Master Baleera's New Brew

The Winecraft Master debutes new brews at Fort and a drinking contest, as well as a 'pairs' contest, ensues! Many thanks to Redus, who ended up emitting me after I had to leave.

Jenna - Tuesday, January 15, 2002, 3:44 PM

You head into the Living Caverns.
Fort Weyr Living Cavern(#199RJa$)
Approaching half the size of the Hatching Grounds, this cavern echoes with voices during the day, and the soft patter of feet during the night. Dozens of tables are spaced throughout, each with open space around to provide small amounts of privacy for the discussions carried on at each. The night hearth, with a cluster of pots of stew and klah, is situated near the large entrance to the Bowl. Several other hearths are spaced around the huge chamber, lending light and some heat to the room.
Broad marble steps to the southwest lead up to the impressive Fort Weyr kitchen. To the east, a short flight of stairs leads to the hallway to the inner caverns. A stout door to the north has a healer's emblem on it, marking the Infirmary. To the south is a wide tunnel, leading out of the weyr, and a wide opening to the west leads to the weyr bowl.
Drink Table
A menu
Meg and Peg
Fort Weyr Firelizard Perch

Lyse stands inside the doorway and looks around, grinning.

Leah moves quickly over to Baleera and smiles, "Craftmaster! Believe me, we're very honored that you came back to introduce this particular brew. I'm very excited for you as well! A promotion like that is not to be taken lightly." She just goes on and on with an excited bounce.

Jenna comes up from the caverns, sabently smoothing out the folds of her dress. Dress? Well, someone's certainly dressing up for tonight's festivities. A quick glance is cast around, as well as a smile for the unfamiliar faces, and she steers a course towards the bouncing goldrider and the Master, asking with amusement, "So where do I find my partner tonight again?"

Baleera holds up her hands and laughs. "Please, please. Just Master right now. Though that may not be the case forever, I prefer to work my way up the ranks. You there, don't shake the keg! Just set it down. Gently!"

Baleera sighs at Jenna. "I'll handle that. Just mingle a bit until things get fully started, there's a dear now."

Lyse steps away from the doorway and heads towards the centre of the room, looking up into faces and smiling shyly.

Jenna gives a little grin to the craftmaster and nods, turning towards the entering Igen rider and suting words to actions. "Fort's duties to Igen. I *love* the color of your dress. Then again, I'm partial to blue." She laughs, "I'm also Jenna, one of the runners here at Fort."

Leah looks over at the first guest as she arrives, calling out with a waves, "Fort's Duties to Igen and her Queens!" She helps one of the servers by taking a tray of glasses from him and setting them on the table.

Lyse blinks, startled by being addressed but she manages a smile in return. "Igen's duties to Fort. Thank you. I'm not used to wearing something like this though. Yours looks nice too. Oh. I'm Lyse, rider of blue Typhenth." She smiles back at Leah and reddens. "I am not going to make it through this." she mutters.

Baleera nods and smiles as people start arriving, taking only a moment to pat the sheen of perspiration off of her brow. "Perhaps we'd better get in places now, everyone. It's time to begin receiving the guests in just a moment."

Jenna smiles companionably at the bluerider, "Well met then, Lyse. And you'll do fine. It's a party, and everyone likes parties." She flashes an amused look at Leah, "Our Weyrwoman doesn't bite - much! Norse going to make it tonight? Or are he and P'ter out on sweeps, ma'am?"

Leah hhmms at that, shrugging at Jenna with a grin, "I'm sure they're off doing something dutiful. Which leaves us girls here to have fun all on our own, doesn't it?" She winks at Jenna, then says to Lyse, "I only bite when offered something tasty. And N'sales, as we said, is off with P'ter somewhere."

Lyse grins. "So P'ter said though ours does, especially soon the mood she's in." She clenches her fists and relaxes. "Yeah. Parties are fun. So what's going to be happening? I'm not usually let loose on my oen at these things."

Carianna comes up the steps from the Inner Caverns.
Carianna has arrived.

Carianna steps in quietly, though she makes a determined path to the food tables to check on the display and settings.

Redus comes up the steps from the Inner Caverns.
Redus has arrived.

Redus walks in with Carianna, looking around as he goes, but letting her go check on the food as he pauses just inside the entrance.

Jenna nods earnestly to Leah, "Sounds lovely to me, ma'am." Then she chuckles at Lyse, "Well, I don't think we'll actually be let out much on our own, from what rumors I heard about tonight. We'll have to wait and see. So you knew P'ter back at Igen? I was lucky enough to get to know K'tel as well, when I was posted to the Igen area for a month last spring. He's doing well, I hope?"

Baleera turns to smile at Leah once more and then moves to a position where she can greet everyone as they come in, without being in their way. She smiles and nods about the room, her public persona taking over with a calm demeanor in place of the rushing wreck who was just in her body.

Apprentices begin to circulate with trays full of wooden mugs of ale on them, or small dishes of baked goods and finger snacks. One approaches Redus and offers a drink.

Lyse nods. "Yeah. I used to learn dragonhealing under him and I'm in his old wing. He taught me how to stand to attention too. He looked so funny."

Carianna surveys the table then turns with a satisfied nod before dipping a curtsey to the weyrwoman and other present. A quick smile is sent in Redus' direction as she watches him from across the room before turning back to the others. "Bakers duties."

Lyse thinks for a moment. "K'tel? Oh yeah. I don't know him that well though."

