J'nas and Hanreth Fly

J'nas and Hanreth take their first flight, and Saneth asks about hindquarters.

Jenna - Thursday, May 23, 2002, 8:01 AM

You step out through the cavern's arch into the open space of the bowl.
Fort Weyr Bowl, by the weyrling barracks
The Bowl of Fort Weyr, a large, nearly featureless plain surrounded by steep mountain cliffs, stretches out before you. It is vaguely oval in shape, long from the southwest to the northeast; you are standing near the wall northwest of its center. To the west is a cavern, carved into the cliffside, where newly-Impressed dragonriders live with their young dragons before they have been fully trained. When they join a regular fighting Wing, the young riders are ready to inhabit weyrs of their own.
To the south is the fenced off area where the Weyr's herds are kept. Along the north rim of the bowl, to the east of here, are the junior queens and weyrleaders weyrs, and the entrance to the Hatching ground. The center of the bowl, off which is the entrance to the large living caverns, stretches out to the southeast.

Saneth flops morosely onto his side. Alone! He is aloonnne! ...Good thing he can just spy Sef waaay over there if he twists his head just -so-. Ignore the silly putty blue.

Niyath> Saneth senses that Niyath snorts softly. << Why are you upset? >>

Dragon> Saneth bespoke Niyath with << Upset? Who is upset? >> A pause. << F'niah is upset. He talkes to *Aeriste*. >> >>

Niyath> Saneth senses that Niyath apparently still hasn't quite forgiven your rider for his *attempt* on her Jenna. << Good. He should be upset. He was- >> She fishes for the word and comes up with, << inappropriate. >>

Niyath's tail lashes as she watches Saneth, and Jenna automatically reaches out a hand to her hide, drawfed by her bulk. "Stop, love."

Dragon> Saneth bespoke Niyath with << F'niah says your *Jenna* is a wherryhead. >>

Saneth ignores the gold, his head still upside down and neck streeetched toward the 'caverns. That can't be comfortable.

Niyath> Saneth senses that Niyath's thoughts are rather deliberately cut off by a cool, earthy presence. Jenna, most likely.

Jenna fights with Niyath for a few moments, murmuring aloud, "This is /not/ helping, love." Finally the gold deflates slightly, turning her head to croon to her rider. Jenna gives a decisive nod, and starts to check straps.

K'fen turns his head to look at Jenna and Niyath and he slowly shakes his head at the gold. When Niyath calms down though, he smiles a bit wider. "Hello Jenna, Niyath."

Saneth's tail fwips, once, but otherwise he is still. He's got more interesting things to do than be scolded. Like... stare after Sef! Always good for a laugh!

Jenna turns at that and nods. "Morning, sir." She adds the salute and then says, "We were going to practice formations with some of the others today. The Weyrleader taught us about the V formation yesterday."

J'nas walks over from the center of the bowl.
J'nas has arrived.

Above the center of the bowl, Teth drifts down the length of the bowl, catching currents of air as he banks around a wide circle.

K'fen brightens and gives the goldrider thumbs up. "Perfect. Do be careful!"

Above the center of the bowl, Teth circles back towards where he took off from, and descends slowly and gracefully. Lower.. lower.. then, down very fast to land in the sand.
Above the center of the bowl, Teth spirals down towards the Center of the bowl, and backwings to a landing.

Jenna shades her eyes, watching Teth and R'dall, and then brightens, giving a wave to J'nas. A cheerful, "Morning!" And Niyath ducks her head as well to the brownrider

Saneth wriggles slightly, sending up tiny poofs of sand, and lets out a contented bugle.

J'nas smiles half-heartedly as he returns Jenna's wave. "Morning. Are you going up again?"

Jenna glances aside at K'fen and then says, "Hopefully not without you this time. How about it, sir?" She darts a look back to J'nas.

J'nas' hopeful gaze falls on K'fen. "Hanreth and I are /more/ than ready, sir."

K'fen chuckles at Saneth, Jenna and J'nas. The latter gets a bright look. "Well, if you really feel that ready, what about rushing, getting your straps and dressing Hanreth?"

Jenna beams a J'nas, bouncing a bit on her toes. Niyath gives the people a little encouraging croon, before looking back over her shoulder at the barracks.

Niyath> Hanreth senses that Niyath's tones are bright and cheerful, << You and your boy will fly! My Jenna is very excited. >>

Dragon> Niyath senses that Hanreth is excited. << It is about time! >>

J'nas' light up with excitement. "Really?" With the energy of a little who ate too much sweetner, he sprints toward the barracks.

