew*

N'sales nods to S'phan then to R'tran, "Yes, very good, just make sure he chews it."

Fort-Sands>>> Redus laughs and lowers Carianna to the sand again. "You had to remind me." He turns to see where the Weyrleaders are and shrugs. "How would we get in trouble?"
Fort-Sands>>> Ember bends to sneak a look, "They do not look melted!" She lifts up a foot for inspection, "How are mine?"
Fort-Sands>>> P'ter nods to Leah, tugging at the base of his jacket so it sits on him a little more formally. He strides forwards, motioning people to come over towards himself and Leah.
Fort-Sands>>> P'ter has partially disconnected.
Fort-Sands>>> Jamison moves toward the Weyrleaders slowly.

Jenna drops to her knees near Niyath's head, putting meat rapidly into the young queen's mouth, echoing, "Chew - right, be sure to, Niyath." She demonstrates for her lifemate, and then says, "I waited for you, love. And we'll always be together now!"

Eishith looks down into the tub the back at R'tran.

Niyath chews, coughing a little at the first taste.

Fort-Sands>>> Leah calls out to those still standing on the Sands, "Gather about, everyone, please. We want to tell you how wonderful you all are. Both P'ter and I have been very blessed by your presence here at Fort Weyr."

Niyath mindspeaks to you << Chew like this? >>

Fort-Sands>>> Mirrari inspects Ember's soles, "They look intact..." Oops, Weyrleaders are beckoning. She grabs her cousin and heads over to the pair.

Makai comes along the wall from the east.
Makai has arrived.

R'tran bobs his head eagerly to Eishith, dangling a dripping chuck of raw herdbeast before the young bronze maw. "Yep, love! Just take it into your mouth and chew! Don't forget to chew!"

Fort-Sands>>> Carianna steps over to the Weyrleaders trying hard to keep more sand from bothering her feet. She nods as she listens then smiles.
Fort-Sands>>> Redus ambles over to the rest of the group to listen.

Makai waves. "Congratulations everyone!!" before heading off again.

Fort-Sands>>> Ember follows up behind, taking a younger Candidate under her arm.
Fort-Sands>>> Xiang grimaces. Hot sands, long hatchings... she wants a bath. But she moves over to listen patiently to Leah and P'ter.

L'nan comes along the wall from the east.
L'nan has arrived.

Jenna nods encouragingly to Niyath. "Right. Only without the coughing - you didn't catch a cold in that shell, did you?" She adds belatedly, "Then you swallow it." She demonstrates as well, hand moving to soothe egg goop away from eyeridges.

Eishith takes the piece of meat carefully from R'tran, rolling it around on his tongue to savour the taste of the blood before he begins to chew.

L'nan walks in grinning from ear to ear, shaking his head as he takes in each of the new weyrlings. He winks at S'phan. "Anything I can do to help?" he calls.

Makai smiles at L'nan. "Gonna help out here I see. Actually, is there anything I can do?"

Fort-Sands>>> P'ter clears his throat. "Well. That was the second hatching I've had the pleasure of attending here at Fort, and this, as the first time, has to be the hardest part of any hatching, for any Weyrleader anywhere and certainly for me personally." He tugs at his jacket again, "We've been living with you now for quite a while, getting to know you as candidates. And Leah and I have talked about you all of course and well, I want to give you this offer. All of you, each and ever one of you, is welcome to remain at this Weyr. Fort will be glad indeed if you decide to stay with us."

S'phan laughs at the two newcomers. "Keep an eye on the hatchlings, make sure they're chewing. Um...and whatever else N'sales needs you to do."

R'tran giggles almost girlishly, his neck almost sore from nodding. "That's it! Delicious, isn't it? Do you want more?" He holds out a somewhat larger chunk, the blood dripping onto his shoes.

Saneth settles back onto his haunches, eyes drooping closed as S'fan frantically scratches the blue from headknob to tailtip. "See? You can't eat all the food, I told you so. Will you be all right here if I go find oil, or should I see if someone'll bring it?""

