Wine and Weyrleaders

Rodric comes up to the weyr to give a gift to L'nan, who has been named acting Weyrleader by Leah after Ariandra and F'ren stepped down.

Jenna - Monday, November 05, 2001, 8:40 AM

Your location's current time: 15:35 on day 6, month 1, Turn 38, of the Tenth Pass. It is a winter afternoon.

You head into the Living Caverns.
Fort Weyr Living Cavern(#199RJa$)
Approaching half the size of the Hatching Grounds, this cavern echoes with voices during the day, and the soft patter of feet during the night. Dozens of tables are spaced throughout, each with open space around to provide small amounts of privacy for the discussions carried on at each. The night hearth, with a cluster of pots of stew and klah, is situated near the large entrance to the Bowl. Several other hearths are spaced around the huge chamber, lending light and some heat to the room.
Broad marble steps to the southwest lead up to the impressive Fort Weyr kitchen. To the east, a short flight of stairs leads to the hallway to the inner caverns. A stout door to the north has a healer's emblem on it, marking the Infirmary. To the south is a wide tunnel, leading out of the weyr, and a wide opening to the west leads to the weyr bowl.
Meg and Peg
Fort Weyr Firelizard Perch

Jenna comes out of the caverns, humming to herself. She's wearing that same rather dreamy expression that has been tattooed on her face since turnover. "Hey, Jeny."

enylle turns about from her seat at a table at the sound of Jenna's voice. Her large eyes light up, smile beaming, "Jenna!" she hollars out, almost too loud, as she can hear her voice far above those around her talking normally. She claps her hand over her mouth appologetically before releasing it again. "You look happy," she says matter-of-factly.

Jenna slides into a seat next to Jeny and grins. "I am. It's been a good sevenday. And a great way to start the turn. And, I know someone who has a turnday coming up to boot."

Jenylle's eyes look as if she's about to bubble with excitement at the mention of her turnday, but at the last minute, she manages to squelch it as any almost 9 turn old should be able to do. "Yah, I had real fun at the gather. I think you probably did too," she says, smiling smuggly at Jenna.

That about pushed Jenylle over the edge. "I can't wait anymore! The suspect is killing me!" she bubbles, her large eyes pleadingly glancing up at Jenna as she mistakes a word (as usual). "Please, please, I wanna know really bad," she begs, batting her eyes.

Jenna grins and correct mildly, "Suspense. Suspect is what Zinnia does when she thinks you're playing pranks or skipping lessons." She shakes her head then, "Then you won't have a present to open *on* your turnday."

Jenylle breaks into a giggle at Jenna's correction, realizing how silly that must have sounded now. "Oh, I'm a suspect in suspense then," she says, grinning sillily. She pauses, quiet for a moment. "Wanna know a secret?" she says in a hushed voice.

Jenna laughs and leans in, resting an elbow on the table. "Okay," she whispers. "What's the secret?"

Jenylle meets Jenna half-way, leaning over the table. She hold her hand up to Jenna's ear, whispering softly and giggling all the while, "L'nan said that he was taken by someone.." she pauses, backing away. "Me!" she laughs.

L'nan comes in from the bowl.
L'nan has arrived.

Jenna is sitting at a table, an untouched mug before her. Her head is cradled in the cup of a hand, her expression rather dreamy and distant.

L'nan makes his way into the caverns, frowning slightly as he examines a hide. When a server deftly steers him towards a table, he puts away the hide and slouches into the chair offered. He murmurs something, and the server disappears to fetch whatever's been ordered. His eyes scan the caverns, and finally L'nan spots Jenna. He waves a hand to catch her attention.

Jenna blinks a bit absently, though it takes a minute of attempting to catch her attention. She flushes faintly, a bit of pink in her pale skin and says, "Afternoon, Lu. Or is it evening already?" Must've been some sundream.

L'nan shakes his head. "I forget... Alirath says it's evening," he adds after a moment's pause. There's a faint smile on his lips, but it's hard to tell if he's kidding or not. The server reappears with a skin of wine and a plate of food. "Join me?" he offers towards Jenna.

Jenna nods agreeably enough and moves over to settle next to the bluerider, dragging her cup rather carelessly with her. She still looks decidedly happy, almost luminous, in fact. "Is it really evening already? I've had the laziest restday. -- But I bet you've been working too hard again."

L'nan pours his wineglass full and slides it to Jenna before he takes a disinterested bite of food. "Naw, not too hard," he insists quietly. "But I've been working hard." With this last, he glances up as if to see if she believes him, though his eyes retunr to his plate. "Restday, huh... you look nice'n rested."

