Splish, Splash!
Many, many people visit and pass through the hot springs.
Jenna - Friday, June 07, 2002, 7:34 AM
Hot Springs
The first thing which draws your eye when entering this vast subterranean cavern
is the sheer height of it - a massive bubble hollowed out of rock by the pressures
of volcanic gases at some time when Fort's volcano still spurted flame. The
eye is drawn up and up into the darkness of the ceiling, where occasional flecks
of mica reflect the light and catch the eye, flickering like solitary fireflies.
Towards the northern end of the cavern, the ceiling disappears and the sky can
be seen where the volcano eventually released built up pressure so long ago
- now it forms an entrance to the hot springs for dragon and rider, dropping
down through the open ceiling to the rocky lake shore or to various ledges high
in the walls - from which the more daredevil riders have been known to dive
on occasion.
Down at ground level, the warm lake laps the shore gently, never completely
still. Steam rises from the surface and ripples stir from the movement of the
hot water seeping in from hidden springs. The lakeshore closest to the Weyr
entrance is smooth and gently sloping, a safe place to bathe and talk, but further
out there are various rocky coves that can be reached by swimming or by dragon.
At night, glows set in the walls reflect their glimmer onto the water; by day,
the light from the ceiling gives the lake ever changing shades of blue and gold,
deepening to soft opal at dusk and dawn, casting shadows that seem to harbor
small crevices.
A wide corridor leads off to the southeast, curving back to the Inner Caverns.
Aisheth spirals down from the opening overhead.
Aisheth has arrived.
Aisheth warbles a polite greeting to Niyath as he lands on a rocky outcrop above the main pool of the hot springs.
Niyath is curled up, taking up the entierty of one of the smaller pools. Jenna looks up as Niyath gives a quiet rumble and offers a waved salute. "Morning, sir!"
P'ter swings his leg over and slides down Aisheth's flank, landing with ease
on the foreleg that Aisheth has places ready. "Thank you Aisheth",
says his rider politely as he jumps down from that vantage point to the ground,
resting one hand on the bronze behind him when he lands.
P'ter has arrived.
P'ter says "Morning Jenna!" He gives Aisheth a loving thump as he leaves him, "Taking advantage of the waters this morning?""
Jenna nods, "Yes sir. Didn't get quite enough soaking last night." For some reason, this statement turns the tips of he ears a trifle pink. "You taking a break from all those hides?"
P'ter grins at Jenna, "Now do tell, why does /that/ embarrass you?" Seems he can be pretty observant when he wants to be. "And yes, I'm taking a break. The water here is hotter than in my Weyr and fancied a real hot soak to get the kinks out."
Saneth spirals down from the opening overhead.
Saneth has arrived.
Jenna ohs - "I, uh, well. Um - You've got a bathing cavern in your weyr too?" She doesn't seem to want to answer the question, shading her eyes a bit as Saneth and his rider arrive.
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath confides, << Hanreth's rider and mine thought I was asleep, but I was listening. They had a Very Important Talk. >>
P'ter waves to Saneth and rider before turning back to Jenna, "Oh yes, very nice too actually. You want to come up and try it out? I'll get some really nice towels put out at your disposal."
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << They did? >>
Saneth drops like a rock, F'niah hanging onto a neckridge for dear life. The blue's not wearing any straps - naughty, naughty! - but settles demurely enough onto the beach on Niyath's far side. Sef hasn't yet noticed P'ter and Aisheth, thankfully, for he mutters, "Last time I let you talk me into /that/..."
F'niah gives Saneth's neck a loving thump, swings his leg over the blue and
slides to the ground as Saneth watches nervously.
F'niah has arrived.
Niyath's head swings around to regard P'ter, her rumble of greeting to Saneth cut short. Jenna winces, looking around to Niyath, and saying firmly, "Stop it. Right now. He wasn't suggesting that." She then clears her throat and looks back to P'ter. "I appreciate it, but I'll just wait until graduation and my own weyr."
P'ter says "F'niah, dive bombing bather is perhaps not the best way of arrival into the somewhat cramped quarters of the hot springs. Kindly tell Saneth to save such antics for the main beach?"
P'ter blinks up at Niyath, asking of her, "What?" with a smile. Then he looks at Jenna with a puzzled look, "What wasn't I suggesting?"
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath's tones are a trifle clipped. << Yes. Why does your rider want to bathe with mine? >> So much for stopping whatever it was she was doing. And for jumping to conclusions.
Jenna gives a sharp nod of greeting to F'niah and then shrugs at P'ter. "She's just oversensitive is all. About certain things. What with some members of the weyrling class obsessing over them."
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << For the pleasure of bathing with a friend. >> There is a pause as Aisheth gives it some thought. << My rider likes your rider's company. She is a nice person. >>
F'niah appears around Niyath with a towel draped over his arm, pulling up short at the sight of P'ter. "Uh... yes, sir." He adds a hasty salute for the bronzerider, a sharp scowl for Jenna. "If you two are /busy/," and if the word were loaded with any more meaning it'd break under the weight, "Saneth and I can go somewhere else."
P'ter ohs, "Right I see." He looks again to Niyath, "No I wasn't asked to have sex with Jenna, just in case that is what you are thinking Niyath." Then he smiles, "But anyway, I came here to get wet, so if you will excuse me, I'll get on in the water." He returns F'niah's salute, then promptly turns his back, strips to the skin and steps into the hottest pool. "Yipe!" The exclamation is very unweyrleaderlike. "Hot!"
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath snorts. << So does Ahazeth's rider. And Hanreth's and Saneth's and Alirath's and Donrath's... >> The list seems to go on for quite a bit. She does not seem pleased with the list, tallying most of them bronzes.
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << Then it just goes to show how nice you rider /is/ >>
Jenna's face floods at both comments. P'ter's does cause some of the suspicious cant to go out of Niyath's head, and she curls her tail around her a trifle primly. "Uh, right. See? He's not like Ahazeth's rider, no. Morning, F'niah." The words are a trifle stiff, as she settles to saok in the pool.
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath rumbles. << She told Hanreth's rider that they don't like plain Jenna. Ahazeth's rider was the worst, she thinks. He outright told her he wanted a conquest. >> She doesn't seem to quite understand why this is bad, but << Hanreth's rider did not like that. >>
F'niah stares after P'ter. Did someone just smack him in the head with a board? "Uh.. oh. Um... morning, Jenna. Niyath, Aisheth," he adds awkwardly. "No, Saneth, you can't come with. Yes, I know he said..." His audible conversation trails off as he too begins to disrobe. For his part Saneth is watching the splashing eagerly.
Dragon> Saneth bespoke Aisheth and Niyath with << I am small. Do you think I would fit? >>
Niyath> Aisheth and Saneth sense that Niyath considers the small pool on the edge of things that she occupies. << You may have my pool, Saneth? I am warm enough. >>
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << Conquest? Conquest! I understand something of these things. My rider often complaines about 'bronzeriders' giving him a bad image. He is not after your rider for conquest, that idea is disgusting to him. >> There is another pause, perhaps Aisheth talking to P'ter of something. << He likes her. He liked her before you hatched, and he still likes her now. Is it wrong that he should seek out her company? She has been nice to him for a long time. >>
Jenna, for the first one here, is the last one to disrobe. She makes her way to the hottest pool as well and slips in, "Course it's hot, sir. Otherwise they'd call it the cold springs."
