Spats and Offers

Lu and Jenna have a minor spat, and P'ter, Jenna and Jamison discuss weyrmating and What It Means. Watch for P'ter's offer and Jenna's blushing.

Jenna - Wednesday, March 27, 2002, 9:17 AM

Your location's current time: 12:12 on day 16, month 9, Turn 39, of the Tenth Pass. It is a autumn afternoon.

Inner Caverns(#944RJL$)
Lower than the Living Cavern above, this room is still a large, bustling place. Hearths heat some of the areas here, allowing elderly and ill residents to rest here rather than mount the steps to the Living Cavern above. Rooms open out to the storerooms, the children's areas, the private rooms of staff members and some of the residents. Laundry rooms and bathing areas down one set of stairs draw near-constant traffic throughout the day.
Two long corridors lead off of here, one to the east and one to the south, going to the crafters' and staff quarters respectively. Noise drifts out from the curtain to the northeast that leads to the residents dorms, and a small door to the north leads to the guest room. A short flight of stairs to the west leads back to the Living Caverns.
Domino Table

Jenna is just coming out of the records rooms, looking rather dusty and dirty and holding two rather tattered large scrolls - likely maps of some kind. She sneezes, and then surrupticiously wipes her free hand on her thigh.

L'nan is making his way down the resident hallway, whistling an off-tune little ditty, hands behind his back. He seems to be approaching the residnts' dorm, and glancing around carefully, looking for something or someone. As a young boy runs past, no older than perhaps four Turns, L'nan holds out an arm to catch him. "Say, Filby, y'know where Jenna's at?" Big brown eyes stare up at him and the small boy shakes his head. "Jen-na," L'nan repeats. "Skinny? Pretty? She runs almost as fast as you?'

Jenna stops, hearing her name, and peers across the cavern, looking faintly amused. She gives another explosive sneeze, and promptly drops the scrolls she was holding.

"Sneezer." That's all little Filby will say, and L'nan lets him go. After standing still and glancing around, hands in pockets and slight frown on face, the bluerider turns to peer into a few rooms. A shake of his head and then he turns to leave. Staring, of course, right at Jenna. "There y'are!" he exclaims.

Jenna agrees, "Here I am." She sneezes again, swiping her hands across her thighs - she's dirty enough as it is, and then bends to start scooping up scrolls. "Did you want something? Or were you coming to drag me to lunch?"

"Neither. I came t'tell you that I tried t'get those feline pelts but they were too expensive." Nevermind that he told her that already. But L'nan beams anyhow, doing his best to look as though he's not here for any other reason than to notify her of this event.

Jenna has a good memory however, and she says drily, "You mentioned that the other night." A pause and she asks, amused, "You're up to something, aren't you?"

L'nan shakes his head quickly, a sure indication that he is indeed up to something. "Nope. Just didn't remember I'd told ya, is all. Well, I guess if y'know, that's good, guess I hafta get going now." He doesn't move, however, casting his glance here and there and smiling like an utterly drunken dufus at Jenna now and again.

Jenna mmm hms, and moves slightly aside to claim a table to work on for the afternoon. "Want to join me for lunch, then? Since you're not up to anything..."

L'nan takes a seat far more quickly than strictly necessary and nods. "Sure, thanks for inviting me. You're not expecting.. any /other/ lunch guests, are you?" he asks. Again, he's trying very hard to make it sound offhand, so hard that it's obvious he really wants to know.

Jenna's brow furrows. "Nooo..." She pauses and then says a trifle tartly, "And I haven't seen your little artiste friend about either. I've been too busy. - So what do you want for lunch and I'll go get it."

"Sabrina? I dunno. Maybe she's out sketchin' Alirath?" L'nan suggests impishly. "That's good, 'cuz this table can only seat so many, an' so if you did invite someone else, there might not be room." He glances at the empty benches, then grins again. "An' some grains's good."

L'nan even remembers to add, "Thank you."