Fort-Sands>>> P'ter says "I know this offer is viewed at times of something of a tradition. Well, I say tradition be hanged. I'm not saying this out of tradition." He raises an eyebrow in question, "That understood?"

R'yat contemplates each faces of his friends. Close to Randoth, he nods several times as if to realize. "Everything's perfect, Sir." He finally says to S'phan.

Fort-Sands>>> Leah nods in agreement, "We'll get you a cot of your own and find a job for you to do regularly. We feel each of you is a part of Fort Weyr and we hope you will stay here with us."

Taisoth tucks her young little wings back safely in where she can't hit anyone and garbles a croon to her clutchmates. Menewhile, Zephyr beams a bright smile to L'nan as he enters the barracks. Looking back at Taisoth she says, "No, I don't think so."

Makai beams. "I can do that!" he watches the dragonet's ecstatically and watches the new riders feed their lifemates. "Wow...." is all he can say before helping out a young girl and her lifemate get some oil.

Niyath leans her head in lovingly to Jenna when she goes to remove the goo. She chews some more before swallowing, not coughing again.

Niyath mindspeaks to you << You are so kind. You know so much! >>

Hanreth finally stops eating and takes time to nuzzle J'nas as he is oiling a wingsail. J'nas smiles at his lifemate, "Yes, we will learn a lot together. We have a whole lifetime to do it."

S'phan checks to make sure there's enough meat for the newest hatchlings, then supervises a pair of weyrlings attempting to oil their newly hatched dragons.

Jenna pushes faintly bloody hands through her hair, only then sitting back on haunches and looking around the barracks. "We impressed." her tone is wondering for a moment, and then she hugs Niyath's neck carefully and says louder, "We impressed, guys! Shells and shards!" Hands move more automatically now, handing meat over regularly, "I don't know everything, love. We'll learn together though!"

Fort-Sands>>> Ember leans to whisper to Mirrari and Nan with a hint of a giggle, "It is good to know I will not be asked to leave." A reassuring squeeze is then given to the girl beside her. "No, really. They do mean it. How do you feel about Stewards?"
Fort-Sands>>> Carianna starts to wiggle again as she listens then winces. "Can we use the necessities now Ma'am?" she whispers.

Makai smiles at L'nan, then realizes suddenly. "Oh, shells, I have CHORES to finish before supper!!!" He wavies quickly to everyone and smiles gleamingly at L'nan. "So, before I go, I have to ask, is K'fen a great kisser?" he smiles.

Fort-Sands>>> Mirrari chuckles at Ember's comment and nods to the girl, "It depends.. are you talking about Solant?" she asks with a wink.
Fort-Sands>>> P'ter continues, "Equally, its not an obligation, but I did want to take this chance to give you this opportunity right away."

R'tran, while Eishith is busy chewing, wheels the cart filled with fresh meat directly under the young dragon's nose, saying, "Here! Take all of it you want! I have something else I KNOW you'll like!" With that, he takes up a pitcher of oil, pours some onto a soft brush, and begins to every-so-gently stroke the precious liquid across the gorgeous hide. " you like that?"

J'nas winces and is about to point out the blood in Jenna's hair buy is distracted when Hanreth begins to croon at him. He turns his attention to the hatchling and scratches his eyeridge lovingly.

L'nan grins and makes his rounds, helping one lad get some goo of his new lifemates tail, and another girl to wipe sand from her beautiful green. He approaches S'fan and grins at him and the blue. He steadfastly ignores Makai's question, doing his best not to blush. "Off with you," he shooes the boy away. "And don't forget, no more barracks-wandering, all right?" Then attention turns back to S'fan and Saneth.

Fort-Sands>>> Redus has to laughs. "Me first." he says to Carianna, having nodded as he listens to P'ter and Leah.

Eishith, having finished that first bit of meat, considers the bowl for a moment as though estimating his best plan of attack. Cocking his shimmering wedge-shaped head to one side, he approaches the bowl delicately and then, without further ado, plunges his head into it. Big bites. Good food.

Fort-Sands>>> Ember laughs up from the younger girl with the tears, tucked under her arm, to readdress Mirrari, "If you tell me Solant is the only steward you like, my feelings will be crushed."

