The Problem with T'asu
T'asu comes for a visit from Igen, flirts outrageously, and J'nas has a surprising reaction.
Jenna - Wednesday, June 05, 2002, 7:48 AM
Your location's current time: 8:47 on day 16, month 7, Turn 40, of the Tenth Pass. It is a summer morning.
Dragon> Niyath senses that Saneth's question is a sudden patter. << Has yours? >>
Niyath> Saneth senses that Niyath asks curiously, << Has mine what?
You step out through the cavern's arch into the open space of the bowl.
Fort Weyr Bowl, by the weyrling barracks
The Bowl of Fort Weyr, a large, nearly featureless plain surrounded by steep
mountain cliffs, stretches out before you. It is vaguely oval in shape, long
from the southwest to the northeast; you are standing near the wall northwest
of its center. To the west is a cavern, carved into the cliffside, where newly-Impressed
dragonriders live with their young dragons before they have been fully trained.
When they join a regular fighting Wing, the young riders are ready to inhabit
weyrs of their own.
To the south is the fenced off area where the Weyr's herds are kept. Along the
north rim of the bowl, to the east of here, are the junior queens and weyrleaders
weyrs, and the entrance to the Hatching ground. The center of the bowl, off
which is the entrance to the large living caverns, stretches out to the southeast.
F'niah's oiling Saneth out in the bowl, the little blue bellyflopped and loving it.
Dragon> Tenkanoth and Niyath sense that Saneth continues, his comments 'slipping', << The... thing. >> He images a pair of people, faces smooshed together. << He is trying not to think of it, but he thinks about it /all/ the time. >> And a silly subject it is, too.
Jenna comes out of the barracks, lugging flamethrower with her. Her cheeks are pink with a mild sunburn, which can also be seen through the cut off sleeves she wears. Niyath follows, bits of her gleaming with oil.
Niyath> Tenkanoth and Saneth sense that Niyath snorts. Not while *she's* around. << No. And she will not. >> Ever. At least if she has anything to say about it.
Dragon> Niyath and Saneth sense that Tenkanoth doesn't think of it as silly. Just... << -He- does it now and then. It does not sound very particular. Cyameth and I can do that too <image of a blue and a green rubbins nuzzles> and it is just funny. >>
F'niah is oiling. Firmly. Oil, oil, oil. See him oil. Scrubby scrub. He does look over at gilded movement and drop Jenna (or is it Niyath?) a terse nod. But then it's back to dipping and rubbing, catching the glistening drops before they slide from Saneth's hide.
Dragon> Saneth bespoke Tenkanoth and Niyath with << Whoops! Well /I/ think it is a good idea. I think he should do it now. ...Or soon. After I am oiled. >>
J'nas steps out of the Weyrling barracks.
J'nas has arrived.
Hanreth steps out of the Weyrling barracks.
Hanreth has arrived.
Dragon> Tenkanoth bespoke Niyath and Saneth with << With who? Me? >>
Saneth's sprawled out on the bowl, being oiled by Sef.
Jenna doesn't respond to F'niah, instead moving off to clean her flamethrower. Niyath, mindful of her oiled patches, stretches out to enjoy the sun. It has become her favorite activity when not playing 'Let's Pretend." Her rider does, however, look up and offer a quiet, "Morning," to J'nas, rubbing at her sunburned nose.
Dragon> Tenkanoth and Niyath sense that Saneth considers the image of Sef mooshing faces with Tenkanoth doubtfully. << I do not think so. Niyath? Would your *Jenna* smash faces with him? ..Or there is Hanreth and *J'nas*! Maybe he would smash faces. >>
J'nas steps out of the barracks with pail in hand, looking a little bleary eyed. He looks around the bowl and up at the sky. "Morning everyone." He points to a spot near the wall, "Let's go over there, Hanreth. It'll keep us out of the way."
Niyath> Tenkanoth, Hanreth, and Saneth sense that Niyath widens her band to include the brown, << Fine. Pick Tenkanoth's rider. Or Hanreth's. >> Just not hers. << It is a silly thing to think about anyway. They eat with those mouths. >> There is a vague feeling of needing a bath.
Dragon> Hanreth bespoke Tenkanoth, Niyath, and Saneth with << << Pick my rider for what? >> >>
Dragon> Tenkanoth, Niyath, and Hanreth sense that Saneth chimes in with a gleeful flurry of 'raindrops', << Face smashing! >>
F'niah drops a rag into his oil bucket with a soft *splosh* and looks up. "Morning, J'nas, Hanreth. Out of the way for what?" There's only the pair of them in the bowl, right?
Dragon> Niyath, Hanreth, and Saneth sense that Tenkanoth sounds amused. << -He- would smash face with your rider, surely! >>
J'nas gestures toward the entrance to the barracks. "I don't want to block the doorway," he says emotionlessly.
Jenna starts swabbing the wand assembly with cleaner, scrubbing at the inside with a thin bristled brush. She looks up at J'nas' tone, eyes narrowing faintly, and then goes back to what she's doing. Niyath watches Hanreth and Saneth, tailtip twitching almost as an afterthought.