Jenna is clearly not reassured that something isn't going on she doesn't know about, but heads towards the caverns. She comes back in a few minutes with some of the tamale rolls, some grilled beef skewers, grains, bread and greens, as well as a skin of juice. She starts to serve with deft patience, and then sinks down on the bench opposite. "So... I can think of maybe once before that you came to find me in the caverns, and that was when we were candidates. What's going on in that little head of yours, Lu?"

L'nan blinks. "Nothin'... y'picked out some good stuff," he notes, helping himself to some of the tamale rolls and beef skewers. And grains, of course. "I jus' wanted to see you. Really." He stuffs some food into his mouth. See how innocent he is?

Jenna picks at the greens. "Don't get me wrong, it's nice to see you, but." She frowns thoughtfully and shrugs. "No, nevermind. Forget it."

L'nan munches and crunches, swallows, and narrows his eyes at Jenna. "But what? St'min really /is/ coming to eat lunch with you isn't he? Y'coulda tol' me. I woulda left you alone." What's he ranting about? He starts scraping a few things onto his plate and even stands, looking disappointed, hurt, and ready to leave.

Jenna blinks, completely taken aback. "Who?"

L'nan fairly spits the name. "St'min, you know. Bronze Takisath's. Course you know. He was tellin' some of the others in his wing, in the living caverns before, that you an' him were havin' a private lunch, an' that you'd invited him." He gives her a frown. "He even said how you were gonna show'm your belt an' stitches, an' let him- " And eyes widen in sudden horror. "/That's/ what he meant. Faranth." Down he sits, beet red.

Jenna is lost, and that's competely obvious. "He meant what?"

L'nan mutters something, then realizes he's unintelligible. "Well," he sighs, hedging now. "See, I heard'm say you'd invited him for a private lunch." He winces, then continues, "An you were going t'show himyour belt, an' even take it off to let him.. you know. See. An'..." He waves his hand vaguely, cheeks and ears burning. "He's a bronzer, all right," he adds sourly.

Jenna blinks at L'nan. "And that should be enough for you to know I'm not at all interested in him. Besides, he's got a hooked nose." She wrinkles her own and then pauses, "So, you came down here to beat him off, is that it?"

"Noooo." Yep. L'nan tries to deny it, but ends up just shrugging. "S'just, I don't like him, an' he's no good for you, y'know, and I wanted to keep you from having your little meeting with him." Not the she, in reality, had one. It's a fine line for the bluerider.

Jenna pauses at that, the thought just occuring to her. "Waitaminute. Just /why/ was he talking about me like that? I've never once even glanced at him!"

L'nan shrugs once again. "I dunno. He just was, an' he was right at the table next t'me so I could hear'm really well," he adds. "An' when he said he thought he'd come find you, I got here first. Good thing he started tellin' a joke or did something funny t'make the rest of the riders at his table laugh..."

Jenna is bristling, "There's absolutely no call for anyone to be talking about me that way. I'm hardly like a greenrider. What makes him think-" She breaks off, eyes narrowing, and says, "Y'know, Lu, you should let him join me."

L'nan's mouth drops open. "Shells, no! Do you know how many nice girls he's managed t'get t'roll in the furs with him? He's a way with'm, bent nose an' all," he grumbles, none too pleased. "So y'really /do/ want lunch with him, then? It's the rumors, isn't it," he mutters, shaking his head. "'Bout how good he is an' about-" But he's quiet after that.

Jenna rolls her eyes. "You can be such a wherry sometimes, Lu. I've absolutely *no* intention of rolling in the furs with him, but if he thinks he can convince me, he's welcome to try and make an utter fool of himself."

Jenna smiles. It's not a terribly nice smile, "And I'll be glad to assist him in that endeavor."

L'nan snorts. "No. You've no idea, an' I don't know how he does it but you know Samnir? The baker who's thirty three Turns an' still.. you know. Never rolled in the furs? Well, y'notice how fat she's gettin?! That was St'min's work. He managed t'cajole her into..." Another vague wave. "No way I'm lettin' him near you."