Niyath mindspeaks to you << You are a wise lifemate Jenna, and we shall learn so much together. And we shall fly together, and be together and learn together. >> A pause, a love filled pause, << I am very happy >>

Makai pouts a little, wondering if L'nan thinks he's some sort of child instead of just a month or two older than him, and runs off to leave.

Makai sets out across the northern reaches of the Bowl, towards the area around the junior and senior queens' weyrs and the Hatching Ground.
Makai has left.

Fort-Sands>>> Mirrari shakes her head, "Nay nay, I only meant that if you are offering Solant as an example of Stewards, I'm going to be very scared.."

S'fan cricks his head up at L'nan, fingers still automatically searching out every itchy cranny and crevice. "'Lo, sir. Saneth, this is L'nan. His lifemate's a blue, too." Saneth stre-tches his neck up toward the older bluerider, his butt plopping onto the ground. "Stay here, I'll go get you some oil."

Fort-Sands>>> P'ter blinks, puzzled about all this talk about stewards, but looking from face to face.

Eishith has been doing a fantastic job of gorging himself, but as the oil goes on he pauses, a deep rumbling croon both sound and felt throughout his body, even his tailtip tensing with pleasure. Obviously, he approves. But the meat too, that cannot wait. His red-streaked muzzle dives into the pile once more.

L'nan chuckles, watching Saneth with a grin. "He's a lovely color," he calls after S'fan. After a long, fond moment of watching the hatchling, he moves on to the next - who happens to be R'dall. "Need anything? Seem to be doing all right... congratulations."

Fort-Sands>>> Leah continues, "If any of you decide to stay at Fort Weyr, please tell us. If you'd rather leave and go elsewhere, though we'll miss you terribly, you're welcome to do that as well and we will provide you with a ride. So please, tell us as soon as possible what your decision is."

Jenna's smile can't possibly get any wider. "Oh, Niyath, so am I - is the empty in your stomach getting any better?" She hands over some more meat, hands never still, stroking and exploring Niyath's hide and pulling away bits of egg goo before it can completely dry.

Randoth echoes immediately his clutchsib by adding a low warble. R'yat shakes his head again and smiles. "Hey you're not alone in here."

Niyath mindspeaks to you << I am not longer hungry, not sooo hungry. Can I stop eating now? >>

R'dall shakes his head at L'nan, "He's just about done stuffing his face, I think. I, on the other hand, am exhausted."

Above the northeastern area, Herath flies out of the aerial entrance to the Hatching Ground cavern.
Above the northeastern area, Herath wings up farther into the sky.

Fort-Sands>>> "I gotta go." Redus says kinda abruptly as he crosses his legs.
Fort-Sands>>> Ember smoothes out her robe as she glances to Mirrari, "Are you back to Telgar, then? I would miss you if you leave."

High above the bowl, Herath disappears into Between.

Fort-Sands>>> Leah nods to Redus, "Back to High Reaches?"
Fort-Sands>>> P'ter nods, "In fact I'm sure we can arrange most accomodation right now and..." He peers at Redus, "You mean you gotta go relieve yourself or that you have to go and go as in leave?" He tilts his head in question

S'fan pushes himself to his feet, giving Saneth a reassuring pat and a, "Stay here, I'll be right back." Before the blue can protest he's heading toward the oil, bringing back a bucket and a brush to deposit both beside his lifemate. "This is oil. No, you'll like it. No, you can't eat it," he adds, gently pushing at inquisitive muzzle. "No, it's oil for /you/. Yes, I'll get oily too, but it's... it's your oil. Taisoth won't take it from you."

Fort-Sands>>> Carianna giggles as she hears Redus then dips a curtsey to Leah. "I have my baking duties Ma'am. Being posted to Reaches so I'll return to that but I'm sure there will be time for visits."
Fort-Sands>>> Redus umms. "Both eventually..One is more urgent than the other, Sir...Ma'am."
Fort-Sands>>> Mirrari smiles and shakes her head, "I don't know.. I don't want to make rash promises as I descend from all the excitement." Nan nudges her cousin and whispers in her ear, and Mirrari looks at the girl in disbelief, "You're staying Nan? That's great!"

