One Goal, One Strength
or, The Story of the RMS Reyat
Tuesday, April 23, 2002, 7:49 AM
Candidates Barracks(#10244RAJ$)
This large low-ceilinged cavern provides temporary housing for the Weyr's Candidates.
Various tapestries hang from the walls, lending an air of color and cheefulness
to the dark grey walls. Neat rows of cots fill the back of the cavern, a small
press at the foot of each. Numerous shelves dot the walls of the cavern. Littered
with various containers and odd items, they seem to lend themselves more to
firelizard perches than anything else. A few tables with chairs have been placed
towards the front of the cavern, providing a place to visit or do handicrafts.
Fort Weyr Firelizard Perch
Randall enters from the Inner Caverns, letting the curtain fall shut behind
Randall has arrived.
Randall quietly enters the barracks, looking rather tired, and heads for his cot without a word to anyone.
Sefaniah carries a half-empty basket of clothes into the dorms and drops it with a thump near his cot. Half-full, half-empty.. when it's chores half-empty -is- optimistic! A few sleepy shhhs come his way from a few of the other cots and he winces, murmuring apologies as he plops onto his cot and lifts the first of the garments for inspection. (repose)
From off Rey's cot, Nothing seems to be able to disturb Rey's sleep. He only rolls to one side from time to time, emitting some odd little sounds. It's only when he is on his back that the worst happens. Almost as loud as Aisheth. He snores!
Randall curls up on his cot, and groans, "I'm so tired of people waking me up twenty times a night."
It seems Zephyr, who is entangled in a huge heap of her red and orange quilted blanket, becomes a victem of her own scary story, as she rolls right out of her cot and onto the floor muttering something that sounds distinctly like 'tunnelsnake'. She groans as she hits the floor and sits up looking cross.
Sefaniah pulls a pincushion and a length of thread from his basket as well, and grins over at Zephyr around a mouthful of needle. "Not night," he corrects Randall pleasantly. "Morning. Someone wanna poke," he jerks his head towards Reyat's cot, "him and wake him up?"
Zephyr irritably pulls the blanket off of her head to reveal red hair that is standing entirely on end. She opens one eye to look around the barracks and grumbles, "Is Rey snoring again? I swear, he is giving me nightmares." She clambers back up onto her cot.
Your location's current time: 8:09 on day 11, month 1, Turn 40, of the Tenth Pass. It is a winter morning.
Jenna comes back in from her morning run, and starts, "It's so /beaut/-" only to be choked off by one of Rey's snores. She scowls. "Okay. That's it. No more being nice." She looks around at the other candidates. "Are you lot as fed up with him snoring as I am?"
Zephyr looks physicly about as fed up as she can be. She nods emphaticly and wrestles out of her blankets to stand up, rubbing her tired eyes. "I sure am." she croaks in a hoarse morning voice.
From off Rey's cot, How can he be that calm while emitting those horrible loud sounds? Anyway Rey continues to break the relative silence of the barracks. *RrrroonnnZzrzzzzzzzzpfffflflflf*
"He hasn't been snoring much..." Sef points out helpfully, setting his mending aside and jabbing the needle through it. "Not since I came back from..." He breaks off with a wince. "Well, until now."
Jenna says emphatically, "My oldest brother used to tell me that da would douse him with water to wake him up when it got bad." She pauses and then smiles slowly, "You guys want to try something? Rey sleeps so deep, I'd bet bringing the water to /him/ would never work, but what if we took him to the water?"
Sefaniah snorts silently and turns to study the snoring one. "What'd you have in mind?" he wonders. "I bet I could go find a bucket or two in stores - /that'd/ wake him up!"
From off Rey's cot, Reyat rolls again. Now, his right arm is hanging out of the cot and his mouth is open, but that fact doesn't stop the snoring. Worst. It's increasing it!
Zephyr looks as if the idea Jenna has brought to her attention has inspired her. "Thats the best idea I've heard. I'm with you Jenna. If I have to go one more disturbed night I'll have to cut all of my hair off, so that I don't pull it out. Bring him to the water." she repeats with a wicked yet tired smile.
Jenna mms. "Well, it's too cold for the lake, so why don't we try the hotsprings. See if we can't get his cot to float in it." She grins a bit and tries to look innocent. "We're just looking out for his best interests is all. Decreasing the time it takes for him to get a wash in the morning."
