Searched, Take Three!
Before Jinieth finishes laying all her eggs, P'ter and Aisheth find Jenna in the bowl. And to think, Jenna was sure it was all about P'ter's furs. ;)
Jenna - Sunday, March 31, 2002, 10:36 AM
Your location's current time: 14:23 on day 1, month 10, Turn 39, of the Tenth Pass. It is a autumn afternoon.
Fort LC> Zalkin comes up the steps from the Inner Caverns.
Fort LC> Zalkin has arrived.
Fort LC> P'ter comes in from the bowl.
Fort LC> P'ter has arrived.
Fort LC> Lyse yawns as she wanders in slowly, shivering a little as she takes off her weyrhide jacket. "Still cold. How he copes here I don't know." she mutters, looking around.
Fort LC> P'ter strides in, looking as pleased as punch, looking in face as pleased as a Weyrleader at clutching time. He rubs his hands together happily, "Another egg laid!"
Fort LC> Zalkin trots in, giggling boyishly, looking around and absently kneading a small pack. Of course, both his hands being occupied holding that thing, the boy can't do much when he trips over a drudge's feet and stumbles, but he just mutters a smiling apology and gets up, still heading toward the nearest piece of food.
Fort LC> Leah comes in from the bowl.
Fort LC> Leah has arrived.
Fort LC> Zalkin quickly turns his head to P'ter and looks guilty for half a second, then widely grins at him. "Eight and a bit more than five months Sir!" he proudly announces, spotting another person, the one P'ter's addressing. The boy quickly bows then with an automatic "Fort's Duties!"
Fort LC> P'ter turns, "Hello Leah, how are you? How is Jinieth feeling?" He must of been warned of her arrival by Aisheth.
You head into the Living Caverns.
Fort Weyr Living Cavern(#199RJa$)
Approaching half the size of the Hatching Grounds, this cavern echoes with voices
during the day, and the soft patter of feet during the night. Dozens of tables
are spaced throughout, each with open space around to provide small amounts
of privacy for the discussions carried on at each. The night hearth, with a
cluster of pots of stew and klah, is situated near the large entrance to the
Bowl. Several other hearths are spaced around the huge chamber, lending light
and some heat to the room.
Broad marble steps to the southwest lead up to the impressive Fort Weyr kitchen.
At the moment however those broad steps are marred with soot, as are the walls
and the ceiling of the living cavern all around and above the impressive kitchen
entrance. Many items of severely damaged kitchen equipment are placed in slowly
growing piles near the entrance as clean up crews continue work after the kitchen
fire. Two burly men stand near the kitchen entrance, preventing the mere curious
from having access to the damaged area. No cooking can be done in the kitchens
at this time and to make up for it most of the hearths in the living cavern
have been pressed into use as cooking places. The cavern sees even more bustle
than usual as bakers take over most of the walkways near the walls for the business
of providing food for the Weyr. Residents enter and leave in an almost constant
stream near mealtimes, back and forth from the large cooking pit set up near
the lake. Only half the tables are in the living cavern, room is needed for
both the cooking work and the clean up operation. The other half of the living
cavern's tables are out in the bowl.
To the east, a short flight of stairs leads to the hallway to the inner caverns.
A stout door to the north has a healer's emblem on it, marking the Infirmary.
To the south is a wide tunnel, leading out of the Weyr, and a wide opening to
the west leads to the Weyr bowl.
Meg and Peg
Fort Weyr Firelizard Perch
Lyse catches sight of Zalkin as he stumbles, her first instinct causing her to lunge forwards in his direction before standing up and starting to laugh quietly. Her head turns, distracted by her name being called. "P'ter! she yells, racing across the cavern to stand in front of him, undecided, fidgeting before she decides what the heck and tries to hug him anyway.
P'ter snorts at Zalkin, "Well if you ever want to get to nine turns Zalkin you really should watch were you are going."
Leah snorts at P'ter, "As if you're not getting a play by play of every movement and emotion from Aisheth, Weyrleader." She yawns widely, covering her mouth with a work-worn hand, "Kept me up all night, she did. The proceeded to bury every egg before I could get a good look."