Jenna nods. "Course, love." She abandons the meat back into the pail and looks around a trifle anxiously for a weyrlingmaster or another rider, "What do we do after we've eaten? I mean, they've eaten?" Then, "Oh! Ry! You got that bronze!" Master of the obvious. Hand still can't leave Niyath's hide, smoothing over every curve and line and working her way down to the tail.

R'tran scurries toward Eishith's hindquarters, responding to imperative, and takes the hatching's tail into his hand lightly, sweeping a dollop of oil over the still-damp hide. "Oh, what a /fine/ tail, lad! I've never SEEN such a tail!"

Eishith gives his tail a flip just as R'tran was smearing oil on it, and somehow -- really, people must be more careful -- a big smear of oil ends up on his rider's head. The young bronze croons apologetically, turning his head -- but that glance is more mischievously amused than anything else. Oil is good for everyone, isn't it?

L'nan chuckles, nodding to the brown and musing to R'dall, "Well, just remember that you're going to be feeling a lot of what he is. So that might be /his/ exhaustion too. Make sure he's oiled, fed, and comfortable, and then you can take a short nap - I'm sure he'll wake you." He grins, and moves on. He pauses as R'tran makes his tail announcement and he grins. "Everythign all right, questions, anything?" he repeats his mantra.

Fort-Sands>>> Ember brightens at that declaration, then makes one of her own, "I get to sleep in my own bed again!" She wipes her free hand over her eyes, "Oh my, will Rain be relieved."
Fort-Sands>>> K'fen quietly slip away.

K'fen comes along the wall from the east.
K'fen has arrived.

J'nas is sitting on the floor, oiling Hanreth legs. He laughs as the brown whuffles hi hair, "Hey! That tickles!"

S'phan finds himself standing next to L'nan. "Doesn't this bring back memories?" He murmurs to the other rider.

Above the northeastern area, Lysseth flies out of the aerial entrance to the Hatching Ground cavern.
Above the northeastern area, Lysseth wings up farther into the sky.
High above the bowl, Lysseth disappears into Between.

R'tran beams over at Jenna, bending slightly at the waist to see her as he kneels behind Eishith. "Yes, isn't he a handsome lad? And you, Jen....the gorgeous queen. She is exquisite." He pulls himself to his feet, gently laying Eishith's tail behind him on his couch. "And /everyone/....congratulations! Your lifemates are magnificent!"

Niyath mindspeaks to you << I itch now Jenna. >> She grunts a little unlady like as you find an itchy spot and she leans against you, hard. << Yes. It is there that I itch. >>

R'yat cheers at R'tran's last words.

K'fen strides from the sands and idly dusts his tunic on his way. Then he stops a moment, spots N'lan and S'phan and walks toward them. "Well, looks like a nice bunch," he idly remarks.

L'nan turns his head, though his eyes, settled on R'tran and his bronze, never move. He replies to S'phan, "It does, aye. I remember Alirath wouldn't stop talkin' t'me, not for one second." He chuckles, then calls, "Any questions, anything you need help with? Jenna, is she full?"

R'tran sputters for an instant after he finds /himself/ oiled along with his new lifemate! Chortling, he runs his hand over Eishith's soft hide as he makes his way back toward the hatchling's head. He murmurs, "Thank you, Eishith. I needed to be oiled as well. You are wonderful lifemate!" Giving Eishith's headknob a little scritch, he leans over to check on the status of the raw meat.

S'fan dips the brush into the oil and dubiously watches it drip back into the bucket. "What do I do with this? Just scrub him like he's a pot? ...No, silly, you're not a pot. What's a pot? Well, um, a pot's sort of like this bucket. It holds things." Bucket is brandished, oiling temporarily forgotten. "See?"

