Star Stones
Jenna and Lu end up on a picnic to the star stones. And watch for Ember's date!
Jenna - Thursday, March 07, 2002, 2:36 PM
Your location's current time: 15:35 on day 21, month 6, Turn 39, of the Tenth Pass. It is a summer afternoon.
Fort LC> L'nan quirks his lips and nods to Zak. "Later then, eh?" And he makes a teasing bow towards Ember. "Madame," he intones back to her, winking before setting into his meatroll. He glances at P'ter curiously, trying not to appear curious.
Fort LC> Ember splashes juice out of her mug at the mention of the name, and doesn't lift her eyes. "Sir?"
You head into the Living Caverns.
Fort Weyr Living Cavern(#199RJa$)
Approaching half the size of the Hatching Grounds, this cavern echoes with voices
during the day, and the soft patter of feet during the night. Dozens of tables
are spaced throughout, each with open space around to provide small amounts
of privacy for the discussions carried on at each. The night hearth, with a
cluster of pots of stew and klah, is situated near the large entrance to the
Bowl. Several other hearths are spaced around the huge chamber, lending light
and some heat to the room.
Broad marble steps to the southwest lead up to the impressive Fort Weyr kitchen.
To the east, a short flight of stairs leads to the hallway to the inner caverns.
A stout door to the north has a healer's emblem on it, marking the Infirmary.
To the south is a wide tunnel, leading out of the weyr, and a wide opening to
the west leads to the weyr bowl.
Meg and Peg
Fort Weyr Firelizard Perch
P'ter blinks at Ember's reaction, "You okay?" he asks, "Didn't mean to make you jump."
Ember puts down the pitcher, quickly grabbing a rag to mop up her mess. Then she does turn her eyes to P'ter, "I am well, thank you. Yourself?"
Jenna comes out of the caverns, hair still damp from a recent bath and with a towel slung about her neck. She is apparently still trying to get water out of her ears, for she's jumping up and down, head tilted over to the right and with the towel pressed to her ear. In all, it's a rather amusing picture.
P'ter nods, "Me? I'm fine, just on my way out, but wanted to ask you, if you see Reyat, can you tell him that I gave Zalkin some marks?" He smiles, "Just in case Reyat ... distrusts anything at all. You know, big brother stuff."
L'nan is still trying his best not to appear interested in other folks' affairs, and as usual doing an awful job at it - his eyes dart from P'ter to Ember, and back and forth. That is, until Jenna-spectacle comes in. Then he's grossly curious about that, and stuffing his face as he watches her hopping in fascination.
Zalkin furtiously blushes in front of everybody -- well at least it's his feeling, one could tell. He helplessly looks around, trying to hide his head in his shoulders.
Ember glances blandly between Zak and P'ter, the rag forgotten in her hand. "Yes, sir. I will. I have not been seeing him of late, tho." She frowns slightly, then, "Sir, will Zak not be able to tell his brother himself?"
P'ter grins at Zalkin, ignoring, for the moment, the lad's feelings. Then he watches Jenna for a moment, smiling at the image presented. "You won't get your brain out your ear that way Jenna, try harder."
P'ter nods, "Sure he will, I just .. well, I don't know. Doesn't matter then, I'm sure it'll sort itself out."
Jenna catches sight of the blushing, and it's that which draws her attention. "Zak? You look awfully guilty. What'd you do?" The words are cheerful enough, if a trifle loudly spoken, thanks to the water in her ears. She gives P'ter a questioning look, evidently thinking he's talking about the water as she complains lightly, "I've drained and I've drains, but it just won't come out."
L'nan decides it's his turn to chime in, and does so. "Zak, don't worry about it. When I was your age.. shells, my mum would accuse me if I had a neat rock in my hand, and try to find out which girl I stole it from even though there were lots've them on the ground." He winks to the boy, then decides to stand up and mimic Jenna. "Try hopping on one leg," he suggests. "That always works for me." He does this, and turns in a full circle to catch everyone's eyes as he slaps at his head.
Zalkin is obviously trying to shrink, without much success though. "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" he blinks twice, looking totally stunned. Did he -shout- that? Uh oh...
Ember nods slowly, wiping at the non-existant spill a few more times, "Yes, sir. If I do see him, I will tell him."
P'ter just smiles at Jenna, not bothering to explain his words. "Ah well, I have to be off." He gives Ember a concerned look, "Sorry I made you jump." He watches L'nan for a moment, then leaves, shaking his head and muttering about Weyrseconds
P'ter heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.
P'ter has left.
Jenna blinks at her young pupil. "Well, you don't have to shout." She gives the boy a puzzled look, and then peers at L'nan, still rubbing at her ear. She looks to Ember and asks, "Do you know what either of them are going on about? Or is it just all the boys in the weyr deciding to act odd?"