Dragon> Tenkanoth, Niyath, and Saneth sense that Hanreth grows curious, << Who else is smashing faces with my J'nas? >>
Niyath> Tenkanoth, Hanreth, and Saneth sense that Niyath sounds satisfied. << See? There you go, Saneth. Tenkanoth's rider volunteered. >> At least, to her way of thinking. << Saneth's rider wants to do that with someone, Hanreth. Your rider or Tenkanoth's rider. >> Anyone. Just not her rider.
F'niah looks toward the doorway, in case several more people are about to pile out of it. Seeing no-one he shrugs and stoops to hoist Saneth's bucket again. "Oh. What'cha doing?" Bucket is carried perhaps six feet toward Saneth's tail before he drops it again, and resumes oiling.
Dragon> Niyath, Hanreth, and Saneth sense that Tenkanoth is now totally amused, her mindvoice greener than usual. << If I ask -him- to come down -he- will smash face with Saneth's rider, or maybe Hanreth's too! >>
J'nas rolls the sleeves up on his shirt and begins to judiciously slather oil over Hanreth's hide. His eyes totally unfocus as he concentrates on the 'brown-ness' of his lifemate.
Dragon> Tenkanoth, Niyath, and Hanreth sense that Saneth would dance with glee, were he not too comfortable. << Will you ask him now, Tenkanoth? And Hanreth, *J'nas* can be first. Niyath, who do you want *Jenna* to smash faces with? *K'fen*? He must be good at face-smashing. >>
Dragon> Niyath, Hanreth, and Saneth sense that Tenkanoth warbles happily. << I might ask -him- now. But -he- will not smash faces with Niyanth's, unless she does it. -He- seldom does that with... >> There she's obviously looking for a way to represent the concept of 'women'...
Niyath> Tenkanoth, Hanreth, and Saneth sense that Niyath's tone brooks no arguement. << My Jenna will smash faces with no one. >> Of this she is sure.
Dragon> Tenkanoth, Niyath, and Saneth sense that Hanreth seems to think that is a 'bad' idea. << Face smashing seems to get J'nas into trouble. >>
Dragon> Tenkanoth, Niyath, and Hanreth sense that Saneth retorts stoutly, << Not if Tenkanoth thinks it is a good idea. Tenkanoth? Is face smashing a good idea? >>
Hanreth peers at Niyath, a /very/ small hint of yellow in his otherwise green eyes.
Dragon> Niyath, Hanreth, and Saneth sense that Tenkanoth is positive: << Only if you do not get in trouble afterwards! >> Nice of her to warn, eh?
Niyath's tail gives a sharp crack, underscoring her point. She gives Saneth a bit of a glare - or is it aimed at his rider? Hanreth's observation draws a decidedly prim and yet smug cant to her head. She then promptly closes her eyes, shamming sleep. It gets her out of a conversation at least. Jenna clears her throat lightly, working on cleaning that flamethrower, wiping down the assembly of cleaner.
Dragon> Tenkanoth, Niyath, and Hanreth sense that Saneth is stubbornness itself. << Will *J'nas* smashing faces with *K'fen* get *J'nas* into trouble? >>
Dragons don't talk of such things, no sir. J'nas continues in his mindless oiling of Hanreth, working the oil into the dragon's shoulder. He begins humming to himself, apparently oblivious to his surroundings.
Dragon> Tenkanoth bespoke Niyath, Hanreth, and Saneth with << Not with -him- he will no tget in trouble. Maybe a human friend of J'nas can get him in trouble? >>
F'niah seems equally oblivious to the dragon's conversation, else he wouldn't be so blithely wiping oil over Saneth's side. He glances over his shoulder once at the others, but seems content to let the stilted silence continue.
Dragon> Saneth bespoke Tenkanoth, Niyath, and Hanreth with << We should find someone for *Jenna* to smash faces with. *Leah*? *Valry*? Niyath, who does she want to smash faces with? >>
Dragon> Tenkanoth, Niyath, and Saneth sense that Hanreth speaks as if has found a hidden truth, << I now know why Niyath will not let Jenna smash faces with other people. >> He leaves his statement hanging in silence.
See Jenna. See Jenna scrub. Scrub, Jenna, scrub! That flamethrower tank is going to be sparkly clean by the time she's done with it. Niyath's tail twitches irritably, though she doesn't open her eyes.
Niyath> Tenkanoth, Hanreth, and Saneth sense that Niyath is trying to ignore the others and so not succeeding. Hanreth's words, however, sting, and she can't help asking, << Why is that, Hanreth? >>
Dragon> Saneth bespoke Tenkanoth, Niyath, and Hanreth with << Why is that? >> Irrepressible, he is. << Is it because she will only let her smash faces with dragons? >>
Dragon> Tenkanoth, Niyath, and Saneth sense that Hanreth speaks in factual tones, << Face smashing with one person makes other people upset. >>
Hanreth looks challengingly at Niyath after his statement.
Dragon> Niyath, Hanreth, and Saneth sense that Tenkanoth obviously disagrees with Hanreth. << That is not always true! >>
Niyath is sleeeeeeping. Really. Ignore the twitching tail. Eyes are kept firmly shut. Jenna finally says quietly, firmly, "Niyath, stop it. Enough is enough."