Jenna woahs a bit, as Niyath leans into her. She starts to scratch at the spot on the queen's hide, where the egg goop is still a bit thick. "She itches - oh, right, oil. I oil Hal and all, so you'd need it too, wouldn't you, love?" Without moving she stretches for an oil paddle, "Oh yes, Lu, please? She's itchy and I need oil." She tells Niyath again, "Hal's my little lizard. He found me before you did."

S'phan looks over all of the hatchlings. "Anyone who needs oil or help, let me know. And, it's normal for you to get as much on you as your dragons."

Above the northeastern area, Lhiannonth flies out of the aerial entrance to the Hatching Ground cavern.

Niyath mindspeaks to you << He has good taste >>

Above the northeastern area, Lhiannonth spirals down and backwings to a neat landing on the bowl floor.

R'dall grabs a paddle and starts to oil up Teth

L'nan grabs two pots of oil and lugs them, dropping one off by a sobbing girl and her itchy blue, and carrying the other to Jenna. "Here y'go - she's absolutely beautiful," he murmurs to her, eyes watering a bit with pride. Hearing S'fan's question, he calls to the young man, "Just cover her with the oil, use the brush to get those real itchy places. Slather it on, can't really have too much!"

J'nas ducks as he firelizards all appear and chitter at him angrily. "I'm sorry guys! Something important came up. Meet Hanreth." The flits regard the young brown with rapidly whirling green eyes.

Above the northeastern area, Decarath flies out of the aerial entrance to the Hatching Ground cavern.
Above the northeastern area, Decarath disappears into Between.

Jenna laughs, "Who - oh, Ry? Of course he does." She looks up at L'nan as he comes over, and that pretty much does it, her eyes well over. "Oh Lu - pinch me, will you? Nonono, wait, don't. I don't wanna wake up if this is a dream." She doesn't bother with the paddles, instead smearing oil on with her bare hands, immediately soothing the itch. "There! Better?" She beams up at the bluerider, "Her name's Niyath."

Above the northeastern area, Sruth flies out of the aerial entrance to the Hatching Ground cavern.
High above the bowl, Omfaleth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

R'tran calls, "Thanks, S'phan....and N'sales, and K'fen, and L'nan. I know I'll need all the help I can get!" He beams. Turning his attention back toward Eishith, he lovingly begins to apply the second coat of oil, smiling ecstatically, "You're right, my love. You are all that matters - you and I....the two of us. And I do love you so. Look at those /claws/!" In all his turns of weyrbreeding, R'tran has never seen a bronze dragonet's feet before. He stares at Eishith's with adoration.

High above the bowl, Omfaleth spirals down lower into the bowl.
Above the center of the bowl, Omfaleth spirals down towards the Center of the bowl, and backwings to a landing.

S'phan moves toward Jenna and the new gold. "She's beautiful," he says shyly.

K'fen wipes his eyes again and crosses his arms over his chest looking around, his gaze lingering on every dragon.

Above the northeastern area, Sruth wings his way southwest over the bowl.
Above the northeastern area, Elynth launches into the sky from the northeastern corner of the Bowl.
Above the northeastern area, Elynth backwings to a landing on her ledge.

S'fan says "See? I told you L'nan knows stuff," as he dips brush in oil again and begins to scrub Saneth - lightly at first. "He really likes you. And so do I. No, you won't lose me. I'll always be right here." Saneth wiggles around until he's all but sitting on Sef's lap, getting the weyrling all oily. "Oof! No, you can't sit on me - how can I oil you now?"

Above the center of the bowl, Sruth disappears into Between.

Niyath mindspeaks to you << It is better. - I am not a dream >>

Did he just hear the word pinch? R'yat smiles wide from where he is, stroking a dozing Randoth. "Want me to help, Jen?" He winks.

Leah comes along the wall from the east.
Leah has arrived.

Niyath mindspeaks to you << And it is Hal that has good taste >>

L'nan chuckles. "Niyath, a beautiful name, for a beautiful gold, for a beautiful woman." And that seems all he can manage as he restrains himself from reaching out. He lets S'phan take over the conversation with Jenna as he moves over to R'yat. "He's asleep? Excellent.. you all right? Need anything?"

P'ter walks over from the center of the bowl.
P'ter has arrived.