L'nan abruptly pauses, one hand on his head, one leg bent behind him, and precariously balanced. "Eh? I thought you had water in your ear," he mutters, adding, "And you say boys act weird? Huh." And with this he goes to take a seat by Zalkin. "Course ya didn't. And that's why P'ter told Ember, so Reyat wouldn't think you did."
Ember looks to the pair of males, finally tossing the rag back into its bin and lifting her mug of juice, "They are all acting decidedly off-balance, yes. One even asked me to dinner tonight. Can you imagine?" She's shaking her head as she makes her way to a chair, setting the slate at the middle of the table.
Zalkin sulkily crosses his arms, but he can't help smiling eventually, sticking his tongue out at Ember.
Jenna gives another absent shake to her head, looking a trifle frustrated. "Sounds like you all are talking through a tunnel. -- Well, what's wrong with having dinner with somebody? I mean, you have to eat, right?" She makes her way over to L'nan and Zak, "I thought you were doing some sort of new dance, Lu. So what were you all red and blushy about then, Zak?"
L'nan observes all of this, taking especial interest in Zak's tongue-sticking-out. "Aaah, Zak! Askin' the ladies out already? Yeah!" He gives the boy a gentle slap on the shoulder, then turns to peer at Ember. "You sayin' you didn't /want/ to be asked to dinner?" He repeats to himself, as if taking note, "Don't ask Ember to dinner... don't ask Ember to dinner..." although he winks at her. Jenna just gets an eyeroll for the time being.
Zalkin turns to Jenna, his look vague and half sticking his tongue as he searches in his pocket again. THen he shows the runner a coin. A mark. "P'ter gave me three of 'em," he whispers. Then the dinner stuff registers and the boy looks suspiciously at Ember, slyly grinning all at once.
Ember looks from the wink back to Jenna, and softly drawls with a hint of an accent, "New dance? I saw L'nan doing that same exact dance in the bowl, t'other night. I thought all this time it was a mating dance of a sort." Her brow rises slightly, grin twitching at the corner of her lips.
Ismael comes up the steps from the Inner Caverns.
Ismael has arrived.
Jenna gives a low whistle at Zak, rather blatantly ignoring Ember's implication. Finally, she just gives up and folds the towel, putting it and her damp head down on the table ear first. And from this decidedly odd position she attempts to keep up with the conversation. "You're rich, then, Zak. I think the most I've ever had at once was two marks, and that was from betting on races." Then she says to L'nan sagely, "No, I think she's saying she doesn't eat." She wrinkles her nose lightly at Ember. "So did you say yes or not, Ember?"
Ismael sneaks in, discreet, as usual.
Zalkin quickly tucks the coin back in his pocket, looking at Ember as well, frowning a little. He looks definitely better now and his usual grin is back.
Ember furrows again, glancing between Jenna and the Weyrsecond, "Of course I eat. I just was never asked specifically to eat with someone. Unless you count Rainy. Which I do not." She turns back to her slate before answering softly, "But yes, Nyckave is a very nice companion, and I did tell him so, when I accepted his offer."
L'nan snorts. "Mating dance? Now how exactly would you mate..." And he stops, thoughtful. "That makes about much sense as trying to mate adragonback," he mutters, shaking his head. Then, he peers at Ember. "Yeah, did you accept his offer, or what?" he asks, turning to Zak a questioning look. He happens to spot Ismael and wiggles his finger towards him.
Ismael goes take a seat somewhere around where people are talking, though not within arm reach of them. Let's call that a security perimeter of sorts, one that still allows him to listen to what's going on, in case it might interest him in some way.
Zalkin blinks as he looks at L'nan, then at his fingers. A second later, the boy lightens and follows the bluerider gaze, then spots Ismael as well, who gets a little wave.
The water must've just given in Jenna's ear, for she suddenly gives into a spate of coughing just after L'nan's words. She lifs her head from its awkward position, managing, "*Finally*!" Her eyes are a trifle teary - must've been some bunch of water stuck in there. She peers to Ember. "Nyckave, huh? Well, he seems a nice enough sort." Ismael gets a bit of a grin and a wave as well.
Ismael is thus spotted. It doesn't seem to enchant him, truth be told. Still, after shaking a strange, reluctant expression off his face, he waves back to L'nan and Zalkin, just to be polite, you know. Maybe he's just shy. Or new here. Or both.
L'nan turns to snicker at Jenna's exclamations, then faces Ember. "Oh, Nyck! Yeah, he's a good fellow," he agrees. "So he asked you t'dinner, eh? Aaah, well, Zak," he says to Zalkin. "Maybe if it doesn't work out between Ember and Nyck you could try?" he teases, chuckling. "So what're you gonna do with your marks?"