P'ter blinks and returns the hug, giving Lyse the sort of hug a bear may be thought of as giving. "Nice to see you Lyse. How are you, how goes things?" He looks over Lyse's shoulder at Leah, "Aww. A pity. I was hoping that was /just/ what I was going to get." He smiles then, "I popped in to see her earlier ..."
P'ter sees Jenna then and after releasing poor Lyse he waves to her, "Jenna, good to see you."
Leah hoots a glare at P'ter then smiles warmly to Lyse, "Fort's duty to Igen and her queens. It's good to see someone around here with a bit of energy." She fills herself a mug of klah from a pot on the hearth.
Zalkin gives P'ter an impish nods before finally grasping whatever is edible on that table he was heading for and popping a piece of it in his mouth before anyone can tell him anything. He happily waves at Jenna and Leah as well. "*chomp**swallow*Weyrwoman," in a polite tone, then a shouted "Hey Jen!"
Jenna comes in from the caverns, running shoes dangling from her hands by the laces. Lyse's mad dash across the caverns gets her attention first, and she chuckles lightly, "Fort's duties. Weyrwoman." A bit of a pause and a half embrassed smile, "Weyrleader. How's Jinieth, ma'am?" She adds, "Hey, Zak? you feel like stretching your legs a bit?"
Leah says "Thinner, Jenna, thinner. And still going, from what I can tell." She grins impishly, "Afternoon, Zalkin. You're looking fine today. Enjoying the cookies?""
After being released Lyse catches her breath, smiling up at P'ter. "I'm good and Igen's still standing sort of. Oops" she says and turns, smiling to Jenna, Zalkin and Leah. "Igen's duties to Fort and her Queens and especially to Jinieth. I'd completely forgotten about the clutching. How's it all going?" she asks Leah, waving to Jenna and grinning. "Hiya again."
P'ter's jaw drops, "You have /forgotten/ about the clutching?" He looks aghast, then goes quiet for a second, mumbling quietly, almost talking to Aisheth aloud it would seem.
Zalkin happily nods at the weyrwoman, swallonwing again before he grins widely. "Oh yes ma'am! Terribly!" Well, little boys and cookies, of course... The boy bounces his way toward Jenna then, and stands straight in front of her, not without giving Lyse a dozen of curious glances. "Will we have another run today?"
Merrin, so like to a younger version of Jenna that the two could be twins, comes in from the bowl. He scans the crowd excitedly, and makes his way to his sister. "Twenty eight! Can you believe it? Most exciting thing I've ever seen." Jenna chuckles and teases her baby brother, "You need to get out more." She smiles to Lyse and asks, "How's that blue of yours, Lyse? Well, I hope?" As Zak bounces into her field of vision she nods. "A short one. Word came back that the shelter on the Peyton trace is leaking. Want to shore it up real quick before the frosts set in."
Lyse rolls her eyes. "Well I've been a little distracted the last couple of sevendays. I can't remember everything when my heads full off hidework." SHe smiles to Jenna, but gives a little shiver too. "Typhenth. He's great, well and stupidly happy at the moment. He's outside. Give him a wave if you're going past. You're going to take him with you when it's this cold out?"
P'ter smiles, "Mind if I come out to see him Lyse? I've not often had the chance." He nods to Zalkin and Jenna and the others, "Come on, we can all go. Get some fresh air."
Zalkin enthusiastically bounces on the spot in front of Jenna. "Great!" he lets out, adding a little bow Lysewards. "It's not -that- cold!" he says dismissively. "And I've got my shoes!" he proudly adds, showing the pack.
Leah waves the off, settling into a large chair by a hearth with her mug of klah, "You go. I've seen them and I'm sure I'll be pulled out onto the Sands every day for the next three months to see them."
Jenna chuckles to Lyse. "We only have a bit more time before we're stuck for the winter." She gives Zak a once over and says, "Don't forget your hat and scarf, just in case. Can't have you getting sick like Jeny. We can put our shoes on outside and keep you lot company while we stretch." As Leah decides to stay in she says, "You sure ma'am? Then again, a soft chair's likely exactly what you need right now. Too bad you can't steal L'nan's cushie." She meanders towards the bowl, Merrin in tow, looking a bit aghast at his sister's telling the Weyrwoman she needs a cushion for her rear.