Jenna hesitates and then takes a polite, tiny sip from the mug, before nudging it back to him. "You always work hard," her lips purse slightly and she asks, "Is it getting any easier at least? -- And thank you. It's been a rather pleasant sevenday all in all." That dreamy look threatens to cloud her features once again.

L'nan smiles, taking the wineglass and sipping from it himself. He leans back, sighing, one hand prodding the food with his fork. "Yes, it's getting easier," he admits. "But still a lot to do, an' I think about everything all the time." He switches topics abruptly, "So tell me what you did, that made the sevenday so good."

Jenna turns a bit pink again and shrugs going along with the subject change. "There was the turnover gather. Oh, and you know Jenylle's turnday is coming up, don't you?" She grins a bit. "I was going to see if I couldn't con the cooks into baking a cake for her."

L'nan nods slowly, finally eating a little bit as he listens. "Yep, s'tomorrow, isn't it?" he asks absently, eyes wandering across the caverns. It's not that he's not paying attention, it just seems like he's trying to avoid certain topics. "Cake'd be nice. What else did you do? More'n just turnday gathers, I hope..." A weary grin.

Jenna laughs. "It is. You'll come and have cake with us, won't you? And nope, nothing more, sorry. Just turnday gathers and fun things. Got Jeny a present, and I'd bought myself something too, but I lost it." She pauses, eyeing his face rather critically, but doesn't say anything. Instead she asks, "Did you manage to get over to Ista for it and have yourself a bit of fun?"

A soft snort. "I got there, yes," the bluerider replies. "Six or seven times. An' I bought myself a bubbly, which was nice." He grins. "Not as good as the 'Reaches bubblies I managed to swipe a sevenday ago, but 'twasn't bad either." The wine's disappearing, and soon the glass is empty. Food quickly diminishes, too, and suddenly L'nan is finished. He leans back, full, and watches Jenna thoughtfully. "So what'd you get yourself that you lost?"

Jenna teases lightly, "You and your bubblies. You know all those sweets are so awful for you, but I'd say you burn off all the energy with drills and the like." She eyes the glass for a moment, though at least he cleaned his plate, and no comment is passed. "It was the sweetest little ring. Just a simple silver one, really thin. But it didn't fit quite right, and it must've come off my finger while I was dancing or something. Waste of perfectly good marks."

Rodric comes in from the bowl.
Rodric has arrived.

L'nan tsks under his breath. "Too bad... who'd you buy it from? Maybe you could tell'm what happened, and get a second one half-price?" he muses. "So you were a danc- Masterharper Rodric!" The bluerider's eyes light up and, though still tired and a bit distracted, he actually looks very glad to see the other man. He stands, bowing slightly and grinning. "To what do we owe this honor?"

Rodric steps inside, arms wrapped around a bundle of somewhat odd shape. His eyes scan the room and he turns promptly as L'nan greets him. "Ah! WEyrleader," he says pleasantly. "Good day to you and Harper's duties to the weyr and her queens. I come bearing gifts." He moves toward the bluerider, and his smile quirks up a bit more as he notes the courier. "And Courier Jenna, lovely to see you again. I trust you enjoyed the Gather?"

Jenna's blue eyes flick over to Rodric and she too rises, though her cheeks go a bit pink again. A surrupticious brush is given to the hem of her tunic, trying to hide the faintest outline of a stain there. She clears her throat at the Harper's question and nods. "Indeed I did Master Rodric. And Fort's duties to you and your craft." She recovers a bit of equilibrium and suggests to both men, "Would you like some more wine, I could find a cup for you, Master, or something else to warm you up?"

"And Fort's most gracious duties to the voices and music of Harper Hall," L'nan replies, smiling - a smile that almost reaches his eyes. "Bearing gifts, for what? It was Ista's turnover gather, wasn't it?" he chuckles. Eyes turn to take in Jenna's reaction, with raised eyebrows his only notice. He nods, pulling out another chair at the table he and Jenna were at. "Yes, do join us. I'm sure you'd like some wine," he adds, murmuring after, "Benden re-ed..."

Rodric shakes his head laughing. "No my dear Weyrleader ... Harper's at the Istan hall," he clarifies and whisks the wrapping off the bundle he carries. "I have Harper Red .. bought at the Gather, to present to a fellow wine-lover," he says, eyes twinkling toward the Weyrleader. He winks at Jenna. "I think two cups might be in order ... yes ...."

Jenna chuckles softly and slips off to get a second cup. "I didn't know you had as much of a love for wine as the Harper does, Lu - Weyrleader. Anything to eat for you, Master Rodric?" She clears L'nan's empty plate away, waiting with eyebrows half arched.

