Jinx! (or, Niyath goes Postal)
A childish prank gets out of hand, and Jenna talks to K'fen afterwards about things in general.
Jenna - Wednesday, May 22, 2002, 8:24 AM
Your location's current time: 8:39 on day 16, month 5, Turn 40, of the Tenth Pass. It is a spring morning.
Fort Weyr Bowl, by the weyrling barracks
The Bowl of Fort Weyr, a large, nearly featureless plain surrounded by steep
mountain cliffs, stretches out before you. It is vaguely oval in shape, long
from the southwest to the northeast; you are standing near the wall northwest
of its center. To the west is a cavern, carved into the cliffside, where newly-Impressed
dragonriders live with their young dragons before they have been fully trained.
When they join a regular fighting Wing, the young riders are ready to inhabit
weyrs of their own.
To the south is the fenced off area where the Weyr's herds are kept. Along the
north rim of the bowl, to the east of here, are the junior queens and weyrleaders
weyrs, and the entrance to the Hatching ground. The center of the bowl, off
which is the entrance to the large living caverns, stretches out to the southeast.
F'niah nods, his attention more taken up by the rapidly-disappearing scone. Behind him Saneth circles once, twice, before settling down, still affecting not to notice Aeriste. Not there, lalala! "Yup. Carry 'em, and throw 'em, too. And I've got to work on getting Saneth to well, be apart from me. He doesn't like it much."
Aeriste doesn't look at Saneth, either. Lalala, not there! "They're still keeping them sequestered, then?"
Jenna comes out of the barracks with Niyath, lugging a rather heavily coiled ball of straps with her. "No, love, we can't. Just because. No." A pause and a trifle more forcefully, "No."
The last of the scone disappears, swallowed. "Nah. They're flying, most of 'em. Saneth and I've flown to..." He trails off, jerks his head toward Jenna and Niyath. "That's Jenna," he informs Aeriste flatly. "And Niyath."
Aeriste states carelessly, "We've met. But not Niyath."
Zephyr steps out of the Weyrling barracks.
Zephyr has arrived.
F'niah shifts his weight, spreading his feet a tad more over the firestone bag. "So that's why - Valry just decided that as long as I was exercising my feet, I might as well exercise my arms, too."
Jenna eyes Sef, but doesn't comment. "Morning, Aeriste. And yes, this is Niyath." The queen seems to be in somewhat of a snit today, for instead of her usual cheerful examination of New Things, she instead looks up to the sky.
Aeriste considers Niyath. "Should I say hello?"
Did you know that if you curl up into a large blue ball behind F'niah, you're invisible?
Jenna gives Aeriste a tight smile. "Up to you. I talked to dragons all the time. They never answered back, of course. She's in a foul temper today. She outgrew her last straps, and I'm not happy with how these fit on her."
Zephyr comes walking out of the weyrling barracks briskly. "Heyla!" she says cheerily to those she sees about this area of the bowl. But something thats louder than her bright leonine atitude, is her garb! She is wearing a bright red jumpsuit! Where she got it, you may never know.
F'niah stoops to collect the last bits of firestone, and stuffs them into his sack. "You're welcome to come visit," he tells Aeriste, squinting up at the boy. "I just don't think anyone's allowed into the barracks."
Taisoth steps out of the Weyrling barracks.
Taisoth has arrived.
Aeriste, for all that he's a snot most of the time, says quite respectfully to Niyath, "Good morning. Clothes never fit when you're a kid. It's one of the many, many inconveniences of growing up."
Taisoth struts out of the barracks belatedly behind Zephyr. Imediately, she looks suspiciously at Aeriste, tail twitching quickly to one side.
Jenna turns and then squints. "Morning, Zephyr. You're - ah - looking red, today." Niyath rumbles to her clutchmates, though her attention is still on the sky. At Aeriste's words, however, she cants her head down, eyeing the boy. Not satisfied with that view, she snakes her neck down, putting her large head turned with one eye towards him, to see him better.
Aeriste tilts his head at Niyath, but stands his ground. "But you'll probably stop outgrowing them soon," he continues, "And then they won't be inconvenient and ruin your mornings anymore."
Saneth scrambles up to his forelegs as Taisoth approaches, but refuses to leave his post behind Sef. For his part, F'niah squints between Aeriste and Niyath as if he'd never seen either before. "What's that supposed to me? Bright shells, Zephyr, what happened to /you/?"