Hanreth steps out of the Weyrling barracks.
Hanreth has arrived.

Jenna leans against Niyath, beaming fair to split her face.

J'nas and reappears from the barracks with Hanreth in tow. The weyrling begins the task of buckling the straps onto his lifemate. With careful deliberation, he checks and double checks each and every strap and buckle. "How is this, sir?"

J'nas' question is not even over that K'fen is already checking. "Looks good to me. Very good. In fact, I am about to say that you can mount, J'nas."

J'nas takes a hesitant step toward Hanreth, "You're /about/ to say I can, or are you saying go ahead?"

Jenna grins at J'nas, still not saying a word.

K'fen chuckles. "Go ahead J'nas, and mount!"

J'nas practically jumps for joy as he reaches for the straps.

J'nas climbs up Hanreth's forelimb, and finds a secure spot between his neckridges.
J'nas has left.

From atop Hanreth, J'nas settles himself between the neckridges and peers down at K'fen and Jenna. "Do you have any pointers before we fly?"

K'fen nodnods at J'nas. "Same as first time: no more than a turn around the field and land if anything goes wrong. I'm watching you."

Jenna grins and calls up encouragingly, "Hang on, even if you are clipped in. That jump skywards can be just brutals!"

From atop Hanreth, J'nas nods slowly, "Yes sir! Come on, Hanreth. This is what we've been waiting for!"

Hanreth crouches and checks the sky above him. In one fluid motion, the brown pushes himself upward with a powerful jump. A moment later, his wings sweep down, continuing his motion skyward.
Hanreth has left.

Above the center of the bowl, Hanreth rises into the air from near the Weyrling Barracks.

Jenna cheers, even as Niyath lets loose a bugle after Hanreth.

Above the center of the bowl, Hanreth with a mighty bugle that echoes off of the bowl's walls, Hanreth announces his triumph to the entire weyr. J'nas share's in his lifemate's elation with a shout of his own.

Above the center of the bowl, Hanreth soars toward the end of the bowl. He spreads his wings as he catches a thermal and glides on. As he draws closer to his destination, Hanreth begins a gentle turn.

Niyath> Hanreth senses that Niyath's tones are tinged with admiration. << My Jenna says to say that you two look wonderful up there. >>

Above the center of the bowl, With a few powerful strokes of his wings, Hanreth flies back toward the barracks. Another bugle announces his return to the barracks, however unneccessary it is.

Above the center of the bowl, Hanreth glides down to a gentle landing in front of the Weyrling barracks.
Hanreth has arrived.

Up astride Hanreth, "That was fantastic!" J'nas calls out as he unfastens his riding harness. "It's incredibly different when its your own dragon."

Niyath lets out a bellow of approval, Jenna beaming and nodding. "It is, isn't it! The air feels different!"

J'nas unstraps himself from Hanreth's neckridges, sliding down his forelimb to the ground.
J'nas has arrived.

K'fen softly applauds and strides toward J'nas and Hanreth. "Enjoyable eh? Enjoy, from tomorrow you will do that every day, longer and longer. Is Hanreth okay? Not tired?"

Hanreth warbles happily as J'nas dismounts. The brownrider grins, "He says he could do it again. Personally, I need to catch my breath and recover my wits. That was far too exciting to repeat so soon."

Jenna grins at J'nas. "I know what you mean. I think the break is more for us than for them. Niyath is always 'nownownow!'"

K'fen lifts his hand and nods. "Yeah, do be careful. It's not the good period to overstrain your dragon -- okay it's -never- a good period but now it could be dangerous."

J'nas beams, "I do think that I'll treat him to a scrubbing, though. What do you think, Hanreth? Would a bath be good now?" The brown croons an affirmative to his lifemate.

Saneth lifts his head, then unrolls from underneath it until he's more-or-less on his front, still staring across the bowl.

J'nas begins the half-mile trip southeast, towards the center of the bowl.
J'nas has left.
Hanreth begins the half-mile trip southeast, towards the center of the bowl.
Hanreth has left.

Dragon> Tenkanoth and Niyath sense that Saneth idly forms an odd shape - hourglass-ish, with curls of brown layered atop, and two overly-huge blue eyes blinking coyly from beneath.

Niyath> Tenkanoth and Saneth sense that Niyath is /so/ not listening to Saneth, it's not even funny. Humpfh.