Sefaniah snickers and stands, abandoning his mending in favor of soggier prey. "It's for his own good," he agrees piously. "We're just trying to save him time in the mornings, since he has such a hard time getting up."
Zephyr she looks down at her toussled hair and scrunches her nose. "Well, maybe not, -but I'd just love some uninterrupted sleep." her eyes look glossy as she imagines such a thing. Looking conspiratorially at Jenna she smiles again, "Yes, we'd be helping him."
From off Rey's cot, In the depth of his sleep, Reyat doesn't realize, of course, the upcoming danger. What a poor thing?...*RrrooZzzzzffllll* Hummm, maybe not.
Jenna snags a couple of the younger candidates who are having a hard time snickering and keeping a straight face. "Okay. Alfar, you, Granim and Kanorr get the far side of the cot, and we three will get the near side. I think we can manage it between the six of us." She moves towards the cot, grinning at Zephyr and Sefaniah.
Randall lifts his head from the cot and squints at the goings-on around Reyat. He rubs his eyes, and asks, "Is this some demented dream?"
"I'll take his head," Sef volunteers, barely muffling laughter. "Since it's the heaviest bit." He moves into place, adding with a grin over his shoulder to Randall, "Yup. Go back to sleep."
Zephyr winces as Rey emits yet another loud snore. She smiles at Jenna and looks down at Reyat almost pitiously. After he snores again, the pity is gone. Walking over toward the cot with the others she giggles at Sefaniah quietly.
Jenna whispers to Zephyr, "I'll get the middle, you get the feet?" The other three line up on the other side of the cot, setting hands under the frame. "The hard part is going to be getting it out the door without waking him." She too looks over to Randall and hisses softly, "Yeah, you're imagining the whole thing."
Randall mutters, "I better be. If this were really happening, I'd be worried about what I'll say when I get questioned.."
Zephyr goes to her position at the foot of the cot. She whispers, "Okay. All set over here." She looks over at Randall for a moment and then just smiles and winks at him.
Jenna scowls at Randall and mutters something under her breath about a 'goody-goody'. Then she looks back to the others and whispers, "Ready? One... two... three... Lift!" There's some puffing from the younger candidates, though they give it the old Hall try.
"It's a dream!" Sef chirps quietly. "It's not happening, it's all a figment of your imagination." He stoops, lifting on command, grunting a bit at the weight. "Shells, what's in here - rocks?"
Randall snorts, "But, since I was just dreaming, I'm sure I didn't see or hear anything. Right, Sef?"
From off Rey's cot, Reyat lets out a long long sigh and he changes his position and is now on his belly. The sigh is replaced by weird but very annoying sounds. You know the kind of sound that could push a girl to remove all her hair. Some kind of *Mnmnymmooomnnymmm*
Girl, nothing. Sef's right in the blast range for that sound, and he winces away like /he/ wants to rip out all /his/ hair. "Doesn't he ever brush his /teeth/?"
Jenna can't help it. She starts to snicker, which sets the cot swaying ever-so-slightly in the center. "C'mon," she hisses, "Let's get him out there before we drop him. Sef, you and Alfar aim us for the door?"
Zephyr shudders at the new sound and looks over to Randall with a nod. She heaves up her side of the cot, with the help of hte others and nods to Jenna.
Alfar nods, grunting, and begins to shuffle towards the door.
Sefaniah brushes aside the curtain and heads back to the Inner Caverns.
Sefaniah has left.
You step out of the corridor onto the sandy beach.
Hot Springs
The first thing which draws your eye when entering this vast subterranean cavern
is the sheer height of it - a massive bubble hollowed out of rock by the pressures
of volcanic gases at some time when Fort's volcano still spurted flame. The
eye is drawn up and up into the darkness of the ceiling, where occasional flecks
of mica reflect the light and catch the eye, flickering like solitary fireflies.
Towards the northern end of the cavern, the ceiling disappears and the sky can
be seen where the volcano eventually released built up pressure so long ago
- now it forms an entrance to the hot springs for dragon and rider, dropping
down through the open ceiling to the rocky lake shore or to various ledges high
in the walls - from which the more daredevil riders have been known to dive
on occasion.
