Sidanna's Turnday

Sidanna has a turnday, Zak gets in hot water, people visit from Igen, and Jen proves how she really is cothold bred under all that progressiveness she's so proud of.

Jenna - Tuesday, March 19, 2002, 12:37 PM

You head into the Living Caverns.
Fort Weyr Living Cavern(#199RJa$)
Approaching half the size of the Hatching Grounds, this cavern echoes with voices during the day, and the soft patter of feet during the night. Dozens of tables are spaced throughout, each with open space around to provide small amounts of privacy for the discussions carried on at each. The night hearth, with a cluster of pots of stew and klah, is situated near the large entrance to the Bowl. Several other hearths are spaced around the huge chamber, lending light and some heat to the room.

Broad marble steps to the southwest lead up to the impressive Fort Weyr kitchen. At the moment however those broad steps are marred with soot, as are the walls and the ceiling of the living cavern all around and above the impressive kitchen entrance. Many items of severely damaged kitchen equipment are placed in slowly growing piles near the entrance as clean up crews continue work after the kitchen fire. Two burly men stand near the kitchen entrance, preventing the mere curious from having access to the damaged area. No cooking can be done in the kitchens at this time and to make up for it most of the hearths in the living cavern have been pressed into use as cooking places. The cavern sees even more bustle than usual as bakers take over most of the walkways near the walls for the business of providing food for the Weyr. Residents enter and leave in an almost constant stream near mealtimes, back and forth from the large cooking pit set up near the lake. Only half the tables are in the living cavern, room is needed for both the cooking work and the clean up operation. The other half of the living cavern's tables are out in the bowl.

To the east, a short flight of stairs leads to the hallway to the inner caverns. A stout door to the north has a healer's emblem on it, marking the Infirmary. To the south is a wide tunnel, leading out of the Weyr, and a wide opening to the west leads to the Weyr bowl.
Meg and Peg
Fort Weyr Firelizard Perch

Jenna disappears into the infirmary, and then comes out a moment or two later, looking rather put out.

P'ter comes in from the bowl.
P'ter has arrived.

P'ter enters, catches sight of a put out Jenna, "Which side of the furs did you get out of this morning?" he asks, grinning.

Jenna rather maturely sticks her tongue out at P'ter and then gives him a rueful smile. "Zak's gone missing from the infirmary. He's apparently not supposed to be out and about yet. I swear, I need another one of me to keep up with him at times. Where's he got off to now, I wonder."

Raeche is seated at one of the tables by herself, toying with the pieces of a wooden chess set. A mug is by her elbow.

P'ter ahs to Jenna. "He's scarpered again?" He shrugs, "He's as hard to keep still as a wounded tunnel snake. On ice." He spots someone he's not seen before and smiles, nodding over to Raeche, "Fort's duties to you ma'am."

Jenna chuckles at P'ter's assessment, nodding, and then looks to where his attention has gone, giving a pleasant enough nod. "If he'll just stay out of trouble. I'd bet he's in the back caverns with that scamp of a girl Solant calls a daughter." Her tone, however, is more indulgent that disapproving.

Raeche rolls a rook about in her palm, inclinging her head. "Thank you..." a quick glance at the shoulder knot, and her eyebrows raise. "...Weyrleader. I hope to make my home here, actually."

P'ter raises an eyebrow, "You do?" He smiles, "Ah well, I personally can't think of a better place." He pauses a little, "Unless cold winters are something you can't handle." He chuckles at that for some private reason. "So tell me, what brings you to us?"

Jenna grins a bit at P'ter and then interjects, "Can I get either of you something to drink? I think I'm going to have to take on provisions to go find Zak."

P'ter says "Drink? Oh that would be great. Some klah would be good, but only if your passing Jenna.""

Raeche looks to Jenna, beginning to smile a wide smile. "If you're up anyway - could I please have some klah?" Eyelashes swish once, twice at the other woman, then looks to P'ter. "I think I can handle a cold winter, maybe with some furs. My... parents thought it would be a good idea for me to stay with my aunt here."

P'ter says "And your aunt is?"

"Marina," Raeche answers. "Down in the lower caverns. She does laundry." One shoulder rises and falls in a shrug. The young woman sets the rook back down onto the board. "I'm from Bitra myself."