Jenna scowls. "Excuse me?"

L'nan reddens again. "Not't you'd.. but he does have a way, an' I don't want.. you know. An'... I don't want him tryin'. He thinks anything female's just good for.. that." He scowls right back.

Jenna nods crisply. "All the more reason to teach him a lesson."

L'nan stamps his foot. "You can leave th'lesson teaching to me, all right?" He crosses his arms. "Please stay away from him? He's obnoxious and smelly and.. and has a crooked nose. You said so yourself."

Jenna frowns. "You don't trust me?"

L'nan rolls his eyes. "I don't trust /him/, Jenna. That's why I came in here t'find you, b'cause I didn't trust'm not t'just find you in your cot an'.. yeah. Course I trust you."

Jenna says drily, "I hardly think he'd force himself on me."

L'nan gives Jenna a stare. "Huh. Y'don't know'm very well." And that's all he'll say, arms still crossed and scowl still on his face.

Jenna snorts. "He's a pest, he's not completely depraved. And I still think public humiliation would be the best way to handle him. Hiding away and having you looming over me will just make him try harder." She pauses and says, "I appreciate that you're worried, but I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I mean, really, Lu. I've had offers, you know. Most holders'd be happy to have a weyr-living runner stop in on them. I'm just not interested."

L'nan replies, "He is too depraved!" He can't argue against public humiliation, however, so he latches onto another part of her words. "You're not? But I mean, y'don't hafta be, with St'min, I mean, I heard't he likes a good struggle anyhow." Then he listens to his own words. "All right, so he's not depraved like that. Still. I know y'can take care of yourself, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna do my sharding best t'keep him away from you."

Jenna's lips quirk faintly in a smile. "You do what you'd like to, then, Lu." She hasn't said she'll stay away from the bronzer, though. Not yet.

L'nan throws his hands up in the air, grumbling, "Shells! She's gonna go do somethin'," to himself. He gives her a sulky look. "Aren't you. Huh. A guy does his best t'help a girl an' they go right off an' stick their nose in trouble anyhow." He grunts, about to say more, when who should come in from the living caverns but St'min. L'nan hops up, gives Jenna a quick, almost guilty look, and walks over to him. "Wingsecond... I need to clear something up with you and T'vow. Come on." The bronzerider just laughs, nods, and follows L'nan, amused at the blueriders obvious attempt to get him away from Jenna.

You head into the Living Caverns.
Fort Weyr Living Cavern(#199RJa$)
Approaching half the size of the Hatching Grounds, this cavern echoes with voices during the day, and the soft patter of feet during the night. Dozens of tables are spaced throughout, each with open space around to provide small amounts of privacy for the discussions carried on at each. The night hearth, with a cluster of pots of stew and klah, is situated near the large entrance to the Bowl. Several other hearths are spaced around the huge chamber, lending light and some heat to the room.

Broad marble steps to the southwest lead up to the impressive Fort Weyr kitchen. At the moment however those broad steps are marred with soot, as are the walls and the ceiling of the living cavern all around and above the impressive kitchen entrance. Many items of severely damaged kitchen equipment are placed in slowly growing piles near the entrance as clean up crews continue work after the kitchen fire. Two burly men stand near the kitchen entrance, preventing the mere curious from having access to the damaged area. No cooking can be done in the kitchens at this time and to make up for it most of the hearths in the living cavern have been pressed into use as cooking places. The cavern sees even more bustle than usual as bakers take over most of the walkways near the walls for the business of providing food for the Weyr. Residents enter and leave in an almost constant stream near mealtimes, back and forth from the large cooking pit set up near the lake. Only half the tables are in the living cavern, room is needed for both the cooking work and the clean up operation. The other half of the living cavern's tables are out in the bowl.

To the east, a short flight of stairs leads to the hallway to the inner caverns. A stout door to the north has a healer's emblem on it, marking the Infirmary. To the south is a wide tunnel, leading out of the Weyr, and a wide opening to the west leads to the Weyr bowl.
Meg and Peg
Fort Weyr Firelizard Perch

Jenna comes out of the inner caverns, returning dirty dishes to the appropriate bins. The usually placid runner is looking more than a touch irritated, thin face set into a sharp scowl.