Redus smiles at the apprentice as he nods, taking a mug from the tray. A quick scan of the rest of the tray and he selects a small pastry. "Thank you." he says before letting his eyes wander the room.

Baleera spies Carianna and glides over to her. Amazing that a woman of Baleera's girth can glide and glow, but there it is. She smiles at the woman and says "Thank you -so- much for your help. I understand that you were instrumental in helping to assemble the menu for tonight's feast. I couldn't have done it without your help.

A couple of Harpers begin to stroll the cavern with lutes, strumming lively tunes without words for now, but never leaving the air silent.

Jenna grins conspiratorily at Lyse. "I won't tell him you said that." She shifts slightly, catching sight of Carianna in the rapidly filling cavern and nods politely, "And Fort's duties to the Bakers. Everything does look just wonderful. -- We keep bumping into each other, but I don't think we've actually met yet. I'm Jenna, one of the runners here at the weyr. And this is Lyse, blue Typhenth's rider from Igen, if you two've not met either."

Leah smiles and walks up next to Redus, "I'm glad that you've stuck around. Having you and Carianna here has been wonderful. You two are so full of life!" She winks.

Redus finishes the bite of pastry he just had and smiles at the Weyrwoman, bowing his head a bit. "Thank you, ma'am. There'll be part of this visit I'm sure I'll always remember. I'm glad you'd have us."

Carianna blushes lightly as her eyes lower. "It was my pleasure ma'am. I just hope the meal does the ale justice." She offers her hand palm up. "Carianna at your service." Her greeting is hoped to be included to all and another smile is given to Jenna and the bluerider from Igen.

Lyse shakes her head at Jenna and smiles to Carianna. "No, we haven't. Do you know everyone here, Jenna?"

Baleera nods and smiles. "And I'm Baleera, though something tells me I'm the one at a disadvantage here for most of the evening. I can't thank you enough. So tell me, Carianna... do you have someone you'd like to be tied to for the evening? I can arrange things for you, if you wish. It's the least I could do to repay your meal preparations.

Carianna's gaze darts across the room quickly then return to Baleera and she chuckles, "I heard it was a random bonding. I'm prepared to see what the fates have in store for me this evening."

Jenna grins at Lyse and shakes her head, even as she crosses palms with Carianna. "Well met. And to you as well, Master Baleera. -- No, I'm mingling. We runners are pretty good at it, if I do say so myself." Her tone reflects the amusement flickering in her blue eyes. "Never know who you might run into at a distant cothold." She glances around the cavern, pointing out a couple of folk wearing knots from Tillek and the lad with Leah, "As a matter of fact, I haven't met any of them either. Shall we go see who they are?" High spirits seem to be the order of the night.

There is a minor bit of ruckus as one of the apprentices gets jostled by the incoming crowd and drops his tray, sending wooden cups and ale flying. At least Baleera had the foresight of using wood for the general cups, and keeping the glassware up by the drinking tables.

Baleera nods and turns her attention toward Lyse. "WineCraft's duties to Igen and her Queens. Welcome to Fort, Bluerider. I'm afraid I don't yet have the pleasure of your acquaintance."

Lyse nods and smiles, taken up in Jenna's enthusiasm. "Yeah. Never know who you might run into at all." She leans close to Jenna. "And find some cute ones."

Lyse blinks and thinks for a minute that yeah, she's an Igen bluerider so she's being addressed. "Oh. Igen's duties to Winecraft?" she asks, scrunchig up her face as she thinks about what she's saying. "I'm Lyse, Typhenth's."

In unison, several of the wandering Harpers begin to sing a song in slightly rowdy ballad style. The song seems to be about a woman in love with a man who doesn't return her affections. She decides the only way to win his heart is to chain herself to him, but in the darkness she makes a mistake and instead gets chained to one of the drudges, who falls smitten with her and won't let her take the chains off.

Baleera smiles patiently. "Welcome, welcome. It seems that we're about ready to begin the selection of partners.

Redus' eyes avert to the accident with the mugs causing him to grin a bit before he surveys the room again. He spots a dark red with a group of the other ladies and smiles more before sipping the ale he'd taken. He listens to the Master Vintner and starts looking around from his place just inside the door again...almost anxiously.

The kitchen apprentices begin dishing out the food as a Keroon group approach the table and choose between the dishes. One of the apprentices elbow the other as she catches the song and asks, "Ye think we could be as lucky?"

The ballad goes on to describe the trials and tribulations that the woman faces, in trying to get the chains off of her wrist. For everything that she does, the drudge moves to counter her, and in the meantime the focus of her desire is about to get handfasted to a woman from the next Hold. The ruckus that they cause brings ruin to the Hold they are in, until the Lord Holder can stand it no longer, and appeals to the Weyrwoman to solve the dilema.

Jenna laughs to Lyse. "I'll just look, thank you." As the craftmaster starts in, she glances around the living cavern, bouncing a bit on her toes at the ballad. "Where *is* L'nan? I didn't think he had sweeps..." She turns her attention back to the craftmaster, brow furrowing faintly as the song continues. "Ohhhh, this could be interesting."

L'son comes in from the bowl.
L'son has arrived.

K'prin comes in from the bowl.
K'prin has arrived.

Aerilyn comes in from the bowl.
Aerilyn has arrived.

Aerilyn looks a touch chagrin'd at something L'son says to her and murmurs a soft appology as she walks with them.

