Mating Flight Lecture
K'fen, P'ter and Yenne tell the weyrlings what they can expect.
Jenna - Sunday, June 02, 2002, 11:16 AM
Your location's current time: 18:20 on day 4, month 7, Turn 40, of the Tenth Pass. It is a summer evening.
Weyrling Barracks(#991RAJ$)
Row after row of stone couches line this gigantic cavern; weyrlings of all ages
tend their dragons, hurry in and out, and perform various chores. Next to each
couch is a small cot and press, so that riders can sleep by their dragons.
A small area is set aside near the north wall. It seems to be a classroom:
the wall near it is covered in diagrams, as well as signs reading "Oil
Daily" and the like. A large bin full of oil is strategically placed nearby,
ceramic pots and long paddles lining the shelves behind it, ready to fill for
an itchy dragon's oiling. Far in the back wall is a curtained partition that
leads to the bathing cavern. Near the entrance is a dark, cool room with hanging
slabs of meat and a gigantic bin filled with chunks for the young dragons to
eat. Against a wall not far away are a few long tables where the Weyrlings take
their meals.
+view is available.
A wide opening to the east opens out into the Bowl.
Weyrling Board
Oil Bin
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << Niyath? >> The question just tickles at the side of the mind, very quiet, very light. << Are you sleeping? >> >>
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath is rather wide awake, actually, having just had a nice coat of oil. << No. I am gleaming. >> She flickers an image of her hide, burnished from the oil, thoughts tinged with amusement.
Aisheth comes through the wide archway to the east which leads to the bowl.
Aisheth has arrived.
Aisheth enters, walking the ungainly walk of a dragon on four legs, his long neck snaking to the side as he peers down the rows of couches.
Jenna is tidying up her press, Niyath on her couch, coiled carefully and gleaming with a fresh coat of oil. Jenna on the other hand, is a mess, oil from one end of her to the other. The young queen's tailtip twitches as she rumbles a greeting.
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << I would very much like to see your hide in such a condition, it must set off your beauty to unsurpassed brilliance. >>
Aisheth croons a low note, coming closer, warbling a little Jenna as well. A greeting.
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << Your rider too looks nice covered in oil. I wonder if it does their hides good. >>
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath seems a trifle confused at the compliment and... flattered? Perhaps. She siezes on the comment about Jenna, << It does. Her hands are always soft now. And the ugly calluses on her feet have all but worn away. I am very good for her. >>
Jenna looks up and grins a bit. "Hey, Aisheth. Bit bored, are you? Your rider off buried under hides again?"
Dragon> Niyath senses that Aisheth pauses, without doubt consulting with P'ter. << My rider tells me that she used to run a lot. >> He gives the impression of being pleased that you are with Jenna, << Now she will have to run no longer, now you and her can fly! >>
Aisheth peers at Jenna, tilting his head to do so, the whole thing reminiscent of a movement that P'ter has been making ever since he impressed in fact. He warbles a short little note to Jenna in reply. He pokes his head forwards, having closed the distance, and his huge snout comes within an arms length of the rider. Then he inhales.
J'nas comes through the wide archway to the east which leads to the bowl.
J'nas has arrived.
Hanreth comes through the wide archway to the east which leads to the bowl.
Hanreth has arrived.
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath is obviously pleased. << We fly together well. >> There is an image of soaring over the mountains, and the wild glee of flight together, escaping the weyr. << But she may not go to the place she likes to go. Jinieth's rider says. >>
Dragon> Niyath senses that Aisheth is curious, his thoughts follow yours, watching the images of flight, << Where is this place you can not go, and why woudl Jinieth's rider say that you can not go there? >> he asks, surprised.
Saneth gets up from his cot.
Saneth has arrived.
Jenna smirks faintly at Aisheth, his huge head before her, and offers out a hand for an eyeridge drubbing. "Don't ask me to oil you. I don't have the energy. - Hey, J'nas. What've you and Hanreth been up to today?"
Aisheth snorts, the breeze batting at Jenna's oiled clothing, but at least he hasn't eaten firestone in a day or two and his breath was thankfully dry. Then he croon and moves his head to offer that eyeridge, though he moves it in a way that allow him to keep Niyath in sight.
Saneth scrambles out of his wallow, careful not to disturb F'niah. His boy is catching a mid-day nap, leaving the blue to his own devices. Knowing Saneth, those will probably consist of a nap later, but for now he's content to flump down and observe the others.
Aisheth warbles a greeting to the other dragons, repeating as each enters.
Dragon> Saneth bespoke Niyath with << Aisheth is watching you. >> The blue does, too, cocking his head to one side. << Are your hindquarters changing colors? >>
Hanreth warbles a greeting to Aisheth and J'nas grins at Jenna. "We just finished sunning by the Star Stones. We took a trip to Southern Boll and Hanreth insisted on bathing in the Sea for the first time."
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath shows a surprisingly clear image of the Harper Hall, for one who has never been there. << There. She said that my Jenna would know why. >> And is distracted by Hanreth's entrance and J'nas's comment.
Niyath> Hanreth senses that Niyath sounds disappointed, << You went without me? >>
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << You cannot go to that place? To where the harpers come from? >> He pauses again, << And your rider has not told you why this is so? >>
Jenna rubs at Aisheth's eyeridge, pointedly ignoring the way the bronze is watching Niyath. "Uh oh. She's rather put out you went without her, J'nas. She grins at the brown, even as she glances to Saneth to keep an eye on him. Or look for Sef, either one.
Niyath> I bespoke Saneth with << Of course they are not changing colors. >>
Dragon> Niyath senses that Hanreth is apologetic, but not completely, << I did not want to interrupt your oiling. >>
K'fen comes through the wide archway to the east which leads to the bowl.
K'fen has arrived.
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath's reply is a trifle evasive, << Because he is there. >> She flashes a hazy image of Rodric's face.
F'niah is no Master of Snoring, not like /some/ weyrlings he could name. Rather he sleeps silently, if with arms flung off his cot as if he'll slide off any minute.
Aisheth warbles to K'fen as he enters.
J'nas looks up at his brown lifemate, "It sounds like you owe her, Hanreth. How do you plan to remedy that?"
Dragon> Saneth bespoke Niyath with << Then why is Aisheth watching? >>
Niyath> Hanreth senses that Niyath agrees, << I did need to be oiled. But I was hoping to see the sea. >>
J'nas salutes K'fen when he enters the barracks. "How are you today, sir?"
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << I do not know this person. I cannot remember. My rider will remember. >>
Niyath> Saneth senses that Niyath explains, << Aisheth and I are talking about why my Jenna may not go here. >> An image of the Harper Hall is flashed.
Dragon> Niyath senses that Hanreth reassures, << We can go again. The water will not go anywhere. >>
Saneth keeps his distance from the barracks' entrance, contenting himself with watching the larger dragons.
Niyath> Hanreth senses that Niyath asks eagerly, << Was it really Big? >>
Dragon> Hanreth bespoke Niyath with << Very big. I could not see where it ended. >>
Jenna starts to respond to J'nas, and then salutes as K'fen enters.