Zephyr smiles happily at Jenna, "You noticed!" As if anyone couldn't notice. She blinks at Sef, "What happened to what?" Taisoth croons pertly to Saneth and straightens her posture as she sees Niyath.
Niyath continues to watch Aeriste, and Jenna's lips twitch, amused. She takes a seat on the ground, unrolling the ball of straps and producing a file to work on the underside. "She says that not ruining her morning would be a nice change. I for one don't think she'll ever stop growing." Then she tilts her head at Zephyr and asks, "Taisoth's choice? Or yours?" Niyath straightens, looking back around to Taisoth and her girl.
Niyath> Taisoth senses that Niyath sounds delighted, << She matches! >>
Aeriste states soberly to Niyath, "I'm not sure if it's an attainable goal, either. But there's always hope." And he takes a step back.
"Someone pushed you into a vat of dye," F'niah says with his usual lack of tact. "Euygh. Saneth, shush. No one's pushing anyone."
Dragon> Niyath senses that Taisoth seems proud and pleased. << She does. >>
Jenna scowls faintly at F'niah. "Sef, have you ever heard: If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all?" Indeed, this might explain her silence to the blueling. Then she looks back to Aeriste and grins a bit, "I won't say it was sweet of you to reassure her, but I do appreciate it. So what's everyone up to today?"
Aeriste shrugs at Jenna. "Nothing special." Whether he means his conversation with the dragon or what his day's going to be like is not something on which he elaborates.
Zephyr puts her hands on her hips and looks over at Sef. "No, I was not pushed into a dye vat. My hair has always been this color, if you hadn't noticed. Anyway, it was a gift, and I love it." she states and then nods smartly with a smile.
F'niah rolls his eyes at Jenna, not bothering to hide it, and explains patiently to the greenrider, "I was /talking/ about your clothes. Red runs, you know. I bet you're all pink under there."
Aeriste claps his hands over his ears. "Maybe I should get more breakfast. You can keep this one. it probably smells like firestone now _anyway_."
Zephyr says "You'd like to know wouldn't you?" Zephyr winks at F'niah. "No, I'm not all pink. It wasen't dyed yesterday you know. I'm sure whoever made it, washed the extra dye out."
Jenna quite visibly grits her teeth at F'niah, and then says politely to Aeriste, "Don't let us drive you off. - And Zephyr, who from? It does look good on. Niyath is convinced you match. I'm hoping she doesn't decide to dress me in yellow tomorrow."
Taisoth sits down in a catlike upright position, and fans her wings out, the light aurorial green of her wingsails brightening like stained glass as the sun shines behind it. She squints, half way closing her eyes as she relaxes, but looks a bit sinister, even if she is not.
F'niah would rather have his fingernails ripped off. "Euyh. No, you can stay, Aeriste. Saneth doesn't mind if you're here." Because Saneth is desperately pretending he's alone, that's why. When Taisoth fans her wings the blue mirrors the motion, doing those long-neglected exercises.
Aeriste takes another step back. "...Saneth isn't comfortable with me here," he states coolly. "I've a whole Weyr to be in. He's got just here. Good morning."
Zephyr smiles happily at Jenna. "Thank you! It was from one of my friends back at the Hall. Yeah, Tai seems to like it a lot too. I think its the whole, solid color thing. You and Niyath would be quite a pair if you wore a yellow one like this." She tosses her hair over one shoulder and smiles sweetly at F'niah.
Jenna says politely to Aeriste, "Please do stay. Saneth can't avoid people. Unless of course, we're keeping you from chores or lessons or something?" Then she grins over ar Zephyr, "That'd be wild, wouldn't it? Been so long since I really had anything new."
F'niah says "Saneth's got to get used to strangers," at the same time Jenna speaks. He scowls over at her, then offers Aeriste's plate back. "You don't have to go..." Drat! Another jinx!"
Aeriste lifts his chin and turns his face away from the plate. "Too late."
Zephyr bounces on her heels. "Oh, my friend said they got a whole crate of these." she picks at her jumpsuit. "I wonder if they have a spare yellow one. I can send a message and find out." She flickers a glance to F'niah and smiles wickedly. She caught his jinx.
