Niyath and Jenna get into the air together, after Hanreth and Taisoth's first flights. R'yat and Randoth also make it into the air together, and get a stern talking to.
Jenna - Friday, May 17, 2002, 1:42 PM
Fort Weyr Bowl, by the weyrling barracks
The Bowl of Fort Weyr, a large, nearly featureless plain surrounded by steep
mountain cliffs, stretches out before you. It is vaguely oval in shape, long
from the southwest to the northeast; you are standing near the wall northwest
of its center. To the west is a cavern, carved into the cliffside, where newly-Impressed
dragonriders live with their young dragons before they have been fully trained.
When they join a regular fighting Wing, the young riders are ready to inhabit
weyrs of their own.
To the south is the fenced off area where the Weyr's herds are kept. Along the
north rim of the bowl, to the east of here, are the junior queens and weyrleaders
weyrs, and the entrance to the Hatching ground. The center of the bowl, off
which is the entrance to the large living caverns, stretches out to the southeast.
Dulcibeth warbles a bright greeting to the other dragons, Elsie slipping down off the green's neck. "K'fen!" The greenrider shouts out making her way towards the assistant weyrlingmaster, "You didn't tell me that you were coming to help out this weyrling class! I went to Igen and they said you'd gone!" She beams around as she approaches, "Ista's duties to Fort." She calls belatedly.
J'nas exits the barracks with Hanreth in tow. He salutes K'fen with a smile.
"Good afternoon sir!" The weyrling turns to regard the new arrival.
R'yat's little brown Peachy appears, chirping and drops a message to Jenna before disappearing. (You have a new +mail)
K'fen giggles and warmly hugs the Istan greenrider, oblivious of people around. "Elsie! Talk about a surprise! Igen's duties to Ista!" He glances around and gestures widely with hi hand. "Well, I'm helping here indeed."
P'ter looks around, after having finished tugging at R'dall's straps. J'nas gets a salute, Elseve a greeting. "Welcome to Fort Elseve, duties to Ista, to yourself and to your dragon."
P'ter says "And a good job K'fen is doing too."
R'yat steps out of the Weyrling barracks.
R'yat has arrived.
Jenna comes out of the barracks a bit behind J'nas, Niyath nudging her playfully in the back. "Yes, love, yes. I'm hoping that you can-" She breaks off, and hurried tosses up a salute, lower lip disappearing between her teeth. She offers a quiet and belated, "Fort's duties to Ista."
R'yat emerges from the relative warmth of the barracks, wiping his forehead. Scanning quickly, he salutes K'fen and P'ter, then echoes Jenna almost instinctively. "Fort's duties..."
P'ter salutes R'yat and Jenna both, then says to all the newly arrived Weyrlings, "How come you all come out at once? Dragon poker game going on in there that I missed?"
Elseve returns the hug to her fellow greenrider and she looks around, saluting the weyrlings a bit. And repeats her previous call of duties to Jenna and R'yat and adds Igen for the benefit of K'fen. "Well, you're just getting to see the world just like they always told us we could, excepting in my case its as a transport wagon most usually." Her eyes skim across the faces of the weyrlings, "I hope I'm not interrupting something important..." She grins to the weyrlings, "I'm Elseve, Timor wingrider to green Dulcibeth," and she gestures to the green, and finishes, "at Ista Weyr."
J'nas glances back at Hanreth, "He's been waiting for his turn to fly, sir. Impatiently, mind you," he adds with a grin.
K'fen widely grins as he stands by Elseve. "Here are our weyrlings, Dawnstorm riders at Fort," he says, saluting back the newcomers. "Those who have their straps ready come here and show P'ter and me so that we can check. Then their lifemate can try unmanned flight." This is detailed for Elsie's benefit.
P'ter turns to K'fen, nodding towards Elseve, "Could you introduce us please Keffy, I don't think we've met."
Jenna quirks a bit of a smile at P'ter and says mildly, "I'll never tell." Though at K'fen's words she frowns faintly. "I was hoping that I could talk one of you into letting us hunt today. I swear, my arm is going to fall off if I chop any more." Niyath moves out of the way, to one side along the bowl wall, giving an encouraging croon to Hanreth.
K'fen oohs and bows very low at P'ter. "Here is Elseve, green Dulcibeth's. She was a weyrling back when I was helping P'tod at Ista as one of his assistants." Then to Elseve. "Here is P'ter, my old friend, former wingleader and current weyrleader here, at Fort."
P'ter smiles his thanks to K'fen, then nods, almost a bow of the head to Elseve, "Clear skies to you."
P'ter turns to Jenna, answering, "Well, don't ask me, K'fen is the one you need to ask. Sounds fine by me but I've been so hidebound lately that I'm not at what stage you all are." He adds, sotto voice, "I really /should/ read my reports a little more." He grins and winks, teasing K'fen maybe.
Elseve smiles, dips one of her feet back a bit in a slight curtsy, "To you aswell, Weyrleader P'ter. I hope all is well here at Fort." She says, her tone quite gentle and respectful.
K'fen puts his hands on his hips."If you don't read them, just -why- are we writing them?" he asks, good humoredly enough. "Well, if valry can't hel you Jenna, I'll be righ there as soon as I'm done with strap checking and flights. Who's next by the way?" he asks around.