Dragon> Saneth bespoke Niyath with << I know that place! >> His excitement manifests in a sudden gleeful shower, drops pattering gold-green. << F'niah thinks about that place! >>
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << I must go now, my rider will not be here in time. He requests I get him. >> He sends a mental image of P'ter hopping out of his weyr with his pants around his knees, trying to pull them up and shrug into a jacket at the sime tome. << Sometimes he is late >>
K'fen walks in, carrying a medium-sized sack tossed over his shoulder. He holds it with a single hand to salute lazily with the other. "Hello weyrlings," he says, grinning widely and then nodding at J'nas. "I'm quite fine, thanks." Then he drops the sack, which does not seem very heavy from afar. "Please, start gathering for a Lecture, it's more than time."
Niyath> I bespoke Saneth with << We may not go there. >>
Dragon> Saneth bespoke Niyath with << Why not? >>
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath passes that one along to her rider. << It is difficult, when they must wear their hides like that. >>
Aisheth passes by K'fen, warbling briefly as his large bulk flashes by, the bronze leaving adroitly.
Jenna starts to say something in return to K'fen, and suddenly goes blood red, flicking a quick glance to her mate, coiled carefully on her couch.
Aisheth steps out through the cavern's arch into the open space of the bowl.
Aisheth has left.
K'fen blinks a few times as he looks at Aisheth and bows at him as he leaves. "I expect P'ter will arrive soon then..."
One of the other weyrlings nudges Sef awake as she passes. He swings himself upright, then trails after the girl. "C'mon, you," he thumps Saneth's leg, saluting K'fen as he gets close enough.
Niyath> I bespoke Saneth with << You should wake up your rider. >> A pause and she says, << Jinieth's rider said we may not. >>
J'nas moves past the milling dragons to take a place at the table. "What are we discussing today, sir?"
P'ter comes through the wide archway to the east which leads to the bowl.
P'ter has arrived.
Yenne comes through the wide archway to the east which leads to the bowl.
Yenne has arrived.
J'nas pops up from the seat he just took to salute P'ter.
Yenne slips into the barracks, tugging off helmet and gloves and looking around with some curiosity.
K'fen rubs his hands together, straightens, chin up, chest out and he clears his throat. "Though a lot of you know a little about it, we're going to talk about Mating Flights today and..." He stops and lightens, widely grinning and ewtending his arms. "Yenne!"
R'yat straightens as he places himself near Randoth. He quickly salutes.
P'ter enters, "Aisheth tells me that is it time for that lecture." He is buttoning up his jacket as he enters, then tugs it down both front and back so that it sits right on his frame. Then he salutes J'nas, turning to stare at Yenna, "Yenne! Good to see you."
Dragon> Saneth bespoke Niyath with << Oh, if Jinieth says so... >> Though he doesn't sound completely convinced. << F'niah says we may go there later? >>
Jenna comes up to the front as well, brushing at the oil stains on her clothing, and pushing her hair back behind her ears. She salutes P'ter and the unfamiliar rider, murmuring a quiet, "Fort's duties." The weyrling is an utter mess, and it's not hard to see why: Niyath gleams with oil from headknobs to tailtip.
F'niah easily shifts his K'fen-saluting to P'ter, then Yenne. "Fort's duties to High Reaches and your queen, ma'am. ..Uh, what lecture, sir?" He exchanges looks, then shrugs with some of the other weyrlings.
Niyath> I bespoke Saneth with << You may, but we may not, until Jinieth's rider says so. >>
A bit of tittering breaks out amongst some of the more precocious greenriders, along with the salutes and various offers of 'duties'.
Wiping his sweater, R'yat seems to be quite nervous. He salutes again, seeing the Goldrider entering. He bends his head to look at F'niah then at K'fen.
Yenne returns salutes as appropriate and then leans over to give first K'fen and then P'ter hugs. "Hello you two,' she syas with a warm smile. "It's wonderful to visit Fort again, and to meet your newest weyrlings." She glances outside, and rolls her eyes. "Even if Temornath is a tiny bit miffed. She was expecting fish."
Dragon> Niyath senses that Saneth deflates. << Oh. >> Nothing keeps him down for long, however. << Do you want to go? Perhaps you could fly with me, and leave *Jenna* here. >>
K'fen sheepishly chuckles at the goldrider. "I'm sorry Yenne, I couldn't either grasp Solant or fish 'em myself... But Tenkanoth might take her to the lake and catch some. It's a gamefor her." F'niah gets a little wink. "Mating Flights, Sef." Just in case he didn't hear the greenriders already.
Niyath> I bespoke Saneth with << I will go with Jenna when it is time to go. >>
Randoth moves his head just above Rey's shoulder. The weyrling instinctively puts one hand on the huge muzzle, smiling.
F'niah scrubs at his eyes as if attempting to shove them through his head. "Uh... oh." Which causes other of the greenriders to giggle and nudge their neighbors, nodding at either him or Jenna. A glance toward the bowl, then P'ter... Sef straightens. No hope for it. "Uh, yes sir."
Yenne laughs and shakes her head. "No apologies needed, K'fen. You know hot Temornath is about fish gifts, the spoiled little thing." She winks, and then looks at the weyrlings speculatively. "Mating flight lecture, eh?"
Saneth paces out a Saneth-sized circle in the middle of one of the aisles and flops down into it.
J'nas' lip quivers as he holds back a laugh, "/They/ are going to talk about mating flights, Hanreth. I'm learning as you do." His gaze wanders across the faces of the younger weyrlings, amusement clearly shows in his eyes.
Dragon> Saneth bespoke Niyath with << Oh. ...It is a good day for flying. F'niah wants to go flying now. >>
Jenna's expression is decidedly diffident, as she glances aside to her couch and her mate in the first row. She settles cross-legged, trying to stay out of the way and oddly quiet.
K'fen drags the sack to stand by the desk, gesturing for P'ter and Yenne to join him and have a sit there. "Yep, better too early than too late for this one. And I wanted them to have the point of view of a goldrider -and- an occasion to invite you." Then he lifts the sack and turns it upside down to empty it. Ooooh, it's full of rag dolls! "Borrowed them from T'al," the greenrider tersely explains.
J'nas quirks an eyebrow, "I'm curious to see how ragdolls work into dragon flights."
P'ter takes a deep breath, then smiles, "So, mating flights its going to be." He looks at K'fen, "So then Kef, where do you want me to sit so that I can be out of the way?" Then he sees the gesture from K'fen, and goes to the desk, pulling out a seat for Yenne. He stares at the dolls, "Oh no!"
Dragon> Niyath, Hanreth, and Saneth sense that Randoth emits a funny warble as he peers at the dolls. << Ooh! Another thing to chew on! >>
Jenna gives J'nas a blank look, looking back over the rest of the weyrlings gathered up to watch and listen. "Beats me," she murmurs.
Dragon> Saneth bespoke Niyath, Randoth, and Hanreth with << I cannot see. What is it? >>
Dragon> Hanreth bespoke Niyath, Randoth, and Saneth with << They hardly look tasty. >>
"No, Rand. Those dolls aren't supposed to be chewable." And R'yat taps on the bronze muzzle slightly.