Jenna says mildly to F'niah, "Jinx." Now, if he'll only abide by it. She adds, "Honestly, do stay, Aeriste. Unless we're keeping you from something. I've got oiling to do later, and I can always use help." She scrubs at a sopt on the straps with her file. "Would you, Zephyr? I have a mark or two saved, but only a mark or two."
Zephyr nods enthusiasticly. "Sure! I'll send the message as soon as I have a chance."
F'niah opens his mouth to say something, then closes it with a disgusted flare of nostrils. Ah, the joys of adolescents - they play these silly games for keeps. He offers Aeriste a tight smile and stoops to hoist the firestone bag into his arms, careful not to let the open end droop.
Aeriste folds his arms. "I could probably find something better to do," he grudges, "But I'd have to walk all the way back over, so."
Zephyr smiles approvingly at Aeriste and then sashays over to Sef to try and distract him. "Hey Sef, should I find out if they have a spare jumpsuit for you too?" She smiles charismaticly and tries to provoke him to answer and fail the jinx.
Taisoth just sits there, like a little stone dragon, unmoving. Besides her whirling green eyes anyway, which still happen to be squinting.
Jenna's lips twitch slightly at Aeriste. Or is it at F'niah. She nods and then says, "Well, I can always use help with Niyath. And she's not too terribly picky about who helps bathe and oil her. Just so long as the job gets done. So if you're ever in the mood to get in the water or in the oil, just let me know. - And I'd like that, Zephyr. I suppose we'll have to get riding leathers made too. But I haven't enough marks for it. Think there's something in stores I could use?"
F'niah scowls at Zephyr - he's an equal-opportunity poo-head: he scowls at goldriders /and/ greenriders! - and shakes his head, firmly. Another moment's nostril-flaring, and he eels around Zephyr to march over to Jenna and stand right in front of her, as if he expects something.
Zephyr just smiles as F'niah marches away from her, looking as if she is going to giggle at any moment. To Jenna she answers, "I'm not sure. I hadn't even thought about riding leathers.."
Aeriste rolls his eyes at F'niah, and sidles away from he and Jenna. Zephyr gets a "'Morning."
Jenna blinks at F'niah. "Did you want something?"
Zephyr gives a sunny smile to Aeriste. "Good morning! I'm Zephyr, I don't believe we've met. Or have we?" she asks, and glances back at Jenna and Sef.
F'niah pointedly angles his head down toward Jenna, still clutching that sack in both arms.
Dragon> Niyath senses that Saneth ventures cautiously, << He says she is supposed to... touch his face with her own. >>
Jenna gives Sef a blank look. "Well? Spit it out."
Niyath> Saneth senses that Niyath is not even going to relay that to her rider. << She most certainly will not. She doesn't do that anymore. >>
Niyath's tailtip twitches, and she gives Saneth a hard look.
Saneth folds both of his wings back to his side, and bleats at Niyath.
Aeriste considers Zephyr. "No. I'm Aeriste. Do you do this to him," and he nods towards F'niah, "Often?"
Dragon> Saneth bespoke Niyath with << She must! >> insisting with a firmness unusual in the reticent blue. << Or he will never be able to speak again! >>
Taisoth just ignores all of them and continues with her sundrenched draconic meditations.
Zephyr smiles cheerfully at Aeriste and responds, "Well met Aeriste! And yes, whenever I have the chance." She winks and folds her arms as she waits for Jenna to catch on.
Niyath> Saneth senses that Niyath snorts. << He can still speak just fine. I will not tell her. He will have to touch his face to hers, and I think that will make her /very/ displeased. >> She flashes an image of Jenna absolutely apoplectic.
Dragon> Saneth bespoke Niyath with << He cannot! Those are The Rules! ...He can touch his face to hers? He did not say that. >>
Niyath> I bespoke Saneth with << He can /try/. I think it will make her very angry. >>
Saneth's wings flare out again. The blue bleats imperiously at the gold, only to slowly retract his 'sails. Sef apparently gives up on waiting for Jenna to kiss him, and shifts so he can (hopefully) kiss her, instead.
Aeriste looks away from the pair. "My condolences."
Dragon> Saneth bespoke Niyath with << He says she is always angry, and he will not break the rules for her. Not for this. >>
K'fen walks over from the center of the bowl.
K'fen has arrived.