P'ter stides in, "Greetings one and all."

Leah comes up and smiles alongside P'ter, "Well, well, let's get everyone inside, shall we? Right over there into the Barracks. Come along."

Jenna laughs then, slathering oil all over her lifemate. "No, you're not, are you! Well, you are though, my dream." She beams up at S'phan and then out over the rest of the group. "Thank you. And they're all beautiful, I think. Oooh, that's the Weyrwoman and the Weyrleader, Niyath."

J'nas stands from where he is oiling Hanreth, who peeks around his lifemate to see who has distracted him from his duties.

S'phan herds the werylings inside.

Niyath mindspeaks to you << Who are they? >>

R'yat straightens a little as L'nan's approaching. "I'm just fine, Sir." There's something in his voice that betrays his joy. Something like a chirp?

L'nan salutes Leah and P'ter, then calls, "Everyone inside, come on now... you can pick out couches and everything... c'mon..." And he herds a few inside.

Jenna takes the oil with her, one bucket at least, and answers as she follows along, "They, well, they run the place. Come on, love."

R'tran looks up at the arriving weyrwoman, giving her an exultant grin, along with a snappy salute. "Ma'am!"

You enter the weyrling barracks.
Weyrling Barracks(#991RAJ$)
Row after row of stone couches line this gigantic cavern; weyrlings of all ages tend their dragons, hurry in and out, and perform various chores. Next to each couch is a small cot and press, so that riders can sleep by their dragons.

A small area is set aside near the north wall. It seems to be a classroom: the wall near it is covered in diagrams, as well as signs reading "Oil Daily" and the like. A large bin full of oil is strategically placed nearby, ceramic pots and long paddles lining the shelves behind it, ready to fill for an itchy dragon's oiling. Far in the back wall is a curtained partition that leads to the bathing cavern. Near the entrance is a dark, cool room with hanging slabs of meat and a gigantic bin filled with chunks for the young dragons to eat. Against a wall not far away are a few long tables where the Weyrlings take their meals.
+view is available.
A wide opening to the east opens out into the Bowl.
Weyrling Status Board
Oil Bin

P'ter returns the salute that R'tran gives him, looking around with a pleased gleam in his eye.

L'nan is helping weyrlings and dragonets get settled here and there, helping with this and that and making sure they all know to pay attention to Leah and P'ter. He fades into the background as more and more seem to need his help with various things.

P'ter says "So, what can I say? - You all know us, you all know Fort, but it does seem to thing to say doesn't it." He grins, adding, "Welcome, all of you, to Fort."

Niyath mindspeaks to you << Who are all these people? Who is talking? >>

Eishith tromps in ahead of R'tran, and picks himself with a heaving sigh to flop into a nearby couch. A large one. With a view, since Niyath happens to be nearby.

Leah calls out, finding an empty chair and standing up on it, "Alright, everyone, settle down and give me a bit of attention! I know this is all very overwhelming, but if you can focus on me for a few minutes, we'll get you settled and introduce you to everyone."

Jenna takes up a spot a bit out of the way of those still coming in, and just can't seem to wipe the silly grin from her face. She murmurs, smearing more oil on Niyath, "That's P'ter. His Aisheth sired you, love. And Leah. Her Jinieth is your dam." Her voice dwindles down to a murmur, pointing out people and their lifemates, "Sef and Saneth, and Rey and Randoth, and J'nas and Hanreth and Ry and Eishith."

R'tran wheels the food barrow toward Eishith, in case he is still hungry, and sits beside him on his new couch, slinging an arm over him lovingly. He looks up at Leah with woozy semi-attention.

Saneth hesitantly traipses after S'fan, haphazardly plowing into an empty wallow and curling up at the bottom. Tiny blue's lost within it, leaving Sef to tear his attention between the Weyrwoman and his lifemate. Hands down which is more important today.

Niyath mindspeaks to you << He is my sire's lifemate? He has a big voice, I heard him outside. And she is my dam's lifemate? She has a big voice too. Both of them. >>

Leah grins around once she has some attention, "N'sales, who is your Weyrlingmaster, has some business to attend to just now but will be with you later this evening. For now, you need to listen to K'fen and S'phan as they are the Assistant Weyrlingmasters for your class." She smiles over at the two AWLMs.