Yenne arches a brow at sight of the dolls. "This should be interesting," she murmurs in an undertone to P'ter. "Haven't seen dolls used in flight lectures before."
F'niah's eyebrows climb slowly upwards. "Uh... dolls, sir?" Maybe if he slowly sidles for the exit, he can make an escape.
K'fen chuckles and grins at J'nas, then at P'ter. "It's the way -I- have been Lectured about it back when I was a weyrling, and it worked very well. P'ter, there is room in my lap but if yuo prefer, I've got a few chairs behind the desk." He claps in his hands to get the weyrlings' attention and starts fingering the dolls. Some are representing dragons -- various sizes -- and some are representing humans. There are a few other things -- runners, wherries and so on -- as well.
Randoth suddenly perks and lifts his head away from R'yat's range. The weyrling slightly frowns then looks at K'fen and the dolls.
Hanreth raises a wing and looks back at the smaller Saneth
P'ter nods to Yenne, "I just .. well, I guess I'll live and learn and watch and wait and .. well, sit down." He grins, having spoken quietly. This if K'fen's lecture after all, though the comment about sitting on K'fen's lap does bring a rejoinder to his lips, but he bites it back, this not being the place.
Yenne grins at P'ter. "Looks like a good idea, though." She wanders over to the chairs and peeks over at K'fen. "That offer good for visiting goldriders too?"
Jenna hunches her shoulders slightly. Like F'niah, she seems to want an escape. That not being possible, she settles for making her thin frame as small as she can. Yenne's comment in return arches eyebrows, and she eyes the visitor and K'fen both for a moment.
K'fen bows very low in front of Yenne. "It goes without saying!"
J'nas glances over his shoulder at Jenna and gives her a reassuring smile and wink. He returns his attention back to the lecture.
R'yat catches sight of F'niah and Jenna. After another look at J'nas he finally smiles. It won't harm, right?
Yenne inclines her head regally to K'fen, blowing him a kiss. "Perhaps later. I don't want to distract you or the Weyrlings from the lecture. Do proceed - and tell me when you'd like me to jump in."
Randoth lets out a quite noisy croon and lumbers forward, arching his neck. "Hey! Don't start you..." R'yat says, trying to be as discreet as possible with a nosy stubborn young bronze lifemate. "I have to listen." His voice is quite firm, but the glitters in his eyes shows no doubt of his amusement.
K'fen crosses his arms over his chest then and sits on the edge of the desk, so that he won't have to look -up- at all of those weyrlings. Yenne gets a wink. "Well, when I run out of words?" *erm* "Okay," he says louder, "now all of you get settled and quiet, please. Using dolls was T'al's idea at the beginning, and it was a good one in my opinion. If this seems too easy for you, perfect." He clears his throat, eying the exit as well, though he might just check that Tenkanoth will prevent any sneaking out. "What are mating flights? You all spent enough time here to hear about it at least. Basically it's when a female dragon is proddy and needs to mate. She'll be chased by male dragons who share her need and then..." No need to explain the obvious. Yet.
P'ter sits down on the other seat, the one he didn't pull out for Yenne, "Room on my lap though of course if you get tired of waiting it out on a wooden seat," he says, sotto voice.
F'niah shuffles back, nomially to let one of the shorter weyrlings stand in front of him and get a gooood look at those dollies. Yup. That's the reason entirely.
Yenne stays quiet for the nonce, but slips over to sit in P'ter's lap while K'fen begins the lecture. She keeps looking at the dolls, curious.
K'fen idly reaches for a couple of dragon-dolls, toying with it a moment and scanning the crowd of weyrling, his grin obvious, as the definite spark of mischief in his eyes. One is terribly enjoying oneself already. "Does anyone have an idea of how it works and would like to show us?" he asks, holding out the dolls.
R'yat casts a quick glance at Jenna then his attention is all on K'fen again. Though Yenne and P'ter distracts him a bit.
Jenna is more than content to be half hidden by things on the floor. Niyath, however, gives a rather loud snort at K'fen and promptly closes her eyes.
P'ter smiles at Yenne, looking around the edge of her shoulder at K'fen and the toy dragons. He has on his more careful of poker faced expressions.
"It won't never fly, Sir, I'm sorry." Comes from a giggling R'yat.
This is F'niah, studying the ceiling. Hmm hmm, what an interestingly rocky ceiling we have here. In these, um.. barracks. So... stony.
P'ter says "Anything will fly if one throws it hard enough R'yat. At last for a short period of time."
J'nas lips twitch and a rarely seen blush creeps up on his face. He fidgets uncharacteristically in his seat.
K'fen arches a brow, chuckling and tosses the dolls at R'yat. "Right, it's only an example. Now mimic it and show us what you know, or how you imagine it." This said, he leans back and watches.
Jenna's lips do twitch at P'ter's comment, even as she looks around at the others waiting to see who gets stuck with - uh oh. Looks like it's Rey. She gives him a faintly sympathetic look though she's obviously not volunteering to take the dolls herself.
R'yat catches the doll and his smiles fades out immediately. Someday he will learn how to stay silent. He returns Jenna's smile and sighs, coming in front of the desk. "Err...Well..." He places the 'female' doll quite above his head. "If it's a chase, I guess that the female dragon will try to escape the males?" And he takes another doll. The supposed male one. Then he frowns. "I'm sure it'll be a silly question but, Why the chase anyway?"
Yenne glances out at the Weyrlings. "Aren't some of this group weyrbred, K'fen? *They* would certainly have an idea of how mating flights went. Imagine even those who aren't would have an inkling now, given that the dragonest are...what..." And then she falls silent as R'yat begins his demonstration.
Niyath> Aisheth, Randoth, Hanreth, and Saneth sense that Niyath says primly, << Why the chase? Because it's disgusting. Why anyone in their right mind would want to do that is beyond me. >> So she is at least listening to the lecture, even if she's pointedly not watching.
As soon as Yenne mentions weyrbred, J'nas tries to as hard as he can to disappear. If he could bo *between*, he would.
F'niah supplies helpfully, "Over a Turn, ma'am." Notice, however, how his eyes drift -over- Yenne sitting on P'ter's lap. Maybe he's gotten word that everyone will shortly be a foot taller, and he's just getting ready.
Dragon> Saneth bespoke Aisheth, Niyath, Randoth, and Hanreth with << I could chase Niyath, but I can fly circles around her. I do not think that would be fun. >>
Dragon> Aisheth, Niyath, Hanreth, and Saneth sense that Randoth sounds a bit lost. << Do what? >> Obviously the bronze's attention is on Yenne.
K'fen approvingly nods at R'yat's demonstration. "It's a very good start. Go on!" There is a sideways glance at Yenne and a chuckle there. "Sure Yenne. I'm especially doing this Lecture for those who are not used to that." Turning to R'yat he goes on, "and It's not a silly question at all. For some reason, the female dragon, green or gold, doesn't want to be caught at first -- you know..." He refrains a comment obviously, and clears his throat, "anyway she doesn't want. And only once dragon will catch her: the fastest, or the strongest, or the cleverest, it depends on how the female dragon flies..." Broadly grinning he points at the dolls the weyrling is holding. "Show us what happens when a male dragon catches."