Niyath lets out an angry trumpet, wings fanning wide and eyes wheeling an abrupt crimson. It's hard to say which Jenna is more startled at, her mate, or F'niah. "Sef!" She squeaks, scooching backwards on her rear. "By the first egg! Just *what* do you think you're doing!" She tries to get to her feet, to get to Niyath.
F'niah drops his firestone sack and to his knees simultaneously, then crawls, kissy-faced, after Jenna. If she's just /hold still/... And isn't this the perfect moment for K'fen to walk into?
Aeriste says "...Why does almost every boy I know lose his dignity around girls? I hope I don't turn into a moron around women, too."
Zephyr giggles lightly at Aeriste... and then restrains herself from exploding with laughter as she sees F'niah go crawling after Jenna, /and/ K'fen head over. She bites her bottom lip and tries to control herself. At Niyath's commotion, Taisoth blinks open one eye, looking very disturbed.
K'fen is not ambling today. Just carrying a probably quite heavy firestone bag, yup, and sweating a bit. "Tenkanoth, you're but a big lazy lump!" he says aloud to the dozing green who probably doesn't even listen to him -- much less hears him. He drops the sack befire saluting around, without any comment for now, though he arches a brow at F'niah and as women are mentioned. "Darn, I missed some fun again..."
Niyath continues to carole her distress, trying to get between her rider and F'niah. Her eyes aren't slowing down one whit, and Jenna seems rather paralyzied. "F'niah! Stop that this instant!"
Tenkanoth indeed doesn't listen to her rider but is roused by some noise, so she warbles softly in concern.
Dragon> Tenkanoth, Niyath, and Taisoth sense that Saneth's alarm slops over to the other dragons, as he continues a conversation with Niyath. << She must hold still! It will be over soon - he says it will not hurt much! >>
Dragon> Tenkanoth, Niyath, and Saneth sense that Taisoth whirls with amusement and befuddlement together. << Saneth, is your lifemate trying to eat Niyath's? >>
Aeriste just watches, his arms folded and his expression suddenly, at the arrival of the assistant weyrlingmaster, utterly pleasant.
F'niah grabs past Niyath for an ankle, a leg, a wrist - anything that'll stop her crabwise escape. He still refuses to say anything, all his attention focused on Jenna's face.
Dragon> Niyath, Taisoth, and Saneth sense that Tenkanoth sounds a bit grumpy -- she was sleeping, you see -- though a bit curious. << What is this all about? -He- is smiling but I sense -he- is not that much amused. >>
Dragon> Tenkanoth, Niyath, and Taisoth sense that Saneth gabbles, << He cannot talk because of something *Jenna* said. To fix it he must touch faces with hers, but she will not let him! She does not want him to ever talk again! >>
Zephyr shakes her head, still giggling. She says reflectively to Aeriste, "This is how I'll always remember them." She looks over at K'fen, searching for his reaction.
Aeriste says "I think they're playing charades," to no one in particular. "He's pretending to be thread, and she's going to be a tank of agenothree any minute now..."
K'fen slightly frowns and gives Aeriste a smiling nod. "'morning. Would you excuse me?" This said he strides toward F'niah.
Niyath> Tenkanoth, Taisoth, and Saneth sense that Niyath's alarm is spilling over into outright pulsing anger and denial. Not quite as mature as the chromatic dragons, she clearly doesn't understand what is going on. She roars at the top of mind and lungs, << GET HIM AWAY FROM HER, SANETH! >>
Niyath draws back her head to suck in air and lets out a full throated roar, just above F'niah's head. Jenna scrambles to her feet, arms plastered to Niyath's side, eyes shut tight in an effort to try to calm her. F'niah is completely forgotten, that hand reaching for her likely kicked in the commotion.
Dragon> Niyath and Saneth sense that Tenkanoth's mindcoice turns stern now -- yes it -is- possible. << You all STOP this. This is not fun at all. -He- will be upset and so will the other *masters* >>
Dragon> Niyath, Taisoth, and Saneth sense that Tenkanoth's mindcoice turns stern now -- yes it -is- possible. << You all STOP this. This is not fun at all. -He- will be upset and so will the other *masters* >>
Tenkanoth bugles an advert and starts toward the group as well, though she's not rushing. Then she warbles at Niyath in particular.