Dragon> Niyath and Saneth sense that Tenkanoth doesn't pay attention to Niyath's attitude and just tries to get it. << What is that? >>

Dragon> Tenkanoth and Niyath sense that Saneth finds this.. whomever increasingly interesting. << It is a... Melinda! >> Hourglass bottom gives a come-hithery quirk. << F'niah likes her very much. >>

Niyath> Tenkanoth and Saneth sense that Niyath is apparently listening after all, and she immediately pounces on the thought. << GOOD! He can go touch faces with her then, and leave my Jenna alone from now on. >>

Dragon> Niyath and Saneth sense that Tenkanoth aaaaaahs and got it. << Oh, humans do that all the time... >> If dragons could shrug...

Niyath> Tenkanoth and Saneth sense that Niyath assures Tenkanoth, << Not my Jenna. Never again. >>

Dragon> Saneth bespoke Tenkanoth and Niyath with << He does not want to touch faces with her! >> Stupid gold, not to realize that. << He wants her to walk away. >> Confused pause. << So he can watch her hindquarters? >>

Jenna asks, "Sir? When will we be allowed to be on elevator duty? I'll be allowed to do that with the rest of them, won't I?"

Dragon> Niyath and Saneth sense that Tenkanoth is slightly amused. << Oh stop it Niyath. But careful Saneth, some humans are weird and do not like having their hindquarters watched. >>

Dragon> Saneth bespoke Tenkanoth and Niyath with << Niyath? Can I watch your hindquarters? >>

K'fen is frowning slightly and he doesn't answer at once. Then he shakes his head and nods at Jenna. "Of course you will!"

Niyath tucks her tail under her and gives a dirty look at Saneth.

Jenna nods. "Good! She's been practicing landing on the starstones ledge - she rather likes it up there."

K'fen starts answering, "Sure, it won't do you any b... TENKA!" he blurts out aloud, though one can't decide whether he's about to yell or laugh. "No way, you don't tell them, they do -not- need to know that."

Dragon> Tenkanoth and Niyath sense that Saneth turns his attention to the other lady. << Tenkanoth? Can I watch /your/ hindquarters? Why does F'niah want to watch hers? They shiver. >>

Jenna blinks a bit at the outburst, and then turns suspicious eyes on Niyath. "What're you sitting like that for, love - no, Saneth doesn't..." Then she stops, flushing. "Oh."

Dragon> Niyath and Saneth sense that Tenkanoth is obviously facing a dilemma. << You can watch Saneth, but -he- says you should not. Not now. -He- says you are too young and that you will understand later. >>

Niyath half extends a wing over Jenna, clearly not liking where all this is going.

Dragon> Tenkanoth and Niyath sense that Saneth is all innocent enthusiasms. << I like your hindquarters. They are green. >> Still waters run... shallow. << Taisoth's hindquarters are green too, but F'niah's hindquarters change. Sometimes they are brown, and sometimes they are grey. Melinda's hindquarters are black. >>

F'niah walks over from the center of the bowl.
F'niah has arrived.

Need we mention Sef's charming blush? Oh probably. He jogs in from across the bowl, a hide in one hand, and makes as if to move right on through with only a mutter masquerading as salute and greeting.

Jenna is standing under Niyath's outstretched wing, and the queen is shooting dirty looks at Saneth.

K'fen draws a hand across his face and just burts out... laughing. "Sef, please, tell Saneth to think about something else. I think it's gone far enough for today..."

Dragon> Saneth bespoke Tenkanoth and Niyath with << See? See! Now all of him is a different color! /I/ never do that. Tenkanoth, do /you/ change colors? >>

Niyath> I bespoke Tenkanoth and Saneth with << Of course she does, you silly ignorant blue. >> She sounds smug, << Alirath told me. >>

You say "Niyath! Stop it."

Dragon> Niyath and Saneth sense that Tenkanoth is not really concerned. << I do not know. I am always green. >>

K'fen grunts... "Do not add anything Tenka!"

F'niah stutters to a confused stop, his arm-holding-hide swinging oh-so-casually down toward hus tunic hem. "Uhm.. yessir." He flashes a dirty look toward Jenna-and-Niyath before loping into the barracks.
F'niah enters the weyrling barracks.
F'niah has left.

High above the bowl, Maireth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

Saneth reluctantly heaves himself to his feet and trudges after his boy.

High above the bowl, Maireth spirals down lower into the bowl.