Dragon> Saneth bespoke Tenkanoth, Niyath, and Hanreth with << Then F'niah should not smash faces with *J'nas* because it will make *K'fen* upset? I do not understand. >>
J'nas glances out the corner of his eye at Jenna. His gaze returns to Hanreth as he jabs the brown in the side. "Are you bothering Niyath again?"
Dragon> Hanreth bespoke Tenkanoth, Niyath, and Saneth with << J'nas prefers that I do not speak of it. >>
Dragon> Niyath, Hanreth, and Saneth sense that Tenkanoth amusedly croons. << -He- will not be upset by face-smashing anyway. Even if J'nas smashes faces with F'niah. >>
Dragon> Tenkanoth, Niyath, and Hanreth sense that Saneth turns to Tenkanoth and Niyath. << Do you understand? Niyath, should *J'nas* smash faces with *K'fen*, or with F'niah? >> Watch him flounder! << Or *Leah*? >>
J'nas peers around Hanreth's brown bulk to stare hard at Saneth. "Sef, would you mind stopping his line of questioning? Hanreth won't be silent about it now."
Niyath> Tenkanoth, Hanreth, and Saneth sense that Niyath apparently has no opinion on the subject, for she does not respond. Finally she says, << Hanreth's rider is perfectly capable of finding his own people to do /that/ with. He does not nee my assistance. >> She may not understand, but she's not about to admit it.
Jenna shakes her head. "Niyath's bothering them, I think." She sounds a trifle uncertain and then says politely, "F'niah, if you must go off and kiss someone, or, Faranth's teeth, get them into furs, please go ahead so Saneth will stop obsessing about it?"
"Huh?" Never let it be said that F'niah's not on the ball. In fact, he doesn't even know that there /is/ a ball. Not now. He turns to stare at J'nas. "/What/ line of..." only to have Jenna's question smack him broadside. "/What/?? I'm no'... wha'... /huh/?" And this, ladies and germs, is where the massive blush overtakes him.
Brown dragon and rider alike stare at the poor bluerider. J'nas can't help but smile at the lad. "Maybe you should pay a little more attention to Saneth's conversations."
Tenkanoth lets out a little warble, curiously peering at the dragons and weyrlings, still comfortably sprawled on the ground.
Niyath's eyes remain closed, though that tail is twitching madly. Jenna shrugs, and says mildly, "You're cleared for it. And they did suggest getting it out of the way, so to speak. J'nas already has." Maybe she's just out to embarass all the male riders at this point. "And I know Myria and K'par already have. And perhaps that will set Saneth's mind at ease and he'll stop picking out likely people for you." And everyone else around you.
Dragon> Tenkanoth, Niyath, and Hanreth sense that Saneth burbles on, << Of course he does. I think F'niah should smash faces with Taisoth's *Zephyr*. I bet she would taste like oil smells. >>
Trophe rouses from her nest with a little start, emitting a querulous chirrup drenched with sleep to her fine green friend.
F'niah straightens indignantly, though the pose is spoiled by his curious observation of the brownrider. "I will /not/ just... J'nas, you did? You didn't take, um, K'fen up on his... you know, did you?"
Niyath> Tenkanoth, Hanreth, and Saneth sense that Niyath is getting a trifle surly, << Then have him get on with it, Saneth. >>
This must be J'nas' sevenday for blushing, because he's doing so now. "I did not take K'fen up on his offer. Or P'ter. Let's just leave it at that." He returns to Hanreth's oiling, his face getting redder by the moment.
Jenna goes back to cleaning quietly. The more she stays out of this conversation, the better.
Dragon> Saneth bespoke Tenkanoth, Niyath, and Hanreth with << With...? He does not want to smash faces with /anyone/, he says. And certainly not your *Jenna*. >>
Dragon> Niyath, Hanreth, and Saneth sense that Tenkanoth is surely taking care of her rider's scoreboard. << Shall I call -him- then? >> Greens!
Dragon> Tenkanoth, Niyath, and Saneth sense that Hanreth speaks factually, << Your boy /should/ smash faces with someone. It will be good for him. >>
F'niah and J'nas' day to blush, you mean. "It's /no/body's business who I... Fine. I don't want to talk about it." And he whirls back to reclaim his dropped oil rag and attack Saneth's hide.
Niyath> Tenkanoth, Hanreth, and Saneth sense that Niyath goes right over into surly and downright unpleasant. This is spoiling her sunning. << You just /said/ that was all he thought about, Saneth! Thinking about it isn't doing it. Just have him do it and get it over with so I can get back to my nap. Take an example from Hanreth's rider or Tenkanoth's rider. They obviously like to do that. >>
Jenna frowns, eyes sliding to Niyath. Evidently she was in on that one. She says lowly, "And it's none of your business either."
Dragon> Tenkanoth, Niyath, and Hanreth sense that Saneth is oddly unaffected by either Sef's tantrum or Niyath's. << He does not wish to smash faces with *J'nas*, and you have already said that your *Jenna* will not either. That leaves no one. Maybe you /should/ let her smash faces, Niyath. Then she would not be grumpy either. >>
Dragon> Niyath, Hanreth, and Saneth sense that Tenkanoth snorts.