Dragon> Taisoth bespoke Tenkanoth, Niyath, and Saneth with << He cannot speak? I wonder if that can be healed. >>
Dragon> Tenkanoth bespoke Niyath with << Calm down, calm down. It is no good getting upset like that. Your rider will help, listen to her. >>
F'niah freezes, Saneth freezes - now it's not jinx, it's freeze tag! F'niah looks carefully, slowly, over his shoulder, wincing away from the kick. Oh crap, his face plainly reads. Just as carefully Sef gets to his feet, finding extreme interest in scrubbing the bowl dust from his hands and knees.
Dragon> Tenkanoth, Niyath, and Taisoth sense that Saneth offers in a tiny mental whisper, << He just wants to be able to speak again. >>
Taisoth's eyes are now open, but she sits still, in the same position before, not moving. She seems fairly detatched from the scene and is amused by the mischief. She even croons to Niyath to help calm the gold dragon down... thats a first.
Dragon> Tenkanoth bespoke Niyath, Taisoth, and Saneth with << You just settle down. Let the humans take care of that. >>
Niyath> Tenkanoth, Taisoth, and Saneth sense that Niyath is clearly still agitated, but as F'niah leaves her rider alone, she begins to calm. Her tones are angry, as she accuses the blue, << He can still talk! He must stay away from her! >> Distrust colors her tones as she edges mentally away from Saneth, and towards Teknanoth and Taisoth.
K'fen is idly retying his hair as he stops riiiiiight in front of F'niah. He might as well be whistling, mind you. Then he looks up at the blue weyrling and clears his throat, still smiling softly, but his gaze makes him look a bit... dangerous. "Right. It's easier to talk when it's quiet. Now, would some of you -- this said as he pointedly stares at Sef -- explain me what happened there?"
F'niah glances over at Jenna and Niyath, then stubbornly sets his chin. Ain't gonna be him.
Dragon> Niyath, Taisoth, and Saneth sense that Tenkanoth sends comforting thought to every dragon around. See? She's calm, there is no need to stay upset. So much things funnier to think about. None of us will remember anyway, that kind of things.
Jenna's eyes are still shut tightly, all her energy focused on Niyath.
Zephyr in her bright red jumpsuit, holds her hands behind her back and slowly strides forward. She is still smiling guiltily. Bouncing her last step toward K'fen and the others she holds up a hand and volunteers, "I'll tell you!"
Aeriste doesn't offer any comment at all save, "Well, I hear those chores calling, and..."
K'fen sighs and rolls his eyes upwards. "Okay, never mind, we'll have time later. Lessons -- the word is heavily emphasized -- come first. Sef, I think you could have a bath and rest a bit in the Barracks. You know, for quiet thinking..." Zephyr gets a mild smile, as well as Aeriste. "I'll talk with you soon, then."
Saneth, with a look toward Tenkanoth, then F'niah, suddenly galumphs toward the barracks. Brave Sir Robin!
F'niah only bobs his head toward the shorter greenrider before marching after
Saneth enters the weyrling barracks.
Saneth has left.
Aeriste gives K'fen a cheerful, boyish, innocent smile- the kind of smile sweet-tempered children who never, ever, ever get in trouble have. "Certainly, sir!" And he sidles away.
F'niah enters the weyrling barracks.
F'niah has left.
Niyath> Tenkanoth and Taisoth sense that Niyath calms more quickly, now that F'niah is no where near her rider. She begins to return to somewhat of her normal self.
Zephyr shrugs at K'fen and awaits further instruction. Taisoth, menewhile, still has her eyes open, but looks bored as soon as Saneth leaves.
K'fen sighs and rolls his eyes upwards, very quickly drawing his hand over his face, muttering something like 'why me' or very close anyway. He turns to Jenna and tilts his head. "Are you going to be okay?"
Niyath finally lowers her head to nuzzle her rider from head to toe, as if reassuring herself that she's taken no hurt. Jenna finally opens her eyes, though her brow is creased, perhaps fighting off one doozy of a headache. Blinking a moment to get her bearings, she says immediately, "I'm sorry. She just - yeah, we're okay. She's settling back down."
K'fen nods slowly, scratching his head. "If you need to have some rest or a bath now, you can go, there will be other firestone lessons."
"Well," Zeph says cheerily. "I always wondered what would happen in a situation like that, and now I know." She does look regretful that it was at Niyath's expense though.
Jenna gives Zephyr a pained look. Then she says to K'fen, "I think that might be a good idea. Maybe a soak in the hot springs."
