We're Related!

Zalkin and L'nan discover they're family.

Jenna - Friday, February 08, 2002, 7:19 AM

Fort Weyr Living Cavern(#199RJa$)
Approaching half the size of the Hatching Grounds, this cavern echoes with voices during the day, and the soft patter of feet during the night. Dozens of tables are spaced throughout, each with open space around to provide small amounts of privacy for the discussions carried on at each. The night hearth, with a cluster of pots of stew and klah, is situated near the large entrance to the Bowl. Several other hearths are spaced around the huge chamber, lending light and some heat to the room.
Broad marble steps to the southwest lead up to the impressive Fort Weyr kitchen. To the east, a short flight of stairs leads to the hallway to the inner caverns. A stout door to the north has a healer's emblem on it, marking the Infirmary. To the south is a wide tunnel, leading out of the weyr, and a wide opening to the west leads to the weyr bowl.
Meg and Peg
Fort Weyr Firelizard Perch

Norri tsktsks and goes over to L'nan, a glass of bright orangefruit juice in her hand, reaching to try to take the klah from him, "Excuse me Journeyman Baker, for a moment...L'nan! Have some good, cold refreshing juice. Much better for you than the klah."

Jenna comes out of the caverns, hauling a rather ratty pair of shoes and supplies enough to mend them with her. She looks up, catching the 'much better fr you than the klah' bit, and offers, "Morning, headwoman. Don't tell me I've managed to land a convert to my cause. The Weyrleader will never forgive me." She heads towards the pair, and then slows, "Oh. Morning, Lu."

L'nan blinks as his klah is suddenly whisked away. "B-but.. but I..." He gives the glass of juice a sighing grimace. "Can't I just.. I need something t'wake me up, and - /Jenna/! I was out doing sweeps, I /swear/," he says insistently as he spots the girl. He stands too quickly, slopping the juice all over his front. He gives Norri a pathetic grin as it drips into a puddle at his feet. "S-sorry.."

Carianna breaks out into laughter as she watches the headwoman with the rider. "That's telling him Ma'am." she encourages lightly before glancing around for a seat.

Norri sighs and goes for the mop, "Good day Jenna. L'nan, you really must start getting more sleep. Even Hanli can manage her juice better than that in the morning." She glances at Carianna and smiles apologetically. Then for L'nan's ears she says aloud to the baker, "I'm sure that riders at High Reaches Weyr would never come to the cavern less than fully awake and groomed."

Carianna quickly covers her mouth with her hand as she tries to muffle her words that slip out. "No, they appear much worse."

Jenna turns a smile over to Carianna, "Morning Journeywoman, didn't see you there. And maybe the headwoman can get through where I never do." L'nan gets a faintly quizzical look, and she settles down at the table he was sitting at, spreading out her mending kit, with her shoes in her lap. "Course you were, Lu."

L'nan glances around, realizing that somehow, he's surrounded himself by the enemy again - women. He strips off his shirt - now soaked - and goes to the meal table, eyes flitting from Norri to Carianna to Jenna, and lingering on the last. "That's right, I was," he repeats slowly, unconsciously reaching for the klah pitcher again.

Norri looks at Carianna in surprise, starting to say something. Then she stops and says thoughtfully, "Perhaps we might speak later. In private. It's so rare that I see anyone from another Weyr, other than the headwomen." She smiles at Jenna as she mops up the juice, "Get through?"

Jenna nods to Norri, "Yes ma'am. I've been telling him," and anyone else who will listen, but that's beside the point, "that klah is bad for you and juice is better." She looks up at the bluerider, and says mildly, "That's the klah pitcher, Lu. - What do you think, Journeywoman? As a baker. You know all about good and bad foods."

Carianna lowers her hand as she manages to contain herself then nods lightly. "Yes ma'am. I'd look forward to that." Her gaze travels to the bare chested rider and she begins to chuckle again. "Now I feel right at home."