Zalkin blushes faintly and mutter something about Ember and Reyat, though nothing actually significant. "Dunno. The weyrleader asked me the same question already..."
Ember is sipping her juice, but pauses to nod her agreement, "Nice enough. Unreliable. But they all seem to be, after all." She's waving to Ismael, but Zak is the one who gets her eyes for that moment before she laughs at L'nan's teasing. "There is nothing to work out."
Jenna pokes at L'nan, just on general principle. Then she asks, "It's Ismael, isn't it? We met the other day, right? Have you met Zak yet? Or L'nan, or Ember?" She looks back to Zalkin, "Were you just mumbling, or do I have water in the other ear too?" She flips her head experimentally over to the left side now.
L'nan snaps his fingers at Ember's words, grinning. He's having quite some fun with this, can anyone tell? He turns back to peer at Ismael. "Hey, there.. I'd heard Norri had knotted someone, and her description fit you.. you must be-" And here Jenna states his name and he pokes her back. "Right. Ismael. I'm L'nan, blue Alirath's rider and a Weyrsecond here at Fort," he adds. "You settling in all right?"
Zalkin is still looking at Ismael while he's leaning toward Jenna. He mutters to Jenna, "... never..." He keeps staring at the newcomer though, grinning friendly. Yep, potential new friend there, definitely.
You sense Zalkin is still looking at Ismael while he's leaning toward Jenna. "Well, never mind it's nothing." He keeps staring at the newcomer though, grinning friendly. Yep, potential new friend there, definitely.
Ember shakes her head gently, curls swaying, and listens to L'nan, offering after a pause, "Ember, one of the assistant stewards."
Ismael waves to Ember as well, displaying a diplomatical smile of sorts. Too many people for him here. But then, he has to learn, and faces the adversity bravely. He does sit back, stern, as L'nan seems to recognize him, but just gets up and takes a slight bow when named by the bluerider. "I am Ismael indeed. Nice to meet you, L'nan. Hello, hmm, Jenna? Right? No, I've not met Zak yet." Way too many people, but he doesn't flinch, and stands as tall as his ten Turns on this world will allow him.
Jenna gives a mock swipe at L'nan's hand and then gives Zalkin a skeptical look but doesn't press the point. She'll run it out of him later. She straightens her head back to level cautiously, and then breathes out a relieved sigh when there is evidently no sloshing of water. She gives Ismael a grin and says, "Jenna, right. Well, that's everyone in one fell swoop, I think. Settling in all right still, Ismael?"
Zalkin giggles at Jenna and suddenly straightens as a loud "ZAK!" comes from the inner caverns. "Oh right, what have I done -again- today?" he mumbles searily, hopping off his chair and waving around. "See you all!" he adds, darting.
Zalkin walks down the eastern stairs to the Inner Caverns.
Zalkin has left.
Ismael moistens his lips, sitting back in a tensed movement. "Yes, Jenna, thanks. Thank you too, L'nan, Weyrsecond, sir." He pauses, then adds, a bit hesitantly, as if confessing a misbehavior, "I still have a bit of a hard time finding my way around, though."
L'nan chuckles at Ismael and waves away the bow. "Well met, Ismael. How're you settling in, everything all right?" he repeats after Jenna. He grins over at Ember and adds, "Say, I don't suppose assistant stewards are good for seein' if there's more meatrolls comin'?" he asks, hopefully. He waves after Zak, grinning.
Ember laughs softly, not even glancing up from making marks on her slate for that one. "Well, sir, we do have effective - and often lovely - eyes. And seeing as how it is nearly time for dinner, I also say without hesitation that more 'rolls will be appearing at any moment."
Jenna snorts softly at L'nan, but doesn't start in on her usual lecture about eating more greens. "Well, finding your way about will come in time. Fort's a big place. It took me forever to get used to it at first." She glances over to Ember, "What are we having for dinner tonight anyway, do you know, Ember?"
L'nan agrees with Jenna, "Yeah, it's huge, Ismael. It took me a few sevenday to figure it all out, and even then I'd get lost sometimes," he admits with a grin. He nods to Ember, letting out an overly relieved sigh. "I hope so... I've only had two 'rolls today!" He angles himself to peer at Ember's face. "Eh, you're right! Are pretty eyes a prerequisite?" he asks with a cheerful smirk.
Ismael sketches a wave in the general direction Zalkin went, then nods a faint nod to Jenna. "I'll have to ask for authorization to explore around," he states, carefully, as if to test whether that's actually allowed or not. Though he makes no step in that particular direction right now, even though he's got the Weyrsecond himself at hand. Maybe he heard the bit about those soon-to-appear meatrolls.