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath, Randoth, and Saneth with << Alas Niyath, it has to be done for the good of the Weyr. It is a noble sacrifice. >> He sounds solemn, << And we chase, for if, burden though it is, if it must be done, it is best it is done well. And besides, with your grace, it would take some time to catch up with you. >>
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath, Randoth, and Saneth with << Alas Niyath, it has to be done for the good of the Weyr. It is a noble sacrifice. >> He sounds solemn, << And we chase, for if, burden though it is, if it must be done, it is best it is done well. And besides, with your grace, it would take some time to catch up with you. >>
Niyath snorts again, eyes still firmly closed. This time it's aimed vaguely in Saneth's direction. Jenna grimaces at the dolls, or perhaps at some conversation with Niyath, for her eyes are slightly glazed.
J'nas clears his throat. "I've also hear that a queen can /choose/ to let a particular dragon catch her."
Niyath> Aisheth, Randoth, Hanreth, and Saneth sense that Niyath's thoughts are piqued. << Let someone else make the sacrifice, Aisheth. I'm not interested. >> Evidently the compliment isn't enough to soothe her.
Jenna blinks at that, flushing. Knees draw up to her chest and she rests her chin on them. She doesn't look at J'nas, but instead blue eyes go to Yenne for the answer to that one.
K'fen lifts both his hands. "Ahh, who knows why a peculiar dragon wins? Some say that even greens can pick a dragon eventually and throw themselves at him. I know that Tenkanoth doesn't, but I'm no specialist of golds. Yenne?"
Yenne purses her lips. "Oh, a green or gold might have a favorite and that dragon may have a slightly better chance than the others. He'll still have to work for it, though. Temornath does *not* want to be caught when she rises - the only thing in her mind is getting away from the males and showing off how much she's better in the air then they are."
Dragon> Aisheth, Niyath, Randoth, and Saneth sense that Hanreth pipes in, << I think it could be fun to try and catch you, Niyath. You would be a challenge! >>
Yenne adds, drolly, "Of course, in her first flight, *she* was the one chasing for a while. Poor Jyrinth was just landing on his ledge and she arrowed off right after him."
R'yat hears all the different comments then deeply frowns. After scratching his temple nervously he was about to say something but chuckles instead at Yenne's last words. "Oh!..." Okay, now all his references are upside down.
P'ter pipes up, "And the first person that says that Aisheth didn't have to work to catch Jinieth will be having a word with me outside in the bowl after this lecture." He grins goodnaturedly.
K'fen gently grins at Rey. "So?"
Dragon> Aisheth, Niyath, Hanreth, and Saneth sense that Randoth finally says after what it seems to be an intense thinking. << And it could be fun too! >> What a clever bronze he is.
Dragon> Niyath, Randoth, Hanreth, and Saneth sense that Aisheth , for once, say nothing. Being tactful. Amazing!
Niyath> Aisheth, Randoth, Hanreth, and Saneth sense that Niyath is *so* not listening to any of you. Vague tuneless humming seems to drown all the suggestions out.
"So..." echoes an embarrassed R'yat. "I guess it'll happen like that?" And he places the 'male' doll above the 'female' one."Err...Maybe like that?" Now he's placing the female and the male in front of each other. Belly against belly.
P'ter inserts a comment again, "Aisheth did catch like that once. My, that was .. interesting."
Jenna watches the floor. My, how interesting.
R'yat blinks at P'ter. "Acrobatic Aisheth huh?" He grins.
K'fen stifles a chuckle. "Well, that's perfect R'yat, but they tend to do it the first way, unless the green is -really- sportive." Then he looks up to watch various reactions among weyrlings. A little bunch of them is giggling behind. "R'yat showed us exactly how it works. Any question so far? Ask them -now- 'cause you probably won't like the next part as well." This is said with a sympathetic look at a few of them. J'nas, F'niah and Jenna included.
P'ter grins with typical rider proudness at R'yat, and for that matter, at most people. "Aisheth can be very flexible for his size you know."
J'nas takes a deep sigh and mumbles, "I have a feeling I know what's next."
Did you know that the floor has all these neat little cracks? Jenna doesn't remove her gaze from it, arms still wrapped around her knees, chin resting on them. Niyath remains with eyes shut closed as well.
R'yat blushes slightly and he mutters more for himself. "Must be luck..." He looks at Jenna and J'nas and swallows with difficulty. "What's next?"
P'ter clears his throat, looking out over the group and noting those noting at least one not paying attention, or at least, trying not to maybe. He glances at the appropriate dragon, frowning just a little. "Jenna, Niyath, please pay attention. This lecture is not optional."
P'ter turns to K'fen, "Mind if I say a word? I promise not to take much of your time K'fen."
K'fen rolls his eyes and agreeingly nods as he hears P'ter. "Definitely. A mating flight is -not- optional. Like it or not, your dragon will rise someday. And believe me, believe us, you do -not- want to discover how it's like at the very last moment. Then he pauses and nods, his usual smile back. "Sure P'ter, Yenne, you're ol... more experienced!"
Randoth looks at those dolls then tilts his head and twists his neck. R'yat perks and gently slaps Rand's muzzle. "Must do that in flight."
P'ter says "As K'fen says, this /will/ happen, and it will happen even if you don't want it to. So its best to pay attention now. That way you will know what to expect, even if it is the worst thing and you would really rather not have anything to do with it." He snorts, "You know, look at it this way. You love your lifemate, right? You would never do anything to get rid of your lifemate again would you? Well is this not a /small/ price to pay to have the wonderful feelings of companionship, the oneness, and yes, the love that you get in your life from your dragon, just because that dragon choose you? It is a small price, so please, listen to this lecture." He nods to K'fen, "I'm done, sorry.""
K'fen lifts both his hands. "Hey, that's okay, I didn't ask you to come -just- because I wanted to have you sitting on each other," he teases and then his gaze is back on the crowd. "Now that things are clear, any questions before we talk of the funniest part?"
Niyath opens her eyes, giving P'ter a hard look. Jenna doesn't say a word, though she does lift her eyes to K'fen, pointedly not looking at the bronze and gold riders. She does, however, raise her hand. May be a trifle difficult to see down there on the floor, but.
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath breaks off her humming to note, << We were paying attention, even if your rider is wrong, >> she offers magnanimously. << There will be no mating for Jenna. >>
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << If my rider is wrong, he apologizes, however it was good for the other Weyrlings to hear he says. >>
R'yat is now near his fellows weyrlings, hands crossed behind his back. Randoth looks at his rider closely then he croons once, slightly lowering his head.
K'fen tilts his head, pretending to shield his eyes as he looks at Jenna. "Yes Jenna?"
Jenna asks, "What about before they go up? I've never been out in the bowl, but the bronzers are always hollering something about blooding."
Yenne clears her throat. "And one thing I will say to the green and goldriders - when your dragon begins to feed, control her. Trust me, it won't be easy to do. She'll want to eat the meat of her kills instead of blooding. it'll be a battle and it won't be fun at all. But it's worth it. And as for what happens after the're so wrapped up in it that you don't really realize what's happening until much later."