Zalkin quickly scurries behind Jenna and her brother, trying to stand straight and quiet, but he's far too bouncy for that...
P'ter grabs himself a wherry filled roll and heads for the bowl entrance, still full of high spirits. "Last one there is a wherry. And I may say, for runners some of you folks are awfully slow." With that he uses his head start near the tunnel to break into a run.
P'ter heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.
P'ter has left.
Lyse beams proudly as P'ter shows an interest in Typhenth. Swinging herjacket round to slip her arms in the sleeves she says. "He's a lot bigger now and still as handsome as ever though still as big a pest. Remember the attention practice you did with us and he pushed me out of line?" She turns to peer at Zalkin. "It -is- that cold. Come to Igen and I'll show you what hot is. Take care of Jenna for me though. If she doesn't come back I can't ask her for gossip." She spins and follows after P'ter, definitely not running.
Jenna laughs, "Catch him, Zak! You too, Merrin!" Her brother needs no other incouragement, breaking into a run, as she follows, laughing. "Like I know much, Lyse. Besides, you know a runner never tells." She give the bluerider a wink as she heads out with her.
Lyse heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.
Lyse has left.
Zalkin blinks at Lyse and looks from her to Jenna. "Oh well, Jenna doesn't need care, she's stronger than me or even Merrin," he adds, though he shifts a little away from Jenna's brother. Then he darts after P'ter. Very quickly!
Zalkin heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.
Zalkin has left.
You head outside to the bowl.
Center of the Fort Weyr Bowl(#200RJ$)
The Bowl of Fort Weyr, a large, featureless plain surrounded by steep mountain
cliffs, stretches out around you. It is approximately oval in shape, about 2700
meters along the long axis running southwest to northeast, and about half that
distance across the short axis. You stand in its approximate centre. The soil
of the bowl is somewhat sandy.
At the closest point to the living caverns about half of the tables from within
that large area are placed outside, here, in the bowl. Rider and resident and
guests alike partaking of meals in the open air. Indeed, one of the tables bears
blackened marks, and no one seems to want to sit there.
To the northwest is the large cavern used for the Weyrling barracks. To the
west is the fenced off area where the Weyr's herds are kept, and the lake shore
is to the southwest. To the northeast can be seen the ledges for the junior
queens and the weyrleaders. The large entrance to the Hatching Grounds can also
be seen to the northeast and to the east are the Lower Caverns.
Typhenth watches Aisheth carefully before turning to look at the group of fast moving small things coming out of the caverns.
Jenna comes strolling out with Lyse, though Merrin has run ahead, trying to catch up to P'ter. "How is everyone over at Igen, Lyse? Terri and all?"
P'ter waves his hand, "Hello Typhenth, I've not seen you in a very long time. How are you?" he asks of the dragon as he approaches, not running now and breathing faster than normal after his sprint.
Zalkin stops dead just behind P'ter, just in time not to bump in the massive rider, and his eyes grow a bit wider as he stares at Typhenth.
Typhenth lowers his head, glancing at Lyse before peering closely at P'ter, crooning happily. Lyse nods slowly to herself. "Oh. Sorry Jenna. I think most everyone's ok. Terrilia's overjoyed with her children though I think she wants another. Katerin's pregnant? You know her? A'dhan's the father and he was fast. She hasn't been a journeyman more than a sevenday I reckon. Oh yeah "she adds, raising her voice so P'ter can hear, "I made wingsecond."
And Merrin nearly crashes into Zak, dodging just in time to avoid him and the Weyrleader with a startled, "Woah! Careful, Zak!" Jen peers over at her brother and her trainee, and satisfied they're neither one of them hurt, says, "That's great! Congratulations, Lyse!" She starts to stretch out her legs, warming them up slowly.
P'ter turns his head from Typhenth, "Wingsecond?" He beams a smile, "I see F'tan is doing a good job then. Assuming you've not changed wings?"
Halcyon> On the sands, Jinieth unwraps her tail from about her body and
cocks her head to the side, looking around behind her. Yep, it's time again!
She groans as she forces herself to her feet and moves around the Sands, trying
to find a good place for her newest efforts.
Halcyon> On the sands, Push, pat, shovel, this spaded tail sure is useful!