Niyath> I bespoke Hanreth with << Flying is very much fun. Even Saneth has been able to fly. >>
Jenna hurriedly says to K'fen, "Oh, we don't need help, really. Just the go-ahead, honest." Then she tilts her head at P'ter and says, with a hint of amused scolding, "I won't ask how you're hidebound and not actually reading them then."
K'fen chuckles at Jenna. "If you just need that, you're allowed to try. But make sure there is another rider to watch, just in case, okay?"
P'ter smiles to Elseve, "Fort Weyr is at your disposal ma'am, should you wish it, please help yourself to out hospitality during your stay." Then he adds, "And of course, a friend of K'fen is most welcome here. He has good taste." Turning to K'fen, "As for report writing, we need to keep you busy somehow, I mean, what do you think this is, a vacation?" He blinks at Jenna, thinking quickly, "Well its this sort of thing were this rather lovely resident from the kitchen insists on trying me up in er .. hides. You know, hidebound."
J'nas steps forward with a mass of straps in his hands. "I hope these work. It's the fourth set I've made." Hanreth stares at K'fen, as if willing him to accept the riding straps.
K'fen stares back at Hanreth, looking rather amused, and then he's examining again, checking stitches, tugging loops, fiddling leather. Then there is that tearing attempt again. *gnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn*
Jenna beams at K'fen, good humor abruptly restored, and Niyath stretches out her neck to bump her head into her weyrmate's back. See? She told her. Jenna then sniffs at P'ter, with a little humpfhing sound. "Bronzeriders."
P'ter taps his nose, "Where would you be without them?" he asks of Jenna
P'ter says "Tell you what K'fen, if you are busy I could watch Niyath hunt? Would that help?"
K'fen turns to P'ter. "Would you do that Sir? It would help a lot, I think N'sales and Valry are still on thosereports..."
J'nas' eyes are locked on the straps and buckles as K'fen attepmts to tear them. At first, he fears the straps are stretching too much. Luckily for rider and dragon, the leather merely slipped a bit in K'fen's hands.
R'yat's gaze moves from Hanreth's straps to P'ter and Jenna. "Could I watch too?"
Niyath regards P'ter with eyes that are beginning to pick up speed and color. She's obviously agreeable. And Jenna is fairly bouncing with anticipation. "It'd be all right?"
K'fen grins at J'nas then. "That's totally perfect. You can putthem on on Hanreth, and then tell himto watch Tenkanoth closely, she's going to show him how it works. Tenka! Move a bit love and don't prance this time..."
P'ter nods, "Sure K'fen, not a problem. I have the time." He adds with a grin, "Probably because I'm not /reading/ those reports."
P'ter asks of Jenna, "This your first time?"
Randoth steps out of the Weyrling barracks.
Randoth has arrived.
K'fen idly nods at Rey. "Randoth flew already, you can go with them Rey;"
Jenna just grins at P'ter and then finally gives him a nod. "Yessir." A pause and she asks, "Can she go on ahead of us, sir?" She glances aside at Rey.
J'nas takes the riding straps from K'fen with an eager look on his face. Hanreth steps forward and raises his wings to keep them out of his lifemate's way. J'nas runs the leather up, over, and around the brown's body before buckling everyhing up. He checks the tension on the straps and makes sure that they are secure. "Not too tight, are they Hanreth?" The dragon snorts, his tail twitching impatiently.
Niyath> Randoth senses that Niyath offers magnanimously, << I do not mind if you hunt with me. It would be good to fly with you. >>
Tenkanoth croons happily as she's asked to show off again. Without even waiting -- Hanreth can watch while J'nas is dressing him --she fans her wings a little, then starts running across the field, powers her wings, hops (twice as usual) and she's in the air, flapping her wings until she catches the first thermal, right ahead, and then she's just lazily gliding around the field, not for long as she lands right where she was when she took off. Then the greenrider beams. "See? Tell Hanreth he can go now. If anything go wrong, make him land. If he tires or if I order it, make him land. GO!"
Randoth lumbers quietly and reaches R'yat's side and croons to his clutchsibs before bumping his lifemate's shoulder lightly. "Yes, I know Rand. Hold on." To Jenna and P'ter, he smiles.
Dragon> Niyath senses that Randoth respectfully bows. << I would be glad to watch you first. Those moving food seems fun to catch. >> A pause there. << I guess. >>
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath sounds a bit confused. << Why is my Jenna amused at your rider? >> She flashes an image of P'ter with a foot stuck in his mouth.
K'fen pages to J'nas, Jenna, P'ter, and R'yat: Definitely.
As soon as the word 'go' leaves K'fen's mouth, Hanreth is off and running in the same direction Tenkanoth went. After a short bound, The brown's wings sweep down in a powerful stroke. The next few strokes are a bit clumsy, but he manages to get himself airborne. Once in the air, Hanreth beats his wings to reach the thermal.
Hanreth takes a few more powerful strokes before spreading his wings to catch the warm air current. He makes his first bank as he glides on the thermal. A loud brassy bugle escapes from the jubilant brown as he is finally flying!
K'fen shields his eyes and watches Hanreth. "Perfect, if he listens to Tenkanoth, there will be no problem. Tell him, just one turn, no more."