S'phan gives the weyrlings a smile, and ducks his head shyly.

Jenna nods to Niyath, stretching out wings to oil them as well, for good measure. She keeps up a whispered running commentary to her lifemate, filling her in on tidbits about each of the people pointed out.

P'ter waits for Leah to pause, then he adds, looking around the dragonets, not the weyrlings, "I'm P'ter, I'm the Weyrleader, this is Leah, the Weyrwoman." He smiles broadly, adding, with a chuckle, "Welcome to Fort."

Hanreth warbles a polite greeting to P'ter and Leah.

K'fen curtsies and gives S'phan a wink.

Niyath mindspeaks to you << What are we doing now? >>

Leah grins, chuckling as she continues to stand on her chair. Sometimes being short is a disadvantage, but the chair seems to help, "Congratulations on Impressing your new lifemates. You each need to choose a couch to sleep on and the cot next to it. This will be your home for the next turn and a half to two turns depending on how your training goes. Remember, leave the larger couches for the larger browns, bronzes, and the gold as they will get really big really fast." She winks.

You whisper "We have to listen for a minute - Leah and P'ter are telling us what we do next. Which couch do you want?" to Niyath.

Randoth warbles lightly.

R'tran's eyes are unfocused, half-staring at the far wall, an almost ridiculously silly grin curling his lips and causing his eyes to crinkle.

P'ter says "And don't think that having a large dragon is a blessing. Believe me, I know. I've Aisheth and you should just try oiling him! So Leah is right about the couches." He points down towards the end, "The sizes vary, but normally the smaller couches are down that end so the large dragon's don't disturb everything moving about."

S'fan frowns thoughtfully at Saneth before looking around at the nearby couches. Satisfied by something, he turns his attention back to Leah, only stealing glances at Saneth.

Niyath rotates her head, looking down the way P'ter pointed, then back up near the entrance. She warbles brightly, butting her lifemate with her head.

Niyath mindspeaks to you << That one! >>

R'tran's breath catches as he hears P'ter's comment. His head bobs as he makes his mental notes. He reaches out toward the meat trough, grasping a pinch of it. He lazily hauls it toward his mouth when he starts, looks at Eishith in mild alarm, and extends the pinch toward the gaping young maw. "Oh! Here you are! I thought...never mind. Eat, my love." He drops the morsel into Eishith's mouth.

Leah looks about, "Today you have food in the vat over there. Tomorrow you begin cutting the meat for your own dragon. You are responsible for his well being and we expect you to not take that responsibility lightly. For now, you are Rukbat and Timor combined to that dragon and it's up to you to keep him happy, healthy, and strong." She says seriously, "As of the moment your dragon found you on the Sands, you were chosen to become a member of an elite group on Pern. Today you became a Weyrling. And soon, you will be trained to be a Dragonrider. Listen to your Weyrlingmasters and take their words seriously as they are /your/ Rukbat and Timor until you graduate. They know what they're talking about and they will keep you and your dragon safe from harming yourselves and others by your actions. I expect you all to be responsible like the Dragonriders you've been chosen to be."

J'nas sits on the ground and leans against Hanreth, who seems to be little antsy. J'nas looks at his lifemate and says, "Ssh, they're talking to /us/. We can do that later."

Jenna uffs a bit, putting one hand behind her to balance the crouch she's in as Niyath chooses her couch. "Right." The pair move to it, Jenna still toting along the oil. Just to one side of the door. Well, it's large at least, and gives her a good view of the barracks and the door going and coming. She plops down on the couch with Niyath, turning her attention back to P'ter and Leah.

P'ter nods seriously, "If you have any concerns at all about the health of your dragonet you /will/ report it immediately to N'sales, L'nan or myself. If you want an immediate answer, you can ask me. I was Igen's senior dragonhealer for many turns and will be able to advise you. If your dragonet is ill and you do not report it to one of us, I will not be pleased."