P'ter, who is just finishing some klah and looking about ready to head out, pauses. "Hello Jenna, anything I can help with?"

Jenna draws in a deep breath, about ready to launch into a tirade, and then checks herself. "Nosir. Not unless you can get it through certain thick skulled, wherry headed riders that I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. For some reason, the rider in question is deciding not to listen to me." She snorts faintly, though the words are tinged more with frustration than venom.

P'ter raises an eyebrow, "Well now, I could maybe get it through a certain thick skulled, wherry headed rider if I knew who he or she was and in what way they are not listening to you." He pulls out a chair and sits down, seeming to get comfortable. "Why don't you take a moment to tell me about it?"

Jenna comes to settle across from P'ter. "It's silly, really. And nothing I can't handle on my own. Honest. I'd just love to knock some sense into him is all. And Alirath'd be upset if I did that, and you'd be out one weyrsecond if I managed to knock him into next sevenday." Her tone is becoming more amused as she deflates and relaxes a tad. "Seems St'min - you know that randy bronzer that keeps trolling the caverns? - has set his cap for me for some reason, and is bragging all about it." She rolls her eyes in a clear 'as if' expression. "I think he's doing it just to get a rise out of Lu."

P'ter listens, quietly and without speaking. When she finishes he tilts his head to one side, watching her and clearing waiting for Jenna to continue.

You say "And rather than make a big deal out of it with a bluerider shadow that's suddenly become attached to me, I was going to deal with it if the situation came up." She stops then and asks, "You tell me - why are men positive that women need to be protected?"

P'ter thinks about this for a long time. "Well. I mean .. look at it this way, if us men didn't think that women needed to be protected, then what on Pern are we here for?" He smiles, "We need /something/ to believe after all."

Jenna's lips twist in a wry smile. "I suppose. But shells and shards, P'ter. I'm not some dainty little holder girl that faints everytime she walks more than three steps." Talk about your stereotypes - she seems to have them in spades. "I'm out on traces alone for days on end, I *think* I can handle one over-randy rider just fine. After all," she adds tartly, "Men have other uses. Like lifting heavy things, or being fathers. It's not like women are just good for running the hold or having babies."

Jamison comes up the steps from the Inner Caverns.
Jamison has arrived.

Jamison makes his way out of the inner caverns, stowing away a hammer in his rather large toolbelt as he enters.

P'ter pretends to look surprised, "Really?" His mouth drops open, "I had no idea, I mean, that's not what it said when I read the rules all about women." He pauses then, "But I jest. I mean, your right. But .. well. So the problem is not that this rider if after you, but that our Weyrsecond is trying to protect you from the rider that is after you?"

Jamison just raises one eyebrow as he catches the end of the conversation. He makes his way over to the drinks table, giving the Weyrleader and Jenna WIDE berth, and pours a mug... well, a pitcher, but in his large hands, it is proportionally more like a mug... full of juice.

Jenna rather maturely sticks her tongue out at P'ter as she wrinkles her nose. Then she gives a half chuckle. "That's kinda it in a nutshell. It's just that there's no *reason*. I mean, I'm flattered and all, but really. I'm more than capable of taking care of myself." She is apparently having a talk with P'ter, though as Jamison enters and tries to remain unnoticed, she offers, "Jamison? I wanted to ask you something when you had a minute." Uh oh. That sounds ominous.

P'ter nods to Jamison, "Hello Jamison, how are you this day?" Even a wide berth doesn't get you out of the weyrleader's catchment area.

P'ter nods to Jenna, saving his reply now that Jamison is here, specially as Jenna seems to have business with the chap. He sits back in his chair for a moment, thinking. Or at least, giving the appearance of thinking.