Jenna takes in a breath to launch into her usual diatribe on the evils of klah, and then abruptly shuts her mouth. She goes wordlessly to get the mugs, complete with pots of milk and sweetner. After a bit of fumbling around, she brings the little tray towards the other two. Her mug, one might note, has juice. She sets the mugs out and pointedly takes a sip of her healthier drink.

P'ter says "Bitra? I'm from Bitra, well, a long while back. Not from the Hall mind you, only ever went there for gathers."

P'ter grins, not missing Jenna's silent manifestation. "Sorry Jenna, but I really need this today. How about later I have some cider? Would that mollify you?"

Raeche reaches for her mug, nodding to Jenna. "My thanks," she says quietly. Her head tilts toward P'ter again, and she says, mildly, "Then I'm just like a little bit of home, aren't I?" The demure look just doesn't quite work on her.

Jenna objects lightly, "Did I say a word, Weyrleader? Though," she just can't help herself, "If you really need the klah, maybe you should go to bed a bit earlier, and not stay up all night reading hides, perhaps?" She nods to Raeche and offers politely, "I'm Jenna, by the way. One of the runners here, when I'm not on klah disapproval duty." Her tone is wry on this last.

P'ter snorts, "Well as I say, I've not been there in a long long time. Spent many turns at Igen letting my blood go thin and toasting myself to crispier version of the Bitran original." Then to Jenna, "No, you didn't say a word, but your face painted a picture and that can be worth a thousand words." His mouth drops open, "/Not/ stay up reading hides? Next your not want the sun to come up! Some things are just meant to be."

Raeche develops a vague sulk at the snort, and nods to Jenna, expression shifting to a smile. "Thank you, then, Jenna. I'm Raeche."

Jenna nods to Raeche, "Well met. -- Well, now, P'ter, is there anything in there that absolutely, positively *can't* wait until morning? You know there'd be hundreds of caverns kids just dying to help you bathe and oil Aisheth. I swear, between you burning the midnight glows, and Norri and Solant, and we won't even *talk* about the Weyrwoman - I think the four of you badly need a trip to Boll and a day to sit on the beach."

P'ter grins to Jenna, "You may well be right at that."

Raeche leans forward in her seat, eyes widening a little. "Are they always so overworked?"

Jenna mms. "Well, there's always something to be done in the weyr, really. But with the fire," blue eyes flicker to the remains of the kitchens, "it's been relaly hectic." A pause and she changes the subject slightly, "So Bitra, eh? Silly question, but do you know how to play dragonpoker?"

Raeche's smile grows much, much wider. "Of course. Only a little. Do you fancy a game?" All Bitrans 'only play a little'. Funny how that works.

Jenna is an easy mark. The runner says rather artlessly, "I don't know how to play, actually. I've been wanting to learn, but don't fancy going to J'cob for him to teach me. I think he might be the resident expert at Fort."

"J'cob, you say?" It's almost easy to see her filing the name away for future use. "I'm sure there's a deck around here somewhere that wasn't ravaged by fire. I could teach you."

Jenna grins. "Really? You wouldn't mind?"

Raeche shakes her head, auburn locks swaying artfully. "Of course not. I should make myself useful somehow, shouldn't I?"

P'ter gets called away to the inner caverns. He follows the resident that came with the request

P'ter walks down the eastern stairs to the Inner Caverns.
P'ter has left.

Jenna laughs. "We just won't tell Norri. I don't think Leah would mind too much, but Norri would be scandalized, I think."

Raeche shakes her head. "I know Leah is the Weyrwoman, but... Norri is the Headwoman, is she? Let's not tell Norri, mmmn?" A wider smile, and big, big eyes.

Jenna nods. "Leah and P'ter are the Weyrleaders - he impressed at Igen - N'sales on Orenth and L'nan on Alirath are the Weyrseconds. Norri and Solant are Headwoman and Steward - though I think he used to be a trader. Vivian and Milque are our queenriders, and Annilith, T'quinn and D'zel are the wingleaders, among others." She grins. "Least I can do is show you around, for teaching me how to play. I want to be able to hold my own with the riders."

T'al comes in from the bowl.
T'al has arrived.