J'nas stretches his legs out in front of him. He tries to get comfortable for the /uncomfortable/ discussion that is about to happen.
P'ter nods to Yenne's comment, "That's very true, even about being so wrapped up in stuff you don't know /what/ you are doing, why there was one time when ..." He pauses, suddenly realising just where he is going with this little tale ... " when ... when I'm not at all sure that you I need to be telling actually." He shuts up again, firmly.
K'fen nods along with Yenne. "That answers the question. Indeed, a green or gold needs something to fly long and high, but she must not get heavier. Thus, the female dragon has to be tightly controlled. It can be very difficult, but it's another proof of the importance of controlling your lifemate. Especially for a Flight. If you don't control him or her, you are both going to get in trouble." He looks toward the bowl and adds, "If it can make you feel more confident, go on the feeding grounds and order your dragon from there." He chuckles at P'ter. "You'll have to tell that one someday."
R'yat lifts an eyebrow, hearing Yenne, but suddenly his arms are pulled down and his body is moved by spasmodic shake. "Hey..." He exclaims as he looks at a proud Randoth who just steals a doll and chews on it. "You're impossible." Then he grabs the doll and lowers his head. "I'm sorry..."
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath seems mollified, though she hasn't changed her mind about this whole mating flight business. A hint of impatience colors her thoughts, << I am far more interested in flying Fall and going *between* than this silly business. We are ready for our own weyr and to be away from the barracks and Saneth's rider and to get onto business instead of listening to ridiculous things I will not have to know anyway. >> A pause and she continues mildly, << My Jenna always listens though. And I passed along his apology. >>
Jenna nods slightly and murmurs, "So blood only. That fits with what I've heard." She subsides again, settling back in to watch silently.
R'yat tries to make himself as discreet as possible. He slowly puts the dolls down on the desk and regains his previous place.
Dragon> Niyath senses that Aisheth responds to the latter part. << He does not want to upset his friend Jenna. He talks to me of hats. A 'Weyrleader' hat, and a 'friend' hat and other hats and how it can be hard to wear all the hats at once. I am not sure I understand, but perhaps you or your rider will? >>
K'fen blinks at Randoth and can't help laughing ou tloud, nearly falling off the desk as he does so, but catching himself at the very last moment. SO much for dignity. "Er, that's okay Rey, we don't need this one anymore now," he says, reaching for the human-like dolls. "Now, who can tell me -what- are the riders doing while their dragon is chasing -- or chased?"
J'nas finally breaks his uncomfortable silence. "Trying to keep instinct from taking over their personal actions..."
K'fen slowly nods, his smile suddenly gone for a while. "At the beginning, yes."
A bluerider behind Jenna speaks up, "I imagine what everyone else in the weyr's doing - or does - once a gold's caught. Getting drunk or going at it themselves." He gets an elbow to his chins for his pains and ouches, mumbling a, "What? Sorry, but..." And this produces a host of giggling from some of the younger greenriders in the back.
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath tries to sound knowledgable. << I know all about that. Alirath's rider has said some of the same things to her. She does not think this silly. >> There is a slight stress on 'she'. Obviously Niyath's convinced it's a waste of time.
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << It is good that you are so well versed in the ways of riders. You may have to deal with some of them as the turns go by. They can be most silly. >>
Yenne chuckles. "You're about right there," she calls to the bluerider. "Depends on what the outcome of the flight is. And I'm told that getting drunk or finding companionship is generally what riders whose dragons don't fly the green or gold do."
K'fen peers at the mumbling bluerider behind and can't refrain another chuckle. "Great, that's close to the point. Though they don't get drunk -during- the Flight, mind you. Now, yes, J'nas is right. During the Flight, they try to dominate themselves, and once the female dragon is caught, her rider and the winner's rider stay in the guest weyr while the others leave at once. And -then- the two riders share their dragon's feelings and do as them."
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath is definately flattered this time, and it shows. Some of the impatience leaks out of her thoughts. << This is what Jinieth's rider says to my Jenna. They talk and talk and talk of it. Jenna does not like to be different. >>
P'ter adds, "Only not in the air, as it plays havoc with your back."
R'yat is rubbing his chin. The comment of the bluerider doesn't make him laugh for he's deeply thinking. "But how are we supposed to dominates our instincts if we are overwhelmed by them?"
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << Your Jenna will be different now. She will be a leader or riders and residents. One day you might well be the senior gold and your Jenna will be the Weyrwoman and I will have to do all you say. >>
K'fen shrugs and helplessly spreads his arms at R'yat's question. "You see now why we're always bugging you about control?"
Jenna's eyes flicker to P'ter and she gives him a wry look. She doesn't seem too terribly uncomfortable with the discussion. At least, she's not blushing, and she asks curiously, forgetting to raise her hand, "What happens if one of the other riders doesn't leave?"
Yenne shoots P'ter a look. "In the air? Haven't tried that one...." She looks to R'yat. "You'll be in enough control during the flight - though fistfights have been known to break out. After the flight, you'll know what to do. I know it probably seems a little imtimidating at this point, but really it's all very natural. And a part of your relationship with your dragon you should embrace, not fear." She blinks at Jenna's question. "Don't know as I remember that ever having been a problem. P'ter? K'fen? You guys ever hear about that happening?"
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath brightens further. << That sounds like a fun game! Let's play it now? >>
K'fen shakes his head at Jenna. "I hear the question at every Lecture, and I can't know what it is to lose, but trust me, those who lost a flight do -not- want to stay around. I've been told their only need is to get away from anyone, find wine or a nice person to... Well, comfort them..."
P'ter almost comes to his feet at the question, but just before he does any more than tense his muscles to rise, he stops. After all, dumping Yenne on the floor would not be polite. Moment lost, he refrains from making a comment about another rider staying. Then Yenne asks him, so he says, "Well its never happened with me, but I was about to say that is someone does say, then you punch them smartly on the sharding nose, you know, to remind them of their duty to leave. But as I say, its never happened."
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << I am not sure, you could ask me to do anything! And I need to be here in case my rider needs me. But .. what do you wish? >>
Dragon> Niyath senses that Randoth sneaks a warm and colorful croon in your mind as he says. << It will be fun, Niyath. You don't have to worry. >>
Jenna's blue eyes flicker around from face to face at the answers, resting finally on P'ter. But she's not quite done yet. Instead she has another one, "And what happens if the winner's rider and the green or gold rider don't - ah - mate?"
Niyath> Randoth senses that Niyath is not the least bit worried. In fact, she seems rather cheerful and unconcerned. << I am not worried. >> Because it won't happen to her. Case closed. End of story.
K'fen cants his head as he misses P'ter almost dropping Yenne then he turns to Jenna again. "As far as I know, -that- has never happened neither. Whan your dragon catch or is caught, you can't control yourself anymore. You -live- what your dragon is living. Does one of you remembers how it was to Impress?"
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath considers. It's a good question. << For this lecture to be over, for one. And then... Oooh! I know! >> Enthusiasm washes over you. << Hanreth said he went to the sea. I should like to go there as well. >>
"Another punch in the nose then?" is R'yat's suggestion to answer Jenna's question.