Especially when preparing that perfect little nest of Sand needed for the next
egg to be clutched. Lowering of a great golden nose ensures an intimate check
of this particular little pile and a grunt of satisfaction follows.
"Thanks Jenna," Lyse says, beaming. "Yep. I'm still in Sirocco. Me and K'fen as wingseconds. You should hear the rumours going round about us and there's more than one or two not happy I was chosen." Typhenth whuffles P'ter then tries to peek round him at the smaller form behind.
Halcyon> On the sands, Squatting, she arranges herself over the new nest
of Sand. It seems quite a few minutes as she finds the one angle she's fond
of for this task and begins her minstrations. A draconic grimace flashes across
her face, eyes swirling red for a bare moment before an egg appears. The gold
backs over the nest and egg, lowering her head for a good once-over for the
latest arrival before hiding it beneath the Sands.
Halcyon> Mirrari oos softly to herself as the queen begins to move again,
"More?" she asks with arched brows.
Halcyon> On the sands, Jinieth has just laid Stolen Kiss Egg
A secret in the night. A darkened room. A sneaky shadow. A breeze through the
window. Just below a nightlight over the bed, someone sleeps. The window opens
and the story begins. A creeping form in green moves across, his shadow being
elusive, but somehow leading him to where he needs to go. For there she is,
asleep, looking angelic in her beauty, ruby lips just urging him forward. Her
fingers grip the blankets and it's there that he finds it... a small piece of
metal... a little tin cup dimpled on her finger. He leans forward to take it,
putting it silently in his pocket. He smiles at her and disappears through the
window before she can waken, his childish mind believed that he's accomplished
his task. For now, in his pocket, this little tin thimble is the kiss he's yearned
for, and now he's stolen it.
By Leah
Halcyon> On the sands, With a wide yawn, her golden hide still glowing from exertion, she examines this newest egg carefully one final time. Tired from all the work she's been doing, she finds a warm spot amongst her Clutch and settles down for a good sleep.
Aisheth watches the goings on with interest, the dragon up on his haunches with an alert air, looking down at the goings on.
"Thanks Jenna," Lyse says, beaming. "Yep. I'm still in Sirocco. Me and K'fen as wingseconds. You should hear the rumours going round about us and there's more than one or two not happy I was chosen." Typhenth whuffles P'ter then tries to peek round him at the smaller form behind.'.
Aisha walks across the bowl from the Lower Caverns.
Aisha has arrived.
Aisha walks into the bowl looking rather tired.
Merrin nods to Zak. "And a *girl* to boot." He darts a look at the blue, and then beyond him to the Weyrleader's 'mate. Jenna ignores her brother and puts in, "Tenkanoth's rider? Didn't Lu win one of her flights? I can't remember if it was her or another male greenrider at Igen. Alirath seems to like Igen greens." She plops down on the ground and starts putting on her running shoes.
Aisheth swings his head a little, the huge bronze centering his multifaceted gaze on one below, tying laces. He croons and P'ter looks up at him, narrow eyed.
Zalkin boyishly giggles at Merrin and quickly imitates Jenna, sitting down and unpacking a pair of well-kept leather shoes, muttering at himself, "Igen, Igen... Should ask for a trip there, they're all talking about that place."
Lyse nods slowly. "Yeah. Tenkanoth, currently that silly blues sleeping partner. I'm still not used to having two dragons on the ledge at night. I'm not sure who's been in flights there, I kinda wasn't interested till recently. Someone doesn't give me much choice any more." Typhenth raises his head and snorts at Lyse before watchingthe two runners putting on shoes curiously. "When are you coming back for a visit P'ter? I know it's kinda dfficult at the moment but after they hatch maybe?"
P'ter nods, "Oh yes, maybe even before," he says to Lyse, "But really, afterwards would be more likely I .. mean .. it's .. a .." He pauses, "Sorry, Aisheth is acting up." He taps at his head, "Hard to concentrate."
Jenna jerks laces tight, and then reaches to wrap hands around her toes, stretching out hamstrings. She grins up at Typhenth and wiggles said toes at him, even as Merrin squats to take a closer look at Zak's shoes, "You made these yourself, Zak? Or did Jen help you?"