T'al is blue Visquath's rider, at Igen Weyr.

Siara comes in from the bowl.
Siara has arrived.

Raeche says, archly, "I imagine that isn't such a hard thing to do. Hold your own with them, I mean." She gives Jenna a once over, then nods more firmly. "I imagine you do quite well."

Siara comes in with T'al and their toddler Talsian, shrugging off her riding jacket in the warmth of the cavern. "Hi!" she greets those in the cavern. "Igen's duties to Fort!"

Jenna laughs. "I've gotten better as the turns have gone on, I'd say. You should've seen me when I first got here." She turns at the greeting and offers cheerfully, "Fort's to Igen and her queens." She grins at the little boy, "And who do we have here?"

Sidanna comes in from the bowl.
Sidanna has arrived.

Raeche murmurs, "I'd be interested in learning what it was like for you when you first came here, I think." She quiets a little, looking to the new arrivals and nodding politely.

Talsian peers at Jenna and then says proudly, "Tal-san." Then he retreats to T'al's side, hiding behind his father.

Zalkin comes in from the bowl.
Zalkin has arrived.

A rather peculiar noise accompanies the arrival of Sidanna. For a start, she's got flour over her face and cake batter all over her apron. Green frosting is in her hair, and she is waving a similarly coated spoon. And warbling at the top of her lungs "Auntie SIIIIIIIII!!!!!"

Siara looks around, "We came to see P'ter. Do you know where he is?" she asks Jenna. "I'm Siara and this is T'al. We're old friends of his." She blinks at the sounds of the screeching voice and turns, looking at what appears to be an eleven turn old girl. She squints uncertainly. "Sidanna?"

Zalkin heavily breathes as he stops at the threshold of the caverns, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand and coughing. He silently stares at the scene, wide eyed.

T'al enters with Siara, yes, and their little boy Talsian, who immediately tries to toddle off and go explore the surroundings. T'al keeps an eye on him while he waves around and greets people, hiya hiya, hello, all that sort of things.

Raeche is seated at a table with a chess game set up, a steaming mug in her hands. Her head turns quickly toward the source of the wailing.

WHUMP! Small girl meets larger aunt with a slightly squashy noise of cake batter. Sidanna hugs her aunt "You came!"

Siara finds herself covered with gooey icing and flour. She looks in some dismay at the damage to the outfit she so carefully chose and replies, "Uhm...well, I'm here. So I guess I did."

Jenna nods to Raeche, "It's a bit of a story..." A bit more politely to Siara she offers, "Well met. I'm Jenna, one of the runners stationed here. I saw him earlier, headed into the caverns on business." She stops then, as the wailing enters, and Zak isn't far behind. "You! Zalkin! Report!"

Sidanna steps back and then regains her composure even if she is brimming over "Oh, H'lo T'al. Good to see you, it's been too long." she looks at Siara again "This is Zalkin, he gave me this!" she demonstrates a surprisingly cake free scarf

Zalkin was smiling widely at Sidanna's hug, and stops dead in the middle of a chuckle as he's called. Uh oh. He gives a start and the next second, he's standing very straight in front of Jenna, chest out, chin up. "Yes Ma'am!" he half shouts, all business-like again.

Raeche has a sip from her mug, asking Jenna quietly, "Charge of yours?"

T'al blinks as Siara attracts such noisiness, then grins as he recognizes Sidanna. "Oh, hello, Sidanna. Nice to see you! How have you been?" he inquires politely, flicking a glance Talsian's way to make sure the kid isn't wandering too far away.

Talsian turns and stares at Sidanna curiously and toddles back her way getting up close enough to lick the cake batter off of her, given half a chance.

Siara blinks and looks at Zalkin suspiciously, "You gave my niece a present? Does her father know that?" She looks at T'al and says, affronted, "He gave her a -present-."

Jenna points Zalkin to a chair. "Sit. Now." She hands over her own mug of juice to the lad, evidently not missing his nearly hacking up a lung a few moments ago. She nods to Raeche, "Zalkin, this is Raeche, newly in from Bitra. Raeche, Zalkin. I'm training him to be a runner." She eyes the lad. "Now. Want to tell me why you're off galavanting rather than in the infirmary?" At Siara's comments, she says mildly, "Let's hope that's all he gave her. Young master Zalkin here is *supposed* to be in the infirmary."