Jamison freezes a moment. Caught! Oh well. And a smiles appears on his face. At least the subject has changed! "Hello, Weyrleader, Jenna... I'm doing fine. Just got off shift and have a few hours downtime before my next." And to Jenna, "What can I do for you, Jenna?"

Jenna glances at P'ter and then asks Jamison, "Well, you're from Southern, right? I was wondering. With all the cushions," and another glance is given to the Weyrleader, "going around - they *would* be warmer. But I'd dearly love to have one made out of a wild feline pelt. Do you know of anyone down there that I might talk to about getting one? The weavers didn't have any, when Lu went to check with them."

P'ter raises an eyebrow at Jenna, "A man has to look after his rear Jenna, despite that some may think it extravagant."

Jamison can't help but sport a slight good-natured smirk at Jenna's question. "Um, would this be the same cushion of which the Weyrsecond was singing his 'tushy cushy' song the other evening?"

P'ter sadly shakes his head in silent commentary.

Jenna tries to look innocent, glancing between the two men, "Well, it *is* a good idea. Particularly for people who don't really have as much padding as others." Her tone is a trifle defensive. "And I sometimes utterly freeze during the winter, 'specially when that wind starts up and it's so cold and damp. I took to wearing my gloves indoors last time. And I've heard those pelts are wonderfully warm..."

P'ter says "You know, if you get too cold and you can't stand all these protective types you could always come share my furs to stay warm and I /promise/ not to protect you from anything." He smiles, "Ever.""

Jamison is still smiling as listens to Jenna speak. A smile goes P'ter's way, as he sits down at the main table, the chair creaking under his mass. "Well, I'm no Weaver... although you may want to talk to the Traders next time they're around. The Dalegard clan trades with the South if I'm not mistaken. As for making it with furs... I'd think you'd be more likely to make some general cushion... and then make a slip cover for it for winter, no? That fur can get awfully dirty quite easily..."

Jenna's jaw just about hits the floor at P'ter's comment. After a moment, she remembers to rehinge it, even as her ears start to turn bright red. She clears her throat, lifting her chin, and telling P'ter tartly, "Only if you and Aisheth don't snore." Then she looks to Jamison and says, "You know, that's a capital idea. And Dalegard, hm? Wonder when they're next due in." Her ears are still bright red.

P'ter smiles brightly, "Oh we never snore." Then he pauses, "Well sometimes /he/ does, but he promises not to. Just said so."

Jamison's voice trailed off at P'ter's comment, and he hasn't seemed to be able to find words since. He smiles a bit at Jenna's comment. "Um... don't know. Well... mighty warm in here, isn't it."

P'ter turns to Jamison, "Well, its not too hot. But is it quite comfortable. Jenna does look a little warm though, so I guess it must be me."

Jenna says blandly to Jamison, "Is it? I hadn't noticed." The blush is starting to creep up her neck, and she eyes P'ter. "I'll keep that in mind. You *do* have the best furs we had in stores. Can't have the bronzer from the desert freezing during the winter." A pause and she adds hurriedly, "At least, I heard you did."

Jamison just sits back, shaking his head back and forth, a smile creeping out onto his face. "You know, I must admit, I'm glad I'm happily weyrmated. It keeps me from having to enter conversations like this."

P'ter gives Jenna a level look. "If I were a /true/ bronzer I would say that you would have to come up to my weyr one night to see." He smiles gently, "However I'm not your stereotype so I'll tell you instead. I /did/ get the best furs you had in stores. Norri gave them to me, and very kind of her too." He tilts his head, looking at Jenna carefully, "But I will add that if you ever want to check out the quality of those furs from a more personal standpoint, I would be delighted to welcome you." Then he smiles to Jamison, "Oh my dear Jamison, you can enter if you like, I really don't mind. But yes, being weyrmated can make life so much easier, and then again, so much more difficult."

Jamison smiles a bit more broadly at that, "Thank you, Weyrleader, but I prefer the tall sensual female type... Sir."