Dragon> Hanreth bespoke Fort dragons with << I can fly! >>
Niyath> I bespoke Randoth with << I do not care if it is fun, I care more if it is filling. I am positively *empty*. >>
Dragon> Fort dragons sense that Randoth sounds all cheerful now. << Of course you can! You're doing great! >>
Niyath gives a brassy bugle towards Hanreth, half extending her wings. Jenna reaches up to try to get both arms around her 'mate's neck as much as she can. "Oh no you don't. Let him fly by himself first."
Tenkanoth warbles happily at the brown and extends her wings.
Randoth's head is lifted and his gaze focused on Hanreth as he lumbers closer Niyath. He also emits some short warble, eyes whirling with deep blue.
Dulcibeth rumbles softly, watching the young brown's progress. Elsie leans against her lifemate and giggles softly, "Yes, dear, once you were really that small and smaller." She murmurs to the attentive green.
J'nas nods, his eyes never leaving Hanreth's airborn form. "How long should I let him stay up there?" Hanreth pumps his wings, taking himself a little bit higher. This elicits a shout from J'nas, "Don't push your luck, Hanreth!" A disappointed warble can be heard from the sky as the brown begins to descend. As he draws closer to the ground, Hanreth backwings powerfully. The dragon touches down, but slides forward just a bit in his landing. His eyes whirl with excitement as he gazes at J'nas.
Dragon> Niyath senses that Randoth snorts. << I could use one of those feathered things myself too. >>
Niyath> I bespoke Randoth with << I shall catch one of each. >>
K'fen grins at J'nas and gestures toward Hanreth. "See? He managed it very well. Now ask him how he feels and whether he's tired, then bathe him."
J'nas nods, "Yes, sir!"
Zephyr steps out of the Weyrling barracks.
Zephyr has arrived.
Dragon> Niyath senses that Randoth gives a mental laugh. << Are you _that_ empty? >>
P'ter nods to Jenna, "Yes, if she wants to go ahead she can." He peers at the young gold, "Don't let her try to kill till we catch up though, just let her watch the herd." He smiles towards Jenna, "And we shall follow," he indicates the feeding grounds, "Lead the way."
Zephyr slips out of the barracks as quietly and descretely as anyone with bright red hair can. She didn't sneak off to the barracks, nope. She was here the whole time, really.
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << It would be very hard for my rider to physically assume such an interesting position. I know not why Jenna is thinking so. Would you care for me to ask him to attempt this contortion? >>
Niyath needs no further encouragement, bunching down and leaping skyward with a rather herculean jump to get her bulk in the air. Jenna watches anxiously, until it's clear she's headed for the feeding pens, then looks aside at Rey, "You coming or not? She doesn't mind if Randoth hunts with her."
K'fen spots the red haired weyrling be there all the time without sneaking off, nope. "Zephyr, now that J'nas and Hanreth are done, do you think your straps and Taisoth are ready?"
Taisoth stares at Niyath with envy, evident in her whirling green and orange eyes.
R'yat is standing near Randoth, one hand on his hide. He quickly turns his head to smile at Zephyr, then perks at Jenna. "Oh, I'm coming, I'm coming." He grins. "Move one, you..."
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath seems a bit tabken aback at the precise reply, abruptly a trifle shy to be afforded the courtesy. << If you would, please? My Jenna is thinking of him like this, and I do not quite understand. >> A pause and she flashes the image of herdbeasts and wherries. << Which of these is tastier? >>
Zephyr nods briskly to K'fen. "Yes! I think I've finally gotten them right." she says, sounding confident... as if she knows anything. "Should I get them?"
Jenna waves to Zephyr, and then follows Niyath at a trot to the feeding grounds.
You head into the feeding ground.
In the Fort Weyr feeding grounds
Nestled in the southwestern end of the oval-shaped Bowl, this grassy field provides
quite a contrast from the unremarkable dirt ground found elsewhere around it.
These are the pastures for the herdbeasts which feed the inhabitants of Fort
The peaceful lake shore from which the herdbeasts drink runs east, where the
sandy shore allows for swimming and relaxing, and curves to the south. The western
most portion of the lake is fenced off, to keep the herdbeasts separated from
bathing dragons, and is reachable to the south. The bowl stretches far to the
northeast, nearly 2 miles long. The weyrling barracks lie a north of here. Immediately
to the west, next to the cliffs, are pens in which the herdbeasts are kept.
Above the center of the bowl, Randoth rises into the air from near the Weyrling Barracks.
Dragon> Niyath senses that Aisheth returns with an image of a large bull herdbeast, << These are better, though others prefer the feathered things. >> He gives a mental smile, warmth permiating the mental link, << These are so nice and squishy, you can pop them in your mouth. >> - << And I shall ask my rider for you. >>
P'ter comes in from near the Weyrling barracks.
P'ter has arrived.
R'yat comes in from near the Weyrling barracks.
R'yat has arrived.
Above the center of the bowl, Niyath takes a lazy circle above the grounds, neck craned down to observe the animals below. The flash of wings over them sends the herds into nervous movement, bunching close together.
Jenna climbs up to perch on the fence, watching a trifle anxiously.
Above the center of the bowl, Randoth is a bit above the young queen, watching her for the moment.
P'ter follows Jenna, hoping the fence and catching up with the Weyrling, "Right then, now there is only one real think that worries me here, and that would be a tongue bite, so try to keep her calm, tell her to being her prey down with her claws rather than her mouth, at least to start with." He blinks, pausing, "You want me to put my foot in my mouth?"