Sidanna oohs at her ickle cousin then steps away "Hey, don't chew on me." she looks quite edible now, with all that green frosting in her pale hair. " She frowns "Why can't he give me a present? I like presents!" she pouts in a way that shows that, hair aside, there can be no doubt of blood relationsip. Certainly the temper bred true...

Raeche eyes Zalkin, arching her eyebrows. "Mmmph. Bit scruffy looking."

Zalkin very slightly turns his head, wordlessly nodding at Siara, then instantly obeys Jenna's sharp command, looking slightly ashamed. "T'is Sidanna's Turnday... I mean, we -had- to celebrate!" he lamely tries to explain. Raech gets a polite nod.

Siara glares at Zalkin and then says to Sidanna with great certainty. "Because. If boys give you presents for no reason, they usually want something. And that's okay for me but not for you and - oh! But it's different if it's your turnday. I forgot it was." Brow puckers in thought, "You're...ten? Thirteen? Twelve! It's twelve isn't it?"

T'al considers Siara, mouth opening in surprise. "Err... What's wrong with that exactly?" he asks her a bit sheepishly. So he's not up to date on all matters of etiquette, sue him. "I mean... Didn't you and Elen give me a present when I graduated from Weyrlindhood?"

Carianna comes in from the bowl.
Carianna has arrived.

Sh'yar comes in from the bowl.
Sh'yar has arrived.

Sidanna gapes at Siara with the expression of utter disbelief - or possibly incomprehension - that marks the traditional Sebring female " FORGOT!" she dumps her spoon down hard and scowls "Eleven. I'm eleven and you forgot...." she blinks "So whata re you doing here then?"

Raeche has another slow sip from her mug, eyes dropping to the chess board on her table. She picks up another piece, setting it into place, letting her fingers linger on the smooth wooden surface.

Carianna steps in with a cooled cake in hand as the Reachian rider carries a bowl of green icing. She pauses to place the cake on a side table then smiles to those gathered. "Pardon us. We're just rescuing this from any hungry passer bys."

Jenna eyes Siara, her expression no less stony. This /is/ her trainee after all. "Pardon me, rider, but I believe you're reading more into it than there is." Her words are polite, at least, and then she looks back to Zalkin. "What you /had/ to do was get better. Or did you forget about that responsibility? And about your 'lizard? Did you wonder who was taking care of her?"

Siara says moodily to T'al, "But that's different. You weren't thirteen turns and a girl." Talsian meanwhile is experimentally poking his cousin and tasting the icing that comes off on his finger. "Hi! Hihihihihihihi!" he exclaims at her. Siara looks at Sidanna apologetically, "I had to get rid of my naked bronzerider calendar when I weyrmated with T'al, so I never know when anything is. But now that I know, we can get you a really nice present." She looks at Jenna in surprise, "I don't read so well...I didn't mean anything bad."

Sidanna scowling, looks at Talisan "Don't eat my dress...hey..." she steps aside again and looks at her aunt with some sign of anger dropping "Oh. Well, that's alright then. I already got toffees and cakes and a scarf and Cari helped me make a cake of my very own."

Sh'yar grins, "With very tasty icing."

With a quiet motion she jesters to Sh'yar, indicating the inner caverns. "We can get cleaned up in there now that our good deed is done." A smile follows her words as her lizard hops off her shoulder and flies up to the perch to nap.

Jenna gives a distracted nod to Carianna and the half familiar rider with her. Blue eyes flick to Siara for a moment, as if not certain she heard right. Then her attention goes back to Zalkin.

Carianna walks down the eastern stairs to the Inner Caverns.
Carianna has left.

Siara nods approvingly, "That's good. Should I get you some jewelry? Maybe a bracelet or a ring? You're old enough for that, right? You won't eat it or anything. Sahra didn't when she was your age..." Talsian's mouth puckers at Sidanna's rejection and tears fill his eyes.

Sh'yar walks down the eastern stairs to the Inner Caverns.
Sh'yar has left.