L'nan takes his seat and eyes linger on Rodric's wineskin. "Oh, my... I will /have/ to try some of that. I've heard - interesting stories about Harper Red," he adds in a mock-suspicious voice. He waves the Masterharper towards the other chair. "Come, enjoy some Fort hospitality with your wine," he chuckles.

L'nan adds in a murmur to Jenna, "Thank you, Jenna.. and I don't care what you call me."

Rodric sets the wineskin down with great reverance before the Acting Weyrleader and sits down in the indicated chair. "Indeed, this is a -very- good one L'nan," he says, expression bright. "I had occasion to try it and picked up several skins of it from a -very- accomodating vintner," he says, sounding very pleased with himself. Then he looks up and over at Jenna. "Perhaps a bit of bread and cheese, if you don't mind Jenna?"

Jenna gives a bit of a grin at L'nan, and nods to Rodric, "Coming right up then," before taking off with the dirty dish and busying herself at the serving table.

Cloretta comes in from the bowl.
Cloretta has arrived.

L'nan shakes his head. "How /do/ you manage to convince the vintner's, you'll have to teach me!" he sighs dramatically. He adds thoughtfully, "I'll have t'come visiting the Hall more often, if you've got /skin/s available..." He leans forward to pour some of the Harper's wine into his glass, then holds onto the skin until a second glass arrives for the Masterharper. "So how'd the gather at Ista go? I was in and out," he adds quickly.

Cloretta comes in carrying a large stack of hides, trying to see around them, "Has anyone seen the Weyrleader?" she asks in a muffled voice.

Rodric only smiles at L'nan enigmatically. "A Harper has to have -some- secrets my dear Weyrleader ... but I think that perhaps good harper marks might have something to do with it," he says with a bit of a laugh, fingers threading together as he awaits the arrival of a drinking vessel for his use. "You are always welcome to visit of course ... though I can't promise that we'll always have Harper Red as good as this."

Jenna reappears around the side of the serving table after a moment, bringing a tray of not just plain wheat bread, but also some of the softer, finer grains, and no less than four different types of cheeses. She threads her way over towards L'nan and Rodric, putting the tray carefully down, and producing two glss goblets, not just simple mugs. "Here," she says a trifle breathlessly, "Try the glasses instead."

Rodric's eyes boggle a little at the bounty brought by the courier, but he nods his thanks and fingers twitch up a piece of hearty grain brad and a sharp-smelling cheese to nibble on. "Would you care for some as well Jenna? Oh ... wait ... I remember ... you don't fancy it," he says chuckling a little.

Cloretta spots L'nan and drops the hides beside him, "Here Weyrleader, one of the riders.. Oh, I forget his name.. I'm so bad at that! Oh, Coming Ghia.." She spins around to rush out and then turns again, "Sorry, Weyrleader! Hello, Masterharper. Hi Jenna!" Stumbling over a chair she regains herself and runs out.

L'nan sighs, smiling. "Harper marks'd do it," he agrees. As Jenna produces more glasses and food for the Masterharper, he grins again. He pours for each of them, pausing as Rodric asks Jenna about wine. With a shrug, he caps the skin and puts it down. Eyes blink in surprise as the hides are dropped at his side, and he surreptitiously decides to ignore them, murmuring a thanks after the disappearing Cloretta. He holds up his wineglass. "A toast?"

Rodric blinks a little at the whirlwind that was Cloretta, his "Good day ..." to the rider petering out to nothing, then he nods at the Acting Weyrleader and lifts his glass. "Indeed! Here's to Fort Weyr, excellent Gathers and Harper Red!"

Jenna nods to Rodric, lips twitching faintly. "Not enough to waste a full cup on me, Master Rodric." She settles back next to L'nan, though Cloretta gets a faintly bewildered look as the girl runs in and out. She mutters half under her breath, "Least she wasn't complaining this time." Attention is then turned to L'nan and Rodric as the toast is made, snagging her juice as a substitute.

L'nan nods, adding, "And to Turndays come and gone." Not pausing to explain that particular toast as he murmurs to Jenna, "There's always enough for you," with a small smile before he sips from the wine. He smacks his lips a little. "Aaah! And now I see how you Harper's have gotten your reputations!"

Rodric's brows lift quizzically at L'nan's toast, but he only shrugs and drinks deeply, then offers his glass Jenna's way. "A sip perhaps? Just to taste? It's truly excellent stuff as I was trying to explain at the Gather."

Miritha comes in from the bowl.
Miritha has arrived.

Jenna was just about to echo the toast, with a grin at L'nan for that addition, when she stops, turning a bit pink again at Rodric's words. She nods then, reaching for the offered glass. "You were quite eloquent at the gather Master Rodric, but I'll try a sip. I've heard it wise never to refuse a Harper's cup." She grins at them both and takes a careful, tiny sip.