Niyath> Tenkanoth, Hanreth, and Saneth sense that Niyath points out, << Not no one. Tenkanoth's rider. Why don't you ask him, Tenkanoth? He would do that and much more, and your rider would stop worrying, Saneth. >> Grumpy? Her? No, really. Though she didn't suggest Hanreth's rider again at least.
J'nas is stradling Hanreth's neck as he oils between the brown's wings. The silence from him is nearly palpable.
F'niah leaves off oiling, collecting the bits with a stony face. "Come on, Saneth, let's go flying." See? /He/ knows how to distract his lifemate!
Dragon> Niyath, Hanreth, and Saneth sense that Tenkanoth is clearly sulking now. Of cuorse -she- is trying to help, find nice humans to smash faces but they don't care. Fiiiiiine! She'll sulk for... Oh, say, a good minute. Then... Oh well you know how quickly dragons forget things!
Jenna frowns. She doesn't say a word.
Saneth would leap to his feet, but that'd be ungainly. Of course, he does it anyway. He dances in place, barely able to keep his excitement down to a dull roar as Sef disappears into the barracks. His boy, his perfect wonderful suggested-flying boy! returns a moment later, wrestling with straps.
F'niah climbs up and settles himself comfortably on Saneth's neck. His affectionate caress is greeted with a quiet rumbling from the tiny blue.
Above the center of the bowl, Saneth rises into the air from near the Weyrling Barracks.
J'nas watches as the blue dragon and his lifemate soar off. He visibly relaxes as he continues working the oil into Hanreth.
Jenna finally says, "What?" Evidently she didn't catch the relaxing, though a quick glance confirms it, and she winces, clearly regretting opening her mouth.
J'nas jerks his head up to look at Jenna. "What? I didn't say anything, did I?"
Jenna shakes her head, rather than risk saying anything else. There is a long pause, her expression uncertain. Then, she shakes her head once more and goes back to fitting her tank back together.
J'nas watches Jenna work as he continues his duties with Hanreth. After a long moment, he finally blurts, "I did something that's been bothering you. What is wrong?"
Jenna's head jerks up and she shakes it vigorously, "No you didn't."
J'nas snorts, "Fine. I didn't do anything, but something /is/ bothering you. I'm your friend, aren't I?"
Jenna sounds surprised, "Of course you are." She darts a look at Niyath and says simply, "She's just overprotective is all."
J'nas nods slowly, "Is that what's been bothering you the past few days?" His eyes linger over the queen's face.
Jenna is silent for a few minutes and then shrugs. "Mostly. That and wondering why it's just such a big deal all the sudden." Of course, she doesn't have a curious dragon pushing her. "I mean, it's been two turns, and suddenly, everybody's talking about it and whispering and..."
J'nas stops oiling and sits cross-legged on Hanreth's back. He is silent while he tries to come up with the right words. "For the younger holdbred weyrlings, its a formerly taboo subject that they are free to ah, experiment with. For others, it's probably a release."
High above the bowl, Ahazeth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!
High above the bowl, Ahazeth spirals down lower into the bowl.
Above the center of the bowl, Ahazeth spirals down towards the Center of the
bowl, and backwings to a landing.
Jenna shrugs. "It's just not such a big deal is all. I wish everyone'd stop treating it like it was."
T'asu comes along the wall from the east.
T'asu has arrived.
Ahazeth comes along the wall from the east.
Ahazeth has arrived.
T'asu walks towards the weyrling barracks, looking around with his hands stuffed deep in his pockets. Ahazeth bounds behind him and checks around rocks and things, warbling with glee. Go figure... Typical of Ahazeth. He was, after all, hatched here.
"You have to remember how old most of them are," J'nas reminds Jenna. He salutes T'asu from Hanreth's back. "Fort's duties to Igen and her queens."
T'asu mms and looks over at the weyrlings and smiles politely. "And Igen's duties to fort and her queens, primarilly the newest one." He bows respectfully to Jenna.
Tenkanoth croons happily at Ahazeth from her sprawling spot.
Niyath is stretched out in the sun, eyes closed, parts of her gleaming with oil. She *seems* to be asleep, but her tail keeps twitching and giving her away. Jenna looks up from her flamethrower cleaning, and rises as well to salute the bronzer. "Fort's duties, and thank you. How're your eggs? Getting close to rocking?"
Ahazeth waddles over and snuggles against Tenkanoth, warbling happily to the green that he's so missed. T'asu grins at his dragon and then looks at Jenna, "Oh yes. Very hard. The candidates are very anxious to get down on those sands, though I can't imagine why. It's so confoundedly hot down there!"
J'nas slides down from his perch to greet the bronzerider properly. "I'm J'nas, rider to Hanreth here. This is Jenna and Niyath."
Jenna glances at J'nas, though seems just as glad to leave behind the conversation they were having. "Well met - We've both got friends standing. And my little brother, Merrin. Terri searched him. He's been behaving, hasn't he?"