Above the southwest area, Aisheth swoops down low over the feeding grounds.
Aisheth has arrived.
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath asks curiously, << Squishy? How? >>
Jenna hunches her shoulders at the Weyrleader's question and says a trifle louder, "Claws instead of her mouth. Right. She's terribly hungry." And perhaps Jenna's going a trifle deaf as well.
[later, after much loss of connections on all parties...]
You leave the feeding grounds and head north towards the weyrling barracks.
Fort Weyr Bowl, by the weyrling barracks
The Bowl of Fort Weyr, a large, nearly featureless plain surrounded by steep
mountain cliffs, stretches out before you. It is vaguely oval in shape, long
from the southwest to the northeast; you are standing near the wall northwest
of its center. To the west is a cavern, carved into the cliffside, where newly-Impressed
dragonriders live with their young dragons before they have been fully trained.
When they join a regular fighting Wing, the young riders are ready to inhabit
weyrs of their own.
To the south is the fenced off area where the Weyr's herds are kept. Along the
north rim of the bowl, to the east of here, are the junior queens and weyrleaders
weyrs, and the entrance to the Hatching ground. The center of the bowl, off
which is the entrance to the large living caverns, stretches out to the southeast.
Jenna is looking a trifle green as she accompanies Niyath back towards the barracks. "No, love it's fine, really."
R'yat has arrived.
R'yat arrives, clapping hands at Niyath. "Impressive."
K'fen giggles as he looks at Jenna. "Let me guess, you tried to look at the scene, you saw Aisheth play with his food or you just saw Niyath kill a beast... Right?"
Jenna's tone is a bit tight. "She squashed it. There was nothing left."
K'fen aaahs and clinically nods. "They tend to do that at the beginning -- it's not easy to aim..."
K'fen turns to Zephyr again and nods slightly. "Well, your straps are good so you can put them on Taisoth okay. Then I've got a little idea. Jenna, R'yat, would you come over here? Did your dragons eat or just kill or watch?"
Jenna comes over obediently, "She just killed. There... wasn't enough left for her to really eat." She still lookes a trifle green.
"Rand, watched." Rey explains as he comes closer, smiling.
Zephyr looks like she is going to bubble over with joy as her straps are finally deemed acceptable. She would have bounded on air over to Tai, if she wasn't burdened by the tangle of leather. So the best she can do is beam a grin and set to putting them onto her little lifemate. "Oh yes, of course they look gorgious on you, gorgious." And Taisoth seems very pleased.
K'fen licks his lips and runs a hand through his hair, winking at Jenna again. "Don't worry you'll get used to it. And then, you both have trained dragons. Do you believe they are ready to carry you?" He pauses and winks. "I do. What d'you think?" Tenkanoth is happily warblin gat Taisoth meanwhile.
Taisoth chatters a creel to Tenkanoth, whom she regards with admiration. She flicks a wing upward as Zephyr apparently reaches a ticklish spot while she is attatching the straps.
Jenna ohs and nods to K'fen. "If she can make a kill, she can fly me. She's strong enough. Bigger that most of the browns by now too."
Randoth immediately flaps his wings powerffully which cause the dust to fly in almost all directions. Rey's eyes included. "C'mon, Rand, I know you are ready. Well, at least you think you are." He teases his lifemate. "I think we are, K'fen."
Dragon> Tenkanoth bespoke Niyath, Randoth, and Taisoth with << You will see, it is easy. We are going to do it all together. >>
Dragon> Tenkanoth, Niyath, and Randoth sense that Taisoth is envious, particularly of Niyath, and her mindvoice whirls and reflects this. << I'm strong too. I can fly. >>
K'fen rubs his hands together, turning to Zephyr and Taisoth again then. "Perfect. We're going to do a group lesson. It will be useful for later, when you learn formation. Better get used to fly with wingmates." He starts pacing to and fro. "Tenkanoth is going to take off first after she explained Taisoth how it works. Then Taisoth will follow Tenkanoth, and Randoth and Niyath will follow Taisoth. Understood?"
Dragon> Tenkanoth, Niyath, and Taisoth sense that Randoth sends warm and comfort thought towards his green sister. << Of course you can Taisoth! >>
Niyath> Randoth and Taisoth sense that Niyath is clearly excited, << This is more fun that squishing. >> She croons to Taisoth, << Of course you can. Even if your sails are much smaller. Varquith said that you will not need as much control. >> Evidently, this is an important tip, given the gravity of her thoughts.
Dragon> Tenkanoth bespoke Niyath, Randoth, and Taisoth with << Yau can Taisoth, and you will. >>
R'yat straightens. "Aye Sir." He does not laugh this time though.
Taisoth snorts, surely pleased that she was chosen to fly infront of her two more experianced clutchsibs. Zephyr just smiles at Taisoth and gives her a scritch and a pat. "I'm happy for you too, sweet. -Okay K'fen."
Jenna nods, automatically snapping off a salute. "Yessir. Just tell us when to mount up."
K'fen straightens -- but no way, he's still smaller than any of them -- and knots his hands in his back. "Jenna and R'yat, mount now. Be careful, I'm watching you. I'll check your straps again before you take off. If there is -anything- you hear me -- a loos loop in the straps, a bad feeling, if you feel sick, anything, land _at once_." No kidding there.
Randoth slowly half spreads his wings, crouching. "You'll have to wait, Rand--Oh!" And Rey hurries at the bronze's side.