Miritha comes into the living cavern, dressed in one of her Gather-outfits as she frequently is. She pauses in the entrance, then moves further in after scanning the room once.

Rodric watches the courier with interest -- no doubt to see what she thinks of the vintage. "Perhaps not wise ... we -are- supposed to bring luck after all, aren't we?" quips the Masterharper. "But I certainly wouldn't be offended," he says with good humor. Eyes lift to mark another rider just entered and he nods a polite greeting her way, before returning his attention to the wine-tasting at hand.

L'nan watches Jenna for her reaction, sending a wink Rodric's way for winning over the girl. "It /is/ extraordinarily good," he murmurs holding the wine up to the light of the hearth-fires. "Definitely have to visit more often..." He takes another sip. His eyes slip past Rodric to spot Miritha, and he waves, hailing the brownrider.

Miritha waves casually at L'nan; one of the living cavern women has a cup in her hand before she's done waving, and she smiles at the woman before turning it on L'nan and the others. "Master Rodric, L'nan, Jenna, good evening."

Jenna manages not to cough or choke or otherwise embarass herself. She hands the wine back over to Master Rodric. Her voice, however, emerges as a squeak for the first couple of words, "It's... it's very good, Master Rodric." She clears her throat and responds in a more normal tone, "Evening - you're a vision tonight, Miritha."

The same curiosity as before her Impression of brown Farlioth still shows in her blue eyes, but Miritha is often too busy now keeping herself and her dragon out of trouble to indulge herself. She keeps her blonde hair clipped short both by choice and semi-necessity as a rider. A tunic of forest green shows up her hair and her eyes, sun-gold and sky-blue. Rich green trails its way down her torso, to be caught around her waist by a blindingly white belt, then continues to drop down to her ankles. There, rich brown encases her feet, boots extending halfway up her calves to surround the green cloth. Tracings of silver extend from the neck down sleeves and tunic to form leaf-shapes out of bright streams joining and parting again. On her right hand, her Impression ring gives back the light with a soft glow. Her wingleader's knot, brown and black of Fort combined with the brown of her dragon, is worn almost casually.

Miritha gives Jenna a flashing grin. "I know," she says smugly; but she breaks the arrogance up with an added, "I *like* Gather-outfits."

Rodric takes his glass back, chuckling softly at Jenna's reaction. "You're really not used to drinking it are you?" he says, lightly teasing. "It's allr ight -- at least you didn't say it 'all tastes the same' as our friend, the vanished Cloretta did," he winks, then his eyes return to Miritha and he nods. "The weavers must have enjoyed making that one, rider," he says smiling politely and takes another sip from his glass. Eyes half-close and he lets out a blissful sigh. "May they never stop making this down South," he says fervently.

L'nan keeps a full smile from his lips at Jenna's voice, instead turning attention to Miritha. "You /do/ look lovely," he admits, eyes following the whole outfit. "You went all out for this gather, eh?" He chuckles, shaking his head. At Rodric's words, he sighs. "You'd best not be winning over all Fort's ladies with wine, MasterHarper!" He sips again at his glass. "Though this'd be the wine t'do it with." He grins at Rodric's last statement.

Miritha takes a seat and gives Rodric a nod. "Master Maryse always makes a Gather-outfit for me, though I think she's having other Masters make them now. She's retired, after all." She touches her tunic and grins. "Awww, L'nan, I've had this one for a while. Well, one like this; it faded, so she made me a new one."

Jenna shakes her head at Rodric and nods to L'nan, "It was better than my sip of his earlier," she grins and adds, "No offense, Lu. But I think those sips are more'n I've had before." A pause and she adds rather sheepishly, "Ever." Another pause and she offers hurriedly, "It's much better than klah." Her other reviled drink.

Rodric rests a hand on his chest and eyes go wide and innocent. "Me? Weyrleader ... tsk ... I haven't got a lovely dragon to entice the ladies with ... I must sadly ... make do with Harper charm and the odd pretty song," he says, sighing deeply in mock-mourning. Then he smiles again. "Better than klah ... I'll take that as a compliment for my wine-choosing skills, Jenna," he teases and then hangs back in his seata little. "Master Maryse eh? Retired? Pity ... hmmmm ... I've a commission in mind for a weaver ... but I need a very good one."

Miritha blinks at Jenna in surprise. "You've never had good wine before? Make _do_, hah, Master Rodric, you're as smooth-tongued a Harper as ever I've heard."

"Well, the new one is more spectacular than ever," L'nan remarks to Miritha. "I should see 'bout gettin' myself a nice gather outfit. Never had one before," he adds sheepishly. Jenna's words provoke a good natured laugh, and he snorts at Rodric's. "I'm sure you make do very well, Harper," he says accusingly. Then, he adds, "I've heard there's been a new Master, a.. Kit? Katlynn? Yes, Katlynn. I've heard she's very good."