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath thinks about that one. For her, there was no Jenna before Niyath. << She has memories of things I do not understand, >> she admits. << And she is nice to everyone. >> Of course - because she's perfect. Then she amends, << Well, except Saneth's rider. But it is not wrong. I think she wishes more would seek her out because they liked her then too. >> The last is her own observation.
P'ter snorts, totally red in the face, but this is most probably due to the heat. "I now know how those shelled fish feel, you know, the ones you boil in hot water." He shudders, "Shards, I don't remember it being quite /this/ hot last time I was here." Then he shrugs. "Still ..." and he sinks bodily under the surface, coming up again, gasping. "Better now!" But he gritted his teeth as he said it.
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << There are those that will seek her because they seek you. Do you understand this? >>
F'niah hesitates at the edges of the pools, arms wrapped about him. The hottest pool, or not having his skin steamed from him? Testosterone makes his decision for him, plunging the boy into the water as well. "YIPE!" Say, you know those hot springs? They're kinda, you know, /hot/.
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath says primly, << They can stop. I will not have them. And they will not have me. Ever! >> Once again, there's the total 'eeeew!' surrounded by the idea of a male seeking her out. << And Jenna does not like it. But she says that Jinieth's rider spoke to her about being polite for the weyr. >>
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << Yes. This is hard to do. >> He sends images of Jenna welcoming people to the weyr, the people that visit are blurred, they could be anybody. << She has to do a lot of this. >> >>
Jenna smirks at the male riders, settling in up to her neck and perching on a rocky seat below the water. "This is nice, after spending an early morning on drills. Have you been working on sack tossing, F'niah?"
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << I sense you are worried about things. But know that my rider has always liked your rider. He does not seek her out for conquest, for he cares how she feels. He is proud of her, for many things. >> Another pause, << He thinks that without her this one, >> an image of Zalkin, << would not of been able to stay at the Weyr. He is grateful for this. >>
Dragon> Aisheth and Niyath sense that Saneth withdraws at Sef's yelp. << I will stay here, thank you, >> he stammers quickly. Hot springs= not a good idea.
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath and Saneth with << Yes, the water is hot. It is like fire but less so. - And wet. >>
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath is clearly startled. The concept that anyone other than her could be proud of Jenna is a new one. And she's apparently not terribly sure how to register it. Finally she settles back on << I am not worried. >> Much. << I just do not wish to share. Do you like to share your rider? >>
P'ter floats languidly. "Another advantage of this place over the private bathes of my weyr is frankly one of size. Here you can float around or swim. Back at the weyr I'm like a fingerfish in a bowl. Round and round I go."
F'niah nods, color rising in his face. For once it's not the heat of embarrassment, which undoubtedly makes a nice change. "Yeah. Hardly ever miss the target anymore. Think I pulled a muscle or something, though. ...Sir? Can I ask you something?"
Dragon> Niyath senses that Aisheth waits for a long while before answering, then saying in a considered voice, << I do not mind sharing him with those deserving. >>
P'ter nods, "You can ask. Whether I answer or not depends on whether I know the answer."
Niyath> Aisheth and Saneth sense that Niyath seems faintly distracted, but croons to Saneth. << Not all are as hot as that one. This one is more like- >> She breaks off, sending the sensation of the warmth of sunwarmed star stones.
Jenna smiles faintly, "Look out, sir. You're appearing like a real person instead of 'The Weyrleader'. You know all the answers, right?" She can't help teasing lightly.
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath siezes on that. << Yes. Exactly. There are too many for them all to be deserving. So they need to leave her alone. >>
F'niah shifts to find a better seat, coincedentally away from Jenna. Right? "When will we be tapped, sir? Into the fighting wings, I mean? I overheard someone saying it'd be any sevenday now."
P'ter hmms at Jenna, then, "Oh yes, of course, your right. - I know everything, I may just choose not to answer therefore, just to be difficult." he winks.
P'ter chuckles, "So that's the question? It'll be when it will be. You can assume it to be sometime in the next few sevendays, but its at the wingleaders' digression, you'll be at their mercy."
Jenna eyes F'niah. "Ready to get out of the barracks yourself, hm?"
F'niah waves his hands under the water - together, apart - and studies them. "It'll be the first time in nearly two turns that I won't have to listen to R'yat's snoring."
Dragon> Niyath senses that Aisheth is a dragon that looks out for his riders interests, and to that end he asks, tentatively. << I know that P'ter would appreciate some time in Jenna's company. He has not been able to talk with her as much since the wonderful event of your hatching. For he is the Weyrleader, and she a Weyrling. But may he spend time with her later? Neither he nor I would wish to upset you Niyath. >> This is rather a lot coming from Aisheth. Its not all the time he speaks quite this much.
P'ter snorts, "Oh go on man, you'll be able to hear it clear across the bowl. There is no escape from the snoring of R'yat."
Jenna starts to laugh, evidently relaxing more in the hot water. Been a while since she laughed in F'niah's company. "I'd have to say he has you there, Sef. Me, I'll have my first room of my own, ever."
F'niah looks up quickly, a surprised smile hovering over one side of his mouth. "Can we transfer him to Telgar, then?" He drops Jenna a jerky nod of accord. "Me too, sort of. Besides, you'll have Niyath. Oh! Sir, how do they assign weyrs? Do we get to choose them, or are we just told which one it is?"
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath agrees fairly readily. << She has much to do. But she would like to play more. She does not get the chance to play often. She misses it. >> The queen has no objection to playing, as long as work is finished. << I do not mind him spending time with her. He and Hanreth's rider do not talk of bedposts and notches. >>
P'ter ponders, "Well, normally your just told which one it is. I mean, you do know don't you that the weyrs that you are taking over are mostly vacated due to the death or a rider or a dragon? So for that reason, where they are is somewhat ... predetermined."
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << It is not right. People, nor dragons, are property. They are not owned, rented or used my rider says. He taught me this think when I was a hatchling. >>
Dragon> Niyath senses that Aisheth adds proudly, << I /remember/ this thing. >>
Jenna ohs, eyes going abruptly round. Evidently she hadn't realized that at all. Niyath lifts her head and gives a short blatted tenor bugle, the sound echoing off the walls. Evidently she agrees. Jenna's eyes go to Aisheth, and then to P'ter, a trifle pink. Warm in this here spring, isn't it? "I, uh, didn't know."
F'niah's expression mirrors Jenna's. "Th.. they -are-? Well of course they'd have to, otherwise... you.. they.. shells." And down he slumps into the water until it laps gently at his chin.
P'ter nods seriously. "Its not worth spending much time thinking about it, but you just need to realize that the amount of cliff space if finite, the amount of dragons we have varies, but never by a huge amount, and how many very old riders do you see walking around? Certainly not the same number of active riders we have." He smiles gently then, "But I swear I'll be around with a cane, sitting in a chair near the fire in the living cavern and telling tales of when I was young."
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath suggests, << You should teach that to Ahazeth's rider. >>
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << Remembering things? That I find difficult. >>
F'niah mutters to Jenna, "... the..."
F'niah whispers "Maybe I'll just stay in the barracks, then."
Jenna adds in, getting back to the conversation at hand, "There's only ten more turns to the pass anyway. Which is an interesting thing. I guess, once it's over, the queens just... don't make as many baby dragons? - oh, don't be silly, Sef. Would you want some weyrling not to get a weyr if you died from score?"