Down at ground level, the warm lake laps the shore gently, never completely
still. Steam rises from the surface and ripples stir from the movement of the
hot water seeping in from hidden springs. The lakeshore closest to the Weyr
entrance is smooth and gently sloping, a safe place to bathe and talk, but further
out there are various rocky coves that can be reached by swimming or by dragon.
At night, glows set in the walls reflect their glimmer onto the water; by day,
the light from the ceiling gives the lake ever changing shades of blue and gold,
deepening to soft opal at dusk and dawn, casting shadows that seem to harbor
small crevices.
A wide corridor leads off to the southeast, curving back to the Inner Caverns.
Sefaniah and Alfar lead the way, veins rising in the lads' necks. "Ugh.. put him... down," gasps Sef, "or.. into the.. water?"
Jenna is now snickering massively, and is only just barely hanging onto the cot. "Almost there," she manages. "In the water. We'll float the cot." At least, that's the theory.
Zephyr huffs as they reach the springs. "Okay, just keep moving, he feels like hes getting heavier."
Sefaniah groans and picks up his shuffling pace. "Almost... there... Shards! Fingers are slipping!"
Jenna mutters, "He *is* getting heavier. Oooh! Hurry. Just get him in knee deep or so." She splashes on in, trying to be quiet about it. "Just put it down easy so it'll float..."
Bigger they are, deeper they sleep. And Rey is still sleeping even with the growing giggling around him. No movements, but the sound is still here, now echoing. Wow wow wo.. ow...
Zephyr touches the water last, as she is at the foot of the cot and wades to the designated depth with the others. "Okay!" she says in a loud whisper, removing her fingers from the cot on water. "Happy dreams of sailing, Rey." she giggles and quickly goes splashing, as quietly as possible, out of the water and into the inner caverns.
Zephyr steps into the wide corridor leading towards the Inner Caverns.
Zephyr has left.
The other candidates clear out as well, though their wet things may mark them among the guilty. Jenna gives a little push to the cot, sending it floating out a bit deeper into the springs. "Look," she hisses to Sef, "It's working!"
As soon as the HMS Reyat is sailing Sefaniah bends over to catch his breath, hands on his knees, and grins - first at Rey, then Jenna. "I see it. I didn't think it would, with him on it and all."
Jenna holds up a hand to high five Sef, "Excellent job. I can't wait to see his face when he wakes up." She's grinning ear to ear in anticipation.
Sefaniah straightens to return the five marks, the slap echoing faintly in the cavern. "Me neither. But, um... you think we ought to wait around?" He eyes Reyat worriedly, then the door. "Maybe we ought to go..."
And there goes the floating Rey. Calmly, though not quietly, the weird boat
continues its way, slightly spiraling. Reyat rolls to his side again. Oooh!
What a mistake! Moved like that, the cot sinks a little and one feet touches
the water. "Hummm...Derk, pleeeeease..." He sighs. "Stop licking
my foot." A moment of hesitation and Reyat blinks several times, visibly
awaken by his own voice echoing. "What the...Oh!" Ooooh yeah, it happens.
A brisk movement from the boy and he dives.
Jenna makes a strangled sort of 'merk' sound, clutching at Sefaniah's arm. "Oh /shells/," she breathes. Then, a more accurate assessment: "Run!"
Sefaniah erks as well and turns to flee, towing Jenna if she's still attached and making better time through the sand if she's not.
Reyat pierces the surface, wiggling his arms and looking around puzzled. He's not snoring anymore, juts spraying water everywhere. "Hey! Hey!" A silhouette is noticed and he frowns, now recovering some calm. "Jenna?.....Jenna? JENNA!!!"
Jenna is indeed holding Sef up. Whoops! Caught! She hunches her shoulders a bit, and stops, releasing the harper lad. A half turn back to the water and she says cheerfully, "Morning, Rey - you decide to go for a swim?" In for a quarter, in for the whole mark.
Sefaniah, suddenly released, tumbles headlong into the sand - SAFE! - and comes up spluttering. Now not only is he soggy from knees down, but he's also covered in sand as well. Hard to come up with a plausible alibi now. "Whadja do," begins his accusation as he turns, coming up on one elbow to survey the scene, and spying a wide awake Reyat. "Uh... Hi, Reyat. You're up early."