The song the wandering Harpers are singing tell about how the Weyrwoman is very upset with being disturbed, and so she agrees that she will separate the woman and the mistakenly bound drudge, but only if they will do something so silly that they will be humiliated before the eyes of all who see them. The woman hems and haws, but finally agrees, and the Weyrwoman insists that they wear each other's clothes for a full day and speak as though they were the other.

K'prin enters and surveys the hall, giving a cheerful wave to a few of the Fort riders he's met during his errands here from Igen. He rolls his eyes when he sees Lyse, but gives a cheerful wave all the same.

Redus starts to chuckle at the almost familiar theme of the ballad a s he listens from his place near the entrance to the inner caverns.

The WineCraft Journeyranks begin to step away from their posts momentarily, toting black bags with them and positioning themselves around the Living Cavern.

Carianna chuckles as more guest arrive. With a quick curtsey in greeting she then move to the side of the food table just as an apprentice arrives with the ale cups. A nod is given to the server as she takes one then holds the cup up in a light toast. "To Fort and its warm hospitality."

L'son enters with Aerilyn and K'prin and murmurs something softly to Aerilyn before smiling openly and calling out "Igen Weyr's duties to Fort Weyr and her Queens and than you for the wonderful invitation you have all extended to allow us to come into your home and share in merrymaking." He bows slightly and then squeezes Aerilyn's hand.

The Harpers finish the humorous ballad off, recounting how the woman, in acting like the man, pursued her beloved with ardor and persistence. The man resisted her advances, and ran away. When they were unbound by the Weyrwoman, the woman found to her chagrin that she was now enamored of the man, and he had turned disgusted with her. And so she chases him to this very day, and might well be among the guests here tonight.

Aerilyn's lips curve a smile at L'son's side...the first time she's been openly seen with him. She echos his words more softly, a graceful bow curving her body for a moment before she straightens.

Lyse looks round and beams on seeing someone she knows, giving a wave through the crowd to K'prin, L'son and Aerilyn. "Phew. Now all we need is one more" she says softly.

Baleera gives a healthy 'Here, here!' at Carianna's toast, though her hands are clutching a large black bag, like the other WineCrafters. She waits for a moment after the applause of the Harpers dies down, and calls out into the Cavern with a booming voice, "If you would all please humor me with a moment of your attention, Lords and Ladies, Riders, Crafters, and Residents all."

K'prin looks about. "One more what?"

L'son raises an eyebrow at the call for attention, and he grins, nudging Aerilyn playfully. "Seems perhaps something may be afoot. Shall we get a close look, hon?"

Jenna is still near Lyse, and arches her eyebrows before turning her attention to Baleera.

Baleera says "Thank you. I have here in my hands a bag that contains numbered bits of ribbon. If you wish to continue sampling the wares of WineCraft tonight, you will please be so kind as to find a Journeyman WineCrafter and draw a ribbon from their bag. Take note of the number, for you will have to find the other person in the room who has its mate. To them, you will be bound. Until you are bound to someone, you will not be allowed to drink further from the wine table." She holds up her hands at the groans. "Now now, dears. This is my party, and I make the rules!" Some scattered laughter at that. "Now, be dears and find the black bag nearest you, and pull a ribbon from it, then mingle and find your mate.""

Redus raises his mug to the toast, smiling at the Baker, then the Weyrwoman. He sips then lets his attention get to Baleera to listen.

Aerilyn chuckles softly and grins at L'son. "Maybe we won't be together this evening love.." she murmurs to him.

Leah raises her glass and grins at Carianna, then turns her attention to Baleera with a small, expectant smile on her lips. She laughs at this concept, going to find a Journeyman with the bag.

Jenna gives Lyse a game smile, and heads towards a black bag. "This should prove interesting." She cranes her neck, perhaps peering for a familiar face or two in the crowd.

K'prin grins. "This should be interesting."

K'prin heads over to one of the people holding the black bags and reaches in with one hand, pulling out a green ribbon and looking down at the number inked on the bottom of it.

Lyse puts a finger to her lips and shushes K'prin. "Not saying." She nods to Jenna as she heads for a black bag. "Maybe, maybe not."

Lyse gives a little skip. "But fun I think no matter what."

L'son glances at Aerilyn and chuckles softly. "Aparently so...well, I suppose when in as the Fort people do?" He smiles at Aerilyn and leans to give her a peck on the cheek before making his way to the black bag to take a ribbon.

Aerilyn chuckles and follows L'son, "Indeed dear." she grins at L'son as she follows.

Leah laughs at the Journeyman who's being assaulted for ribbons. Taking one from the bag, she gives him an encouraging smile and turns to walk away. She curiously looks at the bottom of her ribbon to see what the number is."

Redus heads for the nearest black-bag-bearing fellow and, grins as he dips his hand in the bag, drawing out a ribbon. He looks at selection from the side as he sips the ale he holds.

Carianna sips the ale as she listens to the instructions then follows a lad from Tillek to one of the journeymen winecrafters to await her numbered ribbon. As her turn comes she reaches in and pulls out the ribbon then glances at it closely. "That's always been a lucky number for me."

Aerilyn grins as she reaches into one of the black-bags while standing by L'son. She pulls out a ribbon, and looks at the number on it

Jenna pulls out a ribbon and skips nimbly back to avoid a crush of folks pressing around. She looks at the number at the bottom, brow furrowing slightly as she looks around the room.

Lyse reaches into the bag and pulls out a ribbon, peeking at the number. "So how do we find out who we've got?" she asks of noone in particular.

Aerilyn's eyes search those nearby to see if anyone has the same number as she does.