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << Or that one cannot be owned or used? >>
P'ter peers at F'niah, "Care to repeat that so I can hear?" he asks, smiling. Then says, "I'm sure they'll still fly, but you can let them gorge their food before the flight, that way they are slow, don't fly high. The mating is short and there arn't many eggs, which helps match the slower rate of losses that we have in an interval."
F'niah pushes himself further upright. "I said I'd just stay in the barracks, sir. Well, what if you wanted to... to share weyrs with somebody? Could you do that?"
P'ter nods, "Certainly."
P'ter says "So long as its big enough for the two dragons. Some are."
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath has strong feelings of confirmation on the latter. Not that she'd ever admit not remembering something. << Jenna does find him charming. She calls him 'lightwing'. And he has pretty hair. But this is not enough. She told me that only one has ever swept her off her feet. >> There is an image of someone, holding a delighted and laughing Jenna up in his arms. << But Ahazeth's rider has it wrong. >>
ragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << He has it wrong? I do not understand. >>
Jenna eyes F'niah and scoots just a bit away. "Well, Niyath'll want her own ledge, I do believe. She's decided that she likes the view from Jinieth's, but it's too low. I'm just as glad we'll get Leah's old weyr. It's higher and she can see more. Her favorite place to watch the weyr is from the starstones."
P'ter ahs, "Your going up there are you?" He falls to pondering, then smiles, "I'll have a surprise for you when you get your weyr then."
Niyath> Aisheth senses that Niyath says confidently, << Ahazeth's rider believes he can sweep her off her feet just by picking her up. He cannot. There is much more to it than that. >>
Aeriste steps out of the wide corridor onto the sandy beach.
Aeriste has arrived.
F'niah is not a quiet bather, for he lets himself slip down into the pool again. When he finally gets out, he's gonna be bright red from his chin down. "I just bet. Sir? How do the wingleaders... well, choose? We don't get any say in that either, right?"
Jenna cocks her head at P'ter, though doesn't ask. "Furnishing it is goingto be a trick. We do get at least a bed and a press, don't we?" She smiles a trifle tightly at F'niah. "Well, *I* don't, at any rate. I don't know about you." She lifts an arm to wave at Aeriste from the hottest pool.
Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Niyath with << Ah, yes, now I understand. >> He is quiet for a moment. << My rider says not to tell you but what he likes about your rider is when she smiles. >> And he shows you an image of your own rider, laughing with Zalkin, her face lit up in a happy moment. << This is one of his memories I can see. >> Aisheth seems happy to be able to share it, though P'ter shows no sign of knowing its dispersal. He probably doesn't know. << My rider likes it when those around him are happy. He says it is his job to do this thing >>
P'ter shakes his head. "No say at all. I was a wingleader for many turns before I came here. You look at the weyrlings, you look at your own wing. You think about colour needs, personality clashes, weaknesses and strenths.
Jenna eyes F'niah at the words 'personality clashes'.
Aeriste peers in. People! He blinks and then steps further into the cavern, a big fluffy towel over his arm. "Um. Good morning."
F'niah says "At least you know what wing you're going into," though it doesn't have the usual extra bite to it. He twists around to see who Jenna's waving at, and lifts a dripping red arm from the pool to second the motion. "Morning, Aeriste. You come to steam yourself too?"
Aeriste shrugs. "I did a lot of standing during my shift, and my feet feel like they're going to fall off."
Jenna takes a swipe at sweat trickling down her neck. "Yeah. But there's no guarantee I'll be tapped first and get *in* that wing. Leah doesn't tapp her wingriders until she's good and ready. - Come on in, Aeriste. The water's lovely today. Great for sore muscles."
F'niah presses his lips together and is quiet. For about a count of ten, actually. "We'll all be tapped when we're ready, Jenna. Doesn't matter who's first."
Jenna frowns at F'niah. "I wasn't suggesting - oh fine. Have it your way." She shifts in the pool away from the bluerider, putting more distance between them. "Coming in, Aeriste?"
And enter Dakota stage left. With a towel the young resident enters the springs, pausing as she sees plenty of people here. Smiling tentativly, she steps in further. "Morning." she greets anyone within hearing on the sands.
Aeriste slips out of his clothing, sets it down with his towel, and heads for the hottest pool, too- no way is _he_ going to be outsteamed. And sinks down to his chin, hissing only a little. Hrmph.
Raeche steps out of the wide corridor onto the sandy beach.
Raeche has arrived.
Jenna waves to Dakota from the hottest pool, where she and F'niah, and now Aeriste, are slowly coming to a boil. Literally and figuratively. "Morning, Dakota. How're the pastries this morning? I might just indulge after this soak. Go all out."
Raeche sashays into the springs, clutching towel and a full compliment of bathing supplies.
F'niah slithers to a point halfway between Aeriste and Jenna, or perhaps a smidge closer to the younger boy. He'll let Jenna play chatty hostess; he's got some sulking to do.
Aeriste looks sidelong at F'niah, but stays put. "You two're funny," he observes blandly.
Dakota smiles brightly towards Jenna, sitting down to remove her boots. "Just finished helping with a fresh batch of 'em. They should be done in a candlemark. And I brewed some fresh klah as well." she struggles with one boots before it finally relinquishes her foots, nearly sending her flat on her back.
Jenna tacks on, "Morning, Raeche. Time for some primping?" Then at Dakota's words she grimaces. "Did you have to mention the k-word?"
"Ooh, don't mention klah around Jenna," Raeche coos as she sets her things down by the side of one of the pools and begins to slither out of her clothing. "Mmmn. Time for some soaking."
F'niah eyes Raeche with undisguised Patience. See? He's being Patient. Which is why he turns to pull himself out of the pool on the -far- side from Raeche. "I'm done." Look, everyone, a red bluerider!
Dakota looks curiously at Jenna. "The 'k' word..." she pauses. "Oh, Klah? What's wrong with that?"
Jenna blinks in surprise at F'niah. She wasn't the one that made him leave. A quick look is darted to Raeche and she murmurs, "Need to learn that trick," before saying louder - "Least I'm not getting in trouble for not grinding it anymore. I've always been told klah is bad for you. Runners aren't really supposed to drink it when they're in training."
Raeche strips out of her clothing in record time, slinking into the hot springs. She pauses to undo her hair clip, tossing it onto her pile of clothing.
Aeriste ducks down underwater, eyes closed, his hair trailing up 'round his head like cobwebs. He resurfaces a moment later - eyes still closed - and wipes the water from his face with his hands. "You're not a runner anymore," he notes, having come back up during the last part of Jenna's comment.
Dakota ahs and nods, standing. She's folded her trousers atop her boots and layed her towel across both. Her shirt she's left on and now she wades into a spring, darting little looks around her at everyone else in the water. "Klah's not really too bad for ya, I suppose." she shrugs, not really knowing if it is or isn't. "But I make a pretty good mug of klah myself. Really sweet and not too bitter like some people make it."
Jenna shrugs at Aeriste, "No. But that doesn't mean it's any less bad for you." She gives another speculative look at F'niah and then asks, "So what's everyone up to today?"
F'niah splashes his way back to his clothing. A tunic makes a wonderful towel, especially if you've forgotten your own.
Raeche glances over at Jenna with a snicker, and reaches for her pot of sweetsand. "Hello, Aeriste - I didn't notice you there."
Alirath spirals down from the opening overhead.
Alirath has arrived.
Aeriste shrugs. "I finished my shift. But I was thinking of studying some more, or trying what I heard about this one girl doing- climbing the Bowl wall with ropes and stuff. But people'd probably make me come down." Not only is he snotty, he's nuts. And he looks up at Raeche. "Hello."