Reyat doesn't seem to share Jenna's cheerful mood. Frowning, he grabs the edge of his cot and begins to make his way to the shore. A quick dark glance is sent in Sefaniah's direction too as he sighs and wrings his blanket out. "Yeah...Hi...For Faranth's sake will you both tell me what I'm in doing here?" He arches an eyebrow.
Jenna stalls for time, "Uh, I thought you knew." Her eyes are wide and innocent. A little *too* innocent. "But we'll just let you get back to whatever it is you were doing..." She darts a look to Sefaniah that says: 'Run for it'.
Sefaniah casts a look toward Jenna, then wriggles to his feet. "You were sleepwalking," is his story, "and we um..." Oh crap, Jenna's not following his lead. Now what? "Um... you're all right, good, got to go, bye!"
Reyat eyes Sefaniah suspiciously. "Sleepwhat?" He runs a hand through his soaked hair, eyes the ceiling and sighs again. "Oh...I see. Well I believe it." Looking at the two, he continues to wring out his clothes. "Was it that bad?" He shakes his head. "You know..." He begins, trying now to hide a dawn of a smile. "You're pretty inventive. Usually Zak used to let our canine wakes me."
Jenna darts a look at Sef. She mouths, 'sleepwalking' with a bit of a roll of her eyes. Then she looks back to Reyat, blinking innocently. "Inventive? Oh? Ah, um, why do you say that, Rey?" No, this isn't my hand in the cookie jar. Ignore the harper's hand in there as well. And those aren't cookies clenched in our fists - oh no.
Yes, that's right, sleepwalking and carrying his cot. Reyat was moving in his sleep. Sef darts another look at Jenna, as if amazed at their luck, and comes a hesitant step closer to the pools. "You all right?" he asks Rey again. "You were pretty out of it." That's safe enough, and fits nearly every explanation for this scenario.
Reyat shakes his head and crosses his wet arms over his wet chest. *FLOCK* He narrows his eyes and begins to smile. Frankly this time. "Oh, I'm all right." He says, spreading his arms wide which cause some water to be sprayed toward Sefaniah and Jenna's direction. Intentionally? Certainly. "I juts love being waken up like that." He takes a deep breath and smiles again, spraying again.
Jenna giggles a bit and gives up the pretense, "Well, I wouldn't count on it. Unless you plan on, uh, sleepwalking, until the eggs hatch." She grins a bit and suggests, "Maybe it's all the stress."
"You could move your cot permanently in here," Sef chirps brightly, dropping a nod to your cot, floating all so forlorn. "Then you wouldn't have so far to go when you.. sleptwalked. Sleepwalked."
Reyat arches an eyebrow and his eyes get that particular glitter. The revenge kind of glitter. "Ha ha ha." He says slowly. "I see how kind you two are for me now. finally it was only for my own good, wasn't it?" And he slightly moves a little closer. What does he have in mind? Only Faranth knows for sure.
Sefaniah essays a bright grin and takes a step backwards. "Well, we didn't want you to get /hurt/... So, um.. have you seen the eggs lately?"
Jenna dances a nervous step back and points out reasonably, "Well, you did need a wash this morning." Perhaps not the most intelligent thing to say, and she says hurriedly, "But Sef and I need to get back to chores, so we'll see you later..."
Once again, the wonder-twins of missed signals get their wires crossed.
Simarothe steps out of the wide corridor onto the sandy beach.
Simarothe has arrived.
Simarothe flies in, with one leg with a message tube awkwardly attached, she's looking around for someone familiar to give it too, espiying Jenna, she flies over, obviously hoping that she'll remove her of this awful burden
"Oooh no! It won't be that easy, Miss." Reyat looks at Jenna, eyes sparkling. "What about a group bath? The more the merrier, no?" And with extended arms, Reyat puts in his mind to somewhat refresh the two wonder-twins.
Wondertwin powers, activate! Shape of... someone scampering out of range! That's Sef, and scamper he does, using the green's arrival as distraction and sending up little puffs of sand as he flees.
Jenna yelps and turns to run, but is hampered by the firelizard and can't quite get out of the way in time. Form of... someone going down in a tangle. So much for that runner agility she's so proud of. Whups. "Sef, get that lizard!"
Simarothe cheeps to herself, tone evidently saying 'silly pets'
Reyat snickers, wiggling his finger evilly. "You won't escape me. Ha!" Then adopting the position of the crouched wild wherry, he spies for the right time and leaps in Jenna and Sef's direction but completely misses them. It doesn't matter and he crouches again.