Jenna needs no further encouragement.
@>> R'yat carefully climbs into place between Randoth's neckridges. His lifemate croons gently as he makes himself secure.
@>> Makai walks over from the center of the bowl.
Jenna attaches the clips to her belt, absently checking the airspace around her, before she looks down anxiously at K'fen and Zephyr.
@>> K'fen is standing straight, watching R'yat and Jenna mount while Tenkanoth is warbling at Taisoth, apparently explaining things in a draconic sort of way, showing off her wings and so on. "Good," K'fen says, jogging to inspect Randoth's straps and make sure R'yat is buckled. "Tenkanoth will go. You all -wait- for my order before taking off." This said he inspects Jenna's straps and nods. "Are you all ready?"
@>> Astride Randoth, R'yat buckles himself securely into Randoth's flying straps.
@>> Taisoth chortles and flickers her wings outwards, looking absolutely pleased, if not somewhat indignant that she isn't able to carry her lifemate yet. Her muscles tighten and she seems very jumpy and excited with anticipation. She listens to Tenkanoth's orders for her and waits, but she does not seem at all patient about it.
@>> Makai waves 'Hello' to then, not wanting to intrude as he walks by. He sends a smiling wave to K'fen as he sits dwn for a rest.
Jenna nods, pumping her arm in the appropriate signal, as she would to a wingleader, and calls, "Ready!"
@>> K'fen stands here, absently waving back at Makai without really looking, concentrated as he is on the young dragons. Then he lifts his arm and Tenkanoth starts running. Runrunrunrun*hops**hops**SWOOSH* She takes off after the perfunctory hops and fans her wings powerfully. Of course she knows perfectly well where that thermal is, so she's suddenly rising upwards, and then extends her wings, lazily gliding. "Perfect. Now Taisoth, GO!"
Jenna nervously checks her airspace again. Niyath half unfurls her wings, watching Taisoth eagerly, tail swishing restlessly back and forth.
@>> Taisoth dosen't need to be told twice. She bolts forward as soon as K'fen utters the 'guh' sound of 'Go'. Kicking up dirt behind her as she sprints as fast as her young legs can carry her, she flicks her wings outwards and jumps once! Twice! And finally a third time brings her high enough into the air for her to begin flapping franticly. She creels with determination, and follows after Tenkanoth skyward, shaky and un-graceful though she is.
@>> Zephyr cheers after her lifemate as she takes to air for the first time, "Yeah Tai! You're flying!" She jumps upward with excitement, her hair bouncing and flinging about as she does so.
Dragon> Tenkanoth bespoke Niyath, Randoth, and Taisoth with << That is good Taisoth. Power your wings, straight forward. >>
@>> Makai chuckles amused, eyes dancing in amber pools of excitement.
@>> K'fen is still checking straps a last time and opens his eyes wide. "R'yat, please dismount at once. I'm not confident with your straps..."
@>> Mounted atop Randoth, R'yat fidget the straps, nervously, obviously feeling his lifemate's envy.
@>> Niyath gives a bugle after Taisoth, prancing in place and lightly jarring her rider, who is cheering as well. "Go, Taisoth!!"
@>> Astride Randoth, R'yat finally perks. "Oh?"
@>> K'fen points to a stitch. Well, from afar one can't see anything but... "I'm sure I could tear this stitch apart bare handed. Get your tools and fix that now. It may be not much, but I won't chance it. I definitely don't want you falling off Randoth right in the air."
@>> Mounted atop Randoth, R'yat unbuckles himself from Randoth's flying straps, allowing him to dismount.
@>> R'yat slides with ease down from his place between his lifemate's neckridges. As he reaches the ground, Randoth croons happily.
Dragon> Taisoth bespoke Tenkanoth, Niyath, and Randoth with << I will follow you Tenkanoth! >>
Jenna grimaces for Rey, looking over to him in sympathy.
@>> Tenkanoth is lazily gliding in wide circles above Taisoth, bugling happily.
@>> R'yat look suddenly pale. "I will right now, Sir."
@>> R'yat removes Randoth's straps.
@>> Zephyr is so distracted watching Tai, she dosen't even notice R'yat's problem.
@>> K'fen checks Niyath as well but apparently he's satisfied. "Right Jenna, you canfollow Taisoth." R'yat gets a sideways glance but no comment. "Niyath, GO!"
@>> After a quick glance at Jenna and Niyath and another at Taisoth and Zeph, Rey hurries in the barracks.
@>> R'yat enters the weyrling barracks.
Jenna gives her airspace one last check, as Niyath crouches, tail lashing. Then with a mighty heave, the growing queen leaps aloft, powering her wings hard to get up to catch a thermal. Jenna catches herself on the forward neckridge, just shy of banging her chin, and her startled yelp turns into a ki-yooo of delight as she and Niyath are together in the air.
@>> Taisoth is managing to keep herself up and behind Tenkanoth, but with all of her strenuous flapping, she will soon over exert herself if she does not get used to the current and learn to glide easier. She bugles with triumph and frustration at the same time.
@>> Niyath sweeps her huge wings forward, easily making up the distance between herself and Taisoth in just a couple of wingbeats. Jenna evidently directs her behind and downstream of the green's airstream, as Niyath floats on the air current.