Dakota sinks down in the waters till it reaches her neck, her shirt billowing in the water. "I'm free until after lunch." she tells Jenna. "I figured i'd soak for a while and maybe go exploring around the weyr some more."
F'niah steals a glance over his shoulder at the hottest spring. While no one's looking he grabs Jenna's towel, uses it to wipe off his legs, then quickly returns it to its pre-soggy location. Then on go the pants!
Alirath wings down carefully, doing his best not to splash or anything. A moment
later, L'nan slips bare-butt into the water and paddles for the 'crowd'. "Afternoon,
all!" he calls cheerfully.
L'nan unstraps himself from Alirath's neck and slides down to the ground.
L'nan has arrived.
Niyath rumbles a greeting to Alirath, and Jenna brightens, waving to L'nan from the hottest pool, where she sits with Aeriste, Raeche and Dakota. Then she remembers to salute. "Morning, sir! - Climbing the bowl *walls*, Aeriste? You're kidding, right?"
Raeche settles down to start some scrubbing, smirking faintly as she works.
Aeriste shakes his head. "It'd be fun. Of course, if I slipped or something, I'd look stupid. And splattered all over the ground. So I probably won't."
Dakota's ears catch something about climbing bowl walls. She follows Jenna's look to see she's talking to Aeriste and she gives that one a curious look. Drawing her attention away briefly is the arrival of another dragon and rider. Good thing these springs are large else one could feel crowded. She waves to the newest arrivals, not really knowing them.
Saneth hauls himself to his feet, but Sef shakes his head. "Oh no - not without straps. I'll meet you back at the barracks." He casts a speculative look toward Alirath, then the door. Then, whistling softly, heads for the door with his tunic slung over one arm.
Jenna completely misses the defiling of her towel with F'niah germs and nods to Aeriste, "Too right. Not without someone teaching you. Maybe someone on the search and rescue team? There are people there who do that sort of thing."
L'nan makes a show of saluting to each weyrling with a solemn look, then announces, "In the hot springs today, no one else call me sir, all right? That's, uh... an order." He flashes a grin, and then ducks beneath the water a moment. Resurfacing, he seems just to bob there, listening to the conversations floating about.
F'niah steps into the wide corridor leading towards the Inner Caverns.
F'niah has left.
Saneth watches F'niah disappear, staring after his boy worriedly. Did you see that? He just... left! Through the door!
Raeche ducks under for a long moment, then surfaces again and dumps some cleaning sand into her hair. Scrub scrub scrub.
Niyath croons to Saneth without even cracking an eye. She seems used to the worrywart. Jenna relaxes a bit further, grinning at L'nan. "Gladly. I'm taking most of the day as a 'pamper me' day, considering I was up before teh crack of down with Valry, working on flamethrower drills."
L'nan bobs, still, and grins at Jenna. "Sounds like a nice day," he chuckles. He watches Raeche and calls, "Don't scrub too hard, or your hair'll fall out!"
Raeche tilts her head toward L'nan. She sniffs. "Hardly."
Hanreth spirals down from the opening overhead.
Hanreth has arrived.
Hanreth bugles a warning to anyone who may be below him as he descends toward the water.
L'nan chuckles at Raeche. "Never know, though, eh?" He paddles a bit deeper, then just hovers there. He glances up and squints. "That Hanreth?" he guesses. "Everyone's comin' in for a soak, it seems."
Dakota closes her eyes briefly, letting the water wash over her as she listens to the various conversations going on all around her. Green eyes pop open suddenly though at the bugle and her attention rivots to Hanreth as he descends.
"That's Hanreth," Raeche says, removing one sudsy hand from her hair and waving to the brown.
Niyath lifts her bulk from the small pool she'd been hoarding and finally crowds out of the way as Hanreth arrives. She rumbles a greeting to him, as Jenna waves. "Most've us were up early this morning. Hey, Lu? Have you met Dakota yet? She's new to the weyr." A glance is darted aside at Raeche, though she doesn't greet her fellow weyrling.
Saneth dances from foot to foot for a moment, then launches himself as soon as Hanreth's settled. Don't worry, F'niah, Saneth's coming!
Once he has determined that the way is clear, Hanreth splashed down in the springs with cheery warble.
Saneth launches into the sky, banking through the aerial entrance to the Bowl.
Saneth has left.
L'nan shakes his head and glances towards Dakota. "Why, no, I haven't," he grins. He swims over towards her with a friendly smile. "Dakota, was it? L'nan, blue Alirath's and weyrsecond here at Fort," he adds.
J'nas steps out of the wide corridor onto the sandy beach.
J'nas has arrived.
Aeriste considers for long, quiet moment, and then states to Jenna, "I'll do that, I think. Maybe. It was just an idea."
J'nas is carrying a bundle of folded clothes, whistling to himself. He offers L'nan a quick salute as he moves to a spot near the water and a fair distance from the other bathers. "Good morning, everyone."
Niyath> Alirath senses that Niyath says, unexpectedly, << My Jenna says that she should talk to your rider alone soon. >>
Dragon> Niyath senses that Alirath is slower, taking his time with his reply. Carefully, << Mine says that is fine, >> he says guardedly. << But only if he will not be crabby after. >> You can probably tell that this stipulation was added by Alirath, not L'nan.
Niyath> Alirath senses that Niyath is curious. << Why would he be crabby after? >>
Dakota returns the smile with a bright one of her own, neck deep in the water. She nods. "Dakota. Well met, L'nan." her glance slides over to the blue Alirath and he's included in the smile and greeting.
Aeriste chirps, "'Morning."
Jenna nods and offers a brief smile to J'nas. "G'morning. You up early for drills too? Sef was saying he pulled something." She looks around for the bluerider, only now discovering he'd left. "Huh. Raeche, you're gonna have to teach me that trick."
Dragon> Niyath senses that Alirath returns quickly this time. << He just is sometimes - not crabby, but confused and... other things. He is very cheerful lately. >> A pause, then, << What does she want to talk to him about? >>
Niyath> I bespoke Alirath with << I do not know. She will not tell me. >>
Raeche smiles serenely at Jenna. "He's /never/ liked me," she says.
L'nan nods to Dakota. "Well met, well met. Do hope you enjoy Fort, and if you have any- well, shells, lump!" This last, as he turns in the water and shakes a hand at Alirath. "First you say hot springs, now you want the lake? Shells. Got a lump for a mind in there, or what?" With an apologetic look to the others, he scrabbles aboard. The blue impatiently lifts out of the 'springs caverns.
ragon> Niyath senses that Alirath fades as he retorts, << Mine says later - now I need a good cold scrubbing, though. He says to come find him by the lake when the sun is lower. >>
L'nan climbs up Alirath's forelimb and finds a secure spot on his neck.
L'nan has left.
Alirath launches into the sky, banking through the aerial entrance to the Bowl.
Alirath has left.
Jenna looks after L'nan for a long moment and then turns back to Raeche. "Well, then, I think I'm going to stick to you like a shadow."
Dakota grins at the sudden departure of the Weyrsecond. She herself starts to leave the springs, toweling off. "I think i'll start my exploring." she says. "See you all later." after she's dried and mostly dressed she slips out of the caverns.
J'nas nods as he disrobes and wades into the water. "We were flaming this morning. What did Sef do to himself?"
Raeche smiles over at Jenna. "A shadow, mmm? I didn't think you went into watching the sorts of things I do."