Like many of the other weyrlings, J'nas nods his head. "I understand that it is much more intense, though," he says.
Jenna nods and then nods a bit more vigorously at Rey's statement. "Right. Does one rider sorta, um, make it clear to the other?"
K'fen shakes his head. "Think a moment. Describe what you felt the very moment your lifemate gazed in your eyes. J'nas, could you try to describe it to us?"
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << Yes? >> A pause, << Oh? Would you like me to come with you? >> >>
J'nas is silent a moment, remembering the exact moment. "It was like the storms I saw when I lived at Tillek. The kind that rattles everything when the wind blows. When Hanreth spoke to me, it was like the storm suddenly broke and the sun was shining down through the clouds. Emotionally, I've never felt /anything/ like it.
"A flow of warm and colorful devotion rushing through your mind. A unconscious lack that is filled." is R'yat's version. He does speak in a low voice though, smiling. Beaming even.
Jenna is watching J'nas as he speaks, and nodding slightly. Eyes go back to the riders at the front of the room, not volunteering her own experience. Instead she says, "It's that intense, then?"
K'fen stays silent for a little while, in order to let the weyrlings think about it likely. Or even more likely to find his words before he speaks again. "It -is- that intense. When it happens, you won't be able to think coherently. You won't control yourself anymore. You'll need to do like your lifemate, and so will the other rider. Some wake up and don't remember what happened. Some do remember everything. But in any case, they cannot do anything against it. Your dragon mate, you mate."
R'yat winces, receiving K'fen's last word like a punch on is nose.
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath says firmly, << Yes. >>
Yenne's eyes unfocus and she sighs quietly, looking outside. "If you'll all excuse me, Temornath needs me. It was wonderful meeting you all, and I look forward to seeing you later."
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << I would like that Niyath. >>
Yenne steps out through the cavern's arch into the open space of the bowl.
Yenne has left.
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath is delighted. << Good. Let's go now. >>
Niyath stirs, tail uncoiling and twitching. Jenna turns and shoots her a forbidding look.
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << We cannot, our riders are busy and you have the lecture. >>
K'fen is looking serious for once, thought the corner of his lips is twitching a bit. "Speaking of which, I strongly recommend that you have a first sexual experience before your lifemate rises, if it's not done already."
Jenna does blush at that, perhaps just as glad she was settling Niyath back down instead of looking towards the front of the room. The queen subsides reluctantly and with decided ill grace.
R'yat winces again. Another punch.
J'nas slowly raises hand but doesn't wait to be called on before speaking. "Will we be free to, ah... act when the first of our class's greens rise? I don't know that we'll have graduated by then."
Niyath> I bespoke Aisheth with << Jenna says the same thing. It is... inconvenient. >>
There's another burst of giggling from some of the younger greenriders and an older one - the odds on favorite for rising before graduation - growls at them under his breath to shut up.
R'yat looks very afraid now. He's slowly stepping back. Almost behind Randoth.
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << Alas, life can be hard. We have to work with out riders and they need us. They cannot make do on their own, we need to look after them. >>
Niyath> Randoth senses that Niyath observes rather heartlessly, << Your rider does not look well. >>
K'fen slowly nods. "Consider that if you're given this Lecture, your dragon is considered mature enough to understand such things. You should now by now if it's the case. If it is, there is not much you can do against it. Your dragon will rise and you'll have to cope with it. As for this 'training' thing, better find a good friend or something. If needed I might help some of you." The scariest thing is that he's looking very serious now.
Jenna's eyes snap back to K'fen on that, and she tries to curl up into an even smaller ball.
K'fen crosses his arms over his chest again. "Unless P'ter has something to add," he says, looking at the weyrleader quizzically, "I'm ready for questions now."
Dragon> Niyath senses that Randoth answers with a rather same tone. << So does yours. >>
The greenriders are now whispering furiously, and some of the blueriders are even beginning to stir at that statement. Though no one dares to ask the one they seem to be whispering about.
Niyath> Randoth senses that Niyath says smoothly, << My rider does not need any training. >> A pause and she asks solicitously, << Does yours? >>
P'ter says "Or myself, or some of the others on staff, or friends that you have here ... or .. whomever. But as K'fen says, it is important that you get that particular hurdle out of the way. Having your dragons first flight be /your/ first true sexual experience is /not/ a good idea." Then to K'fen, "You've covered everything K'fen, I have nothing to add.""
Jenna is now absolutely scarlet, and rests her forehead on her knees, hiding her face.
Niyath> I bespoke Aisheth with << We do need to look after them, that is true. >> A pause and she says, << My Jenna is confused at the moment. Why does Jinieth's rider say one thing, and your rider say another? >> >>
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << Because they are different people? >>
R'yat looks embarrassed but dares to ask anyway. "So we're now allowed to have, er, closer relationship?"
J'nas glances at R'yat as he poses his question. His gaze swings back to the instructors, awaiting a reply.
K'fen nods at P'ter. "Thanks then." He looks at the general mess -- between chuckling, whispering and cringing weyrlings. "You don't need to worry now. It does sound frightening, but one gets used to it. Besides, it's generally something your dragon will enjoy. If you catch, well, there is the sex thing. If you lose, it can be true too. That or dipping in the lake, getting drunk... Dragons forget very quickly, you know that. You'll have to do like them if you don't like it. Now it can be weird to wake up with one of your classmates, granted, but it can get you closer." He pauses and nods. "Only if Randoth understands and doesn't get upset because of that, Rey."
K'fen looks at P'ter and arches a brow. "I don't know about P'ter, but I grabbed T'al for a private lesson not long after our Flight Lecture. It's not especially a relationship, hardly a one night stand, but it can do." He slightly smiles at that. "Just be careful not to get in trouble because of that either."
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath considers, << That may be why. Jenna says that she is not allowed to go down to the Harper Hall because of /that/. >> And the gold's distaste for that, which is an image of bodies entwined, is clear. << But your rider says that it is necessary. >> A pause and she decides for Jenna, << She does not need training for this. >>
Jenna doesn't look up, faces still hidden in her knees.
R'yat nods to K'fen then casts several curious look at Jenna.
P'ter raises his eyebrows as K'fen singled him out, then says to the barracks at large, "Where as I, personally, did not seek out T'al." He coughs, "I was with Macami back after I impressed and graduated."
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << Most of them know what to do already, this is true. But if Jinieth's rider tells you that your rider cannot go, than this is more important than what my rider says. >>
K'fen spreads his arms. "Well, I think we covered everything more or less. Anymore questions?"
Jenna most certainly does not look up. Even her ears are red.
J'nas shakes his head but doesn't utter a word.
R'yat imitates J'nas and shakes his head.
K'fen nods and sighs. "Oh cheer up, every rider can tell you you'll survive this. And grab any of us if you got questions or concerns..."
K'fen drops the OOC sign right now ***
Jenna heees! I *loved* the dolls!
J'nas grins. Nice trick, that. ;)
K'fen says "Wow, I didn't think it'd scare them -that- bad! "And thank T'al for the dolls, he allowed me to reuse the trick :)"
K'fen sits back on a chair with iced tea and a fan. "Torrid over there. Now get comfortable, we just got a few details to discuss OOCly before I leave you all alone :)"
K'fen checks his notes and grunts as he -had- to forget something...