L'nan pauses, hand on the handle of the klah pitcher. "Oh," he mumbles. "Right." He lets go and wipes the rest of the juice from his chest and stomach with the dry parts of his shirt. Then, he turns and grabs a few of the meatrolls hidden behind the klah pitcher. No one saw, right? "And klah's not so bad for you," he argues.

Norri's cheeks turn a bright, bright red, "L'nan! We have a guest here with us!" She quickly takes off her apron and attempts to cover the rider without touching him. "And have you washed your hands before touching the food? Do you remember the -last- time with the meatroll?" All of this is delivered in an urgent whisper while she gives Carianna anxious looks.

Carianna blinks quickly as she pulls her attention away from the rider and smiles Oh I'm sorry, umm yes as to the nutruious value between the too, the juice would be better but I have learned its pointless to try to deny others their favored choice. Why G'rad ended up making klah better than I do. Its not a comfortable feeling knowing your slippers can be filled by another."

Jenna doesn't seem to be the least bit phased at L'nan's shirt or lack thereof. In fact, she has a rather vindicated look on Carianna's words. "If more people knew klah was bad for you, they wouldn't drink it though." Ah, idealism. She digs out a bone needle and starts to thread it with wherhide strips. "I won't touch the stuff personally. It's just awful." She glances over at Norri and L'nan, lips twisting in amusement.

L'nan gives Norri a -look-. "I'm sure she's seen a rider's chest before," he tells the headwoman. "And it's not like I'm corrupting your children or anything. Now put that away and let me eat in piece, Norri!" With that he pops a meatroll into his mouth, giving her a glare at that last meatroll comment. "Th-mrffhimren," he states, sitting down - barechested and in plain view again.

Norri frowns and says stiffly, "Very well Bluerider. But I'll be speaking to the Weyrleader about this." With that she leaves L'nan to his own devices and settles herself down in a seat no where near him, taking out some hidework. "I quite agree with you Jenna. People drink far too much klah than is good for them. Do you really have a rider at High Reaches Weyr, Journeyman, who makes good klah? How interesting!"

Carianna thinks quitely on Jenna's words as she sips her tea then counters softly, "I'm not so sure about that actually. We bakers have yet found a better substitute for keeping riders alert before flying off to defend us." Then with a turn she chuckles again. "Very true L'nan, why at Reaches we've even had a few of the males taking off tunics to compare muscle structure with the residents."

Zalkin comes up the steps from the Inner Caverns.
Zalkin has arrived.

Jenna gives L'nan a rather prim look, though she dissolves into a smile at Norri's comment. Starting to re-stitch her running shoes, she says, "Now if we could only convince the others, headwoman, we'd be set." She gives a wry glance to Carianna, "Don't they get cold? particularly in the winter."

Norri looks at Carianna in surprise once more, "Jacera allows such a thing? I shall surely have to ask her about it the next time I see her."

Zalkin hums happily as he trots in, idly looking around and not really paying attention to where he's going. A wandering drudge is dodged at the very last moment and the boy even turn his head to apologize quickly. When he reaches a table with some edible stuff on it, he stops and get on his tiptoes to have a closer look.

L'nan snorts under his breath, swallows his meatroll, and tells Norri, "Tell him what, that I wouldn't keep a wet and stained shirt on?" he teases. "Sure you want to tell him that?" Then, seeing his chance as Zalkin arrives, he waves to the boy. "See? I'm going to be like 'Reaches... and compare my muscles to Zak's, though he'll prolly win...."

Carianna nods in reply to Norri then chuckles as she replies to Jenna, "Not near as cold as some to the females. Why you should see how quick Zadi can run when I dropped a snowball on her while she was bathing. All we really saw was her towel trailing behind her." Her attention goes back to the males after hearing L'nan.

Jenna turns at L'nan's words and grins at Zalkin. "Hey, Zak. When you're done beating L'nan," the smile turns briefly to the bluerider, "Want to learn how to stitch running shoes?" She nods to Carianna, "I've never been up there during the winter muyself, though I've a brother at a station up there. I think he just wants to sit around by the fire in the winter with pretty girls, but."