Baleera says "Now, the clever among you will realize that there -may- be a chance you can switch, if you can find out who has the opposing number before the next number the Harper's sing. So hurry and scurry, gentles, as your time is running out!"

K'prin looks down at his number and begins to search through the crowd nearby, saying "I've got number 517. Anyone else here have 517?"

Aerilyn laughs and holds her hand up, "I do K'prin..." she gives L'son an appologetic look as she wanders towards K'prin.

Leah moves through the crowd, stopping with one of the riders to compare numbers. Nope, not a match. She finds herself next to the Baker and grins at Carianna, "What's your number? Fifteen?" She holds up her own ribbon to show that number.

Lyse blinks at Baleera and heads straight for K'prin, sliding to a stop as he shouts out. "Ok. One down" she mumbles.

Redus starts across the room, moving among folks and mumbling, "Eighteen?" as he goes almost hoping someone will hear.

There is a sudden gush of murmurs and bustling as everyone turns to everyone else in the caverns and compares the numbers that they have. Pairs are beginning to form, and there are excited shouts, polite greetings from strangers, and cold stares from enemies joined together.

L'son hrms quietly at his number and chews on his lip, glancing at Aerilyn's soon after. "Ahh well..." he sighs, watching Aerilyn head off towards K'prin. "What were you saying about luck, K'prin?" he calls over with a soft chuckle. "You be careful with her, hmm? I want her returned in working order" he teases playfully before looking up at the others.

Carianna glances at the ribbon again and shakes her head in reply to K'prin's number then ohs and smiles. "Yes Ma'am, it is at that." She offers her own ribbon to show that 15 is clearly marked on it.

K'prin blushes. "Uh, well, the Harpers haven't started playing yet. I can switch with you if the two of you want to be together. Right, Master Baleera?"

Lyse watches Aerilyn and K'prin leave and sighs. "Someone must have 27" she asks out.

Aerilyn glances at Lyse and grins warmly, "Lyse...we could switch if you'd like..."

Leah laughs and nods, looping her arm through Carianna's, "Looks like we're tied then, doesn't it? Shall we go see what Baleera's brought for us to try?"

Baleera chuckles. "Yes, Brownrider, that is so. But hurry. I hear the Harpers beginning to strum the opening chords in practice."

Jenna is likewise tracking through the room, following the echos of 'Eighteen'. "Eighteen? " She slips between a couple of harpers. "I've got eighteen." She very nearly bumps into Redus, and grins a trifle sheepishly. "And I promise I won't evcen step on your toes? I'm Jenna, by the way. Fort's duties to..." she ducks her head to see the knot, "Reaches, is it?"

WineCrafters are circulating and tying the bound pairs together, as the Harpers do indeed begin to strum their instruments to warm up for the number.

Lyse blinks and then nods to Aerilyn. "If K'prin's ok with that."

Carianna laughs lightly as she nods and moves with the weyrwoman towards the Master winecrafter. "I was worried I'd be bound to one of those tall ones and have a sore arm by the end of the evening." She confides.

K'prin shrugs. "I'm fine with it. It's not my choice to make anyway, but I survived Weyrling training being bound to you, I'm sure one more night won't hurt. Much."

Aerilyn chuckles softly and gives her ribbon to Lyse if the girl will take it, "Lets's fine with me."

Leah grins at Carianna, "Well, lucky for you I never reached my full height." She chuckles and moves with her to Baleera, holding up her ribbon, "Found my match, Master Baleera. Can we partake in the wine now?"

Lyse stares at K'prin. "One more night won't hurt. Well for that you're really in for it now. No Aerilyn. I don't want to switch now."

Redus huhs and looks round when he's met with a grin. "Eighteen? Hiya. Redus." He nods and smiles. "'Reaches duties to you as well. Good to meet you Jenna." Then he chuckles, "Now what?"

Baleera says "Hurry, hurry my little partygoers, the time is waning. Find the bind, bind the man, and enjoy the drinks!"

Aerilyn chuckles, 'As you wish Lyse." she giggles and offers her hand to K'prin.

K'prin shakes his head. "Some women can't take a joke. Who's got Lyse's number. What was it again... 27? I'll trade Aerilyn for Lyse's number. Oh, Shards, I didn't mean that, Aeri."

L'son has been quiet for some time after hearing someone shout "Someone must have 27" he swallows and bites his lip, looking at Lyse with a cough. "You sure you don't want to switch with Aeri, Lyse. I mean...uh, you could get someone you really hate..."

Jenna starts to answer Redus and a journeyman comes up to bind their wrists together. She laughs and asks, "Don't suppose you dance, do you, Redus? Looks like we're partners for the evening."

Aerilyn laughs and mock glares at K'prin, "what? I'm not a good enough date for ya?" she teases and blows a kiss in L'son's direction. She pauses, arching a brow questioningly and tilting her chin to point at Lyse curiously

Lyse grins up at L'son. "And I can't pester K'prin as much. Ok. Come on Aerilyn. Swap quickly."

The Harpers strike what sounds like an opening chord, and people screech with alarm. The Harpers all laugh and let silence reign, just egging on the crowd ot make their decisions.

Aerilyn chuckles and steals Lyse's ribbon while its safely offered and darts over to L'son. She grins at K

K'prin sighs and smiles. "Right. Well, here's to a night of fun, I hope. At least there's something to drink nearby." He winks at Lyse.

Aerilyn grins at K'prin from beside the bronzerider, and comments, "That'll teach you to give a woman a hard time hmm?"