Ember gives a wary look toward the kitchen, finally giving her head another shake, "No, I have not been in the kitchen all day." She blinks back in startlement when she turns back around, looking straight into L'nan's eyes. Her hand flies to cover her mouth, "Oh!"
Nyckave comes up the steps from the Inner Caverns.
Nyckave has arrived.
Jenna's brow furrows slightly at L'nan, giving him an odd look. Then she says to Ismael, "Authorization? Chores can't be that heavy already, can they? So that you don't even get a good look round. The hot springs in particular are wonderful. At the cothold where I grew up, if you wanted hot water, you had to boil it yourself."
L'nan, having leaned really close to Ember, snickers. "Scared ya, didn't I... I have that effect on people," he sighs dramatically. "So when're you supposed to go to this special dinner with.. oh hey, Nyckave!" He abruptly leans back in his chair, winking at Ember and waving to Nyckave. Then, overhearing Ismael's words, he snorts. "You can do anything you want, 'cept sneak into folks' rooms or groundlevel weyrs, an' except for gettin' in trouble and even that's allowed somewhat," he adds, grinning at the boy. "So consider your authorization given, t'look around whenever, wherever, eh?"
Nyckave comes in from the inner cavern, "good day." he calls back to the greeting and smiles faintly. "People are sneaking around the weyr?"
Ember flares a lovely crimson color as the compliment registers, and it only grows deeper in tone with the greeting that follows. Grateful thing that she's already turned around before she can see that wink, or all hope would be lost. As it is she just manages an odd sort of wave to Nyckave.
Ismael considers Jenna's answer, head tilted, then L'nan's, an expression of surprise on his face, which he quickly overcomes. "Oh," he says. For a moment he almost looks like he indeed had some prank in planning. "Thank you, sir. I do not know all of the Weyr's rules yet," he then adds as a matter of apology, flicking a quick glance at Nyckave -- Who's sneaking around? Certainly not Ismael. Ismael is nice, he is. Don't kick him out.
Jenna amends L'nan's statement, "Well, not *anything* you want. Use common sense. You go around using the kettles for dying socks or something outlandish like that and Norri'll be right upset." She grins at Ismael, giving a casual nod to Nyckave. "Ismael here was just wondering about exploring around. He one of our newest in the caverns." She gives the bluerider another odd look and says something quietly to him.
L'nan senses "Jenna's tone is bemused, "Seems like everyone's getting invitations but me.""
L'nan grins at Ember's blush and then leaves the poor girl alone. He replies to Nyckave, "Just me, don't worry... jus' spyin' on private dinners and such." He grins, then adds to Ismael, "Right.. what she said," pointing to Jenna. "One've the best ways to learn rules at a place is either to break'm or to ask. I'd suggest..." But he doesn't finish, just trailing off thoughtfully as he sticks his tongue out at Jenna and leans to reply to her under his breath.
Nyckave frowns darkly at Ismael's expression as though he can just smell the pranks up those sleeves. "Mmm..I see," he remarks under his breath and then steps over towards Ember, "Good day Ember." A pause and he looks at L'nan, "Private dinners eh? You going to be a vytol on the wall?"
You sense L'nan half-winks at you. "That's because I thought you knew you're /always/ invited. Not everyone is so lucky. No one else, in fact.. just teasing her, anyway." He adds, eyebrows raised, "Jealous?"
Ismael waves to Nyckave, because he won't be impolite, you know, and nods again to L'nan and Jenna. "I do not intend to break rules, sir," he says warily, his clear child gaze seeking the Weyrsecond's eyes. Maybe that boy, new to Fort and new to Weyr life, just lacks a sense of humor.
Ember nudges Nyck's hand, more mouthing her 'shush' than actually making the sound. She quickly glances over her shoulder at the Weyrsecond before asking the aide softly, "Did you finish your chores, then? It is nearly dinner time."
Jenna says airily, "Ignore Lu, Nyckave. He's never been invited to dinner before. And forgot his manners somewhere along the way to boot." She clearly can't resist teasing the bluerider, "Your face is gonna freeze that way, you know." She tells Ismael kindly, "I'm sure you don't. Zak never does either, but he's somehow always around when they're being shattered." Her tone is amused, and she tilts her head at L'nan, murmuring something quietly back.
L'nan senses "Jenna sniffs, "Maybe. Or maybe you're testing me to see if I will be. I'd bet she's not as flexible as I am. Besides. You've never told me *my* eyes were pretty." Her tone is not even half serious, eyes warm and amused."
Nyckave smiles at Ember and inclines his head, "I finished the chores." he whispers quietly, trying to spare her of any embarassment. He offers a small smile of greeting to the waving Ismael and nods to Jenna for her remark about L'nan but his attention returns to Ember as he smiles again.