Zalkin grabs some rolls and quickly turns his head as somebody spoke his name. He guiltily looks around, and as he notices L'nan, he smiles and finally pops the roll in his mouth. This done, he ambles toward the rider, waving and chewing fiercely before swallowing. "*gulps* Hi L'nan! What did you mean exactly?" He quickly and eagerly nods at Jenna's words. Norri and Carianna get a polite "hello" as well.

Carianna turns back to the Headwoman and chuckles again. "Oh ma'am, Mama Jace is considered one of the best judges. I'm just learning you see so she gives me pointers once in a while."

L'nan, shirtless, leans down and flexes his arm. "We're gonna compare muscles," he explains to Zak with a wink. "Try not to beat me by /too/ much, eh?" He flashes a grin to Jenna, looking pleased.

Norri smiles at Zalkin and then says to Carianna with a shake of her curls, "Goodness. That's certainly very interesting." She eyes L'nan and retorts, "I think that the Weyrleader would be most interested to hear that you were rude. And it's a simple enough thing to excuse yourself and change your shirt."

Jenna eyes L'nan, and then nods to Zak. "We've got time. Too cold for real running today, so we'll just work on breathing and stretching in the inner caverns."

Zalkin giggles and shakes his head, rolling his eyes. "You're being bare-chested -again- Lu!" he remarks, rolling up his sleeves. Er, maybe he -can- win, if L'nan is nice enough not to compare too well. Strong arms, sure, but seven Turns old, that could be a problem eh?

Carianna lets her gaze travel to Zalkin from over the rim of her mug before commenting further. "Your the one I saw racing on the beach, aren't you? There is a good chance you could be just as fit as a rider that tosses firestone sacks on a regular basis.

L'nan gives Norri a sad look. "You want me to go outside with no shirt on?" he sniffles dramatically. "I hope P'ter doesn't mind being out one Weyrsecond due to catching sick," he sighs, shaking his head. "Someone else'll have to do /all/ the hidework..." With that he winks at Zak and motions for the boy to flex. "Go on, then.. beat the pants offa me. But don't let Norri see /that/..." He laughs.

Jenna nods to Carianna, "Zak's training for sprints. I'm hoping we might make a runner out of him one day, if he wants to." She winks at the lad, and then looks up to L'nan with a slight smile before starting back to mending her shoes.

Norri does her best to maintain a frown, and then finally says in humorous surrender, "Weyrsecond, if you did become ill, I'd make wherry broth for you myself and nurse you back to health. The least I could do for the Weyrleader." She shakes her head, and then smiles at Zalkin, "That's a fine goal."

Zalkin slightly flushes as is being talked about, but his smile actually widens as he flexes his arm, almost absently -- he's grinning at Jenna, see? "Oh yes, that could be nice! I hope I'll be able to run home soon, so I can talk about it with my fathers -- mother will agree anyway. She always do!"

Carianna ahs as she nods, sipping again from her mug then teasing lightly, "Of course his legs would be stronger. Any chance we could get you both to pull up a trous leg for us?"

L'nan seems about to flex, then stares at Zak's arm in alarm. "Oh, I can't compare with /that/," he declares, folding his arms and pretending to cover his upper arms. "No way, you win, kid," he sighs. "Didn't tell me you'd been workin' out!" His glance slides to Norri and he grins at her.

Zalkin giggles and gently pokes L'nan in the ribs. "Spoilsport!"

Jenna nods to Zak. "I think we can arrange that when the passes clear. We'll have to take it easy, and step up training for the next month or so though," she warns him. L'nan actually gets a full-fledged, fond smile at his declaration.

Norri is watching Zalkin rather wistfully, missing L'nan's grin. Then she turns back resolutely to her hidework.

Carianna quietly chuckles as she sips her tea wile going over some ingredients in her head for a sauce with tonights meal. Finally she asks out loud, "Does Fort prefer spicy or mild?"

L'nan notices nothing as he beams back at Jenna. His glance goes around the room, as if challenging everyone to deny that he got a real smiel from Jenna. Why he's so proud.. well that's for another time. Then, a blink, and he chuckles at Zalkin. "FatherS?" he asks blandly, emphasizing the plura.
plural, even.