Carianna chuckles as she admits, "I never ate my greens or at least that why they blame my smallness on." She too turns her attention of Baleera and smiles. "A challenge too. Will you be assigning those?"

Redus looks a little curiously at the journeyman with the quick slipknot and chuckles. "I dance some." he replies with a smile to Jenna. "You?" He sips his ale.

Lyse sniffs at K'prin. "So who are you with Aerilyn?"

Baleera looks at K'prin at Aerilyn's comment and shakes her head. "I'm thinking not, lady. There's more than one rock that's softer than that young'un's head, I think. All right, Harpers! To your music!" The Harpers salute and begin to play, and there are echoes of laughter mixed with moans of disappointment. The WineCrafters go about and fasten together everyone who has found their pair.

Baleera looks at Carianna. "Ahhhh, wait for the end of the first tune. Why not try some Beachplum Vineglow? I had it flown in especially from South Boll."

L'son smiles happily as Aerilyn takes Lyse's ribbon and comes over. "She's with me, Lyse" he answers happily, holding out his own ribbon with a little 27 on it.

Jenna gives Redus an easy smile. "I enjoy it, when I get the chance. I don't think we'll be trying an toss dances like this though. So do you Christania? I stood with her, oh, shells, must be about 4 turns back now? I've never actually been to the Reaches - not much call for runners with all the snow and ice you get up there."

Aerilyn laughs warmly at Barleera's words and nods, 'I'm from Igen...I have to put up with him all the time even.." she quips..just totease K'pring, as she links her hand with L'son's so that they can be bound together

Lyse nods for a moment and then it clicks that L'son had 27 and her jaw drops. That's not the only thing as her knees give way and she sinks to the floor. "You? I don't believe it. For turns I've tried and...and..."

Baleera circulates to Redus and Jenna to fasten them together. "Ahhh, excellent catch, Redus. It's hard to nail down a runner, but she'll have to drag you with her tonight. Not that with a face like yours she'd be running -away- from you, but there you are. Enjoy your binding." She winks at them both and moves through the crowd.

L'son squeezes Aerilyn's hand and bites his lip as Lyse sinks down to the floor. "Well, ah, you almost had me, hmm? Uh, well, that's just the luck of it?" he smiles wanly and tries to chuckle, but glances to Aerilyn for a second.

K'prin stumbles as Lyse falls, then kneels down to pick her up. "Whoah. Are you all right? Should I send for a Healer? Lyse?"

Redus listens to Jenna, shaking his head at the 'toss dances' part and having to think about Christania. Baleera's remark about catching a runner is funny to him as he responds, "I'm a stablehand, ma'am..Catch runners all day long if I gotta."

Leah nudges Carianna, her partner for the evening, and nods, "I'll try them all at least once. Shall we test the Beachplum Vineglow as she suggests?"

Baleera chuckles throatily at Redus. "Why, so you do." She laughs. "Well spoken, Redus. Well spoken indeed."

Carianna glances to the mentioned Beachplum Vineglow then turns to Leah and asks, "Shall we? It sound delightful by just name alone." She's careful not to tug or rush in her normal fashion while bound to the Weyrwoman then laughs as she hears her own words echoed. "Lets."

Lyse shakes her head to clear it and stands with K'prin's help. "No. I'm fine now." She smiles to Aerilyn and L'son. "Have fun."

Jenna actually blushes at the Master Vintner's comment, turning a rather attractive raspberry shade. "The four legged kind at least," is her rejoinder. She clears her throat and says, "Well, dance or drink? I think I'm going to need equal amounts of both tonight." As she finishes speaking, her tone has gained some of its usual equlibrium.

Aerilyn gives Lyse a warm grin, 'Thanks for trading..." she murmurs as she stands with L'son, a blush coloring her cheeks, and eyes sparkling.

K'prin looks at the interplay between Lyse and L'son for a long moment, then looks down at his partner as one of the Journeymen fixes the binding. "It seems I'm a mark shy and a day late, as usual when it comes to being awake enough to notice anything."

Redus smiles at the blonde he's bound to and nods. "As much of either as you like, Jenna. I'll be right here beside ya." His free hand comes up with taht mug again and he sips beofre stating, I've already begun."

Lyse nudges K'prin. She mutters to K'prin, "... I'll tell... in... minute."

Jenna grins good naturedly at Redus. "Well, you lead. Is that the ale they're talking about? I've never had ale before. Just wine. But I'm still a novice when it comes to vintages and stuff."

The Harpers finish the first of their tunes for the evening, and a hush falls over the crowd again. Baleera climbs up onto a chair, looking none the odder for being in her formal finery, and waits for others to stop and pay heed to her once more. When the cavern has quieted enough, Baleera smiles. "But wait!" she says. "The binding is not the end of things. Those who are happily bound, why... stay that way and enjoy your bliss. Those whose binding is not necessarily a perfect match... there is a way to escape! Just like the woman in the song, you may approach any of the gold riders present and ask them to set you a task. Perform the task, and with the permission of the Weyrwoman, a WineCrafter will set you free. Goldriders, be aware... you cannot free others until you first have freed yourself, and no woman may sever her own bonds! Be aware though, bother the Weyrwomen at your own peril, for they may set -any- task, and as the night goes on and the requests keep coming in, they will likely make things more and more difficult for you!"

K'prin nods and shrugs. "Right. I'm really in the mood for some Shellcrack. I think I even see Full Turn Shellcrack over there."