R'yat removes his shirt and steals K'fen's fan. "Hot here too." :)
K'fen apologizes. "Well, forgot the proddiness part IC, we'll just see it OOC then, sorry :)"
K'fen clears his throat. "So right, ICly, flights are weird and scary, but OOCly they're not so much. If you've ever done a firelizard flight, it's quite the same :)"
Jenna laughs. Likely a good thing. ;)
R'yat pinches Jenna. "You won't escape that Jen ;)"
K'fen grins. "No, you wont :) You missed Kef miming hos being proddy is ;)"
J'nas hasn't even watched a flight yet...
K'fen points to Kassima's Flight log nexus here:
You say "Actually, I'd like to take a poll about that whole 'gold goes up without her rider getting proddy' thing. Folks just page me with opinions, so I don't interrupt the lecture. ;)"
K'fen grins. "Well, goldriders get proddy too. At Igen at least. You should see Junni or Sarai :)"
F'niah has connected.
R'yat suddenly quivers, for some reasons :)
K'fen says "Now let's summarize it quickly: At first the rider can RP proddiness, for a little while -- remember that a week RL is a month IC, you don't want to be proddy for -that- long I think :) Then, on the right day, the lady dragon pro's to the all channel about her flight, usually 10-30 min prior to the flight, the gent dragons show up on any one of a hundred IC errands, the gents show up and make eyes at the lady, the gents blood (on the lady's ooc cue), the lady joins them, the lady leaps into the sky and poses running free whee!, the gents pose chasing, the lady (oocly) calls for catch attempts, the gents pose 'em, the lady poses the actual catch, and you're done."
P'ter says "wow k'fen, a flight summarization in one pose. I'm impressed. !!""
K'fen grins at P'ter. "I copy/pasted Sarai's speech from last Lecture I attended ;)"
P'ter has disconnected.
K'fen says "And before we start about anything: while you, ICly, have sex, you NEVER EVER EVER have to TS if you win a flight. And you NEVER TS, if you chose to do so, in the guest weyr."
R'yat nods.
F'niah says "Because it's a nominally public space?"
J'nasGot it
K'fen nods. "Basically, do not TS in weyr-owned room. Only in your rooms. Keep any other RP PG-13."
K'fen says "The MUSH could get in deep trouble if you TS a minor."
F'niah says "Gotcha."
K'fen says "Now that it's straightened out, back to the first point: proddiness."
K'fen says "Proddiness is just the fact that the g-dragon (green or gold) is shining very much and that her rider is acting weird. There are many forms of proddiness. K'fen for instance is totally clumsy, he fills himself with klah, shakes a great deal and can't think coherently. Celie used to dance on tables. Junni shows off in tight leathers. Melyn doesn't weyr much. And so on and so forth... The only thing is that you shouldn't overdo it. Other people are free to react according to their character's temper. A b-rider (blue/brown/bronze) is not forced to find the proddy g-rider attractive until the Flight actually begins :)"
J'nas says "Keep going, you're doing fine... I think. ;)"
Melyn doesn't wear much. *sigh*
K'fen says "Page me if you got question, I'll stop and answer :)"
R'yat likes the B and G thing :)
F'niah was wondering about Melyn. ;)
R'yat chuckles!
K'fen says "Then, on the fatal day... b-riders are encouraged to check +flights to know when it is, by the way. On this day, the g-rider will pro the DTU channel 'Flights' we told you about during DTU lecture :) The flight DTU can be IC or OOC, g-riders choice. The weyr used can be the guest weyr or the rider's weyr, and that too can be IC or OOC."
K'fen talks for g-riders as a whole there, not only greens, mind you ;) "They run the show. They make the rules. Everyone's a little different in their flights, so page the female's rider if you have questions. Basically, you 'pro' the Flight channels with your rules when you run a fight. It's generally 'one pose per lady-dragon's pose, predeterminated winner or not', and whatever rule that you think about. Your choice. b-riders are just expected to follow those rules. Period. :)"
K'fen says "Quotes T'al there for there is nohing else to say: In case you're wondering about what people usually do, well, the Flight channel tends to be OOC and the guest weyr IC, but if the Greenrider wants it otherwise, you smile, and you don't bugger him/her about it. Rule #1: Flights are all about having a whole load of fun, so you don't annoy the Greenrider. :)"
F'niah usually has more fun losing, since then you're not stuck with the g's rider playing cards. :)
You say "The couple of flights I've seen here since we got our DTUs, the flight channel isn't used all that much. Maybe if you're planning on using it for IC stuff, then let folks know of spam incoming? I've seen it used for IC stuff, but on much smaller games than NC."
K'fen chuckles. "Well, people tend to say they've more fun when they lose. Indeed, you're not stuck in the guest weyr for an hour or so, pretending you are... Well. Though you can use this timeto play the awakenig, which is generally a -great- deal of fun. Waking up with your weyrlingmaster or the weyrsecond can be... interesting :)
R'yat shakes his head and chuckles :)
R'yat says "You mean a man/woman third time your age? :)"
K'fen shakes his head. "G-rider's decision Jenna. I use the channel to tell the rules and tell the chasers when they can pose catch attemps. ICly though, some dragons are talking to Tenkanoth, like Cyameth, Ranth or Aisheth. It's fun as well :)"
K'fen nods at Rey. "Exactly :) You can wake up with anybody. Someone the same gender, older, much older, youger, someone you like a lot, someone you can't stand..."
F'niah says "Waking up with the WLM yeah."
Jenna nods. and hehs at Rey. Like that's not Jenna's usually mode of operation. ;)
K'fen grins at Sef. "Well, it depends on the WLM. Waking up with Siara is a great deal of fun :)"
F'niah won't have to worry about that, likely!
R'yat giggles at Jen. "Another kind of girl who likes 'mature' men?" :)
K'fen says "Now, this is especially for Jenna -- and Zephyr as well -- but the rest of you guys can listen. The g-rider has to decide before the flight if it'll be open or pre-determined. Obviously, all Senior Gold flights are pre-det, and to a degree, some junior gold flights are (they might be 'bronze winner only' if the leaders want a gold egg). But if your flight is pre-det, pick a few dates and times with the winner."
R'yat nods to Sef. "But what if the WLM is a greenrider, Sef?" :)
K'fen looks innocent as Sef taught him ;)
Jenna nods.
K'fen says "Now, fligths can also be private (where you only invite a few people), or public. If you're having a public flight, you should post to the Fort BB, and possibly the general BB (though that's totally optional). Also, for a public flight, you're expected to post to +flights (+help flights). Some use +announce too, or the 'All' channel."
F'niah won't have to worry about waking up with Siara, I mean. So there, nyah!
K'fen laughs! "Who knows Sef 0;)"
K'fen says "Which bring us to the topic: 'how to pick a winner?'... Well..."
F'niah says "I think Saneth'n I'll just go hide under our cot. ;)"
R'yat says "G-rider's choice, I think..."