Zalkin loudly swallows and briefly casts a 'help meeeee' glance at Sidanna. "Well, Cart was with me, I called her to help us lit the fire!" he quickly explains. "And I was feeling good, honest, and..." He lowers his voice a bit. "Sidanna's been very very nice with me all the time I've been ill, I had to find her a present and help her celebrate her turnday." Stubborn boy, that is.

Raeche's lips part for a moment, and she looks up from setting up the chess board to eye Zalkin. Her gaze then wanders toward the burnt kitchen area.

"I don't EAT things like that, I'm not a little." She looks at the young lad and kneels down with the retrieved spoon "Here - try this. See? it's green!" She looks back up "I like things like that. and...." she pauses ... "Um. I'd realy like one of those dresses like them you got. Those proper Family ones. Mother makes me wear Holder dresses and I can't RUN in them"
Sidanna says

Talsian gazes at Sidanna adoringly and then at the spoon, "Geen," he agrees.

T'al mrfs, crossing his arms over his chest. "Yeah, but all of us Weyrlings got a present, boys and girls alike," he points out. "But then, maybe you wanted something from me even back then?" Discreetly, he winks Sidanna's way, before adding, "Besides, what's wrong if, err, Zalkin, is it? What's wrong if Zalkin is interested in her /that/ way?"

Zalkin is blushing to the tip of his ears, and loudly swallows, giving T'al a despaired look.

Siara nods thoughtfully, "Well, maybe Auntie Sanjeesha will give you one of those. She has lots of them. " She looks at Sidanna's figure a little doubtfully. "Maybe we can find one to fit you." She looks at T'al in surprise, "Of course I was. But you weren't, remember? You said we should be friends. And she's only -ten- turns, that's what's wrong with it!"

Jenna quite literally blocks out what the Igen riders are saying. One crisis at a time is today's mantra. "I asked if you remembered your responsibilities, Zalkin." He must be in trouble, she's calling him by his full name. "And instead, you talk about getting out of bed, possibly causing a relapse of whatever it is that made you sick and going mucking about in the bowl. Do you have any concept of why I'm angry with you?" Her tone is quiet, almost disappointed.

T'al turns to face Siara, hands on his hips. "Oh, come /on/... They don't HAVE to go to bed right away. They can just kiss, for example, right?" He turns to Zalkin and Sidanna, smiling. "You don't want to do more than kiss, for now, do you?"

Sidanna says firmly from floor level "ELEVEN Auntie! It's eleven." she rises, spoon still held to her cousin "Oh, Jenna don't be hard on him. He was being so nice and all. he gave me such a nice scarf and he didn't really mean to be running off, I talked him into it. If you should be mad at anyone, it should be me." she bats her eyelids - and breaks off to look at T'al "You WHAT? We's not true!" she flushes a rich dark brown "I only pecked his cheek!"

Raeche snickers faintly, tilting her head this way and that, taking in the... interesting conversations.

"Ah!" T'al triumphs, looking at Siara. "See? They want to peck each other's cheeks, not sleep together! Not yet anyway. Siara's right about that, kids, you'll have to wait a few more years for that. Kissing is okay, I think."

Sidanna flusters, almost at a loss for words "T'al! Please!" utter embarrasment "I like him but not like THAT! I don't want him to fall asleep or grunt or things"

Jenna gives T'al a decidedly frosty look. The one she turns on Sidanna isn't that much warmer, for all she's mostly still a child. She says pointedly to the Igen riders, "The Weyrleader is in the inner caverns. I'd suggest finding him in there."

Zalkin grits his teeth and shakes his head. "That's very clear ma'am," he says, no tanswering T'al for now though giving him a nod -- question acknowledged, answer still to come -- and takes a deep breath. "My main responsibility is to train with you. I was supposed to be free tomorrow orthe day after, and I will be right here as soon as I can, waiting for you for training," he says in his mostserious voice. He deeply blushes at the discussion going on. "And we're just good friends that's all. Don't you want to make your friends happy?"

Sidanna flaps her mouth, utterly lost for words. Let the dragons proclaim it, there's a first

Jenna looks back to Zalkin. "The healers haven't released you yet. You will be in the infirmary until they do. When they do, you will concentrate on /training/. You will make it a priority, or I will not be able to continue it. You have the rest of your life to play with your friends, but only a limited time to determine if you're suitable runner material. Do I make myself clear?"