Dakota steps into the wide corridor leading towards the Inner Caverns.
Dakota has left.
Jenna calls after Dakota with a grin, "Just don't get lost." Then she blanches a bit at Raeche. Watch the weyrling stutter. "Uh... um... well... I just..."
J'nas swims out to Hanreth where he proceeds to scrub firestone stench from
the dragon's hide. Politely, he ignores the conversation he seems to have walked
in on.
Raeche winks at Jenna. "That's alright."
Jenna clears her throat and attempts to change the subject. "So Aeriste, why do you want to climb the bowl walls? Any reason? Or just cause they're there?"
Aeriste states blandly, "I bet she kissed him."
Jenna very nearly gets water up her nose. "Excuse me?"
Aeriste, of course, is not cooperating with the subject change.
J'nas can't resist now, "Who kissed who?"
Raeche sniffs. "Me? Kiss F'niah? Sorry, Aeriste, I didn't."
Aeriste looks up at the ceiling of the cavern, leaning against the edge of the pool. "I didn't mean you, Raeche..."
Jenna blows water out of her nose and swipes at a trickle os sweat running down her neck. "What did you mean, Aeriste?"
Raeche blinks twice. "Really? Ooh. My apologies."
Aeriste rolls his eyes and looks back at Jenna. "And people say _I'm_ oversensitive."
Hanreth huffs when J'nas' hand goes idle. He smiles aplogetically to the brown and returns to his duty, his attention still riveted on the others."
Jenna shakes her head at the boy, "What're you talking about. *I* certainly didn't kiss F'niah."
Aeriste wells, "You got all tongue-tied. I figured there should be _some_ entertaining reason behind it."
Jenna sinks a bit lower in the water, glancing at Raeche. "Oh. Um, no, not really."
Raeche shakes her head, looking to Aeriste. "No, it's because she suggested being my shadow, and I basically said that would involve witnessing my activities."
Scrub, J'nas, scrub. My isn't Hanreth pretty?
Aeriste ohs. And he blushes faintly. "Fardles, now I don't have anything to mock anyone with."
Jenna clears her throat. "So, I hope it'll be nice weather for the gather coming up."
J'nas nods quickly, "It should be a beautiful day, from what I hear."
"The Harper Gather, or the Vintner Gala?" Raeche inquires.
Jenna ums, "Well, the Gather's first, I think, isn't it?"
Raeche nods. "The Gather's first."
J'nas says "The Vintner Gala is what, a sevnday after the Gather?"
Raeche shakes her head. "A little longer than that. Nearly two sevendays."
Jenna nods. "I hope the weather'll be good for that as well. Where is it, Raeche? I hadn't heard that much about it."
Aeriste listens quietly, content to laze in the water.
"I'm not sure where it will be at the Vintner Hall," Raeche says slowly.
J'nas counts days off in his head. "I wonder if we'll be able to attend by then."
Raeche sniffs. "It's a special event. Why wouldn't the Weyrlingmasters take you?"
Jenna considers. "I don't see why not, J'nas. We won't be able to drink anything, I'd bet, but I'd wager we could go. Might even get to take people, like we're supposed to for the Harper Gather."
J'nas says "Will we be flying that distance when the time comes, Jenna?"
You say "I think it's just a short hop between. K'fen's already started taking some folks out of the weyr, but I haven't gone yet."
J'nas blinks. "Oh yeah."
Raeche tilts her head. "Well, if either of you are going... will you take me?"
J'nas shrugs, "I don't see why not. I'll have to have something made before I go."
Jenna asks J'nas, "You've got something for the Gather coming up, don't you? The Weyrwoman mentioned something about making sure I was presentable - though I swear *that's* a lost cause."
Raeche's eyelashes flutter. "Ooh. I wonder if I haven an appropriate gown."
J'nas hmms. "I've never been to something as formal as a gala. Would Gather finery be good enough?"
Jenna shrugs blankly at J'nas and looks to Raeche for the answer. Color her not of the 'girly-girl' variety.
Raeche tilts her head to the left. "Perhaps. Perhaps not, since you're a rider."
J'nas raises an eyebrow, "Are you saying dragonriders are exempt from that sort of thing?"
"No, I'm saying that you're expected to dress better than other folk," Raeche replies.
Aeriste hrmphs slightly at that.
J'nas frowns, "Maybe I'd better get something made. Just to be sure."
Aeriste folds his arms, and sinks back down to his chin again.
Jenna asks hesitantly, "What would you expect me to wear then, Raeche?"
Raeche glances over at Jenna, shrugging a shoulder. "A pretty dress?"
Jenna ahs. "Well, I have something - it's not really a dress. Split skirt. Easier for riding and more comfortable."
J'nas smiles at Jenna, "Maybe we should go talk to the seamstress. She might know what's to be expected."
Raeche nods. "A skirt would do, I think."
Jenna nods to J'nas. "I'd bet Rain or Ember would know. Speaking of, does anyone know if she's back from the Reaches yet?"
Aeriste murmurs, "I have no idea."
Raeche shakes her head. "I haven't seen her."
J'nas frowns, "I haven't seen her in a while. I suppose that means she's still there."
Jenna hms. "Well, maybe she'll be back in time for the Gather. Shells, it's been over two turns since I've even been to one. Maybe we can get some good prices on things for our weyrs, J'nas. Sef was bugging the Weyrleader about them earlier." She settles back. "I'd like one of those sky chair thingies that we saw at Boll." She looks to Raeche. "Where do you think we might find 'em?"
Aeriste says "...Sky chair thingies?"
Raeche shakes her head, scrubbing one leg. "What sky chair... things?"
J'nas grins. "Its been a while since a lot of us have been to a Gather. I can't wait to go." He looks over at Jenna with a wry grin.
Jenna explains, "That's what the server - Marc something? - in Boll called 'em. Rope chairs. Suspended?" She interlaces her fingers and makes a cradle out of them, thumbs forming the 'chain'. "Like a swing?"
"Marcus," Raeche replies. She blinks twice. "Suspended? Hmn. You might find them at Boll, perhaps? I mean, if they're there and you know they're there..."
J'nas nods. "Maybe one of their crafters will be at the Gather. Then you might be able to commission one special for your weyr."
Jenna nods to both. "Good ideas. They were kinda comfy. Be nice to have one out on the ledge, so I can sit with Niyath."
Raeche frowns a little, rinsing her leg off and starting on the other one. "Did they hang from the ceiling or something?"
Aeriste says "...I doubt that one'd fit in the dorms."
Raeche sniffs. "I don't want one. Though I have been thinking of asking for my own room. It would be simpler."
"Everyone is looking for some privacy lately," J'nas says. "It must be spreading."
Jenna mms at Aeriste, "Well, maybe up front, where there's more space and there's the work tables. -- Wh - oh." She starts to push herself out of the water. "I've cooked long enough, I think."
Raeche tilts her head at Jenna, blinking. "I don't think it was a hint."
J'nas blinks. "Wha-? No! Itwasn'tahint! I was just remarking on how everyone is looking forward to their own personal space."
Jenna shakes her head. "I just was getting hot was all." She picks up her towel, frowning a bit at the dampness.
Aeriste hrmphs. "At least you won't have to live in a dorm once you've graduated..."
Raeche nods to Jenna, then looks to Aeriste. "You want a room of your own, too?"
Aeriste shrugs, sloshing water. "What would I do with one?"