K'fen says "Of course Rey! :) But about actually picking a winner, one has one's own methods. Picking at random, rolling dice, having whims... Personally, I have a whim for each flight. A color or a sex. For instance, I wanted a woman winning Tenka's first Flight, as I wanted a bronze for the second one, and so on... If I really can't choose, I tend to pick one of a foreign Weyr if there is one, so that it gives me a pretext to visit afterwards... But there is no official method. You do what you want :)"
K'fen says "Now this is for g-riders, and VERY important. If for any reason you do NOT want to win, you *have* to tell the g-rider before the flight by page or whatever. Attending a Flight implicitely means you're okay to win. As when you are Candidate, you implicitely accept to be Impressed. It's implicitely accepting a slight form of powerplaying :)"
"And once again, we, poor males, are at the ladies's mercy..." Rey says :)
K'fen says "As always, Rey, as always 0:>"
Jenna snickers.
J'nas laughs, "Is it ever different, Rey?"
K'fen says "Any question so far? :)"
R'yat sighs. "I thought that *here* it could be different, yeah :)"
F'niah says "Sob!"
J'nas says "No questions, K'fen. Sorry, Rey. Some laws affect everything. ;)"
R'yat crosses his arms over his chest. "It seems so..." :)
K'fen grunts and corrects: for g-riders, and VERY important --> for B-riders of course, sorry!!
F'niah says "Them darn girls. Ruining everything!"
R'yat nudges Sef. "And they sometimes do that with hair all messed up." ;)
K'fen says "About time, generally a green rises around every 6 RL weeks, but there is no standard. Too often and people get over-dosed, not often enough and riders are bored ;) The best answer is 'when it's needed' :) You can have off-camera flights as well. Some do those regularly, +mailing a list of potential winners and asking them. I did it once, it's useful to add names on my scoreboard -- well, you don't -have- to keep a scoreboard, that's right ;) ;)"
Jenna ahems.
F'niah says "Yeah!"
K'fen says "Now what am I forgetting..."
R'yat smiles stupidly :)
Jenna freaks as the wind takes the screen off her window like a foot from her. Ahem.
J'nas wouldn't know if you were forgetting anything. :)
K'fen says "Oh, about the gold flights, there is the whole 'eggs' stuff as well :) And generally the fact that the sire of the clutch customarily stays at the goldrider's Weyr until the Hatching -- on camera or not, actually. For questions about that, asking Leah or Milque would be good :)"
You say "Only thing I can think of is the whole no powerposing thing (particularly on attempts) is all."
F'niah says "Did you talk about asking the g-rider why you didn't catch/how to improve?"
K'fen says "Right Jenna, generally it's just common sense :) b-riders have to make sure they pose -attempts- and that's why the g-rider generally poses the actual catching. The rest of the time, as in usual RP, you page if you got an idea. It's the same if you plan on getting your dragon harmed during a Flight. Check it out with anyone that could be concerned first. Master Rule: When in doubt, just ask. A page costs nothing :)"
R'yat claps at K'fen's speech. :)
K'fen shakes his head. "I didn't, Sef. I don't know whether it happens often, but not catching doesn't mean you have to improve. Actually the most difficult thing in a Flight, in my opinon, is to pick the winner. Quite often I'd like to have them all catching, but I just can't. It's tough to pick a player when they all are very good!"
R'yat nods. "That's why I know some g-riders usually says how hard it was to pick the winner at the end of the Flight...Well at leat, my alt knows."
K'fen chuckles at Rey.
K'fen doesn't have any b-rider alt so he can't tell you about the chaser's point of view :)
F'niah says "I've never (when I have g-rider alts) had anyone ask about 'how they can improve', but... *shrug*"
K'fen nods. "Neither did I, actually. I just think it's a part of implied things. Losing a flight doesn't mean you did something wrong. THere are a lot of chasers and There Can Be Only One to win ;)"
R'yat says "We're the princes of the Universe! :)"
Jenna grins.
F'niah says "Nobody's cutting off Saneth's head, though. I'd be cranky."
K'fen says "Well, for a few hours yes. When you wake up, you're back to normal life. That is another interesting point. If you don't feel like getting involved in waking stuff you can just shake hands and get back to your usual duty.""
K'fen grins and patpats Saneth :)
Jenna plays a mean game of scrabble. ;) I admit, I'm more comfy with the chaser position myself, than being chased.
K'fen says "And if you don't have any other questions or aspects to debate, I'm done. I hope it wasn't too long/awkward/boring/whatever :)"
J'nas says "Not at all! It was fun /and/ informative. :)"
R'yat patpats Jenna. "B-riders are always kind during a flight, Jen. As far as I saw. They even congratulate the winner! :) Especially when the same dragon color of them :)"
F'niah says "And still going when I came back. Always a big plus!"
R'yat hugs K'fen. "You did a great job. Honest."
K'fen chuckles and grins at Rey. "Well, it's more like friendly competition :) Emulation I'd say if I was sure the terms has the same meaning in english ;)"
Jenna grins at K'fen. It does.
K'fen says "Cool. Well, I'll edit this log, put it online along with a few others and bbpost the URL. And you know what? Now we're on time for week 6 :*cheers* :)"
R'yat cheeers! "Betweening?" ::)
Long distance to R'yat: Jenna grins. That browns can win?
J'nas says "Yay!"
You say "Thank you *so* much, K'fen. This was really fun."
F'niah does a little dance. Whoo! I can't wait to see the log with the dolls!
R'yat reddens :)
Jenna snickers. And I need to leave in the dragon chatter on mine. That was funny.
K'fen bows. "If you got any question later, page, +mail, grab me or any WLM-staffer :)"
F'niah says "But if we grab you, won't you like it?"
K'fen laughs! "You don't want to know Sef :)"
R'yat covers his ears :)
F'niah may be innocent, but his player has -other- alts who aren't... precisely.
K'fen winks. "Remember K'fen's offer 0:)"
R'yat chuckles and is nosy now ;)
You say "Which just *broke* Jenna, and to have P'ter second it a minute later!!"
K'fen laughs! "It's a part of the character, sorry. :)"
F'niah buhs? at Jenna.
R'yat goes hiding under his bed for now. "Thanks again, K'fen for that wonderful lecture. Bye all!" :)
Jenna grins at Sef. K'fen offered to - ah - educate those that hadn't had sex yet. ;) And P'ter volunteered the same thing right after.
K'fen chucjle. "Kef takes care of guys. P'ter prefers women ;)"
R'yat quivers :)
F'niah nearly falls out of his chair. Hee!
K'fen forgot you had been booted when Kef said that, too bad, we didn't see how Sef would have reacted ;)
J'nas thinks it would have been funny. :)
F'niah pokes J'nas, 'cause he can. ;) Oh heck, /I/ don't know yet how Sef would've reacted. Stammering, most like.
Jenna grins.
K'fen hugs you all and gets ready for bed then. "Thanks for your attention, now you can get back to more serious things :)"
J'nas has had an enjoyable first-weyrlinghood. :)
Jenna is actually going to run and get Hot Date. Spouse was being sweet and brought home 'Vacation' for me, and then we both groaned when we realized that you have to install Hot Date first. ;)
K'fen says "Have fun! And get ready for next week :)"