Ismael isn't one to fail to spot kindness when it's being aimed his way: he looks at Jenna for a couple of seconds, and then answers with a smile, a real child smile, for a change. "I understand, Jenna. Thank you." His shoulders relax subtly, as if he was lowering his defenses to some extent. Maybe that place, that Weyr, deserves his trust.
Ember tugs, now, on Nyck's hand, and expectantly takes up her mug and her slate, "Were you ready to go, then? I am.." she glances quickly around the cavern before standing, "That is, my stomach keeps growling at me."
Nyckave smiles at Ember, "It's a secret. Come out to the Bowl, I have it all set up. Honestly you'll like it! The food should be warm still."
Jenna smiles gently at Ismael, "You're welcome." She gives a bit of a grin at Ember and Nyckave, "Have a nice time, you two."
Nyckave grins, drawing himself up, "I'll take good care of her."
Ismael gets up, suddenly. He's been idle for, what, half an hour? "Maybe I should go back to work now..." he mutters to himself, a bit too loud, though from the way he slowly gets up and then actively avoids the others' gazes, it could be a question of sorts. Maybe he can lazy around a bit more?
Ember pauses to place her mug quietly into the bin of dirty dishes. When she turns back to see Nyck posing like that, an odd little smile flickers over her features. "Thank you, Jenna. Have a good as well, L'nan..Ismael." Her hand reaches for Nyck's, then to lead him out to the bowl. "Will the stars be out tonight, do you think?"
Jenna waves a hand to Ismael. "It's nearly dinnertime. I wouldn't worry overmuch. There's always more work for tomorrow," she announces in a rather chipper tone.
Nyckave takes Ember's hand, offering his arm as well, "I think so. If not maybe I can convince a dragon to fan the clouds away just for you." With that boast he leads Ember towards the bowl, nodding his goodbye to those he's leaving behind.
Ember is definitely seen to be smiling as she links through the arm, her skirts swaying gently as she exits, "A very large dragon that would be. Or very fast."
Nyckave heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.
Nyckave has left.
Ember heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.
Ember has left.
Ismael nods, slowly. Smiles, slowly too. Now that he's been authorized to stay here doing nothing, he can easily make himself look hard-working: "Thank you, Jenna. I want to earn my food. I'll go check on my runnerbeasts and be back later for dinner if I can." He waves to people, a bit less shyly, and then promptly strides out, quickly out, quickly gone. He's smiling. That place deserves his trust.
Ismael heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.
Ismael has left.
L'nan, having been distracted by a rider coming in to deliver some hidenotes and news to him, finally turns back to survey the relatively quiet caverns. "Where'd everyone go?" he asks Jenna, miffed. Then, he snorts, "I doubt /any/one is as flexible as you, Jen.. and I never told you your eyes were pretty becuase all of you is so pretty, see?" He's trying, really hard. "And I didn't want you to think that I didn't think everything about you was pretty, so I just didn't say one thing was more beautiful than another." He beams.
Jenna bursts out laughing. "That's the most convoluted backhanded compliment I think I've ever gotten, Lu."
L'nan grins happily at Jenna. "Thank you. I do try... hey, where'd Ismael go? He seemed nice, although a little nervous. Where's he from, anyhow?"
Jenna chuckles. "Back to work. From a small cothold near Benden I think?" She pauses, her brow furrowing, "Or was that... ah... what's-her-name. Named after a dragon, she said. Lara? Something like that. I met Ismael when Dani and I were talking about upcoming assignments."
L'nan ohs quietly. "Huh.. I'd like to get him and Zak together to play or something. They're around the same age, kinda. How's he doin', anyhow, with the runs and all?"
Jenna grins. "He's great. He really is. Seems to be getting over his fear of the Weyrleader too. You knew he impressed a lizard from one of the clutches Hal sired, didn't you? A green. I think his big brother was about to fillet me for it, but." She shrugs slightly.
"Well, it'll teach him..." And here L'nan pauses. "Well, it'll teach him something, anyhow. He really looks to be gettin' in shape and to be having fun." He smiles softly at Jenna. "It's nice of you to take him in an' teach'm."
Jenna says honestly, "I enjoy it. I adore him and Jeny both. I genuinely *like* kids. I'm just in no hurry to have 'em be my own. Besides, being a runner'd be a good occupation later on when the pass ends. Assuming he doesn't turn out to look like a smith when he hits puberty or something. He'll be just a wee bit younger than we are now, then. Loads of possibilities."
L'nan nods, grinning. "Well, it's fun to hear them talk about the things they do," he agrees. "And Zak? Well, y'never know. He might grow up to be a big, strapping man like me." He straightens and beats his fists lightly on his chest. "See? Big. Strapping." He grins widely at Jenna.