The blush has made it to Jenna's chin, and is going no higher, her neck rather splochy with pink now, and ears still bright red. She clears her throat, rubbing lightly at her neck. "But you just-" she starts to P'ter, perhaps to protest that he is indeed being a true bronzer, and then thinks better of it. Instead she says, "So tell us what it's like being weyrmated then, Jamison?" Anything to get the spotlight off her. "Have you ever been, P'ter?"

P'ter nods, "I was weyrmated to Macami for many turns. Though she turned more towards females then males so I ended up sharing my furs with .. shall we say, a sampling of the Weyr's more liberal ladies that Macami would bring to bed with her." He pauses, introspective. "It was .. a little .. odd." Then he smiles, "But very interesting."

Jamison shrugs. "Actually, it's a lot harder than it sounds. Especially as Taral has early morning sweeps every morning... which means that if I stay up at her weyr at night, I wind up not having a way down in time to make my own shift. So I wind up spending most nights down in my own bed rather than up with her. But we make sure to have a late breakfast together every day, and we make time for each other. It may be work, but it's... special." The large man's eyes gleam as he talks about his tall weyrmate.

P'ter listens to Jamison. "How high up /is/ Taral's weyr? I assume its too high to shout down from?"

Jamison turns his head to face the Weyrleader, nodding slowly. "Yes, and even if it was, I'd hate to inconvenience the Riders to come give me a lift. Now and then, one of Taral's wingmates does it as a favor to her, but frankly, dragons have better things to do than shuttle me up and down just so that I can... not get sleep at night." He grins mischievously at that last.

Jenna is left just blinking at P'ter for a long moment or two, and decidedly quiet. She starts to ask something, and is forced to clear her throat again with a dry crackle, "Anyone want any juice? - I think we may be having a last gasp of summer, from the weather."

P'ter smiles to Jenna, "I would love some actaully." He adds, "I guess I should of been more circumspect with my words. These days I do tend to just go ahead and say what I mean. Or at least, close to it. - Perhaps my comments were not at all welcome?" Then to Jamison. "Well you know the watch dragon can normally help. Its just the sort of thing that breaks the boredom of sitting on the rim."

Jenna gets up to get juice and points out, ears still red. "Well, I /did/ ask. If I wasn't expecting a forthright answer, it's my own fault. And it really was none of my business anyway." It's a retreat and she knows it for one, asking, "Fruit or citron juice, P'ter? Jamison? You want anything?"

Jamison nods his head respectfully to the Weyrleader. "I'll talk to Taral about it... I think she likes having things this way, too, though. It helps her have her privacy, also, which most weyrmates don't have. We'll work things out. Frankly... I couldn't be happier." He looks up at Jenna's request, "Hmmm?" And then a gaze down into his now empty mug^H^H^Hpitcher. Yes. Definitely a small pitcher. He smiles up at Jenna, offering her the pitcher. "Some fruit juice would be great, Jenna, if you don't mind."

P'ter says "Oh, whatever comes to hand. - No, wait. I'll take fruit, citron is just too sharp." He nods to Jamison, "If ever you need to get down though, I'd bring you down. Heck, you could always make arrangements to get a lift down the night before. Someone could arrive to pick you up in the morning. And what's the problem, you get so tired from your .. activities that you can't wake up /with/ Taral early in the morning and get a lift down then?"

Jenna takes the pitcher and makes her retreat to get the drinks. She takes her time about it, being extra careful with the skins and giving time for that sharding blush to cool.

Jamison just smiles enigmatically at P'ter's questions. "She's quite an athletic girl." And he leaves it at that.

P'ter ahs, "Yes. I fully understand."

Jenna comes back in a few moments, pitcher in one hand, two mugs held in the splayed fingers of the other. "So is there any word yet on rebuilding the kitchens, P'ter?" Just to make sure the topic is changed, she introduces a new one before plunking down the appropriate container before the appropriate places.

P'ter nods, "There is always news on the rebuilding of the kitchens, just that the news is never that is it 'done'." "Thanks," he says as he takes his juice, sipping at it. "Its a big project. The damage was extensive. But really, if you want specific details you would be better off talking to Norri or Solent. I work more with dragon wings then wherry wings. All I know is that its going to be a longish while I think."

