Fort Weyr Badge



Roleplay Logs:

There are tons of logs - though most from the second candidacy are missing - on another machine I don't have access to at the moment. They're presented chronologically, so folks can see the changes over time.

Intro and First Candidacy | Second Candidacy | Interlude |
Third Candidacy | Weyrlinghood | Turn 40-45


Intro and first candidacy - November, 2000 to Feb, 2001

Intro - Jenna comes to Fort Weyr. Norri, Roan, R'till, Phoenix, Grissa and others.
Headwoman's Challenge - Norri hosts a headwoman's conference, Jenna proves she can't clean.
Eggs - Erith and Zyanth's clutch, the egg descriptions.
Searched! - T'shar's Toniath searches Jenna for her first candidacy by tricking his rider into a race.
Egg Watching - Sovalin, Britani, Aedevan, Christania and Jenna oogle eggs
Finding Lizard Eggs - F'ren's gold laid a clutch, and Jenna and Saphan are determined to find it.
Mud Wrestling - Candidate carnival: Kiryn, Caralain, Dasil, Sh'yar, Milque, Vaelyn, Aluren and Samuel.
Cakewalk - Candidate carnival: Divya, Sh'yar, Elya, Hiriwa, Caralain, Lunan, Saphan, Samuel and others.
Dance - The carnival concludes with fireworks and dancing: many people.
Egg Touching - First one: Saphan, Caralain, Aluren, Kiryn, Ariandra, Terrel, Milque, Lunan, Sovalin
a'Dragonback! - Jenna's first time. Taralinda's Bryseth. Many candidates to the Star Stones
First Time Trying - Eirth and Zyanth's clutch hatches


Second Candidacy - sadly, most of my logs are missing for this one. I'll attempt to find them

Second Time Trying - Elynth and Xannarth's clutch hatches


All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are copyright © Anne McCaffrey 1967,2000, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern™ is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited. For more information, visit the The Worlds of Anne McCaffrey

This site design is rather blatantly copied from Reye of High Reaches Weyr. Well, they say that imitation is the highest form of flattery. Why mess with a good thing? ;)

All graphics were created by Jennapern, with the exception of the banners for Anne McCaffrey and the Pern Web Ring. The Fort Weyr badge was based off work in 'The Dragonlover's Guide to Pern' by Jody Lynn Nye and Anne McCaffrey.

Pern Web Ring Logo This Pern Web Ring Site is owned by Jennapern.
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