Jenna giggles and pokes at that chest. "Uh huh. I see. Big. Strapping. Just like Norse. Absolutely massive." Her tone is amused. She fiddles with her towel for a moment, smoothing out the rough nap. "Next thing you'll be carrying me off or something."
L'nan snorts. "I'm bigger. And more strappinger." He smirks and adds, "You're trying to trick me, aren't you... you /want/ me to carry you off somewhere, don't you!" He makes a move as if to stand and walk away, but of course just ends up standing and looking at her with a goofy grin.
Jenna sniffs. "Certainly not." Her chin lifts and she attempts to look proper. "Only bronzers do that. Not respectable blueriders like yourself."
"That's right! Respectable!" L'nan grins, leans down, and pokes Jenna in the shoulder. "See?" Then, in a sudden change of pace, he plops back down into his seat. "So've you seen Rodric lately? I haven't gotten to talk to him much lately..."
Jenna nods slightly, "Before Jinieth went up. Right after Zak's egg hatched. I took one of the others down to him." She ducks her head, slightly embarassed, "I thought if there was anyone on Pern who really *needed* one of the creatures to ferry messages and such, it was him. And he'd never put himself forward at a hatching, you know. So I gave him one of the last in Trace's clutch that Terri dropped off from Igen. It was a green," she reports, her tone rather satisfied. "So now he'll even have eggs eventually, to hand out to the masters and all, assuming he manages to find the nest when she mates."
L'nan nods through the whole explanation, and smiles at the end of it. "What good luck," he murmurs. "That was sweet of you to give him one of the clutch.. and nice of Terrilia to let you, too." He sighs, leaning back in his chair. "You should tell'm to come visit. Whenever I go there, people are talking to him and I don't want to interrupt."
Jenna chuckles. "She said she didn't want 'em anywhere near and had run out of folks at Igen who wanted 'em. Too many lizards as it is. I didn't know Hal'd caught her *green* too, as well as her gold. No wonder he was looking so smug and pleased with himself." She sighs a bit, "Well, he's working hard. Seems like every time I go down to the Hall, he's wrapped up in something or another. I can't believe he didn't come up for a quick visit to tell P'ter congratulations again, but maybe he did and I just missed him."
L'nan tilts his head. "I'm sure he did, in fact... I think I remember him coming by," he muses. "Yeah, I'm next to positive he did. You must've been out on a run or somethin'." He shrugs, then rubs his eyes lightly. "We'll have to go make him take a day off sometime, eh?"
Jenna nods and says softly, "I'd like that. I'd imagine he would too." She tilts her head. "Not getting sleepy on me before dinner, are you?" She pauses and suggests, "We could get some stuff - including meatrolls -" her tone is amused, "And go up to the star stones to eat. Watch the sunset. That sort of thing?"
L'nan raises his eyebrows. "Hey, lass, I had to get up early for dawn sweeps, and been doin' work all day. Well," he amends sheepishly. "Not all day, but lots of hidework and such." Which doesn't answer her first question. At her suggestion, though, he smiles and nods. "I'd like that...especially if you didn't nag me about eating a bowl and a half of veggies."
Jenna nods and counters with, "Half a bowl then." She grins. "Want me to pack something up real quick then?"
L'nan grins. "Fine, fine... sure. I'll, uh, wait here," he offers. "You know. Guard the table, an' all." Big. Strapping.
Jenna chuckles softly and unfolds from her seat, disappearing into the kitchens. She comes back a few minutes later with a carry sack and a skin. "Ready? The table didn't get away on you, did it?"
Just as Jenna comes back, L'nan makes a show of growling at a passing rider who gets too close to the table. The rider of course just salutes and walks off, rolling his eyes, and L'nan beams at Jenna. "Brave. Grr." He stands and nods though. "Alirath's even awake, too," he adds, heading bowl-wards.
Jenna nods. "Good. You carry the food then." She swings the carrysack in his direction, grinning, even as she shoulders the skin.
L'nan catches the sack and makes a face. "You always make me carry the heavy stuff," he teases, before stepping outside.
L'nan heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.
L'nan has left.
You head outside to the bowl.
Center of the Fort Weyr Bowl(#200RJ$)
The Bowl of Fort Weyr, a large, featureless plain surrounded by steep mountain
cliffs, stretches out around you. It is approximately oval in shape, about 2700
meters along the long axis running southwest to northeast, and about half that
distance across the short axis. You stand in its approximate center. The soil
of the bowl is somewhat sandy.
To the northwest is the large cavern used for the Weyrling barracks. To the
west is the fenced off area where the Weyr's herds are kept, and the lake shore
is to the southwest. To the northeast can be seen the ledges for the junior
queens and the weyrleaders. The large entrance to the Hatching Grounds can also
be seen to the northeast and to the east are the Lower Caverns.