L'son tugs gently at his hand in Aerilyn's to see how the bond has been fixed and he finds that it is quite well tied. "Those harpers know their knots..." he murmurs and gazes at it in wonder before laughing and attempting to clap for the song ended and Baleera's speech, finding that he can't. He laughs softly again and leans close to Aerilyn. "Not that bad I think."

Baleera pages to Aerilyn, Carianna, Jenna, K'prin, L'son, Leah, Lyse, and Redus: Since parties can sometimes be tedious, for those who aren't in the midst of a TP, feel free to pose some 'stunts' that gold riders are having people do, or drinking people. If you feel like it. We'll give about a half hour to mingling, tasks, and TP interplay, and then we'll move on to the grand finale... the couples dance, where you can't dance with the person you're bound to if you're still bound. :-)

Lyse shrugs at L'son and Aerilyn. "Loooks like I'm going over there. Come on K'prin. It'll be there in a while too."

Carianna laughs as she hears the further instructions. "It would seem Ma'am that we are destined to be parted if you're to allow others to be freed." The a bit louder she asks, "And how does the goldriders earn their freedom?"

"I'm not that big an ale drinker myself." Redus explains to Jenna. He takes a sip again. "But it's not too bad. Don't ow which they were passing out before we started." He glances toward the drinks table and grins. "We can go look. Maybe something will catch your eye, or some other sense." He starts toward the table then.

K'prin stops and sighs. "All right, Lyse. Just make sure I get some of that Full Turn Shellcrack before the end of the party. And the explanation. In fact, the explanation better come before the Shellcrack... it's been a while since I've done any serious drinking."

Baleera claps at the question. "Excellent question from one of our delightful BakerCrafters, Carianna. A round of applause for the Bakers and their preparations tonight...." She waits for the smattering of applause and cheers. "Well, dears, as the WineCraft Hall's newest Master..." she pauses for a moment.

Jenna tags along with Redus. She hasn't much of a choice in the matter actually, though it doesn't appear she minds terribly. "Some other sense? That sounds faintly ominous." She grins, though is blocked from the table by another couple bound together, bickering lightly. She stands a bit on tiptoe to peer over Redus' shoulder. "Well, if what you're drinking is good, just some of that, Or maybe some of the new brew Master Baleera brought?"

Aerilyn laughs softly and blushes at L'son's words, a rosy flush creeping into bronzed skin. They make a striking pair, one in white..the other green. She leans up, blushing as she openly kisses L'son on the cheek for the first time.

Lyse peers up at K'prin. "You really like that stuff? Ok. We'll go get some, then I'll explain, then you can drink it. AT least you'll have it in your hands."

Baleera resumes her speaking. Seems that too many people are upset to really cheer over her news of her raising, but she's too good in the public eye to let it really be noticed much, "As WineCraft's newest Master, I reserve the right to be the one to set the goldriders free. But since I tread dangerous ground here, I shall set a challenge before them... to go head to head against one of the WineCraft Journeymen in downing a full pint of Fort's Special Ale, and beat them to the bottom of the cup."

There are cheers and groans from the WineCraft Journeyranks, some itching to drink against a Weyrwoman for some strange reason, and others who were actually looking forwards to a party enjoyed in sobriety.

Redus would have applauded for the BakerCraft and his favourite Baker but one hand is tied and "Oh.." he says as he glances over his shoulder and grins. "Gotta try some of that." He slips in behind the bickering couple, placing his mug on the table so he can reach a mug of the 'Special'. "Excuse me." he whispers to the nearest of the couple as he gets bumped and some of the ale slops. He steps back and offers Jenna the mug. "Here ya go." he says with a smile.

K'prin nods and laughs as the Weyrwomen's means of being set free is established. "Yes, I really do like the stuff that much. I was raised on the sea, you recall. This is like mother's milk to me. My wetnurse was a bartender." He laughs. "Actually, in one port, she was."

Leah grins at Baleera and says, being one of the Weyrwomen, "Mind if I take that pint, hm?"

Carianna blushes at the applause and cheers at the announcement before offering Leah one of the glasses of Vineglow then ohs and blinks as she gives Leah a worried look. "We can do that can't we?"

Jenna jumps back to avoid the slopping ale, and trods on the toes of a greenrider behind her. "Oh! Scuse me! Shards and shells, thanks, Redus - let's get out of this crowd, hm?" She takes the mug and heads off towards a clear space around the hearths. "What's that she was saying about the weyrwoman? I completely missed it in that crush."

Baleera looks at Leah and nods. "Very well. Let the Senior Weyrwoman of Fort and I share a pint. Though I warn you, Weyrwoman Leah, I've had many years of practice from all the times -my- Masters set that challenge before the notables of other festivals. Here now, Apprentice Mikat. A pint for us both. There's a lad."

Lyse smiles, caught up in K'prin's laughter. "Ok. Let's go get you some." She starts to move towards the drinks, slowly though until K'prin follows. "So you want an explanatio of why I sorta slipped?"

L'son smiles happily and returns Aerilyn's kiss tenderly before placing his free hand on his hip. "Well! What shall we do, love? Get some ale? Play some party games? The night is least until Kira or Lysa start screaming at the nannies...."

Leah laughs and nods at Baleera, "Aye, and I grew up with six older brothers and then surrounded by bronzeriders. Size may be deceptive, Master, but my desire definately isn't. Nor is my love of ale."

K'prin raises an eyebrow as he reaches for the Shellcrack. The WineCrafter hands him a tumbler full of it, and K'prin downs it in a single gulp, then holds it out for a refill, which the chuckling Crafter obliges. "Sort of slipped? Lyse, you nearly collapsed back there. What was that all about, chasing L'son?"