Niyath> Hanreth senses that Niyath asks considerately, << Does your J'nas want to be alone with the woman? >>
Dragon> Niyath senses that Hanreth returns politely, << He does not. Is there a concern? >>
"Why don't you want to live in the dorms?" Raeche asks Aeriste.
Aeriste shrugs. "Snoring, smelly feet, lizards that steal your snacks..."
Jenna puts in, wrapping her towel securely around her, "I never wanted one before, but now, I'm wishing for the privacy. Too, I wasn't always here. Out on the traces a lot, so..." She shrugs.
"So, in your own room, you'd sleep soundly, not have your nose be offended, and have your snacks," Raeche says. She pauses. "Though firelizards can pretty much get anywhere."
Aeriste looks sidelong at Raeche, "Like I'd have so much stuff to put in a room." His tone becomes rather airy. "I mean, I've lived _so_ long, and travelled so far and wide, and collected _so_ many things. I just have _no_ idea where to put them all."
Raeche shrugs, with a sweet smile. "Never said it was a very big room."
Aeriste blinks at Raeche, and then blinks some more, bemusedly. "Oh."
Jenna grins a bit at the two and then starts fluffing her hair dry.
J'nas smacks Hanreth on the shoulder, "Would you knock it off?" He makes his way to the shore and retrieves his towel. "If you had your own room, what would you do with it, Aeriste?"
Raeche puts the lid on her jar of sweetsand, sinking lower in the water.
Niyath> I bespoke Hanreth with << No. Not in particular. >> A pause and she says, << We should go flying together later. >> >>
Dragon> Niyath senses that Hanreth is eager to take any chance to fly. << We should! Where will we go? >>
Niyath> I bespoke Hanreth with << It does not matter to me. High aloft. Jenna wants to be Away. Free. >>
Aeriste blinks, and then frowns. "I don't know. I still have some of my mother's things, but I gave most of those away to her friends."
Jenna says, amused, "That's part of the problem. I've nothing to go in mine yet."
Raeche blinks twice. "Gave them...? Your mother didn't... die... did she?"
Hanreth lumbers out of the water and holds his head above J'nas, intentionally dripping water on him. The brownrider ducks out of the way, "It's a start, though." He falls silent when Raeche questions the boy.
Dragon> Hanreth bespoke Niyath with << Flying is the best thing to do for dragons /and/ riders. >>
Aeriste begins to get out of the water, red as a spiderclaw, both from the heat of the pool and his own embarrassment. "Yes. Four Turns ago. From a really bad threadscore. It happens to a lot of riders." His tone is deliberately light. "...Anyway. I don't need a room."
Jenna watches Aeriste quietly, but doesn't interrupt at the moment.
Raeche nods to Aeriste. "Happens to a lot, yes," she says softly. "Do you miss her?"
Aeriste reaches for his towel and scrubs himself dry. "What kind of a question is that?" he demands irritably.
"A stupid one," Raeche says, a thougtful look on her face. "Humour me?"
Long distance to Aeriste, J'nas, and Raeche: Jenna meeps and is arguing with style sheets in another window. Expect me to be a bit slow.
J'nas finishes drying off and dresses. He moves quietly to an out of the way rock to listen.
Aeriste rolls his eyes. "What, you expecting me to cry, or something?" His tone is almost aggressive, and he starts to pull on his clothes, fumbling only a little.
Raeche shakes her head. "No. For what it's worth, Aeriste, I'm sorry. I can't imagine what that much have been like."
Aeriste glowers at Raeche. "I want to change this subject, please."
Having learned his lesson from Aeriste, J'nas chooses help him along. "Have you been to the Harper Hall, Aeriste?"
Raeche nods, then dunks her head underwater.
Aeriste turns towards J'nas, seeming for a brief moment actually very grateful. "No?"
J'nas grins, "How would you like a ride to the Gather?"
Raeche surfaces, pushing her hair out of her face and running her hands through to detect any lingering sand.
Aeriste blinks. "Um. Okay."
Dragon> Niyath and Hanreth sense that Randoth grumbles. << It is too narrow here... >>
Raeche hauls herself out of the water, perching on the edge of a pool.
Dragon> Hanreth bespoke Niyath and Randoth with << What is too narrow? >>
"Don't sound so unsure." J'nas says. "If you don't want to go, just say so."
Dragon> Niyath and Hanreth sense that Randoth sends quite annoyed thoughts and *image of the barracks*
"Go where?" Raeche demands. She was dunked at the time of the offer.
Aeriste frowns. "You'll be taking me?"
J'nas shrugs, "Or another rider, if you like. I doubt they'd be able to give you the same tour, though."
Aeriste folds his arms. "Okay."
J'nas looks at Raeche, "To the Gather at Harper Hall
Raeche immediately smiles at J'nas. "Room for one more?"
Jenna is apparently having a quiet conversation with Niyath, though she pipes up, "J'nas could definately give you the best tour."
J'nas blinks. "Sure. Hanreth's a big dragon." To Aeriste, he asks, "Okay what? You'll go with a different rider?"
Niyath> Randoth and Hanreth sense that Niyath is impatient for some reason. << The whole weyr is too narrow today. >>
Raeche reaches for a comb with her things, and begins to untangle her hair.
Aeriste stands up straight. "Okay, I'll go with you."
J'nas nods and smiles. "Glad to hear it. You won't regret it, I promise."
Dragon> Niyath and Hanreth sense that Randoth blinks and grumbles again. << I hope not! My rider says that we will have a much more large place to live soon. >> He makes a pause. << He said that it is within the Weyr. >>
Aeriste blinks at J'nas, and he blushes faintly. And nods.
Dragon> Niyath and Randoth sense that Hanreth states, << Our weyrs will have a ledge that is open to the sky! That cannot be too cramped. >>
Dragon> Niyath and Hanreth sense that Randoth sighs. << But when? >>
Raeche works on a tangle, nose wrinkling.
Randoth spirals down from the opening overhead.
Randoth has arrived.
Raeche is perched daintily on the edge of one of the pools, combing her hair out.
Niyath> Randoth and Hanreth sense that Niyath is just impatient in general today, and is beginning to take it out on the brown and bronze in particular. << It is a different kind of cramped. >>
Jenna gives Niyath an affectionate thump. The queen waits until Randoth has landed, and then launches upwards, clearly not as relaxed as her rider is.
Niyath> You land on the ledge near the Star Stones.
Niyath> Star Stones
Niyath> This is one of the highest peaks of the entire Fort Range. To the
north of here are two vertical rock outcroppings. On the left is the Finger
Rock and off to the right is its companion, the Eye Rock. Together, they perform
three major functions. These are the first landmarks weyrlings memorize when
they learn to fly *between*. And more importantly, when Rukbat balances on Finger
Rock at dawn, it marks the winter solstice. If at this time the Red Star is
bracketed by the Eye Rock, a Pass is due to begin.
Niyath> Downwards to the west is the volcanic expanse of Fort Weyr. Individual
weyrs pockmark the inside of the cone, and dragons are constantly flying in
and out, popping in and out of *between* a few dragonlengths away. The Fort
Range stretches as far as you can see to the north and south.
Dragon> Hanreth bespoke Niyath and Randoth with << What other kind of cramped is there? >>
Randoth's warble stops right as Niyath raises. He tilts his head and croons to Hanreth and the weyrlings.
Dragon> Randoth bespoke Niyath and Hanreth with << Where are you going, Niyath? >>
Raeche looks up at Randoth, smiling and calling, "Hello, R'yat, Randoth!"