Norri glances up again, answering Carianna, "I think that there's a range of tastes, but strongly flavored foods do seem to be a favorite." She frowns faintly as L'nan asks the question she was working hard not to ask herself.

Jenna's brow furrows and she asks Carianna, "Spicy or mild what?" Then she grins at Norri, "I'm the exception, I guess. I eat greens mostly, and really hot stuff upsets my tummy."

Norri nods to Jenna, "I prefer salads and light foods myself, but riders need more sustaining fare."

Zalkin nodnods, shrugging the fact off as something not really important. "Yeah, Tarein and Zalan. They're always talking together when it comes to me -- they both decided to send me to Fort at first." He widely grins. "I'm sure they'll be proud of me if I learn running as Jenna does!"

Carianna ahs as she nods. "Flavorings Jenna. I was thinking about the sauce for tonights meal. There appears to be a few racks of herdbeast prepared. I was trying to choose between Ista hot peppers sauce or a milder mustard. I think both will be present to allow a choice."

Jenna pats the seat next to her for the lad, "I'm sure they're proud of you no matter what, Zak. And you're really coming along well with your running." She leans and whispers audibly, "Much better than L'nan did - he got worn out with just a little eensy run to Ruatha." Little run - riiiight. She gives the bluerider another grin and then actually winces at Carianna, "Ooooh, both sound too hot for me. I'll be sure to take mine without."

Norri finishes a few last notes on the hidework and gets to her feet. "If you'll all excuse me," she smiles, "I have some errands to attend to. Journeyman Baker Carianna, it was a pleasure to meet you, and I'm sure dinner will be wonderful."

L'nan seems about to laugh and say something, when of a sudden he shakes his head. "Tarien and _Zalan_?" he repeats, giving the younger boy a long, hard look. "How do you know him? How does your father know him?" He seems to be taken aback, as he sinks into a seat, not even hearing Jenna's jibe, surprisingly.

Carianna nods lightly. "The pleasure was mine Ma'am." She replies softly to Norri then asks Jenna "Would a sweet plum be more to your tastes?"

Norri mounts the steps that lead to the kitchen.
Norri has left.

Zalkin giggles at Jenna as he actually sits, and suddenly arches a brow, turning his head to stare back at L'nan. "Not Tarien, Tah-rey-inn. People always mispronounce and he doesn't like it." A pause and a shrug. "Zalan is my father. My -real- father I mean. Tarein is mum's husband." It's easy after all!

Jenna laughs. "I'm such a picky eater, I wouldn't use me as a good gauge for a menu. I don't like sweets, I can't eat spicy things - bland and boring, that's me. Lots of rivergrains, wherry and greens." She shoots a sideways look at L'nan, eyebrows arching slightly at him.

Carianna wrinkles her nose at the mentioning of greens but nods non the less as she smiles. "Oh on the contrary it's a wonderful gauge to go by. It adds to the apprentices training if they are able to help with covering all the tastes within a hold or weyr."

L'nan repeats, "Tarien," in the way that Zak said it. His eyes don't leave the boy. "Zalan is your.. hey," he says suddenly, standing and very nearly bumping a passing drudge with a pitcher of juice. "Zak, Alirath wants a bath, wanna come watch with me?" He asks it urgently of the boy.

Zalkin blinks twice and casts a quick glance at Jenna. "Can I?"

Jenna chuckles to Carianna, "Yeah, but I wouldn't say I'm typical of anything except maybe old Aunties." She nods to Zalkin, "Course. We can work on stitching another time." She looks over the lad's head, expression questioning at L'nan.

L'nan, for his part, is still staring at Zalkin. He does notice Jenna's look, though, and offers her a little, weak smile. "We won't be long," he murmurs quickly, heading for the bowl. "Even Alirath can't stand the water too long."

L'nan heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.
L'nan has left.

Carianna hmms as she quietly excuses herself and stands. "I'll be in the kitchen should anyone have need of me. No better time than the present to start working on this."