T'al grins gently at Sidanna and Zalkin, turning to the former -- the latter being busy enough as it is. "Well, no need to blush! There's nothing wrong with kissing, you know. I mean, really!"

Zalkin clenches his fists and stands up, nodding sharply and reddens a bit more, looking down at his boots. "Just tell me if I -ever- missed training!" he says quite loudly.

Siara sighs deeply, "I think we said something wrong," she notes to T'al, observing Jenna's displeasure. She clearly has no idea what it is. "I'm sorry she says to the cavern generally. I just wanted to visit with my niece. I mean, once I knew she was here. But I'll go see if I can find P'ter. Sidanna, I'll see you later?" She adds tp T'al, "It depends how you do it you know. With some people it is pretty bad."

Sidanna squeaks out "I never said there was in general." She turns and looks at Jenna "Oh please. He just wanted to help make a cake for my turnday. And he's not sneezed once." She nods to Siara, sadly

Siara walks down the eastern stairs to the Inner Caverns.
Siara has left.

Jenna looks at Zalkin. "If you were well enough to be out and about in the bowl today, you were well enough to come to training. Yes. You missed." She eyes T'al with an expression a headwoman might have on encountering a nest of tunnelsnakes. Siara's apology thaws her somehwat, and she says, "Zalkin has responsibilities that an eight turn old is well enough able to handle. And I'm afraid it does not include entertaining girls when he should be in bed resting."

Raeche's eyes flick from Jenna to the riders over the rim of her mug as she has a long sip.

Sidanna comes over to Jenna and bobs a little "jenna..please? He didn't want to, I did make him. You know...I was really selfish." she looks at the floor and squeaks - cakily - don't punish him because I was thoughtless

Zalkin breathes heavily and shakes his head. "I haven't been woken up. And you'd have yelled at me all the same. I did escape Infirmary when I wasn't supposed to, granted." Looking at Sidanna he shakes his head. "I did it on my own, since I wanted Sidanna to enjoy her day." He stops, obviously looking for his words. "A seemingly good reason I thought. If you're upset, just punish me and we'll meet in the Bowl tomorrow first thing in the mornin'..."

T'al hmms and nods to Siara, thoughtful, as she leaves in search for the Weyrleader. "Well, at least they know they /can/ practice kissing," he notes to himself. "Well. Maybe your boss doesn't want you to do that though, Zalkin?" he ponders thoughtfully, eyeing the seemingly unhappy Jenna. "I mean, it was Sidanna's turnday! Doesn't she deserve a kiss?" He sounds unsure about it, now, though. Maybe they do it differently here at Fort, after all.

Jenna says mildly, "That's an issue you need to think about then, Sidanna." She shakes her head at Zalkin. "I'm not punishing you. You made a mistake. I'm disappointed in your choice, yes. There were ways for her to enjoy her turnday without you breaking the rules. But right now I want you back in bed and resting until the healers release you. I should be out on a run to Peyton now, but I was waiting because I thought you might get better and we might get some training in. I see now I should have gone ahead, because you weren't setting a priority on it." She eyes T'al. "Again. The Weyrleader is in the inner caverns. Perhaps you should catch up with your fellow rider." 'And butt your nose out of the saga of Zak and Jen' is implied.

Sidanna nods her head and sighs deeply. What a day it turned out to be. At least she got her cake, although it looks like it might not taste so good now

Zalkin violently punches the table he's standing near -- the sound is a soft thud but the lads hand probably didn't hurt the table much. Then he angrily makes his way through the cavern, though he doesn't head to the infirmary but the bowl. He even salutes T'al as he passes by.

Sidanna blinks as Zalkin goes, and moves to follow, releasing the spoon to the young cousin, and saying "Zalkin? Zak...wait up!"

Raeche frowns, pausing in her task to look after the departing boy.

Zalkin heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.
Zalkin has left.

Sidanna heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.
Sidanna has left.