K'fen steps back slowly and turns his head to cast a brief wink at Zephyr. "Do be patient, you'll see..."
Aeriste slips out when no one's looking. Safe!
Aeriste begins the half-mile trip southeast, towards the center of the bowl.
Aeriste has left.
Zephyr smiles at K'fen and walks with a bounce in her step, toward Taisoth.
Jenna still hasn't left contact with Niyath's hide, her expression still a trifle tense and worried.
The smile of K'fen's lips faints a little as he looks Jenna up and down. "Right, do it now, then. Do calm down, both of you. I'll see you later."
Jenna nods, and finally gives a salute, "Yes sir. I'm sorry for the ruckus, sir." She seems to be on the verge of saying more, but Niyath gives a plantive creel. Jenna scoops up the straps on the ground and hastily throws them over her mate's neck. "Yes, we're going, we're going. I won't leave you alone, love."
K'fen bows and keeps staring at the pair, now just frowning in concern.
You take a running jump, grabbing the riding straps and swinging aboard Niyath as she crouches.
Jenna clips in, taking no chances with a Weyrlingmaster standing right there. She offers, "If you'd like to join us after the lesson, sir, we'd be happy to have you." Then Niyath crouches, and gives a herculean leap, pumping her wings hard to get airborn. the liftoff is ungainly, though she stabilizes as she finds a thermal and heads for the hot springs.
K'fen lightens noticeably and chuckles, saluting as he shouts, "With great pleasure!"
You spread your wings and slowly rise into the air.
You spiral down and come to a landing on the sandy beach of the hot springs.
Hot Springs
The first thing which draws your eye when entering this vast subterranean cavern
is the sheer height of it - a massive bubble hollowed out of rock by the pressures
of volcanic gases at some time when Fort's volcano still spurted flame. The
eye is drawn up and up into the darkness of the ceiling, where occasional flecks
of mica reflect the light and catch the eye, flickering like solitary fireflies.
Towards the northern end of the cavern, the ceiling disappears and the sky can
be seen where the volcano eventually released built up pressure so long ago
- now it forms an entrance to the hot springs for dragon and rider, dropping
down through the open ceiling to the rocky lake shore or to various ledges high
in the walls - from which the more daredevil riders have been known to dive
on occasion.
Down at ground level, the warm lake laps the shore gently, never completely
still. Steam rises from the surface and ripples stir from the movement of the
hot water seeping in from hidden springs. The lakeshore closest to the Weyr
entrance is smooth and gently sloping, a safe place to bathe and talk, but further
out there are various rocky coves that can be reached by swimming or by dragon.
At night, glows set in the walls reflect their glimmer onto the water; by day,
the light from the ceiling gives the lake ever changing shades of blue and gold,
deepening to soft opal at dusk and dawn, casting shadows that seem to harbor
small crevices.
A wide corridor leads off to the southeast, curving back to the Inner Caverns.
Niyath raises her forelimb and watches you until you reluctantly use it to get down, rather than a faster way.
K'fen steps out of the wide corridor onto the sandy beach.
K'fen has arrived.
Niyath's bulk takes up most of the large pool, and she seems to be curled around herself, one wing half extended. At first there's no sign of Jenna, and then Niyath's head angles down, nuzzling under her wing and a muffled voice can be heard saying, "I really am fine, love. I promise."
K'fen quietly steps in, looking around and instinctively ducks his head as is to make himself even more discreet as he looks at Niyath. Taking a couple of slow -- but resolute -- steps forward, he diplomatically clears his throat.
Jenna ohs softly, and then Niyath's wing folds back to reveal her rider. Jenna's face is a trifle pale, and her eyes redrimmed, but she seems fine. She is, however, still in her clothes, and soaking wet. "Yes sir?"
K'fen slightly smiles and nods in a sort of informal way. "No sir there, Jenna. I didn't mean to disturb you I was kind of worried. I swapped with Valry to check how you were. Mind if I stay a little?"
Jenna shakes her head, "I don't mind. I'm sorry for worrying everyone. I - I'm not even really sure what happened."
K'fen steps further forward and then casually sits cross legged on the ground. "Neither am I. And don't be sorry, I don't think it was your fault -- anyone's fault in particular."