From afar, to Jenna and P'ter, Jamison apologiezes... please skip my turn... phone call. I'll pose in as soon as I can. :(

Jenna nods. "We spoke a few days ago about it. I started including her in the reports I make about the general thoughts in the area. I've also got my brothers over Benden way feeling out the woodcrafters about replacing all that, though I don't have any on traces in Crom area to start working on the smiths from the inside, so to speak. How *is* the weyr going to reimburse the crafters? Sorry for being blunt, but..." The color is finally fading from her ears.

Jamison smiles to Jenna, as he takes his juice from her. He glances into the inner cavern as someone pops into the doorway and appears to be gesturing for Jamison's attention. Jamison nods once to the man, and then smiles to the Weyrleader and Jenna. "It seems I'm needed to cover a bit earlier than I thought... if you two will excuse me?"

Jenna nods to Jamison, "I'll see you later."

Jamison smiles to Jenna, as he takes his juice from her. He glances into the inner cavern as someone pops into the doorway and appears to be gesturing for Jamison's attention. Jamison nods once to the man, and then smiles to the Weyrleader and Jenna. "It seems I'm needed to cover a bit earlier than I thought... if you two will excuse me?"

Jenna nods to Jamison, "I'll see you later."'.

P'ter says "Of course Jamison. See you later."

Jamison smiles to the two and heads into the inner caverns.

Jamison walks down the eastern stairs to the Inner Caverns.
Jamison has left.

P'ter raises both eyebrows. "We have our ways. Depends on what they ask for. We can supply transport and protection among other things." He smiles, "Well, transport and protection are the main things."

Jenna mms, nodding, "Though the smiths and woodcrafters are both beholden to Telgar. It'd be easier in a lot of ways, if something like this happened in a hall or hold. They have products they could trade - raw goods, grain, something. It's harder for us to trade. Oh, sure, fetch and carry duty. Maybe if they needed a pss or somethign cleared of snow - the wings are always good about that." She pauses and says, "It makes a body wonder though."

P'ter ahs, "Beholden maybe, but what if Telgar badly needs the Healers, or the Harpers." He smiles, "Us Weyrs have to stick together for things like that."

Jenna nods. "I hadn't thought about it that way." She pauses and asks, "What *are* riders going to do after the Pass is over? It's not unreasonably far away." She grins a bit, "Other than take a couple of months off in relief."

P'ter snorts, "Yeah, take a couple of months off and then what. I don't know. Transport is about out only bet I guess, till next pass."

Jenna suggests cautiously, "You might think of teaming up with the runners. Or even the traders." She hedges, "Not that I've given this any thought or are offering or anything, but those are the most likely groups to grow because of the demand, soon as people realize they don't have to worry about Fall."

P'ter laughs, "I just tried teaming up with a runner. I guess I'm trying to get a steal on future business. Yes, that /must/ be the reason."

Jenna's chin lifts, "It's a reasonable reason." She's flustered enough that she's using alliteration.

P'ter wags a finger, "But not the best of reasons."

Jenna amends, "The most likely reason, then."

P'ter sips at his juice. "How is Zalkin coming along?"

Jenna brightens. "Still coming along well. We had a bit of a spat a sevenday or so ago. You remember when he was sick? Well, he snuck out of the infirmary with that little minx Sidanna and spent the day outside. He's gorwing up so dreadfully fast."

P'ter snorts, "Too fast. I have to be so sharding hard on him. Its a shame. I like him but I darn't be anything less that dead firm."

Jenna nods and frowns. "I think he's getting a crush on Sidanna. And I'm near positive she has one on him. I know that weyrbred kids become, well, aware of those sorts of things, for lack of a better term, at an early age, but shells. He's just turned eight. I'm *so* glad Jeny isn't showing any interest in boys. I'm too young to have gray hair."

P'ter sighs, "Alas Jenna, for me it is already too late. It was just the other day that someone informed me that I do indeed, have a grey hair."