Niyath> Taisoth senses that Niyath suggests, << Let the wind do the work. Let it carry you? It is much easier that way. >>
Dragon> Niyath senses that Taisoth seems mildly defensive, dispite Niyath's offer of advice. << I knew that. >>
@>> Tenkanoth warbles approvingly from above, watching the younger dragons as she glides along with them. From the ground, K'fen shouts a few encouraging words, watching with a wide grin plastered on his face.
Niyath> Tenkanoth and Taisoth sense that Niyath is clearly excited, << We follow you! We fly as we were meant to! >>
Dragon> Tenkanoth bespoke Niyath and Taisoth with << Good Taisoth! Extend your wings, let the air support you. Now you will bank and finish your turn around the field. Then you will start flying down. Niyath, follow her but not too close. And remember you need more time to turn. Is your rider well? >>
Niyath> Tenkanoth and Taisoth sense that Niyath remembers, and sounds amused, << She is well. She says I am much bigger to fly on than Alirath. But that is how it should be. She will never need to ride another again! >> A pause and she sounds a trifle surprised, << It is surprisingly easy. >>
@>> Taisoth trys to relax and ease onto the wind currents so that she can minimize her flapping. She finally does so, but seems unstable as she leans just a little too far on either side. Wabbly is the better description. Grace dosen't even come to mind at this point. She tries to flap her wings deeply and then glide, rather than the quick pumping she was doing before. Following Tenkanoth, she begins to bank, but leans just a little bit too far to the side, she creels haplessly.
Dragon> Tenkanoth bespoke Niyath and Taisoth with << Not that much, not that much! Bank the other way, slowly. >>
@>> Tenkanoth warbles a warning and flies a bit lower, closer to the little green.
@>> On the ground, Zephyr is babbling up at the sky as she watches her lifemate. "Oh- just a little bit- lean just a little- there you've got it- no wait!" she jumps around throwing hand signals this way and that as if it would help.
@>> Niyath takes a wider bank around than the greens. She catches Taisoth's wavering, and gives a sharp warble of concern, not watching where she's going. As a result, her arc takes her a bit closer to the bowl wall than she should. Jenna leans against the straps, and the queen adjusts her flight, tail lashing out near enough to one of the ledges to startle a snoozing brown.
Dragon> Tenkanoth bespoke Niyath and Taisoth with << Niyath! Watch where you are going first, then watch your friends! >>
@>> Taisoth shakily evens herself out and banks the other way, this time not enough. Which is probably a good thing. She croaks and leans too far to the side again, as if it wasen't of her own will. Now as she is flipping this way and that, trying to steady herself, her mouth is agape, with no sound coming out. This makes an entirely strange scene.
@>> Tenkanoth fans her wings a bit, rising a bit higher and crooning at Niyath, just a bit scolding, but then she's just gliding lazily again.
Dragon> Tenkanoth and Niyath sense that Taisoth 's mindvoice sounds a bit startled, and she blears out, "Uneven! Unstable!"
Dragon> Tenkanoth bespoke Niyath and Taisoth with << That is good enough. We are going to land. Taisoth, you land first. Fly lower and lower, and then power your wings not to hit the ground too hard. Niyath, you wait a bit and lands afterwards. >>
@>> Niyath gives a worried trumpet, even as she finishes out the wide bank. Spars tip up slightly, slowing her forward momentum to a crawl to give the wavering green clear wing room. Jenna's watching the scene with jaw unhinged, much like Taisoth's is.
@>> Makai is holding his breath watching it all. He gasps a little as the two come wingtip to wingtip.
@>> Taisoth finally evens herself out and attempts her gradual decent. At first all seems well... but then, she pulls her wings inward too far and drops too quickly. She pumps her wings, as instructed, but more out of fear of hitting the ground, than completing her landing. Again she glides gradually until she can almost reach the ground. Her talons claw at the dirt and her front feet touch down, though she is still being carried by the air. Wings still out, and rump to the sky, she is for a moment, standing on her hands. Zipping her wings in tight to her, her hind drops with a *WHUMP* on the bowl floor. Not one smidge of grace.
@>> K'fen jogs toward Taisoth, though he doesn't look the least bit worried. He gives Zephyr thumbs up as he runs. "Good, good Taisoth! You'll have to train but you'l get better and better!"
@>> Niyath comes to a virtual stall in the air, only the momentum of the thermal carrying her forward. Jenna is keeping her eyes everywhere, checking airspace around her. There is a started squeal from the rider half, when she realizes that Taisoth is down, and that she's barely moving through the air.
Dragon> Tenkanoth bespoke Niyath and Taisoth with << Very well done Taisoth! Niyath, you can land too now. >>
@>> Niyath drops abruptly, half furling her wings. Jenna's startled yell echoes behind her, and the queen backpedals in the air, coming down with an easy, though dust churning and hind-leg scrabbling *thump*. More grace that Taisoth, perhaps, but still far from perfect.
@>> Taisoth is breathing hard, and she seems to have forgotten to close her mouth. She does that now. Standing up she bugles with triumph and stares up sideways at Niyath.
Dragon> Tenkanoth and Niyath sense that Taisoth complains dispite her praise, << Niyath is better than me. >>
@>> Tenkanoth bugles in return as she circles downwards, dives and banks upwards at the very last moment, fanning her wings frantically to smoothly land and folding them quickly afterwards. "I told you not to prance, Tenka," K'fen reproaches.