Miritha gives L'nan a thorough study, sipping at her own wine thoughtfully as she does. "You *should* get a Gather outfit," she agrees finally.

Rodric feigns a demure expression. "Why thank you rider Miritha, I do but try," he says self-effacingly, though there's a tell-tale twinkle in his eyes. Then he looks up, face as mobile as wet clay, interest replacing an expression that might more rightly belong on the face of a shy holder-girl. "Katlynn? Indeed ... I shall have to make inquiries at the Weaver Hall, thank you for the suggestion L'nan."

Jenna is rather pink now, but it's unclear just whose words have provoked it. She simply nods to Miritha and adds after a moment, in a slight undertone, "With all the running I do, my Da' told me to just stay away from wine altogether. The good ones *and* the bad." Her tone is rueful, and she darts a look at Rodric and L'nan before adding a trifle more pertly, "Try, Master Rodric? I'd say it comes natural. Faranth help everyone if you actually start working at it."

L'nan wrinkles his nose at Miritha. "It's not like I dress up a whole lot," he muses, shrugging. "But I do want t'look good for Fort." At Rodric's face-making, he just rolls his eyes. "No problem, Rodric. Try not to terrorize her too much," he adds quickly, grinning.

Miritha nods at L'nan. "Yes," she agrees, "precisely. Well, Jenna, you should probably start. If you haven't got to run until the next day, a glass of wine with dinner would be reasonable, I'd think." She looks questioningly at Jenna, head tilting.

Rodric laughs aloud at Jenna's teasing and L'nan's comment. "Shall I send uot a warning if I start trying?" then he grins agai. "I promise there shall be no terrorizing, only polite questions," he insists, and takes another drink from his glass. "I can certainly recommend a small glass at a time for getting used to it Jenna ... if you haven't trained your palate to it and aren't used to the headiness of a good vintage ... it -can- be overwhelming I'll admit."

Jenna blinks a bit at Miritha. "Well, today was my restday. I think tomorrow's just messages down to the Hold and Halls. Today was my restday. And then there's Jeny's turnday tomorrow - you'll join us for cake, won't you, Miritha? And you're welcome as well, Master Rodric." She hazards a look at Rodric, "Oh, I'd imagine Tillek would be fine for me. I hear it's the worst of the lot," she says rather tactlessly, and then bites her lip, peering around for any stray ears that might have heard.

L'nan chooses not to join in the enticing-of-Jenna-with-wine, merely sitting back and enjoying his own glass. It's a thoughtful kind of enjoyment, though, as his mind seems to wander and he just stares at his wineglass, twirling the stem idley. When Jenna mentions Jeny's turnday, he blinks and frowns, then quips, "Aaah, not /all/ Tillek's bad. Just not's good as Benden or," he adds quickly, "Harper Red."

Rodric's half-mark on that subject is tossed in as well as he chimes in with: "Oh there's some good Tillek ... picked up some spicy stuff from there at the Gather too ... and my dear courier, drinking -bad- wine is not a good way to train one's palate," he says wagging a finger. Then he smiles. "A Turnday? Well ... if I can extricate myself for an hour or so, I'd gladly come, but chances are I will be snowed under with work ... Gathers have a bad habit of putting me behind."

Miritha gives a nod of agreement. "Tillek's not that bad, if you get the *right* ones. Their whites aren't very easy to get along with, if you're not careful. I'll try to come down for cake - cake is fun - but I don't know if I'll be able to."

Jenna wavers. Apparently, she can be tempted. "Well," she temporizes, "if you two," and she nods to Rodric and L'nan, "Want to find some Tillek that's good enough for me to drink, and bad enough to be wasted on a runner with no palate, I'll try it." She nods to Miritha and Rodric, "It's her ninth turnday. And she's already full to bursting over it. I picked up some things at the gather for Zinnia to give her - poor dear, she couldn't get out at all to have any fun. Zinnia that is, not Jeny. I took Jeny to the Gather. You might've seen her, Master Rodric? Blue eyes, blonde hair, though darker than mine."

S'mus comes in from the bowl.
S'mus has arrived.

S'mus waves.

Rodric takes another long draught from his glass, nearly emptying it and then nods Jenna's way. "Can't waste wine on training a palate, I'm sure L'nan has some things in his stash that he can get you started on ... and I know I've got a few skins that are good for beginniner -- not too heavy, light fruity tastes to get you into the swing of wine enjoyment," he says expansively. "Just ask next time you're down with a message packet," he says flashing the courier a charming smile, then nodding thoughtfully. "If she was clinging to your skirt for a good portion of the Gather, then yes, I do recall seeing her about. And you are right rider Miritha: if you get the right Tillek, it can be quite an enjoyable experience."