Jenna grimaces, "Niyath says it was F'niah's fault - stop, love, it's fine," She turns back to Niyath's head, hanging onto it for a long moment, reassuring her once again. Then a soft, "Oh." Apparently she's finally gotten wind of whatever Niyath was upset about.
K'fen just nods encouragingly, without asking for more though. Up to the weyrling.
Jenna says, confused, "I think he was trying to kiss me or something. Niyath isn't - I know, love. I know. - she doesn't like it. Or understand it."
K'fen aaaaaahs at last and rolls his eyes upwards. "Indeed it's way too early. Now you know better why Weyrlings are not allowed to fool around with anybody. Can I ask you something though?"
Jenna nods mutely.
K'fen says "Do you have any idea why he did this?"
Jenna shakes her head. "No, not really. Niyath said that Saneth said something about him not being able to talk? It doesn't make any sense."
K'fen blinks a few times and nods. "Tenkanoth told me that too. I couldn't understand either. I'll have to ask him directly then..."
Jenna studies Niyath for a long moment or two and then ventures, "K'fen? Was there anything else I could have done? To keep her calmer? For a minute, it felt like I didn't have any control at all over her." And this perhaps, worries her more than anything else.
There is a short silence, then a warmersmile as K'fen is called by his own name. "I think I arrived just a bit late to see the whole scene, but as far as I can tell, you did what you could. It's a matter of practice and training." He gestures toward Niyath. "As she grows up, her will is going to get stronger and you have to reminder she -has- to listen to you and obey you. It's a delicate time for her." He sighs. "There is no other way I know of. She's a Queen, so you have to be very careful. She -will- be in a position to actually give orders later, and you don't want her to take bad initiatives."
Jenna nods slowly. "She was just so upset. I hate to think of what'll happen if she gets scored or something really horrible." A pause and she adds, "And what if she still won't let anyone near me after she does grow up?"
K'fen straightens a bit, making a few joints crack as he look straight in Jenna's eyes. "Dragons forget. Very quick and very easily. The best thig you can do is to forget along with them. If you remember, they will, and they get upset again." He knits his brows a moment. "And you will have to make her understand you get to have people near you. It's a fact, and she has to accept it. For now try to stop thinking about F'niah and things might get a bit better. At least Niyath should forget it faster."
Jenna nods firmly. Niyath lowers her head to the water and blows some bubbles. "When will we be able to fly out of the bowl? Maybe to other places in the coverage area?"
K'fen counts somethig on his fingers. "Soon. Very soon. And seeing other people might help indeed. Try having residents helping you washing her too."
Jenna nods, "Oh, they have. Even fed her. She's not picky at all when it comes to her. Just me, I guess." A pause and she says, "I'd like to practice gliding. She's so big and hard to turn, that practicing it in the bowl is hard. And the smiths already measured me for the flamethrower I'll have. I was always the runner on ground crew, never really the one with the torch, so that'll be something to get used to."
K'fen chuckles and agreeingly nods. "Just you? hmm, spend your spare time -- okay okay, I know -- with L'nan? Or your fosterlings?"
Jenna demurs, "Jeny and Zak, maybe. Not Lu. Wouldn't be a really good idea.
K'fen hmmms and finaly nods, agreeingly. "Well, right enough, I got out of my mind a minute."
Jenna shrugs slightly, "We end up disagreeing more often than not these days."
K'fen lifts both his hands, chuckling. "Okay, okay, got the message. Jeny and Zak only then!"
Jenna smiles a trifle wryly. "You know, I was so jealous of you for about all of five minutes after Alirath won one of Teknanoth's flights."
K'fen tilts his head and can't help bursting out laughing. "Oh dear!" he says a bit afterwards, when he manages to breath again. "Well, I'm sorry but..." He doesn't end his sentence.
Jenna grins a bit. "But? Don't apologize. Shells - it's still really none of my business."
K'fen lightly shrugs and shakes his head. "Well, one gets used to it," he casually remarks. "Things like that happen..."
Jenna asks curiously, "Does what you feel make any difference to how Tenkanoth flies? - And of course it happens, but I'm half convinced he's going to decide he likes male greenriders better than he likes me." Her tone is bemused on this last.
K'fen spreads his arms wide. "I definitely can't tell. I know that so far I haven't ended up with many women, but I don't know if it's something to see with what I feel... And L'nan -is- very nice, granted." This is said without envy, just a statement.