Zalkin beams with pride as he holds the remaining shoe under the very nose of Merrin. "Well, Jenna helped me a little, but she let me do everything! Just giving me advice and showing me how to do it!" This siad, he quickly puts on the second one, lacing it fast and tight. He pauses and, looking at Lyse, warmly smiles. "Your blue is really beautiful!"
Aisheth suddenly drops his body to the ground in an action that even makes P'ter jump. The dragon's heavy boned chest impacts onto the bowl floor and his head strikes the same ground only a moment later, the dragon letting out a loud snort that covers Jenna with dust and a good helping of damp dragon breath.
Lyse beams proudly, giving Zalkin a big smile. "Why thank you, and those are some of the finest shoes I've seen." Rolling her eyes she nods to P'ter. "I completely understand now cos Typhenth can..." and she stop to peer at Aisheth worriedly. "Is he alright?"
Merrin makes a show of pinching his nose as the shoe is held under it. "Phewwwww!" Then the lad grins at Zak, nodding in agreement. As the jarring thump that is Aisheth hits the ground, and right near his only sister, Merrin gives a startled "Hey! Get away from her - you might've squashed her!" Jenna's hair is blown askew, and she's now covered in damp, sticky dust, eyes watering profusely, startled enough to scramble backwards a bit from the huge head that flopped so near her. "Aisheth! I'm all *over* grime now," she scolds, still more than a little startled.
Zalkin giggles loudly at Aisheth antics and gets on his feet, nudging Merrin. "And I bet he can do it again!" he lets out, quickly putting both his hands on his mouth. "Oops." Quick, quick, another topic. Zak turns to Lyse and curtsies. "Thanks!" Well, it's worth a try.
P'ter frowns, "Aish, I told you not to say anything before I got the chance to!" He scolds his dragon, how does nothing but warbles a happy little converstation at Jenna.
P'ter says "I'm sorry, I didn't expect him to do that. Faranth, sometimes he acts just like a /hatchling/."
Aisheth glares at P'ter, He is not a hatchling, just look at the size of him.
Aisha comes from the northeastern area.
Aisha has arrived.
Jenna wipes at her eyes, coughing just a bit. She asks P'ter in an undertone that mostly doesn't carry, "This isn't about your furs, is it?" Merrin had come to stand behind his sister, eyeing Aisheth a trifle mistrustfully. Though at her comment, he goggles at her, and then glares at the Weyrleader. Hands off his sister there, bub.
Aisha walks in from the direction of the galleries.
P'ter ignores Merrin for the moment, concentration in Jenna, "I do apologize for his behavior. Normally he would not do this, its just that he likes you."
P'ter turns to the others, "I'm sorry, didn't mean to scare anyone."
Lyse frowns at Aisheth worriedly, relaxing only as she hears no worry in P'ter's voice. "Remind me not to stand in front of him when you do come to visit or borrow some clothes from a seacrafter. You ok Jenna?"
P'ter snorts, "He does not normally do this. He just wanted to say hello. I think."
Jenna scrubs a sleeve over her forehead, wiping away damp dirt. "S'alright. Just scared a turn or two out of me there." Her tone is goodnatured. "I'm fine, Lyse. Just a bit dirty, and the trace'd do that anyway." She moves back, and offers out an arm to drub the bronze's eyeridges. Merrin mumbles, "You sure that's *safe*, Jen?" The lad is still eyeing P'ter a trifle suspiciously, and shoots a look at Zak as if to say 'Little help here, please?'
Aisheth warbles in quiet contentment, his gaze flickering to P'ter in a 'told you so' manner
Zalkin erms and gapes at Merrin a moment, quiet and suddenly lightens and clears his throat. "Eh, yeah, 'Rin is right Jen! You should get some new clothes!" Then he waggles a finger, imitating his instructor's voice, "Can't have you getting sick like Jeny!"
P'ter turns his back on his dragon, snorting. Much /like/ his dragon in fact. "So as I was saying, Typhenth is okay?"
Aisheth swings his head around a little, still so Jenna can reach but also where he can snort onto P'ter's back. P'ter frowns again, his body tensing. "Aisheth, no. Tomorrow."