Zalkin swiftly jumps off his chair. "Thanks ma'am!" he teasingly answers Jenna, then rushes after L'nan.

Zalkin heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.
Zalkin has left.

Jenna nods to Carianna, and watches after L'nan and Zalkin, her expression faintly troubled.

In the kitchen, Norri goes off in pursuit of whoever left his muddy boots in her clean hall.

Carianna watches the rider leave then shakes her head. "You may want to take him a jacket Ma'am. He did mention his health to Headwoman Norri."

Fort Bowl> L'nan glances behind him, then whirls. "Zalan's your /father/?" he repeats, almost accusingly, to Zalkin. "You're not kidding?"

Jenna looks over at Carianna and gives her a relieved smile for the suggestion. "Excellent idea. He shouldn't be running around barechested like that out there. He really will catch his death." She rises, hurriedly starting to put stuff away.

Fort Bowl> Zalkin spreads his arms wide, looking up at L'nan. "Eh, yes he is! My name would have been Tarkin otherwise," he points out. "It's not very uncommon. I mean, Tarein was on duty in a Hold far away -- he's a Harper you know -- and Zalan and mum... Well." He shrugs. No need to explain the obvious.

Carianna smiles as she heads off.

Carianna mounts the steps that lead to the kitchen.
Carianna has left.

You head outside to the bowl.
Center of the Fort Weyr Bowl(#200RJ$)
The Bowl of Fort Weyr, a large, featureless plain surrounded by steep mountain cliffs, stretches out around you. It is approximately oval in shape, about 2700 meters along the long axis running southwest to northeast, and about half that distance across the short axis. You stand in its approximate center. The soil of the bowl is somewhat sandy.
To the northwest is the large cavern used for the Weyrling barracks. To the west is the fenced off area where the Weyr's herds are kept, and the lake shore is to the southwest. To the northeast can be seen the ledges for the junior queens and the weyrleaders. The large entrance to the Hatching Grounds can also be seen to the northeast and to the east are the Lower Caverns.

L'nan follows Zalkin's words carefully. "Zalan," he says, then again. "Zalan. He's my uncle." He gives Zak a pale faced look. "That means you've probably seen my father more recently than I have..." And with that he sits down, bare-chested and all, on the ground, amazed.

Zalkin's eyes grow very wide as he stares at L'nan. Then he bursts out laughing and rushes to give the rider a warm and tight hug. He keeps laughing a moment there, without saying anything else. He apparently doesn't even notice Jenna.

Jenna comes out of the caverns, L'nan's jacket in her hands though not one on herself. Headed for the lake, she pulls up short just in time to hear this declaration, looking between Zak and L'nan and obviously a more than a little hesitant to interrupt.

L'nan oofs as he's tackled with a hug, and he hesitantly puts his arms around Zak. Then, with a gasp, he hugs the boy tighter. "That means we're.. what, cousins?" he guesses. "And /have/ you seen T'darem? I mean, I don't really care," he adds too quickly, frowning. "Just curious. Jenna!" He shouts to the girl when he sees her. "Zak's father is my uncle! We're related, can you believe that?"

Zalkin flashes a quick grin at Jenna and then shakes his head at L'nan. "Nah. I don't know Zalan's family at all. I just know I'm his son, and that he used to pay us a visit now and then -- I mean, we weren't living far from each other after all. Tarein and him sent me here when people started bugging us too much about that. You wouldn't believe how stupid our neighbors are!" A long pause follows that and the boy idly licks his upper lip. "Yes, cousins." He widely grins at that. "Sounds nice, don't you think?"

Jenna comes in a bit closer, now that it's 'safe'. She holds out the jacket and says, with a touch of amusement in her tone, "Oddly enough, I can. Explains why I like you two scamps so much." She gives them both a fond look.

L'nan takes the jacket and slips it on, not yet standing up. "Well, we /do/ have a lot in common," he murmurs, grinning down at Zak. "And it does sound good, at that!" He shakes his head, then just stares at Zalkin again. "It's so odd.. I haven't thought about them in /ages/. When I was four or five Turns, my.. well, I was sent to live with T'darem, and Zalan helped take care of me sometimes." Another shake of the head.