Niyath> I bespoke Randoth and Hanreth with << The star stones. It is not as close and crowded here. >>
R'yat steps out of the wide corridor onto the sandy beach.
R'yat has arrived.
R'yat arrives just in time to hear Raeche's greeting. He just can't speak for now, as he's trying to recover his breath. "W-What...t-the shards it's going on today?" He exhales noisily.
Raeche arches her eyebrows. "How so?"
Jenna blinks at Rey, and then ohs. "Niyath? She's pouting. She wants to go flying."
Hanreth watches as Niyath leaves the springs and warbles a greeting to his clutchmate. J'nas waves over to R'yat.
Makai steps out of the wide corridor onto the sandy beach.
Makai has arrived.
Dragon> Niyath and Hanreth sense that Randoth sends a short and sharp bugle. << I can understand. >>
Raeche continues to comb her hair out, perched on the edge of one of the pools.
R'yat takes a deep breath and finally smiles. "Then with Randoth, there will be two pouting dragons in the Weyr now..." He winks to J'nas.
J'nas shakes his head. "I'm glad Hanreth isn't prone to pouting. What's wrong with them?"
Aeriste fiddles with the hem of his tunic, and then reaches for his now-sodden towel, which he rolls into a lump. And looks on quietly.
Jenna shrugs slightly. "Like Niyath needs a reason to be grumpy these days?" She starts to dress, shaking sand out of her clothes.
Makai sidles into the room, whistling quietly. He sets his towl some where out of the way off to the side while he pulls off his shirt. He gets in the water carefully, and sighs as the warm, nearly hot water heats his stiff muscles. He settles down and stops whistling, just floating for the moment. Peace.
Aeriste, just as quietly, steps between Makai and Raeche- making himself an obstacle in that line of sight.
R'yat shrugs, finding a place near the other and giving Aeriste a smile on his way. "Rand crashed three cots in the barracks today. He said he just can't stay inside too long." Behind him, the young bronze is now spreading his wings fully, almost warbling with delight.
J'nas nods a silent approval to Aeriste and looks to R'yat. "I think that's why Hanreth has made it a point to be in the bowl as often as possible. Granted, he's not as big as Niyath or Randoth, but he doesn't like it in there, either."
Raeche's nose wrinkles. "It must be getting cramped in there."
R'yat idly plays with a handful of sand. He looks down and lets the sand flows through his opened fingers. "I think it a collective need of..." He grimaces a bit and adds. "Freedom?"
Makai's eyes are closed and his breathing is deep. He spreads his arms out a bit and uses his feet to pedel himself away from the group, his lithe body barely making a line in the smooth water surface.
"The barracks are big enough," J"nas says. "It's just that it /feels/ cramped with all of the dragons looming over us in there."
Jenna nods to Raeche, "It is -" she stops and then eyes R'yat. "Was Randoth talking to Niyath?"
Randoth finally folds his wings and catches sight of Raeche. He tilts his huge head and moves it closer to the girl.
Raeche looks up from her task of working on a snarl in her hair, and peers up at Randoth. "Hi, sweetie," she coos at the bronze.
"And to Hanreth too, I think." Rey answers Jenna. "I don't really know what was the subject though."
R'tran steps out of the wide corridor onto the sandy beach.
R'tran has arrived.
Makai senses a small ripple of conversation. With a small smile treads water for a moment then dives into the water with nary a drop nor a ripple. Smart bubbles eddy as he swims circles around the large cavernous springs, revelling in the warmth on his sore shoulders.
R'tran takes a running leap, tosses his towel into a corner and diving, head-first, into the spring! As the steaming water scalds him, he comes up sputtering a greeting to his friends. "H-H-Hello!"
Randoth blinks once, studying Raeche. He quickly looks at Rey and then lowers his head a little more, angling it slightly even.
Jenna yanks her tunic down of her head, and then swipes the last of the wter from her hair. "Exactly that. Niyath wants to get to those upper thermals again and go flying." She eyes R'tran amused. "Hello yourself. I swear, I think most of the weyrlings have been in here today. Did everyone overdo with drills this morning?"
Hanreth bugles his appreciation of R'tran's dive. J'nas grins, "Hey there, Ry. You seem to be in good spirits."
Raeche peers up at Randoth from her perch on the edge of one of the pools. "I'm very interesting today, I think," she remarks. A smile, and a finger waggle at R'tran.
R'tran looks positively exultant. He grins wickedly, murmuring to J'nas, "I had a lovely time last night. Simply lovely." He winks, then murmurs, "How about you?" He jerks his head in Jenna's direction.
R'yat lifts a finger in Rand's direction and wiggles it a bit before smiling at R'tran. "Very nice dive, R'tran!"
Makai is floating again. His own silence seems to stem from a deep peace and happiness. His eyes flutter open and shut at the various threads of conversation...And his breathing is calm. His floting takes him towards Jenna, and he turns to her with a serene, "Hello," before making his way around the edges of the Hot Springs again.
R'tran replies to Jenna's gentle jibe with a sweet smile. "Ah, Jen...perhaps I did have to climb the ladder once too often to replace those shardin' fishnets after Eishith had flamed one into dust. But I rather like watching him do it...." He winks, then claps R'yat on the back. "And thank you, Rey. I've been practicing. How are you today?"
Jenna snorts at R'tran, sounding remarkably like Niyath. then, more politely, "Hi, Makai. Enjoying the relaxing?"
Makai nods affirmatively. "Yes...I have a few stiff shoulders today, normally I'd bathe in this lake, but this heat is very healing..." he grins, a red blush spreading warmly on his face. "How are you and Niyath?" he asks politely.
R'yat winces a bit under R'tran's virile shake. He smiles up and shakes his head. "You will have to teach me, then."
Randoth is still eyeing the girl. After a quite long moment he finally decides to move and taking advantage of that his lifemate is not watching, he emits a loud but very short bugle right near Raeche's ear. Then, he slowly lowers his head again.
Raeche yelps, raising her free hand to her ear. "Oooh. What is it he wants, R'yat?" she asks, flipping her comb off toward the rest of her junk and reaching up to pat Randoth's nose.
Hanreth launches into the sky, banking through the aerial entrance to the Bowl.
Hanreth has left.
Aeriste just listens, apparently content to let the conversations flow around him.
Jenna grimaces faintly at the noise, "Shells, Rey. Raeche, can you hear anything after that?"
Niyath> Hanreth senses that Niyath offers, << You are welcome to sun on the starstones with me. >>
Raeche murmurs, "It's a little... faint. Bit of ringing."
R'tran grins at R'yat, nodding amiably. "Anytime you like, Rey!" He sinks into the water to wet his hair into a less unsightly 'do', then emerges with an appraising look toward Randoth. "Good trumpet, lad! Hearty."
R'yat perks and frowns a little, watching Rand. "How many times did I tell you not to reclaim like that?" He sighs but can't help smiling. "I think that this big noisy lump want a stroke, Raeche. But don't let him bother you too much." He shrugs and smiles to Jenna. To R'tran he shows an even bright smile. "Really anytime? Like...Right here, right now?"
Niyath> Above the center of the bowl, Hanreth lands on the ledge near the Star Stones.
Niyath> Niyath lifts her head and moves over just a tad to make room on the ledge. She croons a quiet greeting, and then settles herself once more.
Makai's sparkling laughter echoes like bells through the cavern. "That was a nice trumpet," he says with a blush. He leans back down into the water and kicks around the water, leaving rippling eddies in the wake of his feet.