T'asu mms and looks thoughtful, "Merrin... Merrin, sounds so familiar. He might have been the one that ended up getting stables for a sevenday due to some attempted prank." He shrugs, "At least, I think it was him. Well met J'nas." He grins at Jenna, "Oh I know Jenna, but I doubt she remembers much of me."
Jenna's brow furrows a bit at the Igen rider, and then clears in a smile. "T'asu? You got tan!" She laughs, wiping her hands on the back of her shorts. "I almost didn't recognize you, though I should've with that hair of yours. How are you? And Ahazeth? - And Merrin better not've gotten in trouble. I /told/ him no pranking."
J'nas looks on with curiosity, seeing that the two apparently know each other from the past.
T'asu holds his hands out to the side and grins broadly. "I know. I burnt really bad for about two turns, but it seems to have finally stuck to tan." He blushes a little and then looks over at Ahazeth, "He's...fine. Full of himself, as always. And as for Merrin, I can't help it. He'll learn, eventually." He grins over at J'nas, "I saw your impression by the way. Very handsome dragon."
Jenna laughs. "The wee bit I was there leaning the traces I turned brown as a nut. My nose kept getting burnt." She touches it selfconsciously - it's already pink and freckled. "And as for my baby brother, when you go back, tell him I said you could thrash him if he steps out of line again. That ought to make him behave, at least till the eggs start cracking." The smile is turned on J'nas and Hanreth, "Isn't he though? I swear, when he cracked shell, I was *so* hoping he'd come to me. Niyath had other plans - wake up dear, and meet T'asu and Ahazeth?" Niyath cracks open an eye almost immediately, perhaps waiting for the excuse.
Niyath> Ahazeth and Hanreth sense that Niyath sounds curious, though polite, as she asks Ahazeth, << You are from the hot place? >> An image of heat baked sands and desert sunsets accompanies the words. << My Jenna likes that place. >>
Dragon> Ahazeth bespoke Niyath with << I am. I love it there. Pretty scenery, and pretty dragons. But here is nice too. >>
Dragon> Hanreth bespoke Ahazeth and Niyath with << << Your rider has been there? I would like to see where my J'nas hatched. >> >>
Niyath> Ahazeth and Hanreth sense that Niyath confirms, << She has. Cyameth's rider is a friend. And she enjoyed being with - >> And here the image is a bit vaguer, a shadowy picture of K'tel. << She says it is very beautiful, but very harsh there for a runner. But she does not run any more, now that she has me. >> The last is a rather proud note.
Dragon> Niyath and Hanreth sense that Ahazeth seems confused. << Runners are good to eat? >>
Niyath> Ahazeth and Hanreth sense that Niyath asks curiously, << Are they? I like the ones that moo. >> A pause and then, << Oh! Human runners. Like my Jenna's - 'baby brother'. Not the kind to eat - do they really taste nice? >> She doesn't quite understand the relationship, though she does grasp the difference between a Runner and a runner.
Dragon> Niyath and Hanreth sense that Ahazeth is still confused. << I don't know, now. I've never eaten your rider before... >>
Niyath's head snaps up, and she eyes Ahazeth with a bit of suspicion. Jenna starts laughing. "No, Niyath, he's not going to eat me, don't be silly. So what brings you to Fort, T'asu? Other than meeting J'nas and me." She glances at the brownrider, quite visably at ease. "Here to see K'fen?"
T'asu blinks owlishly at Ahazeth and then Niyath, obviously being kept out of the conversation. He frowns and mutters something under his breath before grinning at Jenna, "Oh, I just wanted to see how all the weyrlings were growing. I mean, it won't be long before we're plagued with our own." He blanches at the mention of K'fen. He clears his throat and smooths down invisible ruffles in his shirt, "No..."
Niyath> Ahazeth and Hanreth sense that Niyath makes it more clear: an image of Jenna, running through a mountain pass. << Runner. >> Another image of the four-legged variety, this one a nice roan color with a black mane and tail. << runner. One you eat. One you most definately do not. >> She tries to sound knowledgable about the whole thing.
J'nas eyes T'asu with a hint of amusement. "So you know K'fen, too?"
T'asu blushes at J'nas and doesn't answer the question. Ahazeth croooons with enlightenment and warbles apologetically to Niyath. T'asu rolls his eyes as he gets in on the conversation and says, "I only eat when asked to, for your information."
Dragon> Ahazeth and Niyath sense that Hanreth is grossed out. << Runners are not tasty. I caught a wild one in hills. >>
Jenna grins at J'nas. "After that last lecture he gave, I'm beginning to think that *everyone* knows K'fen. In more ways than one." She blinks a bit at T'asu and clears her throat. "Uh, yes. Well, he's around somewhere. You're welcome to wait. How's Terri and everyone over at Igen?"
Niyath> I bespoke Ahazeth and Hanreth with << No, Hanreth? >> She weighs the opinions of the two, and suggests, << Maybe wild ones are tougher? I may have to- >> She breaks off, and then says, with a bright curl of amusement, << Oh. My Jenna says that I should not eat runners. Either kind. >> >>
T'asu mms, "Everyone is fine. Anxious for the new hatching to come about. A good omen. Especially what with only 10 turns of thread left."