Sefaniah manages to break away both from the lizard and Wondertwin tangle, and uses those long legs of his to good advantage. See Sef. See door. Bye bye Sefaniah, bye bye Jenna, bye bye hot springs!
Sefaniah steps into the wide corridor leading towards the Inner Caverns.
Sefaniah has left.
Jenna scrambles to her feet again, and squints at the lizard. "Looks vaguely familiar - wonder if it's the one my brother impressed...?"
Simarothe cheeps, insistently, waggling the tube all the while, she's not used to this indignity, she _really_ wants this tube off.
Reyat waves a hand at the green. "Don't get too close of her, or you'll be drown too." He snickers, trying to place Jenna between him and the water.
Simarothe chirrs at Reyat, and then she croons in her most persuasive manner at Jenna.
Jenna sticks her tongue out at Rey and dances back a bit from him, to take the message tube from the little green. She unrolls it and aws. "That's sweet. Larathe's at the weavers as a new apprentice. And she said that she hopes we all impress."
Simarothe croons at Jenna.
Reyat waves a hand again. "Don't disturb me, Jenna. You could always thank Larathe later." He snickers again and prepares himself for a final attack. Just like a wild wherry, he leaps off, aimed at Jenna. Unfortunately it was without counting on his clumsiness. The boy completely missed his target and even if he succeeded in touching Jenna's shoulder, he finishes his course in the water again. The water sprayed, at least, would certainly flood Jenna if she doesn't fall with him. *PLOUF*
Jenna was still giving Larathe's message the 'awww' factor and as such is completely unprepared. She topples over, dragged back by Reyat's hand, with a big 'WOAH!' The resulting sploosh is fairly respectable, even for her light weight. She pushes damp hair out of her face, spluttering and protesting with a mild, "Hey!"
Reyat can't help but laughing, taping the surface of the water, spraying some more. A victorious *YEAH* is emitted and the lifts a triumphant fist. "Good morning Jenna!" He winks.
Jenna sticks her tongue out goodnaturedly at Reyat, and starts to climb to her feet in the shallows, shaking herself much like a spit canine. "I suppose I deserve it. But you *do* snore so loud, Rey!"
Reyat is busy wringing his clothes again. He lifts his head up and smiles wide. "Okay, I'll try not to snore too loud and you.." He says pointing one wet finger at Jenna. "Just try not to drown me too often. Deal?"
Jenna giggles and says modestly, "I had help."
"Well, I should have been aware of that. Hummm." And Reyat goes on rubbing his wet chin. "What about not plotting against me then? I'm sure Sef were forced to." He winks.
Jenna affects an innocent look, as bedraggled as she is. "Me? Plot?"
Reyat humpfs a bit as he tries to pull his cot from the water. "Yes, Youuuu." Another *humpf* and the cot is on the ground again. "How can I dry it now?" He smiles.
Jenna wrings out her shirt. "I'd say put it out in the sun, but I'd bet it'd freeze."
Reyat humms again. "I didn't thought about that. Do you think Aisheth could dry it in juts one blow?"
You say "Maybe? But then you'd have to tell them how it got wet..."
"And what if I tell him that Zak had a...a little accident?" Reyat shakes his head. "No, no. It won't work..." He chuckles.
Jenna laughs. "Besides, don't blame poor Zak. Hm. Lesse. Maybe if we took it out into the kitchens? From the heat of the fire or something? Or maybe in the inner caverns?"
Reyat takes a breath. "It could works, yeah. Do you think Sef could help me carrying it?"
Jenna wrinkles her nose. "Without you in it, it's light enough for me to help you." Whoops, was that her 'out loud' voice? To solve the issue she slogs out of the knee deep water and takes an end of the cot. "To the inner caverns then?"
Reyat nods and deliberately ignores Jenna's allusion to his weight. "Pleas, yes."
Jenna nods and sets off rather smartly, letting you take the lead.
Reyat steps into the wide corridor leading towards the Inner Caverns.
Reyat has left.
You follow the wide corridor, finally reaching the Inner Cavern. A warm, moist
breath of air follows you.
Inner Caverns(#944RJL$)
Lower than the Living Cavern above, this room is still a large, bustling place.