Aerilyn laughs lowly and grins, "A drink first I think love." she answers L'son. Eyes are bright and full of mischief as she tugs him towards the tables.

Redus follows Jenna, though he's kinda wondering about the mug he left on the table. He chuckles and shrugs as he goes anyway. "Think she and her partner." and he looks that way to see who that might be. "Oh shells." he mutters. "She and her partner gotta finish a pint before one of them Winecraft Journeyman. Weyrwoman might do it but..." he just grins and shakes his head. He's gonna watch.

In one area of the cavern there is a sudden chorus of chants and cheers as one of the younger goldriders, eager to be free from the grizzled minecrafter she pulled, goes up against one of the younger Journeyranks from WineCraft hall. To the amazement of many onlookers, the Journeyman wins by a gulp.

L'son almost loses his balance, not yet used to this tie that binds. "Drink it is" he says with a laught before warning Aeri "I should tell you that too much drink and you'll be dragging me around the floor."

Jenna only just clues in to the fact that Redus' cup got left behind. However, she must be rather intimidated by the crush of folk around the drinks table, for she offers, "Here, we'll split this one if you like? Weyrfolk are a hardy lot and I've not been sick in turns." Then she grins at the stablehand, "I'll wager a half mark on Leah to beat out any journeyman."

Lyse grimaces slightly. "Yeah. I've had a crush on L'son for about 6 turns now. I guess that's what you'd call it when you steal a kiss from them and even steal their beds isn't it?" She watches K'prin's drinking hand. "How many are you going to have of those?"

Carianna seems relieved as she hears Leah's boasts knowing her distaste for ale but she puts on a brave face and encourages her bound partner on. "That's it Ma'am, don't let them spook you."

Aerilyn chuckles and arches a brow, 'Do you recall what drinking gold dragon did to me?" she questions in soft tones. Eyes dart to Lyse...but she doesn't say anything to L'son about it.

K'prin halts the second one going down the hatch and gives a guilty start. "I'll hold off on this one. Unless you'd like one too? You've stolen his bed? Do you mean you slept with him, or that you literally took the actual bed when he wasn't looking?"

L'son chuckles softly and nods, reaching across to tap Aerilyn's nose playfully. "Indeed I do." Grinning he looks to the various winecrafters about and hmms. "Well now, what would you recommend?" he asks cheerfully.

Baleera gets a pint for herself and Leah. "I need someone to call out for us to begin. Any takers?"

Leah takes the pint from Baleera and grins at Carianna with a wink, "I don't spook easily." She waits for someone to volunteer.

Baleera looks to Carianna. "Since you're bound to her, why don't you begin us? Unless someone else wishes the honor?"

Redus chuckles and nods. "Don't mind sharin' a mug if you don't. Ain't worried about gettin' sick. And I'd only wager a quarter. I've seen 'Reaches Weyrwomen tip a mug and..." He eyes the mug and asks, "You try it yet?"

Carianna goes to lift her hand to volunteer but finds the binding preventing her at the moment hoping that she hasn't tugged too hard on the Weyrwoman's arm.

Aerilyn chuckles softly to L'son, though there is a faintly troubled look to her eyes and she keeps half an ear on K'prin and Lyse's conversation. She shrugs softly, "I don't know love."

Baleera chuckles. "Use the other arm, dear. On three."

Lyse lowers her head slightly. "The actual bed. I tricked Kyris into carrying it away for me while it was, you know, lying around doing nothing." She lifts her head slightly, her eyes twinkling as she grins mischeivously. "They were both so mad about that one." She shakes her head. "No thank you and I don't want to stop you, I was just curious."

Jenna keeps half an eye on the upcoming contest, and half an ear to Redus. "Oh! No." She takes a long drink, and coughs just a bit at it. "Whoo. Here." She hands over the mug to Redus without complaint.

Leah smiles at Carianna, nodding to her encouragingly, "Go on, you can volunteer. Just don't knock me over in the process, eh?" Her grip on the pint is with the other, and freer, hand.

Carianna's clear voice counts down lightly, "One...@emit Two...@emit Begin..."

K'prin gives a shrug and tosses back the second tumbler of Shellcrack, then says to the crafter serving, "I'm prepped now. I'd like a double of the Full Turn, please."

Leah lifts the pint to her lips and begins to suck it down, tilting her head back as she works to drain the glass. In a very unladylike manner, some of the ale dribbles down the front of her dress.

The WineCrafter nods. "Very good, sir. A double it is." And he serves it up without further comment, though his eyes are smiling.

Jenna cheers Leah on with the others, bouncing up and down on her toes. And, unfortunately, just about *right* in poor Redus' ear.

Lyse tugs at K'prin. "Ok. You've got some now. My choice now. I want to go find a free Goldrider and listen to what tasks she gives out."

The WineCraft Master moves unhurriedly, sucking air just before tilting back the pint and swallowing in huge gulps, not losing a drop. When she is finished she slams the cup back down on the nearby table and then inverts it over her head to show it is bone dry, and wipes daintily at her mouth with the other hand.

K'prin laughs and sips his Full Turn. "You certain you don't want to go to a goldrider to be free of a lush sailor like me?"

Redus takes the mug from Jenna and smiles. He absently sips as he watches the contest begin. When Jenna starts cheering he *tries* to step away, his arm kinda stretching out behind him.