Jenna laughs. "I don't believe it. Did you pull it out? S'what I would have done." And may be why she doesn't have any yet.

P'ter considers this. "No. I left it. Its only one, but its quite long too, not like its a short little one. No point in pulling it, it is alas but the first of many."

Jenna volunteers, "I'd still pull it out. particularly if it's a long one." Eyes scan his head quickly, "If it's any consolation, I don't see it."

P'ter ahs, "Good. And no, I'm /not/ going to tell you where it is. If I do you'll probably assult me."

Jenna feigns an innocent look, "Now would I do that? Just because our Weyrleader is a representative of the weyr and should always look his best...." She trails off, sniggering softly.

P'ter nods, "Exactly! I could read it in your face. You were just waiting to get your hands on it. Then, tweak. No more grey hair." "ouch."

Jenna gives a deep sigh, shaking her head. "Men are such babies." Her expression is decidedly amused.

P'ter gives a wry look, "We all were once you know."

Jenna inquires, amused, "Too bad you just never grew out of it?"

P'ter says "Ouch. That was below the belt."

Jenna laughs, "Sorry. Figured you could take the rough knocks. Or are you a fragile little flower than needs protecting." She's circled back around to that topic again, though at least this time she's smiling and amused.

P'ter nods, "Oh yes, I mean, now you have my secret. I am very fragile and delicate and I need to be protected from the rigors of day to day life."

Jenna snerks lightly. "And you so fit that description. Too bad it's the men that're supposed to protect people. After all, they need to have something to believe." She chuckles and waves a hand, "Okay, okay, that one was a bit below the belt too. Sorry about that. Though at least I'm not serious about it this time."

P'ter laughs, "It is just as well, otherwise my ego would be well and truly beaten to pulp." He smiles, "And not just my ego, but that of a certain bronze dragon too I'm sure."

Jenna says slyly, "Well, your ego I wouldn't trouble myself too much over. But Aisheth is a sweetheart, and I wouldn't want to worry him."

Raeche comes up the steps from the Inner Caverns.
Raeche has arrived.

P'ter smiles happily, "Now that just proves you have your heart in the right place. That really was a nice thing to say." He waves as Reache enters.

Raeche comes sauntering in, yawning. She does nothing to cover the yawn up, hands occupied in pulling the front locks of her hair back from her face and pinning them place with the customary clip. She looks a little rumpled, bleary - but manages to catch P'ter's wave regardless. She smiles toward him.

Jenna offers, "Afternoon, Raeche." She's sitting across from P'ter, and chuckling softly. She looks back to the rider and shakes her head. "Besotted, the lot of you." Her tone, however, is a trifle fond. "Like rider, like dragon?"

P'ter hmms, "Does this mean that Aisheth has grey hair?"

Raeche turns her smile on Jenna as well, freeing her hands up for a wave. The sleepy-eyed young woman makes her way toward life-giving klah.

Jenna laughs at P'ter and says, "Only one. And it's well hidden."

P'ter nods, "Aye it is. But Aisheth is like me in many ways. I guess you could call him my driving force." He looks over to Raeche. "Looks like you need that klah. Been working too hard?"

Raeche's lips tug into a highly amused look. "Something like that," she informs P'ter.

Aisha comes in from the bowl.
Aisha has arrived.

Jenna sighs. "Speaking of work, I really should get back. I was in records all morning, pulling out some old maps to update. One thing about having my baby brother here, he's keeping me on my toes. Found out that the maps for the trace to one of Fort's outlying cotholds is going south, southeast, instead of south, southwest." She rolls her eyes a bit.

Raeche makes her way over to a table, plopping down and crossing one leg over the other.

P'ter gets called away suddenly and he makes a quick apology and heads off.

P'ter heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.
P'ter has left.

Jenna gives Raeche a wave and heads back to her maps.

Raeche waves to Jenna, wriggling her fingers a little.

You walk down the stairs, into the Inner Caverns.