S'mus yawns and stretches, then heads over to Miritha and the others. "Did someone mention wine?"

Miritha finishes off her glass of wine and gives S'mus a faint smile. "Master Rodric apparently brought some. And we're convincing Jenna she ought to learn about wines. I just had some of my regular ones."

Jenna bursts out laughing, nodding a good evening to S'mus. "I do that, Master Rodric, and you're likely to end up with an overnight guest you didn't plan on." She grins at S'mus and nods to Miritha and Rodric, "They've been talking about it and, aye, trying to convince me. Wine seems to be," and she pauses, grinning at Rodric, "A diplomatic necessity. I may bow to learning to drink it, but I swear I'll never touch klah."

S'mus says "Oh, good! What'd you get, Master Rodric?"

Rodric pats the skin of Harper Red on the table, grinning at S'mus. "Harper Red," he crows. "Very very -good- Harper Red. I brought it as a gift for the Acting Weyrleader, since we seem to share a passion for good wine, Rider," explains Rodric, then he chuckles at Jenna. "We have unplanned guests all the time, my dear courier -- there's cots aplenty if you should overindulge, I'm sure our Headwoman, Olivia won't mind lecturing about it either," he teases the courier.

Miritha gets to her feet and lets out a sigh. "Farlioth says he wants an itchy patch oiled *right now*. He can't wait. Nor could he have mentioned it while we were still in our weyr."

S'mus chuckles at Miritha. "Same old story, eh?" He grins.

Jenna's tone is dry, "I daresay it shan't take much for that, Master Rodric." She smiles up to Miritha, "I'll hope to see you tomorrow night then. My best to Farlioth."

Rodric nods Miritha's way. "Good luck with the itchiness, my regards to your lifemate, Rider, and clear skies," he says politely.

Miritha nods at S'mus, with a wry twist to her lips. "Isn't it always? Thank you, Jenna, good evening, Master Rodric, and thank you. G'night, S'mus."

Miritha heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.
Miritha has left.

Rodric finishes off his glass and nods. "That sounds like a very wise plan ... if perhaps lacking in fun and adventure," remarks the Masterharper, eyes twinkling again.

Jenna laughs easily, "Though better for my reputation! Not that I have much of one, but." She shrugs, "Better that I don't. Too many rumors dragging along behind me might slow my running times."

Rodric laughs as well. "QUite so ... very wise," he nods. "Rumors do have a bad habit of catching up with one and tripping one up at the -most- inopportune times."

Jenna says lightly, "There were bundle of interesting ones floating around the gather. Though I imagine the Harper Red wasn't as attractive as all that to command all your attention." Her tone is amused. "You relaly do enjoy that stuff, don't you?"

Rodric chuckles. "Gathers are usually great big pots of rumor well spiced with gossip," he says rather drily. Then he nods, smiling and pats that skin again. "I do indeed ... sometimes to my detriment if I'm not careful ... but most of the time ... I know my limits."

Jenna chuckles. "And isn't it Tradition for the Masterharper to like wine? Though I thought it was supposed to be Benden rather than Harper Red. But then again, I'm not one who knows wine, so..." She draws the word out and trails it off.

Rodric taps his empty glass. "-Some- Masterharpers yes ... not all ... and well ... to each his or her own, wouldn't you say?"

Jenna nods and quirks a wry grin. "What? You mean a Masterharper is actually a person? Faranth forbid." Her mocking tone drops a bit, and she says lowly, a trifle more seriously, "That's what I've been trying to tell L'nan about Weyrleaders too, but I don't think it's sunk it yet."

Rodric props his chin up in his hand. "Hmmm yes, last time I checked, I was a person," he says, poking at his face and chest with his non-propping hand. Then his expression turns more thoughtful. "Is L'nan having trouble reconciling L'nan the man with L'nan the leader?" he asks very very very very quietly indeed.

Peros comes up the steps from the Inner Caverns.
Peros has arrived.

Peros waves, "Hello Jenna, Harper,"

Jenna considers, lips parting to speak. She stops, and then those lips purse again, "Let's just say... it's been a while since he was his old cheerful self. I'm a bit worried." These words are very quietly given to the Harper, and she almost starts at her name, looking 'round and nodding to Peros. "Evening, Peros."

Rodric's head swivels around too and thoughtfulness is replaced swiftly with his customary jovial pleasantness. "Ahh! If it isn't our contest winner, a most capable scribe," he says gaily. "May I offer congratulations again, Peros? And of course, Harper's duties," he says politely.