Jenna nods. "Well, that's reassuring at least." She grins a bit, "Considering the people I care most about are either not riders, or ride blue - It just never even dawned on me that Alirath wouldn't be able to catch Niyath. I never thought about it."
K'fen gives another shrug. "Well, I know some people disagree with me on that point, but that catching stuff is overrated if you want my opinion." If she didn't want? Er, well, too late... "My weyrmate is not a rider -- though he's always a mess when tenkanoth rises..."
Jenna nods. "You're just saddled with them for one night. It's not so bad. I just hope whoever it is in in weyr, and I don't have to find them a guest weyr or something to use after she clutches." There is a snort from Niyath. She's apparently not having any of that stuff. Nope! Jenna grins a bit, and amends, "If she clutches." Blue eyes seek K'fen's, sparking with amusement.
K'fen grins and nods enthusiastically. "Oh I'm sure she will someday. One of the Igenite riders whose gold clutched recently was one of my clutchmates. It feels weird." Then he looks at Niyath with fond eyes. "I'm sure she will..."
Niyath demonstrates how she feels about this by turning her back on K'fen. Jenna bursts out laughing. "He's *not* insulting you, dear. - She just has absolutely no interest in it, K'fen. I'm glad instinct will take over."
K'fen slightly sat-bows at Niyath. "No offense intended Niyath!" Then to Jenna, "She'll change her mind later I expect..."
Niyath snorts. She heard that. Jenna can't help a grin. "Well, I'll just be happy to get her flying for longer at a stretch. And going between. She asked Alirath where between was, and he said it was between the moment when your wings touch the air. Rather poetic of him."
K'fen arches both his brows and chews on his lower lip. "Indeed, indeed. Blues are poets I see..." His eyes unfocuse a moment and he giggles aloud. "Silly greens..."
Jenna grins a bit, "What'd she say?"
K'fen sighs. "Things about blues I shouldn't repeat. Tenkanoth always forgets the riders' names, but she remembers a dragon now and then, and doesn't mind sharing it."
Jenna laughs. "Niyath never talks about riders by name. Just by 'your boy' or 'your girl'."
K'fen slightly winks. "Names are difficult to remember. That's why I keep a list."
Jenna smiles wryly and says, "Tell me this gets easier?"
K'fen scratches the nape of his neck. "It's never been really difficult for me, but I had friends who finally got used to this. It can be very quick or very long, depending on your temper..."
Jenna nods. "You know, I've always lived in dorms. But I'm ready for a
room for just Niyath and I. Some privacy."
K'fen lightens noticeably, waggling his brows and winking. "It's one of the best parts of weyrlinghood, when you get your weyr."
Jenna chuckles. "Niyath's already decided she wants one up high, though Jinieth's ledge has the best view of the bowl floor."
K'fen looks at Niyath again, curiously smiling. "Oh? Does she like heights that much?"
You say "She likes the view from the star stones. Says that she can see all of the comings and goings from there, not just the ones down at the caverns, without straining her neck up all the time."
K'fen giggles. "Is it me or dragons are born lazy?"
Jenna grins. "She just doesn't want to have to work too hard, I think." She sighs a bit and then says, "Thank you."
K'fen nods and slowly gets on his feet. "You're welcome!"
Jenna slogs out of the shallows, wringing out her clothes. She says briskly, "Are we expected to purchase our own riding leathers? Or is there something in stores we can sng, do you know?"
K'fen gapes a moment and snaps his finger. "I have no idea of what they're doing here. At Igen Siara used to make a trip to the Tanners so that weyrlings could get clothes -- or they were given some from the stores... We'll see."
Jenna nods. "I haven't a ton of marks saved up, to be honest. Maybe I should root around in stores."
K'fen shakes his head. "At any rate you won't be expected to afford your first riding leathers -- later though..."
Jenna glances over to Niyath and murmurs, "Yes, love, I'll be fine." The queen gives K'fen a doubtful look, nudges Jenna once more, and the crouches. She springs aloft, setting waves and swamping some of the smaller pools.
Jenna adds, "She wants to go sun. We've just got lectures on formations the rest of the day, right?"
K'fen nods. "Right. Don't be late," he says with a wink before following out.
Jenna snags a towel from a pile as she goes. "Am I /ever/ late?"
You follow the wide corridor, finally reaching the Inner Cavern. A warm, moist breath of air follows you.