L'nan climbs up Alirath's forelimb and finds a secure spot on his neck.
L'nan has left.
Atop Alirath, L'nan attaches the carrysack to a strap, and then holds his hand down to help Jenna. "C'mon!"
Jenna laughs as she follows L'nan out. "You're the one going on about how Big and Strapping you are. Hey, Alirath." She seems rather delighted to see him, and then takes a bit of a running step to get up to L'nan's hand to be hauled into place.
Alirath's deep blue hide is warm and soft beneath you as you settle between
two ridges on his shoulders.
You climb up with the help of Alirath's forelimb, securing yourself onto the
ridges of his neck.
From the area around, Alirath warbles as everyone clambers on, then turns his head to peer at them. "No, we're /not/ trying that tonight," L'nan mutters to him. "Up, lump!" And Alirath obliges, waggling his rear in the traditional three sways before launching into the air.
You launch into the air.
Above the Center of Fort Weyr Bowl
Perhaps some forty feet below you is the center of the Fort Weyr bowl. From
here you can see, and be seen by, those below, and if you strain you can see
from one end of the bowl to the other. The winds here swirl a bit but aren't
too disturbing, just a bit cold. All around you on the cliffs you can see various
weyrs and occasional glints from the dragons who hunt at the feeding grounds
or sun themselves at the lake.
From this perspective, you can see the Weyrleaders' Complex, Junior Queens'
and Hatching Grounds to the northeast, the feeding grounds and lake to the southwest,
and below you is the entrance to the large Living Caverns and the large area
in front of the Weyrling Barracks. Off to the east are the famous Star Stones.
There are many ledges to 'weyrs' scattered throughout the walls of the cliffs
You land on the ledge near the Star Stones.
Star Stones
This is one of the highest peaks of the entire Fort Range. To the north of here
are two vertical rock outcroppings. On the left is the Finger Rock and off to
the right is its companion, the Eye Rock. Together, they perform three major
functions. These are the first landmarks weyrlings memorize when they learn
to fly *between*. And more importantly, when Rukbat balances on Finger Rock
at dawn, it marks the winter solstice. If at this time the Red Star is bracketed
by the Eye Rock, a Pass is due to begin.
Downwards to the west is the volcanic expanse of Fort Weyr. Individual weyrs
pockmark the inside of the cone, and dragons are constantly flying in and out,
popping in and out of *between* a few dragonlengths away. The Fort Range stretches
as far as you can see to the north and south.
From the area around, Alirath lands with a *whump* and a cheerful croon. L'nan unties the carrysack and clambers down. "Want me to take the skin?" he offers once he's on the ground.
L'nan unstraps himself from Alirath's neck and slides down his forelimb to
the ground.
L'nan has left.
Jenna giggles softly, giving a neckridge a pat before leaning way out to lower the skin to L'nan. "If you would? -- You're going to get your rider in trouble, you know." The last comment seems to be directed at the blue, as she swings a leg over and gets ready to slide down.
From the area around, L'nan grabs the skin and then sets up the 'stuff' by a large boulder, a good one to lean against and look out over the cliff. He turns and watches for Jenna to slide down, looking ready to catch should she stumble.
You unstrap yourself from Alirath's neck and slide down to the ground.
Star Stones
This is one of the highest peaks of the entire Fort Range. To the north of here
are two vertical rock outcroppings. On the left is the Finger Rock and off to
the right is its companion, the Eye Rock. Together, they perform three major
functions. These are the first landmarks weyrlings memorize when they learn
to fly *between*. And more importantly, when Rukbat balances on Finger Rock
at dawn, it marks the winter solstice. If at this time the Red Star is bracketed
by the Eye Rock, a Pass is due to begin.
Downwards to the west is the volcanic expanse of Fort Weyr. Individual weyrs
pockmark the inside of the cone, and dragons are constantly flying in and out,
popping in and out of *between* a few dragonlengths away. The Fort Range stretches
as far as you can see to the north and south.
Jenna bounces lightly, and then chuckles at the rider's care. "What? I'm suddenly going to break now?" Her tone is light and teasing. Then she sighs, shading her eyes and looking out over the mountains. "I really do love it up here." A small pause and she asks, "So. Hungry? I brought lots of food."
L'nan nods, smiling at Jenna. "Starved," he admits. "But I just wanted to-" And he leans forward and gives her a kiss on the lips, just a soft one, before turning around and kneeling to peek inside the carry sack. "Lessee... what'd you bring..."
Jenna beams rather giddily and crouches to help unload dinner. "There's meatrolls, and some of that dried yellowtail stuff that the cooks've been trying to get rid of from Fort Sea's tithe. Crackers. Some of that soft cheese the Hold sends up. Only a *few* vegitables - fingerroots mostly. They had some tubers that were still warm, so I wrapped 'em in napkins. And a bit of roast wherry too. Pity it's not hot. Should've nipped some from the kitchens earlier when it was."