Hearths heat some of the areas here, allowing elderly and ill residents to rest
here rather than mount the steps to the Living Cavern above. Rooms open out
to the storerooms, the children's areas, the private rooms of staff members
and some of the residents. Laundry rooms and bathing areas down one set of stairs
draw near-constant traffic throughout the day.
Two long corridors lead off of here, one to the east and one to the south, going
to the crafters' and staff quarters respectively. Noise drifts out from the
curtain to the northeast that leads to the residents dorms, and a small door
to the north leads to the guest room. A short flight of stairs to the west leads
back to the Living Caverns.
Auntie Kitsa(#10349)
Domino Table
Ember waves up from the domino table, "Hi!"
Jenna is following along behind Reyat, thoroughly drenched and in her clothes. She is carrying one corner of a cot, though she looks fairly goodnatured about it.
Ember does a double-look, "" At a loss for words, she gives Zephyr a curious look. Maybe she hasn't lost her language abilities.
Zephyr is standing near Ember looking at the domino table with some concentration. She looks up noticing a pair of wet figures coming into the cavern and fights as hard as she can not to burst out laughing. Her face turns almost as red as her hair, with her effort, and she fails with a guffaw that forces her to hunch over and hold her sides. She wipes the tears from her eyes, sniffs and rights herself, calming down. "What happened to you?" she asks, glancing between the two.
Reyat waves quickly a wet hand both at Ember and Zephyr. "Hey there." His mood not dark at all. Just wet that is. He's carrying is dripping cot with the help of Jenna.
"And you dare to ask, Zeph?" Reyat winks.
Ember can't help it. Once Zephyr starts laughing, the realization sinks in. Her hand creeps up to cover her mouth, then another covers the first.
Jenna says cheerfully, "Rey pulled me in. Seems he was sleepwalking." With his cot. In the pool.
Zephyr looks like she is on the verge of bursting out laughing again and it can clearly be heard in her voice, "Well Rey, I have said in the past that you look good wet." Thats it, she begins to laugh again.
Reyat finally puts his cot down and places one hand on his hips. *FLOCK* "Oh yeah, Zeph?" Turning to Ember he smiles and winks. "You definitely speaks too much when you're tipsy, Emmie."
Zephyr lightly puts a hand over her mouth and nose as she giggles, and says quietly, "Yeah, just, loose the cot." She looks over at Jenna with a mischevious smile but dosn't say anything.
Jenna puts her end down and nudges the cot towards the fire to dry. The pillow is hopeless, though she makes a game attempt to wring it out and put it on the warm stones to dry. "Tipsy? Did I miss something?" She gives Zephyr an innocent look, flicks her eyes towards Reyat and gives an almost imperceptible shake of her head.
Rytran emerges from the Candidates' Barracks.
Rytran has arrived.
Randall emerges from the Candidates' Barracks.
Randall has arrived.
Randall steps out from the Candidate Barracks, now appearing significantly more well-rested than before. He walks along the edge of the room, greeting familiar people as he passes them.
Rytran flops down on the staircase and twiddles his finger against his cheek. He glances from face to face curiously.
Jenna is fluffing a hopelessly wet pillow, and fussing with wet blankets. There is a cot, also wet, set by the fire to try to dry. And the runner is, herself soaked from head to toe, though beginning to dry.
Zephyr is standing by the domino table, her face still pink from her fit of laughter at two soaked candidates, Jenna and Reyat. She smiles at Randall and asks, innocently of course, "How was your rest?" She waves to Rytran as she sees him sit down on the staircase.
Rytran squints at Jenna, glancing up and down her form in his usual vaguely impertinent fashion, before seizing a towel and thrusting it in her direction. "Hey Jenna - did you know that you're soaking wet?" he grins impishly.
Jenna takes the towel and blinks innocently at Rytran. "I *am*? Really?" She grins and nods towards Reyat, who is fussing over his cot. "He pulled me in. Seems someone went sleepwalking and woke up in the hot springs." With his cot. Right. But that's her story and she's sticking to it.
Reyat offers a smile to the entering Randall and Rytran. Realizing he's still wet eh sighs, still smiling. "I'd better have to change my clothes." He says softly. "Or I'll get a /cold/." He emphases the word and winks at Jenna and Zephyr.
Reyat steps into one of the storerooms.
Reyat has left.