Dragon> Ahazeth bespoke Niyath and Hanreth with << My rider confuses me. Too many words have different meanings. >>
Jenna nods. "Hard to believe sometimes, isn't it?" She looks from one to the other of the maleriders. "It didn't hit me until, oh, Niyath was about a month old. Then again," she darts a look at J'nas and says, "A lot of things didn't hit me about hatching day until later."
T'asu quirks one eyebrow and starts to tease, "Somebody's got a crush on J'naaaaaas."
J'nas gives Jenna a perplexed looks. Older or not, T'asu gets a hard stare from the brownrider. "There are no crushes here, thankyouverymuch." He turns his back on the two to return to his oiling duty.
T'asu uh huhs. "Right." He rolls his eyes and shakes his head, "Weyrlings. You know, I used to be just like you when I was a kid. But I grew up. Now, I know better."
Dragon> Hanreth bespoke Niyath with << Why does your girl want to crush J'nas? >>
Jenna's mouth opens and then shuts again. Anything else said on the subject likely won't be for the best. "So what've you been up to recently, T'asu? Any new fun and interesting gossip?"
Dragon> Niyath senses that Niyath sounds surprised, << She does not! She was thinking about something your J'nas said. *I* do not remember it, but he made her notice that I am a queen. As if she didn't know that. >>
T'asu pulls out his beltknife and starts to pick at his nails. He sits on Ahazeth's foreleg while the bronze affectionately nuzzles Tenkanoth. "Oh, nothing really. Have my eye on a few candidates, doncha know... Hope they won't impress. That'll ruin my chances." He shrugs and then says, "Laynard's disappeared, which leaves Junni single again. My chances are becoming increased as far as that goes. K'fen still has more notches on his bed post than I... But," He shrugs and leaves it hanging. "Other than that, nothing really comes to mind. But I did have Terrilia blushing yesterday."
Jenna just shakes her head a bit, her expression wry. "Poor Junni," she says, teasing. "Didn't her gold just go up? And wasn't it D'zel's Xannarth that won? - And what'd you do to Terri?"
T'asu shakes his head, "I don't know who caught her. Didn't much care. I was here at the time, unfortunately." He shrugs innocently and says, "I have no idea. Hooonest!"
Niyath> Hanreth senses that Niyath considers. << Jenna says to please pass along to your rider that Ahazeth's rider means well. He's just, well, a bronzerider. >> That she considers this a statement of the obvious is plain.
Jenna uh huhs, measuring J'nas and his preoccupation with Hanreth's oiling. She says mildly to T'asu, "So long as I'm still far down on that list you keep talking about, T'asu. You and your notches."
J'nas locks eyes with Hanreth a moment and looks over his shoulder at Jenna. He offers a half-smile before turning back to his dragon.
T'asu wiggles his eyebrows at Jenna, "Oh no, my dear. You're on a far different list all together. You're a genuine interest of mine." He gives her a somewhat reassuring smile, though it could be seen as wicked. He looks over at J'nas and smiles, "So... having fun over there, Weyrling?"
J'nas' head snaps back around. "Anything involving Hanreth is fun, sir. He insists on it."
Jenna snorts. "I'll believe that when I see it, lightwing." Her teasing is goodnatured. "I've not changed so much since you've been gone. Still all gangly and thin for a proper girl, so I've been repeatedly told." She folds her arms, leaning against Niyath and chimes in, "Definately true, J'nas. He's taught her not to be *quite* so serious all the time."
T'asu mms and smiles at J'nas, "Good, good. So it should be! I always have fun with Ahazeth." He grins at Jenna and leans against Ahazeth's neck, lounging in forearea of the bronze. "You'll get your chance to see it, but until you've graduated. I don't want to put you at any risk of trouble or anything. Wouldn't be fair to you."
J'nas halts in his oiling to regard both T'asu and Jenna. He leans against Hanreth and watches with a blank face.
Jenna smirks a bit at T'asu. "Very considerate of you. Not to mention intelligent." She says lightly to J'nas, "Remind me to ask the Weyrwoman about self defense. Or, do you think Kate'd teach me how to shoot a crossbow?"
T'asu chuckles and holds one hand out to the side, "Why on Pern would you need to know self-defense. If you ask any woman whom I've been interested in, she's had but to say no for me to stop my physical advances, Jenna. I'm actually very respectful of others physical space."
Jenna teases lightly, "I wouldn't shoot anything important, T'asu." A pause, and then she admits playfully, "Well, I wouldn't intend on it, but I hear aiming with those things is tricky." Then she laughs. "Try explaining that one to Niyath - on second thought, don't. I don't want another screaming headache this morning."
Dakota walks over from the center of the bowl.
Dakota has arrived.
Makai walks over from the center of the bowl.
Makai has arrived.
T'asu frowns and tilts his head to one side, "Screaming headache?"
Dakota strides at a fairly brisk pace, a mug of steaming klah in one hand and a pastry in the other. Makai trails behind her somewhere.
Makai saunters lazily after Dakota with similar items in his hands, sipping from his mug with a bemused look on his face. "Good morning," he calls to them.