Jenna scrubs Aisheth's eyeridges rather contentedly telling him, "You did just about scare the life out of me, you know." Then at Zak's words she wrinkles her nose. "Dust and grime isn't quite the same as getting a headcold, Zak. But I appreciate the concern. Are you stretching? We'll need to leave here in a few moments, or it'll be too late to get there and back before dinner." Merrin hovers behind his sister, alternately watching P'ter and his dragon, still obviously not sure about all this.
Lyse nods, smiling again now she's on safer conversational ground. "Physically yes. In his head? I don't think that blue has ever been okay up there. So do I get to see the eggs yet?" She chuckles a little. "And a growing boy needs as his dinner, especially after a run. Dont tire Jenna out too much will you?"
Zalkin shakes his head and salutes Lyse, a bit awkwardly. "Never Ma'am!"
P'ter nods to Aisha as he sees her, then frowns yet again. "No Aisheth. Now is not the time. ... No it is not. .. no .." He sighs, then throws his arms in the air in a gesture of giving up. "Okay, okay. I'll tell her. But I tell you, its the last time I let you in on it."
Jenna tilts her head at P'ter and teases him lightly, "You been getting enough sleep, Weyrleader? Or has this guy been snoring and keeping you up." She gives the eyeridge towards her a final affectionate rub, and then rises, crossing right leg over leg and bending down to tell the bronze, "He told me all about you snoring, you know. Shameful he'd let your secret out like that." Her tone is amused. Merrin looks even more offended, and moves over to Zak, saying mildly, "If you're going with her, better stretch."
Aisheth grunts in surprise, then snorts at P'ter again before crooning with his eye on Jenna.
P'ter snorts to, "Well you do you big lump!"
P'ter sighs then, "Well I guess I won't get a moments peace until I say so, at least, not now that Aisheth knows."
Lyse returns Zalkin's salute and smiles. "Stretching is good." SHe smiles at P'ter and Jenna and opens her mouth but a snort from Typhenth causes her to grin and shut her mouth. "I wasn't going to say a thing."
Zalkin nudges Merrin and tilts his head. "Was just waiting for you." Thsi said, the boy starts stretching, looking all businesslike, though he glances at the riders now and then, chuckling at Lyse. "That's easier for you, you don't need to run from a place to another."
Jenna raises, her head, still bent over, and peers at Lyse and P'ter. "Why do I feel like I'm the only one not in on this joke? Zak, you know what they're going on about? Or is it just that riders are being odd today?"
Aisha waves a greeting to everyone.
Zalkin shrugs, stretching his left leg as far as it can go. "Dunno. I'm not specialist, ask my brother..." he tersely answers, but giggles afterwards. "Though T'rya told me greenriders weren't the ones to ask about being odd..."
Jenna straightens, and then crosses the other leg in front, waving companionably to Aisha before bending down to stretch. "Mm, I'd say that was a fair statement. P'ter, just what has you all a flutter, like some holder girl being payed court to. Spit it out, why don't you?" Merrin is looking decidedly sulky, "She didn't invite me to go with you guys. Besides, I was watching the clutching. Never seen one before."
Zalkin oohs at Merrin, looking a bit disappointed, but he warms up at the mention of clutching. "Yeah you're right, have fun then! I'll see you when we're back!"
P'ter spins on his heel and glares at his dragon, then sighs and lets it go. He shakes his shoulder a little and looses the tenseness. Then he addresses Jenna, "Well now, I /was/ going to say this tomorrow, but Aisheth has somewhat advanced things and he won't shut up unless I tell you." He smiles, "I was wondering if you would mind standing on the sands for the hatching of Jinieth and Aisheth's clutch?"
Cassia comes from the northeastern area.
Cassia has arrived.
Cassia heads into the Living caverns.
Cassia has left.
Halcyon> On the sands, Jinieth raises her head and regards anyone who might
be nearby with red-tinged eyes. Getting to her feet, she starts with the hind
legs, then pulls her front legs so she's standing. With determination, she moves
to that certain, perfect place on the Sands where the next egg should be.
Halcyon> On the sands, Push, pat, shovel, this spaded tail sure is useful!
Especially when preparing that perfect little nest of Sand needed for the next
egg to be clutched. Lowering of a great golden nose ensures an intimate check
of this particular little pile and a grunt of satisfaction follows.