Peros smiles, offering his hand, "Thank you again, Harper, and of course, Fort's duty to the Hall. I hope I am not interrupting anything?"

Jenna shakes her head to Peros and asks curiously, "Contest winner?"

Peros beams, "I won the speedwriting contest at the Ista Gather."

Rodric crosses palms with the Scribe and shakes his head. "We're enjoying a bit of conversation -- and not too long ago, some excellent wine," he taps his empty glass, then turns toward Jenna nodding. "Yes, there was a penmanship contest at the Gather and Peros here won in the speed portion."

Jenna ahs, face lighting in understanding. "Congratulations then, Peros. You're not thinking of stealing him away as an archivist, are you Master Rodric?" She gives him a suspicious look so obvious it must be feigned.

Rodric's eyes round with innocence again. "Well I wouldn't ever turn away a good applicant if he sough the Hall ... but I wouldn't -steal- anyone away from their calling."

Peros chuckles softly, "I have no desire to follow in my father's footsteps, thank you very much. I don't plan to copy musty old scrolls for the rest of my life.

Jenna asks curiously, "Well, what do you plan to do, Peros?" She grins at Rodric, "I've already told the Harper what my life's ambition is."

Peros ohs, "I am sorry I missed it, what is your life ambition?

Rodric grins up at Peros. "Not bad to have an ambition at all -- I'm sure Joran'd be disappointed to hear you remark so about the scrolls though," he says winking, then sits back after claiming some more bread and cheese to nibble on from the platter still on the table.

Peros half smiles, "Well, no offense to Joran."

Jenna grins apologetically at Rodric, "Well, as Master Rodric's heard, I want to complete a Crossing in the interval - a run straight across Pern. Want to be the first one, and set a speed record to boot."

Peros ahs, "Wow, that's truly ambition."

Rodric nods. "Quite the ambition eh? And I do believe that she'll do it -and- set a record."

Peros nods, "Of that I have no doubt either, Harper."

Jenna laughs, cheeks pinking a bit. "Well, we'll see. I've got some turns to wait and practice. Though time does seem to be slipping away. So what about you, Peros? And you, Master Rodric?" Her blue eyes glint in amusement. "You've said what you'd like to do to celebrate the arrival of the interval, but..."

Peros turns his head, deferring to the Harper to answer first.

Rodric arches his brows at Jenna. "Isn't Masterharper of Pern enough?" he asks in a mock-offended tone. "Beyond that ..." he trails off and his expression hints at the misty for a moment. "Perhaps some day when I am old and gray I will retire and simply be an Instrument Master and teach young harpers how to make good instruments ... and hopefully have a little room or cot of my own and a family to share it with," he comments nebulously. "Some day."

Peros smiles softly, "Aye Harper, now you sounds like my mother."

Jenna smiles at Rodric and murmurs, "There's a difference between being a Harper and a harper, didn't you say?" Then she asks Peros, louder, "So what about you, Peros? C'mon, give."

Rodric grins at Peros and shrugs. "For now, I'm quite happy being who and what I am," he says simply and nods toward Peros. "Where do you see yourself in ten Turns?"

Peros considers, rather than ducking the question as he has before, "I honestly don't know. I left Greenfields so that I didn't have to be what my parents wanted me to be. Now I just want to take some time and explore the possibilities."

Rodric smiles and sits back folding his hands over his stomach. "That, is a very very good way to approach life, in my opinion. Good for you Peros."

Peros grins, "Great. Care to explain it to mother and father for me?"

Jenna chuckles. "I'm lucky, I guess. I want to be what my parents bred me to be. I honestly couldn't imagine being anything else." She grins a bit and looks at Peros, "Well, except maybe when we were candidates. But I figure that's like me always being a bridesmaid, never a bride." Her tone is wry.

Peros smiles, "Well, standing was a novelty for me, I never imagined Impressing anyway."

Rodric chuckles at Peros. "I'd happily speak to them if you think it would help Peros ... but sometimes, you just have to find your bliss, and hope that your parents become satisfied with that. Meaning that sometimes a parent will simply be glad to see a child do -something- worthwhile, rather than being undecided for the rest of his or her life." Then he nods at Jenna and raeches over to squeeze her shoulder lightly. "I'm sure, that someday, you will be a bride, my dear. Even if its not on the Sands."

Peros nods slowly, dubious, "Did you know my parents, Harper?"

Peros gasps softly, "My apologies, Harper, that was disrespectful."

Jenna turns bright red and looks away from Rodric. She busies herself with her hitherto untouched mug of juice, which has now gone decidedly warm.

Rodric smiles across at Peros. "I have not met them in person, Peros ... but I do know -of- them and receive the proper correspondences about Greenfields from your father."