Zalkin softly smiles, nodding and still hugging his new found cousin. "Zalan is like that. He's a definite sense of duty. I rather like him." The boy's eyes sparkle a bit all of a sudden. "Oooh just wait until I tell Rey!"

Jenna nods. "You've inherited a couple of cousins, I think, Lu. - And the two of you are terribly alike." She smiles wryly, "And now that you know you're kin, I wager you'll be unstoppable. Reminds me to make sure my younger brothers stay out of Fort for a while. No sense exposing them to your tricks, they know enough of their own." Her tone is lightly teasing.

L'nan grins at Zak. "Wait'll we tell all of your relatives," he adds, grinning. "Your family just got bigger, Zalkin." He grimaces at Jenna. "We're not /that/ bad," he protests.

Jenna nods. "You've inherited a couple of cousins, I think, Lu. - And the two of you are terribly alike." She smiles wryly, "And now that you know you're kin, I wager you'll be unstoppable. Reminds me to make sure my younger brothers stay out of Fort for a while. No sense exposing them to your tricks, they know enough of their own." Her tone is lightly teasing.(repose)

Zalkin grimaces along with L'nan -- and believe it or not, he doesn't look like he's doing it on purpose -- as he adds "Yeah, not -that- bad! -I- am being nice!" This said he giggles and looks at L'nan. "We're alike but I'm a better wrestler!"

Jenna can't help but laugh. "You kinda just proved my point, Zak." She shakes her head, smiling, "Well, this is definately good news today. I'm glad for you both."

L'nan gives Zak a slight push, "Oh really? We'll see about that sometime, eh?" But he stands and stretches, shivering in earnest now. with a glance towards the lake, he sighs. "I've got to re-oil Alirath now... I'll see you two at dinner, eh? Lots to talk about." He says this looking at Zak with a grin, then turns to smile and wink at Jenna.

Zalkin looks up as L'nan is standing and warmly smiles at him. "Yeah! If you need help just tell me!" he quickly offers.

Jenna sighs faintly, her expression a trifle wistful as she nods to L'nan. "You two definately do. My best to Alirath? -- Come on, Zak, we should get back in if Lu doesn't need help - don't want you to catch cold." Since when did she become such a mother-wherry?

L'nan grimaces. "Not this time, Zak, but soon. He's a real pain when he's oiled after a freezing dip. Got to be dried, and coddled, and all that." He grins at the other two, and then races towards teh lake.

"I'm not cold!" Zalkin quickly answers Jenna, but he nods and waves after L'nan. "Later Lu!" Rubbing hi hands, he turns to Jenna and widely grins. "Well, you wanted to to teach me some stuff, if I remember well..."

Jenna nods, draping an arm around the boy and steering him gently towards the caverns. "Stitching. Not the most exciting thing in a runner's live, and certainly not when compared to the excitement you've had so far today," she grins, "But it's a start. And warm hands are always better."

Zalkin discreetly rolls his eyes upwards as he obediently walks. "Yes ma'am."

You head into the Living Caverns.

Fort Weyr Living Cavern(#199RJa$)
Approaching half the size of the Hatching Grounds, this cavern echoes with voices during the day, and the soft patter of feet during the night. Dozens of tables are spaced throughout, each with open space around to provide small amounts of privacy for the discussions carried on at each. The night hearth, with a cluster of pots of stew and klah, is situated near the large entrance to the Bowl. Several other hearths are spaced around the huge chamber, lending light and some heat to the room.
Broad marble steps to the southwest lead up to the impressive Fort Weyr kitchen. To the east, a short flight of stairs leads to the hallway to the inner caverns. A stout door to the north has a healer's emblem on it, marking the Infirmary. To the south is a wide tunnel, leading out of the weyr, and a wide opening to the west leads to the weyr bowl.
Meg and Peg
Fort Weyr Firelizard Perch

Zalkin comes in from the bowl.
Zalkin has arrived.