Halcyon> On the sands, Squatting, she arranges herself over the new nest
of Sand. It seems quite a few minutes as she finds the one angle she's fond
of for this task and begins her minstrations. A draconic grimace flashes across
her face, eyes swirling red for a bare moment before an egg appears. The gold
backs over the nest and egg, lowering her head for a good once-over for the
latest arrival before hiding it beneath the Sands.
Halcyon> On the sands, Jinieth has just laid Tin Thimble Egg
Steely gray cloaks this egg in the understated tones usually seen on any well-kept
cothold roof. Streaks of leaden ash swirl in playful twists across the leathery
surface. Darker, nearly circular spots of slate prick minuscule holes in the
silvery shell, ordered in neat, tidy rows. These tiny dimples ring the egg,
perfectly, evenly stamped in their circuit and seen from any vantage point.
Armor vests the spheroid; an old helm cast off by some tiny pixie and used now
to protect the finger of an embroidering Lady. Polished mercury peeks out here
and there, lightening the otherwise somber, blocky hues along the elliptical
curves and showing the silver lining beneath the drab shroud.
By Jenna
Halcyon> On the sands, After one last check of her latest creation, she makes her way away from the eggs and settles against the far wall. Lowering herself into a regal position, she is the picture of proud motherhood, eyes swirling a contented blue-green while she surveys all she has created so far.
Mirrari comes from the northeastern area.
Mirrari has arrived.
Jenna's head is down, and so there is at first no answer to P'ter's question. Then, when she looks up, she sees him looking at her. She blinks a bit, "Me? Again?" A pause and she asks a trifle suspiciously, "Did L'nan put you two up to this? I threatened to stuff him in a carrysack last time Jinieth was on the sands."
Zalkin blinks twice, looking from Merrin to Jenna, then he stares at Lyse, since she happens to be where he was looking.
P'ter caughs, "Yes, well .. again. And it has nothing to do with L'han I assure you."
Lyse just listens quietly for a moment, absently scritching Typhenth before stopping and smiling. She winks at Zalkin. "Commiserations Jenna."
Mirrari is traveling across the bowl, from the direction of the galleries. She has a wooden basket on her arm that swings as she walks. Peering curiously at the group and nods, "Must be Search.." she murmers with a smile; too well does she remember a momment like that.
Aisha just listens quietly and says nothing thought the exprssion on her face is one of surprise and confusion. At the word search understanding crosses her face.
Merrin is gaping at his sister, openmouthed. "But... but..." Jenna eyes P'ter a bit, and then turns her wry gaze on Aisheth and says lightly to the bronze, "Admit it. You just didn't want me leaving the weyr, did you." She sighs a bit and then nods. "I'll stand." She snorts out a little chuckle at Lyse, "I think that fairly says it all, aye, Lyse." Her tone is amused, however.
Zalkin keeps blinking, now gaping at Jenna along with Merrin. He first lightens and looks all cheerful and bouncy, and a second after he's quiet again, thoughtful and frowning.
Aisheth warbles but doesn't admit to Jenna's accusation. He doesn't comment at all, his eyes just roll in that contented fashion that is the way of dragons.
Mirrari chuckles as she passes and calls out a "Congrats!" to the girl who was just chosen before disappearing into the living cavern to go find the telgar rider she came with.
P'ter smiles, "Well, you'de better forget about leaving Fort. You'll have to be heading down to the candidate's barracks. But your in luck, we are early in search, you get to pick on of the better cot placements."
Merrin is looking utterly bewildered. "But... But..." Sounds like he's going to break out into a chorus of L'nan's Butt Song for a moment. "What about training, Jen?" Jenna looks to her brother and Zak, "We'll fit it in between chores. Passes are close to freezing anyway. You two had better find Dani tomorrow though, and see if she'll take you both out to that shelter to repair it." She waggles a finger at Zak, "Don't you start slacking on me. I want to take you to Tillek with me in the spring for sure." Jenna gives a wave to the unfamiliar face and laughs to P'ter. "Even if I do, it's a guarantee that I'll be next to a snorer later."
Aisha smiles at Jenna, "Congradulations."
Mirrari heads into the Living caverns.
Mirrari has left.
P'ter snorts, "That Jenna, can't be worse than sleeping next to /that/." He points to Aisheth.