Jenna is leaning against Niyath, apparently bantering goodnaturedly with T'asu. She gives a cheerful, "Morning," to Dakota and Makai, before nodding to T'asu. "There are some things that Niyath still doesn't like to discuss. My 'personal space' as you so delicately put it, it one of them." Blue eyes flicker to J'nas for a long moment, before Niyath lowers her head protectively over her rider, eyeing T'asu and Ahazeth suspiciously.
Dragon> Ahazeth bespoke Niyath with << be as suspicious as you like, but I'm bigger than you, so bleh >>
Ahazeth looks smug.
T'asu mms and nods, "You'll get used to it. Sometimes your lifemate needs to be socialized. Ahazeth didn't understand for the longest time why private thoughts were private. He used to tell everyone what I was thinking, but he eventually learned.
J'nas waves absently to Makai and Dakota from his position against Hanreth. His eyes look weary as he watches T'asu and Jenna.
Dakota smiles pleasantly at the riders and weyrlings that are out this morning. "G'morning." she greets, glancing with some curiosity at the protective looking Gold.
Dragon> Ahazeth bespoke Niyath and Hanreth with << It's not my fault that he forgot to tell me that the fact that he finds silk undergarmets more comfortable was a private thought... >>
Niyath rather pointedly stretches out, eyeing Ahazeth. She snorts faintly. Jenna gives a little shrug at J'nas, and then nods to T'asu, "I've been told she'll grow out of it. - How're you two this morning, Dakota? Makai? And have you met T'asu yet? From Igen?" Change of subject anyone?
Niyath> I bespoke Ahazeth and Hanreth with << Being comfortable is important. >>
T'asu mms and waves to the two who are joining the group. He grins back at Jenna, watching her with sparkling eyes. "Igen's duties."
Niyath> Ahazeth senses that Niyath says mildly, << That is because I had not stretched out. Silly bronze. >>
Dakota shakes her head, smiling brightly at T'asu as he is introduced. "No I havn't. But then I'm still meeting people from Fort." she jokes. "Well Met T'asu." she adds to Jenna's question. "And I'm fine this morning. Got up early to help with breakfast then got to go back to sleep for a while after that."
Niyath> Hanreth senses that Niyath observes quietly, << Your rider is very quiet. >>
Dragon> Niyath senses that Hanreth is concerned. << I do not know what is wrong. He has closed himself to me. >>
Jenna nods to Dakota, "Settling in okay though? Have you learned your way around mostly by now?"
Dakota's head nods once. "Oh yes." she says quickly to Jenna. "Learning my way around easily enough. I met someone else who is working in the kitchens sometimes and she showed me around a lot. Really helped out a lot. Everyone here is very nice."
J'nas smiles at Dakota, "There are a lot of people here who are more than willing to help out. Have you been helping with the meals lately?"
Niyath> Hanreth senses that Niyath considers and is silent for a moment. Then she relays, << Is he disturbed by Ahazeth's rider? She says he was always like this. >>
Makai grins and nods. "This lovely pasty I'm biting into is Dakota's handywork," he says munching happily.
Jenna grins at Dakota, "You haven't met J'cob yet then, I take it." She eyes T'asu for a moment and says mildly, "What? You're thinking something, I can tell. You always got that gleam in your eyes that made Norri wring her hands."
Dragon> Niyath senses that Hanreth thinks back, << He has been...>> Sensations of proddiness? Brooding? << Since the day in that dark room by the sea. >>
Niyath> Hanreth senses that Niyath is concerned at that. << Is he ill? >>
Dakota smiles back to J'nas. "I have been a little. Helped with the breakfast this morning. But mostly I've been helping cleaning in the kitchen." her head shakes towards Jenna. "J'cob? No, I don't think I've met him."
Dakota takes a bite out of her own pastry, washing it down with a gulp of the quickly cooling klah.
J'nas nods slowly. "So you're enjoying things here at Fort, Dakota?
Dragon> Hanreth bespoke Niyath with << I think so. No. I don't know what it is. I have never felt this before. >>
Dakota waits until her mouth is completely empty of food before answering. "Oh yes sir, enjoying things very much. I've managed to watch a few weyrling lessons as well. Those are very fun to watch."
Makai grins. "J'nas, she called you sir!" he says with a sparkling smile. His amber eyes radiate mirth as he chucklse lightly.
J'nas blinks. Sir? "You don't need to call me sir. Just call me J'nas, I don't hold any kind of rank."
Jenna's eyes glaze for a moment, and then she looks at J'nas, frowning slightly. Then she says absently, "J'cob's got more layers to him than an onion. And his socks smell about as bad. Greenrider - older. His daughter's Senior at Igen, as a matter of fact."
Dakota shrugs a little, grinning lopsidedly. "Sorry, J'nas. Mom always taught me to call everyone sir or ma'am, 'specially if I don't know 'em." she glances back to Jenna, a curious expression. "He's not nice then?"
Niyath> Hanreth senses that Niyath is clearly concerned, << What is wrong with him? If he is ill he should see the healerwoman. >> An image of Sarin is flashed. << What does it feel like? Perhaps I can help. >>
Jenna mms. "Well, he can be nice. He can also be worse than the worst old uncle. Managed to get the Baker Craftmaster after him with a frying pan once that I saw. Course, he was proddy at the time, so..."