T'al ohs and nods gratefully to Jenna. "Oh, you sure? Thank you very much! See you later, Sidanna, Zalkin. Maybe I'll get to give you advice on how to kiss well, too!" With that, he promptly runs after the ever wandering Talsian, gathers him in his arms, and heads where pointed with cheerful innocence, blissfully unaware of the turmoil he leaves behind him.
T'al has left.

Jenna sits down with a sigh. "I swear, Jeny hasn't been half the trouble that boy has been. Maybe girls are just easier."

Raeche twists a lock of hair around her finger, murmuring, "You're very strict with him." Not an accusation; just a statement.

Jenna shakes her head. "If the healers had released him, I'd likely have helped him celebrate with her. But they didn't. And a day or so ago, they didn't even know *why* he was sick. I'm far easier on him than his brother or the Weyrleader is." She rubs her eyes. "I don't even want to *think* about that fast little thing kissing him. Stars and shards! He's only eight turns."

Raeche's eyes widen a little. "Er... fast little thing? It is only kissing, you know." She shifts her legs under the table, crossing one over the other. "It's a child's game."

Jenna is cothold bred and sometimes this comes out in odd ways. "Eight turns is a bit young. Particularly when the girl is a good three turns older. I thought they both looked awful guilty the other day in the infirmary."

Raeche's lower lip slides out. "Mmmn. They're too young to do anything else but the occasional kiss. Even when she gets a little older." She sniffs once, reaching for her mug. "Besides, you wouldn't want to insinuate that kissing was a bad thing, would you? I thought that was... frowned upon, in a Weyr."

Jenna says a trifle primly, "It's not a bad thing. But there's no need for it to be a primary focus of a child's life. They have the rest of their turns to worry about kissing, and only a few of them to be a child. I'd far rather him worry about that than a little girl."

"Oh? Wouldn't that argument apply to being, oh, a runner as well? He has turns to be a runner, and only a few to be a child," Raeche notes, eyelashes giving a little flutter as she reaches for her mug again.

Jenna shakes her head. "Actually, if a person has the build and stamina to be a runner, it's usually born out by the time they hit around thirteen, after their first serious growth spurt. Same with being a singer. Once the voice changes, you know for sure."

"He has to be trained now, or he'll never be a runner?" Raechre arches her eyebrows. "I had no idea."

Jenna corrects mildly, "He can be trained now, but even then, there's no guarantee of being a runner. It's not like most crafts, where diligence and practice makes up for physical - well, imperfections, for lack of a better word. Some people's builds just can't let them do what we do. Imagine a big, burly smith. All muscle, huge person - they can't run most of a day on a trace. There's a limiting factor. Even the shorter runs are usually a good quarter day. Wears most normal folk out. Try lugging along an extra bunch of pounds on the trace, and you'll end up with shin splints, knees and ankles all torn up and damaged..." She shakes her head.

"So - you'd need to be long-legged, so likely tall as well. And lean," Raeche says, slowly.

Sidanna comes in from the bowl.
Sidanna has arrived.

Zalkin comes in from the bowl.
Zalkin has arrived.

Jenna mms. "Lean is the most important thing. It's different to being fit, really. I had a rider come with me on one of my runs. Now, riders are in shape, all that sack tossing and bathing and oiling their dragons. But he was puffing after just an hour or so." She rubs her eyes once more. "Hold runners get more leeway, a'course. But running for ground crew isn't like message running, really."

Sidanna comes back in, hand in hand with Zak, both rather subdued. She heads to the cake and start to cut a piece quietly

Raeche murmurs, "Of course. There are different kinds of strength and stamina. Does this mean that you were training as a runner when you were eight turns old, too?"

Zalkin whispers somethig to Sidanna, then heads straight to the Infirmary, along with Sidanna, and doesn't even casts a glance at Jenna.

Zalkin goes into the Infirmary, closing the door behind him.
Zalkin has left.

Sidanna takes cake to the infirmary

Sidanna goes into the Infirmary, closing the door behind her.
Sidanna has left.

Jenna looks after Zak, her expression rather weary. "Since I could walk, actually."

Jenna sighs faintly. "If you'll excuse me, I should go talk to Solant. Well met, Raeche. I hope to see you around." She rises, and starts towards the inner caverns.

Raeche nods to Jenna, murmuring, "Well met."

You walk down the stairs, into the Inner Caverns.