Peros nods, his face looking a bit pink, "I was being sarcastic, Harper, asking if you knew them, as if you wouldn't be talking about them letting me take my own path if you *really* knew them. I apologize."

Rodric coughs once and sits up a bit. "Well ... it seems that my talents for making people blush at least, haven't lapsed," he remarks with dry humor. "No offense taken Peros ... but if you'd like the Masterharper to drop word in your honorable parents' ears that their son is doing very well and seems in light to choosing a good path for himself ...." he lets that trail off and peeks over at Jenna curiously. "Are you all right?"

Peros is about to reply when Rodric questions Jenna. He turns his head and pauses.

Jenna clears her throat and nods. "Of course I am. Thank you, Master Rodric." She flails for a topic for a moment and then says, "It's just hard for me to understand, I guess. My family is rather close is all."

Rodric eyes Jenna closely for a moment, brows drawing together a little, then his face clears and he nods. "Close families are very nice -- mine is a little riotous but close ... though they wander in and out of touch with me." He nods toward Peros. "I'm sorry I believe I interrupted you."

Peros shakes his head, "Don't get me wrong, Jenna, I love my parents, but living in their shadows all my life is a bit more than I could bear."

Jenna gives Rodric a rather innocent look, her expression carefully blank for the moment he studies her. Then as Peros speaks, she nods a bit. "I imagine that'd be difficult. My brothers and I are all pretty competitive. All working to see who gets the faster times on a route. But there's no hard feelings. It sounds... a little idealistic I guess, but it's true."

Rodric nods Peros' way. "As the child of traders ... I didn't have to worry about that ... my parents were thrilled that the harpers found me useful and simply dropped me off into my new life and sayd 'son ... we'll see you in a season when we're back on our way through, if you don't like it, just hop back in the wagon.'"

Peros nods, "That's really nice, Harper. I wish I had had those kids of choices.

Rodric lifts his shoulders. "My parents have ... upwards of fifteen children ... it's not practical for them to be as closely involved in every decision ... anyway, my offer still stands -- after all, I can see that you've done very well as a scribe at least."

Peros nods, "Thank you, Harper, I appreciate the offer. I will certainly consider it."

Jenna's lips quirk slightly at Rodric's description of his family and then nods slightly in support of his statement to Peros. Then she grins a bit, "I think you'd best not meet my parents, Harper. They'll have me shipped off to be a Hall runner in no time."

Rodric's brows lift a little. "Why would they do that, Jenna?" inquires the Masterharper, a hint of amusement on his face.

Jenna puts on her best innocent expression and says mildly, "Why my dear Masterharper, the harpers always know all the rumors and gossip in the mills. What better place for a runner to get information out to the holds." Her eyes are wide and guileless as she studies him.

Rodric chuckles. "Of course ... so should I expect to find you at my keyhole anytime soon?" he teases, then turns slightly as a rider glides into the cavern. "Masterharper?" the rider salutes. "Are you ready to return sir? It's the appointed hour."

Jenna looks lightly disappointed, but rises. She grins at Rodric, "Now would I do a thing like that, Master Rodric?" Her tone is prim and then she laughs. "You should make the run sometime, Master. The pass is just gorgeous in the snow."

Peros stands as well, "Thank you for the talk, Harper. Clear skies to you."

Rodric smiles around at courier and scribe. "Please excuse me, I believe that's my cue to get dragged back into mountains of hidework. Thank you both for the conversation ..." he rises and bows, catching up a last bit of cheese to munch on the ride back. "Do tell me if you would like a letter written to your parents Peros," notes the Masterharper, then he smiles at Jenna. "Perhaps you will show me before the snow melts? I would not be averse to taking a day off at some point and getting some fresh air ... though I can't promise to be able to keep up with a trained runner," he says gaily, then he's striding off to the waiting rider, who falls in respectfully beside him.

Rodric heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.
Rodric has left.

Peros stands for a moment, watching the Masterharper leave.

Jenna stares after Master Rodic with a slightly dumbfounded expression on her face. then she lets out a small sigh, and sinks back down into her chair, cheeks a trifle pink once more.

Peros murmurs softly, "He's something else, isn't he?

Jenna nods silently. Finally she says, "Well, he's the masterharper. I think that sorta goes with the territory." She gives another little sigh and looks back at her juice.

Peros takes a seat and nods, "From my experience, you are correct."

Jenna asks absently, "Did you really not hope to impress when we were candidates, Peros?"

Peros chuckles, "I never said I didn't hope, Jenna, just that I didn't expect it to happen.

Peros smiles, "On that happy note, I bid you goodnight."

Jenna smiles wryly. "Night, Peros. Pleasant dreams."

Peros smiles, "You too, secret friend."

Peros heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.
Peros has left.