Makai smiles and turns to J'nas. "So how have you been doing lately," he asks. "I've been so busy with the runners this season that I haven't been able to talk much with anyone..." his eyes dance with amber-rbonze swirls and a blush rises to the bridge of his nose and face. He giggles. "Emerald keeps me busy too...wherever she is..." he says lookng around for the little Green.
J'nas pats Hanreth, "I've been busy with training, Makai. We should be flying *between* soon. How are the runnerbeasts doing?"
Dakota grins at Jenna. "I'm sure I'll meet him soon enough." the last of her pastry disappears into her mouth and she licks each of her fingers clean.
Jenna nods to J'nas, "So we should be able to go to the hatching - at least, I *hope* we're cleared to go to Igen by then." She grins at Dakota, "He'll likely come after one of those pastries of yours. They do look good."
Makai grins. "Well, one of the mares from the Beastcraft hall gave birth
last night," he says rubbing his eyes with a laugh. "Twins male and
female, qaulity stock," he chuckles. "I get a bit of a rest today
until after lunch," he says yawning slightly.
J'nas raises an eyebrow at Makai's comment. "Twins? Isn't that rare in runners?"
Niyath watches Hanreth and J'nas, tail still for the moment, though her gaze is rather intent on her clutchsibling.
Dakota grins. "Thanks, my dad taught me the secret in make an excellent pastry every time." she perks up slightly. "Hatching? Who's having a hatching soon?"
Jenna supplies, "Igen is. J'nas and I know some of the candidates. If Niyath and I can go, we'd be happy to give people rides." She darts a look up to Niyath, who isn't even remotely playing attention.
Makai nods. "Aye, thats why I'm so exhausted. We weren't expecting it at all, and it took us by surprise. Its not likely the male will survive though, its so much smaller than his sister...." he wipes his forehead. "Very uncommon. But the breed mare the Beastcraft Hall sent us IS of fine quality stock...." he smiles slightly. "Well, I'm not too worried about it any rate. The mare goes back to Beastcraft once the foals are weaned.."
Niyath> Hanreth senses that Niyath isn't entirely patient and asks again, << Well? What does it feel like? >>
Dragon> Niyath senses that Hanreth emits a sensation of nervous nausea. A rise of temperature. A shortness of breath. << That is what he feels. Does that mean anything to you? >>
Niyath> Hanreth senses that Niyath says promptly, << Yes. He is ill. He should see the healerwoman at once. >>
Hanreth pratically jumps to his feet. He butts J'nas in the back with his head and croons imploringly. J'nas spins to face his lifemate, "What has gotten into you?"
Dakota glances towards Niyath and grins. "I would love a ride. I've seen one hatching before but I was like 10 so I would love to watch another hatching." she looks curiously towards Hanreth and J'nas.
Niyath shifts as well, stretching out her neck to croon at J'nas. Jenna blinks up at her mate and then asks, "Are you feeling all right, J'nas? You don't /look/ that ill. Do you have a fever?" She comes forward, hand out, apparently to check his forehead, and spurred on by her mate. "I imagine we'll have conveyance duties. Niyath's big enough she can carry a pretty good group."
J'nas tries to push Hanreth away and duck Jenna at the same time. "I'm fine! I don't know what they're thinking!"
Jenna says doubtfully, "Maybe you should see Sarin, J'nas." She desists the attempts to check his fever for herself, brow furrowed slightly in worry. Niyath croons quietly, lowering her head to whuffle at Hanreth. She darts a look at Dakota and Makai.
Niyath> I bespoke Hanreth with << Why does he not want to feel better? The healerwoman will give him something that will taste nasty and make him feel better. >>
Makai notes Niyath's look. He watches slightly concerned at Jenna tries to gauge J'nas' health.
Dakota drains the klah, still looking curiously between the dragons and their riders. "Maybe you should see a healer, s..J'nas. Won't hurt much, if you aren't feeling too well. I'm going back to the kitchens, to work on lunch. I can stop by the infirmary and tell 'em you might be coming in." she offers.
"I'm not sick!" J'nas declares again, glaring at Hanreth. "Will it make everyone feel better if I go to the infirmary?"
Makai nods. "Yes."
Dakota shrugs and says simply. "Yeah." she darts a quick grin to J'nas and with a wave turns to walk across the bowl.
Dragon> Niyath senses that Hanreth states surely, << I will make him go. >>
Dakota begins the half-mile trip southeast, towards the center of the bowl.
Dakota has left.
Niyath croons pleadingly at J'nas before Jenna can say anything. She frowns faintly, though offers, "I could walk you. Maybe it's too much sun over the last few days?"
J'nas smiles weakly at Niyath and then Jenna. "Alright. I'll go to the infirmary. Maybe I /have/ had too much sun."
Makai stretches. "I'd better head back to the stable and see how those foals are doing," he says with a foolish. grin. "See you later," he says and saunters back towards the stables.
Makai begins the half-mile trip southeast, towards the center of the bowl.
Makai has left.
Jenna nods, apparently deciding to walk him there whether he really wants the
company or not.