Dragon> Tenkanoth bespoke Niyath and Taisoth with << You will learn Taisoth! >>
Jenna is a trifle white at the precipitous landing, breathing as hard as Taisoth. She starts to unclip from the straps with a scarcely voiced, "Jays!"
@>> Zephyr runs over to Taisoth after K'fen and gets all fluttery over her lifemate. "Oh Tai! Are you okay? -Of course you are! That was so great what you did up there! You were wonderful! -Oh nonsense, shes not better than you... really... you just need practice thats all."
Niyath> I bespoke Tenkanoth and Taisoth with << I have been practicing more than you have is all, Taisoth. >>
Dragon> Tenkanoth and Niyath sense that Taisoth seems accepting of the responses, but unsatisfied. She mindspeaks in a moody swirl, << Yes. >>
You unclip and slither down Niyath's side to her forelimb, and then drop to
the ground.
Fort Weyr Bowl, by the weyrling barracks
The Bowl of Fort Weyr, a large, nearly featureless plain surrounded by steep
mountain cliffs, stretches out before you. It is vaguely oval in shape, long
from the southwest to the northeast; you are standing near the wall northwest
of its center. To the west is a cavern, carved into the cliffside, where newly-Impressed
dragonriders live with their young dragons before they have been fully trained.
When they join a regular fighting Wing, the young riders are ready to inhabit
weyrs of their own.
To the south is the fenced off area where the Weyr's herds are kept. Along the
north rim of the bowl, to the east of here, are the junior queens and weyrleaders
weyrs, and the entrance to the Hatching ground. The center of the bowl, off
which is the entrance to the large living caverns, stretches out to the southeast.
Zephyr beams a smile at Jenna and winks.
Makai waves to them all encouragingly. "That was great!" he says with molten bronze eyes.
Jenna is still a trifle pale under her light tan. She manages a grin at Zephyr and a thumbs up, before automatically looking Niyath over.
K'fen turns to Zephyr and lists, counting on his fingers, "Check whether she's really all right, make her rest and she can practice flying tomorrow. She'll have to straightens her wings, but be very careful not to overstrain her. You have months to learn that, don't rush. Okay?" He beckons Jenna to come over.
Jenna turns, as Niyath nudges her, and trots obediantly to K'fen. "Yessir?"
Zephyr nods to K'fen and listens to him intently. "Okay, yes, I'll do that." She beams a grin back to Taisoth, who is burbling warbles to her. "-You are really okay aren't you Tai?" she asks and examines her dragon.
K'fen grins at Jenna. "That was great. Same instructions for you and Niyath, she can fly with you now from tomorrow. Not before. It's the time when they'll want to do it a lot, but their muscles have to be trained progressively. When you're used to it, you'll be given new chores -- lifting chores and soon watches. We'll keep you informed."
Makai nods affirmatively as he watched Taisoth and Zephyr, eyes beaming.
Jenna beams at K'fen, evidently pleased she'll be included in the lifting and watches. "Yes sir."
K'fen straightens and friendly pats the weyrling's shoulders. "You flew well, and you'll get better and better. Keep training!"
Zephyr leads Taisoth into the barracks where she can relax after her first flight.
Zephyr enters the weyrling barracks.
Zephyr has left.
Taisoth enters the weyrling barracks.
Taisoth has left.
Jenna murmurs, "Come on, Niyath, let's get your straps off. I want to double check them."
Niyath enters the weyrling barracks.
Niyath has left.
Niyath> R'yat is jumping out of his cot, straps in one hand. "Done!" Seeing Zeph and Tai he grins. "Rand told me you flew well. Our turn now."
Niyath> "Ohhh. You're coming back too, Jen?" Rey frowns a little. "Do you think K'fen will allow us to fly? Do you think he have time?"
Niyath> From Zeph and Tai's spot, Zephyr smiles at Rey and joins Taisoth on her couch as the little green rests from her first flight.
Niyath> I bespoke Randoth with << I will watch you from the barracks. >>
Dragon> Niyath senses that Randoth warbles.
Niyath> R'yat says "I'd better hurry..."
R'yat steps out of the Weyrling barracks.
R'yat has arrived.
R'yat comes out, straps in ine hand. "Ready...I'm ready, Sir." He exclaims.
Jenna was headed back in with Niyath, though pauses to watch Rey and Randoth.
K'fen is tinkering with a couple of hides and lifts his head to spot R'yat. "Ah, Rey, so, checked that stitch?"
R'yat quickly winks at Jenna. He mutters to Jenna, "I didn't hurt... fingers this... Thanks... for..."
You sense R'yat quickly winks at Jenna. "I didn't hurt my fingers this time. Thanks again for showing me."
R'yat straightens and nods. "Yes, Sir. I think it's all better now." Then he hands for the assistant weyrlingmaster to check.
Randoth crouches down, waiting for the straps and his lifemate.
Jenna grins at Rey, though she remains silent for now, watching instead.
K'fen tsks as he grabs the straps. "No muttering in front of a 'master or an assistant," he says absently, checking the stitch he had spotted a bit earlier and nodding approvingly. "Much, much better. You're allowed to mount now."
R'yat beams and runs to Randoth.
R'yat puts on Randoth's straps.
Dragon> Niyath senses that Randoth lets out a long croon. << At last! >>
R'yat carefully climbs into place between Randoth's neckridges. His lifemate croons gently as he makes himself secure.