R'tran stands up in the water, slicking his hair back. He bobs his head enthusiastically to R'yat. "Sure! Right now, if you want!"
Jenna says simply, "Fardles, Ry, you have far too much energy today."
Niyath> Hanreth lands gently beside the queen. He returns her greeting with a soft warble before making himself comfortable in the summer sun.
"Oh, that's easy," Raeche replies, smiling. She reaches up and dutifully strokes Randoth's muzzle, then stands up and reaches to scritch an eyeridge.
Dragon> Niyath and Hanreth sense that Randoth sends a distant curious thought. << Are two on the Star stones? >>
Niyath> Randoth and Hanreth sense that Niyath is drowsy and content in the sun. << Yes. It is warm and there is a nice view. >>
Randoth emits another sound but this time, it's more like a draconic whisper. A melody even.
J'nas nods in agreement with Jenna. "What /has/ gotten into you today?"
R'yat stands up and claps his hands once. "All right. I'll make a try. Do you have any advice for now?" He asks R'tran, giving J'nas and Jenna a wink.
Makai turns his head towards the sound of conversation. A content smile spreads over his face as Raeche strokes Randoth's eyeridge. He stands up, waist deep in the water with a chuckle and begins the serious "bath" ing bart of bathing.
Randoth's tail is now slightly twitching under Raeche's stroke. He crouches down near her and rest his head so that she can continue to scritch.
Raeche obliges Randoth, scritching away. "I didn't know he liked me much," she muses.
J'nas settles back on a dry stone and waits to see what R'yat has in store.
R'tran narrows his gaze, grinning to R'yat, "When diving, it helps to be /on a ledge above the water/. He winks, then nods sagely, gesturing toward the rocky edge of the pool. He then paddles over to it and pulls himself out of the water.
Niyath> Niyath's tail flicks lazily, tapping lightly near the brown's.
Dragon> Hanreth bespoke Niyath with << Are you less cramped up here? >>
Niyath> Hanreth senses that Niyath seems to be smoothing out of her impatient mood in the sun. << Much. And there is a great deal to watch. >> A pause and she asks curiously, << Are you as comfortable to lean against as Randoth? >>
Makai swims away from where R'tran climbs out so it not to get in the way. He kicks up some splashes, but hopefully didn't splash anyone. Amber eyes turn back to R'tran to watch him dive.
Jenna says mildly, in a tone just designed to carry, "I wanna see them jump from up there." She nods towards the ones set much higher in the cliff wall.
R'yat nods to R'tran, sticking his tongue out at J'nas. Suddenly he hops on that rocky spot and misses to lose his balance. Only a strong wiggle of both arms saved him from diving. He coughs once and grins stupidly. "Don't let hesitate to tell him you have enough or anything, Raeche. Or you'll be trapped in here for turns!" He calls over his shoulders.
"Oh, poo, Jenna. Don't try to kill the other Weyrlings," Raeche admonishes, with a smile.
Dragon> Hanreth bespoke Niyath with << I do not know. I have never been leaned on except by J'nas. >>
Niyath> Hanreth senses that Niyath considers. << Oh. Well, it is usually warmer that way. >>
R'yat perks at Jenna and points the other rocky edge. "From there?" He asks.
Dragon> Niyath senses that Hanreth contemplates for a moment, << You are welcome to lean, then. >>
R'tran snickers at Jenna's comment. "Nah, Jen - that's Advanced Pool Diving. We'll do that one /next/ lesson. Don't wanna get Randoth all testy at me, or he might bugle in MY ear." He winks, then grins at Raeche. He raises a brow toward Makai, saying, "You wanna try, too, lad? Or you just watching?" With that, he places a hand on R'yat's back and another on his abdomen, pushing him into a slightly stooped position. "Here, lad..."
Jenna smirks at Raeche, and gives a little smile to J'nas, blue eyes meeting his briefly in amusement. Then she shakes her head, stretching her arm up to indicate a ledge perhaps a dragonlength or more above the pools. "From there. Dive, flip, jump... whatever."
Makai shakes his head with a laugh and a sligh frown of concern. "Be careful, there's a current over that way," he warns. He smiles though, his mood delightful. He smiles and floats on his back to watch the action.
J'nas cranes his head to look in the direction Rey points. "Hey, Jenna. Isn't that..." he cuts himself short and smiles at the goldrider.
Makai laughs. "Sure, I'll dive!" he says and easily glides over to the ledge where R'tran is standing.
Raeche arches an eyebrow, still scritching. "Isn't that...?"
Niyath> Niyath shifts a bit and then moves to drape her neck and part of her torso over the brown. Apparently, she doesn't need an invitation to be issued twice. Wings droop, relaxed, and she closes her eyes once she is settled again.
R'yat takes a deep breath as he feels R'tran's hand on him. A try to thin his belly? Nah! He grins wide. "Okay what's next?"
R'tran blinks at J'nas, his hands still bending R'yat over. "Isn't that...what?!" He distractedly murmurs to R'yat, "Now, stretch your hands out in front of you. Bend your knees. Don't look at the water!" He looks up and grins to Makai, "Do what he's doing....", indicating R'yat.
Jenna grins at J'nas and doesn't answer.
Makai grins, eyes sparkling, and climbs up onto a higher ledge. Poised, perfect position, he ignores the lessons R'tran is giving, but concentrates on his muscles and legs. Suddenly, he vaults forward and excecutes a perfect swan dive ride with a flip into the deepest part of the water, not even causing a splash. His pale form glides under the water and comes up to the surface with a laugh. "That was fun! I haven't don't that in awhile!"
R'tran straightens, jaw dropping, and peers at Makai for a long moment, looking sheepish. "G...good, Makai. Well done. Ah...yah. Good." He winces a bit, rather unsure now if /he/ should be the one teaching. He nods to R'yat, "Now....like what he did. Be careful not to tuck your head /too/ much, or you'll end up on your rear end, making a hearty splash indeed!"
R'yat moves his gaze from Makai to R'tran then to J'nas. "Yeah. Why don't you just finish your sentence, J'nas?" He looks over to Raeche. "I'm forbidding you to take any bet on that, Raeche." He smiles again. "You'll see..." And he places his arms as indicated. "Don't look at the water, you aid, Ryt?"
Raeche pouts. "No bets at all? Tsch." Scritch, scritch, scritch. She pauses, then pats Randoth on the tip of the muzzle again. "Raeche's arm is tired now, dearest."
J'nas shrugs. "It isn't important."
Randoth slowly closes one eyelid and opens it. He croons and whuffles Raeche's hair.
Raeche laughs lightly. "You loveable big lug."
Jenna smirks faintly as the wing is taken out of R'tran's sails for a moment, and then calls to Rey, "Don't belly flop either, it'll sting."
R'tran nodnods slowly to R'yat, still glancing at Makai from the corner of his eye. "Yah...don't look....or you'll land on your belly. Just nice and smooth. And point your hands."
R'yat takes another deep breath and without looking at his obvious supporters, he bends his body and dives. Well tries to at least, as the young man falls and finishes his course screaming and wiggling his legs. *PLOUF*
Raeche crosses her arms briefly, peering over at the divers. She smiles a bit, then wraps a towel around herself and stoops to gather her clothing. "Back to the Records," she announces, waving as she moves toward the exit.
R'tran smacks his forehead and grimaces, squatting on the ledge and calling to R'yat. "Augh! Lad! What happened? did you look at the water?"
Jenna slips away quietly. Perhaps not to be caught sniggering at R'tran and Rey.