Jenna resumes her seat and starts hauling supplies back out. "Remember I told you that runners make their own shoes?" She reaches under the table and hauls out the rattiest looking pair of shoes - well, they *appear* to once have been shoes, now it's more wherhide in the shape of feet.

Zalkin sort of leaps on a chair and sits down quicjly, nodding agreeingly at jenna as his eyes are lingering on the .. thing. The boy wrinkles his nose. "Can I ask just how -often- they have to make their shoes?"

Jenna laughs. "Well, depends on how fast your feet grow. When I was younger seems like I spent half my time stitching. Now, I just rework an old pair when they need mending. These are my favorites. And I can only use 'em on short runs - the arch support is just about gone. I really suppose they're ready for chucking, but I just can't do it. And they're good to practice on."

Zalkin bends over the table to have a closer look. He definitely snorts. "Oh well, I guess it's a part of the fun," he says in a totally unconvinced tone. "I've never been -that- good with a needle, but after a few sevendays mending socks, I think I learned at least not to handle it upside down..."

Jenna ducks her head slightly to tell him in a conspiratorial whisper, "It wasn't my favorite thing to do either. Still isn't. But better than trusting your shoes to someone else. This way, only you are to blame if you get blisters. Sewing hide isn't quite like sewing cloth either. You've got to use tools to sew hide, not just needles and thread." Maybe that'll get him interested.

Sewing is sewing, and a needle is a tool. That's written on Zalkin's forehead. He does look interested all the same, and tentatively pokes the... well, thing -- there is really no other word for it -- with a wary fingertip. "So, I'll have to find enough hide for me? I've got little feet so it shouldn't be a real problem..."

Jenna nods. "Well, we'll get you some to practice on. See, these shoes," she persists in calling them that, "are already punched and ready, so all you have to do is draw the wherhide through. But before you can do that, you have to drill the holes with a hammer and an awl." See? Tools.

Zalkin brightens as it actually involves some funny tools! "Oh yeah," he says with a broad smile. "Hammer is for beating fingers, and... er, I didn't have a chance to use an awl so far..."

Jenna reaches to rummage in her kit, pulling out a small hammer and an awl, which looks like a metal file with a sharp, pointy end. "Hammer," she corrects gently, "is for punching the awl through the wherhide. When you're starting out, seems like you hit your fingers more than the awl, yeah, but." She grins.

Zalkin nods. "That's what I just said. One of my friends at home used to steal Zalan's hammers." The boy giggles for himself. "But he never really found out how to use it." Now the awl definitely seems to attract Zak's attention. "Well, I think I can manage. I have hurt my fingers a lot already. Some guys got incredibly tough jaw bones!" Lucky P'ter is not around...

Jenna eyes the lad and says, amused, "I'll pretend I didn't hear that." She pulls out a scrap of hide, and hands it and the tools over to Zak. "Okay. Now, we really should do this with a board under it, so Norri won't get mad at us sticking stuff into her tables, but," she takes a quick look around, "What she doesn't know won't hurt her. When you're ready to start on your own shoes, use the board."

Zalkin looks around as well, chewing on his lower lip. "I'm going to be in trouble with Norri too? Oh my..." He fingers the tools then, curiously eying the awl. "Well, let's see." He picks the hammer with his right hand, the awl in the left and ominously looks at the scrap of hide.

You say "Well, we're only going to make a couple of holes. I'll take the blame for it if she notices. Now, the holes should be not quite a finger's width apart. So, put your awl down there," she indicates a spot, "and tap it a couple of times with your hammer to make the first one."

Zalkin nodnods. "Understood!" He sticks his tongue out as he concentrates a lot, and gives a smooth tap on his thumb -- that stupid hammer just misses the awl." *oooch* Well, maybe it wasn't -that- smooth a tap as the boy stands and rushes toward the inner caverns, wailing and shaking his hand.

Zalkin walks down the eastern stairs to the Inner Caverns.
Zalkin has left.

Jenna winces, hurrying after to assess the damage.