Zalkin stares at Jenna and half smiles though, stepping forward toward her. "But... If you Impress you won't have time!" he says in a reproaching tone. "You can't run to Tillek if you do, you -must- take care of..." THen he pauses, bashfully looking around as he realizes he spoke aloud. "Sorry," is muttered, and the lad retreats toward Merrin.
P'ter raises an eyebrow at Zalkin, "Apology accepted Zalkin. Good of you."
Mirrari walks across the bowl from the Lower Caverns.
Mirrari has arrived.
Zalkin just cringes and tries to hide behind Jenna's brother.
Jenna reaches out to ruffle Zak's hair as Merrin moves aside, clearly siding with Zak on this one. "If I'd a quarter mark for every time I thought I might impress, Zak, I'd be able to buy my way in as Lady of Bitra or something." Her tone is amused. "Let's see when the eggs crack, hm? *Then* we can worry about it." She quirks a smile at P'ter, "Not to doubt Aisheth's judgement, but, there's only so many eggs to go 'round."
P'ter says "Eggs are not round however, they are more oval shaped."
Aisha stifles a laugh at P'ter's comment.
Lyse nods slowly, listening to the words as Typhenth seems to get a little fidgety. "Oh blisters. Good luck Jenna, whichever way you want it. Nice to meet you all and don't leave it too long before you visit, P'ter. I know someone who'll be happy to see you" she says, her voice sickly sweet. "I have to go. I forgot the time and I'm gonna be late for sweeps. Can't do that as wingsecond now."
Jenna snorts at P'ter, sounding remarkably like Aisheth there for a moment. "Thanks, Lyse. Give my best to everyone back at Igen? It was good to see you."
P'ter smiles to Lyse, "Lyse, will you come again? Its always good to see you. And say hello to that special person for me?"
Mirrari emerges with a bluerider trailing behind her, looking faintly disgruntled.
She heads over to the rider's non-descript blue, and is boosted to the neckridges
before the bluerider follows. They both get strapped in and then the blue takes
off, winging his way up from the bowl before disappearing between.
Mirrari has left.
Aisha waves to Lyse, "It was nice talking to you again. I hope I see you again sometime."
Zalkin waves at Lyse from half-behind Merrin. "See you later!"
Lyse nod and smiles to everyone. "Yes to them all." and she start
to mount. Finally atop Typhenth and settled as he spreads his wings she calls
down "Probably in a sevenday or so if I can dig myself out of hides. Clear
Lyse has left.
P'ter shakes his head, "Dragons. Who can do without them, and yet, how on Pern do we live with them." He can be heard to mutter however, "Though we do love them so."
P'ter walks the half mile towards the northeastern end of the bowl.
P'ter has left.
Jenna waves up to Lyse, "Clear skies!" She peers at her brother and Zak, "So do you guys want to help me move my things over to the barracks?"
Typhenth has left.
Above the center of the bowl, Typhenth wings up from the Center of the Bowl.
Above the center of the bowl, Typhenth flies farther up into the sky over Fort
High above the bowl, Typhenth wings higher into the sky.
Zalkin eagerly nods at Jenna, apparently trying to make up for what he said earlier. "Yes Jen, at once!" He doesn't even wait and darts toward the caverns, nearly bumping into Merrin.
Zalkin heads into the Living caverns.
Zalkin has left.
Aisha waves to everyone remaining, "I apologize I have to go now. I have a few errands to run. Bye." aisha then runs off in the direction of the stables.
Jenna gives Aisha a wave, and heads on into the caverns herself.
You head into the Living Caverns.
You brush aside the curtain and enter the Candidates' Barracks.
Candidates Barracks(#10244RAJ$)
This large low-ceilinged cavern provides temporary housing for the Weyr's Candidates.
Various tapestries hang from the walls, lending an air of color and cheefulness
to the dark grey walls. Neat rows of cots fill the back of the cavern, a small
press at the foot of each. Numerous shelves dot the walls of the cavern. Littered
with various containers and odd items, they seem to lend themselves more to
firelizard perches than anything else. A few tables with chairs have been placed
towards the front of the cavern, providing a place to visit or do handicrafts.
Fort Weyr Firelizard Perch