Leah slams her own pint down, empty, at the same time as the Master Vintner. Wiping her mouth on the back of her sleeve (aye, what a petite flower, hm?) she gasps for air and holds up her own glass. Dry as the Masters easily. She laughs out loud at that.

Jenna grins at Redus, apparently rather proud of Leah's showing. "Think we both keep our marks for that - oh! I didn't scream in your ear, did I? 'M sorry, I really didn't mean to." His step away has been noticed and she chews nervously on her lower lip.

K'prin blinks in surprise as he catches sight of the WeyrWoman matching the Master Vintner. He calls out to the side, "I'll give three to five on the Weyrwoman."

L'son chews on his lip as he takes time to look over the various drinks. "I don't know, about...a bit of the Fortspecial?"

Carianna blinks for a moment at the tie between the two woman then laughs, "Refills over here please." Her own glass of vineglow is sipped again.

Redus doesn't know who to applaud for as he looks on. He glances over his shoulder and nods. "It was real close. So was I. It's okay though." He steps back beside the runner and smiles. "Did ya want another sip?" he offers the mug.

Baleera says "Well, then, it's a tie! Honor to the WeyrWoman, the bloodline of Fort is strong in its riders as well as her Queens. Well then, I think it's time for a second pint. How say you, or do you stand down by default?"

Aerilyn nods and laughs, "It sounds good to me L'son." Aerilyn shifts, so that L'son's bound arm wraps about her...sort of..

Leah snorts at that, "Though I thank you for honoring me in such a way, I'm not about to stand down. A refill, if you please, Master Baleera, and let's just try that once more." She accepts a napkin from someone nearby and pretends to have some decorum by dabbing at the dribbles on her shirt.

There is rejoicing from another side of the room as two gold riders, who happened against all odds to get bound together, finally best the pair of WineCraft apprentices and are freed. There is a rush upon the two women as the less-than-happy get in line.

"I'll go to her and ask for something to put in your mouth to shut you up" Lyse says to K'prin, nudgig him lightly. "As you said, we put up with each other long enough during training we can cope for one evening so there's no rush. Just don't fall over."

Jenna nods to the stablehand, and takes the mug, drinking down a healthy gulp. Cheering is hard work after all. "Oooh, look. They're going again. I think if I pounded it down that fast, you'd have to drag me all over the place, Redus."

K'prin shakes on a bet with his off hand and then laughs at Lyse. "I think it'll take more than just this to get me drunk. But I'm not sure. Wanna find out?"

L'son reaches out to take a mug of the Fort special and grins at Aerilyn before raising it up to his lips. With a short sip, he coughs and blinks, looking into the mug curiously. "Whoa..." he murmurs softly and grins. "Now /that's/ beer..."

Baleera nods and refills her own as well. "Carianna, if you please then."

Leah looks at Carianna and grins expectantly, anxious, it seems, to down this pint as well.

Aerilyn chuckles as she gets a mug for herself with her free hand, leabing her head back against L'son's chest as she laughs softly.

Redus starts to laughs. "I think so too." He lean a little closer and confides. "I hope they don't tie too many times. The Master has a bigger tank than the Weyrwoman...unless they get necessary breaks could be messy."

Carianna cheers along with the others as she watches the challenge. "I'm behind you all the way Ma'am." She adds for Leah's benefit then smiles again as an occurs to her. "Crackers to absorb the affect Ma'am. I can order a tray from the kitchens." She almost dashes off to retrieve it herself then pauses and ohs softly as colour comes to her cheeks.

Baleera laughs. "Come now, dear. There's ale to be consumed here, and two thirsty women of importance who wish to drink it! Count off, if you will, please." Several onlookers laugh at her winking candor.

L'son cheers for the weyrwoman of Fort as he stands with Aerilyn, watching the contest.

Lyse takes a step away from K'prin. "No. Wait until we get untied before you go for it. Shush. You might win this time."

Leah tugs Carianna back, "Yes, go on and count. I don't need any crackers."

Carianna ohs and begins the countoff. "One...

The glass is at the Weyrwoman's lips a the last number is counted and she's off. Her mouth open wide, her head thrown back, she fairly pours the ale down her throat. Without taking a breath, she gulps the golden brew down and slams the glass again, dry save for the foamy bubbles dripping down the outside, against the table. This time she has some manners and uses her napkin to wipe the brew from her chin.

Aerilyn lifts her glass in a salute to the weyrwoman, laughter rising easily to her lips. She leans contentedly against L'son as she takes a drink.

Baleera is taken somewhat by surprise and lifts her glass in haste, chugging quickly but losing a dribble out the corner of her mouth. She finishes off and slams the cup down on the table at the exact same time as the Weyrwoman, and lets out a grand belch. "Shard it! Tied again. Last time, Weyrwoman, I've got a party to attend to." She winks and belches more quietly this time.

K'prin shakes his head. "Nope. No winning here this time. I wish I'd given five to seven instead. Oh well. Leah might win it yet."

Leah throws her head back and laughs, "If you need to attend your party, Master Baleera, I can release you from the third try. We can resume our own contest later if you like?"

L'son laughs aloud at the contest tie and calls out "It seems that hands are not the only things tied tonight! Drinking abilities as well, perhaps?" Grinning he rests against Aerilyn comfortably, enjoying the closeness that the hand tying has brought.

Baleera gives a mocking growl and says "You'll not cheat me out of victory, Weyrwoman. Apprentice! Refills now for the Weyrwoman and I. Count off, Carianna."