Reaching a hand out to nab one of the meatrolls, L'nan grins. "You expecting to feed a group of weyrlings up here, or what?" he teases. He actually grabs a fingerroot as well, then leans back against the rock.
Jenna snickers and shoots right back, "Well, sometimes you eat like a whole wing of 'em." She goes for the cheese and crackers, a bit of a luxury for her, considering, and settles back next to him. "Pity there wasn't any fruit, but the redfruits were getting kinda wrinkly. I can't wait until Boll's stuff comes into season."
L'nan sticks out his tongue at her, then takes a big bite of meatroll as if to prove her wrong...right. Whatever. "Yeah, that'll be nice, having some fresh stuff," he agrees, mouth full. He swallows, then adds, "What'd you bring to drink?"
Jenna grins a bit. "A full half-skin of that new stuff Master Baleera was working on a few months back. Just don't ask me how I got it. I don't have a run tomorrow, so I can afford a little drink or two."
L'nan eyes Jenna, then shakes his head. "You shoulda told me, I'd've helped pay for it." He shrugs though, and takes a sip of it. He blinks and gasps a little. "This is /really/ good.. a bit strong, but good."
Jenna laughs and suggests archly, "You can make it up to me later." She nods in agreement with the 'good' assessment, though, and reaches for a tuber, unwrapping it and starting to pick at it. "So what've you got to do tomorrow?"
L'nan sighs. "Sweeps again, an' got to organize the hides for our wings, and stuff. You? Any interesting runs comin' up?"
Jenna shakes her head. "Just local stuff. Down and back. My baby brother's here visiting, did I tell you? He just got his belt from da'. Wants to learn the local traces and mountain ones to Peyton."
L'nan grins. "What do you mean.. got his belt?" he asks, rummaging around in the sack for a tuber. "Mmm, still warm," he murmurs.
Jenna swallows, "Well, when a runner get 'tapped' you might say, they get their belt. The stitches in it show what traces they know and where they've served, that sort of thing. Shows they're ready for full duty. I can't believe I've never told you that. Others have their knots, we have our belts. So Mer's a new runner. Made it a tad earlier than I did, but da' was always harder on me as the only girl, I think."
L'nan listens intently, surprise evident on his face. "No, you never have... so how exactly do you 'earn' one? I mean.. just by running, or by doing so many, or.. what?"
Jenna warms to her subject. This could easily take all night. "Well, when I served at Igen for a month, learning the traces in the upper area there, I got certified, I guess you could call it, by the station master there. Generally, what happens is the senior station master in the area takes you for a run. If you do it at his pace, and without falling out, and your gear is inspected all right, you get your stitching. My da's got a Crossing stitched into his. But can't do that in a Pass. So I've got to wait. He did his when he was sixteen turns, right before the Pass started." She falls silent. Breathing room at least, and looks out over the mountains again.
L'nan leans back, chewing quietly and listening. Once in awhile he nods, too. When she's done, he murmurs, "But you're going to try for that stitching, eh?" He nods to himself, then glances down at her pants. "Can I see your belt? How many stitchings do you have?"
Jenna blinks at L'nan. "Oh, I don't wear it unless I'm going out on the trace. It's, well, it's not like a belt to hold up your trous and all." She pauses and then says, "I've got all of Fort area - Ruatha, The main Halls and Hold, Fort Sea, Boll, Peyton, Gar. And then upper Igen - Balan, Campbell's Field down to South Telgar and the Weyr. And then Nerat tip - half circle, Nerat and the farm hall. Not much, but I've got enough turns before the pass ends.
L'nan whistles. "Not much? You're wherry," he laughs. "That's more than I'd ever be able to do..." He grins, having stuffed himself. "I s'pose we should get back down to where folks'll feel comfy coming up and complaining to me," he grimaces.
Jenna wrinkles her nose. "Could I stay up here a bit? Would you and Alirath mind coming back to get me? I could use the peace and quiet."
L'nan nods, brushing some crumbs off his tunic. He leans over to kiss her lightly on the cheek. "Thanks for suggesting this," he murmurs softly. "And you bet your stitchings we'll be back to get you. Though, we might not let you go home..." And here he stands, grinning, and run-jump-clambers onto Alirath.
L'nan climbs up Alirath's forelimb and finds a secure spot on his neck.
L'nan has left.
Jenna beams. Apparently, that was the idea.
Atop Alirath, L'nan gives a wave before Alirath waggles his rear and leaps
into the air.
Alirath leaps off the ledge and spreads his wings, rising above the center of
the bowl.
Alirath has left.