Fort Weyr Badge



People of Fort Weyr and Pern MUSH:


First, there's an excellent site called The Faces of Fort Weyr that has a lot of RL pictures of some of Fort's players. But this is more of a section for the characters at the weyr and on the game in general that Jenna knows. Any of the thumbnailed drawings can be clicked on for the full size image. If you'd like your character site listed here, just give me a ring.

Leah - Weyrwoman at Fort and Jinieth's rider. Leah and Jenna had a far more casual relationship in the past. Jen was the one that convinced N'sales to tell the Weyrwoman how he felt about her.

P'ter - Weyrleader at Fort and Aisheth's rider. Dragonhealer, and all around big teddy bear. P'ter is originally from Igen and nearly froze his rear off his first winter at Fort.

L'nan - Weyrsecond at Fort and blue Alirath's rider. Lu stood with Jenna the first time, and impressed Alirath. It wasn't until later that they became a bit more than friends.

Rodric - Former Masterharper of Pern and Jenna's first crush. There's a log up of their embarassing first meeting, at the hatching feast the second time Jenna stood. Little did she realize he'd become a central figure in her life, or that she'd be spending a great deal of time down at the Hall. The picture of Rodric is by his player.

Zalkin - R'yat's youngest brother. Originally Jenna's student in the ways of runners, Zak pretty much became her foster child. Now he lies in the weyr with her and Yvera.

Yvera - Y'kon and Cathedra's daughter from Igen Weyr. Now Jenna's her foster mum, and she's the same age as Zak. They're conspiring, I tell you!

Jenylle - Jenna's other 'sometime' foster child. Jenna shared the watch over Jenylle with Zinnia, an older foster mother with joint ail, until she impressed. She's inordinately proud of the girl, and is encouraging her to become a smith one day, or perhaps a miner, given her interest with rocks.

R'yat - Rider of bronze Randoth and Zalkin's older brother. Champion snorer extraordinare! And a target of many of Jenna's pranks because of it. Rey and Jenna impressed together. The picture of Rey is by Ember during candidacy.

J'nas - Rider of brown Hanreth and Harper Master Jenufa's son. Impressed with Jenna and has the dubious distinction of being the only person to be able to consistantly make her smile during weyrlinghood. His Hanreth has been instrumental in teaching Niyath how to let go and play once in a while. The picture is by Ember, during candidacy.

F'niah - Rider of blue Saneth. Thorn in Jenna's side. She and F'niah didn't get along before either of them impressed, though they'd occasionally cooperate for mischeif's sake.

Zephyr - Rider of green Taisoth. Zephyr impressed with Jenna. Her Taisoth is a jealous, complex little thing that Niyath is only beginning to realize may be trouble in her future. She's a sweet, blunt, flirty redhead, and Jenna always enjoys being around here. Picture by Zephyr.

Ember - Assistant Steward at Fort Weyr. Ember stood with R'yat, J'nas, F'niah and Zephyr for Jinieth and Aisheth's clutch. She and R'yat have a quiet affair going. Originally from High Reaches, and related to Lady Phoenix, she returned there for a visit after the hatching. The picture is by Ember, during candidacy.

K'fen - Rider of green Tenkanoth and assistant Weyrlingmaster at Fort, on loan from Igen Weyr. K'fen has been a sounding board for Jenna and is one of the assistants that she talks to the most.

Terrilia - Rider of blue Cyameth, Weyrsecond at Igen Weyr. Jenna's bronze Halcyon flew Terri's gold Star and green Trace, igniting a firestorm of eggs for the taking. Jenna met Terri when she went to Igen to discover why Hal hadn't returned. And Cyameth searched Jenna's youngest brother Merrin for gold Irianth and M'val's bronze Riolth.

Redus and Carianna - Can't mention one without the other! Carianna is a journeywoman baker, and Redus a stable hand at High Reaches Weyr (And now R'dus, rider of brown Lioreth). Both stood at Fort for Jinieth and Aisheth's hatching with Jenna and the others. In the hatching game, it was Redus that impressed blue Jennath.

Raeche - Bitran born and bred, Raeche is one of those folks you just have to love. A good friend of Jenna's and always one to be counted on for 'scandalous' behaviour.

All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are copyright © Anne McCaffrey 1967,2000, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern™ is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited. For more information, visit the The Worlds of Anne McCaffrey

This site design is rather blatantly copied from Reye of High Reaches Weyr. Well, they say that copying is the highest form of flattery. Why mess with a good thing? ;)

All graphics were created by Jennapern, with the exception of the banners for Anne McCaffrey and the Pern Web Ring. The Fort Weyr badge was based off work in 'The Dragonlover's Guide to Pern' by Jody Lynn Nye and Anne McCaffrey.

Jenna of PernMUSH is owned by Jennapern
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