Niyath> Randoth senses that Niyath watches anxiously from her couch in the barracks, both through Jenna's eyes and the open door. << You will be careful, won't you? My Jenna would be upset if you broke your rider or yourself. >>
K'fen absently unties his hair and shakes his head, then pushes back a few strands, watching the bronze. "Ready up there?" He lifts his arm. "No more than a turn around the field, and land if anything go wrong. A frown. "GO!"
From high between Randoth's neckridges, R'yat lifts his thumb up but grabs the straps quickly back as the bronze immediately starts to move.
Randoth spreads his wings and powerfully hops once and leaves the ground below
after a short race.
Randoth has left.
Above the center of the bowl, Randoth rises into the air from near the Weyrling
Dragon> Niyath senses that Randoth sends apaising blue all over as he answers. << I will take care of him. You can reassure your rider, I will be careful. >> A pause and another warble. << I can feel my rider and the wind! I am happy! >>
K'fen looks up, leaning against Tenkanoth who is rumbling happily. His eyes unfocuse now and then, as he's apparently giving orders that Tenkanoth is repeating.
Above the center of the bowl, Randoth feels the wind under his wings and excited by flying with his lifemate for teh first time, he suddenly banks sharply. "Wheeeeeeee!" is the only sound that comes from Rey's mouth.
Niyath> Randoth senses that Niyath sends you the brief exhultation she and Jenna shared a few moments ago, aloft together and facing the rest of the world. The contact is short, but intense, and she then continues to watch anxiously.
Above the center of the bowl, Randoth tries his wingsails again and dives a little. On his back R'yat is grabbing the straps as tight as he can, but a smile is crossing his face.
Tenkanoth bugles from the ground and gets on her hindlegs, scolding the younger bronze. K'fen tsks and snaps his fingers, frowning noticeably.
Dragon> Niyath senses that Randoth answers by sending his own emotion. A quick flow of vivid colors and a whirl of pure blue.
Jenna's expression clouds and she murmurs, "Niyath..." Sounds like a bit of a warning, to where her mate can be seen through the open doorway of the barracks, lounging on her couch and watching.
K'fen stifles a chuckle. "No Tenka, I told you I was -ordering- him, not -asking- him."
Above the center of the bowl, Randoth banks again to place himself to turn around the bowl. He does decreases his speed though, but he just can't stop bugling his joy.
Jenna murmurs softly, "I think Niyath wasn't helping matters, sir."
Above the center of the bowl, Randoth is now gliding lazily, finishing his smooth turn.
K'fen shakes his head at Jenna. "Still," he tersely comments. "Not that I'm biased, but I noticed bronzes tend to try more and more foolish stuff, especially with a green showing them. But they tend to forget they are bigger and slower than Tenkanoth."
Jenna nods, subsiding. She does, however, toss a dark look over her shoulder at her mate.
Above the center of the bowl, Randoth glides down to a gentle landing in front
of the Weyrling barracks.
Randoth has arrived.
Niyath> Randoth senses that Niyath explains, the moment you touch down safely, << My Jenna said I was to be quiet and not distract you. >>
Dragon> Niyath senses that Randoth is surprised. << It is nice from her, but assure her that you never disturb me. >> With that he adds a very soft warble.
R'yat slides with ease down from his place between his lifemate's neckridges.
As he reaches the ground, Randoth croons happily.
R'yat has arrived.
R'yat wipes all the tears from his eyes. "I will need goggles next time." He says, grinning like a child.
Jenna winces sympathetically at Rey's cry. She doesn't move from the barracks entrance, however, leaving the bronzer to speak alone with the weyrlingmaster's assistant.
R'yat catches Jenna from a corner of his now dry eye and quickly waves before facing K'fen again.
K'fen faces R'yat and looks up sharply at him, though he's very slightly smiling. "That was quite good but you will have to learn to tell Randoth not to experiment, yet. He could have harmed you both if anything went wrong. So, please, no acrobatics, no diving, and so on. I don't want to have you grounded. Clear?"
R'yat's smile slowly fades out as K'fen's words pierce the armor of his joy. "Oh." He mutters and nods. "I will, K'fen, but I'm sure he didn't mean to..." The end of the sentence is left unspoken but the young weyrling's eyes shows no doubt of his thoughts.
K'fen waggles a finger and frowns a bit more now. "You shall end your sentence after 'I will'. Even if Randoth doesn't mean to, he can put you in danger if you both are not careful. Believe me it's not fun at all to have your dragon execute the finest looping when you're on his or her back." No need to be particularly clever to guess the rider knows what he's talking about...
K'fen looks around and clears his throat, half smiling. "Well, reassure me, that sounded convincing... Yes?"
R'yat nods vigorously once. "Yes, K'fen." Randoth is too busy to look at the sky to notice his rider's trouble. "I'll calm him down."
K'fen grins more convincnigly then. "I'm sure of that. Well, that's good, I'm going to write reports, and that kind of things. Make sure Randoth rests enough."
R'yat keeps nodding. "That will be another story to force him to rest." He smiles. "But I'm sure Niyath will help." And he grins at Jenna.
Jenna nods. "We'll see what we can do."
K'fen lazily salutes and turns on his heels. "Hey green lump. Let's move!" he calls Tenkanoth who just snorts.